Title: The Two Faces of Willow
Author: Challie B (challieb_0730@yahoo.com)
Summery: Sequel to Willow Interrupted
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: They all belong to me.   Yeah, and they'll
let me out of the mental hospital any day now.
Distribution: Dangerous Innocence.
Feedback: Yes, yes, yes.

To everyone who missed me while I was gone.

Part 11

Willow groaned as she swallowed the last morsel of
chicken chow mien.  She flopped back into her chair
and rubbed her full belly.  "I think I ate too much,"
she sighed.

"No one forced you too eat it all," Lindsey said with
a chuckle as he cleared the table.

"Oh, shut up.  You'd pig out too if all you had to eat
for the last week was oatmeal," she tossed back.

"You're probably right," he agreed. "Why don't you go
have a cigarette while I clean up?"

She grinned.  "That sounds like a plan."

Willow ran back to her bedroom for her pack of smokes.
 Her eyes were drawn to the shopping bag sitting on
her bed.  She thought she had put it in the closet
before dinner.  Curious she took a step closer to the
bed and she saw the clothes she'd stuffed into the
dresser drawers.  "I know I put those away," she

"Yes, you did, pet, but I packed them up again."  She
froze; afraid she was experiencing auditory
hallucinations.  Spike noticed her back stiffen at
sound of his voice.  *Does she hate me because I was
unable to protect her like I promised?* he wondered.

Her vision blurred as she turned around.  She reached
out a tentative hand.  Her fingertips remained a
hair's breath away from his lean chest.  Gathering her
courage and hope she straightened her elbow and her
palm curved against his strong pectoral muscle.  With
a squeal of delight, she threw herself at him.  Her
arms squeezed around his neck as she wrapped her legs
around his narrow waist.

Spike staggered back a step at her unexpected weight.
Regaining his balance he held her close.  "Miss me did
ya?" he teased.

Willow lifted her face from the crook of his neck. She
reached up and played with his tousled curls.  "Not a
bit.  Didn't even know you were gone," she teased

He cupped the back of her head and covered her smart
mouth with his.  It felt like coming home after an
endless crusade.

As his tongue swept across and finally parted her
lips, Willow felt safe again.  She knew that
everything was going to be okay.

Lindsey wiped down the counter with a damp sponge.
Tossing it in the sink he wondered where Willow had
disappeared to.  He went in search of her.  Outside
her bedroom door he heard a groan.  Lindsey pushed the
door open.

His blue eyes widened as the found the red head
pressed against the wall with the bleach blonde
vampire attached to her lips.  He wasn't surprised to
find him there, but passion they displayed electrified
the room.  Lindsey said nothing as they continued
their heated embrace.  He felt only a slight
embarrassment at being a voyeur.  When his own body
began to respond to his private show, he knew he had
to interrupt them.  "I didn't realize we were having
company," he said.

Unfortunately, this did not faze the couple.  He
watched Spike slide his hands under Willow's thighs
and grind himself against her.  Lindsey tapped him on
the shoulder as he cleared his throat loudly.

Spike felt the hand on his shoulder.  He didn't like
the interruption and glared at the intruder over his

Lindsey jumped back when the vampire expressed his
displeasure in full game face.  "Sorry to interrupt,"
he gulped.

"Then don't," Spike snarled.

Willow gulped for air as she curled her fingers into
Spike's solid shoulders.  "Lindsey," she said.  "Look
who stopped by."

"I see," he said.  He glanced at the shopping bag on
the bed.  "Come to collect her all ready?"

Spike let the red head's feet drop to the ground, but
still held her close.  "Yes, I am."

"Good.  You'd better get going then.  If I know
Wolfram and Hart, they will have the house rigged for
silent alarms.  Including vampire alarms," he advised.

"Oh, you'd better hurry up and pack you bags," Willow
said.  Spike and Lindsey stared at her in shock.

"You want him to come with us?" Spike asked.

"Well, sure.  Why not?"

"Do you know who he is?  Who he works for?"

"I was declared insane, not stupid," she answered.

"He's right, Willow.  I'm not a nice man.  And I work
for a lot of powerful not nice people," Lindsey

Willow released an exasperated sigh.  "So what?  It's
not like you haven't tried to kill me and my friends a
time or two, Spike," she said poking him in the chest.
 "Besides, Lindsey, if it wasn't for you I'd be under
Lilah's care or completely bonkers or both.  Wolfram
and Hart are basically of the black hat set, right?"

