Sunnyhell Hath No Fury Like A Wiccian Willow Scorned

By Dagney

Rating: R for language, violence, and sexual content
Author: Dagney
Spoilers: Wild at Heart & The Initiative
Disclaimer: This is for fun, no copyright is intended these characters belong to Joss and Co.
Summary: Willow's mad as hell and Spike just happens to be in the wrong place at the right time.
She shows him who's wicked enough to whip his demon ass. LOL I feel evil.

Willow had cleaned the dorm room from top to bottom.  She had completed
all her assignments and papers that were due up through the first week in
December, and yet it wasn't even Thanksgiving.  Willow sighed; she
looked at her nightstand, Oz's smiling face glaringly absent.  Willow had packed
away all her photo's of him.

< I'm not going to cry. Nope no more crying. So what he cheated on me
with a she wolf, so what he didn't admit his attraction to her or tell
anyone she was a werewolf. Oh no, maybe things would have been different if he
reached out before he touched that flea-bitten bitch.  Nope, not even after he
fucked her once.   Oh no, wouldn't want to tell me, Yeah like, color me
surprised when you wanted to turn down safe missionary position sex with your
girlfriend cause you've got fucking marks all over your body from her!
Amaze me with your brain power Oz, when you invited the whore into your
den for  ' Oz does Verceua Wolfie style part 2'(Rated NC17 for violence,
blood play and graphic sex.)  Yeah, Einstein, and wait for your loving,
trusting girlfriend to find you naked and hairless together.  Well Will, he did
repeat 12 Th grade so what did you expect.  Lets not forget his excuses, and
his not so subtle manipulation of the situation trying to make it be about his
feelings of my 'betrayal', his being hurt by my little slip with Xander.
Like a few tongue-less kisses with Xander compared to wild stomach
turning fucking... with her.  Then... Then... the bitch tries to off me, I get
to watch my ex-lover maul her to death, and almost eat me.  Yeah that's a
laugh, eat me up, Like you ever...> Willow shook her head to try and clear out
the angry, painful reverie of thoughts.

 Willow felt utterly alone and abandoned. Buffy and Giles had gone to
LA for the weekend to see Angel and try and figure out what was going on with
the GI Joe contingent in town.  Willow had wanted to go but Giles and Buffy
discussed it and decided for her that, she need to rest and recover
from her trauma; like it's every week your first love cheats on you, tries to
kill you then abandons you.

Xander, he was trying very hard to be supportive.  But he had to work
all weekend in the campus bar, and besides that Ayna and him were together,
like I bet that demon is teaching Xander a few things about wild monkey sex.
 <Sex, sex sex, its all I can think about, who's having it. Well this is
a dorm and the walls are pretty thin and it seems everyone is having it but
me! What the hell am I going to do to get through this long weekend? >

Spike lurked outside the slayer's dorm. < I'm not sure what exactly you
thought you were doing when you had me captured slayer, nor what the
hell you did to me.  I've had a bloody headache that just won't quit.  But,
Spike, your most favorite demon who keeps coming back for more, is about to
teach you a lesson in never fuck with a demon.  I think the scared little
witch will be a nice entree, and her drained body left on your bed a nice,
'Buffy, I'm back' gift! >  Spike laughed as he entered the dorm.

Willow was startled out of her pity me, party as Spike, AKA William the
Bloody burst uninvited into her room.

"Well, well", he crooned. " What have he here? A defenseless witch, no
slayer or pet doggie" Spike uttered, his handsome features morphing into his
demonic façade.

Willow felt her heart pound against her chest.  She looked at her
bookbag on the settee across the room, trying to judge her chance of getting her
vamp stuff before Spike could harm her.

Spike was hungry, ravenous; he could smell her fear and it excited him.
He watched her green eyes dart toward her bag, giving away her thoughts.
He watched her bolt.  He was upon her before she reached the settee.  Her
red hair, like a silk flame burned his hand as he pulled her hair away from
her long pale neck.  He sunk his fangs in deep, and her hot elixir coursed
into his mouth.  As he drank from her, he felt himself becoming very aroused
by her struggle and whimpers, her smell, her taste.  < Bloody hell, his
head! > Spike felt a searing pain in his head, and a white-hot lancing pain
throughout his body.

Willow first heard Spike's groan of pleasure turn into a howl of pain.
She saw a blue glow and felt a residual shock surge through her
wherever she and Spike touched.  Spike's demon face snapped back from her neck, his
golden eyes rolled up and he fell over like dead wood.
Willow, stood on shaky legs, her hand clutching her bleeding neck.
<What the hell is going on? >

Willow's first instinct was to call Buffy. < Buffy is away, > Willow
then quickly rummaged through her bag and pulled out a stake. < I'll just
dust him before he even knows what hit em. >  Willow held up the stake.  She
pulled back her arms, to plunge it into Spike's heart.  < Oh Goddess, look at
him, all human like and handsome, laying there helpless. >  Willow let out a
huge sigh, and lowered the stake, she ran her other hand along Spike's
chiseled cheek. <  What now? >

Spike's head was killing him; too bad he was already dead.  He slowly
opened his eyes. He tried to move his legs and was met with resistance.  His
arms also were immobile. He tugged on what felt like metal chain restraints.

