

E-mail: willownspike111@aol.com

Pairing: W/S A/C

Summary: Willow and Spike find true love in each other

Feedback: Yes please, this is my first story

Rating: R

'-' indicating thoughts


Spike watched the red-headed goddess he had grown to love. 'Bloody hell she's beautiful, don't fool yourself mate she has no interest in you'. Spike watched her as she continued to research the new baddy in Sunnyhell.

Buffy spoke "Hey Wills, do you think you could vamp-sit Spike so me and Riley can go out?"

Willow's eyes lit up, she'd never admit it but she'd grown to love Spike and knew he would never want her ,plain old Willow'.

"Yeah, sure Buff, I don't mind, but you owe me okay."

"You got it Wills", Buffy replied.

"Well", Giles said, "I think you all can go now. I have to go out and we will meet for research tomorrow at 8".

Everyone but Willow stood up to go.

"Hey Giles, Willow is taking my vamp-siting duty tonight." Giles just nodded. Ten minutes later Giles walked out the door leaving Willow and Spike alone.

Willow shut the book with a sigh of relief. None of her friends knew what she was going through, she was secretly going though some depression problems. She looked at Spike who sat watching the tell as he liked to call it. Willow knew he didn't know or care if she was there. Spike stole secret glances at Willow out of the corner of his eye, 'Bloody hell I'm already whipped, I am turning into that bloody poof'. He quickly turned away as Willow caught him looking. 'Oh goddess was Spike just looking at me , no he probably just heard a noise or something' Willow thought.

Spike decided he had had enough of hiding so he said "Hey Red".

Willow turned and looked at him and couldn't help noticing his god like body.

"Red, Red are you there?" Spike snapped his fingers.

"Uh uh yeah I mean yes."

"Do you wanna watch the telly with me, I think that's enough research for one night".

Willow blushed deeply "Uh yeah sure"

Spike could not miss the sudden pink hue her skin took on and felt his pants get considerably tighter. 'I wonder if she looks like that after a good shag,' Spike thought. But then Willow was at his side , she sat at the far end of the couch.

Spike spoke up "You know I won't bite, right?"

Willow diverted her attention from his body and said, "What, oh sorry okay" and she moved closer.

They sat in silence until Spike saw a tear glisten on her cheek. "Red what's wrong"

She looked up and said, "Oh just thinking about things."

"Red," he spoke again and she turned to him. "I know you're depressed", she looked up in surprise.

"How do you know? " she asked.

"You lost that fire in your eyes that's how," he replied coolly.

She let her eyes look deep into his blue ones and was shocked at what she saw there. His eyes held desire, passion and concern. Were these things for her? Before she had another thought his lips were on hers, he pulled back slightly to search her face for regret or fear, but she pulled him back into the kiss. He needed no more then that. He lifted her onto his lap and then pulled back at the remembrance of her need to breath but she was on his lips again within seconds. It was her to pull back next.

"Spike-" she began but he spoke before she could.

"Red, I love you," he said and tears filled Willows eyes. "Pet, I'm sorry."

Before Spike could go on she said, "Oh Spike I love you too".

This brought cold lips to hot ones like fire to ice and their tongues battled for attention. Willow pulled back and laid her head on his hard cold well muscled body and drifted to sleep. Spike not wanting to wake the red headed witch, lay very still and stared at the warm body laying on top of him. He finally had her and wouldn't let her go. He drifted to sleep with happiness he hadn't felt in decades. He woke Willow when he sensed the slayer approaching and she said, "Spike I'm ready to tell them.".

Buffy stormed in the door with Riley on her tails and stared at Willow in Spike's arms.

"Willow what the hell are you doing?"

Willow simply replied, "I love him.?

"Willow come on I'll walk you to the dorms before I patrol but don't act like you love him."

"I do Buffy, accept it."

"No I won't. On second thought I will. Willow just fuck this vampire until he leaves, I will be here when you come to your senses."

