Blue Moon Love continued...
Rated: Up to NC-17
DISCLAIMER: It all belongs to Joss, no infringement dared, just for fun
Feedback: Please this is my first. Help!
SUMMARY: Willow cast a spell with suprising results.
Author's Note: I used Britspeak a web page for some British Colloquism and history pages for information about Leeds in Yorkshire.

Willow awoke and moaned as her eyes opened to dazzling daylight. Willow flooded with shame, 

Willow's mind told her to get up but her body was unwilling, she lay there reviewing the past 48 hours. 

Willow slowly got up her head throbbing in time with her heartbeat. She noted William was gone to work. She knew from their conversation that all the men on the railroad worked between 8-12 hours per day. Thank You Goddess for small favors, she didn't know if she could have faced him first thing in the morning felling like this.

Willow practically yelped, when she heard a knock on the door. "It me luv, Mary can I come in, I've brought you some tea?

"Come in Mary," Willow managed to croak.

"Ye had a wee bit too much plunk last night child, oh my ye had most everyone in tears, seeing William carrying you like a sack of tatters." Mary laughed.

Mary noticed that Willow looked like she was about to cry. She hugged her, "There there, 'tis all right, no harm done."

"I've made a fool of myself and probably made William regret he ever laid eyes on me." Willow lamented.

"Don't be daft, William fancies you, I can tell" Mary added.

"Really?" Willow asked hopefully.

"I see the way you give each other sidelong glances, when you think the other's not looking. I could fire me stove up from the heat." Mary chuckled.

Willow smiled shyly, "Tell me about William?"

"Well, I've only know him a couple of months, he travels round a great deal to get rail work. He's a hard worker, polite, likes cards and ale and pays his debts. He's lived on his own since he was a lad ... he's a bastard....I hope you won't hold it against him. His ma's died when he was young, poor child; he's not really sure how old he is, since he doesn't recall a birthday. 'Tis a shame. He needs a nice young women to look after him." Mary winked

"William has been very nice to me ... but I've got a boyfriend at home, and I'm not really sure how long I'll be staying." Willow offered.

"Finish you're tea we've got work to do luv." Mary retreated downstairs

Mary explained the routine of the pub, and the kinds of tasks she wanted Willow to help with. "Remember when your serving ale, to mind your P's and Q's." Mary cautioned. "

"Mary, I won't be drinking any time soon, and I wouldn't dream of sticking my nose in where it doesn't belong. ." Willow replied.

"No, child your P's and Q's; your pints and quarts. When you pour ale into the stein watch how far you tip your elbow up. This far is a pint and this far is a quart" Mary demonstrated. "It's a half shilling for a pint and one shilling for a quart.
"Let's see you try".

The morning and afternoon passed quickly. Willow's back was already beginning to ache. 

"Willow your slumping" Mary chided, your back will ache and you'll get a dowager's hump." Mary leaned closer to Willow, "I know you don't really need a corset but if ye was to wear one, it would help you keep your back strait not to mention improve your tips. I also think you should change out of your new dress, it's mighty pretty but it's too warm, and constricting. Besides you ruin it with ale and food. I've got some things that might fit you in a pinch. Mary told Randy she was going upstairs to help Willow. Willow removed her dress and went to get her new underclothing. She put on her cream chemise and black corset. Mary laced her up. "Oh I can't breath too tight" Willow panted. Mary loosened the stays a bit. " They'll stretch dear. She said. Mary handed Willow a light green peasant blouse. Since Willow was a lot smaller than Mary was the bodice hung lower than intended. Mary helped Willow adjust and tuck the blouse into her black skirt. "I don't know Mary," Willow said, looking down at her new and improved cleavage "I feel kinda naked," "Nonsense you're a picture with that beautiful hair and creamy skin, and the shirt makes your green eyes more striking." Mary added.

"I will give you a few tips on how to handle customers who get fresh" Mary explained as she and Willow returned to the pub.

As Willow worked she formulated a plan. Her first order of business was to find an apothecary and get some herbs to cure her hangover. She knew she would need other herbs and roots so she could make some decent toothpaste, shampoo and moisturizers, not to mention for spell casting.

As Mary predicted, the early afternoon was slow. She suggested that Willow could take several hours to relax. Willow used this time to run some errands. She returned several hours later with numerous herbs, tonics, and roots. Willow dropped them off to her room and resumed working. The pub started to fill up.

William had as usual laid the most rail. He was tired and cranky due to lack of sleep. He had to put up with endless teasing from his mate Henry about Willow.William vowed to himself to steer clear of the redheaded siren. He entered the pub and greeted Randy at the bar, " How's bout an ale." He asked. He didn't see Willow at first. He saw her come from the kitchen her arms laden with dishes. He took in her appearance and he almost choked on his ale. She was wearing her hair up again, accentuating her slender neck, her skin, way too much of her creamy skin was showing. For God's sake it looked like she might fall out of her blouse. She's wearing that bloody black corset. William swore under his breath."What's that mate?" Randy asked. "Nothing" he replied.

Willow caught sight of William, she smiled weakly and headed over to apologize for her behavior. Randy asked Willow to watch the bar a few minutes while he went into the cellar for another keg of ale. Willow met William's vivid blue eyes, "William, I want to apologize about... last night...I can't believe I made such an ass of myself." 

William meet Willow's gaze and thought he would drown in her emerald pools. He dropped his gaze and watched her breast rise and fall ... and his face flushed... 

" I'm sorry she continued".William tuned back in, met her gaze once more, "Forget it Pet, if you'll excuse me I'm going upstairs to clean up" he said draining his ale. William walked stiffly upstairs. He dragged the copper tub from the water closet, filled it with cold water, stripped and got in. As he washed up visions of Willow filled his mind. The cold water was not giving him any relief. William messaged his swollen member. Within moments, he climaxed groaning her name on his lips.


Willow felt William was still upset with her. 
She noticed when William came back into the room. He was wearing a blue chambray shirt and dark twill pants. His hair was slightly tousled, and his cheeks were freshly shaved. Will eyes dropped and check out his nether cheeks. 

Crash! Willow in her distracted state, tilted a tray, and lost two ale steins.

