Hellmouth Beware

Author: Auburn Dream

Summary: Willow Spike angel and Faith form a friendship and Spike and Willow turn into more as do angel and faith no real plot just fluffiness

disclaimer: joss owns all

pairing: s/w, a/f

feedback: yes please


  Willow walked through the cemetery with Faith, they had become best friends after Buffy had gone into complete bitch mode because Angel didn't want her. Each girl liked a vampire even if they wouldn't admit it. Faith liked well more loved Angel by this point, he was just so different and she liked it.

Willow felt the same way about Spike. He was always sweet to her and took her side in every fight and he had that gorgeous body, and sexy english accent. No one had noticed but her and Faith that Angel and Spike and become friends again. Buffy was so wrapped in her own world how would she notice, and Xander and Anya we're hardly around anymore so that didn't matter to them.

They had, had minimal vamp activity except one fledgling and he was easy. They continued to walk in silence when Spike stepped out of the shadows with Angel. He went up to a stunned Willow and said "Hello luv." She blushed as she had naughty thoughts about him and said "hi Spike".

He and Angel had fallen in love,he with Willow and Angel with Faith and they were planning on getting what they loved,Angel walked up to Faith and said "Hey". She looked at him and said "hi"Angel and Spike looked at watch other and nodded Spike looked at Willow and said "Do you think you could come to my apartment luv so we can talk"?. Willow said "I uh well uh okay". Spike said "that's bloody fantastic". Angel asked Faith the same and they went their separate ways.

    They walked to the apartment an a comfortable silence all kinds of thought's racking her brain. He could small her arousal it was a sweet scent and he could not wait to get to his apartment. When they finally arrived at the door Spike took out his key and invited her in. SHe stepped into the biggest "apartment" she had ever seen it was huge and well furnished. Spike saw her eyes light up and smiled. Willow said "So what do we need to talk about Spike said "this". He bent down and placed his lips on hers she moaned at the sudden contact. He took the opportunity to invade her mouth with his tounge.She couldn't believe how good this felt it was like falling into thin air. He was so talented his tongue sweeping and dueling for dominance. When he finally pulled away her knees buckled and he caught her before she hit the floor. She leaned into him and sighed. He picked her up and carried her to his bed and said "Willow can I make love to you". She was to incoherent to talk so she only nodded.

   Spike took off his boots and shirt and willow took in every inch of his pale scuptled body. He was beautiful like nothing she ever thought. He moved toward her chuckling at her eyeing him like a piece of meat. He moved and laid his body on top of her he kissed her passionately, and began unbuttoning her shirt. He slid it off her body and stared at her body she didn't have a bra on that day and he liked it. He said "Mine" and Willow released she liked the sound of that. He easily removed her pants and panties and she blushed as she thought of the fact of being copleatly nude in front of him. He saw her self consciousness and said "there will be none of that your beautiful". She looked into his eyes no one had ever said she was beautiful cute yeah but never beautiful. He brought his body over here's once more, having devested his pants and kissed her. He said "Willow are you sure you want this?". She nodded eagerly and he entered her gently. She cried out in pleasure as he began to move inside her he was so gentle that it brought tears to her eyes and he licked them away. When she was near release he bit into her neck to claim her and she cried as he brought them to release.He lapped at her neck and growled "mine" and Willow smiled and said "I love you" he looked into her eyes and said "I love you too my Willow". He cuddled her into his arms and she thought my willow he called me his willow she was ecstatic. He listened to her heartbeat slow as she feel asleep and he did the same. Across town Angel pulled Faith close and said "I love you " he said "I love you too" and they fell asleep.

   When Willow woke she felt a cool something across her stomach and looked down at Spike's arm she smiled happily. He saw her smile and said "What are you thinking about Red?". She smiled and said "you". He kissed her gently as they walked to the shower they had a scobby meeting in an hour. When they got out of the shower Willow said "what do I wear". Spike threw her sweats and one of his t-shirts and she giggled as she slipped them on the sweats and shirt hung off her and Spike said "very sexy red". This made her giggle more and they walked out of the apartment with his arm around her waist. She did not care what her friends thought she was walking into Giles house with his arm around her no matter what. On the way they met up with Faith and Angel. Faith wearing much the same thing as Willow and the girls giggled and joined hands each with their boyfriends arms around their waist. Willow knocked on the door and Giles opened it.