" Hello, Pet," Willow cooed.

Spike looked up and was meet the redhead's dark green gaze.

< Oh fuck! somehow the little witch has turned the tables on me>


Part 2:

Spike pulled roughly on the tight metal restraints that clutched his
legs and arms.

Willow backed up.

< Ah, the little chit is still afraid, as she should be, as soon as I
break free..>  Spike's thoughts were interrupted by the little witch's

"Oh, Pet," she drawled in an embarrassing imitation of him, " You'll
have to pull a lot harder on those chains.  Cause in the first place the chains
are vamp proof and in the second I've enhanced them with magic, so you'll
turn into dust before they give way," she giggled. " I've got the key" she
chanted in a singsong voice as she paced across the room swinging round the
padlock keys on a rubber orange day glow slinky cord.

Spike pulled hard once again at his restraints, < I'm so gonna enjoy
hurting you! >  Spike glared at the red head as she paced across the room.  He
couldn't help but notice that she was wearing tight purple leather
pants. <Has she always had such a tight little ass? > He watched her twirling
the keys with one hand.  With her other she picked up an opened bottle of
Goldschlager and took a hearty swig.  His eyes took in her pale throat
and the conspicuous puncture wounds he had left on her neck.  He watched
her set the bottle down, and lift her arm as if to wipe away some dripping
liqueur on her sleeve.

"Yuck!" she uttered, " You've gotten my blood all over my favorite
shirt," she complained.

He watched her take off the soiled shirt and toss it into a corner.
Spike's pupils delighted in surprise.  All she had on underneath was a small,
tight, white muscle tee shirt. He could clearly see her breast's and dark rosy
areolas through the tee. < Maybe not a handful, but a delightful mouth
full> he thought.

He watched her stalk, < I didn't even think the little witch could
stalk> back towards his prone form on the bed.  She was grinning wickedly.

" So, this is how all demons should be; chained and spread eagle." she
laughed. "Go ahead, Spike, scream all you want, Ducks, your in a dorm, one of
the nosiest places in the world, no one will care, nor will anyone come."
She smirked.

Willow leaned closer to Spike and lowered her voice, " I'm gonna ask
some questions and your gonna give me some answers, " she whispered in his
ear, her hair tickling his face.

"Or what? Little witch," he growled, " you'll sick the slayer on me?"

" No Spike, Buffy gets to have all the fun, It's my turn to let loose,
have some fun.   You'll tell me what I want to know or." she began staring
into his cerulean eyes, she snapped her jaws open and shut quickly as if to
imitate an alligator snapping it's prey.  Spike eyes blinked in shock,
Willow gave a low throaty laugh.

< The little witch has gone mad! >


Part 3:

Spike's headache was getting progressively worse. < The slayer's pet
witch is having some sort of mental breakdown and just my dumb luck I pick her
to torment. >  Spike couldn't help smiling at the irony.

" What the hell are you smiling about Blondie?" Willow hissed as she
grabbed the top of Spike's shirt.

< I'd best humor the girl and talk my way out of this before the slayer
does show up and dust me. > Spike wiped the smirk off his face.

"Eweee" Willow squealed, as her arm and hand came away bloody. "Damn,
you're a messy eater Spike, you've dribbled my blood all over yourself," she

"It's not my practice to waste such fine ambrosia, Red, but your little
spell took me by surprise."

<  But I didn't do anything, until after you got zapped and passed out.>

"Look Red, why don't you unchain me and I'll leave and we can forget
all about this little misunderstand, we'll call it even." Spike asked.

"Ha! I'm not brain dead, like you!" Willow commented rolling her eyes.
She walked back across the room, picked up the liqueur bottle and took
another two swallows.  " Mmmm, that's so good, it warms me right down to my

Spike's eyes once again traveled the length of Willow's lean body, in
response to her words.   Her flaming hair, her pleasing face, her pale
neck, sporting his fang marks, her pert breast displayed wonderfully by the
white tee, her very fine ass encased in purple leather < how can she even
breath in those pants? her long legs, and finally her bare wiggling toes.   Spike
felt the telltale flicker of arousal in his member.
< Now's not the time to start thinking with your cock, it's not going
to help me get out of here. >

"Look, Willow, you're a reasonable girl, let me up, we'll have a drink
together and iron this all out." He said.

" No, I'm sick of being reasonable, being understanding, meeting
everyone else's needs, " she bitched.

"You came here to kill me and leave my dead body for Buffy," she said
angrly walking over to her desk.

"Know how many time this past two weeks someone has tried to kill me?"
She asked as she wrenched open her desk draw.  Willow removed the silver
athame that Giles had given her for graduation.

