Wick Is As Wicked Does

Author: FemailoftheSpecies

Parts: 31 - 40


~Part: 31~

She took the phone from her sire, dainty fingers gripping it tentatively.  Her mind was busy, racing with memories of Buffy’s mother.  The slayer’s mother.   She remembered liking her, even loving her in a way that she was not allowed to love her own parents, but that was all gone now.  She had no residual fondness that necessitated a conversation with the human.  But apparently her sire did.  His demon already knew the woman and he was reluctant to cross her.  Not afraid, as she sensed no fear, but something which bordered on respect, or what passed as respect from a demon.

He nodded at her, granting his approval and encouragement.  Not that she was seeking it, but he was antsy and wanted this to be over.

“Hello...um, this is Willow.”  Her cinnamon eyebrows were arced high as she listened to the woman’s wailing.

“Oooooh, Willow.  You poor, sweet girl.  We’ve been sick, just sick worrying about you!”

More crying and Willow held the phone away from her ear for the others to hear what she was forced to listen to.  Perfectly good misery and it bothered her that no blood would come from it.

“Hey, uh, Mrs. Summers?”  She assumed she should say something at this point.  The woman appeared in need of comfort, but that was not Willow’s business.

“Are you all right?  Spike said you were all right, but I’m not sure where he and I stand.”

Hearing that, the blonde huffed indignantly.  He had been extremely candid with her.

“I’m just dandy.  No complaints, really.  Except...well...”  She lowered her voice to just above a whisper.  “Grandsire gets mad at my Sire when we hunt and it’s really not fair.  We hafta eat.  Ow!”

Spike pinched her arm, leaving a huge bruise which would be gone within the hour, and she grinned despite the sharp pain.

“What happened?  Is he hurting you?”  The woman’s fear for Willow was evident in her panicked voice and it was sickeningly sweet to the young vampire.

“Yeah, but not enough.”

“What?  Willow what’s he been doing to you?”

“Nothing... Everything...just vampire stuff.”  She shrugged, picking at lint on the sofa.  “I like everything he does.  I’m very okay with this.”

She began a silent mimic of Joyce’s words as a way to entertain herself while Spike watched her with narrowed eyes.  She was really going to have to give Buffy a special thank you for setting her mother after them.   This yapping and crying was sheer torture, only without the sex.  Otherwise torture had its merits.   She hurried to listen as Joyce was still talking.

“...can we see you?  Will Spike allow it?”

“I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

“Why?  I just want to see that you’re okay and give you a big hug.”

“I’d like to hug you too.  But then I’ll probably try to eat you.  No offense.  It’s a vampire thing.”

“Oh…But Spike, he never tried...”

“Cuz he’s like really old and can do a lot of things that most of the vampires that Buffy fights can’t.   Hey that was weird.  Saying the slayers name gave me the creeps.  Hey Mrs. Summers, I’m tired of talking to you now.  But tell Xander to call.  I want him.  I-I wanna talk to him.  Okay?”

“Uh, sure sweetie.  I’ll tell him.”  She replied.

Willow rolled her eyes, not happy about the term of endearment and hung up without saying goodbye.  Tossing the phone to Angel she grabbed Wesley by the hand.  “Wanna watch TV?”

He nearly tripped trying to keep up with her as she mowed a path to his bedroom, a silent plea to Angel that he be saved went unnoticed.  The dark vampire was already engaged in a conversation with Spike and Cordelia was headed to the bathroom now that the excitement was over.


“So how did it go?  Did you get to talk to her?”

Buffy had been waiting, nearly pulling her hair out, for her mother to call her back.

“Yes.  I spoke to her...”

“Oh God, how is she??”

I’m not sure.  I talked to her and she seemed...different, but the same.  I don’t know, Buffy.  It’s like I’m more confused than before I called.”

“This is all your fault.”  The slayer whined.

“My fault!?”

“If you’d just put 3-way calling on the line, I could have listened.”  She pouted.

Joyce ignored her daughter’s absurd logic.  “She said she was very okay with being a vampire, but that she didn’t want to see me.  She was afraid she would try to eat me.”

“So that’s good, right?”  Buffy asked enthused over Willow exhibiting some sort of restraint.  Her mother took it wrongly and started fussing.  “I MEAN... It’s good that she doesn’t want to eat you.  Maybe she’s, you know, more like Willow.”

“I don’t think so...she’s very bold about some things now.  I think she and Spike are having sex…kinky sex.”

“Mom, it’s required for vampires, I think, Sire/Childe bond and all.”

“Huh.”  She replied thoughtfully. “Isn’t Angel Spike’s sire?”

“What?  He’s what?”


“What the hell is going on?”  Angel complained.  His cell phone was ringing again.  The caller id revealed the phone number of one blonde slayer.   “It’s probably for you.”  He tried handing the phone to Spike, who backed away as if it were dipped in holy water.

“Sorry, mate, don’t give a shit if the slayer has got her knickers in a twist.  You’re on your own.”  He spun on his heels, coat billowing gracefully.

Angel glared at the blonde’s antics and pressed talk.   “Angel.”


He rolled his eyes, and put on his most patient voice.  “Yes, Buffy, Hi.  You made it back safely I see.”

“Don’t give me that concerned friend voice... you... you...you slept with Spike!”

“What?  Who told you that?”

“Answer the question?”

“You didn’t ask a question.  You’re yelling at me!”

“And you’re yelling back!  Are you having sex with Spike?  And can I just say...eeew?!”

“Buffy, where are you getting these ideas?”    He knew he had to tell her eventually, but in her current state she was likely to become more hysterical.

“You are Spike’s sire, right?”


“Well, I turned him.”

“And I read the diaries.  I didn’t always slack, just when I was with you.  And I thought Drusilla was your only childe!!!   You NEVER told me about Spike!  I thought Drusilla found him!”

“Buffy, I really don’t think we should be...”

“Stop LYING to me!  I wanted to spend my life with you.  Give up everything for you.  I deserved to know that William the Fucking Psychopathic Bloody would be my stepson!!!”

By now Cordelia had emerged from the bathroom, nosebleed free, eyes wide as she blatantly listened to his interrogation.

“Fine.”  He started, wishing the seer would go find something else to do, but she evidently considered his discomfort to be high entertainment.   “Dru did find him and planned on turning him. She drained him and gave him a little of her blood before becoming distracted,”

“You mean insane,” she snapped.

“I mean distracted and I finished for her.”

“So he drank your blood and you’re his sire.”

“Well yeah, if you want to be technical.”


“Yes!  Jeez, Spike is my childe.  Always has been, always will be.  There.  Are you satisfied?”  He slumped onto the sofa, letting Cordy get her earful.

“So you had sex.  You and Spike.”

“Yes.  We’re vampires.  Kinda comes with the…”

“Shut up!  Are you having sex with him now?”



<Is she growling?>

“I don’t mean now as in right this second.  I mean since your little reunion, have you had sex with him?”

“Nooooot really.”

“That’s it.  I am so coming to stake you BOTH!”

“Buffy, do NOT come to LA.  Spike is under control.  He even promised Joyce to leave you alone.”


The dial tone, preceded by the earsplitting slam, informed the vampire that their little talk was concluded.

Sheepishly, he glanced at the brunette sitting next to him and chuckled, “That went pretty well.”

~Part: 32~

Apparently Willow had no intention of watching television.   As soon as the door closed behind them, her mouth was on the ex-watcher’s.  The kiss was bruising and he pulled back from the pain, fingering a cut from a slightly elongated fang.

“I don’t heal like you do, so please keep your more demonic tendencies under control.”   He stared at the blood on his finger, about to wipe it away on his pants when an inhumanly strong hand clamped onto his wrist.

“You’ll heal like me soon enough,” she commented as she brought the finger to her mouth and sucked it, savoring his taste.

He yanked his arm away, able to do so only because it surprised her.  “Stop that! “  He rubbed his already bruising wrist.  “Just...stop saying things like that.  I’m not advocating that little theory of yours.”

He wanted to leave the room, but she was between him and the door, so instead he stomped over to the window and looked out, wishing it was daylight.

“Why?”  Her voice was tiny, holding a trace of a quiver.  He turned back to her, puzzled.

“Why what?  Why don’t I let you have your wicked way with me?  Or why don’t I let him turn me into a demon that would kill all my friends at the drop of a hat?"  His voice had that reasonable tone that suggested discussing the choices for dinner.

“Why don’t you want to be with us forever?”  He watched a tear fall, snaking its way down her porcelain skin and dropping on the swell of her breast.  It glistened there, waiting to be kissed away.

“I...Willow, you are a dear creature, but I... I need to be alive to be me.  I’m helping Angel now and he needs me.”

Her chin trembled as she spoke.  “But WE need you.  We’ll love you for eternity.  And you can still help Angel.  You can have it all.”

She was adorable to him and he had a sudden urge to kiss her.  He refrained, part of him seeing those shimmering green eyes and remembering that innocent girl in Sunnydale.

“No... I can’t.”  He was not the sort that had it all.  He sighed and went back to gazing out into the night.  She was right behind him now.  He knew.  Silent.  Spike had taught her well and that thought made him smile sadly.  This one would have an infinite amount of lifetimes with the blond and Angel.   His time to help Angel was limited and the clock was ticking.

“Brooding is Angel’s thing,” she whispered, slinking around him to get in from of him and snuggle.  He brought his long arms around her small frame in a loose embrace.  Soft hair that smelled of gardenias tickled his nose until he turned to rest his cheek against the top of her head.

He was curious about something and would never get the answers unless he inquired directly, since Willow killed the minion before he could asked Spike about Wesley.

“Why does he want me?  Or you for that matter?  What am I to you?”

There.  He had laid it out on the table and found it not so frightening.

“I can’t speak for Spike...But for me?  How do you explain what it feels like to drain that first kill of the night.  Flavors bursting on your tongue, making everything new all over.  You can feel yourself getting stronger and better and that’s how you make me feel.  Like together we can be stronger and better and new.   Ohh and you make really great noises when Spike is fucking you... I know he likes that.”  She was nodding her head and grinning madly as he heated up all over.  Remembering.

Knowing that we was tongue-tied, he shut his mouth and kept it that way, unable to hold her tighter and unwilling to let her go.


He watched her from the cover of a cluster of trees.   Her senses, not as heightened as her enemy’s, did not detect him.  He was not her foe.  Not in the true sense.  He was deceiving her, and it did bother him, because he was falling in love with her.  Yet his conscious did not stop him from spying on her.

She was beating the fledgling to a pulp.  A staking was in the stars about five minutes ago.  Instead, she pummeled and kicked all the while, mumbling or shouting at the vampire until Riley actual felt a pang of compassion for the thing.  She should be killing, not torturing it.

“And what about you?”  She asked.  For a second, the agent thought she had spotted him, but those words were for the minion and it was just as perplexed about how to answer as Riley was about why Buffy was asking.

“Do you have sex with your sire?”    She let the vampire up and it croaked out a weak yes, nodding and bent over.

“If I wanna live and learn, I do whatever my maker says.”

“Even if it’s a guy?”  She spun quickly, kicking the demon which flew through the air and into the trees where Riley hid.   It saw him and immediately growled, low and feral, and inched away from the newest threat in the military garb.