   Giles looked at the group and said "uh uh come in please". Everyone turned Buffy, Xander, and Anya turned to look at the group. Spike pulled Willow closer and she let go of Faiths hand as Spike pulled her into his lap as they sat on the couch, she snuggled close to him as Angel sat beside Willow in the same position. Buffy said "I think I'll be the first to say what the hell?". This was when all hell broke loss. Willow said "Shutup and I'll explain." Everyone turned and looked at her in surprise. Spike started to kiss Willow's neck in an effort to comfort her and she giggled and said "spike stop" he pulled back and she turned to kiss him and then back to the group. She started "Well here's how it is me and Spike are in love and so are Faith and Angel if you all weren't so wrapped in your own lives you would've seen it, no body hurts anyone and no yelling". Everyone looked at her in shock. Buffy said " I don't give a fuck what you say Willow I don't have a problem with Spike I think you don't deserve him he's hot and your just you and Faith you can keep Angel he's not worth it but I will not stand by and watch this freak show". Willow held back the tears that threatened to fall when she saw Spike was in full game face as was Angel. Spike tried to get up but Willow said "no let her be like that we don't need it really" she put her small hand to his face and rubbed his vamp face away. He looked at her and said "can't I hurt her a little". Willow put on her resolve face and said "no". Faith looked at Buffy and said "you know I have always hated you but don't talke to Willow like that she'd to nice to touch you but I'm not". she jumped up and smacked Buffy across the face. Anya and Xander had sat in silenca watching all this. Buffy reeled back and went to fight but Giles said "Buffy sit down". She looked at him and he said "leave them alone we are not here to fight we are here to research". Giles looked at the 2 couples and said "Good lkuck". Anya said "I don't see the big deal Willow can have Spike as her orgasm friend if she wants and he is really hot". Willow blushed and Xander threw a hand over her mouth. Buffy said "this isn't over" the rest of the night went in silence except for sounds of Spike kissing Willows necks as she giggled. Buffy left first then everyone else left. Spike and Willow invited Angel and Cordy back to their apartment because he had an extra room and they accepted and walked out togeher.

  As soon as they stepped outside a vampire grabbed Willow she simply said "I wouldn't do that my boyfriends gonna kill you know". The vamp said "and who is that".Spike said "me mate", the vampire therw Willow aside and said "SPike I am sorry I..I didn't know and I won't do it again". Spike said "I know you won't mate" and in one swift motion staked him. Willow said "I warned him" this sent her and Faith into a fit of giggles ehile Spike just cocked an eyebrow. The rest of the way was uneventful and Spike led them into his apartment. He showed Faith and Angel to their room and said thier goodnights and led Willow intohis room. He said "Do you want to live here luv". Willow said "are you serious because yes I man if your...". Spike kissed her and said "Welcome home and they made love and fell asleep in each others arms.When Willow woke Spike was nibbling at her neck and said "Goodmorning luv" she looked up and smiled "Goddmorning to to you" he kissed the tip of her nose and siad "hurry up breakfast is on the tabli I cooked". WIllow walked out and saw Faith scarfing down food she said "Red this is really good your boyfriend can cook". Willow smiled and got a plate which she almost dropped as Faith said "Man Spike must be good your quitew the screamer". Willow blushed as red as her hair and said "yeah it's good". Faith smiled and said "I heard". Spike was rolling on the floor he had heard it all and couldnt stop laughing. When he finally did he kissed Willow and said "i could teach Peaches a trick or two". Willow before she relized she was saying it said "yeah e does this thing with his tounge where he ......". Willow blushed and said "Oh goddess". Spike said "I knew you liked that 'tounge thing' luv." Faith was laughing now and they all sat down to breakfast.

   Spike had sent Willow and Faith to get Willow and herself clothes and food and now it was nightfall. Willow said "I want to go somwhere and show off my boyfriend". Faith said "yeah me too let's bronze it". Before they could say no the girls were gone to get ready. As Willow walked out of her room in her new outfit her jaw dropped Spike had on a sapphire button up  shirt that clung to every muscle of his body and tight jeans. Spike was also shocked Willow had on a green halter that hugged her just right and tight leather pants. They looked each other in the eye and said in unison "We are staying home". Faith had seen the exchane she said "oh no bronze now shag later". Spike snickered as Willow blushed. ANd they headed for the Bronze.