Willow looked up with tears in her eyes. "What," she stammered out, "I just realized I spend half my time protecting you and Xander so go on do what you want". Willow got up, pushed Buffy out of her way and stormed into the night. She waited until she was far away and let the tears fall.

Spike came up behind her and she turned into his embrace before her knees gave out. No one knew but Spike had a home, well a mansion more or less, so he decided to take her there. He picked her up easily and started carrying her to his home. She had her little arms wrapped around his neck like he was her life support and he vowed to kill the slayer for this. He walked into the mansion and up the stairs. He laid her in his bed and stripped before he crawled into bed with her and pulled the covers around them. The moment he lied down she was cuddled up to him in a deep sleep. He laid and watched her chest rise and fall as he killed 'Slutty' in his mind for hurting his Red. He finally drifted to sleep.

When he awoke Willow was still asleep so he went to the kitchen to get breakfast, his usual cup of blood. He thought to himself, 'how can Slutty be so bloody daft, when I get this chip removed...' He was dragged out of his thoughts by a screaming Willow.

Willow woke up in a strange bed. She didn't know where she was and she just dreamt that Buffy had staked Spike, so she did the first thing that came to mind. She started screaming the vampire's name at the top of her lungs while she sobbed.

Spike raced up the stairs where a sobbing Willow sat in the middle of the bed. He went to her and wrapped his arms around her. She got closer to him then thought humanly possible and sobbed till there were no more tears left, while Spike whispered reassuring words into her ear.

When Willow calmed down she told Spike about her dream of Buffy staking him and the thought of Slutty made his game face appear. He didn't realize it until Willow's small hands were rubbing the ridges. He slid back to his human face and turned away ashamed.

"Spike," Willow's small feminine voice said, "don't turn away. I love all of you, that includes your demon too". He looked at her and knew he had to claim her for eternity but knew he couldn't. He settled on kissing her passionately and she returned the kiss eagerly. They were brought out of their trance when Spike's phone rang.

"Spike," said the voice on the other line.

"What Peaches," Spike replied.

After a second Angel growled, "Do you have Willow?"

Spike felt his demon stir,"No I don't have her, she is here on her own free will."

"Spike, do you love her because I can sense feelings in you from here?"

"Yes you bloody poof I do and she loves me too."

"Well then you better come to LA with Willow discreetly because the Slayer's ready to kill you."

Spike said, "We'll be there," and hung up.

Willow had no problem going to LA. She could buy clothes when they got there Spike assured her and she would get to see Cordy whom she had secretly become friends with. So they got into Spike's car and headed off. She slept most the way with her head in Spikes lap and him stroking her hair soothingly. When they arrived Angel ushered them inside from the dark cold night. Cordy ran and gave Willow a big hug as soon as she stepped in the hotel, and to everyone's shock hugged Spike too..

"You better be good to her!"

Willow had e-mailed her about the fight with Buffy so she already knew. Spike grabbed Willow around the waist and pulled her close and she giggled softly.

"I always take care of what's mine" Spike growled.

Angel interrupted and asked worridly, "Spike have you claimed her yet?"

Willow looked confused.

"No you bloody poof I don't know if she's ready for that".

Angel only nodded surprised his childe was thinking about what Willow wanted.

"Claimed what's that mean?" Willow piped up.

"Don't worry love I'll tell you soon enough".

She nodded and knew she would look it up later to see what it was. Spike kissed her intensely and Cordy said, "Whoa it's hot over here:"

Angel and Spike walked off leaving Cordy and Willow alone.

"Well Cord how are you and Angel?"

"Good," she replied, "but lets talk about you and that hottie Spike. So," Cordy started. "Have ya, you know?"

Willow blushed deeply and shook her head no.

"Oh but you want to?" Willow shook her head yes and the girls started giggling. Angel and Spike walked into the room , they'd heard everything with vamp hearing and Spike was proud of his girl.

