
Willow woke and her mind went instantly to the night she had experienced.'I never knew that I
could have so much pleasure' she thought as she stared at the god like man who's embarce she was
in. 'He's so beautiful and he's in love with me' she thought and giggled in self-satifaction. Spike opened
his eyes and look at the vision giggling in his embarce. "What's so funny Red" Willow replied "just thinking
about how you love me". Spike's eyes narrowed "And that's funny luv" he asked with a hint of hurt in his
voice. Willow relized he was taking it in a bad way "No Spike it was a giggle of pure happiness" she said.
He looked up "Well good it better be" he said, then he said "Love you Red" she smiled and said "I love
you too Spike". She drifted back into a deep slumber as Spike pulled her impossiably closer and sighed
in content and he too fell back asleep.

Angel and Cordy silently walked to the room across the hall and opened the door to look in. Spike
was awake now and watching the sleeping Willow intently. He didn't look up as the door opened he knew
that his sire and Cordy were looking in.Cordy spoke to Angel "She's so happy look at her she even smiles in
her sleep". With that comment Spike looked up and smiled a warm smile at Cordelia.Angel thought to himself
'he makes her so happy I can't believe he's my childe'. Angel thought of all the wrong he had done to Spike, and
he couldn't believe Spike had accepted him back so easily. Spike looked down as Willow woke a smile instantly
graced her lips as she saw Spke looking at her she raised her head to recieve the kiss she was being given. She
had fallen back asleep earlier but now she was fully awake. She saw Cordelia and Angel who were still at the
bedroom door, then blushed deeply as she remembered she was nude under the silk sheets. They reliezed it
too and walked out of the room closing the door behind them.

Spike smirked at Willow he didn't know why she blushed her body was beautiful."So luv are you up for
some fun?". Willow blushed deeper and nodded. Spike pulled back the sheets seductivly, as he devoured
her mouth. He moved his mouth from her and started placing kisses down her body untill he reached her swollen
nipple.He swirled his tounge around it and worked magick with his mouth, and was rewarded with a low moan
from Willow. He moved down her body slowly teasing her with light kisses and swirls of  his tounge. When he
finally got to his destination her moans got louder. He slowly flicked out his tounge to taste her sweet essence
and she moaned loudly. He licked at her clit  and scraped his blunt teeth across it lightly Willow writhered
beneath him. He pulled his mouth back up to her's and kissed her with passion. She said "Spike I need you
inside me .Please". He groaned as he entered her slick tight passage. She moaned as he entered her, wrapping her
legs around him pulling him in deeper.They moved in a perfect rythm, untill he felt her mucles tighter around him and
he sped him as they both came he sank hes fangs into her pert breast and lapped at the wound after he had pulled
out his fangs. He growled and said "Mine" and Willow said "Yours" he pulled out of her then wrapped his strong arms
around her. She fell back asleep easily in Spike's warm embarce.

When Spike walked down stairs he noticed Cordelia was gone. Angel was warming a mug of blood and when
the microwave beeped loudly he handed it to Spike. "Spike I guess where going to tell them today ,maybe when Cordy
gets back?". Spike answered "Bloody hell we might as well mate, why don't you call Giles and see when he can come down
since Red is keeping in touch with him." Angel nodded and walked out of the kitchen to call Giles. Spike finished his mug
of blood and went to take a shower, he'd let Willow sleep.Willow was alredy awake when she went to the dresser to get some
clothes. She went into the drawer that held Spike's clothes and picked up one of his shirts. When she did she found an old
leather bound book with the words "Journal" printed on it. 'Oh my goddess this is Spike's' she thought and before she could
stop herself she opened it to the latest entry and read:

                                We moved in with Peaches for good yesterday and Red couldn't seem
                 happier. I've really turned into a poof I relized that today, I am so in love with this
                human it's bloody unatural. I know she doesn't want to be turned because she said
                that the vampire her was a bad chit. But Peaches found a bloody ritual to make our
               women immortal. I want nothing bloody more to wake up with her beautiful face and
                body next to me every morning. I have bloody dreams about making love to her in the
               sunlight but know it will never happen. The thing with this spell is she wants to really
              want to be with me for floody etenity and I don't know if she wants that. Peaches and
              I are going to talk to the chit's today and see what they want. And as poofy as it might
             sound I think I am actually scared she won't want to be with me...