   Every girl in the Bronze turned to look at Spike. Angel was old news they'd all seen him but Spike was new meat. Willow saw all the girls eyeing Spike and muttered under her breath. Spike pulled her close and kissed her deeply. They went separate ways from Faith and Angel. Spike saw the Scooby gang at a table and walked to the dance floor and bytheir table with out looking but they noticed. All scooby eyes locked on the couple as he pulled her to the dance floor and pulled her flush agaisnt his body. She laid her head on his chest as he held her close as they swayed to the music. SHe felt at peace and didn't notice when there feet left the floor and they floated above the crowd. Angel and Faith pulled them down and led them out of the Bronze as they stayed locked together. They walked to Giles who had called Angel on his call phone and said he had something importent to tell them. When they arrived they sat on the couch each girl in theier boyfriends lap and Giles said "I have found a prophecy I think it is about you four." Everyones head shot up and Giled said well I will read it to you first. He said "In a time of trouble there will be four two evil two good. One will be a witch the other a chosen one. Together the four will save the world. When the witch finds her other half she will become a sorceress and an immortal. When the Chosen one finds her half she will become more powerful and will be an immortal. Together these four will balance the hellmouth with good and evil." They all looked at each otherand Spike said "How do we know it's us". He was trying to process the fact that Willow could be immortal with him forever. Giles said it's simple really if you two will kiss while I chant and you start glowing then it is you". "Well let's do it". Giles said "okay all of you please Angel Faith and Willow Spike please kiss". Willow lowered her lips to Spike and Faith the same to Angel as a white light enveloped them. Giles saw the light and said "you are the chosen four". Willow said "Giles schedule a meeting tomorrow we need to go home like right now". Giles nodded and they all left. Faith and Angel went there way and Willow and Spike there's.Willow said "Spike" as soon as they closed the door and he turned to her. She said "I'm immortal that means me and you forever right?". Spike saw the look in her eye and said "Forever". He carried her to the bedroom where they made the most intense love she had ever had.

    Willow woke up feeling drowsy and sick and she collapsed to the floor when she tried to get up. SPike had gotten up and called Giles and Giles had told him everything that what had happened last  night interlude. But when he heard her fall he ran to her. She was slumped over and he remembered what Giles had said. He said she would change to her sorceress state when morning came and she would probably be very weak the entire day. He picked her up and carried her to the bathroom. He sat her on the counter and turned the water on he filled the tub and laid her in it. She laid there for fifteen minutes and when she felt better he took her out dried her off and carried her to the bed. He said "we are staying in today and I am taking car of your cute little arse". She giggled and said "Come lay with me you make me feel safe". He beamed and laid in bed beside her holding her the entire day only getting her things to eat.

When she felt stronger she got dressed and they got ready to go to the scooby meeting. Spike carried her all the way there and finally set her head in his lap while she stretched out on Giles' couch.He rubbed her head as they waited for the people to arrive when they did she was already asleep. When she finally did wake up Giles had already explained everything to everyone she had missed the whole meeting. She saw Faith laying on the floor below her and gave her a hug they shared something more powerful then friendship now. Buffy said " I don't care what does this have to do with me?", Giles frowned and said "nothing". Spike said "you wanna bloody know aht I think I thing if it isn't about you you don't care about it if you ever gave half a thought to anyone alse you would have friends instead your a self-centered bitch." Everyone stared at Spike and Willow saw how angry he was  she turned to him and rubbed his neck and said "Spike honey calm down it's okay baby". He calmed at her soothing words and touch and said "I think me and my lady will go". He nooded at Angel and Faith and pulled Willow with him. He had her outside and said "Willow I don't feel right" as he crumpled to the ground. She didn't know what happened and ran into Giles apartment tears streaming down her face and said "Angel.Spike". Angel ran outside the door and saw Spike in a heap on the growing and said "what happened". Willow said "I..I don't know he said he felt wrong and crumpled to the ground". Spike stirred and said "Willow" she said "Spike I'm here baby I'm here" she layed her body over his and let her body touch his. Giles walked out and said "he is the one he will led the group". Everyone looked at Giles to elaborate and he said "Spike is the leader of your group he just came into power all the vampires are under his rule and he cannot be killed." Willow said "how do you know". He said "I translated the last part and Spike is noe the ruler of the hellmouth". Everyone was shocked but Willow and Giled said "and so are you good and evil Faith and Angel are like the second rulers if you understand." Willow nodded and Giles left them to be they were good and evil they ruled the hellmouth but not for evil just to rule it. Spike heard all Giles said and pulled Willow ontop of him and kissed her deeply. "I love you" he said and she said "I love you too". They both thought this could be good.

the end
