" What?" Dagney asked.

" What,… What have you done to yourself?" he stood up and felt his body sway with weakness.

Dagney was at his side, " easy, you're still very weak from the fever," she said gripping his arms.

Daire lifted his hands, " You've cut your hair," and brushed his fingers against her short curly locks.

His finger moved lower and touched her cheek, " and you've covered yourself in mud" He uttered

Dagney pulled away from him. " Eye, and you best cover your naked arse before someone happens along." she stated perturbed, turning her back on him. < So what if he doesn't find me attractive any more. I need to disguise myself as a lad… I can cover my short hair… a little dirt and these baggy clothes. >

Daire stared at the women who had fought along his side, given him her virginity and taken his. < She looks like a lost little waif in those oversized clothes, and her beautiful locks shorn, and curled about her dirty face. > He inhaled and closed his eyes as visions of her body nude and glistening in the firelight riding him, sheathed in her as she drew him into her womb. His imagining and self-stimulation didn't compare to the exquisite sensation he experienced as her fiery core gripped him, sending him into the most intense climax he had ever experienced. She cried out his name… she took him into her mouth.

Daire was snapped out of his reverie as he heard her speak, " I'll get some more water and as soon as your dressed we need to leave here."

Daire watched her backside retreat from his view. He was painfully erect, < I need to start thinking with my head, like the witch or else we're both doomed. > Daire pulled on his breeches and struggled to button them. He found a clean shirt she had left next to the pallet. He slid it on; it was a might tight through his shoulder and too short to reach his wrists. He rolled up the sleeves, grabbed the wool cloak and left the ruins after his lover.

The stolen horse neighed and shifted sideways trying to shy away from Dagney. She tied the haversack and water bladder to the horse.

Daire chuckled. " Tis not funny," Dagney grumbled.

" I'll mount first, " Daire said. The motion caused him to wince in pain.

" Are you all right?" Dagney asked concern in her voice.

" I'm fine," Daire exhaled sharply; his chiseled featured marred by sweat.

Dagney holding the reins mounted the horse and settled herself against Daire's broad back. She immediately felt his forehead for fever.

" What? I'm not some old women, that needs to be fussed over!" Daire snapped. Besides, need you have rolled in dung to complete your charade?" he said sniffing. Daire felt Dagney shift as far away from him as possible and still remain on the horse. He cursed himself. < I know not what to say to her. I failed to protect her, got myself injured…I can't think of anything but wanting to couple with her again and again, damning the consequences… >

< How dare he… the boorish ass…. insult me after everything…. my helping him…. my mating with him…perhaps it meant naught… > Dagney felt tears well up in her eyes. She sniffed and wiped them away smearing the dirt about her nose. < I don't need him… no… as soon as we come to a village I shall be free from him…. >


Cormac and his men found the bodies of his three men. Cormac found a scrap of green silk in a man's who was stabbed in the gut. " They were here, they can't have gotten to much farther ahead on just one horse. He ordered four pairs of men to advance the group and look for tracks. Cormac grinned evilly. " By tonight I shall warm my bedroll with the bitch." His laughter made Liam's stomach lurch. < Please let them both get far away. >


Niall regretted his words spoken in anger to the King. He grimaced and wheezed painfully as his broken rib sent waves of pain shooting through his aching body. He couldn't see out of one eye, as it was swollen, not that there was anything to see in the dark dungeon. His lips were cracked and scabbed and he was very thirsty. < I only hope I am not bleeding inside. > Niall shifted slightly feeling pain from his ribs and his back. < I just had to loose my temper. > Niall replayed the events in his mind. He never made it to the library door before the King grabbed him and demanded he explain his comment about his daughter. Niall refused, but the King called several guards and proceeded to beat Niall. The King asked if Dagney were Niall's bastard child. Niall remained silent. The king ordered Cleo to watch. The King raged that his wench of a wife would likely tell all unless she wanted her consort to be slain. Cleo kept silent through his beating pleading ignorance. 'Twas not until the King wrenched his breeches and threatened to cut his manhood off did Cleo admit that Dagney was not her daughter. The king bellowed in rage and asked for an explanation. Cleo admitted that the babe was brought to her a foundling by the fertility Goddess Aine. Naill watched as the King stared dumbfounded at his wife. He knew the King did not expect to hear that the girl he thought was of his flesh was a gift of the underworld. The King ordered Niall to be taken to the dungeon and his wife to be locked in her chamber.


