AUTHOR: Celeste
PART: 4/5
CLASSIFICATION: W/S, A/C (slight W/C, A/S, W/A, and C/S leading up to
DISCLAIMER: All characters are property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, the
WB, etc.
FEEDBACK: Please. I'm new to this.
DEDICATION: To everyone that's sent me feedback encouraging me to continue.
I appreciate it! Nutmeg- I hope you like the Spike-slappage!! :-P
NOTES: Ooh, only one part to go... Happy New Year, all!

Angel and Spike, pulled back into the real world by the sound of the door
slamming shut, separated to face the noise. All four people's mouths dropped
open. Willow and Cordy were shocked to see Spike in L.A., making out like a
teenager with Angel no less. Angel and Spike's eyes bulged out of their
sockets at the sight of Willow in her very non-Willowy outfit. She noticed
their scrutiny and struck a model's pose. "Like?" She asked, sarcastically.

Angel could do nothing but nod. However, Spike's protective influences
kicked in. He stood up painfully and grabbed a blanket from off the couch.
He walked over to the girls and wrapped the blanket around Willow. Willow
batted him away. "What are you doing?"

"Covering you up, Pet. In case you haven't noticed, you're practically

"Yeah," said Willow defiantly, "and in case you haven't noticed, that's my
prerogative. I could walk around fucking naked and you couldn't do a damn
thing about it." She was angry. Very, very angry. She freed one of her hands
and before she could stop herself she slapped him across the cheek. Hard.
The sound resonated through the entire room, and Spike's cheek stung from
the blow. He stood immobile in shock.

Cordy stepped in. "You listen here, Spike. She looks hot in that outfit,
don't you try to deny it. Just because you're jealous or protective or
whatever doesn't give her any less right to be wearing it. It's not really
her fault that you don't have the balls to ask her out, now is it??!!"

Willow took advantage of the distraction to run from the living room to the
bathroom, where she slammed and locked the door, sniffling. Spike looked at
his sire and then the brunette, bewildered by the events that had just taken
place so very quickly. Angel nodded in the direction Willow had taken. "Go,"
he said simply.

Cordy grabbed the collar of Spike's duster and hauled herself up to be
eye-to-eye with him. "Go," she hissed, "but you've got fair warning- if you
hurt her, I'll dust you myself." Spike nodded, his jeans tightening again in
response to the proximity of the gorgeous girl. She pushed him suddenly and
he went stumbling backwards before recovering and taking the direction
Willow had gone.

Cordy sauntered over to where Angel was sitting.  She placed herself in his
lap gently. He wrapped his arms around her and, running purely on his lust,
leaned forward and buried his face in her neck. She smiled as she shoved him
away. "You've been a very naughty boy, Angel," she purred. She wasn't mad at
him, not really. Who could blame him for being attracted to Spike? Certainly
not she, as she shared the same attraction. Besides, it wasn't like she
hadn't spent the whole morning lusting after Willow. Now, she was just plain
horny, and Angel was currently available for a good fuck.

"Yes," he managed to acknowledge.

"Mistress is going to punish you."

Angel gulped. With two sentences she managed to reduce Angel to Spike's
level- horny and in trouble.

Cordy got up and pulled Angel with her. "Bedroom," she commanded, "now," and
Angel followed obediently.

Willow sat on the toilet and sobbed quietly. Next to her a tissue was lifted
out of the box and used to blot the tears that were running down her face.
"Thanks, Dennis," Willow choked out. She felt the presence of a hand rubbing
her back gently. She smiled slightly but continued to cry.

"I shouldn't let him do this to me, Dennis. I don't know.." she sniffled and
then broke into a fresh round of tears. Dennis filled a plastic cup with
water and got a bottle of Tylenol out of the closet. He handed it to the
girl, who promptly shook out two pills and swallowed them, feeling the
headache coming on already.

BANG, BANG, BANG. The door made a phenomenal amount of noise as Spike
pounded on it. Willow groaned and clutched her head. "Open this door right
now, Willow."

"Go to hell," she shouted.

Spike continued to beat on the door. "Luv, I'm begging you. I need to talk
to you. C'mmon."

Willow refused to budge. "There's nothing to talk about. I hate you, Spike."

"You can't mean that, Red. I know you don't. Please, just let me in so I can
talk to you."

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" She shouted. She dropped her head into her lap and and
resumed her sobbing.

Dennis looked at the obviously distraught girl for a moment before turning
to the rattling door. He considered his options for a moment. They were both
in love with each other, that much was obvious. They would get together,
this was a given, it was just a matter of a little.. push. Dennis made his
way over to the door, which he unlocked quietly. Spike, resolved to break
the door down if need be, grabbed the knob and twisted. He was surprised at
how easily it turned. He pulled the door open and jumped into the bathroom
before Willow even knew that the door was unlocked. Dennis slammed the door
shut and locked it from the outside, capturing the two lovebirds on the
inside. Willow shoved past Spike and ran to the door, kicking and sobbing
when it refused to yield. "WHAT THE FUCK?"

