Part 9

" So, Spike, how was the show last night?" Xander asked." Giles insisted I patrol with him." "Come on man... did she chicken out or what?" he asked.

"Who, mate?" Spike replied.

"Duh!.. Wills,.. Red-headed vixen by night masquerading as mild mannered net girl by day," He chuckled.

"My ears are burning Xan;.. what are you flapping your jaw about?" Willow teased as she walked in with Giles.

"I was asking Spike for a detailed report, but he suffering from a case of fang jaw" he laughed " Get it--lock jaw.. fang jaw?"

Willow rolled her eyes, and Spike groaned.

"So, Giles, any luck with research last night?" Willow asked.

"No, nothing new."

" Well, I hope to uncover something today. I have a date with Detective Baylass," She replied, turning on the computer terminal.

" A what?" Spike asked.

" A lunch date;.. I'm gonna pick his brains."

"Sure, Wills, you got the jones for the dick." Xander taunted.

" That's too dangerous, Willow!" He could be the killer for all we know. "You could be walking into his trap!" Spike blustered

"Don't be silly,.. It's a public place," she answered as she began to print out a document.

"Giles," Spike asked, < Help me out here? > his eyes pleading.

" Well, perhaps we should keep you under surveillance." Giles suggested.

"Oh, like Wills wears a wire like Angie Dickinson?" Xander asked excitedly.

"Not exactly, but a small listening device would let us in on the conversation--.. in case he says something incriminating." Giles replied wiping his glasses.

"I think I have just the thing." He said moving into his office.

Willow rolled her eyes and Spike grinned wolfishly.


Sunnydale diner, 12:00 Noon

Xander, Giles and Spike sat in the back of the brown van listening to the noise of the diner.

"Here he comes," she whispered.

"Willow, good afternoon, I'm so glad you could join me," Tim said.

"Thanks, I've been looking forward to it since last night," she smiled.

Spike rolled his eyes and motioned with his finger down his throat,a gagging motion.

Xander chuckled and Giles shushed him.

"So, Willow, you seem like such a nice young woman, not to be cliched but what are you doing working in a club like Millenium?" Tim asked.

"Why else, the cash," she shrugged her shoulders.

" Easier and safer ways to earn a living, you know," he replied.

"You know four women who worked there have been murdered, right?" he asked.

" Sure, it's all over the papers," she answered.

" So you're smart and beautiful, why work there?" he asked again.

Willow blushed. "You're even beautiful when you blush." Tim smiled.

" What's he doing trying to do,warn her off or get in her pants?" Spike growled.

" Shhh," Xander hissed. "He's coming on to her, I want to hear it, do you mind?"

"Thank you. The job fits in with my school work," she lied.

"Did you take dance?" he asked.

"No," she laughed

The waitress came over and they both ordered.

"You were very good by the way," he smiled.

" Thanks."

"I saw you with the blond biker guy," Tim remarked.

"Who?" Willow asked. " Oh, you mean Spike?"

" Yeah, are you two dating or something?" he asked.

"Something," Willow replied coyly.

" She's flirting with him," Spike growled.

" Shhhh," both Xander and Giles responded.

" He's a regular at the club you know." Tim offered.

"Yeah, I know," she replied, sipping the diet soda the waitress put down.

"He doesn't strike me as your type, Willow," Tim commented.

"Oh, what's my type? she grinned.

" Someone you're parents would approve of, someone with a good job, who can give you the future you deserve," he replied.

"You've given this a lot of thought," she replied, somewhat uncomfortable.

"You're not the only one who can do a little research, Willow," he grinned.

Willow shifted in her seat nervously. "I don't know what you mean," she fibbed.

"I bet you know what I eat for breakfast what brand of toothpaste I use and wether I've got on boxers or briefs?" he challenged.

"Neither," she said boldly.

"What did he say? How does she know?" Spike yelled.

"I can't hear over your yelling, Deadboy," Xander chided.

" So how about you and I......" The three men in the van heard a loud crash and Spike, in his nervousness, jumped and knocked the receiving device upon the floor of the van and it cracked.

" Damn!" Giles swore and picked it up.

"Fix it!" Spike demanded "We're missing what's going on," he whined.

"It's broken."

"Great, now I'm gonna miss it," Xander swore under his breath at Spike.