Lindsey stared at her vaguely confused until he
realized she meant Wolfram and Hart were the bad guys.
 "Doesn't get much blacker."

"So they'll figure out that you helped Spike and Angel
save me, right?"


"Then they'll kill you, right?"

"Most likely worse."

"So go get your stuff," she said with a wave of her

Spike could only groan and roll his eyes at her
resolve face.  "Hurry up," he grumbled.  "Angel's
going to stake me for this."

Willow kissed him on the chin.  "I'll protect you."

"You'd better," he said as he hugged her close.

Angel glanced at his watch.  "Where the hell is he?"
he asked.

"I don't know, but he'd better hurry up.  A black man
sitting in a parked car in the middle of the night
tends to make suburban people a little nervous," Gunn

The dark vampire peered through the back window in
case they came from behind.  "What's he doing here?"

"Who?" He turned to look and was surprised to see
Lindsey accompanying Spike and Willow.  "Looks like
he's going on a trip."

When the trio reached the car Angel stepped out and
grabbed the lawyer by the throat.  He slammed him
against the trunk of the car.  "Looking to loose the
other hand?"

"Angel, knock it off," Willow demanded as she tried to
pry his fingers from his throat.  "Angel!"

He looked at the red head he hadn't seen in over two
years.  "Do you know who he is?  Who he works for?"

"She was declared insane, not stupid, Peaches," Spike
said as he lit a cigarette.

"Don't try and tell me people can't change, Angelus,"
she said.  Her green eyes begged him to release

"Fine," he growled as he unwrapped his fingers from
his enemy's throat.  "But I'm warning you, Lindsey,
I'm keeping my eye on you."

"Noted," he gasped as he sucked air into his starved

"Lindsey, are you okay?"  Willow asked as she placed
an arm around his shoulders.

"Guys," Gunn said from behind the wheel.

"I'm fine, Willow. Don't worry about me."

"Uh, guys."

She smiled at him.  "I'm a natural worrier."

"Hey!  Guys!" Gunn yelled.

Angel stooped down to look at Gunn through the car
window.  "What?"   He saw the young black man pointing
through the windshield.  Angel noticed a van sitting
at the end of the street with the headlights off and
the engine revving.  He opened the door to push Spike
and Willow into the back seat.  He gave Lindsey a
warning look before shoving him in after Willow.  Gunn
had the car in reverse before Angel could close the

Willow stared at the man behind the wheel.  "Aren't
you the delivery guy?" she asked.

"Yeah, but I drive get away cars part time," he said
with a grin.  "The name's Gunn."

"Willow," she replied.

"I know.  I've had to listen to blondie here weep and
moan about you twenty-four seven."

She looked up at the man who had his arms firmly
wrapped around her.  "Have you really?"

Spike appeared slightly uncomfortable.  "I haven't
been weeping," he grumbled.  "All the time," he added
with a kiss to her forehead.

She snuggled into his chest with a sigh.  "Remind me
to ask you what happened to your face later."

"I'll put that on the top of my list," he said.

Gunn was able to find a wide spot in the road to spin
the car around.  "Maybe you'd better call her highness
and four-eyes.  Let them know what's going on," he

Angel removed the cell phone from the glove
compartment and dialed.  "Wesley.  It's me.  We're on
our way back. Wolfram and Hart know we've got Willow.
They may be headed to the hotel.  Figures.  Watch
yourselves."  He disconnected the call and tossed the
electronic demon spawn back in the glove box.
"Holland is already there," he said as he moved the
review mirror to look behind them.

Gunn jerked the mirror back in place.  "I'm kind of
using that at the moment, if you don't mind," he

"Can you loose them, Gunn?"

"Gee, that would be a great idea.  Why didn't I think
of it?" he asked sardonically.  "Oh, yeah.  I did."

"Why bother if Holland is already there," Lindsey

Willow nudged him in the leg with her foot.  "Don't be
a spoil sport.  Let them have their car chase," she

Angel smiled at her.  "It's good to have you back,

"It's good to be back, Angel."

Wesley replaced the receiver and winced as the gun
barrel dug into the back of his neck.  "They're on
their way back," he said.

"Good," Holland said with an easy grin.  "James, I
don't think that's necessary anymore."  He waited for
the bodyguard to holster his gun before sipping his
cup of coffee.  He grimaced at the bitter taste.
"Dennis, throw this sludge out and make some more

"Yes, Mr. Manners," Dennis said with a nod of his

Cordy sat in a soft arm chair rubbing her temples.  "I
hope you choke on it," she muttered.