"My guess would be Dennis, luv," said Spike.

Willow's eyes widened in rage. "YOU'D BETTER WATCH OUT, YOU STUPID GHOST!!"
She screamed, ensuring Dennis heard, "I'M GOING TO FUCKING EXORCISE YOU THE
SECOND I GET OUT OF HERE." She kicked a few more times before determining
her efforts to be futile. She turned back to Spike, who had his arms crossed
over his chest. The smug look on his face alone sent Willow hunting for a

"Guess you're stuck with me, pet," he smirked.

"Guess you're stuck with me, pet," she mimicked. "Bet you can't resist my
hot sexy body. Bet you fuck me before Dennis lets you out." Her imitation of
a British accent was very good. "That'll be just one more fuck under my
belt. Yep, I'm William the Bloody, wanna know why my nickname is Spike?
You'll just have to find out!" She turned to him, eyes flashing. "I'm so
sick of you, Spike. So sick and tired of your stupid mind games. I'm just
another conquest to you, is that it? Well," she threw up her hands. "You got
me. C'mmon. Fuck me. You know you want to. This way you can go brag to all
you friends."

Spike's smirk fell from his face. "Pet," he said softly, "that's not what
this is. I thought you would know that." His eyes reflected hurt, and she
almost felt guilty.

"Spike," she managed to keep her voice somewhat even, "let me ask you a
question. Do you love me?"

He nodded. "Yes, with all my heart," he answered truthfully.

"Oh," she said quietly, then, voice raising, "Oh. You have a really fucked
up way of showing it, you know." She began to giggle and then full-fledge
laugh. It wasn't her normal laugh, though. She was hysterical.

"Luv," he walked to her and she allowed him to take her in his arms. She
shook slightly. "I know. I just. I don't know."

"You drive me crazy," Willow informed him with a giggle. "You mess up my
house. You interrupt my me time. You leave on a regular basis to fuck
Harmony. You revive your relationship with your sire, then decide to get all
possessive with me! Then you tell me that you love me and expect me to fall
to your feet and beg you to take me. I love you Spike, but I don't like
emotional roller coasters. And right now, we're definitely riding an
emotional roller coaster."

Spike sat down on the floor and urged the girl to do the same. She did so,
resting her head on his chest and sighing. He wrapped his arms around her.
"There are a lot of things. I'm a complicated kind of guy, Red. The
interruptions and the mess? That's kind of my way of getting you to notice

Willow giggled. "Believe me, I noticed you. You can stop with that."

He chuckled. "I guess I can. Concerning Harmony- what can I say? I'm a horny
guy, and a vampire to boot. It was either Harmony or throw you to the floor
and ravish until you couldn't move for weeks."

Willow took his hand. "All you had to do was ask.." She trailed off,

He had to smile at her innocence. It was so very endearing. "As for my sire-
well, we do have a very physical relationship, as all vampires do with their
sires, and I hope that you can accept that. In case you were wondering what
was going on today- well, I'll admit, he got me aroused. Really aroused.
With fantasies about you."

"About.. me??" squeaked Willow. She felt a tingling in the pit of her

Spike smirked at the redhead resting on his chest. "So, Red, what's arousing
you? The thought of me with my sire or the thought of me with my sire
getting hot thinking about you." Seeing she was about to protest, he added,
"truthfully, pet. I'll know if you lie."

"I guess.. both."

He nodded. "I figured as much, which is where my protective side comes in.
Luv, I'm a vampire, so naturally I don't want to share what I consider to be
mine with anyone."

"You consider me to be yours?" Willow asked. Spike nodded. "I don't know
whether to be touched or royally pissed off." Her brow creased in confusion.
"It's not like I went parading down the streets of L.A. looking like this,"
she said, gesturing to her outfit. "It was just us, you and me and Angel and

He nodded. "Yeah, and both Cordy and Peaches have serious hots for you."

She blushed. "What? They do not." She swallowed heavily.

"Oh, believe me pet, they do!!"

"They do?? Like, really?"

"Both of them. And I guess I didn't like the idea of having to share."

"Wow. This is a lot to absorb."

"I imagine that it is. Tell me, Red, how do you feel about them?"

"What? I don't.. I don't know."

"My sire. Are you attracted to him?" He questioned.

"I guess."

"And Cordelia?"

"Yes.." she whispered, her face flooding with shame. "Am I some kind of
horny slut?"

He chuckled and held her tightly. "No, not you. Never. And I promise that
we'll work this out."

"Thank you, Spike," she whispered against his chest.

"So we're okay?" He asked.

"Yeah," she grinned up at him, "we're okay."

"That's really good to hear," he grinned back, leaning down and capturing
her soft lips in his own. "I love you, Willow."

"I love you too."