Buffy squinted, wondering what caused the demon to react and spotted a person or thing in the shadows.

“Might as well come out.  It was a private party, but I’ll just stake this one and we can play... Riley?”

“Hey, Buffy.”  He waved tentatively.  His own discomfort at being discovered masked her nervousness as she wondered how long he had been there.

“Hey,” she said, breathless as she staked her reluctant sparing partner.  She walked to the soldier and glanced up at guilty eyes.  He was tall, towering, yet she managed to make him seem small.  There was something emasculating about her, even has he held her tiny body in his arms.

“What was that about?”  He nodded toward the pile of dust, scattering in the cold night wind.

“Nothing.  Got some bad news today.  And he was…convenient.”  She shrugged, eyes darting around for anything else she could kill.

“Oh, Buffy, what happened?  Anything I can do?”

He was pretty sure that this had everything to do with her little trip out of town earlier, but he was still concerned for her, if whatever was going on upset her this much.

She clammed up and turned from him, suddenly sure she did not want to tell him anything.   “No…I’m good.  Just a little more aggression therapy and I’ll be fine.”

He looked to the east.  It was not gaining light, but it would be soon.  “Too bad the sun’s coming up soon and all good vamps and demons are going to bed.”

She sighed and put away Mr. Pointy.  “Yeah…walk me back?”

“Sure…Hey...I stopped by your room tonight and no one was there.  Where’s Willow anyway?”


“Willow.  Shower.  I need to talk to the watcher.”

Spike came in, barking orders.  She rolled her eyes, while still obscured from her sire’s view of course, and peeked around the human who had let her go.  She gave him a pout and he softened.

“Now, pet.  I’ll join you in a bit.”

She sauntered across the room, stripping as she made her way to the master bath.  Both males admired the view until she disappeared into the spray of the shower.

“We’ve got a problem.”  The blond took off his duster and sat on the bed, unlacing his boots.

“Are you fond of stating the obvious?”  He was staring at his image in the mirror over his dresser, studying it.

The eyebrow went up and he killed the desire to smile.  “I can shag that sarcasm right outta you, mate.”

“Hmmm... I’m sure.”  He faced Spike since he was unable to see him in the reflection as well.  “What is the problem now?”

The vampire bristled, but held it in, deciding to take it out on his flesh later.  He wanted his cooperation for the moment.  Beautifully bruising his ass would be counterproductive.

“The fledge she dusted.  It’s a loss that I didn’t plan for.  Someone needs to take his place.  Or we need a new plan.”

“I suggest we work on the plan.  I’d rather not be party to murder again.”

Shoes off, the blond rotated his shoulders.  “Whatever.  Just put that brain to use for me, right?”  He stood and removed his t-shirt, hard abs and pale skin, begging to be touched.

Wesley looked away.  Spike chuckled.

“The girl is getting lonely in there, don’t you think?”  He kicked off the jeans and padded to the shower.

Wesley turned back to the window, ignoring his traitorous cock.


“Soooooo, you and Spike were like…lovers?”


“Cordelia, not now, please.”

She ignored it, as was her right and duty.

“Or was it just a sire/childe thing?  Something you HAD to do?  Like being a soccer mom.”  She beamed brightly at the analogy.

He rubbed his hand through his hair, distractedly, trying to puzzle out the best way to phrase this.

“He is my childe and it is a right that I have.  I made him a childe, not a minion.  He was to be my companion for eternity. “

“What about Drusilla?”

“Well...conversations with crazy people are not that satisfying.”  He smiled when she seemed to understand.

“But why would you want to spend eternity with Spike.  I mean besides the killer looks and body, he is pretty obnoxious.”

“He’s not always that way and he is a very talented...”

“Hold it!”  She put up a hand.  “You are crossing the line into the land of too much information.”



“Bad poetry aside, he could have been a great author.  But I took him from that.  And he is an even better vampire.”  His gaze was nostalgic and distant.



“You’re talking like you’re Angelus.”

Not knowing why, other than that he could, he leaned close to her, allowing himself to hear her heart beating, smell her dark and challenging scent.  He touched her neck at the pulse point, a shudder running through him and her as the hot blood traveled by only millimeters below.

“Truth?”  She nodded, breathless and scared, waiting for him to continue.  I’ve been feeling like Angelus lately.”

~Part: 33~

She was across the room in a flash, not a blur to Angel, but unexpectedly quick for a human.  He squashed his surprise as foolish.  The girl always had finely honed survival instincts and would never let friendship get in the way of a good staking.  Fortunately there were no stakes nearby.

"O-Okay, so when you say 'feeling Angelusy' that's just a turn of phrase, right?"  She flashed a bright smile that showcased her big teeth and she backed up, heading toward the front door.  Angel smiled in return trying to reassure her, but his amusement came through as well, turning it into something resembling a smirk, which did nothing to calm the brunette.  Her eyes darted to the sofa, drawing his attention, but he needed to deal with the rapidly panicking seer.

"Cordy, it's okay...I'm me.  The soul is here."

She shook head as if to say 'not falling for it,' and looked to the sofa again.

"Hey..."  His hands were up, palms out.  "Just relax, okay?"  The giant wave of fear that hit him stirred the demon, who was already too close to the surface lately.  Now it screamed at him to hunt and feed.  He gulped, bouncing on his toes, antsy, wanting to strike.


"Yes, now please, stop being so skittish.  You make me want to hunt you."

Eyes to the couch again.

"And WHAT is in that sofa?"  He stormed the two steps it took to get there and flipped up the pillows, finding her hidden stake.  He picked it up and spun around to face her.  "Is this what you want?"  He tossed it to her and righted the cushions before sinking into the seat.

She caught the stake, frowning.   Angelus would not give her a weapon.   Tentatively, she padded over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder.  He was angry, but did not reject the contact.

"Sorry...I thought..."

"I know what you thought.  I'm not evil.  I'll probably never be evil again.  I know what it takes."

"Sex with Buffy?"

"Ha!  No..."  He said petulantly.  "Well, it would seem like it was sex with Buffy to an outsider.  But that wasn't it and it wasn't that great.  I just forgot who and what I am and truly believed that I could live like a man and be accepted as such.  I was stupid."

"Oh, Angel, I accept you... I mean here you are, this really powerful vampire who could be living like a king, even if you aren't evil, and you choose to remain in the depths of poverty and help people.  What's not to respect and admire?"

He gave her a blank stare.

"Come on, broody boy...don't get all angsty over my little panic attack."  She sat down and put the stake on the coffee table.

"So who was that for anyway?"  He nodded to the offending object.

"Oh... Mostly for that creepy Steve.  He was always looking at my neck, but it doesn't discriminate.  It's an equal opportunity staker."

He laughed at that.  The brunette's honesty was always refreshing.  The demon found it appealing and in need of taming.  Angel repressed those thoughts, but it was subconsciously one of the reasons he kept her employed, her great office management skills aside, Angelus enjoyed her company.  He just needed to get a handle on her dust happy tendencies.

"Cordy...just so we're clear... A minion?  You're free to handle however you see fit.  Spike and Willow are not to be threatened.  I'll handle them.  They won't hurt you... so keep that thing out of sight."


"We'll hunt after you get on that box and finish accessing that disk."  The blond rolled his eyes.  She was cranky, being confined to the small apartment was grating on her nerves.  The pouting was also not amusing and Spike quickly ripped up the seeds of destruction that were trying to root in his mind.  The demon spoke to him of tiny tortures and while they usually proved fun, at least for him, he had no time or desire to have her incapacitated for a day while she healed.   His need to know what could stop a wooden stake from dusting his kind was a high priority and they were not treating it as such.  Playtime was, in effect, over.

"Fine Spike...I'm starving and will probably waste away in front of that computer, but hey, no problem.  You can just make another childe."  Her gaze slid over to Wesley who was listening to Eric detail the various uses of the equipment that he had been wearing when caught by the vampires.  "Is he delicious?"

"I hear you Willow.  Please refrain from discussing how edible I am," he remarked without shifting his attention from the minion.   She stuck her tongue out behind his back instead if going over to him and taking a bite.  Spike was standing there scowling, looking like he needed to beat something, perhaps her.

She raised a cinnamon eyebrow.  "I'm booting up, okay?"   The computer was on the small desk now.  Wesley had moved his books to the bookshelf to make room for it.  She readied herself for a few hours of limited movement with a stretch and a sigh.  She still loved the computers, and hacking into anything was always a joy, but she had plans.  Evil plans.  And playing around with the Initiative was not included.  Except to kill as many of them as possible.  But immediately after that she wanted to go to Disneyland.  There was a lot of evil that she wanted to do at Disneyland.

Convinced that she would stay on task, Spike made the short trip to the kitchen.

"When Spike escaped from the dorm, we were attacked.  He was gone already, but there was another."

"Vampire?"  Spike interrupted.  This was interesting.  He had not heard about the night he took Willow from another perspective.  It was dark and glorious in his mind.  Perspective was always interesting.

"No..."  He chanced a peek at the blond, whose face was open and waiting.  Eric warmed to the story, strangely please to have his master's attention.  "See this..."  He handed Spike a metal object, a bit larger than a pager.  "It's a thermo-indicator.  We come up blue or gray, room temperature.  Humans are, ironically, red."

"Yeah... they were full of innuendo when they did that."

"This was a human.  Kicked the commander's ass.  But the point I was making is that we cut the power and put on these night vision goggles."  He slid the glasses across the table toward Spike.  "This guy... he set off a flare and blinded us.  It was at least three minutes before I could see anything.  And I mean anything."

Spike did appreciate the implications.  Seeing a way to make his plan work he sat down and grinned.  It was maniacal and to be expected.  "Let's talk about numbers."


After going over the details of the plan with Angel, he felt at ease.  Even without the other fledgling, it was not only doable, but he expected no casualties.  Not on the side of evil.  True evil.  He had no doubt that the humans running the show were inclined to either think themselves champions of their kind, fighting the good fight, or some sort of rubbish.  Or they had delusions of being big bads themselves.  He hoped the latter was the case.  He would show them the face of true evil soon enough.

"We need to find somewhere else to stay."  Angel remarked.

"I'm feeling claustrophobic."

"Me too.  And I think Willow's been really good about it, but her demon's itching to do something.  I'd rather it be away from Wes and Cordy."

"I can feel that she is antsy.  Nothing a few good kills won't... well she's working on the disk and very focused."  He nodded. "Is she getting anywhere?"

"Don't have a bloody clue," he said, running a hand through his hair.  "She's not speaking to me."

"HA!  You need to get a handle on her.  She's strong willed and manipulates you."

"Just because I don't flay the skin off her for not shining my boots..."

"Now hold it... That was a loooooong time ago and it was just the one time."  He shook his finger at Spike frantically, wagging away his guilt.

"Cuz Dru screamed her bloody head off until I was healed and Darla threatened to cut off your balls if you made her go loopy like that again."

Angel cracked a smile.  "She was pissed."

"She was always pissed.  Bint."

"You were always making trouble."

"And your great disciplinary tactics were such the deterrent, then?"  The blond lit a cigarette, ignoring the scowl from his sire.  Angel was pretty much not in his face about these things if he did not invite it.

