Black Cloud

Sequel to Somewhere I Belong

Author: Angels_Childe

Email: and

Rating: PG

Disclaimer: Joss is the Buffy god and he owns all!

Distribution: Redssoulmates, Willows Enchantment. All you gotta do is ask me!

Pairing: Willow/Spike

Summary: Willow leaves.

Authors Notes: The song is "Black Cloud" by Crazytown. Cordelia already went to L.A., and there were no smoochies between Xander and Willow. Jenny was never killed, and she and Giles are officially a couple.

~Spikes thoughts~ *Willows thoughts*

Feedback: Please!!! I got so little of a response on my last part. :(


(Now people say I'm jinxed.
I got some kind of voodoo hex.
Life is so complex.
There's no telling what can happen next.
Life on the edge,
Fuels the sickness in my head.)

Willow boarded the bus listening to her Discman. It was the dark hours of early morning in Sunnydale, and she took no notice of the people beside her. She was enveloped in a little black cloud of despair and didn't want to see the people around her. Although she could already feel the two demons power and the one witch near on the bus. Her experience with magic had left her that much warning.

(It imbeds the type of thoughts
That got a lot of brothers dead.
The smarter brother knows
To keep his foes close.
And I'm the type of brother
That's smarter than most.)

Willow sat in her seat and immediately turned to the window. It was a miserable day, like the Goddess was sad alongside Willow. *I've never been
away from home Sunnydale before. I'm leaving behind all my friends even if they don't associate with me anymore*

Willow stared at the photo album in her hand, looking at the pictures of her and Xander and sometimes Buffy, and pictures of her and Oz.

(A cold hearted overdose
Of lyrical antidotes.
The cure to make sure
My karma can't take me down.
Up to the same old tricks.
I wonder if I'll stick around.)

A blond figure walked past Willow's seat and sat behind her.  ~Poor witch. I'll surprise her when we're in L.A. ~

Willow looked at the picture of her, Oz, Cordy, Xander, Buffy and Angel. There were going to a school dance, and she had bewitched her camera to take pictures of Angel. They were all happy. Why couldn't it be like that now?

(Is a penny really lucky
If you find it on the ground?
What's the problem with this town?
I can't figure it out.
My karma's crashing down
In the form of a black cloud.)

Willow sighed. She was going to L.A., to visit Angel for a while. She had called him and then headed out the door.

*I hope I'll have some fun while I'm there*

She had also left Giles and Jenny a note because they would notice she was gone. They were the parents she never had. Soon to parents to actual
children. They were expecting their first child in August. It was June now. Wet and miserable then sunny and miserable!

*Fun* Willow thought gloomily.

(I've got a little black cloud
That follows me.
Everywhere I go,
It takes over me.)

Willow looked forward to seeing Cordy and Angel. They could help heal the pain. They were her faithful friends. But they couldn't know. They could
never know the truth. She didn't really want Angel guilty of ripping Oz apart. Or Cordy cheering him on.

~Wonder what she's thinking about. Does she know I'd lie for her? Kill for her? Die for her? Does she even have a clue? ~

(I'm sick.
I've got a real ill disposition.
My intentions are pure
But there's a cure for my condition.
My decisions
Put me in the wrong positions.
Chasing pipe dreams
Of fame and recognition.
The Epic.
Not only a name,
A definition.
My game remains no matter the pain.
I stay the charmer.
The Don of Karma.
I navigate it like the Dalai Lama
I ain't a saint.
But I've got Joi de vie
And I'm the one to blame
If the cloud rains on me.)

* Does the rain have to start? I'm sad enough as it is! Have I done something wrong to make the goddess mad?*

Spike stared at the back of Willows head. She was so immersed in her unpleasant thoughts she hadn't even noticed him.

~I can't believe she's going to L.A... I thought she didn't even talk to his poof or the cheerleader anymore. But I guess there he only hope to heal now. Unless she'll accept me~

(I can't complain about it
Or even let regret
Provoke the energy it takes
For me to get upset.
A bad boy since birth
So I can't forget
What goes around
Comes around
And it ain't got me yet.
I've gotten wise in my age
And tamed the threat of my rage.
I've got a lot to learn
And I've got money to spend.
To pretend is reaping more
Than sewing ever could mend.)

Willow starts to mentally sing with the song.

* I wonder why the gang have started to push me away? What did I do wrong? All I did was be their friend, and now they hate me. What did I do??*

A silent single tear ran down her cheek. She wiped it away quickly.

*Be strong. I can be strong. Always Strong*

(Trade my torches for a dime
The pressure's fading away now
Black cloud's lifted for the light
The pressure's fading away now.
A thousand cigarettes
Won't change the way we feel.
The pressure's fading now
Can you bare the thought of knowing truth?
Knowing truth.)

Willow turned off her Discman and got up to go to the bathroom. She turned around and saw the bleached vampire sitting behind her.


~Busted! ~

The End