Daire and Dagney approached the small village of Gilbert. They had been riding for several hours in silence. Despite Dagney's silence, unpleasant odor and physical distance from Daire, he could not seem to rid himself of his arousal for the damn witch. < I wonder if she is regretted our coupling…. She probably thinking about her love Niall. >

Daire started when Dagney finally found her voice, "We need to have a story to explain ourselves and our journey into Gilbert. Small villages spread news quickly. I think we should state that we are brothers and that we are searching for the villain Daire who has kidnapped Princess Dagney for the King's reward." She explained matter of fact. Daire began to laugh.

Part 17

" We're supposed to be brothers... in search of... us?" Dare laughed. "Dagney, I agree a small village like Gilbert will notice two strangers but, surely no one will beleive you and I are brothers." he said shaking his head.

" I think it's a very good plan" Dagney sputtered testily. " Mayhap, you have a better idea!" she replied hands on her slim hips.

Dare bit the inside of his lip to keep from laughing as he caught Dagney's murderous glare. " I... well.... No...but... what shall I call you?" he asked. " I know, Red... I shall call you Red." He replied smiling, his blue eyes full of mirth.

" Fine, and I shall call you Duncan." Dagney said, as she pulled the haversack off the horse's back.

" Duncan, hmmm, I'm not sure I like that.." he teased.

Dagney rolled her eyes and sauntered towards the small pub. Daire looked at her retreating backside, < I wonder if we can get a room, with a real bed? > Daire trotted after her. ~~~~~~~~

Cormac and his men found the abandoned cottage. "They were here, the embers in the fireplace are still warm. They can't be too far ahead of us." Cormac smiled evilly. < Oh my little wife, you shall be screaming in no time. >

Liam felt sick; he was wracking his brain trying to come up with some sort of plan to warn Daire and Dagney. < It will be too late if Cormac find them. >


Naill dozed fitfully. He dreamed he was back in Tuatha De Danaan. He stood before Danu.

" Naill, you have done well in training Dagney in our ways, but you have failed in your mission to keep Dagney safe in the upper world." She lectured.

" I'm sorry Goddess... I will do my best to ensure her safety..."

" Naill, it is my will that you seek out Dagney, for now it is not just she who need your protection." She said.

" You mean her companion, Dare?" Naill asked.

"No, I have just had a vision of Dagney's destiny.. her purpose in the mortal realm, was pre-destined long before she was born into the Tuatha De Danaan." Danu explained.

Naill looked perplexed, " Her destiny, I thought was to live in the upper world to help bridge a union between our worlds."

" That is correct, but this is not as simple as it appears to be. Dagney is special in that she is the first... " She said.

" The first to do what?" Naill asked nervously.

Danu smiled, "Dagney is the first of our world to become pregnant with a mortal man."

" But Dagney isn't....", Naill closed his eyes recalling her words, "Dare is my consort."

"Naill, it is not just that she carries a child... but the child is also a first... she is a chosen one." Danu explained.

Naill was in shock, " Goddess, you don't mean that the prophesy of a special child, whom shall be born unto the world to battle evil has come to fruition?"

"Yes, Naill, Dagney's child is to be a slayer. This child is a chosen one.. She is the first..." Danu answered.

" Naill, you must seek out Dagney and her child and protect them both at all costs. Do you understand you new mission? You must not fail! Failure would mean the upper world would very likely be consumed by evil. Just as our kind walks with the mortals, so do creatures from the demon dimension. " Dagney and her child are in grave danger, from a demon. He wishes to destroy her. You must stop him Naill. You must save the child... the chosen one.."

Part 18

Daire paid the innkeeper and asked that a cold supper be prepared. He noticed that Dagney looked like she was going to drop on her feet. A lot had happened in the past twelve hours. < She must be exhausted, escaping from Cormac and her father, tending me, and taking a lover for the first time. > Daire moved his hand and softly brushed her cheek. Dagney gave him a warning glance and shook her head; " Duncan, yea best see to the horse." She turned and looked at the innkeeper, "my brother will pick up our supper when he returns. We've ridden long and hard from Tara and our looking for the scoundrel that has kidnapped Princess Dagney. Have you see any strangers in town?" Dagney asked.

" No, can't say that I have except for the two of you," he replied.