She turned gracefully walked back to the bed, where Spike was captive.

"You're the third person, " she snapped waving the ritual dagger about
dangerously. "First my, boyfriend's lover Veruca, wants me dead, then my cheating
boyfriend tries to finish the job she started and now you!" she spat.

Spike mentally kicked himself, he almost felt bad for the witch, after
all of  Dru's infidelity, he knew the pain of betrayal.  " I'm sorry Pet,"
Spike said softly.

"Right, sorry that you didn't manage to kill me.  Shut up! Don't speak
unless spoken too!  You're not sorry, but you're going to be.  You're going to
be very, very sorry you messed with me."  Willow ran her index finger down
the length of the ritual blade, and gently pierced her fingertip with the
sharp point. She moved her finger and held it over Spike's lips.

< What the hell is she doing? >  Spike smelled her fresh blood and saw
the deep rich color ooze out.  He struggled to remain in his human form.
The chit was teasing him.  She held her bloody finger just above his mouth.
 He couldn't reach it; he wanted to taste her again.  He opened his mouth
and snaked his tongue out hoping to be able to lick the witch's hot blood.
His tongue couldn't quite reach.

Willow felt a surge of something akin to desire shoot through her body
as she watched the master vampire stick out his tongue to try and taste her.

"You want it, don't you?" she asked huskily, her eyes met his.  She
moved her finger away from his mouth before the blood could drip down, and sucked
the blood into her own mouth.  "Well, I wanted a lot of things," she
continued as she smacked her lips.

"I ve always played by the rules, been hardworking, helpful, cheerful,
optimistic, and look where it's gotten me," she said waving the athame
about once again.  "I'm sick of being used and walked on," she uttered
pointing the dagger towards Spike's midsection.

" Say hello to the new and improved me."

Spike just rolled his eyes.

Willow narrowed her eyes at his non-verbal rebuff.  " I don't think,
you've got the right attitude, you don't know who's the boss, who's in
control.  I think you need to learn a little lesson Spike."  Willow lowered the
silver dagger until it was positioned at the place where Spike's red tee shirt
met his black jeans.

< What the hell! She's getting awful close to my....> Spike blue eyes
flew open wide as he felt the cold blade press into his tender flesh and he
heard the sound of fabric tearing.


Part 4:

Willow ran the dagger up the center of Spike's shirt.  She noted the shocked
look in his eyes. Once again Willow felt a surge of excitement.

"How do you like me ruining your favorite shirt?" she asked smugly, one brow
cocked higher than the other.

Spike scowled at her menacingly.   Willow straddled Spike's slim hips with
her legs, yet remained kneeling over him.  Willow used the dagger point to
lift the torn fabric away baring his chest to her gaze.
" Your chest is so pale, " she murmured softly.  She lowered one hand and ran
it down the middle of his chest and across his ribcage. " Cool and silky,
like marble."

Spike inhaled sharply as Willow ran her hand over his chest. He felt his
nipples tighten, even though she hadn't touched them.  He saw the look of
lust in her smoky green orbs.  He watched as her dusky nipples puckered and
pressed against her tee.  His cock was starting to throb and expand.
"Willow," he rasped.

"Did I give you permission to speak?" she snapped and smacked his midsection
sharply with her closed fist.

Spike's lust surged, he knew he should be outraged and indignant, that this
little wisp of a girl dared to speak to him like that, let alone strike him.
No one except Angelus had ever tried to dominate him.  Spike was a master
vamp, anyone who tried, died a painful death.  Yet, this young mortal woman
dared to.  This was exciting her; Spike could see the evidence of her arousal
practically staring him in the face.   < Why the shy little hacker is a
closet dominatrix! >

Spike decided to up the ante, " Ohoooo Red, I'm shaking with fear" Spike

" Shut up," she commanded her face flushed, she brought the dagger's point
down to the left of Spike's nipple.  Willow applied a little pressure
breaking the skin; she slowly drew the dagger across his muscular chest
leaving a fine red line in its wake, stopping just before his opposite nipple.

Spike closed his eyes against the sensory overload.  His cock felt like it
was going to bust clear through his zipper, the smell of blood, and the scent
of Willow's arousal, the stinging in the superficial wound.

Willow felt very aroused, she was soaking wet, < I'm the one in control, now,
and you need to do what I say, do what I want. >  Willow wanted to make this
cocky vamp beg.  < For what exactly? >

Willow dropped the athame next to his side on the bed, " Who's the one in
control now?" her voice husky as she traced the fine bloody line across
Spike's chest with her index finger.

Spike's pelvis arched up off the bed, he needed more contact with her, and he
couldn't loose it like some virgin schoolboy.

Spike's sudden movement caught Willow by surprise, upsetting her precarious
balance, her body starting to fall backwards, she compensated by pulling her
knees together and ended up sitting, straddling Spike's pelvis.
Both Willow and Spike gasped at the sensation of leather against leather,
hard colliding with soft.

