Title: Tempting Creation
              rating: PG this part probably up to R
              Author: Dagney
              Email: slhassel@a...
              Spoilers:  Stuff up through this season on Buffy & Angel
              Disclaimer: Characters belong to Joss Whedon and Co.  No copyright
              infringement is intended, this piece of fiction is for fun.

              Summary: The Scooby gang become embroiled in the mystery of two youths
              appearance in Sunnydale.  Their purpose and presence may shock everyone.

              Author's Note: This story line kept running in my head.  It wouldn't leave me
              alone so...

              Part 1

              "Hurry up, will you,"the dark haired teen whispered, looking around the
              vacant computer room.

              "I'm going as *bloody * fast as I can, I need to break into the main frame
              first before I can download anything, " the thin redheaded teen hissed in

              "Chance, you boasted how this old system was archaic and you said it would be
              easier than a translocation spell.."

              "Jinx, look I can handle it if you just shut yer space port, you're supposed
              to be the lookout, let me just..."

              "Halt!" the solider ordered. < How the hell did these kids get in here? >

              Jinx whirled and landed a roundhouse kick to the soldier's midsection.  The
              solider grunted in surprise that such a petit girl could pack such a wallop.
              " Hurry up! Chance," she yelled as she tried to wrench the weapon from the

              " Almost done," he said his voice cracking.

              The solider backhanded the dark haired girl sending her staggering backward,
              < this kid is super strong, and I need backup. >  The girl regained her
              balance and took up a fighting stance.

              Jackson feigned a lunge and then kicked the girl's legs out from under her.
              He quickly moved back to the entranceway and hit the alarm.   The girl
              growled and flung her self at the solider and managed to remove his holstered

              Chance yelled, " Jinx, that projectile weapon is very sensitive, careful, we
              don't want to risk altering the time line."

              "Stop!" Jinx ordered waving the gun at the man.  " Have you got it? " she
              asked desperation creeping into her voice.  < We're out in the ozone now! >

              " Almost, I neglected to calculate how slow these old systems are."  Chance
              replied, his brow furrowed over his green eyes.

              "Halt!" Three more soldiers rushed into the room.  Jinx swung the weapon
              towards them.  One of the soldiers used his stun gun to subdue the girl.
              Chance swore, "bloody hell", uttered the spell under his breath and lost
              consciousness before he knew if it worked.

              The solider that had lost his weapon to the young girl stared in shock as his
              three comrades disappeared from their uniforms and instead 3 rats ran
              squeaking about the room.


              Maggie Walsh had called an emergency briefing to assess the security breech.
              Riley's team was assembled minus the three men who had apparently been
              transformed in rodents.

              " Ok men, these are the facts that we know.   At approximately 1300 hours
              Jackson hears voices while he was on routine guard duty of the computer room.
               He entered the room and the security camera began recording as per design
              upon anyone opening the door.  However, the security camera did not detect
              the intruders before this.  Nor did the security camera in the hallway, in
              the elevators, nor anywhere else in this whole high tech installation detect
              these two youths up until Jackson here." she exclaimed angrily.

              "Wait.  So who are these intruders, demons of some sort?" Riley asked puzzled.

              "No after stunning both youths we had Dr. Kessel examine them.  Maggie
              clicked on the video monitor, which displayed a close up of the young man.
              Maggie continued, "The female called him Chance, as you can see he is a tall,
              lanky young male, red hair green eyes, angular features no other
              distinguishing features.  He appears to be about 16 or 17 years old by the
              doctor's calculation.  Dr. Kessel has examined him and says he is fully and
              completely human.  He displayed some amazing hacking skills,  and  I suspect
              he has some magical abilities.  Dr. Kessel is keeping him sedated and is
              running more tests.
              Maggie clicked the remote and the video display showed a close up of the
              young girl.  " Jinx as she was called by her friend, is also approximately 16
              or 17, human, although she has extreme strength and agility as demonstrated

              Riley swallowed hard, that young girl could be Buffy's sister, her twin..
              well almost.  The girl was built like Buffy, and her facial features looked
              the same except for the eyes and the hair.  The girl had deep chocolate eyes
              and her hair was long dark and wavy. < Maybe she is a slayer too, that could
              explain her strength. >

              " I said, have you any thoughts Riley," Maggie asked sternly.  Riley shook
              himself out of his trance.

              " Do we have any idea about how they got into the compound?"  He asked

              " None, it's almost as if they appeared out of thin air.  However it is of
              interest to note that the red headed boy, Chance had some type of CD-ROM like
              device which he  was apparently  using to downloading everything from our
              main frame.  None of the computer tec's here have every seen anything exactly
              like it.   In listening to the tape, he also lectured the girl about
              Jackson's gun calling it a *projectile weapon * and also mentioned something
              about messing up the timeline.    Gentlemen, I'm very concerned about these
              two *kids* who managed to breach state of the art security, hack into
              encrypted classified data bases, the girl can fight like a trained solider
              and the young men can apparently change men into rats."  Maggie began to pace
              back and forth in front of the conference table.  " However, what concerns me
              the most, is that these two may be from the future.  We haven't ever
              considered that possibility in our policy and procedures manual.  Frankly,
              the possible implications are staggering.

              Part 2

              Maggie Walsh paced back and forth in front of the conference room table, and
              glared at her best soldiers.   " I want to know who these intruders are, who
              sent them, what exactly they wanted, where or *when* did they come from?"
              "Riley, I want you to interrogate the girl, Jinx.  Forrest, you've got the
              boy, Chance." The rest of you, I want on intruder alert status here in the
              compound.  Whoever sent these kids is likely to try and rescue them or
              perhaps will try agin to break into our computer system.  I'm going to have
              the tech team begin alert status also.  If anyone tries to hack into our
              system from outside I want to know it.  Dr. Kessel has begun to run DNA
              samples from the intruders through our very large database to see if these
              *human* kids match the DNA samples of any demons we have tested.  These kids
              are not what they seem, although they have tested as human, they may be some
              sort of demon-human hybrid."

              Forrest whispered under his breath to Riley, " Easy Mulder,"

              "If you have a constructive comment Mr. Forrest, by all means share it with
              the rest of us."  Maggie snapped.

              Forrest wiped the smile off his face and nodded his head no.


              Spike and Xander were sitting on Giles couch munching on wheat-a bit
              crackers.  The former wheat-a bits dunked in blood, the latter with peanut
              butter.  Ayna rolled her eyes; "perhaps I shall go upstairs and help Willow
              with the fashion parade er whatever."

              " Honey, I'm so glad you and Willow spent some time together, nothing would
              make me happier than my two favorite women being friendly."  Xander grinned
              goofly little flecks of crackers escaped his mouth and rained down on his
              fleece jacket.