"What's so funny luv?" Spike asked.

"Oh nothing," Willow replied sending them into another fit of laughter. Spike and Angel looked at each other and thought 'we're whipped'. After more catching up and talking late into the night, they went to their rooms. Willow and Spike shared a room and were surprised at the huge king size bed in the middle of the room.

"So Red what do you wanna do while we're here?"

Willow eyed Spike and then said excitedly, "Oh my goddess the day after tomorrow is Valentines Day and I have a boyfriend... I never had a boyfriend on Valentines day!"

Spike's mouth dropped, he had totally forgotten about Valentines day.

"Red I have to get something, I will be right back, get ready for bed."

He walked over and kissed her seductively and walked across the hall. He knocked on Angel and Cordy's door.

"Peaches we need to talk," Spike shouted.

Angel walked out and closed the door behind him.

"We have to be quiet, Cordy just fell asleep." .

"Bloody good thing mate, write the girls a note, we have to go shopping. The day after tomorrow is Valentines day," Spike explained.

Angel's jaw dropped. "We better hurry." He wrote a note and they rushed into the night.

When they finally got back they hid all their things and went to their respected rooms with a nod. Spike shut the door as he walked into the room he looked down at his red. She was a vision her fiery red her spread around her head like a halo of fire, and her milky white skin was bared from the thigh down where her nightshirt had ridden. As Spike stripped down and slid into bed next to her she stirred.

"Where'd you go? Oh never mind, you're here now."

He put his arms around her and pulled her close as she drifted back to sleep. He fell into a contented sleep and when he awoke Willow was once again asleep. Spike got up to warm a mug of blood and when he got there Angel handed him an already heated mug.

"Thanks Peaches," Spike said as he accepted the mug. Then he heard Willow scream his name in fear and he ran to her. He ran to the bed and she wrapped her legs and arms around him and sobbed. When she quieted down with the help of Spike's soothing words she said, "I had that dream where she killed you again, I'm sorry I scared you... I just don't wanna lose you."

Angel stood by the door amazed by the love the couple exchanged with Cordy at his side he wrapped an arm around her waist as she said, "He really really loves her!"

"Shhh baby it's okay you won't lose me... I'll be with you forever I promise. Shhh baby, red, luv it's okay come here."

Spike tried to get off the bed but Willow stayed wrapped around him.

"Red you can let go." She wouldn't let go so Spike walked past Angel and Cordy and took her to the bathroom. Angel stared in awe at the love radiating from them.

Spike carried Willow to the bathroom where he again tried to put her down and she stayed attached.

"Red why won't you let me go?"

"You'll leave me."

He looked at her and saw she was serious.

"Willow," she looked up at him, "I am never ever going to leave you. I belong to you and love you with every ounce of my being."

"Then why haven't you claimed me,? she asked.

He was actually speechless. "Do you know what that is?"

"Yes," she said, "it means you mark me or bite me and then no one is ever allowed to touch me and all that good stuff!"

"Well luv I didn't know if you wanted that," he said, "and when I claim you I won't be able to live without you, if you get my drift."

"I do," she said, "but that can wait. Spike," Willow said, "I feel icky, can I get a shower?"

He nodded and started for the door. Willow turned with a seductive grin. "Who said you had to leave?"

The front of Spikes pants got a lot smaller. "Bloody hell, Red."

"Spike I think I should let you know I'm a virgin."

He looked up shocked. "Uh uh uh," he couldn't find words. "Are you sure you wanna do this Red?" She nodded and that's all he needed to know.

She caught his lips in a fiery kiss and lost herself in the moment. She pulled at his shirt as if it offended her and he slipped it over his head. She stared at his muscled hard body and moaned. He went to her and removed the only thing she had on, he took the nightshirt and threw it to the floor. He stepped back and said, "Beautiful, you are my fire goddess," and then he was on her.