Willow lost all coherent thought and the only message that kept screaming in
her brain was, 'SEX, SPIKE, SEX, SPIKE.'  She focused her eyes on the
gorgeous vamp face, noting his eyes were ogling her tiny breasts.
Willow felt her clit twitch and her breasts tighten. The voice in her head
screamed, you can do whatever you want! >

Spike's eyes were visually ravishing, Willow's enticing, breasts. He needed
to touch her, taste her, and fill her with his burning cock. < You may have
started this game, but now I'm going to finish it! >
Spike's strained voice commanded, " unchain me red,"

"No! You're not the boss," she purred, running her hands over Spike's chest
smearing his blood.  She ran her fingers over his sensitive nipples, pinching
them sharply, "I am,"

"Oh Fuck!" he shouted, bucking his cock into her leather covered sex.


Part 5:

Willow in her limited sexual experience with Oz, didn't ever recall
feeling this hot.   Hearing Spike shout,   'Fuck', seeing him vamp out, feeling
his rock hard cock push against her covered mound, left Willow's every
nerve ending tingling and throbbing.   She liked being in control; she had
never felt so alive.

Willow slowly rocked her sex back and forth over Spike's pelvis.  She
liked the sound of his cat like growls.

Spike lost control and vamped out when Willow pulled roughly at his
sensitive nipples.  For a moment he thought he might climax in his pants an
embarrass himself.  He had to close his eyes and think of something else, < Oh
fallen Saints in hell, she was rubbing herself against his member. > He swore
he could feel her heat.

Willow lifted her hips, and felt another wave of pleasure at the
vampire's displeased growl. <Let's see what other animal like sounds you can make
Spike. >

Spike's eyes flew open to glare at the little tease.  He watched as she
carefully leaned forward not touching him, she placed one arm on either
side of his rib cage upon the bed.  Her eyes were feral like a cat's.  He
watched her lower her head and at first felt the tickle of her hair against his
chest.  When her warm tongue touched his chest he couldn't help but
moan out loud. She was licking at the blood upon his chest.

Spike pulled and strained against his bonds.  He had to possess her he
was going to combust any moment.  Her tongue was lapping at his chest like
a feline, small yet firm strokes.

Willow enjoyed seeing the yellowed-eyed demon struggle and writhe
beneath her.   < He wants me, he desires me. >

"Willow, Pet... I want ...," he muttered.

Willow's head snapped up and glared at him.  "  I didn't give you
permission to speak yet," she growled as she smacked him across the cheek.  " This
isn't about what you want!" she whispered as she shifted backwards and sat
upon his aching cock.  " It's about what I want.  You're nothing more than a
life size sex toy," she grinned brazenly.

Spike wanted to fuck her senseless until she cried out again and again
from pleasure.  He wanted to fuck her so hard and so long that she would beg
for him to stop.  He hated not being in control, not being able to touch
her, taste her.

Willow closed her eyes and moved her hands to the hem of her tee shirt
and lifted it off over her head.  Spike nearly bit through his bottom lip.
He watched as she slowly ran her hands up her firm abdomen and pinched and
plucked at her own nipples. Spike felt his sacs contract as Willow
moaned aloud for the first time. < I'm not going to lose it; I'm not going to
lose it. > He chanted to himself.

" Luv, please," he begged.

Willow stopped rocking back and forth across his member, < Thank
goodness! Christ, the chit has me thanking goodness.>

" What do I have to do to shut you up?" she asked huskily.

Spike licked the blood off his lower lip, as he stared into her eyes.
He then dropped his eyes to her bare breasts, pale and firm.   " I think
you need to keep my mouth busy," he whispered.

" Anything to shut you up" she rasped, moving forward on hands and
knees until her breasts were suspended above Spike's head.   Willow angled
herself lower until she was resting on her forearms.

Spike immediately sucked at one offered breast, like a drowning man
greedily sucks the air.  Willow hissed sharply at the incredible sensations of
Spike's cool mouth, his tongue worrying her nipple, his fangs against the
tender flesh.  He was making a purring noise deep in his throat, sending
exquisite vibrations wherever his lips, mouth and teeth touched her flesh.   < Oh
Goddess, it never felt like this with Oz.>


Part 6:

His ears were filled with the soft, siren song of her low throaty
moans.  His mouth filled with the silky flesh of her breast, he could feel her
pounding heart, almost taste the fiery blood that flooded her now distended
nipple held captive and assaulted by his tongue.

Willow couldn't believe the sensations flooding her body.  It made no
sense that his cold mouth could make her sensitive skin feel like it was on
fire. His suckling, and licking and pulling at her breast, first one than the
other was painfully, pleasant.  < Where was that low keening sound coming
from? > Willow wanted more, to feel more of his hard body, to rub herself
against all his firm planes and angles.