" What did you say?" Spike growled game face,glowering at Xander.

" Nothing, nothing,"

Spike felt like a caged animal. "Giles, you need to go in there and see what's going on!"

"I'm sure Willow can handle herself," Giles replied.

< I'm worried about what the bloody sod thinks *he* can handle> Spike thought to himself.

"What if something goes wrong?" Spike asked, "and she can't call for help?"

"She's in a public restaurant. She'll be fine." Giles reassured him.

" I'm getting kinda hungry," Xander said. " I could go in for a take out and give the situation the once over," he offered.

" Good idea," < Listen to me, I complementing the bubblehead> Spike thought.

Xander crawled into the front of the van and opened the door and walked to the restaurant. He came running out two minutes later and wrenched open the sliding door; causing Spike to hiss and throw himself back into the dark corner devoid of sunlight.

" She gone!" he gasped.

"What! Are you sure?" Giles asked.

" Bloody hell," Spiked moved toward the light as if to jump out; he hissed and moved back into the corner.

"Where the hell is she?" Giles asked as he moved out of the van. "Spike can you drive round to the back alley, keep an eye out, then we'll meet you as soon as we know anything." Giles directed.

Spike moved to the front of the van. He covered his head with his duster and drove the van round to the back of the diner.

Spike thought an eternity passed before Giles and Xander exited the restaurant.

"The waitress said that they left through the back way, hand in hand, ten minutes ago." Giles reported.

"Christ, I knew this was a bad idea!" Spike yelled.

Part 10

Spike had been pacing for the past hour. He had called Giles twice on the cell phone; only to be told that Willow was not at Bayliss's apartment nor was she seen at the Millennium club. Fear clawed at Spike's gut. < He's probably already begun to torture and rape her.... How could I let this happen to her?....I'm so fucking useless; I can't even look for her now! >

In his rage, Spike vamped out, yellowed-eyed; he threw a chair against the stone wall. He heard it crack and watched it splinter. He wondered if that was happing to her right now. " Willow," he cried out mournfully.

" Spike?" she replied, frightened. Willow had walked in and seen Spike in a rage throwing things about. < Oh God, what happened? >

He whirled around. " Willow!" Without thinking he crossed the room and pulled her into a crushing embrace; "Oh Willow."

Willow was a little shocked to find Spike upset and vamped out. She then moved on over to confusion; as he hugged her like she was some long lost pet.

Willow gasped in surprise, both from the force of his embrace and the proximity to his hard body. Spike released her from his constricting embrace. "Are you hurt?" he asked, touching her face gently.

To hear concern come from his vampire visage was simply incongruent. <How can he be in a rage and all protective like? > "I'm fine," she replied softly raising her own hand up to touch his brow to make tangible this demonic face with this emotional outburst. < What's going on? >

Willow watched his face shift from demon back to human as her hand brushed his ridged brow. < Was he worried about me? > Willow's green eyes colored by confusion and desire gazed into his clear blue sky, eyes; "what is it?" she asked breathless.

"You got away...he didn't hurt you!" he stated joyfully and pressed his lips against hers.

Willow felt tingly, breathless as every nerve ending in her body was supercharged. All conscious thoughts were lost, she responded in kind. Her hands moved of their own volition to wrap behind Spike's head to pull him closer into her. His hair was so silky and her fingers stroked his head softly. Her body was drawn into his as if each of them were opposite ends of a magnet. Together it felt like they completed a circuit, a highly charged; sexual circuit. The charge emanated from his stimulating lips, her lips understood his need and opened, beckoning him deeper. The touch of his tongue against hers promised lascivious pleasure. She could feel his cool, hard body pressed firmly against her hot, soft one. Her breasts molded themselves against his powerful chest. Her nipples hardened in amatory delight. She felt his strong hands kneading her back,sending wave after wave of desire undulating throughout her body, as he traced a wanton path along her spine. Her belly button felt the tip of his burgeoning erection press against her, demanding an invitation into her being. His powerful thighs, twin pillars of strength, promised sanctuary to her yielding limbs.