Their lips locked, tongues in a duel for attention neither winning. He moved down her body and had his first taste of her core, she tasted so good and she moaned softly. He then teased her clit with his tongue and slipped two fingers into her hot tightness. He quickly led her to release.

"Spike, please I want you inside me!"

He positioned himself at her dripping entrance and caught her in a kiss. He entered her in one thrust so the pain was fast. She cried out in pain and he waited until she adjusted. Then he started to thrust slowly in and out. Her cries turned into moans of pleasure and she bucked her hips. He brought her near release and then claimed her and she came with him then when he pulled his fangs out she caught sight of his game face and tightened around him again and climaxed again.

Spike was actually shocked. "What the bloody hell was that red?"

"I, I, don't know I saw your game face and I just couldn't hold back. Oooh Spike I love you so much."

"I love you too Red, I love you too."

He then carried her into the shower and had to hold her up because of what they had just done. He washed her body and hair for her and then took her out. He grabbed a towel and dried every inch of her and had a hard time when he knew she had to recover. He told her to wait there so she sat down on the edge of the bath. Spike walked down stairs to find Cordy ignoring the fact he only had a towel around his waist. He saw Cordy with headphones on and he had to shake her for her attention. She looked up and then down at his towel and smiled.

"Willow needs some clothes, do you have any," Spike asked a little anoyed by her stares.

"Yeah," Cordy said and went to get her something. "Tell Willow I said you go girl and don't say this but you must have done something right I heard her down here!"

Spike smirked and went back to his red headed goddess.

She stayed seated and let him come to her. He dressed her easily and she tried to stand but in all seriousness could not. Spike got dressed and then went to her. He touched her neck where he had claimed her.


"Does that mean-"

"Yours, luv". He picked her up and headed down the stairs he laid her on the couch with Cordy who gave a knowing grin that made Willow blush deeply. Spike went into the kitchen not surprised to take the mug from Angel. Angel smiled at Spike a real smile and to his astonishment Angel hugged Spike.

"Good to have my childe here," he said.

"Thanks dad," said Spike with a broad grin and they went to face their women. Spike picked Willow up and deposited her into his lap were her arms wound around his neck. As she looked into his icy blue eyes they kissed passionately and stopped only because she had to breath. Cordy cleared her throat and grinned at them.

"Red, I am going to give you my credit card, it's unlimited so get all the things you want and since Cordy's gonna take you, you get what you want to Cordy."

"Well thank you Spike, I think I'll get you a bigger towel," she grinned at him in a silly way.

"Ha ha ha May Queen," Spike grumbled.

"Willow when you can stand we'll go," she said with a giggle and left the room.

Thirty minutes later Cordy said, "Wills you ready?"

Willow reluctantly unwrapped herself from Spike. "Yeah Cord, lets go."

Spike handed her the plastic and she kissed him and flounced away. He watched her go and sighed. Angel came into the room and sat next to Spike. He handed Spike a book who took it and read the thing Angel pointed at.

"Bloody hell mate this is bloody fantastic!"

"I know let's save it for after Valentines Day."

They both agreed and started planning.

"Spike I want to ask you something."

"Okay ask."

"Well me and Cordy wanna know if you wanna move in with us."

Spike stood frozen to the spot. "Are you bloody serious because yes it will get us away from that daft slayer."

"Well then you live here now Spike and so does Wills."

At that moment they forgave everything and hugged, when the girls walked in and Willow ran to Spike.

"I am so proud of you."

"Well what bloody for?"

"You guys made up. Awww Spike I love you."

"I love you too red but I have bloody good news this is our new home."

Willow and Cordy looked at each other and then ran to hug. They jumped up and down and giggled like crazy. Then they said in unison, "Boys. Bags. Garage. Now."

When they brought all the stuff in Angel and Spike looked horrified at the two girls.

"They were having sells Spiky, don't be mad, pleeease," pleaded Willow.