William turned around and saw Willow bending over to retrieve the items. The front of her blouse gaped, allowing everyone within visual range an eye full of her bountiful breasts, cream chemise, and black corset. Three men jumped up and headed towards her. William wasn't sure if they were trying to get a better look or were going to try and help. "Mother of God" he said tilting his head back. William saw Mary rush over shoo everyone away and whisper into Willow's ear. Willow's skin flushed beet red. William wondered how she could be so incredibly oblivious to her own beauty. Growing up in a whore house, William saw women wield power with their bodies, and men dominate those same women to try and prove they were more mighty. He watched as Mary sent Willow off to the kitchen. Mary approached William,

"Well, how are you today luv?"

"Fine, thank you Mary, and you?" he asked

"Very good, I was telling Randy how much Willow is helping, I was even able to rest and put my feet up for two hours, just like a bloody queen ," she laughed.

"I 've made shepherd's pie your favorite, would you like some for supper lad."

"Mary that sounds mouth watering"

"What will ye have for afters?" she asked. Mary couldn't help noticing that William looked in Willow's direction in response to her question. " I've made fresh apple pie, and it's a might tart just how you like it."

"Sounds wonderful," he said.

The pub bustled with activity. Willow found herself enjoying talking to the customers. Most of her customers were men, a few were couples. Most of the men flirted with her, and she enjoyed all the attention. Willow was friendly but was careful not to encourage anyone. Two men had asked her out, one had propositioned her. Although Willow missed her job as net girl if she ever got back to Sunnydale, she was going to try watressing

The evening passed slowly for William, he was exhausted but didn't want to go to bed. He wanted to be able to keep an eye on Willow, just in case anyone got out of line.

The evening passed quickly for Willow, it was 11:00 p.m. and Randy locked up after the last customer. William took this as his cue to go to bed. Willow offered to clean up the pub, and sent Mary and Randy off to bed.

Everyone said their good nights. William hit the bed and was fast asleep. He was awakened by a strange noise. He saw willow crawling around on her hands and knee picking up coins.

"I'm sorry William, too much change tore through my skirt pocket," she explained.

William's gaze was once again draw to her bodice, or what little there was off it.
" I guess it pays to advertise" he said sarcastically.

Willow snapped, " I worked very hard today, and I earned this money."

"That's what me mother used to say," he replied

"What exactly are you implying?" she said angrily.

"Nothing, I'm sorry Red, I'm just overtired" he responded.

Willow moved behind the linen divider and changed for bed. "Me too, I'm sorry I woke you. I can't imagine how tired and sore you must be after laying railroad track all day.... course that how you got all buff and firm" she babbled.
Oh God did I just say that out loud?"

"Yes, he laughed, but I don't know what exactly that means" William felt a flush of pride.

"William", Willow asked softly

"Yes Red"

"Tell me about your Mother."

"Not much to tell, she's dead."

"That's too bad, she never got to see what a fine man you turned out to be."

William got that warm and tranquil feeling again, his eyes misted with tears.

"Night Will"

"Night Will"


The next week and a half passed in similar fashion. William would leave before Willow awakened. She would work several hours in the pub, go to the library and do research the old fashion way. She listened to customers talk, and asked casual questions of anyone she thought might lead her to a Druid. Willow looked forward to night time best. She and William would talk back and forth in the dark.

Mary had gone to bed early with a headache, after drinking one of Willow's potions.
William was in his usual corner table playing cards with Henry and Jonathan. Willow was getting more aggreviated with one inebriated customer and his two equally obnoxious sidekicks. They were making crude remarks to her under their breaths and two had pinched her. Willow told them if they touched her again they were going to have to leave.

"And you'll be making us, I think I might like that," he said grabbing her ass.

Willow had had enough, she used one of the defensive moves Buffy had taught her and flipped the drunkard over onto his back. One of his friends made a grab for her and she stabbed him in the shoulder with a fork.

"You filthy Bitch!" he backhanded her, and she fell hard.

Next thing she knew William, Henry and Jonathan were across the room onto the three men. William asked if she was all right. The largest and uninjured man, swung at Jonathan and sent him flying over the next table. Willow scrambled up and saw the man she had tossed was choking Henry. "I'm fine ," she said picking up a serving tray and smashing it over the head of the man choking Henry. By this time Randy was rushing over trying to break it up. William was swearing and landed several punches on the biggest guy. The man caught William with a punch that propelled him back into the edge of the bar, slicing William just above his right eye. William was up in an instant with a bar stool in hand. He used it to crash over the mans head.

"That's enough, out, out" Randy shouted to the three bleeding men. Fight's over, are you hurt Willow ?" he asked.

"I'm fine... William ... You've got an awful cut" cried Willow.

"Just a scratch" he responded.

"Come upstairs, and I'll clean it out and bandage you up" she order taking his hand.

"Well, Henry, Jonathan, sportin s' over how about you call it a night?" Randy asked.
They both said their good-bye's to Willow and William as she lead him up the stairs.

"Be gentle with him lass," they laughed.

"Sit" Willow pointed to the bed. She gathered some supplies set them on a small nightstand next to the bed.

"Willow did that Bastard hurt you?" William said, moving his head up and down, side to side gazing at her with his one good eye. William's other hand was clutching a towel over his right eye to staunch the flow of blow.

"I'm fine, sit before you get blood all over" Willow moved between William legs to tend to his injury. Willow removed the towel, "Owe this must hurt." She gently washed the wound. William started to squirm. "I know it must hurt, I'm going to apply some salve it may sting a little but it will keep it from getting infected and act kinda sticky like to help close the wound. It's important that you don't move. I don't want to get any in you eye. Put you hand on my waist to steady yourself and you can squeeze me."

William moved his hand to her waist. He could feel the stays of her corset. She smelled of lavender and vanilla. His one good eye was feasting on the proximity of her breasts. 

"Almost done," Willow said wrapping a bandage around his head to hold the dressing in place. "I'll need to change it in the morning before you go to work. A little lower and you would have lost you eye. As it is it will leave a nasty scar through your eyebrow."

William felt Willow's body shutter.

Willow felt fate's cold hand squeeze her heart. "No..." her legs shook.