 If he weren't already dead, this tortuous, sex kitten would have
already killed him. She was tiny, but powerful, innocent looking yet saturated
with carnal desires. Spike felt  a sheen of sweat break out on his naked
torso. She was generating an amazing amount of heat.  Her hot skin against his
cool flesh.  Sweat, sexual condensation, was she melting him or was he
cooling her?

Willow's need for release was growing ever stronger.  She was rubbing
her crotch against Spike's firm abdomen; however, his flat muscular six
packs weren't given her friction she needed.  Her clit ached and throbbed.
She was close. Willow lifted herself off Spike, she swore she heard him
whimper as she pulled a teat out of his mouth.  She rolled off him.  Goddess she
was slick with sweat.  His dark blue eyes watched her, his mouth opened as
if to speak, but quickly snapped shut.   Willow turned her back to the
game-faced Spike.

Spike whimpered as she pulled away and lifted herself off him. He
wanted to shout his outrage in anger, for a moment he was about to beg her to
release his imprisoned cock, beg her to touch him, beg her to let him taste her
sex, beg her to let him fuck her. He was practically mad with desire.  He
was game-faced, yet she didn't appear to be repulsed by him, she wasn't
afraid of him, she purposely turned her back to him as if to flaunt that fact.
One didn't ever turn their back on a vampire.  Spike felt a flicker of an
unfamiliar emotion, that was pushing up against the flames of desire
this mortal creature evoked.  He felt afraid, he felt a niggling of fear
that she would leave him like this, torturously inflames without release.

Willow turned her back on the gorgeous vamp; she needed to shed her
tight pants and get off before she exploded.  She unsnapped the top of her
pants and slid the zipper down.  The cooler air felt glorious against her
naked skin.  She moved her hands to her slim hips and began to wiggle and tug
at the constructing pants.

Spike's fear was obliterated as he watched Willow begin to wiggle out
of her leather pants, slowly baring her pale tight ass to him. Spike new that
he would come one way or another.  The damn witch may not touch him; he
may yet shame himself by begging her, or worse yet just coming in his own
bloody pants.


Part 7:

Spike couldn't take his eyes off her pale ass, and lissome legs.   He
growled, pulled and wrenched and the constricting chains.  He felt his
own blood trickle down his forearms from the wounds he had inflicted upon
himself with his repeated struggles. His vampire senses were in overdrive.
As Willow started to remove her pants, the scent of her arousal permeated
the air. Spike groaned his displeasure as Willow bent over to step out of
her pants affording him a view of her wild auburn curls.

"Red, unchain me now!" he growled authoritatively

Willow walked back towards the bed. < YES! YES! > He wanted to scream
out loud.  Willow kept moving past the bed to her closet.  She quickly
pulled open the louvered door, and bent down to retrieve something from her
laundry basket.

< What is the little chit doing?  She totally and gloriously naked, she
can't mean to do laundry.>

Willow turned round and sauntered back towards the bed.

"I warned you! " she hissed.

Spike grinned cockily, "perhaps I need something to keep my mouth..."

His last words were hampered by Willow shoving some type of soft gag in
his mouth.

< Why that little bitch...soft, silk, has her scent. > Spike's eyes
practically rolled back into his head when he realized she had shoved a
couple of pairs of her worn panties in his mouth.

Spike's eyes flew wide open and he snapped his head up as far as he
could manage when he felt Willow touch his hip.  He watched her quickly
unsnap his pants, he felt her tiny hands press against his erection as she yanked
his zipper, his painful cock shot out like a rocket.

< His cock is huge, thick and angry looking.> Willow moved two fingers,
up the base to the head and wiped the milky tears from the tip.  She looked up
at Spike; < he doesn't need to breathe why is his face so red? > and met
his golden orbs.  She raised the two fingers smeared with his essence as if
to show him, then she turned the fingers and stuck them in her mouth and

Willow closed her eyes and enjoyed the unique taste of the vampire.
<Does he taste this good because he a vampire or is it just simply him? >
Willow was once again distracted by the muffled, throaty growls coming from
Spike. Willow placed her thumb and forefinger together and abruptly flicked
the sensitive underside of Spike's cock.

< I'm going to fuck her to death, I'm going to fuck her to death, and
I'm going to fuck her to death. > Spike repeated to himself.  All coherent
and incoherent thought cleared his mind as he watched as if in slow motion,
Willow, move back onto the bed and straddle his hips.  Her taunt ripe,
body mesmerized him.  He watched as she firmly gripped his cock in one hand
and spread her sex with her other.

Time returned to normal the second her hot wet sex touched his over
eager cock.  She impaled herself on his member, swearing violently, " Fuck,
shit, oh Fuck!" She panted, and began to lever herself up and down on his
rigid tool.

Willow's sex was like liquid fire on his cold aching cock. He felt
himself swell even more in her tight confines.  Once, twice three times she
impaled herself on his sex, her trying to find a pleasurable rhythm.  At each
of her strokes he swelled hard, firmer, tighter.  < Oh Fuck! > " Fummmmmkk" he
coughed as he shot his seed deep in her womb.

