Part 16
Willow couldn't believe  what had happened.  It appeared as a dream, well it 
wasn't all just a dream. < Oh Goddess, my tee is soaking wet over my breast 
and my.. Well I'm drenched down there not to mention the tingling.  It felt 
so good why I just want to go down there and... Kill him, how dare he touch 
me when I was unconscious and barely lucid.. Hey at least he gave you one big 
happy.. Besides the point.. He's a soulless demon that wants a little fun at 
your expense and then first chance he gets he'll eat you... well apparently 
he's already done that..>  Willow stood up. < I can't believe I'm laying here 
having an argument with myself.  This uninhibited spell must be messing me up 
more so than I thought. <  I just need this to be over, settled so I can get 
on with... well with my life as pathetic as it is. >

Willow wasn't sure this was the right thing to do.  Hell, Giles would 
probably have a coronary if he knew.
She opened the door with all the stealth her spell induced vamp self could 
muster. < Goddess look at him, lying there, sleeping like the dead, his pale 
muscular chest..>  Willow moved closer,  < oh jeez, I think he.. he 
ejaculated on himself. >  Willow's uninhibited vamp self smiled.  This is 
gonna be like taking candy from a baby.

She straddled the cot and plopped her leather-clad ass on his chest.  His 
blue eyes opened in surprise.
" Hello, Puppy!" she purred,  " Miss me?"

" Willow," he sputtered sleepily. " Uh...

" You still haven't given me what I want." She said pouting, then slid her 
hips lower, dragging her leather-covered mound down his chest till it rested 
over his awakening cock.

" Awa.. want.." he repeated wild-eyed.

Willow leered, at the squirming man, and ran her finger over one of his 
nipples,  " Puppy wanna talk or play?" she asked twisting his nipple between 
her finger.

She heard him gasp, saw his eyes fly open in suprize, she felt a sharp blow 
to the back of her head and saw stars that faded away into blackness.

" Oz?"  He yelped not sure whether to be disappointed, relieved or afraid.

Oz pulled Willow's unconscious form from Riley.  Tears fell from his eyes. < 
I should have never left, Willow is a vampire. >  He cradled her inert form 
in his arms, and kissed her forehead.  " I'm so sorry I left, baby, I'm gonna 
help you." 
He moved her still form over to the wall and placed her in the arm shackles. 

 "Who?" Oz's asked his voice cracking.
Riley echoed,  " Who?" not up on Oz's monosyllabic speak.

" Who, did this?" Oz muttered angrly.  " Who turned her?"  Oz hissed, unable 
to meet Riley's eyes.  Oz had seen and heard just enough to know that Willow 
had made Riley her human puppy.  Oz thought he might puke.  He could smell 
Riley's semen. Oz wanted to rip apart who ever did this, turned his beautiful 
kitten into a slutty vampire.

" I'm not sure  .. I know him only as hostile 17.. no she called him.. 
Pussy... er ...Spike, I think" Riley answered.

Oz swore, " I'll stake him!" and stormed off like a rabid dog.

" Hey, wait.." Riley yelled to Oz's retreating form.  


Spike tossed and turned unable to get the visions of Willow out of his mind.  
It didn't help that he could still taste her essence and smell her upon his 
hands.  He wanted nothing more than to go back upstairs and fuck some sense 
into her.  This whole vamp Willow scheme was ridiculous, not that he wouldn't 
mind seeing her dressed up like that for his eyes only.  But to have her 
parading around half-naked and rubbing herself against every warm body, that 
wouldn't do at all.  

Spike sat upright, He heard something pounding on the door, yelling for 
Giles.  Spike sprinted up the stairs worried that whatever was outside might 
present some harm to Willow.  

Giles was halfway down the stairs, pulling his robe on.  He recognized the 
agitated voice, < Judas Priest, I think its Oz! >

" Where is she?" Spike asked alarmed to see the empty couch and blue blanket 
upon the floor.

Giles hushed Spike.  " She is probably in the bathroom, it's Oz.. go.. I 
don't think it's a good idea to spring you on him." Giles explained 
rationally.  "  Coming," he yelled towards the door as he waved Spike away.

< I'll be damned the stupid wolf is back.. if he thinks he's going to get 
anywhere near Willow.>
Spike moved down the hallway towards the bathroom.

