Sweet Distraction

Author:  Emmy

Pairing: Spike/Willow

Rating: FRAO

Disclaimer: I own nothing and  seek no profit from this story. No copyright infringement intended.

Summary:  Willow teases Spike during a Scooby meeting and "pays the price" later for her  actions.

Warnings: PWP. Utter PWP. As such, strong sexual content. Distribution: Emerald Illusions, all the normal archives, and anywhere else I post it. All others please ask first.

Feedback: Yes, please. It makes me  happy.

Author's Note: This is a semi-sequel to an older fic of mine,  Spike Sitting. You can read that here:  http://magical-worlds.us/emmy/viewstory.php?sid=90 if you wish to, but *this*  story can stand by itself. Just know that Spike and Willow are in an established  relationship.

Thanks to Gabrielle and Elisabeth for the beta.  :)




Spike watched her from his spot in  Giles' living room as he sat silently in the chair he had been assigned to. He  rolled his eyes momentarily as that thought rolled around his head. 'Assigned  to,' he thought. 'Bloody do-gooders, with their stupid meetings! Don't they know  I've got better things to do than sit here listening to them moan about whatever  demon is currently terrorizing them? And gods below, that woman is trying to  drive me nutters!'

His eyes widened, and he had to bite back the moan  that threatened to slip out, as he watched Willow's pink tongue dart out to  taste the lollipop once more. It was cherry, he decided, or possibly even  strawberry. It was impossible to tell from his distance, not that it really  mattered. What mattered was that she seemed to be hell-bent on teasing him  today. He caught her eyes and sent her a warning glance, but she merely grinned  and popped the entire sucker into her mouth. He was watching her so intently  that he didn't hear the Watcher ask him a question until Buffy reached over from  where she sat and slapped him upside the head. "Oi! Watch it, you bleedin'  bint!"

"Language, Spike," Giles scolded.

Willow's tongue swept  around the red tip of the candy, causing Spike to shudder. Trying to remember  what Giles was going on about, he struggled for a fitting comeback. "Sod  off!"

"Quite. Now, do you have an opinion or not?" Giles  asked.

She had the entire lolly in her mouth now, her fingers stroking  the white stick lightly up and down. Spike blinked and attempted to concentrate  on something besides her clearly sexual act. Did no one else see her? Did no one  else realize exactly how sexy his Red was being? "'Bout what?" he asked Giles, struggling to remember what they had been discussing.

"Hagtesh  demons."

Spike tore his eyes away from Willow and nodded at the Watcher.  "Rare 'round these parts, and they tend to travel in herds. Purple blood. Mean  buggers. What of them?"

"Sunnydale seems to be infested with  them."

He snorted. "They're migrating, then. Leave 'em alone. They'll go  away in a few weeks. Likely to cause more trouble if you go stirring some up yourselves."

"Really?" asked Giles. "Just leave them alone and they'll go  away?"

Spike nodded, looking at the Watcher finally. "They don't like to  cause too much of a stir when they go through towns, usually. 'Course, the  Hellmouth might work against them on that front. It tends to do that. Makes us  demons kinda antsy, really. Itchy."

"Fascinating," Giles said. "Buffy?  Your opinion?"

Buffy jumped up, started pacing around the living room,  and shook her head. "No. I can't just let them roam free like they are. I mean,  there were twenty of them on campus last night. They're in my town and they're  demons. I say slay."

"I'm with Buffy," Xander said. "Only good demon's a  dead demon."

Anya glared at him and roared, "Xander! You  species-ist!"

Xander watched as his girlfriend stood and walked hastily  towards the door. Hopping off the couch to follow her, he said, "Anya,  wait."

Spike watched as Giles shifted his attention to attempting to both  calm his Slayer down and ignore the rather loud fight unfolding at his front  door. The vampire took the opportunity to look back over at his lover, not  surprised to find her staring right at him, her green eyes filled with need. The lollipop lay forgotten on the table in front of her, resting on its discarded wrapper. Willow held Spike's gaze and licked her lips, her eyes darting to the door.

Understanding her need, Spike stood suddenly, exclaiming, "Right,  well, if we're going to slay the migrating demons, might as well find out where  they're at, right? And, as fun as watching this little soap opera unfold is, I'd rather be out there than in here."

Giles met the vampire's eyes and  nodded. "Quite possibly the best idea I've heard so far, Spike. Shall we split  up?"

Taking charge, Buffy said. "Yes. Xander you're with me. Anya ... go  with um ..."

"I don't need a partner," Spike said suddenly, interrupting  the Slayer's assignments.

