
Author: Awfully Nawty

Rating: NC-17

Pairing: Willow/Spike

Spoilers: None

Summary: What if instead of being addicted to magic, Willow had become addicted to something or someone else.

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Feedback: Please...please...please!

Authors Note: This is my first fic on this site.


~Part: 1~ Junkie

I'm not sure what it was that made me start doing it. I guess it was that I was just so broken and sad.  Oz had just left me.  Buffy was preoccupied with Riley and all things slayer related.   I was so angry not just with him but with myself.  I was so predictable, never taking a risk.  It was stupid and now I am being punished.

I was laying in the dark, stretched out on my bed, the feeling inside me so awful.  I was so filled with that black emptiness and self hatred. I wanted to be hurt. That must be why I just let him in.  I knew better, but when I heard the knock I just yelled for whoever it was to come in.  And he did, busting through the door that evil smirk on his face.  I jumped up off the bed as if I was surprised but I guess part of me wasn't.  I knew he was around, looking for Buffy.

He filled the whole doorway briefly before slamming it closed behind him.  Before I could even scream he was on me.  Squeezing one of my breasts roughly he banged me up against my window, his face vamping out.  I was terrified but at the same time it was so good to be touched, to be wanted.  His touch was like pure electricity shooting through my body. He was looking at me so hungrily.  Even as I tried to fight him I could feel my cunt getting wet.  It was so wrong to be aroused by him, his hard body sitting against me, holding me down.  I continued struggling, my thighs rubbing together.  Using his full weight to hold me down, he pressed against me, his hard cock pressed roughly into my stomach.  The more I struggled the harder he rubbed it against me.

I knew that I should have been too scared for my life to think, but I was shocked that his attack was so sexual.  Ours bodies shifted as he turned me trying to get a better grip on my body.  He finally settled pressing the lean full length of his body tightly against me, holding my arms over my head .  The weight of his body should have been frightening, my big Willow brain was screaming. All I could think about was his hard cock which was now pressing insistently against my mound. If I moved my hips slightly, I could grind his hard flesh against my swelling clit.

He finally had me completely pinned down.  He pressed his vamped face very close to mine. Then slowly starting at the top of my hair, he took several deep breaths smelling me.  Actually inhaling his way down to my neck where he stopped.  I was actually shaking with the anticipation of whatever he was going to do to me.  He was very still for several moments.  Then I felt the coolness of his mouth against my neck, licking and sucking at my pulse.  I couldn't believe how long he was delaying it.  For all he knew Buffy could come in at any minute, yet he was spending all this time playing with me. The truth was it didn't matter; she wasn't due home tonight at all.

I felt his fangs brush lightly against my throat.

"Spike, will it hurt?" I blurted out.  He paused and looked into my eyes, his face shifting human. "No luv," he said smiling and caressing my stomach gently.  "You'll never feel anything like it. It's like making love.  People get hooked on it all the time. "

I couldn't take my eyes off his mouth and the way it moved.  His hand was slowly moving down my pelvis. He looked at me wickedly before pressing his face against my stomach and inhaling deeply.   He growled quietly against me, the vibrations making me shudder. His other hand suddenly snaked up my inner thigh and rested against the damp crotch of my panties.

"Hmmn… Red", he said gesturing to my hair and then gently kissing my chin.  I couldn't hold in the moans any longer, my entire body was throbbing and I knew he could tell.  "Maybe we can come to …" he slipped his hand into my underwear and tore them off, "an arrangement that will…" and dipped two fingers into my wet flesh "satisfy us both."

I would have agreed to anything, I was moaning and shamelessly rubbing myself against him. Spike excited me like nothing I had ever imagined.  "Is that a yes luv" he whispered into my neck smirking wickedly.

"Yes…just don't kill me …and don't stop…please".  I could barely force the words out.  His fingers were like magic, touching and rubbing and caressing in ways that I had never even discovered. Years to develop technique I suppose.  I concentrated on opening my eyes and watching him. He was watching me with the most genuine interest I had ever seen, watching for my reactions to his different touches with intense fascination.  Why wasn't he biting me?

As if he could read my mind, he suddenly answered "I enjoy pleasing you. Plus the blood tastes so much sweeter after you've cum or even better when you're cumming. But we'll…explore all that later. "

In one swift movement, he slid himself between my parted thighs eying my sex hungrily.  "So…Red", this time gesturing at both the deep red curls covering my sex and the scarlet tone of my aroused flesh. "Are you gonna cum for Spike?"