"Willow, what is it are you hurt?" he asked pulling her onto his lap.

Willow stared at William with a far away look on her face. She envisioned a yellow eyed, blond haired demon looking out from William's face. "No it can't happen... I.."

"What is it?" William asked caressing her face.

Willow wrapped her arms around William's neck, 

Willow let go and William noticed tears in her eyes.

"What is it? Kitten, "You can tell me" he said softly caressing her cheek.

"I don't want anything to happen to you," Willow sobbed. Hugging him again.

William caressed her back, and felt her soft breasts against his chest.

Willow caressed William's warm back. She felt his heart beating against her breasts.

Willow moved her hands up to his hair. She caressed his soft hair and whimpered.

William pulled Willow's head back and captured her mouth in a bruising kiss.

Willow pushed her tongue against Williams closed lips to seek entry.

He moaned and tasted Willows mouth with his tounge.

Willow's thoughts were obliterated, her breasts arched further into him, her nipples sought contact with his hard chest.

"God Willow" he gasped running his hands through her glorious hair. His lips sought her neck. He felt her shift her ass backwards sliding over his engorged penis.

Willow moaned as he licked her collarbone and ran his hand up to cover her breast.
He lowered his head and tasted between the valley between her breasts. Willow arched into his ministration, and rocked her hips back against his erection.

William pulled Willow back onto the bed and rolled her over onto her back his thigh between her legs. He kissed deeply, catching her soft mewls in his mouth.

"William, Willow are you all right ? " Mary knocked again.

William rolled off Willow, and swore.


Hearing the commotion in the pub, Mary came out to check, Randy explained about the brawl. Mary went to check on her tenants and heard the soft sounds of love making.

Mary knocked for the third time and called, "William, Willow." Mary thought William and Willow were a good match, but there would be no lovemaking under her roof unless they were married first.

Willow laid sprawled on the bed every nerve ending in her body throbbing, especially her lips, breast and core.

"Get the bloody door Willow, before Mary busts it down" William growled, walking towards the window his back to Willow.

Willow rolled off the bed on shaky legs, opened the door. "Hi Mary" Willow, was surprised her voice worked.

" Are you both all right, I heard the commotion, came out and Randy told me what happened? She asked.

" Fine, Fine, never better... William got a nasty ... I fixed him up." Willow babbled.

Mary looked across the room at William's back, "Since William's patched up, would you be a dear and help Randy clean up the mess downstairs?" she asked

"Sure thing," Willow replied.

Mary caught Willow's arm, "brush your hair dear and tuck in your blouse."

Willow blushed guilty; she quickly adjusted her clothing, combed through her hair with her fingers, and scurried out.

"William, look at me when I'm speaking. Don't think I don't know you're probably hard enough to hammer nails. Besides if I hadn't heard your moaning, Willow's tousled hair and swollen lips were a give away." Mary lectured. "I'll not have you ravishing that innocent girl"

" Don't get me wrong, I think you and Willow are a fine match, but you need to do right by her, Marry her first, and you can shag till your brains fall out."

"Marry her... look Mary, it was a mistake, over excitement of the fight, ... her overwrought with the blood s' all." He said turning.

"Keep telling yourself that lad, mind your manners... and I'm glad you're not hurt badly." Mary added, as she left.

William undressed and slid under the covers. He swore he could still smell Willow. William wanted to relieve his ache but didn't dare. 

Willow stood outside the door, she had regained her composure quickly, as she focused on cleaning up the pub. Now she was a nervous wreak. 

Willow entered into a dark room. William was in bed sleeping. Willow went from casual girl to disappointed girl. 

Willow slipped out of her clothes and put on William's shirt. His scent created waves of throbbing undulations in her core. Willow crawled into her pallet, and tried to get comfortable. She wanted to touch her wetness but was afraid to wake William. She tossed and turned and fell into a restless sleep.

Willow dreamed William was kissing her and touching her core. They were in the abandoned factory. Spike entered and caught them making love. He vamped out and said it was his turn. William lifted his head and also turned into Spike. "No she's mine," he said as he sunk his fangs into her thigh.

"No... oh Spike... Please...." Willow, whimpered out loud.

William rolled over and put the pillow over his head.

The next morning William was gone when Willow woke. As she went about her day's activities, her thoughts kept drifting back to the previous night. Willow also tried to remember what she knew about Angel's changing William into Spike. Willow recalled it happened in London, and sometime before the
turn of the century. She had no idea when. She knew his nickname was
associated with his using railroad spikes for torture and was dubbed William
the Bloody. 

Willow told Mary her plan. Both women chatted about planning the menu and which of William's mates to invite. Willow checked her supplies for the ingredients for the protection spell. Willow decided she had everything she needed. Willow used her mid-afternoon break to go shopping for a crucifix. Willow bought the biggest crucifix she could find. Upon return Willow performed the protection spell, and carefully wrapped the gift hiding it among her other boxes and jars.

The pub filled up as usual; Willow kept her eyes peeled for William. It was after nine and still no William.
Mary saw Willow's eyes dart to the door ever time it opened.

"Don't worry child, William, when he works late sometimes stays at the railroad camp with the other men" Mary offered.

"You don't think something happen to him?" Willow asked worriedly 

"I expect after last night he just needs a little space, luv" Mary whispered in Willow's ear.

Willow blushed, " I don't understand this space thing Mary. Do you? "

She patted Willow on the shoulder, " Men are such strange creatures but I couldn't live without me Randy."

Willow slept poorly again. During her restless night she concocted another plan. 

Willow changed into her green cotton gown and pinned her hair up. She used a bit of color on her lips and cheeks. 

Willow got directions to the camp from Randy and took a carriage. Willow approached the main tent area and saw men sprawled all over the ground. It took her a few minutes to locate William. He was talking to a very tall, very striking brunette. If Willow hadn't know better she would have sworn the women had breast implants. Zoewie she was huge, ...and HAD HER HANDS ON WILLIAM'S CHEST. SHE'S TOUCHING HIS NIPPLES. 

