Easier to Run

Author: Angels_Childe

Email: Angels_Childe2003@yahoo.com

Rating: PG

Disclaimer: God of Buffy thy name is Joss and he owns all!!! Maybe one day he'll share with us all.  ;)

Distribution: Redssoulmates, Willows Enchantment, Willow's Vampires. All you gotta do is ask me!

Pairing: Willow/Spike, mention of Willow/Oz

Summary: Willow is left alone.

Authors Notes: The song is 'Easier to Run' By Linkin Park. I hope they forgive me for using it without permission. ~Willow's thoughts~ <Spike's
thoughts> ^Angel's thoughts^ * Cordelia's thoughts * #Xander's thought#

Feedback: I can understand if a few people are angry with me.. forgive me?


~Part: 1~

(It's easier to run
Replacing this pain with something numb
It's so much easier to go
Than face all this pain here all alone)

Spike led Willow up to the street before the Hotel and stopped suddenly, just to enjoy the moment. He could almost taste her vanilla scent and feel
her heartbeat beating blood throughout her body. He regretted having to leave her..

"Spike, what's wrong?" ~He still has to leave.Please don't leave me~ Willow began to shake inside.

(Something has been taken
From deep inside of me)

Spike looked into her eyes and saw fear resurfacing and her heart speed up. "Nothin' pet. Just needed to stop for minute." Spike grabbed her hand and started to walk away. Willow followed silently thanking goddess. She was just about finished when they reached the Hotel.

Spike let go of her hand and slowly walked away from the Hyperion. ~Please don't~ Willow felt a tear slip and she quickly wiped her eyes as Spike
disappeared into the shadows. ~I love you!! ~

(A secret I've kept locked away
No one can ever see)


(Wounds so deep they never show
They never go away
Like moving pictures in my head
For years and years they've played)

Willow turned around and saw a girl who she had run from almost all her life, now the person Willow was running too. "Hi Cordelia".

"Hey Willow, don't you want to come in?" Cordelia asked. * She looks awful. What did that bastard do to her? *

"Of course." Willow smiled weakly and followed Cordelia inside. She rubbed her arms and felt the tiny cuts of pain on her arm. ~I thought that's the
way it would go away. but it came back didn't it? ~

(If I could change I would
Take back the pain I would
Retrace every wrong move that I made I would
If I could)

Angel came down the stairs as Willow came in and gave her a hug. She looked so lost, like all hope was gone from her heart. Willow felt bad as Angel hugged her for not telling him sooner, for not talking to him for so long. Willow couldn't help it. She burst into to tears and just cried. "It's ok
Willow. It's ok." Angel soothed as the redhead poured all the desolation and pain out with a river of tears.

(Stand up and take the blame I would
If I could take all the shame to the grave I

Spike watched Willow from the glass doors, and remembered when Angel had newly gotten his soul. His sire was gone, and Spike had gone to a cave and just cried. He had let the inner poet out that day, and got the anger, betrayal and abandonment out of his system. When he came back to Dru, Spike's hands were broken from punching the stone, his face bloody from crying blood tears.

Suddenly Spike disappeared into the shadows as another human entered the Hotel.

(Sometimes I remember
The darkness of my past
Bringing back these memories
I wish I didn't have)

Willow was almost done crying her sorrows when a familiar face came into view.


(It's easier to run
Replacing this pain with something numb
It's so much easier to go
Than face all this pain here all alone)

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