He felt sparks course throughout his body as soon as his lips touched hers. She beckoned him into her hot, wet, mouth where he licked and tasted her exotic elixir. He burst into flames as her body pressed against his. He felt reborn, alive, no longer a cold empty shell. Her fiery, pliant essence filled him. He was a live mortal man once again; he felt his heart pound, his skin tingle, as he drank in her nectar. His chest rose and fell in a sensual dance of familiarity with her tempting breasts. He felt her shiver under his relentless embrace. His cock was throbbing against her arousing flesh. Her lithe form surrendered against his resistant one.

Giles and Xander walked dejectedly into the mansion. Both were dumbstruck to see Willow and Spike glued together like pages in a book; a romance novel.

Giles cleared his throat loudly, but the lip-locked unit was emitting growling and purring noises of pleasure, oblivious to them.

Xander needed to do something; because the sight of Spike and Willow's exploring one another's mouth like they held some buried treasure, not to mention their bodies pressed seamlessly together, made him feel faint.

He moved across the room and grabbed a handful of each of their hair and yanked. Xander swore he heard the sound of whooshing air like when a vacuum is released when their lips popped apart.

" I hate to interrupt this little love-feast but Willow, where the hell were you and have you lost your frigging mind?" Xander asked fuming.

Willow and Spike brains each seemed to begin working once again. < What the hell was that? > Spike thought feeling like a small child caught sneaking sweets, < oh she is so much more tasty than sweets and hot and...> he shook his head to try and make his bloodless brain begin actually working.

Willow face flamed scarlet. < Oh MY GOD, I have never felt anything so.... so...incredibly hot and mind-blowing... ever like him. > Willow sucked much needed air into her oxygen-deprived lungs.

" She's alive!" Spike growled huskily.

"Another minute and she'd have been either been brain dead from lack of oxygen or swallowed whole!" Xander snapped.

Willow 's legs were shaking; her whole body was quivering. < I need to get out of here...oh my Goddess he is so...snap out of it.. get a hold of yourself.. deep breath..>

"Yes, well, Willow, erm.. we had some technical difficulties and lost track of you." Giles began trying to return to some semblance of order.

Spike's brain started to flood with much needed blood. He started thinking again. He felt cold, empty and very, very cranky. < Look at her face flaming scarlet, matching her hair... what is she thinking... she's embarrassed... and all I want to do is take her here now on the cold floor and let her fill me with her fire and warmth.> < Stupid wanker!>

Part 11

Willow moved over to the conference room table and sat down, her legs still feeling shaky. < God, my face is flaming, I can feel it, … I can't believe I was sucking face with Spike…. and I was so…>

"Well, can someone tell me what the hell is going on…?" Xander whined.

"As I was saying Willow, we had some technical difficulties and lost your transmission. We lost track of you and had no idea where you went with Detective Bayalss." Giles stuttered. " We thought he may have abducted you and was.. well .. Thank goodness your unharmed. Can you tell us what happened?" Giles asked his eyes darting from Willow's red face to Spike's glowering visage.

"He.." she said huskily. Willow cleared her throat. " He knew that I had been researching the murders, he guessed I went undercover after doing a little hacking himself." She explained. " He doesn't know about the hellmouth or Buffy or that kinda stuff. He warned me not to get involved. I persuaded him to show me his files.." she continued.

"Boxer or briefs?" Spike mumbled under his breath testily.

"What?" Giles asked.

Spike shook his head, indicating nothing.

"We went to the police station and compared case notes. Tim doesn't have any leads either. .. but he thinks Spike's the killer." Willow said solemnly.

"Me? Typical" Spike scoffed.

"Oh my, it's almost 6:00 p.m." Willow exclaimed.

"Dinner date with the keystone cop?" Spike asked sarcastically.

Willow; still couldn't make eye contact with Spike. " No, I've got to get to the club to get ready." She said putting things back in place that had gotten knocked over during Spike's tirade. " Maybe, Xander can be my back up tonight…?" she asked hopefully, not thinking she could ever look at the blond vamp again without flushing and feeling his mouth and tongue on hers. < Don't make some big thing out of a silly little kiss, Rosenberg. >

Xander sniffed, " You bet Wills, I'm your secret agent man.. Giles and Spike; think you guys can handle patrol tonight?" Xander asked.

Giles saw Spike roll his eyes and Xander proceeded to walk about like a peacock. Giles had to stifle a laugh.

< Sorry pet, despite your regrets I'll still be your back up. > " I'm going to grab a spot to eat before I head out." Spike announced and walked stiffly out of the living room.