Willow felt close, close to getting off, then she felt Spike's seed
flood her already soaking hole.

" No! No! Damn You FUCKING BASTARD!" she yelled angrily as she levered
herself upwards and felt him slip out of her.


Part 8:

Spike screamed his release into the soft gag. His orgasm was powerful
as the red-head had teased  him for what seemed like hours, chaining him up,
taunting him, inflicting pain, lapping up his blood like a hungry kitten.
touching herself, parading around him gloriously naked, shoving her
aromatize panties down his throat, impaling her hot little twat on him, < she was
tight like a virgin, what did the wolf ever do to her anyway? >, He couldn't
have held back.   Bloody hell he may have been undead for 126 years but that
Wiccian, Witch could have made any dead man cum.

Willow was swearing and yelling at the selfish vamp, who had returned
to his handsome human face after getting off.   She stood over him glaring
into his blue eyes. " Christ almighty, I thought vamps were supposed to be know
for their sexual prowess, they're staying power, you make Oz seem like a
marathon man! You men are all the same, a quick grope, a few grunts and it's all
over. We'll at least with Oz he was a good at cuddling, why, your nothing
more that a fanged Popsicle! Willow moved off the bed, and stalked to the
dresser grabbing the half-empty bottle of liqueur.

Spike was outraged at her words. He could feel blood rush to his face,
he was feeling humiliated. She dare compare him to the flea-bag-puppy of a
boyfriend.  Spike shouted into the gag, "Given half a bloody chance I
could make you scream and beg, Witch!"

Willow could hear Spike's strangled mumbling and growling as she gulped
more of the fiery liquid. Willow ignored the vamp, she set the bottle back down
and went over to Buffy's bed and sat down.

She mumbled to no one in particular, "If you want anything done right,
you half to do it yourself."

Spike watched her lay back across the bed, her legs bent at the knees
resting on the edge of the bed. He watched her move one tiny hand between
her legs and touch herself.

<Will the torture never end? > Spike felt his cock twitch and come to
life, his shaft lean towards the erotic view, as if to watch.

Willow touched her slick slit, he may have been short on the draw but
he sure shot a big load.  Willow giggled drunkenly at her thoughts as she moved
her cum covered fingers up to her mouth to lick away Spike's seed.

Spike growled, and jerked, moaned and pulled at the tight bonds.  He
watched as Willow twice more ran her fingers over and round her cum soaked slit
and licked her fingers clean.  Spike finally managed to spit out the silken

 " Please..." he begged.

"Let me" he whispered hoarsely.  Spike didn't care that no one, not
even Angelus in all his sadistic erotic game playing had ever made him beg.
He didn't care about anything except tasting the mortal, making Willow
scream in pleasure.  She had broken him as no one had; he would do anything she
asked, yet she didn't, thus Spike begged.


Part 9:

Willow in her semi-intoxicated, aroused and left hanging state, didn't hear
Spike words at first.  She was aware that he must have lost the gag. Willow's
eyes were closed and she was running her fingers over her nether lips.  She
ran her slick fingers over her swollen clit.  She moaned out loud.

"Willow, Please!" Spike growled huskily.  " "Let me do that Pet," he begged

Spike's words broke through Willow's altered state.

She sat up, letting her legs slid off Buffy's bed onto the floor.  " Oh for
Goddess sakes, can't you see I'm busy," she slurred.

"Let me, make it up to you," he pleaded.

Willow's eyes moved to Spike's saluting cock, she licked her lips tasting the
mix of her juices and his seed.

" Aaaahhh," Spike whimpered, < WITCH! > as his cock twitched under her heavy
lidded gaze.

" Nope," Willow replied as she snaked her hand down between her legs once
again, " You had your change and you blew it," she giggled.  " Sides," she
slurred, "You're too big, it kinda hurt before and I expected it to get
better and then it was all over..."

" Luv, you're so hot and tight and I.." Spike replied

"Sure, blame it on me, Willow s'too tight, she's too flat chested, wears
silly clothes.., plane old Willow, safe and reliable.. like vanilla ice
cream." she sighed dejectedly.

Spike grinned, " No, Pet, there is nothing wrong with you, < not that a good
hearty shagging won't fix. > You are exquisite, like ice cream flambé; skin
all creamy and silky, your breasts, a perfect mouthful with two delightful
caramel colored peaks, and a ripe hidden cherry, that I'm begging you, to let
me taste. Let me be the one to send you up on flames."

Willow stopped touching herself and looked the handsome vamp in the eye.  <
Well, the silvered tongue devil thinks he can sweet-talk me, with talk of
sweets and sex?  I may be drunk and despondent but I'm not dumb, ... but I am
desperate! >

Willow giggled and gave Spike a sly half smile. She sauntered over to the bed
and straddled Spike's waist once more.