Willow whirled around, her green eyes shooting sparks, she wasn't watching where she was going and tripped over a man sitting on the ground. She began to stumble, careened into another two men, picnic basket flying and landed hard across another man's lap as food rained down on the both of them. He let out a loud groan; men nearby laughed at the spectacle.


Henry watched Willow scan the crowd. He saw her body stiffen as she laid eyes on William and Grace talking. Henry swore he saw sparks fly from Willow, as she twirled and ran headlong into Simon, ricocheted off Edgar and Noel, arms flaying and food flying land upon Charlie. Henry dashed towards Willow to help her up.

William heard a load groan followed by laughter and cheers. He saw a flash of red hair.

William saw Henry wiping at a food covered Willow with familiarity. She had some sort of salad in her hair and blotches of what looked like chocolate over the front of her dress. She was apologizing profusely to a still groaning Charlie who lay in a fetal position, also covered with food.

"What happened Charlie? Hit by hurricane Willow?" William asked unable to control his laughter.

Willow glared at William and lied, "I came to have lunch with Henry ... and..."

"And me being such a clumsy sod, staring at Willow, I tripped her" Henry interrupted, brushing at the chocolate covered Willow.

William's mouth watered as he spied chocolate across Willow's left breast. He wanted to smack Henry's hands off Willow and lick the chocolate off her himself.

"Come on Lass, let's get some water to get you cleaned up proper." Henry said, leading Willow towards the water cistern.

Willow was mortified. "Thank you Henry" she stammered as tears smeared the blob of chocolate on her face.

He lifted Willow's face gently, " Darling, I'm going to give you a friendly kiss"
Willow's mouth dropped open to protest, but it was sealed by a soft kiss. "Henry... I..." Willow stammered. "It's for show lass, William is being a royal jackass." Henry answered.
Willow hugged Henry, 'You've been a good friend"

William wanted to throttle Henry. He turned around and stepped on Charlie's hand. " Sorry mate"

Willow had borrowed a cloak from Henry, to cover her ruined dress. As soon as Mary saw Willow's swollen eyes and long face, she knew something was wrong. "Mary it was awful, I.. I..." she began to cry again.

"Now , Now.. child, why don't you take the evening of... go crawl into bed and finish that novel you've been carrying about." Mary hugged Willow. 

Mary was upon William as soon as he entered the pub. "What happened today?" she barked. "Willow's been crying all afternoon since she got back"

"Let me handle this Mary," he said taking the stairs two at a time.

He opened the door and walked behind the linen divider. William's breath caught in his throat. Willow's hair formed a halo round her head. She was sleeping in his shirt, the blankets were twisted round her body baring her from foot to thigh. Her eyes were puffy from crying. His heart wrenched wildly. He stood staring at her sleeping form. He wanted to lie beside her and take her in his arms. 

William said he was going to be staying at the railroad yard for a few days since the entire crew was expected to work late, to make up for the half dozen men who had come down with dysentery. Mary told William she expected him at the pub Saturday night.

The next three days passed quickly. Willow was able to see the humor in her mishap at the railroad yard. She also had experience with seeing someone she cared about with another women.

Willow continued with her library research and continued to search local bookstores. Willow found a book with Druid spells and symbols. Willow decided to make a Druid charm to identify herself as a member of this secret society. Willow bought some coper wire and fashioned a bracelet in the Druid design. Willow felt like Mr. Spock in the episode:'The City on The Edge of Forever.'
Willow had started a journal documenting her research but found herself writing letters to the Scooby Gang detailing her life here. Willow still hoped that if she couldn't get home she could find some way to get the letters to her friends and family. She was sure they were beside themselves. She hoped the letters would give them some peace of mind. Willow put aside her journal, and went downstairs to help Mary and Randy prepare for William's party. Willow took at the wrapped crucifix 

William was glad it was Saturday, He couldn't wait to sleep in tomorrow. He was also looking forward to seeing Willow. William was glad that Henry was stuck working along side him. Every time he imagined them together he thought he might heave.

Henry had noted William's cool contempt all week. William had confronted Henry on Wednesday morning accusing him of somehow upsetting Willow. Henry talked William out of throttling him.
Henry knew he had made the lad squirm enough. Besides he wanted to join the party tonight and didn't want William to be in a foul mood on his birthday.

"William wait up," Henry called.
"Listen mate, there's something I've got to tell you about Willow."

"What about her," William growled.

"The other day, Willow came here to have lunch with you. She saw Grace cozening up to you and fled in a snit, bowling over poor Charlie." Henry confessed.

"What" William's eyes narrowed. "I saw you both kissing"

"I was trying to help the lady save face." Henry explained.

William's face lit up, "she was jealous of me... me and Grace?"

"Don't look so smug Romeo, ' Mr. she's not my type'; you've been suffering from the green eyed monster yourself. You'd better wake up lad and stake your claim for somebody else does." Henry lectured.


William was dumbstruck when he entered the pub, and was serenaded by a rousing round of 'for he's a jolly good fellow.' Mary hugged him and wished him Happy Birthday.

"It's not my birthday" he said with a lump in his throat.

"Willow said it was, she planned the party and everything ... your not going to contradict the pretty lady are you lad?" Henry said slapping him on the back.

Randy, called first round on the house in honor of Will's birthday.

William gazed at Willow, she was wearing the green peasant blouse that set off her eyes. Willow smiled back and approached William and hugged him and wished him Happy Birthday. William's body reacted to her proximity, and was afraid he was going to embarrass himself. "Thanks Red," he whispered in her ear.

Willow was glad she had pleased William. It's time for cake and presents she announced pulling away. Mary and Randy gave William a new pair of black linen pants. His mates from the railroad presented him with a pocket watch. William felt he was hit with a bolt of lightening when Willow hand touched his as she handed him a small velvet pouch. William opened it and was suprised to find a crucifix on a silver chain. "It's lovely, Thank You " he said and reached forward to kiss her on the cheek.

Willow thought she would melt. Blessed Goddess please keep him safe.


Everybody that mattered surrounded William. He was celebrating his birthday. His mates were wishing him well. Mary and Randy were the closest thing to a family he had ever known.

Willow worked the crowd with ease. 

She gazed at him, only to find him looking at her with those incredible blue eyes. His hand reached up to touch the crucifix, she had given him.