"What was that, dear?" Holland asked.


"Still having those visions?" He smiled.  "You know I
can help you with that."

"Don't do me any favors."  Her eyes followed "Willow"
as she paced the lobby.  When Wesley sat on the arm of
her chair she leaned her aching head against his arm.

"How are you feeling?" he asked.

"I'm fine."

B'squ had had enough of waiting.  She turned on
Holland.  "I want my crown," she demanded.

He gave her a knowing grin.  "Of course you do, my
dear.  But aren't you tired of holding that shape by
now?" he asked.

It was true she was tired and she needed to be at full
strength when she placed the crown upon her head.  She
closed her eyes and allowed the glamour to fall away.
Cordy gasped when she saw the Fay's true form.

Wesley rubbed her shoulders as he saw the
transformation.   "You okay?" he whispered.

"That's what I saw being slaughtered in my vision,"
she whispered back.

B'squ turned on the tall brunette.  "You saw me being
slaughtered?" she asked.  "By whom?"

Cordy shrank back from the black stare.  "Okay, first
of all, ever hear of Listermint?  Second, I can't say
it was you specifically.  There were a lot of you."

She wasn't pleased with information.  It meant the was
going to be a battle for the crown.   She glared at
Holland.  "I am running out of patience with you,
human.  I want my crown."

"And you will get it, B'squ, just as I promised.  When
Angel is dead," Holland clarified.

She smirked, revealing a row of sharp pointed teeth.
"Do you even have the crown?" she asked.

"What kind of question is that?"

"A direct one."

"But it sounds as if you don't trust me," he replied.
He walked over to the counter and opened a secure box
sitting there.  "As a gesture of my faith in you," he
said as he reached inside.  "I brought this."  He held
in his hand the fabled Fay crown.

Cordy stared at the object in his hands.  "That's it?
That's what this is all about?" she asked.  "It's not
even made of metal."

B'squ knew it was the true crown and she turned on the
seer for her insolence.  "It is something that no
human could ever comprehend," she snapped pointing a
dagger like nail at her.

Cordy shrugged.  "Whatever floats your boat, sister."

"It makes sense.  The Fay are sharply attuned with
nature.  So they would construct their royal crown out
of a branch."

Holland twirled the circle around his finger.  "It is
the symbol of unity for the Fay.  Binding their forces
under one leadership."

B'squ kept a close eye on the crown and waited for the
opportunity to take it from this insolent mortal.  She
knew it would have to be soon as the crown emitted a
powerful draw to members of the royal houses.

The front doors opened and Angel stepped into the
lobby.  The others followed closely behind.

"Angel, we've been expecting you," Holland said

B'squ stared at the woman she had been impersonating.
She'd only seen pictures of her and was glad of it.
This woman had power and a lot of it.   Although,
B'squ wasn't so sure Willow even realized how much
power she possessed.

"I'm sure you have," Angel replied.  "I'll be nice and
give you a chance to leave now."

"How noble of you.  But I don't think so.  Ms.
Rosenberg, wonderful to see you again.  I think you
remember Lilah Morgan," Holland said casually.  Willow
glanced at the tall lawyer behind him and nodded a
greeting.  It would have been rude not too.  "Lindsey,
I can't say I'm surprised to see you here.  You seem
to have a soft spot for children and damsels in
distress.  Good to know you didn't let me down."

Lindsey appeared unfazed that his boss knew his

"You are, of course, terminated, but that's neither
here nor there."  He glanced at his Rolex.  "B'squ, I
would say we had about ten minutes before the Fay
descended on this place, what do you think?"

"Give me the crown," she seethed through her clenched
teeth.  "I am the rightful heir."

"According to you, but perhaps the counsel of elders
have another choice in mind," Holland answered.

"What do you want, Holland?" Angel asked.

"I want you on my desk in an ashtray," he answered.

Spike stepped in front of Willow to protect her.  He
wasn't about to lose her again.  Over his shoulder she
stared at the crown twirling around the old man's
finger.  She focused and moved her sights on the
object.  While it was easier to push open a set of
barred windows then pull a mystical relic towards her
she bade it to fly to her hand.

B'squ gasped as the magical energy filled the room.
She could feel her brethren outside the building.  If
she didn't claim the crown soon an all out war would
be upon them.  She knew what the witch was trying to
do and only hoped she could catch the crown as it flew
to the red head.

The wooden circlet flew off Holland's hand and soared
through the air.  B'squ made a leap for it, but it
only brushed against her fingertips.  Willow raised
her arm and grasped the crown in her hand.  Power
seared down her arm and coursed through her body.  She
groaned as the energy invaded every cell.