< My goodness, please not another mortal-vampire love affair> Giles thought sighing heavily.

"So Wills, tell me about your outfit?" Xander teased as the two exited together.

Willow was putting the finishing touches on her makeup. < I can do this… I did this last night… Just look at Tim tonight that's all.. or Xander.. but not him.>

Nick introduced Willow and she took the stage in the same manner as the night before. She sought out Tim's face and smiled. He winked at her as she raised herself up on her two feet and began to rotate her hips in time with the heavy rhythm of Tom Petty.

Xander was sitting in the back of the club with Spike. "Holy Shit!" Xander said his eyes popping out of his head. " Willow is… she… is it hot in here or is it just me?" he asked looking at Spike.

Xander noticed Spike scowling at Detective Bayalss. Xander looked at the detective and saw him leering at Willow. Xander looked back at Willow and saw her shaking her ass at the audience. Xander felt sweat bead upon his forward and his pants felt way too tight.

He heard a growl and looked back to see Spike shooting daggers across the room at the grinning police detective.

Xander's eyes darted back to Willow and he saw her drop her top. He stood straight up and then felt Spike tug at his arm. "Sit down!" he growled. " I can't see the copper!"

Xander sat down and watched, feeling very aroused as Willow turned back around to face the audience, her hands covering a sheer black lace bra.

Xander swallowed hard, and held his breath. Willow removed her hands from her breasts and Xander moaned. Xander then felt Spike smack him upside his head. " That's your friend your drooling over mate, don't be getting any ideas."

Xander closed his eyes and tried to still his racing heart as Willow wiggled her might fine ass off the stage. < Shit, I need to see her do this.. like it wasn't bad enough before but now…>

"I need a drink," Xander said waving his hand to catch Tami's attention.

Willow quickly freshened up and changed into a short royal blue miniskirt and matching halter-top. She cursed the stupid high heels, and she wobbled out into the smoky club. She literally ran into Andy Sipowitz, the bouncer coming out of her dressing room. "Andy… sorry," she mumbled.

"Hey, no problem.," he grumbled, and moved away back into the club.

Willow eyes scanned the club looking for Xander; she spotted him sitting at a table in the back, Spike was with him… and the waitress Tami was sitting on Spike's lap looking really cozy. < Gee why doesn't she lean a little closer to his face and then all he'll have to do is open his mouth and he can swallow her breast. > She had a job to do and wasn't going to let that silly little kiss in the library make her forget it.

Willow sauntered over to the table, and noting there were only two chairs, both occupied, and since Tami was perched on Spike's lap, she plopped down on Xander's lap. "Hey Xand,"she smiled about to ask him what he thought, <he needs to take that big stake out of his pocket. It's rubbing against my ass.> She leaned in close and whispered in his ear,"Take the stake out of your pocket." Xander's face flamed and Willow blushed, realizing that it wasn't a stake rubbing against her ass. She giggled, and her body bounced slightly. " Wills," Xander said tightly, " sit still for Christ sake." Her eyes widened and she reached over to the table and took a sip on Xander's drink.

Spike took in the whole scene between Xander and Willow. He knew even without his vampire hearing the boy had a hard on. < Damn tease, I could just….>

"You were really good Hon," Tami stated. " You got em eating out of your hand…. Break's over; I'll see you guys later." She said, rising and heading back toward the bar.

" Wills, I gotta.. get up… I mean… use the… could you.. move!" Xander implored, looking embarrassed.

" Sorry," she stood up.

" Great," Spike snapped, " here comes the copper. < I'll be soul happy before I let her sit on his lap. > Spike reached out and took Willow's arm and pulled her toward him. " Hey" she gasped looking into his blue eyes for the first time. Willow lost the ability to speak. His blue eyes were smoldering dark blue flames. Spike pulled her down onto his vacant lap, just as the detective neared the table.

Part 12

Xander went out into the alley behind the club. < I can't believe...that Willow's so.... naughty.. I guess that vamp Willow was more like my Willow than any of us imagined. > Xander heard a noise like a soft moan. "Is somebody there?" he called out nervously. < Great, the only *stake* I' vegot is in my pants...X-man you need to start thinking with your head! >

A dark haired man came out of the shadows. "Hey, I saw you with the new dancer.... Willow, How about you introduce us?" the man sneered.