William felt intoxicated by her; she gave him a wistful smile.

William felt arms hug him from behind. He saw Willow's face blanch as he turned around and was kissed soundly by Grace.

"Happy Birthday Darling" she gushed.

"Grace, what are you doing here?" he asked surprised to see her here. 

"Why I heard at camp it was yer birthday, I thought you might be up for a special present? she said rubbing her hand against his penis

"Grace", he gasped.

"I see how happy ye are to see me." She purred.

"No Grace… I mean… I .. It's nice to see you but.." he looked about the room for Willow. She was gone
"Look Grace, here some money buy yerself something nice… don't give any of it to Jake… I've got to go.. and so had you before Mary sees you."

"Henry, did you see where Willow went?"

"She took off out the door, when you were being groped by Grace" he replied

William dashed out the door, 
William headed down Liberty Street and turned towards the canal. He saw Willow up ahead illuminated by the half moon.

"Willow, wait" he cried

Willow was shocked to here William's voice. She wiped away her tears and turned around.

"William, what are you doing out here missing your party?" she said with false sincerity.

"I came looking for you.. I ah… wanted to explain…" he stuttered

"There's nothing you need to explain to me." Willow said flatly, walking ahead.

"Yes", he said touching her arm. "Grace was a friend of my Mother's… She worked with my Mother.. if you know what I mean.." William looked down ashamed. "She works the camps… I give her money sometimes.. she was kind to me after my ma died…. I've never been her… er… customer" he said softly.

"Oh " Willow replied, trying to suppress a smile.

William looked into her shiny emerald eyes, his eyes dropped to her lips. He reached out and caressed her face softly. Willow's tongue licked her lips unconsciously. William bent down and kissed her softly. Willow sighed against his lips. William increased the pressure upon her soft lips as Willow wrapped her fingers in his hair. He pulled her body against his, feeling the results of the cool night air's effect upon Willow's breasts. William groaned and thrust his tongue into her sweet mouth. Willow body was aflame; she felt William's arousal against her stomach. She arched her breasts into his hard chest but loss contact with his groin. Willow dropped her hands and caught the globes of his ass in her hands, pulling him closer. William thought he might climax then and there. He moaned and dropped his hands from her hair to her nether cheeks, trying to meld their bodies into one. Willow gasped, breaking contact with his lips. She raised her self on tiptoes to lever her core closer to his straining erection, and licked his ear lobe. William knew, if they didn't stop he would take her here on the cold ground. He knew he wouldn't last long. Some sanity prevailed; Willow deserved better than that. He pulled away; saw her swollen lips, heaving breasts and almost said sanity be damned.

Willow didn't know what had come over her, 



Mary noticed when Willow and William reentered the Pub. She smiled and noted the passion-glazed look over both their faces

Henry also took note of Willow's flushed complexion and swollen lips.

The crowd had thinned somewhat. Randy approached Willow, "How's bout you play us a tune Lass?"

Willow looked like she was frozen in the headlights of an oncoming train. "I.... can't play.. she" answered shaking her head.

"Lass you've been playing that out of tune piano every morning before we open the bar, when me and Mary's in the kitchen, and you sing right pretty too" he added.

Henry and William offered encouragement. Mary just steered Willow over to the bench and order play.

Willow began playing a George Winston piano solo. The small crowd seemed to enjoy her playing. Henry approached her with a glass of wine. "Can you sing something for us?"

"Oh I don't know... I...."

"Please, Red I promise to bust anyone in the chops who snickers, at your singing" William teased.

Willow thought about what she could play and sing. "OK, here is a song from one of my favorite American Artist, her name is Jewel.

Inside my skin there is this space
It twists and turns
It bleeds and aches
Inside my heart there's an empty room
It's waiting for lightening
It's waiting for you
And I am wanting
I am needing you here
Inside the absence of fear
Angel, how can she put my feelings into words>

Muscle and Sinew
Velvet and stone
This vessel is haunted
It creaks and moans
My bones call to you
In their separate skin
I make myself translucent
To let you in, for
I am wanting
And I am needing you here
Inside the absence of fear
How can someone like you love
someone like me? >
There is this hunger
This restlessness inside of me
And it knows that you're no stranger
You're my gravity
My hands will adore you through all the darkness aim They will lay you out in moonlight
And reinvent your name
For I am wanting you
And I am needing you here
I need you near
Inside the absence of fear

Willow had lost herself in the song. She opened her eyes and looked into William's blue eyes shiny with tears. Willow felt her heart skip a beat. She smiled brightly and he rewarded her with a smile of her own. Willow played and sang for another hour.

Randy gave last call. Mary shooed the stragglers out.

"You sing beautifully, Red"

"Thank you Will" she replied looking shyly at the floor.

"Willow since tomorrow is Sunday, would you like to go on a picnic with me?"

"You bet color me picnic happy" she said practically jumping up and down 

William's face lit up, "good".

Mary approached the couple, "Willow dear you must be buggered out, why don't you head to bed. I just need to talk to Will a minute."

"Night" she called

"How'd you enjoy your birthday lad?"

" One of the best days of my life Mary" he said hugging her, "thank you".

"I'm so glad to see with your increased age you've gotten some wisdom in yer head, Willow is a good woman; treat her right, and remember what I said about shagging in this house."

"Night Mary"

William knocked before he entered the room. " Can I come in Will?"

" All clear"

William noted her side of the room was dark and she had left the lantern lit on his side.
William stripped down to his y-pants.

Willow watched him strip. She admired his lean form outlined in shadow.

William crawled into bed. "Hey Will, how old am I?"

" Five and twenty" she replied huskily.

"How old are you Red?"

" Almost eighteen"

"When is your birthday?"

"In two weeks"

"Night Red"

"Night Will"

Willow slept better than she had in weeks, in fact she overslept. She noted by the sun it must be almost 9:00 a.m. She lay in bed and thought of William, kissing him, she knew it was more than just her teenage hormones. I get to spend the day with him. He likes me. He really likes me. OK Sally Field what are you going to ware on this picnic. She jumped out of bed and reviewed her meager wardrobe. What I wouldn't give for a pair of denim shorts and a tee shirt. I'd probably be arrested for indecent exposure. Willow went for comfort and deep sixed the corset. She wore her cream camisole and a white peasant blouse and a navy blue cotton skirt.