" Well there is a large reward for the safe return of the duo. You see anything .... Or anybody else looking for them, let us know.... If we catch them first... we would give you a token of our appreciation."

Daire stood amazed with the lies rolling off Dagney tongue. < She's mighty good at deceiving. >

The innkeeper agreed to keep the two informed. Dagney gave Daire a little shove as she walked past him towards the stairs. " The horse is awaiting and I'm starved, hurry," she cajoled.

Daire smiled and watched Dagney as she climbed the stairs. < I'm mighty peckish myself; but food won't sate me, like you Red. > Daire whistled as he exited the inn.

Dagney unlocked the small room. It smelled worse than she did. She quickly crossed the room and opened the window. Her eyes took in the small bed. < At least it'll be warmer and more comfortable than last night. Oh Hera, what a mess I've gotten into. What am I going to do about Daire? If Cormac finds us he'll kill him. My father won't accept Daire, as he has no property. It won't matter to him that I've taken him as a consort. > Dagney felt a tightening in her core as she recalled their mating. She now recognized the heat and slickness between her legs as her body's longing for him. Dagney sighed and laid upon the small bed. < What shall I do? Oh Naill, I wish you were here to advise me? > Dagney closed her eyes and drifted into a fitful slumber.


Cormac had decided to set up camp for the night. He was too agitated to sleep. He decided to stretch his legs.

" Who's there?" he asked drawing his knife and looking about into the darkness. < I feel eyes upon me! >

"I know you're there, show yourself!" he commanded.

"I mean you no harm," a deep voice said.

" Show yourself!" Cormac repeated.

" I've come to help you in your search for vengeance." The voice explained.

Cormac watched as a dark entity seemed to detach itself from a nearby oak, tree trunk.

" What demon are you?" Cormac asked, fear knotting his belly.

The entity laughed, " I come to offer redemption. You seek vengeance on a couple." The wizened creature stated.

" You know where they are?" Cormac asked.

" Yes, I do... I want only one think in return," the creature replied.

" What?" Cormac asked with trepidation.

" I want to share you body?"

Cormac interrupted the grotesque creature, " I shall not lay with you!" he roared.

The creature laughed, " No, let me explain."


Naill had managed to use his remain strength to cast a spell calling to his lover Cleo. Cleo managed to distract the guard and release Naill. Naill took in the bruises on his lover's face. " He beat you also, I'm sorry." Naill whispered.

" No, it is I who am sorry, Naill, your hurt, the King is aware that Dagney is not his child. I am terrified of what he might do," Cleo cried.

" She is in grave danger Cleo, I must get to her. I need your help. I must get to my room, gather supplies I need for a healing spell. Then I will find Dagney and keep her safe, you have my word." Naill gasped, as Cleo helped him from the dungeon. < I must find her and protect both her and the babe she carries. The babe is to be the chosen one. She is in mortal danger. The prophecy is in motion and demons from the underworld will stop at nothing to kill her and the child. I won't let that happen!>

Part 19

Dare tended the horses in the livery. As he passed back through the inn, he asked that water be heated. Dare explained that he and 'his brother' were in need of a bath. The innkeeper chuckled, "Ey noticed the little lad smelled a bit ripe."

