Title: Spike loves Christmas.
Author: Darla
Email: darla@cwcom.net
Disclaimer: Joss owns all, apart from Santa.
Rating: PG 13
Pairing: Sort of Spike and Willow
Spoilers: Angel Season One, Buffy Season Four
Feedback: Would make a wonderful Christmas present
Summery: Spike tells Santa what he would like for Christmas
Content: Fluff, and yet more fluff, did anyone ever wonder why Santa only comes out at night?
Dedication: Nicla, you asked for more fic….Shy, Tairis thanks for being there and listening.
Notes: Yes I know I am a sick twisted individual, this is my take on Chrismas *g*

Spike loves Christmas

Spike sat in Willies bar bored out of his skull, he didn’t much go in for all the
holidays, all he ever remembered about the holidays was getting cold and bored. So
not much change there then.
He wasn’t sure what he would do this year, he could go and make his Sires life a
total misery, or he could stay here and get on the Slayers nerves. What a choice.

Spike was thinking of going back to his crypt when a rather large person dressed in
red sat down next to him and ordered a beer.
Spike turned to see who it was and started laughing when he saw who it was, Santa was
paying a visit to jolly ole` Sunnyhell. And he looked non-too happy about it either.

“Santa my old mate, what are you doing here?”

Santa spun around on his barstool. “Spike, what are you doing here, I thought that
you had run off with that batty Dru.”

Spike stifled the need to kick the hell out of Santa and just looked at him with a
sad smile.

“She’s off making happy with a Chaos demon, doesn’t want me anymore.  She said that I
am not the demon she once knew. It’s okay though because I was bored of her anyway.”

“Ah, so what are you doing here in Sunnydale then?”

“Getting drunk thinking about someone who will never want me. And thinking of going
to play merry hell up in LA with my Sire.”

Santa grinned, he could remember years ago when he had first come across Spike and
his `family`. Angelus had never been the friendliest person he had ever come across,
even in his days as a human he had a mean streak in him a mile wide. He had not liked
Darla; she was plain evil before she had even been turned. Dru though now she had
been such a sweet little thing, always in church, always caring for others, but now
he only saw the side of Dru that was pure killer.

“What do you want for Christmas Spike?”

Spike looked at him with great amusement. “Me, now I want something that I cant

“Please don’t tell me you want the Slayer dead again.” Santa would not ever grant
that to the Vampire.

“No, I want her friend. I want Willow to be mine. I would be truly happy if I got to
have her.”

A small smile creased Santa’s face as Spike finally admitted what he wanted, Santa
had known for a couple of years now what Spike had wanted. And seeing as the Vampire
had given up the killing game for the time being he was going to give Spike his wish,
after all wasn’t Santa a creature of the night as well?

“What if I said I could give her to you and she would come to you willingly? Would
you be happy?”

“Don’t be daft I know you make wishes come true for both humans and demons, but I
don’t think even you could pull this one off Santa my old mate.”
Spikes eyes were sad, but Santa knew something that Spike didn’t, he had received
word from a contact of his that indeed Willow would get to Spike and that she would
stay with him forever if wanted her.

“I`ll make a deal with you Spike, if you like.”

Spike looked at Santa with suspicion in his eyes. “Whats you r deal Santa?”

“You come out with me tonight to deliver the presents for the children, and maybe
your wish will come true.”

“Is that all? Don’t tell me I have to dress up in a Santa suit, am I right?”

Santa smiled at Spike. “No not a Santa suit, you can come in what you have on. All
you have to do is look after the reindeer when I am delivering presents.”

“Okay sounds easy enough to me, okay when do we start?”

Santa looked at his watch, and smiled at Spike. “We start now Spike, come on things
to do people to make happy.”

Spike smiled as he thought of what he was going to be doing that night, well it was
better than sitting in a demon bar getting drunk. And anyway he quite liked Santa; he
was alright for a soul having Vampire.

Spike walked out of Willies and smiled, wouldn’t the slayer be pissed if she ever
found out that dear old Santa was a vamp. No that would remain a secret for all time.

Speak of the Devil and it shall appear Spike thought as he saw a blonde haired
slightly annoyed looking Slayer walking towards him.

“Found a new friend Spike?” She laughed at them, and Spike and Santa had to fight the
urge to knock her flying.

“Nope he’s an old friend, we go way back.” Spike said with a smirk.

“Oh please, Santa. Spike get a grip, and make my Christmas and get out of Sunnydale
for good.”

“Now that would be so easy for you wouldn’t it Slayer? No one to correct you when you
have gotten something so very very wrong. But then again on the plus side think of
all those fights that you would have lost if it wasn’t for me watching your back.  I
would be careful what you say about me Slayer, I may not have the power to do you any
physical harm, but there are other ways to hurt you.  Anyway gotta go, things to do,
people to see and all that, oh and before I forget Slayer, Happy Christmas.” Spike
left the dumbstruck Slayer standing there, for a change she had no witty retort.

He grinned as he walked off in the direction that Santa had gone in. Gentle snow had
begun to fall from the sky.

Spike smiled as he saw the sleigh and the reindeer, he had always been a sucker for
this sort of thing, it had always managed to make him smile, even on the worst
Christmas` he smiled when he saw Santa giong to all the kids in the world and making
them smile on Christmas morning.

“So mate where we going first?” Spike asked as he climbed up into the seat next to

“Sunnydale orphanage, every year I give them the same thing, a big tree and presents
under it.”

“Fair enough, I guess its pretty full what with all the Vampire activity all year

“Yes it is, I live in hope that one day it will all stop, maybe one day it will.”

Sunnydale orphanage came into sight, and they landed quietly on the roof. Santa took
his trusty sack out from the back of the sleigh. Even after all these years it amazed
Spike who all the presents fit inside the big sack.

“Be right back Spike, look after the reindeer for me.”

Santa disappeared around the corner and Spike lit up a cigarette, he got out of the
sleigh and walked up to the lead reindeer.

“Alright Rudolph? Haven't seen you for a few years, still in front I see.”

“Yep that’s me still in the lead, didn’t think you would remember me after all this

“Yeah well you are pretty hard to miss what with the red nose and all.” Spike smiled
he loved having these little chats with the reindeer when he got the chance.

“Haha Spike, how come you're helping tonight?”

“Made a deal with the big guy.”

“I heard that Spike I am not all that big, its all those cookies that the children
leave out for me.”

They climbed back into the sleigh and were off, after a couple of hours they were
finished in Sunnydale.

“This is were you get off Spike.” Santa had stopped on the roof of Spikes apartment.

Spike climbed out of the sleigh, this was the part he had been dreading all night,
going back to his place to spend Christmas on his own.

“See you next year Spike.”

Before Spike had a chance to say goodbye to his old friend Santa and the sleigh were

Spike sighed as he went towards the door that would lead to the stairs and his
apartment, he really didn’t want to be here on his own.

As he got his keys out he noticed that there was light coming from under his door, he
remembered turning all the lights in the place before he went out, frowning he went
to open the door.

“Hello Spike, I wanted to come and wish you a Happy Christmas, and I wanted to give
you this.”

Willow walked up to the stunned Vampire and gave him a deep kiss. Spike wrapped his
arms around her waist and lifted her off the floor carrying her towards his bedroom.
He looked out of the window and smiled, he silently thanked Santa.

The End