I couldn't even answer before he parted the swollen folds of my cunt and buried his tongue inside me.   If there had ever been a moment when there was a chance that I wouldn't belong to Spike, it had passed. I couldn't even construct a complete thought.  My thighs were clamped impossibly tight around his head. His tongue was moving over my clit with lightning speed and someway at the same time he was also pulling and sucking my clit into his mouth. My hips were raised several inches off the bed bucking violently and somehow he continued his frenzied attack of my sex. I knew I was screaming too loud for the dorms and louder than I ever had in my life. My voice was unintelligible and sounded far away.

My body was complete out of my control, it felt like I was flailing around all directions and I didn't care. All I could focus on was Spike's mouth, as the climax washed over me. My body shook with violent spasms for what felt like an eternity further encouraged by his tireless tongue.  I came repeatedly screaming his name until I was hoarse and he continued prodding my flesh with his tongue, sending more tremors through my body until I blacked out.

When I woke several hours had passed. It all seemed far away like a dream.  Except that Spike was still there pressed against my back, holding me.  I tried to work my way out of his grip, but his arms were wrapped around my waist squeezing me like a vise. Finally I managed to squirm and twist until I was facing him, very aware of how snugly we were pressed against each other.  In spite of all my movement, he appeared to still be sleeping. Well actually he appeared to be dead. I assumed he was just asleep.

He seemed so much less threatening to me now. I'd never seen him up close before.  It's an amazing thing to see a vampire sleep. His skin was very cool and so pale it was almost translucent.  He was so still, no breath or pulse. His body was completely silent, beautifully frozen in time.  I examined him the best I could from the awkward position he held me in. His body was totally lean and muscular.  After looking over his body, I studied his face.  The expression was so serene and peaceful. For some reason that I can't put my finger on to this day, I felt safe. Like Spike would protect me from now on. He had shown affection for me in this little act. He hadn't taken any pleasure for himself and I knew that he had wanted to.  Even in all these hours that passed, I couldn't find any evidence that he had bitten me.

I wondered as I looked at his seemingly innocent face, what it was that he intended to do with me. I brushed his cheek lightly with my hand and he shifted into his demon face. Startled I snatched my hand away, but he didn't stir.  Without its normally accompanied scowl, even his demon face wasn't terribly frightening. After several minutes it passed back to his more human face and he remained silent and still.

About a half hour later his eyes just snapped open and his whole body came to life.  It scared the shit out of me and I must have jumped because he laughed saying, "And the beast awakens".  I wasn't sure how to respond to that so I just stayed quiet, unable to look away. After studying me for a few minutes, he deliberately pulled me just a little bit closer to him pressing his hard cock against my stomach. I could feel the familiar ache begin to grow inside me, instantly.

"Spike…" I started. Before I could continue he pressed his lips to mine silencing me.

"No talking tonight. After tonight you can decide." He said finally releasing me and stroking my hair. He appeared so serious, so genuine. I couldn't help just believing him. It was like a spell.

"Decide what?" I was more curious than afraid. Whatever the decision I knew I would agree. He had already promised not to kill me.

"Whether or not you want to belong to me." I opened my mouth to speak and again his gentle kisses silenced me. "Decide tomorrow when the rapture has worn off. It's the only way."

That was interesting and we would talk about this rapture more tomorrow, but something had just occurred to me.  He was climbing over me kissing me more and more deeply, but I needed him to stop.

"Spike", I said pressing both hands against his chest and pushing him away. He stopped, looking at me questioningly, his head cocked to one side.

"What's wrong? Second thoughts?"

"No Spike, I just need to know something." I pulled my self up forgetting my nudity until his gaze darkened hungrily roaming over my exposed breasts. "Spike" I snapped playfully reaching for a sheet to cover myself.  He snatched the sheet from me, leaving me completely exposed.

"Trust me Pet, you are much more likely to keep my attention if I can look at you," for a minute I was so enthralled by his naughty smile I completely lost my train of thought. While I stammered, he proceeded to pull the rest of the sheets out of my reach.

"Okay, that may be so but I find it much easier to have a conversation when people aren't naked."  He took a few steps back from bed dropping the blanket he had in his hands, so that he stood in front of me completely naked.  He grasped his now fully erect cock with one hand as his eyes roamed ravenously over my naked body.

"Does that mean that I should put this away?" He began stroking himself slowly and walking towards me.  That was it, the thoughts had all left my mind. He pounced on me, his hands caressing me everywhere.  I felt like I was floating, his lips pressed against mine until they were swollen and bruised. Then he began kissing down my neck slowly, pausing to inhale the scent of my throat.  His cock was thick and heavy against me, the swollen tip rubbing persistently against my pussy lips.  My hips were thrusting against him on their own.

