Title: Perchance (9/12) -- Highlander crossover
Author: Fan¹ (fannycouturier@free.fr)
Disclaimer:  They either belong to Joss Whedon, or to Panzer-Davis. But
Sarah¹s all mine.
Rating: if you watch Buffy and/or Highlander, you can read this.
Distribution: just ask me, I'll say yes. Oh and Near Her Always
(http://www.geocities.com/kardeb97/) will have it once it will be completely
posted on the lists.
Feedback: please, please, please, please, please!!!!!
Summary: Immortals and Scoobies meet up, before a certain someone, which I
bet (hope?) everybody has forgotten, reappears.
Dedication: to Karen for the beta and in order to encourage her to write
some more 'Seeking'. And to all the people who have been flamed by Adrienne.
I was lucky, she didn't flame me. But you have all my sympathy, and she gets
all my disdain and contempt. You are good authors, never ever let someone
like that convince you otherwise. And to people who sent me feedback. Please
don't quit that awesome habit. ;)
Summary: the first and only Quickening of the fic, and the beginning of a
memorable evening, especially for a certain redhead and a blond vampire.

    After taking his Ivanhoe in hand, Methos slipped out of his coat and
dropped it nonchalantly on the dusty ground. He watched Nicolas take his
sword out, and sighed.

"You're going to die for a very stupid reason, kid," he warned the younger

"Whatever," Nicolas muttered. "You're going to pay for the death of
Matthias, mon cher Benjamin."

"I have the feeling not," Methos replied with a smile.

"Enough talk, now, let's fight," the French Immortal interrupted him.

    Both men relaxed into fighting stances, their sword blades barely
touching. Nicolas attacked first, and Methos parried his blow easily. They
kept fighting for a few minutes before Methos got bored. He swiftly disarmed
Nicolas and ran his sword through him.

"I wish you hadn't been so stubborn, kid," he told Nicolas sadly as he took
his sword out of the younger Immortal's stomach.

"Better dead than giving up revenge," Nicolas choked out as he fell on his
knees, his hands clutched on his wound.

"Those stupid codes of honour are really annoying," Methos sighed. "Sorry,

    He lifted his sword up and the blade swiftly connected with Nicolas'
neck. The old Immortal prepared himself for the Quickening.

    The whole Scooby Gang, from their point of observation on the
footbridge, gasped as they saw Nicolas' head roll on the ground. It was one
thing to talk about beheading; another thing to actually witness it.

    Sarah forced them to lower their heads into their arms as the Quickening
started. It was not a specially violent one, but it was always too violent
for a mortal.

    The factory was full of metallic machines which reverberated the
electricity onto Methos. Willow lifted her head up carefully to witness this
incredible show of lightning.

    As soon as it was over, Sarah stood up and walked down the stairs to
Methos. He had fallen on his knees at the end of the Quickening, exhausted.

"Good job, old man," she congratulated him as she extended her hand towards
him. He seized it and she helped him up. "In a very sad way, though."

"Yep, sad indeed," Methos said between two loud breathes. "I just killed a
man whose only crime was to want to revenge what he thought had been

"You couldn't do otherwise," she told him. "Just like I couldn't do
otherwise but let them come," she added with a small smile. "I couldn't
seriously fight them all."

    Methos gave her an exhausted smile and picked up his coat. He dusted it
off and put his sword back in it. Meanwhile, the Scooby Gang had made their
way down to the first floor, and had encircled the two Immortals.

"That was...wow," Xander managed to say.

"Oh yes it was," Willow confirmed, nodding.

"Well, I've seen better," Anya declared. "Once, I think it was in the
twelfth century, there was this she-Immortal who had gotten cheated on by
her Immortal orgasmic friend, and I granted her wish that she should have
his head. It was phenomenal. Much more lightnings, I was proud of her. And
of myself."

"Wait a minute," Sarah stopped her. "You knew about Immortals? You witnessed
a Quickening in the twelfth century? What are you?"

"Did I forget to tell you?" Methos said with an apologetic smile. "She's an
ex-demon. She used to grant the wishes of discontent women, mistreated by

"Anything else I need to know?" Sarah asked everyone.

"Not that I can think of," Buffy replied.

"Shouldn't we be going to Giles?" Methos asked. "He'll be waiting for us."

"You're just leaving the body here?" Xander asked.

"Well, stranger things must have been found in this town than a decapitated
body," Methos shrugged and started heading towards the exit.

"He's got a point," Anya remarked.

    They all followed after Methos, lost in their private thoughts.  It took
a while until the Scooby Gang felt comfortable around the Immortal again.


"Are we gonna wait for them much longer?" Anya asked, pouting. "I'm bored. I
want to go to the Bronze."

"An, honey, it's only been night for a couple of minutes. Leave them some
time to arrive," Xander sighed.

    Sarah smiled at the couple. They were quite cute together. And since she
knew about Anya's past, she understood her a whole lot better. Buffy was
sitting on Riley's lap, her eyes closed. Giles was drinking a cup of tea,
standing up in his kitchen, observing everyone, just like Sarah was. Their
eyes met and twinkled in complicity.

   Sarah looked at Methos and Willow who were engrossed in a conversation on
the couch. Willow had finally managed to overcome her fear and the two of
them had resumed their growing friendship. Yeah, right, the Immortal thought
to herself. Friendship.

    Suddenly, the door opened and the two expected vampires walked in. Sarah
had to remind herself that the beautiful souled vampire was not responsible
for her death. She couldn't help what she was feeling, though, and his
angelic face only increased her hatred.

    On the contrary, the face of the blond vampire walking up to her
inspired her much more. She smiled up at him as he sat down on the arm of
the chair she was sitting in.

"So what's the program for tonight?" he asked her in that delicious accent
of his.

"I think we're supposed to go to that club, the Bronze," she answered.

"You play pool?" Spike asked her again.

"Sure, I'll kick your ass," she told him with a smile.

"No, that's only in your dreams, love."

    Sarah's gaze was caught by Buffy when the Slayer stood up from Riley's

"Should we go, now that we're all here?" she asked.

    Sarah smiled. The blond girl was really nervous when Angel was around.
Sarah couldn't blame her. She stood up and took Spike's hand.

"Finally," Anya grumbled.

"Are you coming, Giles?" Methos asked.

"No, thanks," the former Watcher replied.

"Come on, you can't leave me alone with all these young degenerates," Methos

"Hey, I'm older than he is," Sarah protested.

"Yes, but I bet you'll be quite busy, young lady," Methos told her, looking
expressively at her hand, clutched with Spike's.

"Fine, be that way," Sarah grumbled and pulled Spike outside.

"No, Adam, I'm afraid you'll be on your own," Giles told him.

"Fine. But you'll be the one to blame if... Ok, I don't know what could
happen, but if something does, it will be your fault!" Methos finished.

"Fine, it will be my responsibility," Giles answered, laughing slightly. As
Methos was about to go, he went on. "Adam? Be careful. With Willow, I mean."

"Don't worry," Methos reassured him with a smile. "But if you'll excuse me,
I have to catch up with them.  I don't have the slightest clue where this
Bronze club is!"

"Goodbye, Adam," Giles said softly as he watched his door close after the
