Dear Diary

Author: Angels_Childe

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Rating: PG

Disclaimer: I own nothing.. not even Spike.. DAMN!

Distribution: Redssoulmates, Willows Enchantment, Willow's Vampires. All you gotta do is ask me!

Pairing: Willow/Spike, mention of Willow/Oz

Summary: Willow is left alone.

Authors Notes: Very Short. Willow's POV

Feedback: I enjoy it


~Part: 1~

Dear Diary,

I'm 17, and I'm finally in real non-unrequited love. My heart flutters when I think of him. When he touches me I burn because he engulfs me, sets me on fire. I hope this never changes. But it must. It's all too perfect to be forever. Besides, there's his dark side as well.

I only truly know half of him. I know William, not Spike. I know the dark-haired  poet who holds me at night and whispers his love to me in my ear. I'm not sure I even want to really know Spike. He frightens me. I think it's because I'm not ready to be like him. Not ready to embrace my dark side as well as my Willowy goodness side that everyone knows.

It doesn't matter now though. I'm still in love, and still with him. Yah, sometimes I worry about waking up all Grr.but only when Spike has surfaced
that day and William asks about Eternal Life. Aside from that, no big gigantic worries.

Because I still love him.


~Part: 2~

Dear Diary,

I finally met Spike today. The demon just came forward. I can't believe I'm still shaking.

He bit me. Well, actually, William has bit me before. But Spike claimed me. Violently. The living room is kinda shredded now, but what frightened me the most was I enjoyed it. I think William is happier, though. He knows he can be Spike around me now.

It's not like Spike is completely different from William. Spike is a combination of both. I mean. Look at his love for Dru. That was Spike, but not William. Spike and William both love me. I guess that brings a little peace to Spike.

All I really truly know is that I love him. Both of him. And he loves me. I guess I'll just be calling him Spike now.

But the most important thing is I love him. Body, mind and soul, forever. Hopefully.


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