Title: Down So Long (1/1)
Author: Diana C. (dianac05@usa.net)
Type: Major Angst (WARNING!)
Pairing: W/S (and another suggested pairing in at least 'one' mind (note: don't be fooled by this one)
Rating: R (for nakedness and some swearing)
Disclaimer: Belongs to Joss Whedon and the WB until UPN airs Buffy again this summer.
Distribution: To ARITS, to Willow's Heart, to Nell's Site, to Karen's Site, to anyone that wants this to be on a site (LoL).
Dedication: To Salice, to Nat, and to everyone that reads this. and to people that hate what Joss did with the whole Buffy/Spike thing :: cringe:: raise
your hand, close your eyes and then clap if you believe he should die for that one. J/K.

The sound of the slap echoed throughout the crypt even after it was over. The
silence was deafening, there was nothing but silence for the longest time, and
everything seemed to go in slow motion. Spike's eye's widened slightly as he
had realized his mistake and he moved to grab a hold of her but she scrambled
out of his grasp.

Losing balance Willow's body met ground as her bare feet hit the cold cement
and gave way, the harsh thud of her body colliding painfully against floor and
the scent of blood from the slight tearing of skin vibrated and caused a
burning pain that reached to the core. Nothing could equal the amount of pain
that was emotionally destroying her. The blonde vampire looked on horrified
and got up, disregarding that he was naked, the slightly warmed sheets falling
to the ground.


Spike halted, he really did feel the cold suddenly. He wanted to badly to
reach out and help her, but he knew that she wouldn't let him. Judging by her
tone, she never would ever let him again. It chilled him beyond anything,
leaving him breaking as she was breaking. It was a mistake, but it was done
and he wished to her gods that he could take it back, to him it didn't mean
anything it had been a simple mistake. To her, to his beautiful fire goddess,
it meant more then just a mistake. It meant their future, it meant her faith
in him that was slowly being destroyed and Spike wanted to badly to stop it
and hold on to whatever thread of her he still had had, even if it had only
been for those few precious moments.

"Let me explain." He pleaded; it was so out of character for him it would have
stopped almost anyone. His witch wasn't anyone though and she was far beyond
making any sane judgment of 'him or her' in general.

He bent down to touch her but she quickly moved.

Getting to her feet she felt wild and out of control, she was repulsed she had
given in and had been reeled in by this bastards lies. After all he didn't
have a soul, he had used her. It was so painfully clear to her now, and it
hurt. She thought that he really had cared about her; at least he cared enough
to let her help him get over Buffy. No though she should have known, should
have prepared herself, after all she was 'lovers bitch' when it came right
down to it. First Oz, then Tara and now. Willow caught her breath and bit back
a sob. 'I will not cry, not in front of him.' Her determination was up full
force as her eyes became black from the pain and hatred that she had allowed
to finally surface.  She bit her lip painfully as she tasted blood. A smirk
touched her face as she grabbed her clothes from the floor. Looking down at
them she began to put them on slowly.

She felt movement and looked up, and if looks could kill the creature in front
of her would be nothing more than dust. Her voice was cold and calculating,
and for once she didn't care, everything was in shambles.

"I gave up everything for you." The only emotion Spike could make out was
contempt. He cried out for her, he knew she was closing up. He knew she was
dying literally in front of his eyes and there wasn't anything he could do
about that it seemed.

"I want to hurt you. But I find oddly enough that I can't even stand the sight
of you. You repulse me; I will not fold under you. The others were right about
you, your nothing but just another useless waste of space, I hope you rot in
hell." She remarked before putting on the last of her clothing.

Spike felt like he was being stabbed repeatlyly.
"I love-"

"Don't you fuckin dare!" Willow interrupted him; this time rage seeped into
her. Closing up quickly she let nothing be given away.

"Love is something to be cherished, so don't fuckin talk to me about something
like that."

Laughing the redhead witch glowed with hatred as her eyes changed in front of
him back to green; in them he was suddenly scared. Not for himself, he didn't
give a damn about himself. but for her.  'What have I done? I've created a
monster.' His mind raged and he fought for a way to bring the innocence that
had once been there, for the love to come back. It had been there, but she had
been so fragile and he had made a dir mistake.

"Please by god luv I'm sorry, come back to me I didn't mean it" Spike
whispered and was chilled to the bone as her laughter became hysterical. Her
eyes were empty, cold, and calculating.

Willow didn't want to feel so she pushed back everything and relished in the
hatred and how much she wanted to hurt this man. Pushing back the pain enough
was not enough for she had so much more and so the girl transferred all her
broken love into pure evil and pure hatred for the wretch she had once thought
she had loved.

"I should have let the bitch stake you." Turning around she reached for the

"Please." The word echoed against the walls and it bled for a chance, one
chance to explain and try to make it better.

For a brief second he thought he had gotten through as he watched her
shoulders shake slightly, he wanted nothing more then to grab her and make
love to her again, the right way, with no mistakes.

It had almost worked too, but the red head had had too much rejection in such
a short time she couldn't make it to that point to care enough beyond the

"Please" she mocked opening the door before turning around. "Please. pleeaasse
like I give a damn. Try next door, maybe you'll find a 'slayer' or two." she
remarked coldly. Her eyes met his and she relished in the pain she might be
causing him.

"After all isn't that what you fantasized when I was beneath you. You want a
slayer you can get one, by all means I'll point one in your direction."

With that she turned around and walked out into the night air leaving behind
what could have been. She didn't look back, she swore she wouldn't. she
couldn't help but take one more glance back.

The End.
