E-MAIL: afullrtn@netscape.net
RATING: PG (for now)
CONTENT: Violence and sexual situations
SPOILER: Possible 4th season action
DISCLAIMER: If I owned it all I would be in fifth heaven but I don't own a
thing, Joss Whedon owns it all.
DISTRIBUTION: It's up for grabs, if someone wants to post it let me know.
SUMMARY: Willow wakes up in a strange place after a fight with a vampire.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: If we're very lucky this will really take place on the show.
FEEDBACK: Tell me what you think.


Friday nights in Sunnydale were always the same…filled with demons and
vampires. This particular Friday was no exception. The battle between Buffy,
the Slayerettes and the vampires raged on heatedly. The Slayerettes knew that
they were no match for the vampires but what they lacked the powers that the
Chosen one had they made up for its with determination and courage.
At the far end of the cemetery the tip of a cigarette glowed red and its
smoker took a deep drag from its and slowly released the smoke from lungs that
had not taken a breath in over two hundred years. As the smoke slowly rose in
the night air eyes as blue and cold as a winter's day took in the scene before
him. He had only been back in town for a couple of weeks. The trip from
Brazil had taken more out of him than even he wanted to admit. 'Satan below,
what a mistake that was' he thought. 'I can't believe that I stayed that long
with her. To think that I went all the way back to Brazil to torture her into
loving me again. What a bleeding waste of my bloody time. I could have been
working on the next phase of my plan. I don't see how the nancy-boy could put
up with her for so long. Oh wait, he left and got all cursed and I was the
one to put up with her for over a century. Bugger me! I hope he is roasting
his bloody jewels off somewhere.' His gaze fell back on the fight scene
before him, taking in the fact that the vampires were losing as usual to the
Slayer and her gang of do-gooders. Just as he was about to flick the butt of
his cigarette away he noticed how quiet it had become. He could no longer
hear the sounds of the battle. He turned his eyes back to the fight scene.
There were only two people down there now. His gaze fell on the red haired
girl fighting for her life with some blonde female vampire. He watched as she
fought like a wildcat. 'Cor, she's good!' he thought. 'I've seen that female
vampire around before. Harmony is her name or something like that. Talk about
a real bitch. Would you look at that? The little witch is trying the use
magic on her. I just hope she doesn't lose her concentration while she is
levitating that rock. That's a bloody big ass rock. If she loses control and
it falls on someone its going to hurt.' The female vampire dropped to the
ground and made a sweeping motion with her leg. He watched as the red head
fell to the ground hard enough on her back to have the breath knocked
momentarily from her lungs. The rock that had been levitating above the two
women started to fall back to the ground. The witch looked up in time to see
the rock moving toward her head very quickly. She turned her head and tried
to move a little to the right. The rock hit the ground with a resounding thud
beside the fallen girl. She wasn't moving. The female roared with triumph.
He looked around the immediate area for the slayer but she was no where in
sight. 'Bloody hell! When you don't want the damned slayer around she's
always there. The one time you do want her to be there and she's not. You'd
think that she would keep a closer watch on her little friends. Oh well, I
guess now would be the time to set my plan in motion.' He moved from the
shadow of the tree that he had been standing under. His moves were graceful,
like that of a predator. He made no sound as he made his way over to the
fallen witch. His ears picked up the beat of the girl's heart. It was still
beating but the sound very faint. Her breathing was starting to slow down.
He watched the female vampire was moving over toward the unmoving body on the
ground. She was moving in for the kill. He leaned on the top of one of the
tombstones and lit a cigarette. He took a deep drag on its and blew the acrid
smoke in the direction of the other vampire. She looked up from the body and
he could see that she was in game face. She stared at the person who had
interrupted what was to have been her dinner. She growled a low pitch sound
from deep in her throat and bared her fangs in hopes that he would leave. She
knew what he was; she had felt his presence earlier. She did not recognize
him so she dismissed him and turned back to the unconscience girl before her.
Just as her head had lowered to the girls neck she felt it. It started as a
slow trickle of power across her skin. Then she felt the hackles in her neck
rise. The sensation was close to the feeling of a small electrical shock.
She looked back at the blonde man on the tombstone but he was not there. She
turned back to the body and felt what must have been the equivalent of a
sledgehammer hit the side of her head. She was knocked to the ground by the
force of the blow. She sat up slowly and shook her head much like a
prizefighter after a right cross from his opponent. She looked around to see
what it was that had hit her. Her eyes fell on the same man that she had seen
earlier. He was smiling at her, cigarette dangling from his fingers. The
smile never reached his eyes. She felt something akin to fear crawling
through her stomach.
"Who are you and why did you hit me? That hurt you big bully." Who did this
guy think he was anyway?
"I don't think you want mess with her pet. I hear she's best friends with
the Slayer."
"Well no duh! I know that. She and I went to school together and I never
liked her because she was always a goody-two shoe or something. I want to
make her hurt."
"I'm afraid I can't let you do that," he said.
"And why not? You are the same as me. Why are you trying to stop me."
"If you kill her then I would have to kill you."