Spike felt his cock twitch painfully as Willow's bare ass rested a scant few
inches north of his aching member. < May as well be a few thousand miles
away... but if her twat is so tight, her ass must be...>
Spike's erotic fantasy was interrupted by Willow: " So er um.. How should I?
I mean.."

Spike watched as her milky skin blushed as red as her hair.  He felt in
control of the situation for the first time since he had awoken chained. <
best not let the chit think she's still the one calling all the shots.  I've
got her eating right out of my hand..>  Spike shook his head, < very bad
analogy> he grinned at Willow, and licked his lips. " Ducks, you're the boss,
I will do anything and everything you tell me to any way and for however long
you want."


Part 10:

Spike could feel Willow's damp heat against his bare abdomen.  He
wanted to touch her, please her, and hear her cry out his name.

 His eyes raked over her nudity; < he's lusting for me! >  Willow felt
like a Goddess.  She leaned forward once again until her nipples grazed
against Spike's cool chest.

"Ahhh" they both groaned.

<The witch gets off on torture; it makes her so hot. > Spike's thoughts
were obliterated as he felt Willow's hot tongue lave at his nipple. " Oh,
Cor," he groaned arching his torso upwards.  Willow giggled into his chest
sending even more pleasing sensations exploding along his sensitive nub.

She removed her mouth and Spike was about to beg for her touch.  Just
as he opened his mouth to utter his desire, her lips and tongue assaulted his
other nipple.

Willow liked the sounds Spike was emitting.  He was mewling like a cat
in heat.  < Let's see how my big blond cat likes this! >

Willow bit Spike's nipple. " Oh Jesus" he roared.
 < Bet he hasn't called out that name very often! > Willow snorted
softly and began to lick and nip a trail up Spike's shoulder.  His body was
quivering. < I can make Spike quiver! >  Willow began to kiss and nuzzle the
hollow between the vamp collarbone, as she continued to pinch and twist his
nipples between her fingers.

"You're killing me," Spike rasped

Willow lifted her head and placed her forehead against the prominent
ridges of the vamped out Spike, gazed into his yellow eyes, noting this close
that Spike's vamp eyes weren't yellow but gold.

< He's so amazing! >

Spike was afraid to move.  The little witch was pressed up against him,
nose to nose.  <Her eyes are incredible! >  He wanted to taste her lips, he
knew if he moved quickly enough he could capture her lips in a kiss before
she could pull away.  The thrill of anticipation that shot through his body
at the thought of tasting her lips, perhaps even, he shuddered, being
invited into her hot little cavern. <She'll stake me.. It would be worth it I
bet! >

A hundred years as a predator sharpened Spike's reflexes.  He shifted
his head and neck with preternatural speed and captured Willow's rosebud

Willow wasn't prepared for the cool lips taking possession of hers.
She moaned her surprise and Spike used the element of surprise to invade
her mouth with his tongue.   < Oh Goddess,... Oh Goddess, his tongue and
lips.> Willow clutched at Spike's shoulder blades drawing blood with her short
nails, as Spike fucked her mouth with his tongue.

Hot... liquid... sweet.. warm...soft...tangy... passive..silky... he
felt alive.. pulse pounding, blood roaring, chest heaving... Alive.  He felt
her hard nubs brand his chest, her juices flowed over his stomach.  He was
taking what belonged to him.  This taunting, teasing witch belonged to him.

The alcohol, and Spike's invasion of her mouth, shattered Willow's
magical spell enhancing the locks that held Spike prisoner.

Willow was beyond caring when she felt Spike's strong fingers grip her
ass and hips.  Spike had to possess her completely.   He roughly pulled at
her hips, lifting them as he pulled his knees and legs upwards. His
unbending cock seeking the heat of her sex.   Willow screamed into Spike's mouth
as he impaled his marble cock deep within her womb.

Spike groaned his momentary relief at being sheathed in Willow's
weeping sex. Willow screamed and he felt her tight walls spasm and grip his cock.
Willow whole body shook and quaked with the power of her orgasm.  It
took every ounce of control he had not to thrust and pump furiously into her
velvet prison. He rubbed her back and ass as she came down; he licked
and kissed her neck.

"Oh...oh..oh..oh." Willow panted.

"Hang on luv," Spike murmured huskily, as he gripped her slim hips and
slowly and flipped her over onto her back, despite her slick core, Spike
remained imbedded in her tight liquid heat.  He took possession of her mouth
once again and slowly began to withdraw from her.   " Ohoooo" Willow growled
her sounds of pleasure getting louder each time Spike thrust back into her,
his own pleasure echoes of hers.

Lips, and tongues dueled for dominance, hard and soft met with
incredible force, hands searched and possessed, time and space shifted, two bodies
melded by fire came as one.  Screams of release reverberating in the
small room.


Part 11:

Willow was panting like she had run from a pack of vampires.  < Oh
Goddess, WOW! >  Spike's slick body had her pined to the mattress.  He was
nuzzling and sucking gently, on the bite he had inflicted hours earlier.
Willow then noticed her legs were hanging much lower than her head.  She lifted her
head to look over Spike's shoulder and noticed they were both slanted feet
first towards the floor.