              " I do admit it wasn't as awful as I imagined, I like helping spend money,
              and if I do say so, the new wardrobe she choose is a vast improvement over
              her Geeks-R-US wear.  Thank goodness Buffy had to cancel or Willow would have
              ended up looking like.."

              "OK," Willow called from upstairs; "Here I come."

              Xander smacked Spike in the chest, " Be nice to her or else," Xander

              Spike coughed a bloody wheat-a bit out.  "Easy mate, I think I can come up
              with some inane remark about her bloody clothes, after all I have been a
              master with the ladies for over 126 years."

              Willow was nervous.  < Hey these are my friends, well not really Ayna, but
              Xander, and Spike-well he may not consider me a friend but he will be
              brutally honest at least. >  Willow walked down the stairs head held high.
              She had decided on a complete makeover, new hair style, makeup, and clothes.
              < I'm not going to be mousy-geek-computer nerd any more! >

              Xander whistled, " High society campus siren," he commented smiling

              Spike choked again on a cracker.  < She's stunning. >  Spike admired the long
              dark green skirt that hugged her hips and clung seductively to her long legs.
               The skirt had a slit up the side that displayed an abundance of thigh.  The
              matching velour top had long sleeves, a form fitting bodice, laced up the
              front with a scooped neckline.  The cut of the blouse accentuated Willow's
              pert breast.  Spike's eyes devoured her dove white skin from the gentle swell
              of her breast, across her enticing collarbone, her graceful neck.  Her lips
              were painted a deep blood red and nearly looked black.  Her makeup
              accentuated her lovely eyes making them appear smoky with passion.  Spike
              felt the familiar stirrings of male appreciate of the female form, bloom into
              full blown desire, along with feeling of intense jealousy. < No one should
              see her this way but me! >

              " Well, what do you think Spike," Willow asked giving him a little half smile
              as she twirled around.

              "I hope your not going out in public with that outfit?"  He blurted out.

              " It's not flattering at all, see Ayna I thought it was too tight across the
              stomach, I think I need a larger size, and I bet it makes my butt sticks out
              too."  Willow babbled forlornly, " I'm all bloated"

              "No, Wills you look great, don't listen to the soulless one."  Xander
              interrupted her self-critical evaluation.

              "And you hair, " Spike added, " It looks like you just climbed out of bed,"
              he continued. < Just like you've been thoroughly ravished. >

              "Oh," Willow's face fell.

              " Xander's right, and might I add that that doesn't happen often, Willow you
              look very chic and sexy and I think the old vampire needs to get his eyes
              checked.  Come on if you looked trashy like Buffy, I would tell you.
              Besides, I told you before how awful I thought you dressed.  These things
              help you play up your tiny breast and skinny legs."  Ayna replied smiling.

              " Thanks," Willow answered softly. < I'm not sure if she just paid me a
              complement wrapped in an insult? >

              "Ayna's right Willow, you look great." Xander repeated glaring at Spike.

              "I never said I didn't like it Pet,  just that... I don't think.. You'll
              attract attention from the wrong sort."  Spike finally finished.

              Willow's brow furrowed in confusion, " like demons and vampires?" she asked

              "Bloody hell, every male age 13 on up will be sniffing after you trying to
              get into your panties." He explained exasperated.

              Willow scowled at him, " You don't have to be sarcastic too, you already made
              it clear that you don't like my outfit, well I don't care, so there! " she
              said sticking her tongue out at Spike.

              Spike felt his cock quiver at the sight of her pink tongue wagging at him.

              " I've got a date, so as much as I'm enjoying the ego boost I've gotta go."
              Willow said sarcastically

              " Who's the lucky guy Wills?"  Xander asked

              " Percy," she responded evenly.

              " Percy, who said you were queen of the geek squad?  Percy? The basketball
              jock and All-American womanizer? Percy?"  Xander asked incredulously.

              " Yeah, so.."  Willow answered her brow raised as if to challenge. < Well
              it's actually a study date but I want him to eat his words. >

              Angel was keyed up.  The case he had been working on for a month was finally
              put to bed so to speak, and that's exactly what he had in mind for himself.
              He stripped down to his silk boxers and slid between his silk sheets.

              < Ah, > he closed his eyes.  He turned one way, rolled onto his stomach.  He
              exhaled an unneeded breath.  < Buffy, beautiful, sexy Buffy images flit
              across his eyelids.  Her smile, her soft skin, her glorious breasts cupped in
              his hands.  Twin globes of perfection topped on by perfect..>  His hand
              slipped over his muscular abdomen to grasp his attention-deprived member.  "
              Aha" he exhaled as he firmly gripped his base and slid his hand up the shaft
              to tease the underside of his cock.  < Buffy, her hot little mouth
              surrounding him, licking and sucking at him, starved for him. >  He could
              hear her voice in his head begging for him to give her release. Angel felt
              the tightening in his balls signaling his orgasm.  Suddenly blinding white
              light surrounded him.   " Fuck!" he swore under his breath.  He stood before
              the male and female guardians of the Powered That Be, his spent dick in his

              Part 3

              Spike and Xander continued to munch on crackers, oblivious to the mess they
              were making all over Giles couch.

              " Who is this Percy guy?  What do you really know about him?  Do you think
              she changed her look to impress him?"  Spike asked suddenly more interested
              in answers than crackers.

              " Huh," Xander mumbled, turning his gaze from the TV to look suspiciously at
              "Since when are you interested in anything that goes on besides killing
              demons?"  Xander asked, one dark brow upraised.

              "Oh the little girl has been moping for months about the dog boy, she
              suddenly starts wearing clothes that say, 'I'm hot and shaggable' and is
              suddenly *dating *.   Where is the slayer anyway? She probably pushed Willow
              into this."  Spike mumbled brushing crumbs off his black jeans as he stood up
              and began to pace.

              " Speaking of the Buffster, what ever happened to her, she was the one who
              planned Willow's shopping trip?"  Xander asked, still amazed that Ayna and
              Willow had spent the day together alone and neither wore any visible wounds.

              "Willow said she has some nasty stomach flu virus that makes her barf ever
              time she smells food."  Ayna replied.  " Can we go and have sex now, I've
              been nice all day and I'd like my reward now Xander?"  Ayna smiled lewdly at
              Xander.  " Wait till you see what I bought at Victoria's Secret!" she cooed
              and kissed Xander and rubbed herself against him.

              "Please, I'm gonna heave," Spike sputtered disgustedly.  " Hey, Willow didn't
              buy any of those fancy nickers did she?"  He asked anxiously.