"I am not bloody mad just wanted to say there better be something in their for me."

"There is," and held up a Victoria's Secret bag. He instantly grabbed for it. "No Spike that's for later."

"So boys we're bored," said Cordy and Willow added, "we have new sexy clothes and we wanna go out."

Spike and Angel looked at each other. "Where do you wanna go?"

"Dancing," the girls replied, "and wear these, we got them for you."

Two hours later Angel and Spike waited for their women down stairs. Cordy walked down in a tight leather tank and matching pants, her hair was down and flowing.

"You look beautiful Cord."

"Yeah I know. . Well then, may I present the new and improved Willow Rosenberg!"

Willow walked down the stairs and stood waiting. Spikes mouth was in a comical O.

"Red you look hot come over here."

Looking him over, she said, "and don't I have a hot boyfriend, Cordy?"

"Hell yeah," Cordy replied.

Spike had on a form fitting pulover and tight black jeans. Willow was a vision, her hair was done up with small clips and she had on tight leather pants and a green halter, all fitting like a second skin. His arm around her waist possessively and Angels around Cordy's they left.

Willow and Spike lost their way from Angel and Cordy but weren't worried about it. They got a table with one chair because Willow insisted on sitting on Spike's lap although he didn't mind.

"Dance with me, Spike."

"Oh bloody hell red I can't dance."

"Come on Spike!" She put on her resolve face and he followed her to the middle of the floor. She moved up and down his body. Thank the goddess Cordy had showed her what to do and he pulled her close as they moved together as one. A crowd slowly gathered around them and then they were the only ones in the middle of the floor as everyone watched them move and sway. They didn't even notice it and kept going all night until Angel and Cordy pulled them outside.

"Geez did you see all the people staring at you guys. I didn't know it was humanly possible to get that close," Cordy mused.

Willow blushed a deep red and smiled.

"Where you learn to move like that red?" Spike asked and she and Cordy giggled. All she said was, "it's a gift that I have."

"Bloody hell I love you."

"Love you too, Spiky."

By the time they were home Willow was asleep as well as Cordy. they had carried their women home and now went to their rooms. Spike slowly pulled her clothes off and slipped her shirt over her head as she slept and then he stripped and got in next to her. She snuggled as close as she could in her sleep and he drifted of. Willow woke the next morning on Valentines day with Spike's arms wrapped around her, her hand drifted to his claim mark. 'Goddess she loved him.' And then she fell asleep again.

Spike and Angel were busy down stairs when she woke but she drifted off again. Spike put the last touches on his V-day surprise and went to wake Willow.

He kissed her awake. "Happy Valentines Day Red."

She threw her arms around him and hugged him tight. "I love you Spike."

"I love you too, now put something on that cute arse of yours."

She giggled and pulled sweats on. Cordy and Angel came to their door and Angel nodded at Spike silently.

They took the girls down stairs and then they smiled as the girls jumped up and down. They had shopped for clothes all night and gotten over 75 outfits the girls were the same size so it was pick and chose.

Willow went to Spike as tears formed and fell down her face"No one's ever spoiled me before like this goddess I love you more then you'll ever know." She kissed him long and hard.

Cordy and Willow spent 3 hours choosing and modeling for Spike and Angel and they didn't mind. Then when they were down Spike said, "Willow there's more come to the room with me."

So they each left the other couple and went to their rooms. Spike brought out several boxes. She opened one and inside was the newest laptop available for sell. She thanked and kissed Spike profusely. She missed her computer and now she had one for her new home. She went through the presents until she got to a small box. Inside was a choker with the words Willow and Spike on the inside and then it was adorned with emeralds and a willow tree and a spike.

She stared at it in awe. "No one had ever made such a gesture as this."

She put her arms and legs around him and kissed him saying I love you over and over again then they worshiped each other until the sun set and she fell asleep in his possessive embrace.

The End