" You've broke my bed!" Willow uttered in disbelief.

Spike lifted his head, and grinned cockily, " Give me a minute, luv,
and I'm sure I can fix it."

Willow squealed as Spike rolled her out from under him, gripped her
slim hips, sat up and tossed her onto her backside once again, her head at a
45 degree angle dangling towards the floor.  Willow felt the blood rush to
her head.

"Hey" she yelled

"Heeeyyyyy" she squeaked as she felt Spike's cool mouth between her
legs, lapping and their combined juices.

Spike could smell and taste a minute amount of blood.  <So hot and
tight, I must have tore her up a bit, by the time I'm through she wont be able
to walk for a week. >

"Oh God!" she wailed as she felt Spike lick and suck at her sore clit.
The sound of her voice, her juices, the blood, Spike felt himself begin to
swell once again.  Spike swirled his tongue in and around her distended
pearl, he nipped and sucked at her tender lips, he thrust his tongue into her
silken core.

" Oh Spike, Spike.. Spike..." Willow panted as she pulled at the vamp's
bleached blond locks.

< Oh, pet I, haven't even begun! >  Spike blew on her clit.

" Please, Oh Spike, please..." she begged.

Spike felt his own cock twitch painfully at her words.  He grasped
Willow by the hips once again and turned her over using his arm to pull her ass
back towards him.  Willow just whimpered, completely boneless, her hair
cascading down towards the floor.   He admired her china white ass, so perfectly
shaped.  He kissed and licked first once cheek, then the next.

" Spike, please... I need.." Willow begged as he continued to nip and
lick her firm globes.  Willow's head and shoulders snapped upward against
gravity when she felt Spike's cold tongue rim her bum hole and then dip into
her delicate orifice.

" No," she gasped.

< You're all mine, > Spike lowered the arm holding her about the waist
and pinched her clit.  Willow yelled her surprise and release, as Spike,
ran three fingers of his other hand over her oozing slit.  Spike then moved
his slick finger to her closed bum hole and began to tease the puckered
flesh with his fingers.

Willow moaned in orgasmic rapture, and thrust her ass back towards
Spike's questing fingers.  He chuckled and thrust three fingers into her
sopping cleft, able to feel her womb's aftershocks.  She moaned louder and
thrust her ass backwards yet again.

Spike removed his fingers and once again used his other hand to tease
and pluck at her clit.  Just as Willow began to cum again Spike thrust one
slick finger into her ass.  She arched her back and swore, " FUCK!"

" Not, yet Pet, soon, I've got to get you ready." Spike growled huskily
as he bit into her ass cheek drawing blood.


Part 12:

Willow heard the phone ringing and it felt like someone was pounding on
the inside of her head trying to get out.  < Oh goddess, please make it
stop! > She then heard Xander's voice on the answering machine.
"Hey Wills, I 'm checking up I'm sure your  OK  and your not even
there, at the library studying or something, Buffy was worried about you being so
down with everything and her being out of town and she said you had a cold.

Well, Ayna and me are heading over to Giles to pick up some vamp
supplies and she and I are gonna patrol I hope to see you  later.  Oh and Wills
remember not to take any over the counter cold medicine." Xander giggled.  " I
don't think  I could take a whacked out Willow," he snorted and hung up.

 " Aaaahhh" Willow groaned rolling over from her stomach to her side
and collided with something cold hard and immobile. < What the hell is..>
She turned her head and saw a naked chest. < Oh Goddess It's a body, a
man's body.. a man's body that isn't breathing, oh God I've killed someone
and he's in my bed. > Willow closed her eyes tightly hoping that this was just
some bad dream.  The pressure caused by that slight movement sent searing
bolts of pain shooting throughout her head.   She moaned aloud her pain.

" Luv," a husky voice replied, " I can't right now, I need a little
sleep before I can do it again." He murmured as he pulled her into his

Willow's eyes flew open, as her nose collided with the hard chest, she
drew in a deep breath.  The olfactory stimulation was the key that broke
open the floodgates of her memory.  Suddenly she was bombarded by visual images.
 <Spike, grrrr.. unbitey..  chained up, alcohol,  naked , hard, blood,
alcohol, lips, nipples, knife, panties, alcohol, semen >  The visual images
elicited a maelstrom of tactile recall.  Willow felt her own nipples tighten,
her pulse pounding in time with the throbbing in her head and sex and ass.
< Oh Goddess, everything tingled and ached and was so.. so.. sore and
sticky. > The kaleidoscope of images once again danced in her head, blue eyes,
yellow eyes, Spike eating her out.  Spike kissing her and Spike fucking her in
every bodily orifice in every possible way, hell in positions that seemed
utterly impossible too.  " Oh Fuck!" she moaned.

" Luv, five more minutes, but this time you need to be on top."

The end.