              Ayna giggled,  " The works, black see through wonder bra, I don't know why
              she bothered, sheer French cut briefs, garter belt and those silk stockings
              she was wearing.

              " Oh Honey, I love when you talk lingerie," Xander whispered into her ear.

              " Make him go out! " Ayna commanded.  "Giles is gone over to play nursemaid
              to Buffy, so we could.."  She leaned in close and whispered into Xander's ear.

              " Spike get out!"  Xander  ordered, picking Ayna up in his arms and swiftly
              moving towards the upstairs.

              Spike rolled his eyes.  < Maybe if I hurry I can catch up with Willow.  I
              hate to have the little sprite get pawed by some young hormonal man.>

               Forrest took a deep breath.  He was not about to admit that he was more
              nervous of facing this skinny red-haired teen than he was of the myriad
              demons he had helped bag and tag during his work with the initiative.  It was
              just the thought of being turned into a rodent.  Man he hated rats.   He
              placed his palm on the security lock, " enter cell 2101" he called.  The
              force field dropped, as soon as Forrest passed through the barrier the force
              field reactivated.  Ever since hostile 17 had escaped, all the security cells
              had been changed over from card activated to voice and fingerprint
              recognition in efforts to make any demon that may overpower a staff person
              from escaping again.

              Forrest slowly approached the still unconscious boy; he used the hypo spray
              to rouse the prisoner.

              Chance stirred upon the cot, his mouth felt like the New Texas desert.  <
              Jinx, Oh no! >

              "Jinx," he rasped out calling for his best friend.  He managed to right
              himself and glared at the large black man that was standing over him.  "
              Where is she, what have you done to her?"  He croaked.

              " I'll be the one asking the questions," Forrest answered evenly.


              Riley still couldn't get over how much this young women looked like Buffy.
              He watched as she drank down her second cup of water.

              " Thanks," she said smiling up at him and lowering her dark eyes flirtatiously

              " So how did a nice guy like you end up working for such an evil bunch as the
              initiative?"  She asked boldly.

              Riley felt his guts twist, she must be some relation to Buffy, she knows the
              name of the project, damn! That's something I didn't tell Buffy.. Maybe Buffy
              has been stringing me along to find out more about the project.  She must be
              a slayer too.

              "So slayer, care to tell me what a nice girl like you is doing breaking into
              a top secret security installation?"  Riley shot back nonplussed.

              Cordelia was in the grocery store picking up a few items.  She wheeled her
              cart around the corner when the vision blinded her with intense pain.    She
              staggered and her cart moved forward crashing into a display of paper towels
              sending them raining down upon her head.  The vision lasted much longer then
              any other she had ever had.  It was Technicolor 3-D with surround sound.
              Cordy heard and saw both Buffy and Willow screaming and writhing in pain.

              The female guardian smiled, " It looks like we interrupted something."  She
              ran her eyes appreciatively up and down Angel's naked body as he attempted to
              cup his manhood.

              <Great, now the PTB are gonna tell me I can't even whack off anymore. >
              Angel lowered his head in shame.

              ** Calista, this isn't at all amusing, we wouldn't be in this mess if your
              affection for this creature hadn't clouded your judgement in the first
              place.** Giddeon thought to his female counterpart.

              Calista turned and smiled at Giddeon, ** Despite what the Powers claim our
              turning back time that day only erased it from the memories of the others.
              The original time line in which he became mortal again caused all those
              ripples events.  Who's to say that any of this wouldn't have happened if
              things remained the same and everyone remembered what happened during that
              twenty four hours?  It's those nasty brats that have gone and mucked
              everything up! **

              "It's not our place to argue with the Powers," he said out loud.

              Angel shifted uncomfortably, waiting to find out why he was called here.

              Calista rolled her eyes at Giddeon and turned to look at Angel.

              " Angel, there is a little problem you need to fix…" she began


              Spike had followed Willow to the Sunnydale University Library.  < Hah, I
              should have know that the little girl didn't have a date.  Although she was
              oblivious to him following her.  He was going to have to speak to her about
              that.  She was equally oblivious to all the male, and in a few cases the
              female looks of appreciation she got as she moved about campus.

              Spike's jaw tightened when he saw Willow approach a dark hair lad sitting
              alone at a small table.

              " Hi Percy, " she said in her shy Willow voice.

              Spike watched the lad jump up and his mouth open as he saw him eyeing
              Willow's enticing form.
              Spike decided he best keep an eye on the well-built muscle bound pup.  He
              quickly moved round to the library book stack in front of the table.  He
              pulled out several books on his side of the stack and shifted the books
              slightly on the other side so as to see the young couple.

              " Sorry, I'm late Percy," Willow apologized and blushed.

              " No problem Willow," he pulled out a chair for her and leered over her
              shoulder as he stood over her ogling her enhanced cleavage as he pushed in
              her chair.

              Spike rolled his eyes and felt his stomach twist.  < If only I didn't have
              that stupid chip in me head I'd rip out that sods eye balls and squish em
              under me boots. >

              He watched as the lad pulled his chair closer to Willow's and how he put his
              arm across the back of her chair and pressed his thigh intimately up against
              her's. Spike felt his blood begin to boil.  The bleeding bugger had leaned
              close to her ear and whispered something that made her laugh.  <That's it no
              one was going to ogle his women and get away with it! >


              "So let me see of I got this right," Angel said his dark brown eyes squinting
              in concentration.

              " I'm supposed to go back to Sunnydale and collect two kids from this
              underground installation, help them escape and tell them to just go back

              "That's correct," Giddeon replied.

              " But, your not going to tell me who they are or where they live or why they
              are even being held prisoner there in the first place?" Angel asked his voice
              barely masking his frustration and anger.

              "Your assistance requires  a very limited need to know basis."  Calista
              replied.        ** We don't want to risk any more ripple effect in the time
              line. **

              "How am I supposed to do this if I don't know what the hell I'm doing?"
              Angel hissed.  < I'm starting to sound like Cordy. >

              " The lives of many you care about are at stake, so I'm sure you will succeed
              at this task."  Giddeon answered.

              " Great," Angel said tightly, "Send me back to my apartment and I will get
              some clothes and.."
              The blinding white light surrounded him again.   His nose was assailed by the
              smells of sex; even before his vision cleared he heard male and female
              moaning and what sounded like lovemaking.   He needed to figure out where the
              hell the guardians had deposited him and get out of there before the couple
              noticed a naked man in their bedroom.

              " Oh Xander," the women moaned.

              " Xander?"   A voice called sternly.

              < Oh shit someone else is here too! >

              " Oh my!  Xander.. It's Giles.."  Ayna squeaked pulling up the bedsheet.