"If I hadn't tried you may have massacred half of Europe."  He said it now like it was a bad thing, but at the time, it was their mission in unlife.

"Nah..." He made a motion of dismissal.  "I like eating 'em too much for that.  Besides ...I love a nice spot of violence as much as the next bloke, Angel, but not all the time.  Cuz then it's more than a bloody spot, innit it?  It's a big messy blob, and I got plenty better things to do."  The smoke swirled out carrying his words with them, making them tangible. Angel reached out and scattered the forming pattern that was headed for him.

"Heh, of course...Like what?"

"Like you.up your tight soul-having arse if you're not real careful."  Behind a smirk and more smoke, narrowed eyes watched him.  He was unsure if his childe was joking or not.   After a moments reflection he was not sure it mattered.

"Come here."

The younger vampire crushed his cigarette, half-smoked, into the dirt of a nearby plant.  It joined four others in an apparent butt graveyard.    He stayed where he was, leaning on the dresser, his behind pressed against the wood, and crossed his arms.  It was only a matter of seconds before the head tilt.

Angels silently counted down from five, stifling the smile when he got to two and his childe behaved as predicted.  Even a hundred years apart did not change some things.  He knew this creature, more than he knew Dru, more than he knew Darla; almost as well as he knew himself.  He suspected it was the same for Spike, which was comforting in a really disturbing way.

"Come here, Spike."

"What for?"

"That's twice I've asked nicely.  Don't make it a third?"

"Or you'll what?"  Pouting lips shifted into a mischievous grin as his sire advanced in him. <So bloody easy...>

~Part: 34~

She smelled them.  The perfume of arousal and sex permeated every corner of the small apartment and Willow wished that the humans were able to smell them as well.   She had been decrypting and unlocking files at breakneck speed and once again she thanked her sire for her preternatural gifts.  They made so many tasks much easier to accomplish.  Now only two files stood between her and the hunt.

A groan, imperceptible to all but her had her shifting in her seat, seeking friction.  She cast green eyes around the room and found Eric watching her keenly, his nostrils flared.  She pushed her chair back and stood, stretching to relieve the kinks of the past few hours.  Eric tried to remain stoic as she approached, but her stronger demon sensed the trepidation and need mixed into a interesting concoction that oozed from the fledge.

"How's it going?"  She pointed to the notes he and Wesley had devised.

Wesley felt her behind him, but refused to turn around.  Spike had laid some kind of claim to him and as alarming as that concept was, it basically granted him a strange sort of protection from the other two.   He was Spike's to kill and turn, so it seemed.  Of course he would never allow it and Angel would never allow it, but if the vampire's belief in that dark future kept his childe and minion in line, he was willing to play along.

"There's nothing more to do really.  Spike asked that Eric label each room with how many lab technicians were normally working and how many guards were posted... the fundamentals."

Willow had stopped listening, not interested in his answer at all.  It was Eric who held her attention.

"You.come with me," she ordered, pivoting on the ball of her booted foot and traipsed out of the apartment as her red hair bounced behind her.  It had grown considerably since her turning.  She was inclined to cut it, but Spike enjoyed wrapping its length around his hand.

Wide eyed, Eric sprung agilely from the kitchen chair and followed.  He had no delusions and understood she was not calling him out to seduce him or otherwise engage in sex.  His survival instinct made it clear that to accept such on offer, if given, was tantamount to suicide.   She belonged to his master.

Wesley's curious eyes trailed the vampire as he closed the front door behind him and the rouge demon hunter wondered if he should do anything.  Cordelia was lounging on the sofa, watching a rerun of The Brady Bunch.  She shook her head slightly without taking her eyes from the television, as if to dissuade him from getting involved.

The minion followed the redhead outside of the front entrance of the apartment building where she waited.

"Are you supposed to be out here?"  He finally asked, not sure if he would anger her or what she planned to do.

"Probably not, but Spike's busy and I'm hungry.  Let's go find dinner."


Spike was subdued.   It had taken an extreme amount of quiet force and a huge cock up his ass, but the end result was a vampire who was simply happy being an instrument for his sire's pleasure.   He had been positioned on his hands and knees and told to be still while Angel made long, leisurely strokes into his tight hole.  Because he knew his childe, the vampire's grip on those slim hips was unyielding, and Spike was held firm, unable to shift even slightly.  He was not helpless, and if he truly wished, he could buck his sire off of him or anger him enough to give him the pounding that he was aching for now.  But this was Angel's show of dominance, so giving up, Spike hung his head.  His own cock came into view and stared at him defiantly, no doubt angry over being so thoroughly neglected.  He wanted to say fuck it and impale himself on Angel, send him so deep that he tasted the older demons seed, but his sire refused to cooperate.

Angel was content with this slow, torturous possession of the boy, and in their times together he had done this for hours when the mood struck.  It was a sure way to tire out the hyper young vampire, and enabled Angelus to get a good days sleep without worrying about whether his childe would be up by noon terrorizing the human servants unsupervised.  Too many times he'd awoken to the shrill cries of a maid being sodomized and drained.

"Fuck..."  It was a whisper, barely audible, and it made Angel's sac contract.  "Please Angel..."  He panted.  "I need to come."

Those were the word that any sire loved to hear.  Leaning over, he became flush with the smooth, powerful back beneath him, releasing the hips after a particularly deep thrust.  "Shhhhh...I'll take care of you when you need it.  And you don't. You only want it for now."

"Christ, Angelus."  Taking advantage of his new found freedom of movement he slammed back, not seeing the smirk on the brunette's face, but knowing all too well that it was there.   Angelus loved to take him apart, make him come undone, and Spike loved it when he did.  "Please..." he moaned.

"Tell me, William."

"What?  Fuck."  He groaned as the dark vampire's stabbing thrusts turned erratic, powerful hips twisting with every stab.  Angel was caught up.  Too long and too lonely.  It played on his control.

"Who do you belong to?"   The sounds were torn from him, more growl than words, as the blond's eternally virgin hole clamped around him.

The angle changed and Spike moaned, his vision blinding and white, as Angel's thick cock hit the sensitive spot of flesh inside his ass, repeatedly.   The blond yelled a string of curses as he came in cool, creamy ropes on Wesley's sheets.  His arms failed him and he fell forward, face into the mattress, smelling the human there.  The crumpled bedding muffled his panted words, but Angel heard him clearly and let his demon forward as he bit into pale velvety flesh, coming deep inside his beautifully wicked childe for the first time in nearly a century.

"I'm yours, Angel, yours."

And it did not matter that the soul stood between them, a barrier of seemingly infinite destruction. Angel vowed to find a way to keep this creature in his life as he drank Spike's essence and reclaimed the most favorite of his offspring.

He slid off to his side, his softening cock slipping out easily.  Spike had collapsed and was spread eagle on his belly, nearing asleep.  Angel watched the pretty trail of blood as it dripped from the boy's neck onto the bed.   He put his finger in the tiny pool that had formed and painted his name on his childe's back.

"I'll not let you go again," he declared.  The blond only grunted.  Angelus had always been like this after a good shag.  Spike just wanted to rest for a while.  He was content to shag his sire six ways till Sunday, and would too, but his own childe needed to feed.  She was already ornery and prone to inappropriate magical outbursts, so it was best to keep her on an even keel.

"Stop drawing on me.  It tickles and it's bloody irritating," he mumbled, somehow managing indignant.

"You said Christ, you know."

"What?  No, I didn't."    Vampire's did not call out the name of their archenemy in the throes of passion.  It was unseemly.

"Whatever."  He dropped it.  Whenever the boy had slipped up and called out to God, Angelus teased him mercilessly.  It made William cranky.  He was not interested in dealing with a cranky Spike.

"Shut up.  Need sleep."

Angel just shook his head, chuckling, pulled the comforter over them and spooned the blond from behind.


Eric glanced around, his hazel eyes wide in amazement, delight and a little bit of fear.

The bar had been mostly empty.  The larger crowds came on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.   The redhead had led him there, skipping along the way and telling him tales of her limited adventures with her sire.  She was very serious about the things that the master had taught her and gave all his advice a great deal of thought, even if he did not think so.  She knew that she played the headstrong brat, but it was just to test him.  Spike  meted out punishment so well that she had to have a taste periodically.

So it was fortunate, or not, depending on perspective, that only nine people had been there imbibing, all at various levels of intoxication, but intoxicated to be sure.

He dropped the girl, he had just drained, her neck bent at an impossible angle.  He was still new and had yanked her head with too much force, killing her before he had wanted.  The blood was still amazing, but it lacked the constant surging of fear and desperation that came from a live victim.

None, save one, were alive now.

She was playing with it.  He was a policeman, although not in uniform, so a detective maybe.  His training and sense of duty had allowed him the illusion that he could play hero and save the pathetic creatures from their doom.  Willow wondered that she did not think her former self as pathetic, and concluded that it had to do with her always fighting back.  She had even stood up to her sire before he was her sire.  Yet it seemed that he got his way eventually and a feral smile curled her lips.

"Hey, Eric!"

"Yes."  He thought that he should perhaps address her differently.  Spike was his master, and as such he owed a certain of amount the deference to the masters childe.   Oddly, he was not her equal.  In another life, he was considered superior to her, based on his sex.  It was not spoken of in those terms anymore, but men still firmly believed in their superiority over women.  Yet none of that mattered now.  Male or female, the demon was where the power lay.  She had it and he did not.  No matter how old he got, she would be older, but more importantly, she was a childe, created with more of the masters powerful blood, and always stronger because of that.  So it seemed appropriate that he give her a title, but did not know what to call her, so he managed without the use of her name at all.  He was full and his demon was quiet, allowing him to think without bloodlust interruptions.  In the back of his mind he had the impression that they should leave.  Instead, he slipped next to her and gazed down at the broken human.

"There are miles of intestines in the human body."

"If you say so."  He knew it was true, but had no clue where this was leading.

"Oh, I say so," she laughed.  The cop shuddered as her face changed back to that of a demon.  "Pick him up and hold him."

He did as instructed locking the man's arms painfully behind his back, leaving him helpless and exposed to the evil girl before him.  With lightening speed, she poked the man in the stomach.  His scream was cut off by her hand firmly clamped over his open mouth.   Guttural cries and tears poured from him as she found and slowly pulled out a length of intestine.  Snot from his nose dripped on her fingers and she grimaced, strangely disgusted by that development.  He was hyperventilating.  Soon he would pass out and that was no fun, so she eased up until he was stable again.

"Let's bet.  How much do you think I can pull out before he dies?"

~Part: 35~

They ran down the street, laughing, not caring who witnessed their supernatural talents.   Eric was having a very good time.  His glimpse into intuition earlier had been accurate.  They did need to leave.  Someone had dialed 911.  Neither he nor Willow could figure out when, but the sirens that closed in on the building all too quickly for either's liking made the point moot.   He attributed their lack of attention to the screeching approach of the police to the nut-tightening sounds of the cop's scream.  She was unconcerned.  If she had to kill them all to get away, it posed no problem for her.

It turned out that she was able to pull just over five feet out before the human's heart stopped.  Eric had picked three feet and the redhead optimistically believed she would get to ten feet, so she lost the bet.  No matter how slowly she tugged the organ from his body to allow the man time to adjust to the pain, he died on her anyway.  Pouting, she tore the length away and measured it against her own height, declaring Eric the winner.