Giles opened the door and Oz rushed in, " It's Willow, she's been turned.. 
you need to get the stuff to do the soul restoration spell.."  he directed 

" Calm down, Oz, come in and lets talk..  Giles uttered just before all hell 
broke loose.

" YOU FUCKING BASTARD!"  Oz shrieked as he moved towards Spike.
Part 17
Oz attacked Spike with murderous intent.   Oz, howled as he pummeled Spike,   
    " You Fucking Bastard, YOU TURNED HER!  I'M GONNA.." was all he managed 
to yell before Giles used  a tranquilizer dart on him.

Spike wiped the blood off his face from his split lip.  " I think the wolf 
boy broke me nose!  Where the hell is Willow?  He must have seen her in 
costume and thought I.." 

Giles groaned as he rolled Oz's unconscious body over, " Great, Willow has 
agonized over him for weeks, and he suddenly shows up in the middle of the 
night.  She's probably heartbroken..  I gather she must have fooled him with 
her vamp routine as some sort of punishment for his abandonment."

" I wish you had just help restrain the pup, we have no idea where he saw 
Willow." Spike complained as he moved into the kitchen for some much-needed 
blood. < I want to rip that fleabag's  throat out and drain him dry!  I'll be 
soul happy before I let that wolf hurt her again, She's mine enough of this 
silly masquerade, I'm claiming her and no mortal, wolf boy or vampire shall 
touch her again. >

"I suspect Willow has gone back to the crypt to *talk* to Riley.  However, I 
wonder why Xander hasn't rang, as he's watching the lad."  Giles reasoned 
cleaning his glasses nervously.

" The boy dunder is probably sleeping or shagging the demon girl," Spike 
commented irritated.  < Willow could be .. What if he did something to her, > 
Spike grabbed his leather duster and put it on, " Look, I'm gonna find her 
and take her somewhere safe till you sort out things with the dog." Spike 
explained as he headed towards the door.   Spike reached into the ceramic 
bowl the watcher placed his car keys.  " Your keys are gone, she must have 
taken your car," Spike swore.  " Bloody Hell!"    He stalked over to the 
unconscious Oz and none to gently removed Oz's van keys, wincing and groaning 
as his removal caused blinding pain to shoot through his cranium.  < It's 
worth the torture to know that you'll be sporting a couple broken ribs. >

" Spike, Enough!"  Giles yelled, < The stupid boy deserves a bit of 
punishment for hurting her like that. >

Spike staggered a bit, righted himself, puffed out his chest and strode 
towards the door. < Red, you belong to me. >

Riley had tried several times to awaken the vamp.  < Maybe, she's dead,  * 
Duh* > He shook his head.     < Oz's will be back soon and let me loose and 
if he hasn't dusted the animal that did this  to her, then I'm going to have 
the pleasure myself, harmless implant my ass, say bye-bye Pussycat. >

"Oh shit!" Riley swore under his breath as the * bleach blond animal* himself 
blew into the crypt once again, this time Riley thought the metal door might 
shatter at the impact of its hitting the cement wall.  

" Willow," Spike bellowed angrily.  

Riley watched as the vampire saw Willow chained up, unconscious.  He felt a 
shiver run down his spine and thought he might wet himself as he saw Hostile 
17, metamorphose into one angry demon.

Spike smelled her blood; he felt his demon rage against his defective body.  
He wanted to kill, someone had drew blood, her blood, * his blood*.  He 
growled his rage and was by her side immediately.  < The wolf is so dead, how 
dare he hurt her, chain her up like he owns her! >  Spike ripped the manacles 
out of the wall, gathered up the pale women, and cradled her in his lap.   " 
Pet--Red, are you alright luv?" He asked gently probing her head wound. He 
felt a large lump, but noted the cut was superficial but had bleed a lot as 
was common with head wounds.    He moved his face closer to her neck and 
licked at the red rivulets that had dripped from her wound.  < Mine, mine> he 
chanted as he licked her cheek and temple.  Spike felt his demon clamor for 
possession.  He felt his mortal body vibrate with need for her, he felt that 
strange tugging within his chest.  His cock pulsed and strained against his 
denim as he held her, heard her blood singing to him.  Her smell, her blood, 
her fire, her innocence, he moved his face back into the crook of her neck 
and sunk his fangs into her tender flesh.  