               At that moment the lights went on in the room.  Giles wasn't shocked to find
              the young couple in his bed but what did shock the piss out of him was that
              Angel was standing naked by the foot of his bed holding his semi erect cock
              in his large hands.

             Part 4

              Cordelia managed to pull herself together with a little help from a handsome  young actor, so what if he just worked in
               the supermarket to pay the bills  until his break, she gave him the number at the office.  She then excused  herself and
               used her cell phone to ring the office.  After getting her own  voice on the answering machine she then called Angel's
               beeper.  Angel's  beeper and answering machine both flashed in the empty bedroom.

               "Giles I can explain," Xander began then suddenly noticed Angel,  " Not!"  He  shouted.  "I can not explain what
               Deadboy is doing here…What are you doing  here.. I mean besides watching us and..Oh God I so hope you
               weren't.."   Xander sputtered feeling a little sick at the thought of Angel getting off  watching him and Ayna.

               Ayna let the sheet fall a bit and flashed the infamous vampire a little more  breasts; she smiled coyly at him and cursed
               the watchers' return.  < So this  is the broody Angel, at least I can see what Buffy saw in him, stupid Giles,  perhaps if he
               hadn't interrupted? >

               " I can explain.. I think.." Angel said softly as he grabbed a fallen pillow  to hide the evidence of his arousal. < It's not my
               fault I live like a monk  and am unwittingly exposed to sexual stimuli. >  "Giles, could I borrow a  pair of sweats?"  Angel
               asked the red faced Watcher.

               Giles had had enough, first Spike running amok in his home acting like bloody  royalty, then Xander and Ayna, having
               relations in his bed and where ever  else they felt like whenever the spirit moved them; Willow's dabbling with  more
               dangerous spells; Buffy keeping secrets from him again, that always  seemed to involve some man at the root, and now
               the King of Hell himself back  in his bedroom, naked.  Well enough was enough.  I suggest you all collect  your *own
               clothes* and get your assess down in the living room pronto."   Giles hissed with barely contained furry. He turned on his
               heels and stomped  away.

               Ayna moved quickly from the bed.  "Hey Pervert! Get your eyes off my women.   What the hell are you doing here..
               besides the obvious," Xander grumbled.  "  First Spike, now you!  This is getting frigging ridiculous."  Xander
               tossed  back the covers and glared at Angel who was poking round in Giles closet.

               Angel paused a moment at Xander's comments about Spike, < what does Spike  have to do with any of this?  Is he the
               one who's threatening everyone's  safety? > ~~~~~~~

               "Percy, I think we should study," Willow said her face flushed from Percy's  suggestion.  < She secretly felt a jolt of
               pleasure that the jock even wanted  her in that way. >

               Spike growled from his hiding place in the stacks.  < I want to kill him for  even touching her, he's whispering lurid
               suggestions in her ear.  Yeah, but  all I can do is perhaps get in one good belt before the pain disables me and  then I
               end up a gelatinous mass on the floor with her watching and him likely  to whip my ass. No I need to use an alternative
               strategy, adapt, at least  until I can figure out a way to dismember him.. Perhaps I can torture a demon  into doing it
               while I watch? >


               "I'm not going to answer any of your questions until I know Jinx is safe."   Chance growled his best imitation of his dad
               that he could muster.  He stood  up from the cot and moved closer to the solider.  Forrest felt he had lived  that moment
               before.  He puffed out his imposing chest and pushed the kid back  onto the cot.  " I'm the one asking the questions,
               and your little friend is  safe."  Forrest assured the kid.

               " Like I believe anything you bloody grunts say, you don't even know half the  shit the *Mengela's* are doing here!"  He

               " So why don't you fill me in on what does go on here?"  Forrest asked his  brow raised in challenge.


               " Slayer," Jinx repeated.  "I don't know what you mean" she replied trying to  sound innocent and keep the panic from
               her voice.  < How does this guy know  I'm a slayer? >

               Riley noticed the girl's change in posture at his words.  He knew he was  right on the mark.  He leaned in closer over the
               table that separated them  and whispered softly, knowing the video camera to his back would not be able  to pick up his
               words, and "If you won't tell me I'm sure Buffy will." He said  without malice.

               Jinx, who was so caught up in what was to be the simple task of gathering  data here, hadn't process that her mother
               was alive, here and now. < I've got  to meet her, I can warn her. >

               Riley watched as the pretty girl's dark eyes widened in surprised.

               Maggie was watching as her two best soldiers interrogated the young intruders  from the terminals in her office. <
               Damn, these kids know so much about our  operations here, How?  Is there a leak?  > Maggie heard a knock at her
               door and was momentarily distracted; thus she  missed Riley's comment about the girl being a slayer.  " Come in," she
               called  tightly.

               "Ms. Walsh, I have some very interesting information from the DNA samples  taken from the intruders.  I did a cross
               match with our database.  It seems  that the boy Chance is a 99.9 percent match with genetic material taken
               from  Hostile 17 and also a young co-ed from the campus a Willow Rosenberg.   In  addition the female, Jinx has a 92.3
               percent match with DNA from a Buffy  Summers."  Dr. Kessel reported.

               " How?  Explain to me Doctor how that young man there," she said pointing at  the screen can share the genetic make
               up of a demon and a human female, a  human female who happened to be one of her best students. A female whom
               she  was thinking of trying to recruit for the project.  Maggie ran her hand  through her hair.  She was aware that they
               were about to begin phase two of  the scientific experiments, experiments that involved cloning and genetic  mutation of
               demon DNA.  Are these kids from the future?  Is that boy some  cloned hybrid created in this very lab? < Good God,
               what have I done? >

               < Ok Spike, you can do this.  You've been watching Sunset Beach for months  now, You can act like a soap vixen, and
               they always get their way and never  break a nail or work up a sweat. >  Spike took an unneeded deep breath
               and  strode out from his hiding place in full swagger mode.

               " Willow, darling there you are," Spike purred sexily.

               Percy and Willow both looked up.

               " Spike?"  Willow asked surprised to see the vampire here.

               " Do you know this guy?"  Percy asked suddenly feeling like his next conquest  was slipping away.

               " Know me," Spike grinned at the dark hair boy and saw the displeasure cross  his face.

               "Is everything all right?  Has something happened?"  Willow babbled worriedly  that some hell mouthy event had cause
               Giles to send Spike out to find her--  to research some way to advert another apocalypse.

               " I know we were supposed to meet at your room but I couldn't wait a moment  longer to see you."  Spike gushed

               " Have you been drinking?"  Willow asked shocked at Spike's sudden-madness.   < Oh no the chip has driven him
               insane! >

               "Willow is this guy bothering you?"  Percy asked hoping to gain some points  with her when he whipped the floor with
               this blond pansy.