The terms of the bet had not been discussed, so the minion was unsure of what he had won, if anything at all.  He was fine with that.  The night was a reward in itself.

And then there were sirens.

The chase was brief.  The young vampire's had lost their pursuers many blocks ago and now ran to feel the wind against their cool skin.  She and Spike had run like that on rooftops, leaping from building to building once she became confident.  It was amazing, but it was also a lesson and, consequently, lacked spontaneity.

She turned sharply, grabbing his arm at the last minute, and dodged into an alley.  It was an L.A. alley, well lit and rat free.  She liked it here.  It was a shiny city, even at night, and she might not ever miss the sun in a place like this.

Eric glared at her as she slammed him against a wall, the momentum affecting his impact, and rubbed his shoulder where she had almost yanked his arm from the socket.  She gazed at him curiously and he schooled his features into something more amiable.

"Did I hurt you?"

His nod was hesitant.  He stopped massaging his injury that was not really an injury, but a reaction to his old perceptions of his physical limitations.

"Hmmm... a long time ago, I would have said sorry, but I don't want to.  I'm not sorry anymore.  For anything."   She drifted from him, peeking at things tossed away by the food supply.

He pushed his weight from the concrete of the wall, ignoring what his demon wanted, and followed her deeper into the alley instead.

"Eric?  Do you like it?"  She asked abruptly.

"Like what?  He frowned, wondering if it would always be this difficult to keep up with her mental leaps.

"Being a vampire.  You're all brand new and remember being human more clearly.  Which is better to you?"

He considered it carefully before answering, as it seemed important to her.

"At first, I was appalled at what was done... I was what I hated.  But it only lasted a few minutes.  And after I tasted the blood, I was done for."  He grinned, warming to the subject.  "The bonus is being so powerful now, and I like being able to take what I want, when I want.  Hunting with Spike and now with you... it's been incredible.  I like this better so far."

"Thanks."  She smiled and it was so perfectly Willow, that the minion could have mistaken her for a human.  And then it was gone, and that quiet, alluring menace that she always exuded took over.  He wondered if she had control over that and dismissed the notion.

"I'm gonna start an opinion poll for new vamps.  Week old fledges will be my target group."

She was decidedly a strange girl.


Angel groaned and rolled away from the still sleeping the blond.   He fumbled with his pants, which lay discarded on the floor next to the bed, and grabbed the offensively chirping object, anxious to make it stop before it woke his childe.

"Hello," he grumbled, flopping on his back like a lazy lion.

"Angel... It's me... There's a situation."

He immediately pulled himself up on his elbow, shaking off the last vestiges of sleep.  "Okay, what's up?"

"We got a 911 call from a bar.  The caller was hysterical and dispatch couldn't understand a thing she said, but heard a lot of screaming, so they sent three units to the location."

She paused.  Angel hated when she did that.  She wanted his help, but considered herself too good to actually ask him.

"So why call me?"  Also, he and Detective Kate Lockley were not on the best of terms.

"There was blood everywhere.  Strange neck wounds.  Up your alley, I'd think."

"What's the address?"  He sighed, sitting and swinging his legs over the side of the bed.


"Where's Willow?"

Wesley looked up at Angel from his book.  The vampire picked up on the quickening of his heartbeat.

"And Eric?  Where are they?"

"Uh, they left," he stated, closing his book quietly.  Cordelia was asleep, so he had to deal with Angel alone.



"Where did they go?"  He wanted to yell at the man and demand to know why he did not stop them, but it was not his friend's responsibility to control the young vampires.

"Willow doesn't see the need to explain her actions to me, Angel"

"Sorry...I know.  How long?"

"Maybe two hours.  Lucy was on."

Angel nodded and turned back to get Spike.


She had a pocket full of money and handed some to Eric.  It was the loot from the bar and he killed, therefore deserved a share.

"I'm hungry," she announced.

"Already?  You drained three of them back there.  I'm stuffed."

"Ha!  No... I want a cheeseburger."

His eyes were wide.  "We can eat cheeseburgers?"

"Duh.  Spike eats a lot."

He counted the cash and stuffed it into his pants pocket.  He really had not given much thought to money and how he would live since rising.   It was assumed that he would stay with his master and serve him for as long as allowed and that his master would provide for him to a certain extent.  He had a room in the fraternity house on campus, but that was not a place where he was likely to return.  He planned to stop by in the evening, before they attacked the compound, and collect a few things.  Whether he would eat his roommate was debatable.   He would have to be hungry.  They had been walking while he pondered things.  She stopped in her tracks, gazing at herself critically.

"Do you see it?"

He could see a pattern beginning to form, but wisely did not mention it.  "See what?"

"We're all bloody.  We can't go in a restaurant looking like this."

"So we don't go."  The solution was simple to him because he did not want to eat human food.  He liked eating humans.

"Laundry mat."


"We'll find one open all night and get some clothes."

"I think we should go back to Spike."

The force that hit him sent him careening into and over the hood of a parked car.  The alarm sounded, forestalling any further damage she might have intended.  He stood slowly, brushing off dirt and a few leaves, his pride more wounded than anything else. She observed him calmly, demon face apparent, but with black coal for eyes. "When I want your opinion, Eric, I'll give it to you."


Spike had showered and was dressed to go in less than five minutes.   He ignored the snoring cheerleader and gave Wesley a feral grin.  Angel cuffed him and told him to stop blaming others for his own negligence.

"I believe it was you dick up my ass that had me otherwise occupied, Sire," he retorted, slamming the apartment door shut behind them.

Angel blanched a little, knowing that he had not given Spike much of a choice earlier.  "I'll help you look for them."  He offered as they burst through the street exit.  All wildlife in the immediate area scattered, sensing that the real predators had come out to play.

The blond lit a cigarette.  "How generous of you, mate."  He turned in the direction that the bond pulled him.


"She's this way," he said, annoyed about waiting for him to catch up.

"I need to go somewhere first.  Check out something for an acquaintance.  It's not far and we'll go find her right after that, okay?"  He managed to look hopeful and scared at the same time.

His childe worked his jaw, indecisive and confused.  This was Angel and he was asking, not telling him what to do.  Yet somehow the request vaguely rated the same.  His sire wanted him to go with him and, therefore, he would.  There never really was a choice once he had decided to come home.

~Part: 36~

The appealing scent of laundry soap was a familiar one.  She had been doing her own laundry since she was seven and just because she was undead did not mean she had to be stinky.  She remembered thinking Spike odd, wearing the same clothes everyday.  She imagined that he smelled, but that theory was blown when he kidnapped her the first time.  Even though she picked up on traces of liquor, it was obvious that he bathed regularly and thoroughly.  Since her turning she discovered the truth; that he had several sets of the same clothes along with a few things that the outside world did not normally see him wearing.

She and Eric strolled in, shying away slightly from the overly ambitious fluorescent lighting, until their eyes adjusted.  The fact that she wanted to shield herself from this reminded her of just how young she was.  Her sire almost never flinched away from bright light.   The place was not full to capacity, but was by no means empty.   Eric met her eyes, locking in predatory understanding, and she nodded, indicating that he go to the left aisle and search for clothes, while she took the right.  She scanned the room carefully.  Three girls were close to her size.  A security guard sat, plump and one grape away from popping, eying her as she surveyed the room.  That she did not notice was a given to him, erroneous, but it would be his only mistake as she would not allow him another.  She met back up with her minion near the back of the establishment, the moisture in the air clinging to her flesh, lending her the illusion of warmth.

"Find anything?"

"Mmmm hmmm.  That guy.  I like the Timberlands he's wearing and looks like a lot of Gap clothes in his basket."

"Okay...we better hurry.  Dough boy called the police.  I think it may have been the chunk..."  She pulled a piece of innards from his hair, "O' cop that made him nervous."

"Do we eat them?"  He smiled sheepishly.

"No. I want some clothes.  Let's just kill them all."


"Who's your friend?"  Kate glanced over at the blond, who was resisting the urge to pace.

Willow was up to things.  He could feel it like he felt Angelus inside Angel, making him want the dark haired vampire despite the soul.  He sighed, pensive. The girl had been kept inside for a few days with no real outlet for the violence that he had been cultivating in her.  She was naturally vicious, a treat for him in that respect since she was also sane.  Yet alone with a new minion, she would do damage that attracted the wrong sort of attention.

"He's...family.  He's okay."

"Hmmm...let's go in."

Angel's eyes flickered to Spike's and the younger demon followed them inside.  Both he and Angel stopped as soon as the door was opened.   Spike recovered before she noticed anything and pushed past his sire, nudging him not-so-gently.

"This is a bloodbath," he spoke from behind her, startling her since she had not heard his approach.   He had to admire her work, ignoring the intense rush of absolute anger pouring though his bond with Angel.

"Yeah.  It's bad." She held up a finger to them both as she answered a call on her cell phone.


The blond joined his sire by the entrance.  Two long streaks of blood decorated the wall to the left of the door, apparently where one of them had dragged dinner.  It was typical and contained all the signs of a hungry childe.  Mostly it was messy.  He could imagine what she looked like.  The smile stayed hidden as Angel began his quiet tirade.

"She is out of control."

"How do you know it was all her?  The boy could have done it was well."

"Oh, he did, but she's leading him by the nose and you know it."

He could not help but grin at that.  Angel took a step away from him to keep from popping him in the head.  Kate would be inclined to arrest him for assault if she happened to see.  And that would just be the most amusing part of the day.

"Points for accuracy.  But she did warn me.  Poor thing was starving."  He looked at Angel and his crystal blue orbs feigned innocent so well that the brunette was reminded of the human he killed and kept so long ago.  This was what he loved about his childe, the ability to be such a treacherous demon and appear virtually harmless at the same time.  Spike never wanted to appear harmless.  Once on his own, harmless led to many fights to prove his prowess and protect his princess.  Too many confident, cocky and talented demons lost their lives and eventually, even the non-believers were converted to the temple of Spike-will-rip-out-your-bloody-throat and he and Dru were left alone to roam and kill as they pleased.  Angelus appreciated the deep store of strength in his boy and assumed that he was passing that along to his new childe as well.  She was out there, killing like crazy, in his city, and not likely to stop until she got tired or bored, which could take many evenings.

"Spike...we have to find her soon."

"I know... I plan to tan her cute little hide for disobeying me."  His jaw was clenching in that way which indicated that he was royally pissed, but helpless to do anything about it...for now.

"Yeah, well, if you don't, I will."

Spike's wide eyes fell on Angel.  "Taking the sirely duties right seriously nowadays?"

"There's been another attack!"  Kate interrupted, running toward them.

"Where?"  Spike growled, smiling a toothy grin when the blond cop shivered and stepped away.

"Laundry mat...about a mile from here."

"Lead the way."   He held the door open for her and his sire.

He sauntered out after one last look around, coat billowing behind him.  The girl did a fair job of killing, but she had left, alone and without permission, endangering herself and the minion.  For that he would punish her, even if he had to postpone the attack on the Initiative.

Kate presented a problem.  She was smart, observant, a fighter, and much too nosey.  She would make a nice meal when the time came.