Dare paid the innkeeper the extra coins for the bath and climbed the stairs.

~~~~~ Cormac felt like he couldn't breath. The creature had transformed from its ugly continence into a yellowish green looking cloud of mist. This mist was covering his body, pressing upon him, filling up his nose and mouth. The smell, the taste, Cormac gagged and the puss colored cloud rushed in his open mouth. Cormac lost consciousness. The entity felt euphoric. It felt aroused by this man's evil soul. The entity crushed any goodness in the man. It spew forth from the man's mouth the remains of the man's goodness. The entity ruled the man's body and embraced his evil soul. The transformed Cormac felt all-powerful. He laughed. < I will see you both die once again, at my hands. >

Naill's use of magic had helped him in healing the broken bones and bruised limbs. He was mentally exhausted and physically very sore. He was frightened for Dagney and for the chosen one she carried. If Naill failed to protect her, this world would be overrun by evil. Danu had warned him of the evil demon Adomnan who wanted to see Dagney dead.


Daire opened the door to the room and found Dagney sound asleep. He smiled, and felt his heart lurch. This young woman was his. He loved her with his entire being. Although they had met less than two days ago it seemed that he had waited for her his whole life. When she was near, when he gazed upon her, when they were one he was whole, complete. Daire shook his head, < the romantic notions, she's gorgeous lass for sure, with a mighty caustic tongue… > He felt his loins tighten as he though about her hot mouth and her heavenly tongue.

Dagney was dreaming she was being chased. She tried to run faster, yet her waist was thick and heavy. She was afraid for her baby. He would kill them both. She couldn't let that happen not after what she had sacrificed. She cried out for Naill.

Dagney stirred restlessly, and cried out " Naill" and sat up with a start.

Daire's erotic thoughts were doused quickly. < I think of her and she dreams of him. >

Dagney grabbed her abdomen and looked at Daire in surprise. " You're alive" she gasped.

" Are you ill?" Daire asked his ire reined, thinking she was sick, as he moved to the bed.

"No," she replied, " I thought you were dead." Her emerald eyes filled with unshed tears.

He sat on the bed, and softly caressed her dirty cheek, " 'Twas only a dream, Red."

"I've asked for water so we could bath." "Once you're clean and fed, you'll sleep better without bad dreams." He said.

Daire rose from the bed and moved to the door and began to drag the heavy wooden tub into the room. The innkeeper and his wife dragged up several cauldrons of boiling water. Dagney sat quietly upon the bed watching them come and go, absorbed in deep thought.

Daire locked the door as they left, "So would you like to go first?" he asked feeling his face flush.

Part 20

Liam had sneaked away as Cormac's men settled down for the night. He was going to try and search nearby for Dagney and Daire to warm them away. He had traveled in an arc around the perimeter of the encampment. He was bone weary and was headed back towards camp since sunrise would be in about three hours.


Dagney sat silently on the bed thinking about what Daire meant to her. She felt drawn to him since the moment she saw him. She had always resisted any plans to be married off. She resented her father treating her like a prize mare, or chattel. She had always loved Naill, he was her mentor, her father and perhaps he was to be her savior, yet she knew he was not to be a lover. The powerful sensations Daire was able to evoke from her body, by just a look, let alone a touch, drove all coherent thought from her head. Dagney prided herself on her ability to be in control, to plan; yet when she was with him, she felt like a leaf in the wind. She had fought for him, she had killed for him, and she knew she would die for him if necessary. She had found a part of herself that had always been empty. Her body and soul ached to be with him, needed him to draw breath. The awful nightmare she had was unlike any other. In it she was without him, yet not completely empty as she carried his child. In the dream, she was in grave danger as was their child.

Daire interrupted her silent reverie, " So would you like to bathe first he asked?"

Dagney smiled at the young man who stood shyly by the door. She rose from the bed and began to slip off her soiled garments. She locked her gaze with his cerulean eyes. His eyes never left hers as she disrobed. She looked away from him and moved towards the large copper tub. She climbed in the tub and sat back. She felt his gaze still upon her, making her skin feel warmer than the hot water she was immersed in. She cupped her hands and splashed water over her dirty face.

Daire stood immobilized the moment she smiled at him. Her green eyes darker than thick foliage, met his and he felt like he had been standing to close to a lightening bolt. He knew she was undressing; unabashedly, yet he could not tear his eyes away from her mesmerizing orbs. He felt his breathing increase; his blood course throughout his body as it began to pool towards his manhood. He knew she was naked, yet he couldn't move. When she looked away first, he felt like a part of his being was being wrenched away. As she turned her back on him and moved towards the tub, his eyes caressed her supple body. He watched her walk with feline grace, her long legs, her slim hips. He bit his lip as she climbed into the tub, her pale, firm backside, jutting backward, offering a glimpse of her womanly sex. No one had ever possessed her but him, no one else ever would. He watched as she sluiced water over her face. Droplets ran down her long neck, and were captured by her collarbone. Other droplets caressed her pert breasts, one balancing magically on her dusky nipple.

"I would hate for you to have to take a cold bath," she murmured softly. She looked up at him once again. "I think there is room for you," she said huskily.

Dagney watched Daire's chiseled cheeks split by a wide grin. She wanted to giggle as he practically tore off his shirt. However, as he stood before her bare chested, laughing was the last thing on her mind. She had plenty of time to gawk at his finally muscled chest when she was tending his injuries, yet she was still awestruck by his beauty. He had pulled off his boots and was reaching for his pants. Dagney, licked her lips, as she looked at the dark trail of hair that lead from his bellybutton, < Oh Hera> to his thick, ticklish nest of curls. Her eyes were riveted, to his very erect manhood. Strange how her core could feel even slicker and hotter than the very water she sat in. His muscular thighs clenched and unclenched as he moved towards her. Her breasts ached and her core seemed to throb in synchronous movement to his powerful thigh muscles. His manhood bobbed pleasingly, Dagney recalled the soft texture, and contours and his elixir's taste.