               Spike felt the first twinges of pain behind his eyes.  He wanted to rip the  slimy bastards' guts out and choke him to
               death with them.

               Spike laughed again, this time it sounded a bit unconvincing, "Tell him Red, tonight is our third month anniversary, and I
               couldn't wait a moment longer
               to be with you."  Spike leaned down and caught Willow's cheek in his hand,  titled her head and kissed her; he took
               advantage of her open-mouthed  surprise to deepen the kiss by exploring her hot mouth with his cool tongue.

               Willow was totally flabbergasted that Spike had shown up here, pretending  that they were a couple, but nothing
               prepared her for his kiss.  She felt her  body shutter when she felt his dexterous tongue tangle with hers.  She
               moaned  into his mouth and grabbed the back of his head and began to explore his sexy  mouth.

               < Why didn't she mention she had a new boyfriend, when she agreed to meet me?

                Percy slammed his book shut and gathered up his stuff.  < Why don't they

               get a room, this is a public place for Christ's sakes.

              Part 5

               Cordelia managed to ring Wesley.  " Have you any idea where the hell Angel  is?"

               " Cordelia, is that you?"  Wesley asked clearing his throat.

               " Duh, who else would be calling you at home?"  She said sarcastically.  "  Listen, I'm over at the office and he's not
               home and he left his phone and  beeper here and I've had the worst day an audition for a personal hygiene  product and
               can you believe they said I wasn't convincing enough."  She  complained.

               "Er.. Yes, well perhaps you would like to talk about it over dinner?"  He  offered hopefully.

               " My head is killing me cause I had the worst vision ever in the supermarket  and totally lost control of my shopping cart
               and was so.. embarrassed when my  cart hit this display of paper towels.. but I did meet this cute guy who  asked me
               out."  She babbled until interrupted by Wesley

               " Vision, why don't you tell me about the vision?"  Wesley asked feeling sure  that his years of watcher schooling would
               enable him to decode the mystery.

               "It was awful, yucky, Willow and Buffy were all sweaty and fat in this bright  clinic place and they were grunting and
               yelling something fierce and I saw  all these people round in masks?"  She said.

               " I see, well perhaps we should alert them as to your vision.  What kind of  mask?"  Wesley asked.


               Forrest glared at the boy who sat on the cot scowling back at him, emerald  eyes, feral like a panther.  <Staring contest
               with a kid. >  Forrest watched  as Chance nervously clenched and unclenched his jaw making his chiseled  cheeks
               more prominent.

               <  I need to get to Jinx before she shoots her mouth off like a fusion  dynamo, or worse, decides to get all slay happy
               with the soldiers.  I need to  get us both home.  Hell, I bet mum doesn't even know we've gone. But when she  notices
               she'll call Angel and then he'll hunt me down for taking Jinx along  and kill me. Like I could leave her alone for a minute
               without getting into  some sort of trouble.  I need to grab her do a translocation spell-damn I  don't have enough power
               back yet to get us back to our home.  If I hadn't had  to use magic here-I can get us to Angel in the *here and now*, Let
               Jinx weave  a little of her own feminine magic she has her Dad so wrapped, put him off  long enough till I am at full
               strength and then back to our time-without the  info I need to save him. He's dying and she's likely to curl up and die
               right  along with him.  Damn! >
               "Listen, I'll turn the rats back into their human form, if you let me see
               Jinx."  Chance offered. < The spell only last 48 hours anyway but let them  think I'm giving them something.  ~~~~~~~

               "Dr. Kessel do you think it could be possible that those kids are clones of some sort?" Maggie asked the scientist.  "
               Could that explain their human DNA
               and also account for demon like powers?"

               " Ms. Walsh, you are aware of the true agenda of the initiative."  Dr. Kessel  replied in lecture mode. " The soldiers think
               it is about making the world  safe from evil.

               Maggie nodded affirmatively, " Yes, they risk live and limb to make the world  a better place.  They do as they are told
               capture the demons.  The tests, the  implants, they have been told occur to learn more about destroying and  controlling
               the demons.  They know nothing about the samples of DNA we have  collected from the students."  Maggie looked at
               Riley on the monitor.    "Would they be willing to risk their life if they knew that we were cross  matching human DNA
               samples to create controlled demon warriors.  If they knew  we were exploring the boundaries of death and mortality
               with the vampire's to  prolong human life? Thank you doctor.  Kessel left the office.  Maggie moved to the
               intercom.  I  want two reconnaissance teams assembled from section 319, stat." Maggie  watched her protégé Riley
               talk to the dark haired girl who resembled Buffy  Summers.  < You're not going to like this at all I'm afraid. >


               Giles was seething.  < How dare they bring their sexual escapades into my  bed?  The nerve! >  A very embarrassed
               Angel wearing   * borrowed* sweat  pants and shirt of Giles moved silently down the stairs followed by an angry  Xander
               and a smirking Ayna.

               " Sit!"  Giles commanded, a vein in his temple throbbed wildly.

               "No, separately" Giles ordered as he enunciated each syllable he motioned  Ayna off Xander's lap towards the couch
               where Angel sat.

               "Listen G-man, I'm sorry we were using your house for ... but HE WASN'T PART  OF IT!"  Xander yelled moving of the
               chair to get in Angel face.

               " I can explain," Angel said softly.  < I hope I can explain lives may be in  danger. >


               Forrest brought the two soldiers, AKA rat into the cell.  "  Ok, lets see you  change em back and then I'll let you see the

               "I want to have her with me, not look at her, understand?"  Chance clarified  pursing his lips tightly.

               Forrest nodded.

               "You best take em out of their cage, it could hurt em when they transform."  Chance suggested.

               < Great, I hate rats! >  Forrest dumped his two rodent comrades upon the  floor and they began to scurry round.

               Chance spoke the incantation and in a whirl of light two naked men stood  blinking.

               Chance stood leaning against the wall.  < Damn, I'm weaker than I thought. >

               Riley lead Jinx in as the two dazed soldiers left the cell.  Jinx rushed  forward to embrace Chance.  He hugged her and
               said "hang on we're leaving."

               "Oh Shit!"  Forrest yelled as the two kids disappeared in a blast of blinding  white light.

               Across town, Giles in full lecture mode was interrupted by the two time  travelers.   The two youths stood in the middle of
               Giles living room.  Jinx  held up a very weak Chance.

               Angel reacting with prenatural speed was up out of his chair before the light transformed into two kids.  The slight dark
               haired girl quickly
               untangled herself from her friends' embrace and flew at Angel.

               " Oh Daddy," she cried throwing herself into his arms.