Inside the car, Spike clapped his hands together and rubbed them maniacally.   "Well, looks like we found her."

Angel rolled his eyes.  "I wish you could try for a little less sirely pride.  If Kate finds her first, she won't pull out a gun."

He pulled out into traffic, hoping to get to the scene quickly.

"If your mean, little pet lifts so much as a toothpick at my childe, I will flay her alive and wear her skin for week, then turn her as a pet for Red."

Angel sat back and willed himself to relax.  It was a bad idea bringing Spike along, but he had no idea that the culprit was his own grandchilde.   The ride ended quickly and he parked in front of the glass wall, seeing how horrific it was from the outside.  There was hardly a spot of glass that was not covered in viscous red liquid.  Angel's demon lurched, the desire to join in the melee so apparent.

"They're gone."

"I know that."  Spike was miffed and needed a smoke, but the pack dared to be empty at last look.

Spike watched as Kate trotted over to a uniformed officer.  He picked up enough of their conversation to understand that he and Angel were not going to be allowed access to the scene.  The good detective's influence had its limits.  She nodded once and turned on the cop rudely, golden hair flipping angrily, but her face was stone as she approached the vampires.

"They aren't letting anyone in right now.  The forensic team is on the way."

"How many are dead?"

She gazed at the blond quizzically.  He met her eyes, not bothered by her normally intimidating stare.  He bothered her, though, and she assumed it a family trait.

"Fourteen bodies...they think," she frowned.

"They think?"  Angel inquired.  He was going to string Willow up for days.

"Well, there are parts... pieces..."

"Angel, we'd better go."  Spike turned and walked to the car, determined not to look back.  His girl was a piece of work to be sure, but this was going a bit far.  Not that he would not do the same thing given proper motivation.  He had done it.  He had been beaten severely for it as well.  It was a time when he had been young and rash, prone to fits of unreasonable violence.  Angelus took the time to teach him control.  The lessons had been painful, but remained with him today.

Willow, it seemed, was a chip off the old fang.


They burst through the apartment door, unintentionally breaking the lock, each carrying a laundry basket of cleaned clothes.

Wesley jumped up from his reading, the sight of them, covered in blood and gore eliciting a tiny scream.

"What have you done?"  He breathed.

She tracked the frantic rhythm of his heartbeat to find him, closing her feral eyes to drink in his scent.  Her Wesley.  Spike would give him to her soon.

The sudden noises disturbed the seer and she woke slowly, stretching and yawning, and then yelping when she saw them.  She leaped from the sofa, grabbing the stake that was supposed to be gone.

"Fuck...Wes, are you okay?"  She looked him over quickly assessing that he seemed unharmed.  "Where is Angel?"

"He and Spike left in search of these two."

"My guess is...they didn't find them."

"No... it would seem that they didn't."

Willow frowned.  "Why are you talking about us like we're no't here?"

Eric moved to go to the hall bathroom and get cleaned.  He did not care what the two humans said.  He only heard that his master was out looking for him and the redhead.  Now that he focused on it, he felt a fine tingling of displeasure through his weak connection to the blond vampire.  If Willow felt anything at all, she kept it to herself.

"Willow, what happened?"

"Just some vampire stuff."  She shrugged.  "Nothing to interest you...yet."  She looked pointedly at the former watcher.

"I've had just about enough of this nonsense."

She laughed at him.  Denial, in any form, was amusing.

"Wesley, do you really think that Spike won't get what he wants?  He's pretty determined.  Took him a year, but he got me and I was way more feisty than you."

The human huffed at that, thoroughly insulted.

"Stop it, Willow," Cordelia demanded, the tremor in her voice barely audible.  She was a good bluffer, but vampire hearing was better.

"You spoiling my fun?"  She stalked toward the ex-cheerleader.

"Angel and Spike are very annoyed with you for leaving.  They are searching all of Los Angeles as we speak.  I'd wager that you should want to be found tapping away at those keys, instead of tormenting your grandsire's friends."

Blue and green eyes locked.  Wesley was so determined at times that it was endearing.  She sighed and picked up her basket of clothes, heading for the small master bathroom.   She dropped the burden on the tiled floor, twisted the faucets gently, and stripped quickly as the water warmed.

When the steam began filling the tiny room, she stepped in under the spray, letting the water work its magic.  The blood and gore was flushed from her pale skin, leaving her bare and clean.  She idly wondered what to wear.   Spike would be back soon and she would have his full attention.

~Part: 37~

Kate pulled into the precinct parking lot and guided her car smoothly into the small space allocated to her.   Turning off the engine, she placed both hands on the steering wheel, gripping it tightly.   The job, when she signed on, mentioned nothing like this.  Those people had been torn apart and blood was everywhere, unlike at the bar where there wasn't enough.  News of these killings would never be a lead story on the network news, nor the front page headlines of the LA Times.  They had more glamorous and interesting crimes for that in Los Angeles.  No... these deaths would be investigated quietly and then forgotten.  There was no solution.

A Salvation Army Santa stood outside the gate leading into the lot, ring his bell in that annoyingly relentless way that made you toss your loose change in the ever-present basket or box.

She pushed her car door open roughly and slipped past the Santa as he bent over to take a sip of his Jamba Juice.  It may have been December, but it was still Southern California and even sidewalk Santas got all their food groups.

Inside the building it was gloomy and quiet, as three in the morning dictated it should be.  Her shoes were practical and kept the silence as she headed for her desk.  She would have gone straight home, but left her purse in the desk with her house keys in the front pocket.  She could live for a day without the purse, but did not want to break into her own home.

After forensics got to the laundry mat, they began piece the people together and came up with seventeen.   It was too much for her to understand and she left, biting back the bile until she was alone.  Vomiting was an unusual response for her and she was glad no one was able to witness it.

She sat in her chair, gasping a little when it leaned back an inch further than she had expected.  The facilities guy promised to bring her another chair and she frowned.  Nothing went as it should anymore.  Little old men and supermarket clerks were not supposed to be massacred while adding the fabric softener.  It wasn't proper.

And then there was Angel.

The man bothered her to no end.  At the same time, he stirred things in her that she would rather not think about, so she didn't.  What she did think about was how he seemed to have a knack for solving these weird cases and always stayed one step ahead of her doing it.  It was unnerving and inspiring.

Today, he had brought a friend.  Family, he said, and she was sure he meant that, but they appeared...connected as if an invisible thread was stretched between them.  The entire time that she observed them, both seemed to be completely aware of each other, even as they appeared to pay no attention.

She pondered the blond man a bit longer.  He was even more disconcerting than Angel.  She was miffed, not able to recall his name.  But his face, handsome as it was, would not leave her.

Sighing, she took her purse.  It was time to go home and call in sick.  She glanced over her desk to be sure she did not forget anything she may want tomorrow.  There was a card on her desk.  A professor at the university in Sunnydale had come by to see her.  She apparently had been following the same strange cases and wanted to interview the detective for a paper that she was writing.   Kate wondered what the good professor would think of tonight's events.  She stood to leave and as an afterthought slipped the business card in her back pocket.


"Why are we here?"

Spike had his coat wrapped tightly around him, hoping to keep from coming unglued.  Willow was back in the apartment.  Wesley had called with that revelation and now they were at an Embassy Suites.  His sire boggled the mind at times.

"We need to get them away from Cordy and Wes.  It's just a matter of time before she snaps and tries to drain one of them.  And Eric will do whatever she says."

"Yeah, he's a good minion like that," Spike replied, purposely missing Angel's point.

He followed as Angel marched along to the elevators and then up to the sixth floor.  The swooshing sound of the card key reminded him of his little holiday in a small white cell.

The suite of rooms was adequate.  Upon entering he came upon a large sitting area, with what he presumed to be a sofa bed, an entertainment center and a mini bar.  Off to the left was the general bathroom.  Spike inspected it and it was lacking anything special, but was definitely finer than a lot of the motels he and Willow had been frequenting while on the run.   To the right were French doors behind which lay the master suite.  He was slightly impressed with this room and found the blue themed décor soothing.

Angel came up behind the blond, placing a large hand on his deceptively thin shoulders.  "Let's go get them.  Cordy and Wes can come by tomorrow afternoon if we need them.  Otherwise, I want them to stay at the apartment together until this is over. Hopefully, we can get this plan of yours in motion soon."

Spike nodded and went back to his perusal of the place.  Angel was angry.  He was trying to gauge it through the bond, but the brunette was effectively blocking him.   When they returned with Willow he would have to punish her for disobeying him and keep his sire from becoming involved.  It was one thing for Spike to beat her.  He knew his childe could handle that.  Angelus was capable of something a lot more...intense.

"I'll deal with Willow, Angel."  He locked his blue eyes with sable brown ones, challenging his sire to oppose him.

Shrugging, the dark-haired demon brushed past him to exit, a tiny smile curling his lips.  "If you insist."


If Spike was not privy to exactly what his childe had been doing for the last three hours, he might well have been fooled.

She sat at the desk, smelling clean and sweet, typing and taking notes, as she pretended to be oblivious to his presence.   Something about her little game intrigued him so he played along.

"I see you've decided to return to us.  Any reason why you felt the need to disobey me and leave?"

She did not look up from her work, but answered casually, "No reason that you'll like."  She rolled her shoulders and finally graced him with her attention.  She played well and he had to stifle a smile.

"So...Eric, how about you?  Why'd you skip off?"

The minion was surprised and hopped to his feet quickly.  He had no real need to be standing, but felt it was appropriate when addressing the blond vampire.  "I...didn't want her to be alone," he answered honestly.

This was not the answer he expected.  When he was a fledge the minions were always putting much of the blame on him when Angelus or Darla questioned their activities.  He assumed it was jealously, that they had been made weaker and created to serve all in the family, when he had been made strong and only needed to serve only one.  Or perhaps it was just that he was a brat, flaunted his power, and they could not stand him.  He really did not care either way as each and every one of them were now dust and he was still standing.  So it was surprising to the blonde that this minion protected her, even to his own possible destruction.   It was nice and Spike made the decision to do all he could to make sure Eric survived the coming fight.  He unknowingly had been upgraded from expendable lackey to semi-trusted servant.

"So, Willow, what might you have been up to while out?"

She shrugged again and glanced back down at the monitor.  "Nothing much.  Got a bite.  I was hungry and couldn't wait for you."

Eric fidgeted in his skin; lying to Spike was something that made him itch.  It did not go unnoticed and he needed to get that sort of response under control if he planned to live longer than a decade.

"Well.that's very interesting because your old grandsire here got a call from this police friend of his, who by the way is just too cute.  I could just eat her all up."  His gaze flitted over to Angel for a second before leveling on his childe.  "She got a call to a bar where all the patrons had been killed, strange neck wounds on most of them."

"Geez, that's terrible.  You think some vamp gang is out making with the wicked evil?"   She slapped her pen down on the desk and Cordelia jumped.

"Noooo."  The blond moved past the sofa and stood over her as she peered up at him, seemingly innocent, yet menacing at the same time.  He sighed, knowing what he had to do.  "I got the impression that you were there."

"Me?  Nooooo.  Not me... No...I've been here since right after you.  With Eric.  Working...on stuff.  Ask Cordy.  She'll tell you."


As soon as she was able to close her mouth she did.  She decided long ago that the gaping fish look did not suit her.