B'squ's eyes widened as she watched the red head lower
her arm.  "No!" she screamed.  "It's mine!"  She raced
to stop the foolish human from placing it on her head.

Holland took a step towards the commotion, but Lilah
stopped him with a hand on his shoulder.  "Maybe now
would be a good time to leave," she whispered.

He surveyed the situation.  "Damned Fay," he cursed
before taking the suggestion.

Willow felt the urge and followed it.  The light wood
touched her hair and she felt an invasion.  Thoughts
and feelings that were not her own raced through her
brain.  Vaguely she was aware that Spike held her limp
body in his arms.  She felt fear, anger and finally a
peace fell upon her.

Gunn stepped back to avoid being hit in the head by
the door as it burst open.  A half a dozen Fay demons
in long flowing robes entered the lobby.  He noticed
they looked first at B'squ before turning their
attention to Willow.  His velvety brown eyes widened
when one stepped forward and knelt before her.  The
remaining robed Fay followed suit.  Fay in an array of
armament entered the building and knelt behind the

"My queen," T'kel said reverently.  "What is your

Her head buzzed and she had to give it a small shake
to clear the sound.  Her eyes focused on the man
before her.  "Willow," she answered.

"Such a worthy name for our queen," he replied.  "I am
T'kel, High Priest to the Counsel of Elders."

"No!" B'squ protested.  "She's human.  She can not be
our queen.  I am your queen."  She tried to rip the
crown from her head.

Fairly bulky Fay guardsmen stepped forward and grabbed
B'squ.  They bowed reverently before their queen.
Although she struggled they forced B'squ's head to the

"This traitor will be executed immediately for
touching your person, your majesty."

Before the guardsmen could carry out the order, Willow
raised her hand.  "Wait a minute," she said.  "Spike,
help me up."  He lifted her to her feet and sneered at
the aghast looks he received from the Fay filling the

She scratched at the wooden band around her forehead.
"Okay.  So I'm your queen because I put this thing on
my head?" she asked.

"Yes, your majesty."

"But I'm not Fay."

"You must have some Fay in your background or the
crown would not have allowed you to put it on, your
majesty," T'kel advised.

"Stop calling me that," Willow protested.

"Of course, your majesty."

Cordy stepped forward.  "Time out.  As a former queen,
I have a few questions about this gig.  What does
being queen entail?" she asked.

"Your majesty?" T'kel asked his queen's permission to
answer the question.  The red head nodded.  "I don't
quite understand the question," he said.

"T'kel, is it?" she asked.  At his nod she continued,
"As your queen what does Willow have to do?"


"Does she have to mate with one of you guys?  No

"None taken.  While we would prefer not to taint our
race with outsiders, any of our guardsmen," he said.
With a snap of his fingers a dozen well built men
presented themselves.  "Would be honored to bed with
the queen."

Spike stepped in front of Willow.  "I'll do the only
bedding with the queen around here," he growled.

"As her majesty wishes," T'kel said with a reverent

"Will she be sacrificed?" Cordy asked.

T'kel gasped at such a question.  "Of course not.  We
honor our queen."

"Well, there has to be some catch to it," the tall
brunette said.

"Our queen doesn't have to do anything except be
honored and worshipped by the Fay."

"What about laws and decrees and junk like that?"
Willow asked.

"The Counsel of Elders takes care of such mundane
things as that.  We do, of course, request advisement
on clan disputes, but the Counsel mandates final
resolution," T'kel explained.

"So I can stay here?"

"If you so wish.  We will come to you regularly to
advise you on the affairs of state.  Tribute is sent
monthly and a Fay guard will be assigned to protect

"So far I'm not seeing a downside to this," Willow
said.  "Except the damn headache."

"Tell me about it," Cordy said.

"That would be the collective, your majesty.  You'll
have to get used to it."

"The collective?" Angel asked.

"The collective consciousness," B'squ spat at them.
"You have access to the mind of every Fay."

"Including yours?" she asked.

"After she is executed, your majesty, you won't have
to worry about her vile thoughts in your head."

Willow pushed the buzzing aside and focused on B'squ.
The two stared at each other.  Willow delved deep into
B'squ's mind.  She searched out her purpose.  She
could feel the lies B'squ tried to throw up to block
her true intent.  B'squ quaked when Willow pulled
away.  Willow gently removed the painful grip of the
guardsmen.  "I'm sorry," she said quietly.  "I only
wanted to remove Wolfram and Hart's immediate threat
to my friends."

