E-MAIL:  afullrtn@netscape.com
RATING:  G (for now)
CONTENT:  Lot's of mushy stuff.
SPOILERS:  Halloween-Season 2 and speculation of Season 4.
DISCLAIMER:  I do not own any of the characters.  They are property of Joss
DISTRIBUTION:  Anyone can have it, just let me know first.
SUMMARY:  Willow loses a bet, now she has to pay the winner.  (W/S)
AUTHOR'S NOTES: This is my first fanfic.  More is forthcoming.
FEEDBACK:  Please tell me what you think.

"Okay, tell me again.  Why are we here?"  Willow asked her companion nervously
while standing in the doorway to International Male.
"We're here pet, because you lost the bet" was the reply from Spike.  "Besides
you might have fun.  I don't want to hear any arguments.  I won fair and
square, so you have to pay up or else."
"Or else what may I ask?"
"I don't know,  maybe clean that idiot Xander's room or something like that."
"That's a very cruel and unusually punishment Spike."
"I know, that's me for you.  Cruel and unusual."
"But this is so unfair" she complained.  "Not to mention humiliating.  I
thought you liked me?  Like as in not-wanting-to kill-me-anymore like."
"I do like you luv.  It's because I like you that I am doing this!" he said.
"But if you really liked me you would accept me the way that I am.  Why should
I have to do this?"
"Listen pet, we've been doing this 'friends' thing for a while and I can tell
that there is this whole other side to you that wants to come out and play.  I
also know that you think you don't have anything to offer to anyone but I'm
here to tell you that you're dead wrong.  You are smart, clever, honest, and
caring.  The Slayer has nothing on you in those departments, pet.  As for
looks, you have this natural beauty that is enhanced by your sweetness and
innocence which makes you by far the best looking girl that I have ever had
the pleasure of wanting to know.  It's because of these reasons that I want to
help you work on your self-confidence a little.  Without self-confidence you
tend to hide all that you are under layers of  'the girl next door' kind of
nerdness.  No offense pet. The girl next door bit is cute but its not who you
really are."
"Just who am I if I'm not me?"
"You're you, you just need a little help being the 'real' you.  I remember the
way that you looked last Halloween.  The outfit was very becoming on you.
When I saw you I said to myself 'that girl had self-confidence and knew that
she looked good enough to eat'.  Little did I know that she was you.
Unfortunately for me, that girl that is not here.  In her place is someone
else.  The girl that's here with me now does not have that same
self-confidence.  She is stuck on dressing like she doesn't want anyone to see
the true Willow.  That's why we're here.  I want to set that girl free."
      "What's wrong with being the girl next door?  I am the girl next door.  I
like being the girl next door."
      "That's just it.  You personify 'the girl next door'.  I think that you can
be so much more than just the 'girl next door'.  You are like a caterpillar.
You go through life unnoticed and unwanted.  Then you begin this
transformation.  You go through a metamorphosis in a cocoon until one day you
break free.  Once you have broken out its time to spread you wings and fly so
to speak.  I want to help you break out of your shell."
      "I didn't know that I was in a shell," she said.
      "Of course you were.  We all go through that stage."
      "Did you?"
      "Did I what?"
      "Did you go through a caterpillar/butterfly stage."
      "Of course I did."
      "Do we have to go through that now?  It's a long story and I would rather not
talk about its in the doorway to a clothing store."
      "I'll make a deal with you.  Let's get this done and then I'll take you
someplace where we can talk without being overheard."
      "Okay.  What's first on the list?"
      "That's the attitude luv.  Now this store has just about everything that we
need," said Spike as he led Willow across the threshold of the store.
      An hour later Spike and Willow left the store with three large bags.
      "Spike.  Are you sure that it was okay to get all of this?  I mean I like the
clothes, but they cost more than I was expecting them to cost.  I don't know
if I'll be able to pay you back when we get back to my room."
      "Willow, the bet was that you had to go shopping with me, not that you had to
pay for anything.  Think of this excursion as a gift from me."
      "A gift?  For what, I haven't done anything."
      "Yes you have pet.  You believed in me.  You saw past the demon to the man.
No one has ever done that for me.  The Slayer puts up with me because she has
no choice.  The others haven't come right out and said that they didn't want
me around but I'm not feeling a lot of love from them either.  You were the
only one who made me feel welcomed in the group.  You take the time to talk to
me and to make sure that I am included in conversations.  You listened to me
when I have something to say.  You have even been defending me when the Slayer
tries to take shots at me.  In my book, that's not what you do for someone who
has tried to kill you" Spike said.
      "Well maybe it's time you got a new book," Willow said with a smile.
      "Maybe Red, maybe.  Anyway, this is my way of saying thank you.   Now that
that's out of the way, there are a couple of more places to go before we're
through.  Next on the list is shoes.  I highly recommend the Doc Martens in a
variety of colors and styles plus a couple of pairs of boots and last but not
least, something a little daring to go with that last outfit.  After that,
it's on to the ladies shop for those silky things all females feel that they
have to have.  I'm betting that you'll look good in some metal colored piece
of fluff.  What do say Red?"
      "Are you sure?  I all ready have the female things and I so can not believe
that I am having this conversation with you" she said blushing profusely.
      "I'm sure you do have them but I think that once you have started to wear the
new stuff you're going to want these.  Care to make another little wager Red?"
he said.
      "I don't think so.  Let's get this finished.  I hope that there is some ice
cream for me when this is all over."
      "There might be, you never know with me Red," said Spike.