Daire stood in front of the copper tub and gripped Dagney by the shoulders, pulling her upright. He quickly stepped into the tub, pulled her dripping form against his hard body. They both hissed in amatory delight. He captured her lips with his, they became one breath. Her hands explored his muscular chest. He moaned into her mouth as her fingernails scraped against his nipples. She thrust her tongue into his mouth, and he sucked at her bottom lips. He slid his hands from her shoulders to grip her round the waist and pull her flush against his body. Dagney slid her hands up around Daire's neck. As her breasts rubbed against his chest she knew she would have fallen if he hadn't been holding her up. He felt his manhood throbbing against her flat stomach. He needed to sit down before he fell down. He pulled them both down into the warm water. Water splashed over the edge of the tub. Dagney and Dare were both kneeling in the copper tub. He moved his lips from hers and placed hungry wet kisses along her neck and collarbone. His hands slid over her slim back down to cup her ass cheeks. Dagney mewled her pleasure and clawed at his back trying to bring him closer. She could feel his manhood teasing her womanly bud, thrust her hips forward to try and maintain contact with his satisfying hardness. Daire could take no more. He needed to possess her; he moved his hands from her ass to the back of her thighs, as he leaned back on his haunches. He met her eyes once again, and she responded to his silent command to become one with him. She grasped his cock with one small hand and eased herself onto his member. He filled her completely and she cried out his name, as he echoed hers. Time seemed to stand still as they moved together as one body, one soul, their pleasure filled cries announcing to the world their union.

Part 21

Dagney's head rested upon Daire's shoulder, her heart beating rapidly, as she drew in needed breaths. She was still amazed how powerful, mating with this man was. She could feel his heartbeat against her breast, She felt one of his hand's drawing lazy circles upon her lower back, the other still cupped her ass cheek.

He knew he should move them to the bed, as the tub water was getting cold, he noted Dagney's soft skin was starting to shirr with gooseflesh. He felt chilled too, and his legs were beginning to cramp, yet he couldn't make himself move. He was still embedded in her sex, his member spent. He felt complete, joined with her, enveloped in her tight core, holding her within his arms. Her heat, her passion, her scent, her taste, her voice, her smile, her eyes, he loved this young women. He wasn't sure how he lived or breathed before he met her.

Daire moved his head slightly and began to lick the moisture from her neck. Dagney inhaled sharply, and clutched at his shoulder blades. He felt himself begin to stir within her. Daire stood up on shaky legs, Dagney rose also, and she felt him slip out of her, lost contact with his skin. Dagney whimpered her displeasure; Daire captured her face between his hands and kissed her softly upon the lips. He licked at her lips; he hummed his pleasure, sending renewed sensation of heat and desire coursing through her chilled body. He scooped her up in his arms and carefully climbed out of the tub.

Dagney smiled and met his smoldering, blue eyed gaze, as he carried her across the room and placed her gently upon the small bed.

" You are so beautiful," he whispered huskily as he knelt over her prone body running his fingers lightly over her wet flesh. Dagney felt her nipples tighten even more as he traced her areola with his finger. She opened her mouth and exhaled sharply, she moaned out loud as Daire lowered his head,licked and nipped her dusky pearl. Her hands grasped the back of his neck, her fingers brushing his silky dark locks.

Daire felt his cock stiffen and begin to throb as he licked and nibbled upon her firm breasts. The sounds of her building excitement music to his ears, sang to his blood, spurring his desire for her higher. He licked between the valley of her breasts, he continued to tease her buds between his fingers as he licked at her belly. He noted her shifting uneasily upon the bed, he looked up at her and smiled, meeting her lust filled eyes. He trailed his hands over her breasts, down her sides, along her ribcage, until he gripped her slim hips. He stuck his tongue into her belly button, and was rewarded by her startled squeal. He shifted his body and ran his hands across her abdomen, and traced along the edge of her red curls. He looked at her wild eyes and her heaving breasts.

Dagney felt tension throughout her body. Daire's touches, caresses, were making her feel so wet and hot at her core. She wanted him to mate with her, to bring her release. She wasn't accustom to begging but she needed him to fill her. She saw that he was hard, she could see that his muscular chests rose and fell as if he was engaged in hard labor.

" Please", she begged.

He smiled at her as he tangled his fingers in her womanly curls. Dagney realized he meant to touch her there with his fingers. < Oh Goddess, does he mean to taste me too? >

Daire parted her slick folds, and lowered his head to gaze at her center. Although they had coupled several times, he had not looked upon her sex. She was glistening and wet her nether lips flush and inviting. He placed an open mouth kiss upon her center. He was surprised by her reaction. She cried out his name and bucked her hips. He felt a surge of rapture in giving her such pleasure. He stuck his tongue into her slick center and teased the tight flesh.

Dagney whimpered and gripped his head. The sensations he was creating were driving her mad. She wanted him to stop teasing her, yet at the same time she thought she would die if he stopped. " Oh Goddess," she hissed. He ran his tongue over her hard nubbin and she felt like she was going to come apart. Her body tightened and she felt an ache deep within. He laved and sucked her sensitive bundle of nerves. She could feel her legs shaking and her breasts felt heavy and tight. Her sex violently tightened, she felt the spasms deep within her womb. Her muscles clenched in her legs and ass. She yelled out his name in harsh gasping breaths.

Daire thought he might climax just watching her writhe and call out his name. He moved his turgid shaft to her sopping cleft and entered her. He thrust hard and fast, feeling her walls convulse around him. He felt his sacs contract and his seaman shoot into her. He echoed her name with each contraction. He collapsed upon her, quickly rolling over and pulling her atop him, he kissed her brow. " Sweet, Goddess I love you."