"Hmmn…you smell so good Red.  I can't wait to taste you. Be inside of you." He was nuzzling my neck and biting my ear. "Are you ready luv?"  He continued working his mouth around my neck sending chills straight to my sex and making me sweat at the same time. He licked the perspiration from the side of my face in long slow strokes. "Tell me Red….Tell me what you want".

I wrapped my legs around his waist trying in vain to pull him closer, but he was immovable. Just teasing my opening, I couldn't say it. "Spike please…" I whimpered desperately.

"Not until I hear you say it." His voice was almost a growl. "Say it luv. Say you want Spike to fuck you. Don't be shy, not with me luv." His voice was becoming more and more urgent, "I have so much to teach you." His pressed himself against me harder allowing the tip of his cock to slip inside me for a second before slipping back out. I wanted it so badly I was nearly in tears.  "Willow…" he whispered, using my name for the first time. "Do you want my cock?" I nodded. "Then say it" he said gruffly.  He wrapped his hand around his erection and rested it between my pussy lips, sliding it slowly up and down the length of my slit. "Does that feel good?" I nodded. He continued stroking for a few moments and then stopped. I couldn't hold the tears back anymore.  "Say it luv," he cooed in my ear. "It will be so good for you. You can't even imagine the things that I can do to your body.  The things that I can make you feel. I just need to hear it luv."

He began to rub the wet tip of his cock against my slit again and bent sucking on each of my nipples. The sounds coming from me weren't even words, I was twisting and moaning.

"Spike…I…" I whispered desperately.

"Yes love…it's okay to say it." He whispered in my neck stroking me into a frenzy.

"Please… Spike…please fuck me." As soon as the words came out of my mouth, he was kissing me fiercely, his tongue searching my mouth and tugging on my lips. Our lips finally broke apart allowing me to breathe.  "Please Spike, now.  Fuck me now". It was much easier after the first time. He paused completely still for an instant searching my eyes.  I felt my face going scarlet, shy again under his gaze.

"Don't be shy Red, no one will ever know you as intimately as me." His words sent a tremor through my body, causing him to smile wickedly.  "It's going to be so good baby."

He leaned back on his knees and entered me in one fluid motion.  His cock was enormous inside me.  He remained still as I stretched around him getting used to his size. Reaching between us he began rubbing slow circles around my clit as I began to ride him slowly. He loomed over me holding down my hips and began to thrust into me from the most exquisite angle.  Each stroke rubbed his full length along my clit.  He drove into me with slow deliberate movements searching my eyes with each thrust.  "Do you like me inside you?" he whispered. "So warm, so tight."

I could tell he was getting close, his eyes were glowing yellow and he was growling deep in his throat.  And it was making me even hotter. I could feel the heat growing in my abdomen, radiating.  I could hear my own voice far away begging him to fuck me harder, telling him I never had it like this. Once again I had lost all control over my body. I was raising my hips to meet each of his thrusts as forcefully as he was driving into to me.

Suddenly he pressed his face very close to my neck inhaling deeply.  "I can smell your blood", he whispered as his face shifted.  "I need to taste you Red. Are you ready to give yourself to me?"  He was driving into me so deeply, sending waves of pleasure through my body like I'd never experienced in my life.  I would have given him anything. I nodded offering him my neck.  He looked at my neck hungrily, rubbing his fangs with his tongue and then shook his head. "No, the bite mark will be too easily seen there."

He thought for a moment before placing both of his arm under my back lifting me up against him. He bent his head down to my left breast, growling as he sunk his fangs into my soft flesh. He thrust into me faster and faster.  I was barely aware of fangs breaking my skin, only the orgasm that slammed my body the moment he began to drink from me. My body was enveloped in the purest ecstasy, my orgasm just continued in waves over my body for several minutes.  Several minutes later, I felt him releasing me.  Slowly the world came back into focus. I couldn't even speak.

I just curled into Spike's embrace and let sleep take me. As I was drifting, I heard Spike whispering to me, "Tomorrow when the rapture has worn off, if you still want to be my pet, then you come to me of your own free will and give yourself to me."

When I woke the next morning he was gone and I was overcome with the most intense sadness and longing to be with him.  So that night, I went to him and gave myself to him. Every night I lay in my bed and I wait for him.  Sometimes, when the night seems too far away, I even sneak there during the day.  I can't even feel normal without it. I am Spike's slave. His pet.  And a junkie.

~Part: 2~ Changes

They say that it is unique for a person to be totally aware of the moment that their life changes. I guess I am unique. I never considered myself unique before.  Not even for a second, until he chose me.  In that moment when he chose me I became someone new; someone unique.

I woke up that next morning in my empty bed, my body sore in places that never even been touched before him.  As soon as I moved, the thought occurred to me that I would have to wait until that night to see him again. I would have to go to classes and be regular Willow.