White-hot pokers of pain seized him.  Her elixir coated his throat; he gasped 
at the pain and nearly choked upon her heated blood.  He swallowed, and 
lifted his head; red tears leaked down his chiseled cheeks.

Spike's demon sated allowed his human features to assert themselves once 
again.  Spike lifted his icy blue eyes and tear stained cheeks to look upon 
Riley.   " Mine," he hoarsely croaked.
Part 18
Willow's head throbbed in time with her heartbeat.  Her mouth felt like it 
was stuffed with cotton.  Her brain told her she was lying down on her side, 
and she wasn't alone.   She knew it was Spike who spooned her tightly.  She 
felt safe and protected.  She gingerly opened her eyes.  She was in a bed 
with dark green satin sheets.  Her head rested on his muscular arm, and she 
could see his pale forearm, lying atop her own arm, long lean fingers 
clutching her own.   His other arm was positioned underneath her right arm, 
covered her right breast and possessively clutched her left breast.  Between 
his fingers and the mattress it was smashed so that her nipple had escaped 
its leather confines and was poking into his palm.   She could feel his nose 
and angular cheek nestled in the crook of her neck.  She felt his muscular 
chest against her back; one of his knees and thigh was intimately between her 
legs.  The soft hair upon Spike's legs tickled Willow's thighs, his bony knee 
pressed up against her leather-clad sex. < He's naked! >  Willow's eyes 
widened in surprise as she was aware of Spike penis, < Oh Goddess, I hope 
it's erect cause if that's the size at rest. >

Spike awoke as he noted Willow's breathing and pulse rate change.  His head 
still throbbed from before, but Willow's sudden consciousness and squirming 
backside had caused his semi erect cock to stiffen even more.

Willow felt the base of Spike's member pressing against her bum hole.  She 
swallowed and squirmed in spite of her reservations and she felt what she 
assumed was it's silk head poking into her bare back just above the waistline 
of her leather hot pants.

Spike nuzzled Willow's neck with his lips, suckled at his mark, he languidly 
brushed his thumb over her freed nipple.  His shaft felt like it was encased 
in leather.  Spike shifted his left knee and thigh upward to rub more 
intimately against Willow's hot core.

Willow moaned, and knew she needed to take control of the situation before 
she lost all sense of self-respect and begged the blond Adonis to * fuck her 
hard and fast.* < Oh Goddess, I can't believe I just thought...> Willow's 
internal good girl-bad girl dialog tape got snarled and snapped as Spike 
flicked Willow's distended nipple with his thumb and index finger.  Willow 
whimpered at the pleasantly painful sensation it created.

Spike smiled into her neck when she jumped at his naughty foreplay.  He 
shifted his pelvis and leg rubbing his knee and thigh against her slit.   His 
balls rubbed against her firm ass cheeks, and his shaft slid along the valley 
between her fine cheeks.   The sensitive underside of his cock ground against 
the fevered skin on her lower back.  He could smell her arousal.  < Ah..  The 
heady combination of leather drenched in Willow juice. He hissed his delight, 
" you make me so hard, luv," and sucked at her earlobe.

Willow felt her sex weep, her womanly fluids leaked onto her thigh, onto his 
hairy leg.  To hear his husky voice utter what was plainly obvious made her 
wetter.  " Spike, I think.." was all she managed to whisper before he 
suddenly was above her effectively silencing her words with his hungry mouth 
and tongue. 

Goddess he took her breath away, his tongue was everywhere inside her mouth.  
He had managed to unhook her top and his cool, strong hands were gently 
teasing both breasts.  Willow moaned into his mouth and arched her torso into 
his talented hands.   He wanted her, desired her, with a passion she had 
never felt before.   She desired him, was on fire for him, she needed him, 
she clutched at his back and ground her pelvis into his.  

Spike had managed to unzip her pants and she levered her hips so that he 
could remove them. His lips and tongue never stopped ravishing her mouth.   
His long fingers rubbed against her slit, several fingers slid into her 
slippery channel, brushing her engorged clitoris, making her groan wildly 
into his mouth.  Willow clutched at Spike's hard ass she needed him to fill 

Spike tore his mouth away from hers, he moved his hands to cup her head, his 
fingers tangling in her red tresses, he wanted to look into her eyes so she 
would know that it was him that possessed her, him that would pleasure her, 
him that would be her mate from this day forth.  He gazed upon her flushed 
face her kiss stung lips, her green eyes black with desire.  

