Never Ever

Author: Bella Donna


Feedback: On list or privately.

Pairing: Willow/Spike

Rating: PG

Summary: Willow makes a realization.

Spoilers: None, really.

Timeframe: mid-season 4.

Warnings: None

Notes: I'm figuring "OOMM" wasn't the first time Spike dreamt about Buffy, it was just the first time he remembered it (especially with that spell in "Something Blue").

Distribution: Near Her Always, Rapture, WillSpikeFic, Willow_Vampires, and spike-n-willow-fic mailing lists. Anyone else just get in touch and I'll give you permission to archive the fic at your site.

Beta Reader Thanks: Thanks once more to Kaz for the beta.

Disclaimer: These characters and their universe are owned by Mutant Enemy, Inc. and Fox Television. I make no claim to anything but my own writing.


Willow looked up from The Compendium of Demons, Volume 2 as she heard Spike stirring on Giles' couch. The sleeping vampire had rolled over so he was more on his side, giving Willow a good view of him. Goddess, but he really was gorgeous, she decided. Her eyes drank in the ruffled blonde hair, the handsome face, the well-muscled lines of his arms, chest, and legs. Giving him another once over, she also noted the prominent bulge in his jeans and decided that whatever he was dreaming about was making him *very* happy. Cheeks coloring, Willow turned away and went back to her book, vowing not to spend so much free time around Giles' apartment anymore. This weird curiosity she had about Spike was not good. Sometimes, though, she wondered if that curiosity might in fact be mutual.

"Mmm..." Spike murmured, distracting her. "Willow," she heard him moan softly.

Willow blinked. What? Huh? Had she heard that correctly?

"Slayer." The word was a caress, said completely devoid of Spike's usual disdain and scorn.

Of course she hadn't heard correctly. Xander, Angel, Riley, now Spike, and even Giles in a way - it was *always* Buffy with men. It was never her, and it never would be her.

Never ever.

Willow swallowed the lump in her throat with resignation and went back to her research.