~~~~~~~~~ Liam was almost back to camp. He noted the orange hue upon the horizon, announcing that the sun was just about to rise. The night had been cold and damp; white, smoky fog tendrils still caressed much of the landscape. Liam's horse became skittish. " Easy girl," he whispered. Liam felt a shiver run up his spine. He was practically upon the camp and yet at this time of morn, he should hear stirring of life. His horse whinnied alarm and it was then that Liam's nose was assailed with the sent of death.

The sun crested the horizon illuminating the fog; Liam saw what remained of the camp. He drew in a deep breath and almost retched as he drew in the stench of blood and bowels. Corpses of what Liam knew to be men lay about the ground, at first Liam though the fog may be creating the illusion of extensive dismemberment. His eyes saw limbs and torsos and heads, the bodies bloody yet his brain expected the fog to be hiding the rest of the poor souls body. Liam stopped his horse and stared frozen at the tableau of horror. Something evil had eviscerated and disemboweled and torn apart these men. Liam Liam heard was sounded like a wounded animal. He drew his rapier, thinking the evil creature was about to attack him also. The cry repeated and this it almost sounded like words.

Liam cautiously followed the sound, he found Connor, an old man who had served his uncle Cormac for many years hiding in a nearby cops of trees. Connor was bloody and Liam could see how the old man had tried to keep his bodies organs with his abdomen, which was torn open. Liam swallowed hard, he looked Connor in the eye, both men were aware that this type of wound was fatal. " What happened?" Liam managed to croak out. " Cormac", Connor whispered. " Yes," Liam replied, knowing that the old man was going to tell him his uncle was dead. " Cormac did this, savagery..... he was like some rabid creature." Connor spat.

Liam looked puzzled, no human man could have done this, and the old man must be confused.

" He glowed, he kept getting stronger with each kill... he's evil incarnate." Connor gasped.

Liam looked at Connor, this old man had befriended him treated him kindly when his uncle was angry with him. Liam felt the shock of this savage attack wane as a wave of anger overtook him.

" Lad, please..." Connor whispered.

" Yes, what?" Liam asked, wanting to comfort the dying man, yet afraid to touch him.

" Please.. finish... it hurts.." he gasped.

Liam eyes widened in horror, < No> his mind screamed.

He saw the look of pain in the old man's eyes. Liam swallowed; he picked up his rapier and plunged it into the heart of his friend. " Godspeed," he whispered as tears fell from his dark eyes.