He stormed out of the door, making a show of  grabbing his coat and a short sword as he left. Willow watched him go, a small  smile on her face. "I'll follow him and make sure he doesn't get into any  trouble or anything."

"You're sure, Willow?"

She nodded at Giles.  "Yeah. I'll be fine."


Just as she knew she would, Willow found  Spike waiting for her outside by the parking lot.  He swept her up in his  arms as soon as she rounded the corner and pushed her up against the building as  his mouth took hers in a hard kiss. She responded eagerly, her arms going around  him as their tongues danced. Willow broke away breathless, and threaded her  fingers through his hair. "I need you. Now."

"Really?" Spike asked  sarcastically. "I couldn't tell. I bet you always perform oral sex on innocent  little candies during Scooby meetings."

Willow laughed. "I was being a  little mean, huh? Teasing you like that ..."

Spike set her feet back down  on the ground, and reached out for her hand. Guiding it to cup his growing  erection, he said, "You think?"

Feeling him harden beneath her fingers,  Willow's eyes went wide. "Let's get out of here."

"Where to?"

"I  don't care."

Nodding, Spike took her hand and the two of them rushed off  into the darkness. They ran until Willow was gasping for breath and tugging on  Spike's sleeve. "Stop, stop. I've got to stop."

"My poor Red," he teased  as she bent over, clutching her side. "Want me to kiss it better?"

Willow  looked up at him, the heat still blazing through her eyes. "Yes. Over and over  again, yes."

Her boldness never failed to surprise him, and Spike laughed  as he gathered her up in his arms, spinning her around. Willow's laughter filled  the air, and she tilted her face toward his, licking her lips. He grinned,  closing the distance between them, and kissed her. Gently at first, their lips  sliding against each other tenderly, then steadily growing with passion. Willow  moaned into the kiss as Spike's tongue teased hers, and her arms tightened  around him. Not even bothering to break the kiss, Spike began to walk with  Willow in his arms, toward her childhood home. He knew her parents weren't there  and that they would have the place to themselves.  

When Willow  realized they were moving, she broke the kiss and looked at him with wide eyes.  "Where are we going?"

"Your house."

She smiled. "Ah. And why are  we going there?"

"Want you, witch. Need you. Thought we already covered  that."

Her smile widened. "Oh, we did. I was just clarifying things.  Spike?"

"Yeah, love?"

"Could you walk a little  faster?"

"'Course, love."

She placed a quick kiss on his lips as  he quickened his pace, and then slowly kissed her way down his jaw to his neck.  She took her time, her tongue darting out to taste his skin, her teeth nipping  at him here and there, and by the time Spike carried her onto the porch of her  house, he was absolutely positive she truly was out to kill him.

"Key?"  he asked, just as he felt her shift so she could get into one of her pockets.

He set her down gently, and moved behind her as she unlocked the door. Pressing himself against her, he thrust his hips into her back, causing her to moan softly as she felt the evidence of his arousal. Turning around, Willow pulled Spike to her for another kiss, backing up and opening the door as quickly as possible without breaking the kiss. "Come in, Spike," she murmured against his lips.

He lifted her then, and carried her across the threshold. "Your  room?"

"Upstairs. First door on the left."

He said nothing else  until he'd gotten her upstairs, placed her on her bed, and was standing above  her. "Know how hard it was, sitting across the bloody room, watching you go at  that damn candy?"

Willow rose to her knees on the bed and licked her lips  as he moved to stand in front of her. "Hard? It was  <i>hard</i>?"

Spike smirked. "Witch, I think I've  been a bad influence on you."

She grinned. "Maybe."

Spike closed  his eyes when he felt her hands undo his belt, licked his lips as she unfastened  his jeans, and reminded himself as she pushed his jeans past his hips that, no  matter how good it might feel when she finally touched him, he could not come  just yet. Nor could he just throw her down on the bed and fuck her until they  were both spent. That could come later, of course, but she deserved more than  *just* that. He was over one hundred years old; he could have more  control than a sixteen year old boy. No matter how bloody fantastic her hands  always felt on him.

It was not, however, her hands he felt first. His  eyes popped open and he couldn't stop himself from groaning as her lips wrapped  around the head of his cock. "Fuck, Willow."

Her only response was to  place her hands on his hips, to pull him closer, and to slowly lick her way to  the base of him. She was beautiful like this, he thought as he looked down at  her. Her lips around his cock, her eyes closed in pleasure, her hair spilling  over his hands where he held her to him. She circled her tongue around him, and  moved one hand to cup his balls. "Yeah, love," he encouraged. "That's  it."