Willow went downstairs and followed the sound of voices into the kitchen.

"Whatcha doing?"

"Out" Mary and William said in unison

"Gee, you guys know how to make a girl feel wanted."

Willow chatted with Randy as he prepared for the day's business. Willow drank tea and wondered if she and William would share more kisses today.

Mary and William came out of the kitchen with a large wicker hamper. "I thought we were going for lunch, not the weekend." Willow teased.

Everything's all packed in here. Willow do you have a riding skirt? Mary asked

"No, you don't mean ride a horse kind of riding do you?" her eyes wide. .

"Come, I think I may have something." Willow came out thirty minutes later wearing a pair of boys' trousers.

Randy laughed, Those pants look like they belonged to Patrick as a lad."

Willow actually felt more comfortable than she had been in the long skirt. Mary dug her son Patrick's old pants.

"I can't believe our Patrick was ever that small, Mary" Randy chuckled.

"Ready Will" William asked.

" Can we talk about this horse thingy," she asked walking out the door.

"You don't ride"


"We'll take one horse then"

William balanced the hamper on his left hip, and reached out with his right to take Willow's hand, "Trust me"

They quickly walked the few blocks to a nearby livery stable.

William rented a chestnut mare, and secured the picnic hamper behind the saddle.

William mounted the horse with agile grace, and leaned over to give Willow a boost up.
Willow fit snuggly behind William and in front of the picnic hamper. William's body stirred with Willow's close proximity. Willow placed her hands on Will lean hips. William started off at a slow canter.
"How you doing Red?"
As they left the city limits, William announced, "I'm going to start her into a trot"

Willow wrapped her arms tightly around William's chest and rested her head against his shoulder.
Willow's breast rubbed against William's back with agonizing friction as the horse moved. William could feel Willow's hard nipples poke into his back. Willow was also experiencing incredible friction between her tight pants and William's ass. Willow bit her lips to keep from moaning, and gripped William tighter. Her hands clutching William chest discovering that his nipples were also tight pebbles.

William tried to think of anything to say, but needed to concentrate on remaining focused getting to the meadow, instead of stopping the damn horse and taking Willow by the side of the road. After fifteen agonizing minutes, William announced they were there. Willow was thinking of a way to give herself a few minutes to compose herself so she didn't start acting like nympho girl again. William was trying to think of a way to cool down before Willow noticed his raging erection. " Why don't you" they both said in unison. "Sorry" they both repeated together. They both laughed.

" Willow, why don't you slide down and I'll lower the basket and then walk the horse over to the nearby pasture and give her a rub down, while you set up the picnic."

"Good plan"

" Willow looked around the meadow admiring the view. The spot was surrounded by a glade of oak trees. A small brook sparkled and swirled off to the east. The elevation was such that Willow could see part of Leeds below. Willow opened the hamper and spread a wool blanket. She removed a bottle of wine, plates, and utensils.

William looked up as William approached, " It's so beautiful here"

"You like it then?"

"What's not to like."

William joined Willow on the blanket and helped her unpack the food.

"Oh strawberries, I haven't had any since leaving home... and cheese, bread... chicken ...cabbage salad."

"You and Mary packed enough food for an army " she teased

"Let's start with the fruit and cheese and then maybe take a walk over to the brook?" Willow suggested.

William poured the wine, and Willow fixed a plate with the berries and cheese.

Willow wanted to pinch herself, she couldn't believe she was having a romantic picnic with such a hottie.

"What are you smiling at Red?"

" This, she waved her arm, is like out of a novel".

" Do tell, What comes next?" he smiled.


Willow wanted to pinch herself, she couldn't believe she was having a romantic picnic with such a hottie.

"What are you smiling at Red?"

"This, she waved her arm, is like out of a novel."

"Do tell, What come next?" he smiled.

she thought slyly

She swallowed, " Actually, I've been rereading Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights. I found an original copy in a bookstore in Leeds. Do you know the story?"

"No can't say that I'm much of a reader." William shifted uncomfortably.

"Oh it's one of my all time favorites, It takes place on the Yorkshire Moors, I hope to be able to visit there while I here.. anyway .. The master of Wuthering Heights, Mr. Earnshaw brings home a young street urchin named Heathcliff. His wife is not happy and his older son Hindley is jealous but his youngest daughter Catherine and Heathcliff become inseparable friends. They spend their youth roaming the moors, playing together. As Cathy gets a bit older she is taken with the wealthy neighbors. The safe, but boring landowner fancies Cathy. She and Heathcliff fight their feelings of passion for one another. Heathcliff thinking he has nothing to offer Cathy leaves Wuthering Heights. Cathy is heartbroken and marries safe and boring landowner. Heathcliff comes back three years later a dashing man of the world. He is angry at Cathy for marrying boring guy, and Heathcliff is so hurt he flirts and them marries Isabelle; boring guy's sister to hurt Cathy and her husband. ... But their love is too strong to deny, they can't be separated ... so they have a passionate affair. Soon after Cathy gets sick and dies. Heathcliff is forever haunted by his love for Catherine and imagines her in the wind and rain that on the moors." Willow sighed.

William listened and admired Willow's animated discourse. He was mesmerized by her red hair blowing loose about her shoulders in the gentle breeze; and the way her eyes got shiny as she spoke of passion and love. His heart squeezed as she sighed.

"A sad story luv," 

"Mmmm. This strawberry is so good," she murmured.

William ate a berry, " your right so sweet and fresh."

Willow giggled, leaned over and wiped his chin with her finger," You've got juice on your chin silly."

William captured her hand and licked the juice off her finger "Let's not waste any"

Willow felt fireworks go off in her body, she flushed and pulled back her hand as if it touched something hot.

She lowered her eyes and sipped her wine. 
She took a slice of cheese, and looked back at William. He was staring at her with passion filled eyes. Willow throat constricted she started to choke on the cheese.
William moved closer and started to pat her back. "You all right, Red." Willow blushed and rolled her eyes and took a sip of wine, "Better" she said, placing the wine down.