Willow heard footsteps and placed the book back into the drawer, wipping the tears from her jade eyes. Spike walked into the room
and shut the door behind him. When he looked up Willow had him pinned to the wall with his lips in a brusing kiss. He instantly reacted and
picked her up as her legs went around his waist and her arms around his neck. Never stoping the kiss untill she pulled back to breath with
tears in her eyes. Before Spike could speak  Willow said "Spike don't be mad I read the last entry in your journal, how can you think I
wouldn't want to spend my life with you, I love you and want to be with you for etenirty". Spike wasn't mad he was bloody glad she read
it so he wouldn't have to tell her. 'She wants to be with me for bloody ever' he thought and he caught her in the most passionate kiss she
or her had ever had. When she pulled away to breath he looked at her with eyes as crystal as water and said "I love you Willow". Willow
was astonished he hardly used her real name. She said "Your not mad" he looked at her "I'll never be mad Red". She spoke next "I love
you Spike" and then he moved her to the bed. They had the most passionate sex Willow had ever experienced and she relized how
lucky she was.

When they had slightly recovered he picked her up and took her to the bathroom where they bathed together and he washed her body
and hair then dried her. Willow relized she didn't have her necklace on and was frantic. "Spike where's me necklace where is it" Spike went
to their room and came back with the beautiful necklace and put it on her. She didn't know why but was instantly calm as Spike dressed
her in pants and a tank. They walked down the stairs hand in hand to find Cordy back on the coach.She instantly noticed the necklace
Willow adorned and said "Willow that is beatiful as she walked up to the girl. She studyed the entrict necklace and saw the spike and
Willow tree, she looked at Spike and said "Spike you are really good at this boyfriend thing". Then looked at Willow "Maybe we could
trade" she said with a laugh as Angel walked in the room "Ha ha ha Cordy I heard that" she said "Who said I was joking". Willow
said we'll Cordy hate to sound selfish but some things are too good to share" Spike smiled at the whole exchange and brushed a
kiss on Willow's lips. Angel swept Cordy into a kiss after which Spike said "Red knows about the thing she read my journal". Willow
blushed a little and said "Sorry" Spike just smiled down at her. "I was wondering if I could tell Cordy about it" said Willow to Angel.
Angel said "Fine with me". "Tell me what" Cordy said with a pout and Willow sat her down and explained the whole thing. Cordy looked
at Angel and said "I want to do it I can't think of life without you". Angel caught Cordelia in a passinate kiss and said "Well good Giles
will be here on Monday the night of the full moon to perform the ritual. The group sat to talk about the whole thing  half the day untill it
grew dark.

When they saw it was dark the girls said "I think another night of dancing is in order". Angel and Spike groaned and new they were
about to be pulled to yet another club. When the guys said nothing Cordelia said "Great will go get ready". Willow giggled and kissed
Spike "It'll be fun" she said as she walked away. An hour later she and Cordelia walked down the staire where Spike and Angel stood waiting.
"Red your looking tasty ,are you sure you don't want to stay home" he said with a growl. "Well when you put it that way"Willow said with a giggle.
Cordy said "Oh no I didn't get dressed up so you could stay home and boink your undead hottie"! Willow blushed deeply and said "Tact Cordy"
Cordelia said "Tact is just saying untrue stuff" They both giggled as they walked to a hot new club. When they got inside the made a beeline to the
middle of the dance floor with their men. "Let's dance" said Willow to Spike as she moved her body agaisnt his. Spike moaned and started moving with her. Angel and Cordelia standing beside them doing much the same dance as a croed once again gathered around the hot couples. Willow and Cordy shot each other looks when their favorite song came on.

                                                             Who need's the sun when the rains so full of life
                                                           Who needs the sky when the grounds open wide
                                                              It's here in your arms I want to be buried
                                                                         You are my sanctuary

Willow and Cordy got closer and started slow dancing with Spike and Angel as the song continued in their were the center of attention as they
moved closer together. When the song endend they walked off the dance floor and out the door into the cool night. Spike was all over Willow he was incrediably turned on by her dancing, Angel being the same with Cordelia. When they made it to the house they instantly went to their rooms. As they entered their room Willow turned to Spike "Do you think we could just cuddle tonight" Spike nodded he knew she was tired. He stripped and got into the bed waiting for her. She stripped down to her painties and slid one of his shirts on. She got into bed and slid into his strong embrace. He rubbed her head soothingly, noting that she hadn't taken the necklace off he smiled. HE watched as she fell asllep and then let sleep take him as well.