Spike was looking at her expectantly, waiting for her to lie or deny.  Willow looked unconcerned.  This was her friend from high school and was she still supposed to protect her now that she was a demon and effectively the enemy?

"What?"  She snapped.

Spike only smiled.  It was a nice smile.  An I'll-wait-until-you-have-children-and-eat-them smile.

Willow sighed and spoke up.  "Cordy, tell Spike that Eric and I came in right after they left looking."

She narrowed her eyes, wanting to flog the young vampire herself.  This settled her debt to the redhead, many times over.  "Yes, right after you left they came crashing in, wooohoo, like a hurricane."  She fanned at the air, making a big wind noise and looking utterly stupid.  Spike turned his back to them all because he could not contain his grin.  This left him facing Angel, who was so filled with his demon that the blond was able to find a more sober expression with amazing speed.

"We're leaving.  Willow, pack up the computer, then gather anything you want to take.  Eric, take her things to the car and get your gear as well," the blond directed.

Cordelia perked up.  "So I can go home now?"

Angel frowned.  This would prove to be the hardest part of all; getting his seer to cooperate without supervision.  The likely hood of her doing so was remote, yet he wished to impress upon her the importance of staying away from her apartment.

"I'm sorry, Cordelia.  They may have someone watching you place.  Your address is in the files back at the office.  I don't know what they would do to you for working with me.   You're safer here.  I never had the chance to create an employee file for Wesley.

"But I need clothes... and my make up.  I look a mess."

He rolled his eyes, but relented.  For Cordelia, she did look a mess, which was just short of radiant for other women.  "Give me your key.  I'll go and make sure it's safe and get you some things.  Make a list.  I'll get what I can find quickly."

"It'll be easier if I go too."

"No...I won't be seen and can detect a presence and get out quicker if I am alone."

She pouted, but gave agreement with her silence before adding, "Okay, but I need a facial and manicure which you are so paying for."

He smiled and everything that had been screaming Angelus to her disappeared so that all that remained was the gentle vampire with the soft brown eyes.  "Fine."  He breathed, out of relief not necessity, and set about gathering his things.

In the bedroom he came across Spike who was stuffing a few items into a duffle bag.

"She lies like you."  His tone was conversational.

"And you're pet seer lies like you," he retorted, taking the bait and resetting the trap for his own use.

"She's not my pet.  She is an employee and a friend."

"HA!"  He barked, tossing the filled bag into the hallway before sauntering up to his sire.  "You'll shag her and maybe turn her before it's over."  He tapped the tip of his nose.  "I can smell it."

"You're crazy, Spike.  I won't make another childe."

The blond raised an eyebrow.  "Was it so bad?  Having childer?"

Angel understood enough about this childe to know that this question was as loaded as they came.  "No...it wasn't bad at all.  It was...fulfilling at the time.  Some of you were more challenging than others, but I would not change it.  Maybe I'd have changed what happened with Dru.  I went too far with her.

"Yeah.  I love her to ashes, but sometimes she was a bit more than I could handle."  Spike admitted, strangely confident that he could speak to Angel.  It was bordering on mushy and he had to force himself not to gag.

"You did good, Spike.  Will.  Kept her safe.  More than I could have ever expected."

They stood mere feet from each other, staring and probing.  Spike broke their gaze first.

"Guess we should be off then.  We're burning moonlight and I have a childe to beat."

"Yep.  Should be fun," he agreed gleefully.


They were all headed for the car when Spike turned around, claiming to have forgotten his cigarettes.   The front door was closed, but lacked a lock thanks to his childe.

"Spike...Did you forget something?"  Wesley asked hesitantly.  He had been barely able to refrain from doing a happy dance when the vampires left.   Being around the demons cause him much confusion and he needed to be away from their influence in order to think clearly.

"Yeah, pet, I did."  He snatched the unsuspecting man up from the edge of the desk where he was perched.  Cordelia jumped to her friend's aide.  Immediately she stopped her in tracks, frozen by the demon visage which she now faced.

"Don't make me drain you, luv.  Angel likes you, but he likes me more.  Are you getting my meaning?"  When she nodded, because she had no choice but to nod, he continued.  "You're a good little pet.  Now sit and be quiet for Spike. I'll only be a moment."

She did as she was told, growling and he raised the scared brow.  "What, bleach boy?  I'm sitting."

He rolled his eyes and wondered how angry his sir would be with him for killing her.  Wesley had stilled his struggles, observing the little face-off.   "Now...where were we?"

"You were about to explain why you've come back into my home and begun manhandling me."

"I'd think you want manhandling.  I can handle you like a woman if you wish."  He advised, dragging the brunette as if he were made of tissue paper and pressing him against the wall directly across from the guest bathroom.   There were squawky sounds of protestation that were cut off by lips on lips and tongues dancing to the music of their mutual desire.

Wesley was resigned, his resolve that he felt nothing for the blonde creature melting as soon as he was enveloped by the vampire.  Spike pulled away, nipping at the demon hunter's lips with a fang until he was bleeding for him.  Spike sucked at the liquid, concentrating on the taste of him.

"Come to the room tomorrow at dusk.  Or I'll come looking for you."

"Spike," He began, discontinue whatever he was going today when he was fixed with an unwavering glare.

"Dusk, luv."  His face shifted back to human.

He spun on his heels and his coat did that nice billowing thing that it did and locked eyes with the seer.  "You lied to me, Cordelia."

It was not a question, but she found herself denying it anyway.  "No, I didn't.  Now leave!"

"No matter..."  He shrugged.  "Enough time to punish you later."

He was gone, a blur to them both, each secretly thinking that it was a very cool exit.

She looked at him, sympathy in her eyes, which may have been a trick of the light.  "What are you gonna do?"

"I'm not sure.  Dare I say that I handled this badly from the beginning and now I have a homicidal maniac that thinks he's the boss of me?"

"You dare."  She nodded.  "And a word of advice?"

He tore his eyes from the door where he half expected the vampire to appear again and settled his blue eyes on her.

"Never spread you cheeks for a vampire unless you want a new boss, I always say."  She smiled cheerfully, happy with her wisdom before frowning prettily and adding, "Well...I didn't ever before, but I'm saying it now."

~Part: 38~

Willow found herself being shoved into a suite of rooms.  Spike was pissed and that was putting it mildly.  The entire ride over, he smoked in silence, never looking back at her.  She sat next to Eric, feeling disadvantaged because she could not see his or Angel's image in the mirror, before realizing that they could not see her either.  Somewhat relieved, she settled into the seat, thinking of ways to appease her sire.  The clenching of his powerful jaw, and she was intimately familiar with how strong everything about him was, was a direct indication of his rage, so she was well aware that she had a huge task ahead of her.  She did not mind a beating, he was masterful in giving pain, but there were limits.  He seemed ready to go beyond hers.

Her sire pointed toward a double door.  "Take your things and put them away in there.  I'll join you soon."

She grabbed her belongings, watching him closely until she was in the other room.

"Eric.  Set the computer up on that desk, but don't plug in the modem."  The minion nodded.

Angel walked up to the blond, a drink in each hand.  He offered one to Spike who took it, smiling slightly.  "I care for her too much."  His voice was deep and rich, almost its old, cultured self.

Angel's lips curled up.  He took a sip of the whiskey, savoring the taste.  "No, you care just right, I expect.  You're a sire now.  This is how it is."

"But doing this.it will hurt me as well."

"Yes, it will."

"She deliberately disobeyed me and lied to my face.  I'm so angry at her and I really want to hurt her, Angel.  Not like the little beatings I've given her before.  I want to make her bleed and scream. "

"Spike, when you were a fledge and I punished you, it was because you were endangering yourself or the family.  It hurt me as well."

"Ha!  Now you are just lying, Peaches.  I distinctly remember you and Darla, laughing and dancing in my blood as I hung from chains, many a bloody afternoon.  Don't be a git."

"It was worth a try."  The brunette smirked.


Kate was having a sick day.  She had hoped to sleep in late, but old habits had her up by 8am, even though she did not get to bed until nearly four in the morning.  Sleep had never come easy for her, so this was not a new thing, just annoying.  When she closed her eyes she saw the bodies, their images burned into her retinas in gory detail, and had to open them for fear of falling into a dream with the ghastly visions.

She thought of Angel, as she often did on cases like this.  Something about him was off, and the blond that had accompanied him last night as well.  She had a sense for these things and had been ignoring it in favor of securing his help.  However, it was there nonetheless, this creepy feeling whenever he was near.  The fact that it was even stronger coming from the other guy, firmly anchored her theory.  Something was wrong, different, odd, even frightening about Angel.  She promised herself to find the time to do a little digging to see what she could learn about the man.

Stretching, she wondered how to fill the time.  She rarely played hooky from work and was unfamiliar with what people did in this situation, when they really were not sick at all.  She could not go out around town.  With her luck, she would run across someone from the precinct.  Staying in seemed like a huge bore and waste of a good lie.  With a sigh, she decided to start a load of laundry while she got dressed to go do nothing, bothered that this was potentially the highlight of her day.

Sluggishly, she went to the hamper in her bathroom and gathered dirty clothes.  Checking her pockets, she pulled out a thick slip of paper from the jeans she had been wearing the previous day.  Upon closer examination, she determined it was the business card of that professor in Sunnydale and smiled.

Suddenly, she knew what she would do with her day.


"Please sire, no more."

Those were the first words she had uttered in over two hours.  Her screams filled his head just as surely as blood filled his cock, but she said nothing comprehensible until now.  She had been made to lie on the bed, face down, as Spike tied her limbs securely to the frame.  The whip, in Spike's able hands, created a criss-cross design on her flesh that he found appealing.

"So, I'm sire now, eh?"

She tried to swallow, but found she lacked the saliva.  "Yes,  always," she squawked.

"Then why did you leave against your sire's  wishes?"  He discarded the whip and padded barefoot into the bathroom to get her a glass of water.

"I...I won't lie to you, Sire."  He raised an eyebrow as he put the glass to her mouth.  She tilted her head oddly and drank a small amount, spilling more on the bed.  "I wanted to do those things because I thought I could get away with them.  I did get away with them, but not really.  I made you worry and made you angry.  I am sorry for that.  I never want you to be angry with me."

He placed the glass on the bedside table.  "Nice speech, luv."

She sighed and turned away from him.  "Not buying it, huh?"

"No, afraid not."

He picked up the whip.


It had been a while since Angel had been in the company of a minion.  This one was peculiar in that he was not as savage and unpredictable as others so young.  He assumed it had to do with the generous amount of blood given the human during his turning.  Or maybe Angel was remembering through blood-tinged glasses.  Whatever the case, the fledge was stronger, closer to childe-like in his devotion, although not quite, and therefore more of the human qualities were apparent on the surface.  Underneath, he was just as demony as the rest of them, but now had the ability to hide it better.  Blend for the hunt.

The brooding vampire had been miffed at first, when Spike stood firm in denying Angel access to Willow.  His childe insisted on dishing out the redhead's punishment single-handedly, without audience to influence or impress.  In his opinion, this was a private matter and unless he found himself needing assistance, which was as unlikely as him falling in love with a slayer, he preferred to beat her on her own terms.