"I understand," she replied.

Willow removed the crown from her head and placed it
on B'squ.  The Fay stood in shock.  No one had given
up the crown for another.  Willow could still hear the
buzz of the collective although B'squ's "voice" had
been silenced.

T'kal stepped forward and knelt before B'squ.  "Your
majesty," he said quietly.  "I ask only for a merciful

B'squ stood with a regal baring.  "Why would I kill
you, T'kal?"

"For ordering your death."

"T'kal, you are High Priest, are you not?" she asked,
knowing the answer.

"I am, your majesty."

"And in that position is it not your duty to keep
those that would harm your queen at bay?"

"It is."

"So why would I kill you for doing your duty?  Willow
is the queen you were protecting."

"Yes, your majesty."

"So get off your knees and stand beside your new
queen."  She turned her attention to the Fay.  "I,
B'squ, am your queen, but the crown has spoken and
claimed Willow as your queen as well.  You shall
worship us both."

"Oh, I don't need any worship."

B'squ looked at the human.  "Don't knock it till
you've tried it," she whispered out of the corner of
her mouth.  "Tribute will be split between us.  Willow
will remain here and resolve issues between Fay and
mortals.  I will settle internal Fay disputes," she
decreed.  She turned to Willow.  "You shouldn't be
bothered too much.  We tend to stay away from humans.
I have to admit although I still don't like humans
very much it was interesting being you for a while.
Your friends love you very much."

"I love them, too."

B'squ started for the door.  "Oh.  I almost forgot."
She turned to where Holland had been standing, but
found the cowardly lawyer and his crew had
disappeared.  "If you see him again tell him he has
made an enemy of the Fay and their brethren."

"I'll be sure to pass it along."

One month later...

Dr. Piel sat across from Willow and smiled as she lit
another cigarette.  She had adjusted well to the
outside world.  Just as he knew she would.

She looked up and found him smiling at her.  "What?"

"Nothing important," he said with a shake of his head.
 "I was just thinking about how well you've adjusted
to all that's happened to you."

"It was either that or go crazy.  Been there; done

"Last week you said your parents were going to visit
over the weekend.  How did that go?" he asked.

She shrugged.  "Not too bad.  I apologized for the way
I acted the last time I saw them.  They apologized for
what they felt they had to do.  It was a pretty
apologetic kind of day."

He nodded knowingly.  "What about Spike?"

"Spike's not sorry for much he's done in his life.
And I prefer him that way," she said with a grin.

"I meant did Spike meet your parents?"

Willow chuckled.  "That was an unforgettable moment.
I thought my Dad would have me committed again.  His
little Willow dating a British bleach blonde named
Spiked," she mused with a shake of her head.

"What about the vampire part?"

"My parents are blissfully unaware of that part of
life and I want to keep it that way," she said

"Heard and noted."  He checked his list of questions
he wanted to review with her.  "How's Lindsey doing?"

"He's adjusting.  Angel still doesn't trust him, but
has to admit he's doing good by defending the innocent
pro bono."

"And your relationship with him?"

"Who?  Lindsey?  He's like the big brother I never
had.  Dad even likes him.  I think he's hoping I'll
loose interest in Spike and hook up with Lindsey.  I
told him it's not going to happen."  She snubbed out
her smoke in the ashtray.

"Good for you."

"I've been meaning to ask you about what you saw in
B'squ's mind.  What made you decide to give up the
crown?" Dr. Piel asked.

Willow paused as she recalled the incident.  "The
crown accepted me but it wanted B'squ.  I searched her
motives.  All she wanted to do was end the warring
between the Fay clans.  The lose of the crown had
caused endless feuding for leadership.  It seemed
right," she explained.  He nodded his understanding.
"Oh, I wanted to give you something."  She dug into
her pocket and pulled out a coin to toss to him.

Dr. Piel caught the golden coin in mid-air.  On one
side he saw a relief etching of B'squ (or so the name
said).  He turned the coin over and found Willow's
profile on the back.  "Very nice, but surely you'd
want to keep this," he said.

"Nah.  I've got hundreds.  They're used as markers.
We, B'squ and I, give them out for favors rendered.
I told B'squ I'm the heads and she's the tails," she

"I'll bet she debated that."

"Yes she did.  Do you know what B'squ means in Fay?"

"No, what?"

"Willow tree."

He chuckled as he examined both sides of the coin.
"The two faces of Willow," he laughed with her.