< RatBoy. Gee, Willow, you sure know how to attract the depraved and demon dimension. > Xander felt a cold, hard hand take his elbow and steer him back towards the club.

Willow felt Spike's cool arm envelop her waist, holding her firmly in place. Her ass suddenly felt all hot and she wanted so badly to squirm upon his lap and see what his *stake* would feel like against her bottom. Willow shuddered at her carnal thoughts. She felt his chin rest upon her shoulder.

<Can I ever think before I act? I could embarrass myself like the stupid boy! > He closed his eyes at the feel of her hot body so close to his, her Willow smell, setting his cold blood to heat up to a roiling boil. Spike felt her shudder slightly against him. He felt a pain in his chest at her shudder.

"Willow, Spike" Tim smiled broadly at Willow, as he sat in the vacant chair. Tim couldn't help but smile the murderous looks the blond biker was giving him.

"Detective, any new *suspect's* to report?" Spike asked, running his finger intimately from the tip of Willow's earlobe to the edge of her collarbone.

Willow's heart was pounding and she was desperately trying to find her voice.

< Why can't I think.. He has to be all grrr and sexy; goddess I hate when he does that... he just trying to agitate Tim. >

Spike felt her heartbeat speed up at his touch. < Is she afraid I'll drain her? > Willow squirmed in spite of herself and sighed loudly.

Spike drew in a deep breath of unnecessary air.

"Hey Guys, guess who's a big fan Willow's?" Xander rolled his eyes and pointed. "This here is Alex Krycheck; this is Willow, of course and Tim and Spike." Xander explained.

"Willow," Alex smiled, held out his hand. Willow lifted hers and Alex gently grasped her palm and ran his thumb over the back of her hand, stared into her green eyes, and dropped his gaze lower. < Willow felt like he was undressing her with his eyes and she didn't like it one bit. > She pulled her hand from his and turned sideways on Spike's lap. She reached her arm around Spike's waist and nestled her head against his shoulder. < Don't even look at me or else I'll sick Spike on you RatBoy! He's probably the killer... he's nasty. >

Spike's first impulse was to rip the spooks eyeballs out and shove them back up his nose, while he held his mouth shut till he turned blue and died. However, Willow's cuddling created a momentary distraction. Spike shut his eyes for a second and he began to rub willow's lower back with his hand. He remembered where he was and that very likely one of these two men was the murderer. Both of whom were trying to get close to Willow. <Over My Undead Body! >

Willow felt like she was melting from the inside out. < How come I'm so hot if his hands are so cold? > " Spike, I'm kinda tired. Do you think we could go home now?" she asked,lifting her hand and softly caressing his chest. < If I don't get off his lap.. and he doesn't stop rubbing my back.. I'll be making a fool out of myself.>

"Anything for you, Pet." He leered at the detective and spook. Willow stood up. "Xander, are you staying or coming with us? " Willow asked.

Spike gave Xander, an 'I'll kill you if you join us' look. Xander shook his head. < Damn it, Willow, Didn't you learn anything from Buffy about vamps? >

Spike held on to Willow's hand as they left the club. " Spike, I think that Krycheck is the murderer. " Willow said. "I think we should check out his place, while he's here." She smiled brightly.

Spike's stomach did a little flip-flop. < Must have been bad blood, I ate. > "Alright, I'll drop you home and then do a little breaking and entering." He said.

"No, I'm going too." She stopped and pulled her hand from his. "Willow, this man even if he isn't the killer is a very dangerous man." Spike replied.

"Master of the obvious! I'm going with or without you." Willow snapped angrily.

"No, You'll be going home to bed, like a good little witch!" he said gripping her elbow and moving toward the car.

"Let go of me you big..."

"Is there a problem Willow?" Tim asked moving towards the arguing couple. <That blond bastard is the killer and she won't accept it... God I don't want to see her come to the same end as the others. >

" No," shouted Spike " Yes," growled Willow.

Spike let go of her arm like it was a religious icon. < How do you like that.. the little tease is going ta make like I'm man handling her. >

"How about I give you a ride Willow?" Tim offered.

"That be great... Thanks" she smiled at Tim.

Spike stood there watching the copper lead Willow to his car. < Well, I'll not be all soul happy, over the stupid little witch's games. >