I drifted through my classes, only wanting it to be sundown.  I didn't process or hear anything outside myself.  Throughout the day I would find my hand had wandered under my shirt stroking my scar, where he had marked me. I ran my fingers gently over the bite mark, waves of pleasure radiating from it with every touch.

After school I went into town and spent $400.00 in one of those Cordelia type shops.   It had those fancy dressing rooms with soft pink carpeting and upholstered chairs.  I stripped completely naked in front of the full length mirror, examining my body with a new found curiosity and excitement.  Alone for the first time, I wanted to see what he saw when he looked at me and touch all the places where he touched me.  It was all very unlike the old Willow.

I inspected my breasts, the way they swelled from my chest and curved softly. I cupped them feeling the smoothness of my skin and tugging on my stiff rosy nipples.  Every action increased the excitement. For the first time I felt completely free touch my body and just enjoy it.  In the mirror I could see the red flush spreading from my chest up my throat into my face.  I brushed my fingertips over my little wound, where he had sunk his teeth into me.  I closed my eyes remembering the complete ecstasy I had felt when he bit me.

I looked at my reflection again this time letting my eyes wander down to the triangle of dark red hair between my legs.  I lifted my leg slightly resting it on a nearby chair and giving me full view of myself for the first time.   I tentatively parted my damp curls, examining the swollen flesh inside.  I was surprised at how pink I was inside. I could see the moisture collecting in all my folds, the warm smell of my arousal filling the room. With two fingers I began to stroke myself. First the inner lips sliding my fingers down into my slippery hole and spreading my moisture all over the swollen cunt.  It felt like a fire growing between my legs.  With my fingers I found my swollen nub and began to rub small circles around it until my legs shook.  I knew I was moaning quietly, but all I cared about was finding my release. I closed my eyes imagining Spike and all the things he did to me, the sensation of his superhuman tongue stroking and pulling at my clit.  I felt my climax coming fast, like a tidal wave. I gripped the wall shuddering and shaking through my orgasm.

I collapsed into the chair catching my breath.

I dressed in the clothes I bought and examined myself in the mirror.  It was so odd to see my body in these clothes. I didn't recognize the woman looking back at me.  My skin looked so pale against the new black lacy lingerie I had picked. I had chosen a slinky black dress with high slits up each side and strappy 3 inch heels. I gave me such a thrill to know that Spike would see me dressed this way.

"No one will ever know you as intimately as me." His words gave me chills.

When I got out of the dressing room, I could see the sun orange and low in the sky.  It felt funny to be walking around outside in front of people in my new outfit. I pulled my long coat over it covering myself.  While the sales girl packed up the things that I had purchased for next time, I nervously scribbled my name on the credit card slip.  I felt the slightest twinge of guilt as she checked the signature on the back of my credit card.  For emergencies only Willow, my parents had said. I had never used it before tonight.

I put my make up on in the car and drove to the cemetery.

I walked though the grayness of the cemetery as I had been aching to all day. As I clutched my coat tighter around myself, a wave of uncertainty came over me. What was I doing? What if he didn't want me? For an instant I became the old Willow again; unsure of myself.  I suddenly felt silly, all made up and in my sexy dress that I had bought just for him.  This was wrong! I stood frozen in my insecurity.

And then I saw him.

He was standing maybe 50 feet away from me and indescribably beautiful.  I felt a rush of excitement as I walked toward him and I could feel him looking me over.  He seemed pleased and he hadn't even seen me without the coat yet.

"Willow, look out."  A chorus of voices rang out behind me.  I turned in the direction of the voices and saw Buffy and Xander racing towards me.  Before I could look for myself I could feel myself being grabbed from behind. Whatever was holding me was BIG and lifting me off the ground.  It wasn't alone. I could gear the sounds of Buffy and Xander fighting and calling my name as it carried me away.  The reality struck me, I was being kidnapped!  I started desperately to fight it, kicking and punching at it. Its iron grip was inescapable and the sounds of Buffy and Xander were getting further and further away.  The thing silently carried me deeper and deeper into the cemetery.

I closed my eyes dizzy from the motion. My mind was racing. What was this thing that had me? Where was it taking me? What was it going to do to me? Where was Spike? He had been there, I was sure that I had seen him.  I tried opening my eyes again to see where I was, but it was moving to fast and I couldn't focus on anything. I was starting to feel lightheaded and my heartbeat was suddenly pounding very loud inside my head.  Everything around me went dim and I fought not to lose consciousness.  The last image I held in my mind before I passed out was of him, dressed in all black, his eyes blue and shining in the moonlight.

As I drifted into the blackness I had one desperate whisper of a thought.

Spike find me!

