Title: Saturday Morning
Author: Challie B
Email: challieb@hotmail.com
Pairing: W/A/S
Rating: PG-16-R (for a little bit of language)
Disclaimer: Joss owns all things Buffy and Smurfs belong to whoever they belong to.
Distribution: Got my stuff take it. If not, take it and tell me.
Summery: read the title
Feedback: I won't write if no one is reading it and enjoying it.
Author's Notes: Takes place in my LA Willow-verse. I've got tons of ideas for short stories in this setting.


Part 1

"Cordelia?" Angel was surprised to see the tall brunette standing at his door at seven on a Saturday morning. <In her pajamas?> "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Her long dark hair was pulled high on her head in a loose ponytail. "Can I come in?"

"Yeah, sure." He stepped aside to allow her to enter. He closed the door. "Cordelia. I don't mean to sound rude, but...what are you doing here in your pjs?"

"Willow invited me. She said you were making breakfast."

Willow looked up from her spot on the floor. "Hey, Cordy. Come on in."

Cordy walked into the living room and sprawled out on the floor next to Willow. She glanced up at the TV set. "Oh, Cartoon Network. When did Angel get cable? Or a TV for that matter?"

Willow leaned against the peroxide blonde reclining beside her. "You think Spike can survive without his soap opera?"

He reached out and tugged a lock of her red hair. "Hey, leave my stories alone."

Angel watched the three of them interact. With a chuckle he returned to the kitchen to finish breakfast.

"What's Angel making, anyway?" Cordy asked.

With a huge grin on her face she whispered, "Waffles. From scratch."



Angel took the platter of freshly made waffles from the oven and set it on the table. "Breakfast is ready," he called.

Spike was the first one to round the corner pushing Willow and Cordelia out of the way. Angel kept out of the way leaning against the sink.

"Hey!" Cordy protested. "I thought you were on a liquid diet?"

"Are you kidding? He eats as much as Xander," Willow said as she grabbed a plate.

Spike snagged three pieces onto his plate. "What can I say? Peaches is a good cook." He kissed Angel's cheek as he rounded the table.

"That he is," Willow said as she followed suit by placing a kiss on his lips.

"I'll make it unanimous," Cordy agreed. She shocked Angel by bussing him on the opposite cheek.

Angel rolled his eyes and shook his head. He waited until everyone had finished garnishing their breakfast with fruit, syrup and whipped cream. On the way out of the kitchen Cordy and Willow picked up the mugs of coffee Angel had prepared for them. Spike took the mug of blood that was waiting for him.

Angel prepared the last remaining waffle they had left him. Grabbing his own breakfast drink he joined the others in front of the television.

The trio sat back against the couch on the floor. They had pulled the coffee table up to them. Three pairs of feet stuck out the other side. Cordy had removed her sneakers and she sat wiggling her perfectly painted toe nails as she chewed. Willow wore bright pink socks and played footsie with Spike's bunny slippers. Willow wouldn't tell them where she had found them, but she had bought all of them a pair of fuzzy white bunny slippers. She'd even drawn fangs on Spike's and Angel's with a black marker.

"Angel, this is so good," Cordy moaned as she took another bite.

"Good enough to clean up the kitchen?" he asked.

"Sure. Oh, look. Smurfs. I haven't seen them in ages," she cried as she pointed at the screen. Her ponytail bounced excitedly.

"I like that Smurfette chit," Spike said as he shoveled another forkful of his syrupy waffle.

"You would," Willow replied as she licked her fork clean.

"What do you mean?"

"She's a big ho," Cordy answered for her friend.

Angel's curiosity got the better of him. He knew about the little blue cartoon characters because Spike and Willow watched them every Saturday morning. "How do you figure?" he asked.

Cordy looked at her boss. "Oh, come on. One female in a village of a hundred horny guys. She's probably got a revolving door on her mushroom."

Willow leaned closer to Cordy. "Gives new meaning to the term blue balls, doesn't it?"

Angel almost spit out the blood he'd just put in his mouth.

Cordy and Willow fell against each other giggling. "Unless they're all gay. Then she's the most frustrated Smurf in Smurfdom," Willow amended.

"Not if she got Handy Smurf to build her a vibrator," Cordy giggled back.

Spike and Angel watched and listened as Cordy and Willow debated over the sexual function or dysfunction of all the Smurfs.

"What about Hefty?" Willow asked.

"He's got a small penis. Even for a Smurf. Really, Will. You think he'd be all "I'm so strong. Look at me lift this big pebble, if he didn't. Compensation."

After about an hour, Angel and Spike learned that Papa Smurf had erectile dysfunction. Vanity was a closet drag queen. Handy was the village sex toy manufacturer. And Clumsy was probably hung for a Smurf since he was always tripping on something he must be over balanced somehow.

"I am never watching this show again," Spike grumbled as he took his plate into the kitchen.

"Prude," Cordy called after him. "Willow, this has been the best Saturday morning ever. Thanks for inviting me over."

"You can come over whenever you want, Cordy," she said as she started gathering the remaining dishes to take into the kitchen.

"As long as she calls first," Spike called from the kitchen. "Wouldn't want her to walk in at the wrong time."

"Eww. Don't worry. I'll definitely call."

Together they cleaned the kitchen while Angel watched TV. <Wonder what the two of them would think up for the Super Friends,> he thought as he watched the cartoon Superman fly across the screen.