"Here you'll be safer with the strawberries," he suggested, lifting a berry to her lips.
Willow took a bite, her lips barely brushing his fingers.

"Good," she whispered, "another please," she asked huskily looking into his blue eyes.

William lifted another berry to her lips. This time Willow captured Williams two fingertips in her mouth and sucked them gently. Willow noted William's pupils dilated so rapidly, his blue iris's almost disappeared.

William froze.. thought he had bursts into flames. Willow reached up and pulled William's hand down and leaned towards him. He grasped her fingers between his own, leaning forward to capture this siren's lips with his own.

Their hands, lips and tongue's intertwined. He licked and sucked on Willow's lower lip. She moaned softly and moved her body closer seeking contact with his. They uncoupled their hands and reached for one another. Her hands running over his hard chest. His nipples peppled under her restless fingers. William ran his hands up to cup the underside of Willow's breasts. His thumbs splayed over her erect nipples. She arched closer for more contact. William she gasped. He pulled her closer, her hands shift around to his well muscled back. His lips moved to her ear, he whisper, " you taste so good, I want to devour you" Her fingers clenched against his back, her whole body shook at the thought. Willow felt her core melting, she was so wet. Willow stuck her tongue in William's ear, bit his lobe and whimpered "yes"

He hissed and squeezed her breasts between his hands, his lips licking a trail from her neck to her collar bone. He dipped his tongue in the hollow of her color bone his unshaven cheeks scraping the sensitive skin of her neck.

Willow wanted skin she pulled at his shirt tail and snaked her hands up his hard back. William continued to caress Willow nipples through her blouse. He wanted to taste them, see if they were as sweet as the rest of her. He lowered his head, his lips moved between the valley of her breasts. Willow hissed and moaned. William used his hands to push the top of Willow's blouse and chemise down from her breasts. His eyes feasted on their perfection. He wanted to smell her skin. He brushed his angular cheeks over both her breasts. His stubble caused tortuous sensations of pleasure to shoot through Willow. Her world dropped out from under her, as he licked first one nipple and then the other. He took one into his mouth and sucked greedily. Oh My God She Shouted. Willow's brain had difficulty reaching through her passion dazed state. " Wait" she panted trying to pull away from his glorious mouth. He raised his eyes to hers his mouth inches away from her breast. " I... I... please... slow down.., " she wanted to snatch the words back as soon as they fell from her mouth. His eyes blinked, aglow with passion and he raised his head.
" I.. I... want to.. but ... we need to slow down...

William reached forward again and pulled up Willow's blouse, pulled her into his embrace..." I'm sorry luv, I lost control of myself... I."

"Oh William, she hugged him tightly, I want to so much. I never have and I want to with you but..."

"I know Red," he said huskily petting her head. "How bought you and I cool off with a stroll in the brook?"

William helped Willow rise, took her hand and moved toward the water.


William and Willow headed towards the brook. Willow looked at the handsome man holding her hand her heart ached. Willow wanted to throw her arms about William's neck and shower him with kisses. 

"Willow did you hear me?"


"Shall we take off our shoes and wade, I warn you the water's ice cold" He asked?

"Last one in's a toad stone" she chanted, kicking off her shoes and hiking up her cuffs.

"Yeoweee, It so cold" she shrilled.

William looked at Willow frolicking in the water. He made up his mind. He knew what he was going to do. He wasn't going to be stupid like that Wanker, Heathcliff.

Willow had waded upstream. William yelped as he stepped into the icy cold water. He heard Willow scream, and his heart stopped beating. He took off towards her. She was standing out of the water balanced on a large stone.

"William's heart started beating when he saw she was all right. "What"? He said.

"T..T..T Tadpoles ewoweeee.. " she pointed

William started to laugh, and grabbed his sides, " Your not afraid of a few baby frogs are ye? he snickered.

"Don't just stand there be my knight, get your butt over here and help me" she demanded her arms outstretched.

"Stop laughing"

William scooped her into his arms, " You'll have to do my bidding, else I'll sick the frogs upon ye" he teased

"Not if you value your life, mister" she threatened.

William carried her back to the blanket. Willow kissed his cheek softly. "Thanks for being my hero."

"I've worked up an appetite with the grand rescue" he teased.

William and Willow finished the lunch, chatting and teasing one another.

"I hope I'm not boring you," Willow replied in response to William's yawn.

"No, I''m a might played out with the party and all" he responded.

"Come, it's nap time Will, lay your head on my lap, and I'll read a bit more of my story Wuthering Heights to you" she offered.

William crawled closer and rested his head on her soft thigh. Willow leaned back against the large oak tree and began reading. She placed her other hand upon his brow and petted his head gently. William heart was overflowing with warmth and tranquility. her> He drifted off into peaceful sleep listening to his beloved.

Willow, dozed herself, and woke up slightly chilled. "Will" she said softly, "Wake up, we should be going" They packed up the remnants of their picnic and rode the mare towards Leeds and the blazing sunset.

William explained to Willow that he had the opportunity to work more hours on the railroad since many men were still sick. He said he would be staying at tent city, and would be home next Saturday. He asked if she could come by sometime during the week to have lunch with him. Willow said she would. She was finally understanding the male concept of space. She new she could take advantage of this time to continue her research and figure out what to do about her feelings for Will.

Willow wrote a long letter to Buffy in her journal, telling her about William and what a wonderful time she had with him. She shared a few intimate details about their smooches, and laughed at her self when she told about her misadventures while drunk and at the train yard. She wished everyone her love and told them how much she missed them.

On Monday she went back to one of her favorite bookstore, to see if any new books had arrived from London. The clerk a man who made her think what Giles might be like at sixty, named Fisk was always glad to see her and invited her for tea.

While chatting with Fisk, he commented on her unusual copper bracelet. Willow asked, 'Have you seen anything like this before?" '"Yes, Miss, A dark haired man comes in once a month, looking for old texts like you," he answered.
"What's his name.. I mean ... I need to meet him.." Willow practically bounced out of the chair.
"Next time you see him Fisk, you must tell him about me. Tell him about the bracelet and that I'm a long lost relative and where he can find me at the Pub, Promise" she pleaded.