Willow was stried out of sleep as Spike slid inside her tight core. She instantly awoke as he started thursting into her. She wrapped her legs and pulled him in deeper. She felt her mucsles tighten around him and they both came. When she finally gained breath she said "I like it when you wake me up like that" Spike smiled and said "Get used to it". He then slid out of her and layed next to her."I want you to go with Cordy today you both buy something really fancy okay luv" she nodded and said "What for" he simply said "It's a surprise" he picked her up and carried her to the bathroom he would let her shower on her own today.He slid into black jeans and walked down stairs to have a mug of blood. He saw Cordelia and told her about getting some thing fancy then he handed her his credit card. Cordy laughed and smiled as Spike walked away "I could get use to this" and heard Spike call down "Go ahead luv I have no use for it" she giggled again.

Willow with some reluctance walked out the door with Cordelia she hated being away from Spike. But she was going to finally have some girl
time with Cordy and smiled. They walked to her car and headed for the mall. They went inside and walked into Life's Pleasure's a fancy upscale
clothing store and her and Cordy started talking. "So Will's how's the sex" Willow blushed a crimson red and said "Well good". "Just good give ma a
break I hear your screams and moans so really how is it?". Willow blushed impossiably deeper in coler and said, "Earth-shattering, mind blowing
fireworks everywhere fantastic." Cordelia smiled and said "That's more like it Will's". They walked through the store looking at all the different dresses and continued talking about their guys. "So what do you think it will be like to live forever" Willow asked, cordy said "Well I know I will love Angel and he will live forever too so i think it will be great, it would be different if I didn't have him". Willow sighrd "Yeah I know what you mean I love Spike so much, I never thought I could love someone more then life itself. Cordelia gave her an I-know-what-you-mean smile and continued
looking."Oh my god willow look at this dress you have to get it" Willow's jaw dropped. Cordelia held up an emerlrd green dress it was backless
with crisscrossing fabris the front looked almost like a croset and it was floor length. Willow gapsed , it was beautiful but she couldn't wear that.
Willow started "Before you say anything Wills , you have a gorgeaus body that Spike loves you would kill in this dress your getting it,and look
matching shoes". Willow just sighed when Cordelia went Quenn C on you there was no fighting it so she said "Fine". She went to the dressing room
when she put it on it really did look good and the shoes made her taller. She stepped out to shoe Cordelia and was rewarded with a whistle and
an "You go girl" from Cordelia.Cordelia piked a simple floor lenght strapless re dress and they walked to the counter to pay for their thinngs.
When they walked outside the sun was near setting so they went home.

When Willow walked in she dropped her bags and ran to where Spike sat on the couch and jumped into his lap placing kisses all over his
face. She said "I missed you" he said "Missed you too baby" and pulled her into a deep moan worthy kiss.SHe pulled back and looked into his blue eyes and said "Where we going tonight I got a dress" Spike perked up "Can I see" he asked hopefully. Willow replied "No silly you have to wait". He groaned loudly and watched as his Willow and Cordelia headed up the stairs to get ready. Angel came out and sat with Spike "We better get ready too" he said and they went to their rooms to get ready. WHen Spike knoked on the door to his room Cordy and Willow said "Getting ready go away" so Spike went to the bathroom to get ready. He had bought a suit simple tux and put it on, it contrasted sharply with his blue eyes. When he was done Angel and he walked down the stairs to wait.

Willow slipped on the high heels and took Cordelias hand as they walked down the stairs. Spike saw Willow and he sood and stuttered he was actually speechless. "Red" he said "you look stunning, I mean bloody freakin fantastic". Cordelai was getting the same praise from ANgel and the two girls looked at each other and giggled. Spike wrapped his arm around Willow's waist and she snuggled closer. "Our cariarge awaits my lady" and as she walked outside a beautiful horse drawen carriage wwas really waiting. They helped each other up onto it and willow said "Spike where are we going this is so beautiful" he said "You'll see". They pulled up in front of a huge ballroom place and the girls gasped. "Charity ball we made donations" said Spike simply. Willow reached up and kissed him "I love you Spike" she said and he replyed "Love you too now let's bloody go inside". When they walked in all heads turned and the hot couples and Willow blushed deeply.

