E-MAIL:  afullrtn@netscape.net
CONTENT:  Some violence and consensual sex
SPOILER:    Possibly Season 4 activities.
DISCLAIMER:  None of these characters belong to me.  They are the dream
children of Joss Whedon.
DISTRIBUTION:  Whom ever wants it may have it but please ask me first.
SUMMARY: Spike is back and on the hunt for someone.  (W/S)
AUTHOR'S NOTES: I am hoping that this will happen on the show.
FEEDBACK:  Yes, please?

      "Harmony!"  'Where the bloody hell is that chit!' thought Spike.  Nothing had
gone right since he had returned to Sunnyhell.  He had come back just to find
the ring of Amarra; he hadn't really planned on staying in town.  Well maybe
he would have stayed long enough to kill the Slayer but other than that he
really wanted to that blasted ring then get the hell back to Brazil.  Yeah,
that was the plan but as usual, he had fucked up royally.  Because he hated to
be alone, what with Dru off screwing a fungus demon, Spike found himself in
yet another situation with a female that was 'not quite all there' in the
head.   If only he hadn't met the damned girl in the first place maybe his
plan would have worked.  But no, Harm had to have the same qualities that his
Dark Princess had had.  He really was a glutton for punishment.  'You'd think
I would know better by now.  A century with Dru should have put me off of
women for the rest of my unlife.  Oh well, I've never been one to run from a
challenge.  Let's see what kind of trouble I can cause for the Slayer' thought
the blonde vampire.  Spike thought back on the conversation he had had with
Harmony the night before he had found the ring.  She had tried to kill the red
headed witch but didn't get a chance to finish the job before the boyfriend
had come to her rescue.  'Now what was the girls' name?  Oh yeah, Willow,
that's it.  Now that was a right nice piece of fluff.  Smart, funny, strong,
pretty and a witch all rolled into one neat and tidy package.  Cor, what a
vamp she would make.'  Not that he didn't enjoy the many charms of Harmony but
he could only take so much.  If he were going to reassert himself as the
Master of Sunnydale he would need a suitable queen.  As Dru was still with
that fungus demon, she was no longer a candidate.  Harm was nice to look at
but her inane chatter was really getting on his nerves.  A vampire could only
endure so much of her.  'Yeah, the way I see it, Willow would be the perfect
      "I wonder how she would look as a demon."
      "Wonder how who would look as a demon Spike?" said Harmony from the doorway.
She had come back so that Spike could apologize to her for being so mean to
her.  'I know he loves me' she thought.  'After all, he saved me from dying
after that thing at graduation.  What a disaster that was.  To die wearing a
burgundy polyester cap and gown.'
      "Spike, when are we going to France?  You promised me we could go to France"
she whined.  She had always wanted to go there and now it was within her
      Spike looked at her and thought 'Oh yeah, I forgot about the loose ends that
needed to be taken care of.'
      "Harm luv, I can't take you to France right at this moment.  But," he said
cutting off her tirade before it started, "I will send you with a few of the
boys and as soon as I take care of some things here I'll join you.  How would
you like that?"  He hoped that she would take him up on his offer, if she
didn't then he would have to rework his plans for the witch.
      Harmony looked at Spike as she thought over his offer.  'He's really cute but
I wonder when I can leave for France.  Maybe tonight if I'm good.'
      "Okay baby" she said.
      He breathed a sigh of relief.  For a minute he had thought that she would say
no and demand that he go with her.  He hated France with a passion.  'Maybe if
I'm lucky she'll find someone new that strikes her fancy while she's gone.
I'll have to come up with some good excuses as to why I haven't joined her
after she's been there for a few weeks.'
      "Good, you're leaving tonight.  I'll take care of all of the arrangements
andyou be safe with Jeff, Marc and Jason.  They'll make sure that nothing
happens to my pet."  'At least until it's time,' he thought with a smile.
"Let Daddy show you how much I'll miss you while you are gone.

