Empty Shell

Author: Angels_Childe

Pairing: Willow/Spike

Rating: R - A bit of Blood and Character death

Feedback: Please....Please.....Please....

Disclaimer: Joss created all. The WB should die or sign up the show again!

Authors Notes: No song! isn't everyone proud!?

WARNING: For those who do not like character death, or cringe at reading the sight of blood do not continue.I thank all that continue.




Willow sat on the couch, blankly looking at the floor. You could see she was gone, an empty shell. Only her beauty remained of her former self. And her memories.

* Spike walks up to her, and kisses her goodbye. "Don't worry pet, I won't be long." Willow smiles through her tears and watches as he gets into the darkened car and leaves for L.A. *

A single tear drops from Willow's eyes onto the floor.  She's suffering, but does not attempt to stop the replay of the past. She wants to remember. Remembering is good.

* "You can't fight him alone, sire. You need my help." Angel sat there and thought for a moment, then sighed and agreed. Willow knew what happened because he called her that night. She kept trying to convey her distress but Spike didn't listen. "Sorry luv, but I need to help." *

Willow fell to the floor, curling into a protective ball. It was her fault. Spike helped fight Evil because he loved her. It was her fault, all her fault.She repeated this mantra for over an hour before another memory began to surface.

* "Spike fought the demon with all his might, Willow. It was too strong for all of us and it.it killed him Willow. And his last thoughts were of you. Spike told me to tell you he loved you and to stay strong.Willow? Willow???" But Willow was lying on the floor crying.

Willow sobbed and sobbed, sometimes screaming at Spike for leaving her, for abandoning her.  But eventually, she had stopped screaming, stopped crying. Willow had no more tears to cry. In fact, she had nothing anymore. All she had were the memories, and a cold beauty that left her unreachable. Everyone one was sure, though, that a piece of her warmth had survived, was still there, only buried in the back of her mind. If there was, none could get close enough to Willow to even reach her. *

Willow lay on the floor. She wanted to die. She just wanted to die. Willow looked up, and right before her were the kitchen knives. Willow picked one up and climbed the stairs to the bathroom. When she reached her destination, Willow closed and locked the door behind her. She lowered herself into the empty bathtub and lifted the knife to her left wrist. She cut cleanly in an up and down direction, slitting the vain open. The blood oozed out and Willow smiled slightly. The pain would be gone soon. She would be free. Willow switched hands, and slowly lifted the bloody knife to her right wrist. She cut again, slower this time, and watched the blood drip into the bathtub and slowly slide down the drain. Willow was starting to feel dizzy.

* I love you Spike * was her last thought before the blissful depths of unconsciousness claimed her.

She was free at last.

The End