              Part 6

              The sudden flash of blinding light startled Giles, Xander and Ayna into  silence.  Angel was moving toward the potential
               threat even before it  materialized.  The phone began its shrill ringing at that very moment.  Two  young teens stood
               hugging one another in the middle of Giles living room.   The petit dark haired girl moved quickly towards Angel.  Giles
               caught sight  of the girl, < why she looks just like Buffy! >  The dark haired doppelganger  cried  " Daddy!" just before
               embracing Angel.

               The phone continued to ring.  Chance blinked and without Jinx helping hold  him up  he staggered and fell to the floor
               loosing consciousness before his  head hit the floor.

               "Oh, Daddy, Thank goodness Chance was able to get us out of there I don't  know what they had planned!" she prattled,
               burying her dark head in Angel's  chest.

               The adults were all frozen in place.  Jinx, heard the thump and using her  slayer reflexes pushed away from Angel and
               took up a fighting stance.  Her  eyes saw her best friend collapsed on the floor.  " Chance!" she cried and  was kneeling
               by his side.

               " Buffy?"  Angel whispered in disbelief at this vision.

               " Don't just stand there like statues, help me get him on the couch."  Jinx  ordered.

               Xander and Giles moved cautiously forward.  Xander pointed at Chance, " He..  He.. He.." hiccuped like he was

               " He looks a lot like Spike."  Ayna finished his sentence.

               The phone continued its shrill ringing.

               Angel was kneeling across from the Buffy-look - alike, he placed his hands on  the red-haired boys who did share a
               spooky resemblance to his childe, lifted  him and placed him upon the now empty couch.

               Jinx looked  in Angel's eyes for the first time.  She saw confusion and  uncertainty, missing was the love she had always
               seen before.

               " Daddy, I'm sorry Chance and I suprised you and your guest," she glanced  about the room her eyes landing on a
               handsome older man who looked very pale.
               A dark haired young man was pointing and his mouth was agape and a young woman was trying to soothe the man.

               "Do I know you?"  Angel asked his voice barely above a whisper.

               Jinx looked into her father's face again, < Oh Damn, this isn't 2017! > Her  eyes then darted quickly about the room
               taking in the faces once more. < I've  seen them before on several old CD holo's of Willow's along with my mother.   But
               they all died the same night she did.. but they are still alive.. She's  still alive.. Now!>

               "My name is Jinx, and this here is Chance." She replied her mind reeling at  the possibility that she might actually be
               able to meet her mother, spend  time with friends of her mother, and her Dad together.  Jinx smiled, "  Where's..
               Buffy?"  She asked. ~~~~~ Buffy was heaving once again into the pink Rubbermaid wastebasket.   I feel  so damn
               nauseous, I'm beginning to wonder if some recent demon I slayed  poisoned me.  Giles had the nerve to ask me earlier
               tonight if I could be  pregnant.  I told him no way.  That one time with Parker we used protection  and it was such a
               mistake.. and I had my period after and as much as I like  Riley he and I haven't, after the hurt caused by the Parker, I
               realized how  much I still love Angel and sleeping with Riley wouldn't be right.  Buffy  sighed and lay back down upon her
               bed.    Her mind thought back to Parker,  she had her period, but that was over two months ago.  Yeah but
               Willow's  explained that her cycle was messed up too, she said something about dorm  living and that she and I living in
               such close proximity would begin  synchronous cycles or something.. , like that. Well she promised Giles that  she would
               see a doctor on Monday. ~~~~~~

               "No one is answering the phone at Giles," Wesley commented a bit anxiously.

               "Well, this is getting creepy, cause Angel's gone, like he vanished into thin  air.  His bed is unmade, and he is so anal
               he never leaves things untidy, and  his cell phone and beeper are downstairs too."  Cordelia reported as she  began
               pacing in the small office.  " This can't be a good omen."

               " No, that vision you had is rather alarming, Buffy and Willow can both be in  danger."  Wesley hypothesized.

               " Duh," Cordelia snapped, < I mean I don't really care for either one of  those girls but still. >  She shuttered as she
               heard their screams of pain in  her head. ~~~~~

               He had been fighting his feelings for her for months. Hell, if he was honest with himself he had wanted to turn her the
               night he had kidnapped her and the
               annoying punk. He should have done it then.  But no, he was still all hung up  with Dru. Then there was the master plan to
               get the gem of Amara, defeat the  stupid slayer and turn Willow to be his fire Goddess.    He was foiled at  every turn,
               first by the blond bimbo then the hair gelled wonder.    By the  time he sought her out again he had been *implanted*
               and was impotent as a  demon. His plans were scraped once again.

               So he did what Spike does best, take advantage of a bad situation to turn  things round to suit him.   The stupid humans
               didn't question his going to  ask them for help.   Hell, if they were half as smart as they thought they  were, they would
               realize he would have never gone to the Slayer to ask for  help.   He would have robbed a blood bank first, or continued
               to use Harmony  to aid him, well perhaps not that insipid git--drove him insane.  So he  sought ought the gang when he
               knew she would be there.

               Spike trusted his instincts; they had kept him undead for 126 years.   He risked a lot, as the Slayer could have staked
               his arse right then, but he
               knew she wouldn't allow it.  He knew that she was taken with him too, perhaps  she didn't want to admit it, but Spike felt
               it.   He had to put up with a lot  of shit, so he could be closer to her, to wait for an opportunity.  Since  then he had
               become the unwilling  * neutered* mascot of the gang, his initial  feelings of desire bloomed into respect and genuine
               affection for her as a  mortal.  He wasted precious time listening to her moan and cry about the dog  boy, and him being
               all  *poof* like himself, worrying that he wasn't either  demon or man enough for the likes of her.  But tonight after seeing
               her about  to take up with a stupid moron with muscles he knew he needed to claim her no  matter what the

               He so badly wanted to rip the sod's eyeballs out for looking at her, pull off  his fingers one by one for daring to touch her.
               He knew the implant would  prevent it.  So he used the old Spike charm and sex appeal.  He saw at first  the alarm and
               confusion in her eyes when he approached her. Worried always  about the others, putting their needs above her own.
               Look at her all flush  and glowing.   She was oblivious to her own beauty. The college boy saw it.    The pup was willing
               to fight for her, I have to give him credit for that at  least, but I knew I couldn't hold my own, not like *this*.  So I did what
               any  self-respecting male, human or demon would do, I kissed her.

               Her scent, the softness of her lips, the heat of her mouth, her taste. He  felt light headed, intoxicated.  His tongue sought
               out her warm recess,  caressing her hot flesh, catching her surprised gasp.  He moved one hand to  cup the back of her
               head, his hand seeking her silky red flames.  His other  hand touching her slim waist, pulling her upright and
               forward.  Drawing her  between his denim clad legs, wanting to feel her, all of her pressed  intimately against him.

