
Author: Angels_Childe


Rating: PG (There is slight swearing)

Disclaimer: God of Buffy thy name is Joss and he owns all!!! Maybe one day he'll share with us all.  ;)

Distribution: Redssoulmates, Willows Enchantment. All you gotta do is ask me!

Pairing: Willow/Spike, mention of Willow/Oz

Summary: Willows heartbroken.

Authors Notes: The song is 'Broken' By 12 Stones. I hope they forgive me for using it without permission.

Feedback: I swear that I live off feedback! Please take a moment and send me a message!!!!!


Giles collected the mail from his school message box and walked along the corridor to the library. He flipped through the letters. "Damn the council. I can't send them the copy of 'Demons and Witches: Their Connections' because I don't have it. I already told them!"

Giles was flipping through several more (all from the council) when he entered the library. He was met by a happy face and an unhappy one.

"Willow's gone!!!" Xander whispered, his voice croaking with fear.

"She's probably gone to her parents in New York. She was always moaning about Oz. It was really annoying! Now what are we researching today?" Buffy replied looking gleeful.

Two hours of Buffy going on about Angel and saying Willow was awful to not consider her feelings when she started to talk about Oz and not Angel had taken their toll. Xander erupted. "HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT ABOUT MY BEST FRIEND???? HOW CAN YOU BRUSH HER OFF LIKE THAT?? DON'T YOU HAVE ANY FEELINGS?"

Buffy moved back like she had been burned. But Xander continued.

"I knew when I came to you for advice, whether to comfort her or let her deal, you were angry with her, but dammit Buffy. Did you turn into a
complete bitch after Angel left?"


"Did she turn into a complete bitch after my sire left?"

"She's not a bitch, Spike. Never was. Buffy was just.." Willow searched for a word. It was nice that Spike was listening to her rant and asking
questions. It made her feel better.

"How about stupid, stuck-up bint?"

"I was thinking more 'damaged' after Angel left. Now.back to why you're here."

"I already told you. I was going to go to L.A. to this really good club."




"*How * could *you* call me that! I'm the heartbroken slayer. I've been through a lot lately and you should *pity* me not *whine* at me!"

"Heartbroken slayer? How about heartbroken."

"QUIET!" Giles shouted, interrupting Xander "I've had enough of both of your bickering. Now Xander, you go to her house and start calling people asking where she is. Oh, and call Jenny to check the police reports for anything. Buffy!"

The slayer was currently trying to disappear into the stacks.


"And you, young lady, you and I will patrol and check the morgue for new bodies."

"But.But." Buffy sputtered.

"No buts." Giles said sternly.


The bus stopped and Willow and Spike got off.

"Thanks for talking to me. I guess you've got to go to the club." Willow stopped, taking a deep breath. *Be Strong Be Strong Be Strong* She repeated in her head. Her mantra. *He's leaving of course. Everyone does*

"Nah pet. I think I come with you up to the cheerleader's." Spike grinned when Willow's face lit up. "So let's go pet, before I get you all dusty,
'cause you know I'm allergic to Sun."

And Willow smiled all the way to the hotel.


<Alone again, again alone
Patiently waiting by the phone
Hoping that you will call me home>

Xander sat by his phone. Staring at it. Waiting for it to ring. To hear a voice say she was all right. Or to hear her voice.hear her say she was
coming home.

:: What did I do wrong? ::

<The pain inside my love denied
Hopes and dreams swallowed by pride
Everything I need it lies in you>

Did he hurt her? Buffy told him to stay away from her to let her heal. But Buffy had said that for personal gain. He was dying without Wills. He barely ever laughed now. He never noticed it before now. She was his best friend. And he had caused her to leave.

('Cause I'm broken
I know I need you now
'Cause deep inside I'm broken
You see the way I live
I know I know your heart is broken
When I turn away
I need to be broken
Take the pain away)

He sat by the phone, tears silently running down his cheeks. This was all his fault. All his fault she was gone. He couldn't deal. :: I have to leave. It's my entire fault. I can't stay here with her anyway::

Xander rubbed away the tears on his face. ::I have to leave. I can't stay. I can't deal with Buffy anyway.::

Xander called Jenny, telling her where he was going, that he was fine. Telling her he'd be a few weeks and he'd be fine. And no, he wasn't going to
kill himself. ::Though it would happen if Willow's dead. Don't think of it, Don't think of it, Don't think of it!!::

(I question why you chose to die
When you knew your truth I would deny
You look at me
The tears begin to fall
And all in all faith is blind
But I fail time after time
Daily in my sin I take your life)

Xander left the house and got into his car. He drove past the "Thanks for visiting Sunnydale" sign, and approached another sign.

(All the hate deep inside
Slowly covering my eyes
All these things I hide
Away from you again
All this fear holding me
My heart is cold and I believe)

"Welcome to L.A."

(Nothing's gonna change
Until I'm broken)

The End