Willow thought she could drown in Spike blue eyes.  Time seemed to stand 
still.  She could feel his hands in her hair.  His chest rose and fell with 
unnecessary breath, his male nipples branding her soft skin.  She could feel 
the head of his cock poised at her entrance waiting.

Willow squeezed his ass and lifted her hips to try and maneuver him into her 
molten core.  Their eyes reflected the exquisite sensation as the head of his 
member parted her swollen lips and the tip of his large cock was met with 
resistance at Willow's small hole.  Willow whimpered, she knew he was huge 
and it would hurt, yet she knew she wanted to be one with him.  "Spike," she 
whispered,  " Please.."

Spike thought for a moment he might cum right then.  The look of desire and 
need in her eyes.  He knew despite how ready she was for him, her tiny 
channel would be stretched painfully so to accommodate his.   He pistoned his 
hips and pushed himself into her tight sex.  Her eyes widened even further 
and tears formed, she bit into her lip. Yet she did not cry out or ask him to 
stop.  He felt her fingers dig into his ass.    Spike hissed at the pleasure, 
her sex squeezing him vice like, her vulnerability, her submission to him, he 
felt his own eyes fill with tears.  He moved a hand from her hair and wiped a 
tear away from her cheek, his eyes never leaving hers.  " I'll always protect 
you, I'll never leave you, I'll always love you he vowed as he lowered his 
head and kissed her gently.    Willow moaned as Spike began to withdraw from 
her, she arched her pelvis to chase his cock and pulled at his ass to bring 
him back to her.  The soft kisses and gentle thrusts soon changed into 
primitive mating, both parties grunting and growling; pulling and sucking; 
thrusting and grinding until each mate called out the others name in orgasmic 
Part 19
  " I don't know why we had to bring it along," Xander complained and pointed 
at the blond vamp.

" Well none of this would be necessary if you were watching Riley, instead 
of..." Giles stuttered uncomfortably,  " doing what ever it was with Ayna." 
He finished sternly

"Hey, if Oz hadn't got pelvic with the singer and left town, Willow wouldn't 
have gotten all focused on her crusade to save the defanged Brit."  Xander 
whined annoyed that he had been rudely interrupted with Ayna before he had 
his turn with the happy.

"I can show you the old lair but I don't know what you people are so worried 
about," the blond vamp was silenced by Oz.

"  Shhh... I hear something.."  Oz said excitedly.

The others heard a loud moan echo along the damp underground corridors.  " 
Ohhhhh..... MMMMMM.... AAAAAAHHHHH..." followed.

" The bastard is hurting her," Oz hissed and took off on down the dark 

Xander and Giles looked at one another, both their faces red in the dim light 
of the flashlight, recognizing the sounds for what they were.

The blond vampire tottered after Oz on her high heel pumps, and looked back 
over her shoulder.  " Can we just get this over with, this dampness is making 
my hair flat," she pouted.

"Yeah, we'd better hurry, " Xander grinned.  < I so don't want to miss the 
look on Oz's face when he see the women he dumped climax. >  He took off down 
the dark corridor following the ever-increasing volume of Willow's screams.

Oz ran into the larger cavern, his eyes quickly adjusting to the increased 
light focused on Willow, completely naked.  Her head was thrown back, her 
white knuckled hands gripped the brass headboard, and her arms taught cords 
holding her torso upright, yet her body arced like a bow.   Her small tits 
were flushed, her nipples distended and bouncing with the movement, created 
by her thrusting and rocking her mound over Spike's face.    Oz caught a 
glimpse of the virgin sex only he had know, < well never like that! > Being 
fucked by a demon's fingers, and seeing his fanged faced enemy, slurp and 
suck at Willow's pussy with abandon. 
"Sppppiikkkkkeeee" she wailed as she climaxed and fell forward to lie across 
Spike's naked torso.  Her head landing between his legs.

 The shock of the lurid scene fading, Oz growled venomously, " Willow!"

 Spike caught up in his pleasuring Willow never heard the intruders, until he 
heard the wolf growl her name.    He listed himself on his forearms to peer 
over Willow's quivering ass.

"Harmony?" he croaked huskily.