So Angel and Eric sat in the common room of the suite, the latter watching television, while Angel checked voicemail at the office and called clients to buy a few days time on some overdue cases.  If Spike had his way, the Initiative would be destroyed by tomorrow night and life, or unlife, such that it was, could return to what he liked to consider normal.

His cell phone chirping unexpectedly caused the vampire to jump, and the minion quickly stifled the snicker that threatened to escape.  Angel smirked; sometimes it was good being him.

"Hello."  From the caller ID he saw that it was from Wesley' apartment.

"Angel, just seeing how things are going there.'

"Fine.  I called Mrs. Steiner back and postponed that de-ghosting."

"Really, and she agreed?"

"Yeah, personally, I don't think it's a ghost at all.  She's."  He whispered the next part.  "She's a little senile, don't you think?"

"Ah, well, I only had the one conversation with her and frankly I did find it hard to believe that a ghost would waste its hauntings by changing the towels in her bathroom.  It's hardly scary at all."

"Exactly...So how is Cordelia doing?

"She is insisting that I escort her shopping."  It was Wesley's turn to whisper.  "Do you know that she has the Angel Investigations Visa.  She says that since this is all your doing, you are obligated to pay for her new wardrobe.  I believe she said it falls under hazard pay."

Angel whipped his wallet out and searched frantically, sighing as he came up missing one Visa.  Fortunately, he used the Amex to secure these rooms.  "Stay with her, Wes, please, and keep her from putting me into bankruptcy."

"I'll do my level best, but short of an exorcism.oh here she comes... Yes Angel, I'm only too happy to have the place to myself again."


"And keep your manipulative childer as far from us as possible.  They are unpredictable and menacing."  His voice was authoritative and he nodded sternly for the seer's benefit. "Uh.okay."

"Very well.  I'm glad you agree.  Good-bye now."


Riley stood in Maggie's office.  He wandered around the small space, perusing her collection of crystal figurines while he waited for her to end a call.  Buffy had not been forthcoming regarding Willow's whereabouts and he still had not seen any sign of the girl, which heightened his suspicions.

"Riley, what can I do for you?"  The professor was already writing something in her date book.

He turned around, surprised that she was done with her call so swiftly.  "Maggie, I think I have some news on the girl vampire that's with Hostile 17."  When they were alone, they kept things informal.

Curious eyes were suddenly locked with Agent Finn's.  "Her identity?

"Maybe...Do you remember a Willow Rosenberg.  She's in..."

"I know her and you are right. "  She stood and walked around her desk, thinking out loud.  "She's been missing for a while.  Just dropped out and from what I heard from some of the other students, it was totally out of character."

"She's a friend of Buffy's and her roommate in Stevenson," he added.

"Hmmm...why do you suppose, the young slayer has not mentioned anything to me about where her friend is or why she's absent.  You know, the usual attempt to gain favor, like the Rosenberg girl did for the Osborne fellow."

"I can't say."  He shrugged.  If Buffy had any idea that Willow had been turned into a vampire, she was keeping to herself for reasons unknown to him.  Speculation was useless.

"Can't or won't, agent."  She smiled wryly.

Riley disliked it when she did that; Question his professionalism and motives.  He had never given her cause before, but she always found a way to make him feel as if he were not being his best.  Then again, he had never been dating Buffy Summers before either.

So.what do you think?"  He skillfully ignored her question.  "She fits the description and is MIA."

"I think you should speak with your girlfriend.  Put some pressure on her, Riley.  She knows something."

"I think your right about that. "  He groaned internally, not looking forward to that conversation.

"And I have an appointment this afternoon with a Detective Katherine Lockley, of the Los Angeles Police Department," she announced cheerfully.  It was a rapid change of subject and a cue for him to leave.

He nodded, remembering that the professor had made a special trip to L.A to see the detective recently, but came back in a sour mood, having been dismissed.

"She has consented to an interview and has an interesting new case she wants to discuss with me.  All very privileged and off the record of course."  She laughed, which was rather disconcerting coming from her.

"Well, then I'll leave you to it."

~Part: 39~

The mall was crowded.  The last minute shoppers were out, searching for and buying that all too perfect gift that would probably be tossed into a drawer and forgotten by the recipient.  Credit cards were being maxed out and the country's system of commerce was reeling from the surge of monetary influx.  It was the American way.

It was Cordelia's dream.

She was a force of nature, in her element, and had been dragging poor Wesley around all day.  The girl had stamina and style; he had to give her that.  He had just returned from the latest trip to the car that she insisted they rent and was exhausted.  Still on her list of things to do were getting a tree and decorations so he caught up to her in Target as established before they parted.  Her first instinct was to hit the Nordstrom's for seasonal items that she wanted, but Wesley convinced her that she could be close to the card's limit already.  She readily agreed not wanting to suffer the indignity of presenting a card and being rejected.

"So you going?" she asked, shoving the bright red basket at him as he approached.  It was bad enough that she was shopping in the discount store at all, she did not have to push the cart as well.

He gave her an open stare as he tried to grasp what she meant.  "I'm sorry.  Going where?"

She placed some ornaments in the cart, having decided on a purple and silver theme.  There were four in the box, the bulb itself was lavender with silver glitter in the shape of a snowflake on opposite sides.  "To the hotel.  Like Spike ordered you."  She tossed in.  "So, are you going?"

He frowned and jutted his chin out a bit.  He had been avoiding this for most of the day, almost glad to have this shopping expedition to distract him.  Of course, the seer allowed no one to hide from his or her fears for long.  She was sadistic that way.

"I think not.  I plan to help you decorate the apartment.  Make certain you don't create a fire hazard."

"Right...I bet you hightail it to that suite before the sun has a change to sizzle in the ocean."

"Then you would lose."  He picked up a long strand of silver pearl-shaped garland, handing them to her for approval.  They had an opalescent surface that would capture the violets and lavenders beautifully.  She added them to the basket and grabbed three more.

"If you say so, Wes, but we need to get the tree before dark.  Just in case I'm right."


The smell of her blood, arousal and frustration were getting to the young fledgling.  He looked to the oldest vampire in their little...clan.  He seemed unaffected as he sat there reading a book and unmoving except to occasionally turn the page.

He was feeling out of sorts.  Spike felt old.  Old and wild and powerful.  Willow felt strong, but young and jumpy.  This other vampire felt strange.  He was the most powerful, to be sure, but he was restrained, and unpleasantly so.  Just sitting in the room with him made him realize that he was small and insignificant.  This was a real demon, yet not.

Not understanding where his discomfort was rooted, he was inclined to ignore it.  He had learned that too many questions made his master angry and the master's sire impatient.

As her scent saturated the air, he could think of nothing else but what was going on behind the doors.  He winced at her muffled screams and once jumped to his feet as if to barge in and go to her.  One fleeting glance from Angel knocked that thought from Eric's brain quickly and completely.  The dark-haired vampire seemed amused, as if it would be of great entertainment to him for the minion to run to his grandchilde's "rescue".  He sat back down and began channel surfing again.  The redhead would have to endure her punishments alone.

"What's bothering you, Eric?"

The young demon, flinched and turned to face the sound of his voice.  Angel was standing behind him and he had not heard him move.


"Well then settle down.  You're a bundle of nerves and it's distracting."

Eric nodded and tried relaxation breathing, annoyed by Angel's chuckle.

"Whatever he is doing to her, she'll be alright in a few hours.  You do know that, right?"

"I guess..."

The brunette sighed.  "Look, you like her, that's good.  Being loyal to her and Spike will keep you alive, but don't get too attached to her.  She belongs to him and Spike doesn't share well.  Hell...I'm his sire and he won't willingly share with me."

He digested that and turned quizzical eyes in the vampire.  "But can't you make him?"

"Yes...I can and I spent 20 years doing just that.  But he's a master now and I have.calmed somewhat."  He smiled secretively at the simplified euphemism for gaining a torturous soul.


This town was off.  She drove slowly, following the directions dictated to her by Professor Walsh and knew that she would be leaving as soon as she was done.  Several times she almost turned around and got back on the highway leading to the interstate.  Never had a place made her feel so vulnerable, as if she were unable to protect herself in this environment.  There was nothing that you could see, but the uneasy feeling did not diminish.  The stories that were told about this town were fantastical, bordering on ridiculous, or so she assumed.  But now.maybe there was some truth.  The energy was bad here, but since she would be leaving in a few hours she shook of her misgivings and turned right into the parking lot of Zuco's.  According to the professor, it was a new venue and they served the best Brazilian barbeque outside of Brazil.

Finding the closest stall available, she switched off the motor and gathered her keys, briefcase, and purse as she opened her door.  Outside, it was colder than she anticipated, so she spun on her heels and hit the trunk release button where she kept her long wool coat.  Shivering, she donned it swiftly and made her way to the restaurant, stopping to ask the hostess if the Maggie Walsh had already arrived.

The tall, graceful creature smiled warmly and led her to a table near the back.  The entire wall on that side of the building was made of glass, sparkling as it gave view of the small man-made lake.  A woman, regal and commanding, sat alone facing away from the decidedly amazing view.  Her blonde hair was darker than Kate's and cut in a short economic style that said much about her life.  Kate learned to read these things.  On her way to Sunnydale, the detective had determined that this interview would be more of a mutually beneficial exchange of information.  If she found the professor reluctant, then Kate herself would be a little misleading.

The woman smiled slightly and stood, waving her over.  "Detective Lockley?"

The younger woman nodded.  "Yes.  Professor Walsh.  Good to see you again."

They shook hands and sat in opposite sides of the table.  "Well, our last meeting did not go as I had hoped."

Kate blushed at bit but did not break eye contact.  "I think I may have been having a bad day.  Sorry that you came all that way for nothing.  But I'm here now, so it was not a total waste."

"Yes you are and I do appreciate your time, detective. "

"Kate.please call me Kate.  Everyone does."

"Yes and feel free to call me Maggie."

A waiter approached, unobtrusive, but somehow simultaneously demanding attention.  Kate glanced at him first.  He was also tall and thin, but well-muscled.  She noticed things like that...quite often.

"Good afternoon, Ladies.  May I get you anything to drink?"


The blade was too slippery for him to hold and use with any accuracy.  If he touched her now, it would just lead to butchering.  He crawled up her prone body, licking her wounds to help them heal sooner as she whimpered softly.  She managed the strange feat of arching into his touch and leaning away at the same time.

He wanted to fuck her.  But it was also what she wanted so re refrained.  There were other ways for him to attain satisfaction.  He untied her and flipped her over, unconcerned with the torn flesh as he straddled her.  His knees were by her ears and his expectations were clear.  If she misunderstood in any way, his cock pressing against her lips provided ample clarification.  She sighed, relieved, taking him in her mouth.  This was a game she understood and enjoyed.  She licked and sucked gently at first, making sure not to scrape him with her teeth.  Normally, she found he was pleased to have a little pain tossed in, but she did not want to do anything to incur his wrath.  The last five hours made his previous punishments look like a picnic in the park and were enough to remind her of her place.  Yet she also felt that he still held back and that the next time she openly defied him without cause she would be on the receiving end of everything his demon had to offer.  Her jaw was hurting, even as he fucked her face, but she dared not complain.  He had punched her for continuing to lie to him, so whining about it now would only get her tied up again.

