When Darkness Fell
Part 4: And Angel Fell
Author: Finnmentality
E-mail: finnmentality@yahoo.co.uk
Disclaimer: Joss owns all the characters, I own the plot,
Author's note : right we have a working title for the series (now that we are almost finished it) When Darkness Fell, so whaddya think??
Feedback: I would like it please


He roared through his dreamscape, trapped by the witch, but not for long he could feel the backlash of her spell weakening; soon he would be free to wreak revenge. But not too free he realised. He could feel her tied to him, her strings around his unbeating heart. He was bound to her; his soul had escaped so his demon was caught. He would make her suffer, and then make him hers. He would chase her down and make her his mate in darkness, but first he had a slayer to take care of.

Willow struggled to free herself from the spell, her warning echoing around her. She hoped they had heard, she hoped they would hide, she hoped he would forget about them to hunt her. She woke, her eyes snapped open to chaos. The others had heard her warning and were gone, leaving her behind, her and a soon to awaken Angelus. She had to do something; She searched around for a stake, something that would do the job. The others didn't know there was no hope for their friend and so they had not staked him. She didn't realise that they did not do it because they feared she would be lost aswell, better to
wait until she was clear before trying damage control. So they hid and hoped there breath was quiet and their hammering hearts did not attract a demons attention. And Buffy, she was out cold, knocked flying by the force of the spell, unable to offer even the meagerest of protection.

Willow was at the door when she heard the growl. He was awake, she needed to act. Hoping to save her friends lives she opened the door and turned around, "Angelus" She called out, "I am here if you want me" He growled low in his throat, the sound reverberating through her. That was when she realised he was connected, bound by strings around her heart. And he could never be her angel again. He started towards her, more beast than man and she ran hoping that he would follow, hoping to lead him away from her friends.

Angelus reined himself in, He would hunt her shortly but he could smell fear now, it was almost overpowering. He sniffed the air and searched the room trying to find his prey. Sensing the spot they were hiding in he pounced. The slayer was unable to protect her friends, they tried their best but it was not to be. When he had finished he realised his real prey was gone but he could sense her, through their bond, she would be his and she would pay.