               Willow was breathless.  Seeing him in the library was a surprise.  Willow had  no time to process his affectionate
               fabrication before he touched her face  and pressed his sexy lips against hers.  Definite sparkage, his lips  surprisingly
               soft, his tongue exploring her with bold strokes.  She moaned,  softly at his ardor, and unconsciously reached out to
               grab for purchase as  her body shuttered with need for him.  Cool skin, soft hair, hard chest.  <  His tongue teasing
               mine, Oh Goddess I love when he does that *thing* down…>  Willow's eyes flew wide open at the carnal thought. < No
               one's every put  their tongue  *down there* so where did that thought come from? >  She  released her hold on the back
               of his neck and shifted her other arm round  from his back to push against his chest.  " Spike," she rasped
               huskily.  "  What's going on?"

               Part 7

             Buffy decided to take a shower, get rid of the sticky sickness smell.  She
              pulled on her baby blue terry cloth robe and picked up her bucket of
              toiletries from her closet.  She grabbed two fresh bath towels and headed
              down the hall toward the showers.


              " What is going on Spike?"  Willow asked out of breath.

              " Is this some joke?  Some payback because of that mistaken spell, aren't you
              guy's gonna ever get over that?" She asked looking around trying to see if
              Buffy and Xander were lurking.

              One kiss and he was ready to take her here on the library table.  He was so
              hard it was painful.  < She thinks this is some silly prank! >

              Spike grabbed her tiny hand and pushed it up against his arousal.  " Does
              that feel like a bloody joke to you luv?" he whispered huskily.

              Willow licked her kiss-stung lips as she envisioned her mouth wrapped around
              the object in question.

              Spike watched her green eyes darken with desire. He felt himself harden even
              more as she tried to curl her fingers around his aching shaft.  Her pink
              tongue beckoning him.  He once again pulled her body flush against his.  She
              moaned into his mouth.  He could smell her arousal, he envisioned how tight
              and hot her sex was as he plundered her hot mouth and thrust his cock into
              her hand.


              " I think you had better explain who you are and what you're doing here?"
              Giles asked, looking at the young girl who had materialized in his living
              room, part of him wished she would disappear almost afraid to hear the

              " I think Buffy should be here before I explain," Jinx bargained.  She sat on
              the edge of the sofa and ran her hand through Chance's red locks. < We've
              already messed things up, what harm can it do to meet my mom? >

              Angel's mind was still reeling, the girl calling him daddy, her looking like
              Buffy, the Powers that Be sending him after two kids, these kids.  What had
              they said to him about everyone being in danger?
               " Giles, she's right Buffy needs to be here and so should Willow."  Angel
              said as he began to pace.

              " Hey how do we know these two aren't from some demon dimension here to kill
              Buffy, and then kill us all?"  Xander asked nervously.

              Chance stirred and opened up his green eyes.

              " Because, the PTB sent me here to Sunnydale to rescue these two," Angel

              "You were at some underground prison?  What were you doing there?" Angel
              asked kneeling down, he looked into the girl's dark brown eyes.

              "Well, we were trying to get some information to help Spike cause.."

              " Jinx!"  muttered Chance

              " Spike?"  Angel growled his eyes narrowed in displeasure.

              " I should have know Spike was somehow involved in all this, he can't seem to
              not cause trouble."  Angel snapped standing up.  He glowered at Jinx.  "
              Start talking!"

              Chance sat up, " I hope you haven't been shooting off like a fusion reactor?"
               He grumbled.

              Xander was feeling mighty spooked.  He didn't care what Deadboy had said
              about these kids not being harmful.  The girl so like Buffy, and the boy
              looked a lot like Deadboy Jr. right down to the chiseled cheeks and pouty
              mouth but there was something else, something even more spooky.

              " Vent your plasma overload, I haven't told em anything.. just said that
              Buffy should be here."  Jinx sighed.

              " We need to be careful we could change the-time…things." He whispered

              " Well, wasn't that why we came back here anyway to change things to help
              your father?"  Jinx cried standing up and pushing past Angel.

              " Is.. Spike your father?"  Giles asked puzzled trying to figure out what was
              going on.

              Jinx opened her mouth to speak.  Chance shot her a look.

              "Oh God!  Oh God, did you see that?"  Xander cried in alarm looking around at
              the others.  " He just gave her the look, * the resolve look* < The eyes are
              Willow's. >  " This is just some bad dream, that's all, I'm gonna wake up in
              bed next to Ayna and were gonna have one big laugh about all this."  Xander

              " Calm down, Xander" Ayna snapped smacking Xander on the arm.

              Giles had seen the look, he was very familiar with *the look* " Buffy, I'll
              call Buffy."  He mumbled as he sat down at his desk and took his glasses off
              with shaky hands.
              The unit from 314 had slipped into the dorm without notice.  The looked like
              everyday college students.  Two young males and one young female stood in the
              hallway outside Buffy's door.   " We're clear," the women said.

              The taller man opened the door to Buffy's dorm room and hit the floor the
              shorter man charged in stealthy weapon in hand.  Buffy observed this as she
              had just come out of the bathroom.  She was wearing her terry cloth robe and
              her blond hair was wrapped in a towel.  The woman who was acting as a lookout
              spied her.  " There she is!"

              "Uh oh," Buffy groaned.  She turned and went back into the bathroom.  She
              looked around for anything to block the door.  < Whatever those students want
              I don't think they are here to speak to me about over due library books.
              Escape now and find out the reason for the visit later, when I'm not as sick
              as a dog. >

              Willow was mindless with the erotic sensations he was creating in her.
              Goddess he was so hard and his kisses made her feel all-molten.  His long
              fingers had somehow found there way up under her skirt and he was running
              them up along her garter and was tracing a path over the exposed flesh of her
              hip and ass not covered by her panties.  He slipped his finger under the edge
              of her panties and slid his questing digits across the globe of her ass.  His
              fingers caressing her firm flesh.