The smell of her arousal filled the air, and Spike knew she was  aching for him. Tugging on her hair gently, he pulled her up to him. "Want you,  Red. All of you."

"Then have me," she said, her eyes never leaving  his.

He quickly kicked off his boots and stepped out of his jeans, as  Willow pulled his shirt over his head in eager anticipation. She trailed her  fingers over his skin, tracing his firm muscles, and once again began to kiss  his neck. Spike grinned. "You'd think it was you who had the neck fetish,  love."

"Who says I don't?" she asked cheekily as she sucked hard on the  spot where his pulse would have been.

He chuckled and pulled away  slightly. "You're wearing too much."

Without a word, she pulled the  sweater she wore off, and Spike grinned again, setting to work on her skirt and  tights, tossing them aside as her skin came into view. He kissed his way up her  body, relishing her warmth. Sliding his hands underneath the fabric of her bra,  he ripped it easily from her body, making her squeal in delight. His hand dipped  in between their bodies, testing her readiness, and he moaned when his finger  slid easily inside of her. "Hot for me, Red?"

"Always. I couldn't stop  thinking about you today, Spike."

"Yeah?" he asked as he pushed her back  to lay on the bed.

"Yeah. You distracted me all day. It's been so long  since I felt you inside of me. So long since you made me scream your  name."

He licked his lips, moving above her, his hand slipping between  them once more. "Thought about me fucking you all day?"

"Uh huh," Willow  said breathlessly as he teased her clit.

"And that's why you tortured me  with that lolly? You wanted to get me riled up? Wanted to end up right  here?"

"Uh huh."

Spike smirked, flicking a fingertip across her  sensitive nub again. 'Two can play that game, love,' he thought.

She  gasped his name as he thrust two fingers into her suddenly. Her body bucked up,  encouraging him, and Spike dipped his head down, kissing her deeply as he  continued to pleasure her. His thumb flicked her clit, causing her to tremble,  and she tore her mouth away from his. "Take me, Spike. Please. Take me."

Shifting just slightly, he withdrew his fingers from her and rubbed  the head of his cock along her pussy. "Take you?"


He  entered her slowly, the head of his cock dipping into her. She moaned, and  thrust her hips against him, seeking more. He chuckled, drawing back and kissing  her again. "Could tease you all night like this. Deny you what you want. Make  you beg for hours before I let you come."

She groaned in frustration,  arching up in effort to find him again. "Spike, please. Please, make love to  me."

"I could bring you so much pleasure," he whispered in her ear as he  thrust into her just as shallow as before. "Take you to the edge and back again  so many times before I finally let you go over."

She whimpered, her hands  clutching his shoulders, and he knew he would not be able to resist her much  longer. She was burning him up.

"Spike," her voice was laced with  desperation now, with need.

He kissed her again, long and slow, before  pushing into her fully. They both moaned, and Willow wrapped her arms tightly  around him. "Gonna fuck you so hard..."

She lifted her legs, wrapping  them around his hips, and cried out as he began to pound into her, each thrust a  little bit harder than the one before it. She scratched her fingernails down his  back, and Spike could smell his blood on the air. She met each of his thrusts  with one of her own and, not for the first time, he noticed that she offered him  her neck, completely lost in passion.

Tempted. He was so tempted. His  fear that the chip would fire was the only reason he did not accept her silent  offer, instead reaching between them to pleasure her even more. She cried out  again, his name spilling from her lips, and she dug her fingernails into his  back as she came hard and fast. Spike increased his pace, thrusting faster, even  harder, and followed her over the edge with a growl, his demon coming to the  surface to revel in their pleasure.

They lay panting, clinging to each  other, and Spike had to wonder how much longer the two of them could keep hiding  their relationship. For sooner or later, someone would find out. They would only  be able to sneak off after patrol -- or blow off patrol completely -- so many  times before someone noticed. For now, though, he was content to keep things as  they were. To keep Red in his arms, in his bed. That was enough. He'd deal with  winning over the others later.

"Love you," she murmured, her voice  tired.

He kissed her temple tenderly. "Love you, too, Red."

She  fell asleep in his arms, and he lifted her easily from the bed long enough to  pull back the covers. He found a quilt in the closet that would pad the curtains  covering the French doors in the room, preventing any stray light from filtering  in to cause problems in the morning. He tacked it up quickly, walked silently  through the house checking the locks, and finally joined Willow in bed again.

She snuggled up against him as he wrapped his arms around her, and he tightened his hold on her. And, as he fell asleep easily, it never once occurred  to him exactly how far gone he was for his girl.

The  End.