Part 2

      She was running down the alley as if her life depended on it.  She could feel
his presence behind her, reaching out for her.  If she stopped to rest she
would never see another sunrise.  Her legs felt like lead and she was so
tired.  Her chest was hurting from breathing so hard.  She could hear his
footsteps coming down the alley behind her.  Up ahead was the Bronze.  The
rest of the gang is there waiting for her.  If she could make it there she
would be safe.  The footsteps sounded like they were right behind her now.
She turned her head to see how far back he was but she couldn't see anything
except the shadows.  Shadows that he could be hiding in, waiting for her to
fall so that he could grab her.  She knew that whatever or whoever it was that
was chasing her had to be a male.  She didn't know how she knew, she just
knew.  She thought she heard laughter as she turned her head back to see what
was in front of her.  The Bronze was right ahead, she was almost there, almost
safe.  Her hand reached out to grab the door handle.  Just as she was about to
pull the door open arms grabbed her around her waist from behind and she felt
cool lips moving along the side of her throat, kissing and nipping at the
tender flesh.  The lips moved to the bite mark that had healed and settled
there.  Something wet and cold was moving back and forth over the twin
puncture mark as if it was trying to lick away the skin.  A sharp sting was
the next thing that she felt as the words "Soon you will be mine" came
floating to her ears.  She opened her mouth to scream just as the alarm clock
went off.  She sat up in bed and looked around wildly.  'A dream, it was just
a dream' she thought.  Her hands reached up to push her hair out of her face
and slowly moved along the curves if her neck to the now healed bite mark.
'Man, what a dream.'  Willow turned the clock off and laid back down for a few
moments trying to figure out what had brought on this latest dream.  Ever
since Harmony had bitten her, she had been having these really weird dreams.
This last dream seemed a little bit too real.  'Maybe I should talk to Giles
about them later' she thought as she made her way to the bathroom so that she
could take a nice long relaxing shower.  She had a Psych test to get through
in about an hour and she wanted to be able to concentrate on the test and not
the dream.  Later as she was getting ready to walk out of the door the phone
rang.  She thought about not answering it but changed her mind when she heard
Oz on the answering machine.  She grabbed the phone just in time to hear him
say that the band was staying in L.A. for the next two weeks.  Apparently they
had played so well that they were being asked to audition for different record
companies.  He told her that he would call her later when he had some more
news and she wished him luck with the auditions.  'That's so cool.  I hope
they get some news' she thought as she went to class.
      The rest of her day went by in a blur.  She hardly got to talk to Buffy after
the test.  'She still must be felling bad about that thing with Parker' she
thought.  'If weren't such a nice person I'd do something really mean to him.
Oh well, maybe I can do something nice that will bake Buffy happy.'  She
hurried to get back to her room so that she could look at her spell books and
try to find a spell that would fit the occasion.  She didn't notice that a
pair of blue eyes was watching her every move.  Once in her room she pulled
out book after book trying to find just the right spell.  It was a slow
process as she really didn't know what she was looking for but somehow she
knew that she would know it when she found it.  By the time that Buffy
returned to the room Willow had managed to go through three of her books with
no success.  She took in the other girls' weary stance and knew that Buffy had
not been able to handle the Parker thing on top of Angel leaving town.  'I
don't know how she could stand being so close to
Angel and yet be so far away at the same time.  There must be something I can
do to help.  That's it!  I'll try to find a spell that will bind the demon in
Angel so that they can be together without having to fear that Angelus will
      "Uh Buffy?"
      "You don't look so good.  Are you okay?"
      Yeah, I'm fine.  I just feel a little out of it you know?  I'm sure it's
nothing that a night out with my favorite buds couldn't cure," said the
      "Are you sure you don't want to stay in and talk?"
      "No Willow, I don't want to talk about it, not right now.  Maybe later.  I
just want to go and have some fun, maybe beat up some vamps a little later.
That sort of thing."
      "Okay.  How about going to the Bronze?  Why don't you grab a shower and I'll
call Xander and Anya.  Maybe they could meet us there."
      The two girls were talking as they made their way to the Bronze.
      "So Willow, where's Oz?  I haven't seen him around today.  I thought he
wasn't letting you out of his sight since the attack?"
      "He's in L.A.  The band had some auditions so they are staying for a couple
of weeks.  He'll be back for mid-terms though."
      "Are you okay with that?"
      "Oh yeah, sure I am.  We haven't seen Harmony or Spike for that matter for a
few weeks.  I'm pretty sure that they have forgotten about me.  Besides, after
you took the ring from him I'm sure that he left town."
      "I hope so.  I so do not feel like facing them this week.  Especially after
that last fight.  I still have nightmares about him in the sun listening to
Parker giving me the brush off."
"Buffy, don't worry about it anymore.  Parker was a worm.  You shouldn't waste
your energy thinking about him.  He isn't worth it."
"You're right but sometimes I wish I was a normal person, not the 'Chosen
One'.  My life has been pure hell ever since I got called.  I would trade it
all for just a little of what you have with Oz."
"Don't say that Buffy.  Oz and I still have our problems.  Don't forget that
he is a werewolf.  Things tend to get real hairy figuratively speaking.  And
speaking of guys, what do you think of Riley?  I've seen him glancing your way
in class from time to time."
They continued talking as the Bronze came into sight.  Neither of the girls
noticed the man watching them from across the alley.  He took a drag from the
cigarette dangling from his long lean fingers.  The blue eyes narrowed just a
bit as he inhaled the smoke into long dead lungs.  He made smoke rings as he
released the smoke from his lungs.  As his eyes roamed over both of the girls,
his gaze lingered longer on the red haired girl.  She was wearing a dark
colored shirt that left her long lucious neck exposed.  'Cor, she's gone and
changed since the last time I saw her.  I wonder what made her cut her hair?
I liked it the way it was.  Gonna have to rectify that.  Now to put phase two
into action.'  He rubbed his hands together in glee.  'It's almost time Red.
Spike's back and he's coming to get you!"

