Title: Something Spur of The Moment 8/?
Author: Electra - Sadie@antisocial.com
Rating:  Overall NC-17 - for naughtiness >:)
Summary: Xander and Willow take a trip to see the Angel gang in LA.
Pairing: X/A W/S W/A X/S - yes, I added Willow/Angel in there too :)
Disclaimer: Joss is king, I am but a lowly serf using his characters for my own evil purposes...(insert evil laugh here)
Archived: My site (http://www.envy.nu/evampd - Electra's Vampire Domain).
Distribution: If you have something of mine already, go right ahead, if not, just tell me where it's going k?
Spoilers: Yes, quite a bit of season 4 in here and some season 1 of Angel. If you haven't watched season 4 or don't want to know, read at your own risk. I also added in some of my own stuff too so beware! Hehehe
Feedback: YES! Please, I need it so bad.....


Willow sat at the restaurant table, fuming. The insensitive jerk! Just that
morning he'd kissed her with a passion she'd never experienced before, but
now he was acting as if it hadn't happened! That would never, ever happen
again. *I'd rather jump off a 20 storie building first.* She thought darkly
and sent another glare in Spike's direction.

Spike could feel the angry gaze burn through the side of his head like a
laser. Maybe ignoring the whole scene that morning wasn't the best route to

He glanced over and saw her gaze narrow. Yep, definitely was not the best
plan he'd ever come up with.

Xander picked at his food, for once he didn't really have much of an
appetite. The lack of sleep during the nights were taking their toll, and
he was getting frustrated and irritable. This was supposed to be a
vacation, but was instead like a major test of his self-control and
patience. Damn the brood-boy!

Angel quietly observed the scene across the table from him. Willow's
furious glares were aimed at his blonde childe, and even though she didn't
think he was aware of them, he was. His childe held himself rigidly in his
chair, looking everywhere except at the redhead beside him.

Angel sighed. At least they were making progress, so to speak. The
atmosphere between himself and Xander was strained, at the very least. He
couldn't even think of the boy without x-rated thoughts running through his
consiousness, let alone look at him. Something had to happen, and fast.

Spike mentally groaned, this painful dining experience had to end, "I think
we're about done with our meals, am I right? Can we go now?"

Angel expelled a pent-up breath in relief, "Yes, Xander, Willow, you're
done right?"

Willow nodded, as did Xander, "Let's go." He pushed his chair back and
stood up, Willow following his example.

Angel motioned for the check, and gestured for Spike to lead the others out
to the car. When they'd left, the waiter gave the bill to Angel and walked
with him to the register.

"Was your meal pleasant, sir?" He inquired politely.

"Eh? Oh, yes, of course. Thank you." Angel stuttered as he waited for his
card to go through. When the beep signalled the card's approval, Angel
nodded at the man and quickly exited the restaurant.

Willow sat in the front seat of Angel's car, thankful that Xander hadn't
made her sit next to Spike in the back. From her position, she couldn't see
him, thank goddess. She'd had enough of him for one night. *I think I'm
going home, and going to bed. I'm not in the mood for chatting tonight.*

Angel slid into the driver's seat, taking a quick glance at his silent
passengers before starting the engine. *It's going to be a quiet night at

Spike sat uncomfortably beside the young teen. A unique and intoxicating
scent kept reaching his nostrils, making all sorts of unwanted thoughts
race through his head. *Now I'm lusting after the twit? I must really need
a good fuck if I'm sinking to that level.*

He looked at the mortal through the corner of his eye, and gave him a quick
once-over. *Not too bad for a human, fairly good-looking. I could do worse.*

Angel glanced into the rear-view mirror and saw Spike eyeing up Xander.
Surprisingly, he felt no anger at the fact, but instead was curious as to
how Xander would react if he knew that he had two male vampires wanting
him. He smiled slightly. The poor kid wouldn't know what to do.

Willow saw Angel smile and wondered what he was thinking, his eyes gave
nothing away. She felt a pang as she thought of how Angel was interested in
Xander. It was always someone other than her. Was she not good enough? Was
that it? Why couldn't Angel want her? Godess knows she wanted him.

Willow gasped audibly. She wanted him? Where the hell did that come from?
He wasn't hers to want, she reminded herself fiercely, so get over it!

Angel frowned and gazed at the hacker for a few seconds. "What's wrong,

Willow started. "Wrong? Nothing..nothing's wrong. Why should anything be
wrong? Nope, perfectly fine and doing alright, being happy..and I'm being
all Willowy again."

Angel smiled, something was wrong. But if she needed to, she'd confide in
him, so he was content to het it alone.

They pulled into the long driveway to Angel's home and filed out. Once
inside they all went their seperate ways; Willow and Spike to their rooms,
Xander to the kitchen and Angel wandered into the TV room.

Staring into space, Angel didn't notice when Xander walked up behind him.
"Hey Deadboy, going to bed?"

Angel turned to face the boy, tantalizing images tormenting him at those
words. "Not yet, I thought I'd watch some television. Maybe a movie."

"Oh. Want company?"

"Sure, which will it be, a movie or some tv?"

"Movie sounds good. I'm thinking Bond, James Bond. I'll go make snacks."

Angel shook his head, "Nothing for me."

"You thought they were for you? Pssh, you don't know me very well, do you?"
Xander laughed and left the room.

Angel grinned, sometimes Xander amused him. His grin faded as he realized
that he'd have to do something about their situation. It wasn't healthy for
either of them to be ignoring their feelings. He was going to have to make
a move.

Xander walked back in the room and sat down on the couch, laying out his
snacks on the coffee table. "Ok, I have popcorn, pop, candy and chocolate.
Sure you don't want any? I could get more."

"No it's alright."

Xander shrugged, "Suit yourself."


When the movie ended, it was well past 2am. Xander yawned and got up. As he
gathered the remenants of his snack feast, Angel walked up behind him.

He waited until Xander turned around to say something before leaning in and
kissing him hard. The dishes and leftover food dropped to the floor and
Angel pulled away. He slid his hand down Xanders chest to his hard erection.

"Going somewhere?" Angel smiled darkly.