They spent the night dancing untill it was time to go then the carriage came back. On the ride home Willow after kissing Spike profously and saying thank you feel asleep in his embarce as did Cordelai in Angel's.When they got home Spike and Angel pikced up their women and carried them inside. Willow stirred as Spike walked up the stairs. He saw her and said "Shhhh go back to sleep luv we're home" She said "I thought we could have sex" Spikes jaw dropped he had never heard her be so blunt and she laughed out loud. "Well pet if that's what you want" and she said "That's what I want."

Willow woke up to feel Spikes arms draped around her waist he pulled her closer and said "so what was the count". She blushed he had made her keep count of her orgasams and she replyed "13" he said "we can do better tonight". She said "Spike it's monday you have to go get Giles" he said "after the ritual and all we can do it luv". He then asked "Are you nervous about tonight" she said " No really I'm not I just know it will work" she smiled and snuggled closer as they both drifted to sleep They woke to an insistent pounding on their door. Angel came in the room and said "The sun's down you two slept all day and Giles is here I went and go him". Willow and Spike got out of bed reluctently and got dressed. They met Giles down stairs and Willow ran to him and gave him a hug. He said "Well hello to you Willow" and as they prepared the room for the ritual they caught up. Spike, Willow, Cordy and Angel stepped into the circle. The ritual was actualy quite simple Giles had to chant while Willow drank of Spike and Cordy of Angel. They drank hungrily as the ritual went on then without warning a light envolped them as they all fell uncousious. They all woke at the same time Willow was the first to speak "It worked I feel it" Cordy nodded in agreement "So now your stuck with me love forever unless I get staked of coarse". Willow said "Don't say that" then they we're on the floor kissing  and moaning. Giles said "Uh I'll be in my room" and left the room.

Spike and Angel picked up their lovers and carried them to their rooms. Willow and Spike made love untill the sun came up and fell asleep in exshation. Willow woke up and saw Spike still asleep she kissed him all over his face and he woke quickly returning her kisses. He put his arms around her and held her close as they stared into each others eyes. Then  Willow saw that the curtain on the window had been nudged and a ray of sunlight was being cast on Spike's back. He was looking at willow when he felt a line of heat on his back. He turned to the window and saw the ray that had been on his back and relized he was in no pain.He slowly pulled back the lare curtain and stood in the sunlight. Willow was the first to break the silence "Spike your in the sun" she said stating the obvious. These images were in SPike's dreams seeing Willow in sunlight was a blessing she was beautiful. The sun played off her red hair and green eyes perfectly. Willow stared at her lover the sun shone on his face in pure perfection. She got out of the bed and walked up to him. He put his arms around her waist and kissed her fiercly she sighed in contempent. They opened all the curtains in the room and he made slow sweet love to her in th sunlight. He held her in his arms like he had so many times before but now it was different, better. Willow was amazed she knew they had to figure out what was going on and she never wanted to move it felt so safe there in his arms in the sunlight. They got out of bed taking turns in the shower and went downstairs.

Giles sat on the sofa and Angel was in the kitchen, Cordelia sat in a recliner. Willow came down the steps first and pulled the curtain farthest out of Angel's way back as Spike stepped into the sunlight. "Dear lord" said Giles as he stared at Spike Willow let the curtain fall back down and said"Giles what is going on".Angel stared at his childe in pure awe. Giles said "Well Willow I already know what this is I just didn't say anything about it". Willow said "Giles just spit it,cryptic guy is Angel's thing" Spike busted out laughing at her bluntness while Angel scowled. "Well Willow there is an effect with the spell I hate to admit I didn't think it applyed here the book says in a basic way that if the vampire's heart is true to the one they are trying to make immortal then the vampire will be granted immortality." You are still a vampire but now are immortal." Willow said "So that means Spike's heart is so true to me that now we're both immortal?". "Yes Willow that is the case". She stared at Spike he really loved her with his whole heart and now she had proff. She jumped into his waiting arms and kissed him over and over. "Willow" he said "I love you with all my heart" and she said the same. As much as they wanted to make love Angel still stood in silence and they knew it would hurt Cordy if they left. They stood there Spike's arms around her waist as he held her close and Cordy was first to break the tension. "So Angel could be immortal too then right?". "There's one way too find out" and Angel pulled the curtain back and also stood unharmed by the sun. She jumped into his arms and they kissed passionatly. Willow and Cordelia hugged tightly and squeled with happiness. They walked Giles to his car and said their goodbyes as he drove away from LA. Spike spoke up "I think me and Red have naughty things to do so we'll be going and Spike grabbed Willow's hand and said "I love you Red." "I love you too" was her reply before they were in a searing kiss.