              Spike thought he might orgasm in his pants.  Her fingers were clutching and
              rubbing against his cock through the too tight denim.  He moaned in her ear,
              " luv I need you so much."  He rocked his hips forwards and upward as he
              pulled her closer his fingers clenching her ass cheek tightly.  He felt her
              hot mouth suck and nip at his neck.  " Oh Fuck!" he hissed

              " Not here you won't!" an angry voice intruded upon the passion induced haze.
               Willow suddenly was aware of snickers and tittering voices chanting obscene
              things.  She lifted her head from Spike's neck and looked out from over his
              shoulder and saw a mean looking librarian and a crowd of students.  Willow
              eeped as she felt one of Spike's fingers rub against her bum hole.  He
              apparently was oblivious to the crowd.  Willow already flushed face, blushed
              an even darker shade of red.   She pushed backward trying to get out of
              Spike's erotic embrace and yelped, " Spike"

              Spike heard his lovers' voice call his name followed by her painful pushing
              against his cock.  "Owww, too rough.." he uttered.  Willow's sudden movement
              and weak knees resulted in her falling backward away from the table she and
              Spike had been practically dry humping on. Willow felt her new panties rip as
              she fell backward upon her now bare ass.  The crowd of students giggled
              harder as the embarrassed red head pulled away from her lover, lost her
              balance and fell; backward.  The blond haired man whose arm had moments
              before been lost up underneath the long slit in the girls skirt, suddenly
              reappeared holding what appeared to be a scrap of sheer black lace panties.

              Part 8

              Everyone was laughing; he stood there like a marble statue clutching her torn
              panties while she sat on the library floor on her ass. Willow was humiliated.
               He face was beet red and she wanted to just disappear.  Spike did this on
              purpose to embarrass her, as some sort of pay back, she just knew it.

              Spike was stunned, one minute he was kissing the red-headed witch and
              exploring her firm bottom, as she seductively stroked his raging erection,
              and the next minute she practically crushed his aroused cock in her hurry to
              get away.  He held a torn piece of her black lace panties in his hand.  He
              was aware of the snickers and hooting for the first time.  < Bloody Hell!
              We're in a public place and I got so caught up with her I almost ..>  Spike
              thoughts were interrupted by the lecture of the Liberian.

              "You two will need to get a room because the library is no place for this
              kind of behavior.  I should take your names and have you both banned."  She
              droned on.

              Willow scrambled unceremoniously to her feet and began to stuff her books
              into her open backpack.  Spike knew Willow was embarrassed.  He knew the girl
              was shy and suspicious about his motives.
              Spike looked at the offending librarian.  " Oh shut up, you dried up old
              hag!" he snapped.  The crowd of students watching this interlude began to
              laugh louder.   " Shut up, the lot of you," he growled at the students.

              Willow took off towards the nearest exit.  Spike adjusted his painful
              erection and took off after her.  " Willow wait," he called.

               Willow never broke her stride towards the stairway door.  " Stay away from
              me, you've had your fun the joke's over," she replied her voice shaking with

              She pushed the door open and Spike caught her arm.

              " Wait, luv," Spike said, " I'm sorry,"

              " I just bet you are!" Willow snapped as she tried to pull away, her green
              eyes glistening with unshed tears.
              < I'm not going to loose it in front of him, not going to give him the
              satisfaction, now that he can't bite he's just looking for new ways to
              torment people.  I'm an easy mark. >

              Spike pulled Willow away from the edge of the stairs and pushed her up
              against the concrete wall of the stairwell.  " Let me explain, please." He
              pleaded, hating himself for upsetting her.  He was afraid he had ruined

              "The joke's over, don't worry I won't tell Buffy, if that's what you're
              worried about." Willow replied unevenly, despite her resolve a tear leaked
              from her eye.

              " I told you before, this isn't a joke," Spike said seductively as he brushed
              his still hard member up against her pelvis.  " I want you, I have for a long
              time," he continued softly as he moved his hand from her hip to wipe away her
              stray tear.   I didn't mean for things to get out of control, to frighten
              you." he whispered.  He placed a butterfly kiss at the corner of her eye.
              The tip of his tongue caught the warm salty tear she was about to drop.


              " What do you mean the team lost Buffy Summers?"  Walsh yelled gruffly into
              the phone.  " I want the four of you to split into teams of two.  One team go
              to her mother's house, the other check out Rupert Giles home, I'm sure she's
              headed there."

              Walsh hit the intercom in her office.  " Get Riley and Forrest in here!"


              Cordelia gripped Wesley's waist firmly.  She yelled to be heard over the roar
              of the motorcycle, " Slow down, I want to make it to Sunnydale in one piece!"
              < How am I ever going to fix my hair after I've been sweating under a helmet
              for over two hours.  Angel had better appreciate this and he so is gong to
              pay for my trip to the salon when I get back to L.A.>

              Buffy had left her fuzzy bunny slipper behind.  She had managed to quickly
              elude the well-dressed men and women that were looking for her. < Who the
              hell are they and what do they want with me? >  Buffy was actually feeling
              much better.  The burst of adrenaline and the sprinting seemed to have
              alleviated her nausea.  She was about a block away from Giles, he would help
              her sort this out, and he was always good at sorting everything out.

              Giles heard only the endless ringing of the unanswered phone in his ear. <
              Where the Bloody Hell is Buffy?  I just left her dorm less than an hour ago.
              >  The silence in his living room was ominous, the proverbial calm before the
              storm.   Giles eyes scanned the shocked face of Xander who for once was
              unable to elicit a smart-ass witticism.  Angel moved silently towards the two
              teens sitting on his sofa.   Jinx the young girl the image of Buffy, pouting
              at her male companion.  Chance, giving Jinx the infamous 'resolve look'.

              Angel broke the silence, "look you don't need to explain anything, just tell
              me how I can help you get home," he uttered softly looking.  He placed one
              hand on top of Jinx's hand.  Dark eyes met and held.  Angel knew this
              beautiful young woman was his flesh and blood.  His and Buffy's daughter.

              He wasn't sure exactly how this was possible, only that it was.  It suddenly
              hit him, when he was human; he and Buffy had come together in frenzied
              coupling on his kitchen table, up against the fridge, on the countertop.
              Afterward, he had taken her to his bed and made sweet tender love to her.  He
              cherished every inch of her glorious body not once but again and again.  It
              was that day, the day that he asked the PTB turn back time, that their child
              had been conceived.  He moved his hand up to cup Jinx's face and smiled.

              Just then Buffy flung the door open, " Giles, " Buffy's words died in her
              throat as she saw Angel smiling, at some young girl who was sitting on Giles
              sofa.    " Buffy," he stood grinning from ear to ear.
              At Angel's elated cry to see Buffy, both Chance and Jinx turned their heads
              to look at the famous slayer.
              Buffy tore her eyes away from her beloved Angel to look upon the face that
              had enchanted him.  Buffy's mouth fell open, she felt her abdomen flip flop,
              such a strong connection to the dark haired girl.  Buffy was assailed by a
              titanic wave of memory. She and Angel together, making love to him, feeling
              his heart beat wildly against her. As quickly as the wave of repressed
              memories washed over her, the cathartic emotions retreated leaving Buffy with
              the astonishing realization that she was pregnant with Angel's baby and
              paradoxically she looked into their child's eyes.  Buffy mind and body
              couldn't quite grip this miracle.  She fainted.