"Kill me? Over a human that's no better than a happy meal on legs? I don't
believe you. You probably want her for your self."
"You're right about one thing pet. I do want her for my self but you're dead
wrong if you think that I won't kill you." With that he reached over grabbed
her by the shoulders and sank his fangs into her neck. He ripped her throat
out and dropped the body quickly. The body turned to ash before its hit the
ground. 'Stupid chit.' He looked at the girl on the ground. She still
hadn't moved since the rock hit her. He knelt down beside her and touched to
spot on the side of her head where the rock had hit her. There was a lot of
blood coming from the wound. He reached down with the fingers of his left
hand and tentatively touched the spot where it seemed to be flowing the most
from. She groaned when his fingers made contact with that spot. He pulled
his hand back as is he had been burned. 'She's barely alive. I've got to
move her. I can't leave her here with a head wound like that; she'd be a
sitting duck for the other baddies in town. Where the hell is that Slayer!
Damn her!' He was trying the figure what he should do when he heard a deep
intake of breath. He looked down at the girl lying on the ground and saw that
she was trying to wake up. Her face was contorted with pain. He couldn't
stand to see her in pain. Of all of the slayers people she was the one that
he hadn't wanted to kill all of the time. He made his decision. He lifted
his wrist to his mouth and bit into it hard enough and deep enough to make its
bleed. He lowered his bleeding wrist to the girl's lips and stroked her cheek
in an effort to get her to drink some of his blood. He watched as a few drops
slipped between her slightly parted lips. He immediately took his wrist away;
he didn't want to give her too much. That would spoil the plan. He watched
as she tried to fight the pain that she had to be in from that rock falling on
her. He ran the palm of his right hand down her left cheek. Her eyes flew
opened as his hand caressed her smooth skin. 'She's more beautiful than
before' he thought as he stared into her green eyes. She looked into eyes
that were as blue as a winter's day and lifted her hand to touch the face that
had haunted her for months. She moved her lips but no sound came out of her
mouth. He moved his head closer so that he could hear what she was trying to
say. Her breath on his ear caused slight shivers to go through his body. His
vampire ears had to strain to hear what she was trying to say. It sounded
like she was trying to say his name.
"What was that luv? I couldn't hear what you said."
"Sppppiiiiiikkkkke, I missed you." Her words faded away and she slipped back
into unconsciencenous.
'What the hell!' He didn't have a lot of time to dwell on what she had said
because he picked up the sound of the slayer coming back his way. He didn't
want to leave her like this but he knew that if he didn't get his ass out of
there right now, he might not live to see tomorrow night. He leaned over and
kissed the red head on the lips before he stood up. He looked down at the
sight before him and knew that she was the one that he had been looking for.
"I will BE back to claim what is mine luv" he vowed before he disappeared into
the night.
"Willow! Oh my God! Xander call an ambulance." Buffy cried as she ran up
to the fallen witch. She had come back for her after she realized that she
wasn't with them. Finding you best friend unconsciencious on the ground was
not good. They had to get her out of there and fast.
"The ambulance is on its way. Is she going to be okay?" Xander asked. He
looked like he was going to fall to his knees in tears. He and Willow have
been friends forever. This had to be hard on him.
"I don't know Xander. It looks like she may have hit her head or something.
Look at all of the blood on the ground under her head."
"Shouldn't we put something under her head?" Anya asked.
"No I don't think we should move her. We might do more damage to her if we
did. Where the hell is that ambulance? I should have been here by now."
Buffy said. She was really starting to worry. Willow was the one person that
she knew needed her protection but she hadn't been there for her. 'How will
she ever forgive me for letting her get hurt? I have to find out who did this
and so make them pay big time for hurting her.' Buffy didn't realize she was
crying until Xander took her in his arms and gave her a big hug.
"She'll be alright. The ambulance is here now and they'll take her to the
hospital. Giles is going to meet us there."
"I let her down. She got hurt because I was in another part of the cemetery.
I should have been here to protect her."
"Buffy, you did what you had to do. If you had been here if her youmight
have gotten yourself hurt just as well. Willow would understand. Its your
sacred duty to slay the vampires, Willow knows that. Do you think that she
would like it if you didn't do your job because you were worried about her?
If you did then you obviously don't know her that well."
"I know you're right Xander. It's just that every time I try to protect
someone they always end up getting hurt."
"Why don't we talk about this later. The ambulance is ready to go and we
should be going to the hospital ourselves. Giles is waiting. Maybe he can
help us find out what happened to her" said Anya.
"My chariot awaits you mi'ladies." Xander said as he offered both girls his
The three teens climbed into Xander's car and drove off after the ambulance.
No of them noticed the eyes that followed their every move. 'Please be all
right Red. We have a lot of catching up to do when you're all better.' His
lips curled into a smile as her brought his still bloody fingers to his mouth.
He licked her blood off of his fingers and the taste of her exploded in his
mouth. It was combination innocence and lust that caused his body to feel
aroused at the thought of tasting her again. "Soon Red, very soon you will be
mine" he said to himself as he watched them take her to the hospital.