"Of course, dear"

Willow's luck seemed to be changing for the next day in the Leeds Public Library, she finally made the connection she was looking for in locating the Watchers council in London. She had been reading any articles, and reports on strange phenomena and found the same name listed three times over a period of nine months. A Mr. Marcus Giles who worked at an art museum. This had to be a member of the council, It was probably Giles great grandfather or Great uncle or something. Giles, her Giles said Watchers had come from his family line for many hundreds of years. Willow composed a short letter to Mr. Marcus Giles:

Dear Mr. Guiles.

I am introducing myself to you as a friend of your Family. My name is Willow Rosenberg. I am currently in Leeds. I am in a spot of trouble. I am aware of the slayer-watcher destiny and would like if you could help me. Please write or telegraph me as soon as possible and I will come to London to see you.

Sincerely Yours,


Willow posted the letter and felt more hopeful than she had since coming here.

On Friday evening a tall, dark hair men came into the pub. Willow waited on him and he asked are you a brethren? Willow almost dropped her tray of drinks. She sat down and felt goosebumps and the hair on her arms standing up. This man had powerful magic. Willow said, she really needed his help. She explained she was a Wicca, kind of related to his Druid sect, and desperately needed his help. She new Mary was watching her and knew she couldn't talk freely with all the distractions of the pub. Willow made an agreement to meet Aaron by the canal on Liberty Street on Saturday at 9:00 a.m.

Willow had difficult sleeping that night, she thought back to the three days she had visited William at the train yard. He looked very tired. They had not had any time alone in a week. Willow thought about him constantly and missed him terribly.

The next day she meet Aaron and explained her situation about her being a witch from the future, the spell gone wrong, the lost locket and inquired as if there was any way he could help her. Aaron explained that she had performed a powerful spell, and he was puzzled how it could have gone wrong. Aaron explained that if the spell was done incorrectly as Willow said than nothing should have happened. Aaron couldn't explain the locket's disappearance either. He did tell Willow that it may be possible for her to return back to her own time. He explained that during Beltane powerful Druid rituals are performed at Stonehenge. At this time the doorway between time is more fluid. He thought Willow repeating the spell with the druid's assisting with their powers she could return to her own time. Willow asked if someone from this time could go with her? Aaron didn't believe this was possible. He believed that time is kind of like elastic and that Willow's belonging in her time she should snap back like a band, but that someone in this time would most likely be anchored here. Aaron was impressed with Willow's power to be able to perform the original spell. Aaron commented that for the original spell to work some primal forces were at work in addition to the magic. Aaron said that Willow's love for her friend Angel must be strong as it had pulled her through time. He said that Willow's love for her friends in Sunnydale should be powerful enough for her to snap back through time. Beltane, June 21st was in three weeks, Aaron agreed to meet Willow at the Pub the Thursday before and they would travel to Stonehenge together. Willow thanked Aaron and returned to the pub.

Willow was happy to see William that night, she longed to tell him, she knew she was going to have to explain that she was going home. Willow wished he could come, wished she could stay.. She felt like crying.

"Hey, what's with the sad face, Red?"

"Nothing, I just miss you" she said embracing him.

"What would you like to do tonight, Pet?"

"Lets just go to the canal and watch the stars and be together"

Willow put off telling William, she wanted to enjoy every moment they had left together. They sat by the water holding hands and talking softly. William kissed Willow gently, he was careful not to get to amorous. He said that next Saturday her birthday he was going to take her on a suprise trip. Willow cajoled William to try and whittle information as to the location. He would only say that it was to be a day trip and they would travel by train.

William went into Dysen's jewerly store to buy a gift for Willow. He was looking at several items, but he knew what to buy the moment he layed eyes upon it. He asked the jeweler to engrave it: Love always W. He new she would like it.
William was happy to see Willow every day for lunch. She seemed a bit melancholy, he new the weeked trip would cheer her up. Willow decided she was going to tell William on Saturday, after all she had only one more week after that and she would be leaving.

Saturday morning Willow was up at five a.m. William was waiting in the pub as was Mary and Randy. Mary cooed, "It's to be a lovely day, Happy Birthday lass" Mary said hugging and kissing Willow. Randy also wished Willow well and hugged her. Mary and Randy had bought Willow a pretty new dress. "I thought you might like to wear it today" Mary replied. William kissed Willow, "Tell me where we're going Please" she begged.

"Go and change and we're off to the train. When they got to the train station William bought two round trip tickets on the Keighley & Worth Valley line to Haworth.

"Oh", Willow squealed, The Bronte's moors like in Wuthering Heights. She hugges William tightly. William loaded the picnic hamper upon the train and reached into his pocket for the tenth time to feel the velvet bag with Willow's present.

The train ride lasted two hours, Willow babbled the entire way. They left Haworth station and William rented a wagon. William was so happy that Willow was enjoying herself. She pointed and oohed and awed with such joy. She wanted to stop and walk around. She ran across the field yelling Heathcliff at the top of her lungs, making William laugh out loud. He began to chase after her. She ran and climed upon some large eskers.

"I feel like I'm on top of the world" she explaimed 
She giggled.

"Me too Red, me too"

"Did you bring any more strawberries in that hamper" Willow asked coyly.

"As a matter of fact I did, and champange too."

"Mmmm.. lets have some, she said climing down. William spread the blanket and stopped Willow before she opened the basket.

"Willow," he squeaked

He cleared his throat, " Willow, It being your birthday I wanted to tell you.. I wanted to say... I wanted to ask..."

She looked at him with those georgeous eyes.

He reached into his pocket and took out the velvet shrouded gift.

"Willow, I've never met anyone like you, you have made me happier than I ever thought possible. I love you with all my heart and soul, and I want to give you this token of my love." he said handing her the gift.

Willow's eyes shed tears 

Willow opened the gift. Her heart stopped, it was THE LOCKET, all shiny and new
She opened it up and saw room for a picture and an inscription love always W.

Willow was sobbing openly, " William, Oh William it's so beautiful... I love you too William. She hugged him and he kissed her his heart overflowing with joy. " Willow, would you be my wife?"