He continued his assault on her mouth, while she pulled her arms, which were beginning to feel less tingly, around to grab the base of his shaft.  She locked her lips around him and sucked hard, pleased at the sound of his pleasure.  She wanted him to be happy with her.  She wanted him to want her again.  Her mouth moved up and down as he gripped her head and thrust wildly with his hips, coming down her throat in creamy ropes of salted semen.

She held onto his jerking hips, caressing him soothingly as she licked him clean.  Spent and tired, he flopped to the side of her.  He lay motionless for a while bent awkwardly and not caring.


His eyes were closed and he wanted to ignore her, but something in her tone would not allow him.  "Yes, pet."

"I...I really am sorry.  Please don't leave me."

He opened his eyes and looked at her.  "Why would you say that?"

"I didn't mean to make you so angry.  I'll be good, I promise."  Her chin trembled and she was ready to cry, real tears.

"It doesn't matter how good you are or how bad you are...I'll never leave you.  You'll bloody well wish I would sometimes, but I won't."

"Do you promise?"  Her eyes sparkled as the tears fell over. Her misery was a beautiful thing, but it was not what he wanted for her.  Penance, yes.  Turmoil and self-loathing, no.

"Red, who hurt you?  Besides, the wolf, I mean."

She glanced at the ceiling rather than looking into his probing blue eyes.  She had to tell him, since he asked.  He would know if she lied.

"My parents...they were not there so much for me before.  I remember trying very hard to be perfect for them.  I got good grades, stayed out if trouble and out of the way.  For a while that was okay.  They were home most days back when I was in elementary school, but I did not see them much.  I came home from school and went to my room."

Spike remembered his parents well.  They cared.  He could not imagine loving them and not feeling that same love returned.  "What about at meals?  Didn't you sit down for dinner?"

She shook her head, sitting up to relieve the pressure from her tattered back.  "They had colleagues over for dinner a lot.  I usually went and got a plate after everyone left."

He had heard enough.  "Nevermind them, luv."  Perhaps after they destroyed the Initiative, he and Willow would pay her parents a little visit.  "You've got me and eternity."  He tapped the end of her nose, grinning when she smiled at him.

She laid back to go to sleep, wincing as she turned on her side.  "No sleeping yet, luv."  Her eyes popped opened, hoping he did not intend to punish her more.  "Gonna run a bath for you and get Eric to put the sheets back on the bed while I get you cleaned and bandaged."

"And then can we talk some more?"

He smiled at her, saddened a little by her terrible need to be reassured that he would stay with her.  "We can do anything you like."

~Part: 40~

Kate and Maggie managed to get along.  At first the young blonde was uneasy in the older woman's presence.  She had a directness about her that somehow seemed honest while lacking the ring of truth.  Eventually, she blocked it out, although not discarding it, in favor of trying to gain as much information as she could from this trip.

They ordered drinks and their meals, skipping the calorie-laden appetizers that were on offer.

"So what has you interested in my case load?"  Kate asked.  She took a sip of her ice tea, holding onto the cool glass.  The place was pretty, in contradiction with itself and the surrounding terrain, but pretty.   Strings of clear Christmas lights lined the windows that gave view to the lake, competing for her attention with the vague December sunshine that filtered through.

"I've reason to believe that someone from Sunnydale may be involved.  Victim or culprit is anyone's guess."  She chose her words carefully.

"Really.then it's I who should be interviewing you, isn't it?"  Her big blue eyes penetrated the professor, belying her engaging smile.

"Perhaps I've misrepresented my position.  My beliefs are rooted in theory that have no factual basis.  Just my own idle mind giving life to fantastical myth."

Kate nodded, recognizing bullshit when she smelled it. "Well, what do you want to know

about my work?"

They talked about some of her older cases and to Walsh's disappointment none of them appeared to involve Hostile 17.  She feigned interest, but Kate was not fooled by her act.

"I responded to a call last night that was more disturbing than anything I'd seen lately, maybe ever."  She watched the professor's eyes light up with hope and wondered what the woman was really after.  Did she believe in the evil undead, the same as Angel and his wacky team of investigators or was she trying to see how close Kate was to solving one of these cases?  It had not escaped her that a serial killer could be responsible for some or all of these and yesterday's carnage was definitely the work of a depraved soul that was not done.

"What could have shaken a seasoned professional such as yourself?"  Her fingers were steepled under her chin as she leaned forward, intrigued.

"It was at a bar, the call.  By the time we got to the scene it was all over and everyone was dead.  The problem is there was a serious lack of blood for the amount of carnage and each victim sported puncture wounds to the neck or out right bites."

Had Kate been a vampire she would have scented the excitement that lingered around her companion, heard the heart pounding furiously, but being a mere mortal, she was deprived of that experience.    But she did not need those enhanced abilities, because Maggie's interest was more than obvious.  It registered in her posture, her breathing and in the way her eyes dilated when there was no change in lighting.  These were signs she was trained to observe and the woman was unable to keep her responses in check.

"And the suspects?  Any clues?"

"Well. they went on to a laundry mat some blocks away and killed fourteen more."  She took a sip of her beverage before continuing.  "It was a busy night."

This was more like the brutality of the two they had been chasing.  "Descriptions?"

And here was the meat of the matter.  The professor's glance darted away from her just for the time it took to ask that question.  This was what she wanted to know.

"Nothing concrete.  Just that there were two people seen fleeing the first scene, male and female, young.  Although it's hard to imagine a girl doing what was done.  She'd have to be a natural born killer and crazy to boot."

"You'd be surprised," Maggie replied, raising a hand for the check.

It was getting late and Kate promised herself she would not be caught after dark in this town, as quaint as it appeared.

"Somehow I doubt it."


Willow was sleeping and her sire did not want her disturbed.  It was a fitful sleep at best and she had latched onto his wrist, not drawing much blood, but seeking the comfort that the intimacy brought.  He could be her river Lethe, however he needed to speak to Angel.  The sun was setting soon and if he knew anything about humans he was going to have to hunt Wesley down.

That thought did not anger him.  In fact he looked forward to it with predatory glee and would be mildly disappointed if the man were to show up on his own.  No...Spike wanted to go after his pet and fuck him stupid wherever he caught him, then bring him back for a lovely evening of debauchery and games.

He pulled away from her fangs easily, ignoring the twitch of his cock as he did, and put his bleeding wrist to his mouth until the red liquid stopped its flow.  It was not a needed act, but he did it out of habit.  Darla was a bitch about blood dripping around the lair.  And this was from a vicious vampire.  It always amazed him how asinine the blonde had been about certain things.   He rose from the bed and padded, naked, to the adjoining bath.  His shower was quick and purely functional.  He didn't bother to dress, but donned a towel around his slender hips and left the bedroom to seek his sire.

Eric was asleep on a pallet made of the sofa cushions Angel had removed to let out the sofa bed.   Angel was up, reclining, watching the news and going through newspapers looking for any mention of Willow's adventures.

"You still do that?"  Spike asked as he went to the bar and poured a whiskey.

Angel looked up from his task frowning.  "Do what?"

Spike drank half the glass down in a swallow as he met his sire's gaze.  "Check the bloody daily for stories of your childer's escapades?"  He replied, motioning toward the mess of papers on the bed.

"I just want to know what's being reported," he remarked defensively.   In London Spike, William then, had been much more unruly than Willow and reporting of his activities could be found in the papers weekly.  The world was smaller there and vampires had to be more careful.  When the sheep discovered a predator in their midst.it usually got ugly, for everyone.  Case in point:  Drusilla in Prague.

"It's not like they can do anything about it, Angel, even if they knew."

"No, but there's the Initiative to consider.  They'll be monitoring the city for vampiric activity."

"And they'll discover there are thousands of vampires in Los Angeles that aren't me," he added with mock patience.

Angel sighed and rose from the bed.   "I'm going to shower.  What's on the agenda for tonight?"

"I'm going out."

Angel twisted to see his childe.  "Where?"

"Not sure yet.  Gotta go fetch something."

He narrowed his eyes trying to figure out Spike's current scheme.  "Well you have a childe that needs attending so don't take long.  I've got some errands to run and clearly Eric can't control her."

"Eric's not supposed to control her, mate."  Blue eyes, cold and unyielding, met brown.  "I won't be too long."


Wesley stayed as promised and helped her decorate.  Cordelia was surprised, pleasantly so, at her co-worker's new-found backbone.  She liked to think that she would have done the same thing, but was grateful that it was him and not her.   And it could have been.  She had wanted Angel back in Sunnydale and had thought of sleeping with him more than a few times since becoming his assistant and seer.  Images of Angelus kept her hormones in check, but she was not immune to his subtle charm.  Spike held a lot of appeal as well, so she was not in a position to judge.

"Okay.  I need the boxes of lavender lights," she ordered and he put down the garland that he had been draping over the small fireplace.  He had to admit, the place was going to look very homey and festive.  He had not had a place decorated for the holidays since his flat in London.  This was nice.

He located the boxes she needed, opened one, carefully pulling the plastic tray out, and passed it to her.   He set the other boxes down next to her and went to get another mug of cider.  He had been skeptical about drinking it at first.  Cordelia had prepared the concoction and if it was as vile as her coffee, he was inclined to refuse.  At first taste he regretted his misgivings and was equally grateful that he had not voiced it.

"Cordelia, would you like another?"  He held up his cup.

A knock at the door halted her response.  She looked to her friend, a trace of sympathy detectable if one knew what to look for.    Wes stood by the kitchen, the mug a few inches from his lips.

"Hey.it's your place.  You answer it," she told him as she stepped down from the ladder.

He snapped out of his momentary trance.  "Yes, of course," he said absently as he placed his cider on the end table and crossed the room the front door.

"Who's there?"  He asked through the wood.

A muffled, "Open the bloody door, watcher," was the reply.

With a glance at Cordy who was sitting on the sofa where she had stashed the stake, he pulled the door open, revealing a blond vampire.  Wes had hoped to see Angel right behind him, but evidently, Spike was alone.

Spike stepped in and took a look around.  While it was obvious that they weren't done yet, the placed was beginning to look very.seasonal.   If he had a love for Christ, he would have been moved to tears.

"Grab something for overnight."  He told Wesley as he pushed pasted him and went into the kitchen and straight for the cider.  He smelled it through the door.

Cordy, more than a little miffed, sprang up.  "He's not going anywhere!"  She blurted and then cringed as he turned so slowly she thought he would squeak.

"That so?  It's cold and someone's warming my bed tonight.   Shall I take you instead?"  He stormed toward her as she retreated a few steps.

"Noooo, no, no, no, no.  Nope!"  Her hands were facing out in submission.  "He's all yours," she announced traitorously as Wesley huffed.  "But I have to put these decorations up and he was helping me."

"And I bloody well care?"

"Angel paid for this, buster, and if you make him waste his money he's gonna be pissed."

Spike sighed.  Her argument was beyond flimsy, but the selfish twists of her mind were amazing.  He liked her.

"Fine," he spat.  "Help her," he ordered Wesley as he flopped on the couch bonelessly.

Cordy came back to the center of the room and resumed working.  "Ya know...I bet it would go a lot faster if you got off your dead ass and helped too."