Willow's brain was beginning to function again she though she heard her name, 
but then knew she heard Spike say Harmony. < Huh? >  She put her arms down in 
between Spike's legs to lever herself up off Spike's hard cock.  As she 
pushed back and up the aforementioned cock sprung up between her breasts and 
she heard a collective gasp.  Her passion-lidded eyes flew open as she saw 
Giles, and Xander in the background faces aflame, Harmony in full game face 
scowling, and Oz.  < Oh GODDESS OZ! >  Willow panicked she moved both her 
hands to try and cover up the erect cock that glistened guiltily, nestled 
between her breasts.  Spike growled, "Cor" and jumped when she grabbed his 
member.  Her not having any leverage, laying naked spread eagle and bare 
assed on top of Spike, futilely trying to hide his huge cock between her 
small hands and tiny breast was foolish.   " Hi guy's," she said with every 
ounce of courage she had, one tiny hand waving, the other clutching Spike's 
shaft to her breast for dear life.
Part 20
Willow wished the hellmouth would open up and swallow her whole.  Here she 
lay bare assed naked, across Spike's torso while her mentor, best friend, 
worst high school enemy and ex-lover looked on.  Willow felt mortified. < 
What to say? How to act? >  "Hi Guy's" she managed to mumble and wave her 
hand trying to pretend she wasn't nude and hide Spike's very large, erect 
cock which was nestled between her tiny breasts nearly poking her in the nose.

She grabbed Spike's member.  " Cor!" he yelled.  "This isn't a bloody 
peepshow!" he roared pulling himself into an upright position grabbing Willow 
with one hand as she slid off his torso, while yanking the forgotten satin 
sheet from the side of the bed over her flushed skin.  Willow rolled to the 
side of the bed and was enveloped in a satin shroud.  Despite suddenly being 
in the dark, she couldn't blot out the horrified look on Oz's face. < What 
have I done? >

Harmony in her demon façade whined, " How come you never wanted to do that 
for me?  I can't believe I ever.."

" Get out, all of you!" Spike growled, interrupting Harmony's tirade.  He 
shot up off the bed and moved towards the red -faced wolf boy, intending to 
rip his throat out for harming his mate, for disturbing the sanctity of his 
lair, for interrupting their lovemaking.

Oz sneered and gripped the sharp stake tighter as the lanky vamp stalked 
closer. He smelled of Willow. The demon freak wearing a hard on, from 
touching his Willow. < How dare he touch her?  I'm gonna stake his ass and 
piss all over his freaking ashes. >

At Spike's howl of pain Willow scrambled farther under the sheets, seeking an 
opening to escape.
As her head poked out from under the sheet she saw Spike writhing in pain 
grabbing his head laying on the concrete floor as Oz moved towards the bed, 
his eyes glowing red his face twisted in a feral sneer.  Willow felt an icy 
hand grip her heart.  He wanted to hurt her.
Oz grabbed a handful of her tousled hair and yanked her off the bed.

" Stake the bitch!"  Harmony hissed.

" Oz," Willow cried surprised and frightened

Spike heard his mate cry out, < I can't even see, me bleeding eyes won't 
focus. >  His demon raged with fury wanting only to hurt the wolf.  The 
violent thoughts were rendering him useless.  He began to crawl toward the 
sound of Willow's cry.

Giles and Xander moved forward into the crypt, only to be confronted by a 
scorned Harmony.

"You cock sucking demon cunt!"  Oz snarled as he began to drag Willow towards 
the incapacitated vampire that was growling and writhing on the floor.

"Oz, stop please, I can explain," Willow whimpered.

Oz backhanded Willow with the hand that clutched the wooden stake.  Her head 
snapped back from the blow, and she fell hard on her backside.  She saw stars 
behind her eyes and tasted blood.  < Goddess, he means to stake Spike! > 

 "You make me sick, I wish you were a vampire, so then I could kill you too, 
you stinking whore!" he spat.

Spike had managed to drag himself to his feet, he swayed unsteadily; he could 
barely make out the outline of the wolf.  He was surprised to be knocked down 
by Willow's lithe body. 

 " Please! Don't hurt him Spike!" she cried her voice shaking.  Spike already 
unsteady was easily knocked on his ass by the tiny girl.

Spike eyes began to focus once again.  He saw his mate, naked, bruised and 
bloody clutching the wolf's leg.  " I'm sorry Oz, it didn't mean anything," 
she cried.