NOTES: there will be a sequel a long one


Willow walked into Spike's new apartment they had been seeing each other for almost a month and had fallen in love they still hadn't done 'it' as Willow liked to call it. The only one in the group who knew in the Scooby Gang was Anya and she had found out when she walked into the apartment because she forgot her keys, and they had been making out in the middle of the room. She had smiled and said "I won't tell" and left. Willow was grateful that Anya could actual keep a secret but knew she would have to tell the group.

Spike heard Willow come in and walked out of the bathroom in his jeans forgeting he had no shirt on. He walked into the living room and when Willow saw him she sucked in a breath. His chest was alabaster and unmarred he looked like statue. She wondered how that chest would feeel agaisnt her and then got wet. Spike smelled her arousal and smirked "Like what you see Red" he asked as he walked over to her and planted a tender kiss on her lips. She blushed deeply and Spike smiled wildly he loved making her like this. He always loved the way the blush would creep across her flawless face and the way her big green eyes sparkled. "Love you Red" he said out of no where and Willow smiled and said "I love you too Spike." She was really in love she relized it when he had kissed her the first time while they were patrolling and then they had started their relationship. She looked up at him and said "SPike I have to ask you a favor".

He looked down and said "What is it luv?". Well I just came from the magick shop and every year we have a weekend long slumber party at one of the scoobies houses". Spike nodded he knew where this was going and Willow continued "Well you have the biggest place and they want to have it here and I was elected to ask you". Willow looked up expected a no and Spike said "Red I'm going to do this for you and for you only but we're going to have to tell them sometime". Willow nodded happily and said "I know Spike thank you". SHe kissed him deeply and then snuggled up to his naked chest. He picked her up and she squeled as he sat her on the couch where they proceeded to have a vigorus make-out session.

That Friday at ten the doorball to Spike's apartment rang and the scoobies stood outside his door. He sighed and relized he had to spend an entire weekend with the slayer and her neew bint not to mantion Chubs, he didn't mind demon girl he even respected her.Then he saw Willow and remembered why he was doing this he nodded and said "Come in if you bloody must." They all walked in and sat their stuff down. Everyone was settled around the room and Xander said let's get this perty started"!!!! Everyone nodded their head and Buffy said "What first probably something involving drinks".Xander said "How about I never that will get us drunk fast". Anya and Spike said "What's I never" and Willow said "Well someone says I never something and anyone who has done it drinks" Spike said "Ohh" and scotted closer to Willow. Well Xander said "I'll get the drinks."

An hour later everyone was mostly drunk and still playing. The only people still sober were spike and willow because she had spelled them so they would not get drunk. Xander said "I never have fantays about Spike" every girl in the room drank. Spike looked at Willow who looked mad anyone but her and taken a drink and knew she was jeaolus. Xander looked at Anya and she said "He's a hottie but I love you Xander" Buffy even had taken a drink and noticed Willow looking at her evilly "What's with the evil look Wills?" "Nothing" said Willow and scooted closer to Spike. Anya said "I don't wanna play anymore let's play truth or dare". Everyone nodded their agreemant and Buffy said "I'll go first, Willow truth or dare?". Willow looked at the look in Buffys' eyes and said "Truth" . Anya said "Is it true your a virgin?". Willow blushed a crimson red and nodded her head yes. Spike looked at her shocked he had no idea she was a virgin. She looked up at him and smiled but no one noticed. Willow said okay my turn "Buffy truth or dare?" Buffy said "Ummm truth" Willow said "is it true that you had sex with Angelus?" Buffy lowered her head and nodded in agreement everyone looked at her shocked "Oh my god Buffy" Xander said but Anya  just said "Okay Spike truth or dare". Spike said "Dare". "I dare you to kiss willow with tounges for 2 minutes". Spike looked at her with a huge smile and turned to Willow who had a slight flush to her skin "Ready Red" all she could do was nod and Spike leaned in to kiss her.

Everyone watched as Spike leaned his head down to kiss her.Spike licked her lipe tentivly waiting for her to open her mouth. She did and they feel into a passionate kiss. Everyone was watching SPike expertly kiss Willow before Anya reilized it had been almost 7 minutes "Uhhh you can stop now." Willow and Spike puled away while Willow panted for much needed breath.Buffy said "Me next" and went to kiss Spike. Spike pushed her away and said "I bloody well am not kissing you" "Why" Buffy asked. Spike knew he shouldn't but it slipped out he said "Because I would be bloody cheating on the one I love"!
