Author:  GP
Rating:  R
Summary:  What if the Initiative captured W along with S in the dorm room?
Disclaimer:  All characters and aspects of the fictional environment are property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, Fox, et al.  There is no intent, or
remote possibility, of anyone profiting from this.
Distribution:  If you'd like it ask and I'll let you take it.
Feedback:  Please
Dedication:   To Susan S for the original idea and helpful suggestions along the way.

~Part ONE~

      Willow moved quietly from monument to statue to mausoleum careful to stay in the shadows.  It was the third straight night she'd 'haunted' the cemetery.  She was dressed in black jeans and a black sweater with her hair caught in a black ball cap.  She wanted to be invisible to the vampires as well as the military vigilantes of the mysterious Initiative.  She was also doing her best to avoid Buffy and the rest of the Scoobies in their nightly patrols.  She didn't want them to discover the object of her late night search.  It would be just too hard to explain.


"Professor Walsh, " the young man in the white lab coat said as he approached, " I'd like to go over this protocol for disposition of Hostile #17."

"Is there some problem?" she asked in a deceptively mild tone.

"Well, you see I don't believe that use of the inhibitor chip for this subject is ….."  His voice trailed off as he realized that the entire lab had turned deathly silent and he observed the ashen looks on some of the older technicians faces.

"You don't believe this is appropriate?" she asked in a cold hard voice.

"Will you perhaps honor us with your considered opinion based on your long and illustrious career in extra human psychology and physiology.  Oh that's right, I'm the one with the lifetime of experience and the direction of this project and you are a lowly research assistant."

"Correction, " she continued, " you were a research assistant.  From today, you are the junior member of the subject maintenance team.  Perhaps a month or two amongst the cages will provide a much needed lesson in professional humility."

She turned away from the shaken man and moved off across the lab.


Spike, where could he be, Willow thought?  She knew she should be ashamed of herself.  He was a dangerous vampire an enemy of the Slayer and all the things that she and the Slayerettes stood for.  Personally, he was involved with female vamps from the frighteningly unbalanced Drusilla down to the truly unconscious Harmony.  Why then did she have this 'thing' for him?

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of stealthy movement coming from the bushes to her left.  Willow sank down behind a tree and watched. A half dozen figures dressed in military camouflage emerged from the underbrush.  The leader raised a hand silently instructing the group to stop.

He spoke softly,  "Let's see where we are."

Another figure handed him a paper and a dim light was turned on it.

"My guess is we should look closer to the campus, he might think he can blend in there.  He wouldn't be the only guy with bleached hair and a leather duster."

Another voice added, " he'd be the only one sucking down blood instead of beer."

A third figure chuckled, " being English, he might choose the beer anyway."

The light clicked out and the group headed back the way they came.

Willow sat considering what she'd just seen and heard.  This must be the vigilantes who've been running around campus at night.  It sure sounded like they were after Spike and their leader was Riley Finn.

~Part TWO~

Willow sat on her bed still trying to sort things out.  She'd been lucky that Buffy hadn't returned from patrol to see her 'stalker' outfit.  There was an explanation she was glad to do without.  After a shower and changing into her pajamas, her head was still whirling.  What could she do to help or at least warn Spike?  Should she tell Buffy that Riley was involved with the late night army guys?  What did they intend to do to Spike?

Willow closed her eyes.  All this thinking about Spike was getting to her.  At first, she thought that things would go back to normal after Oz left.
Life would go back to her old High School routine of class work, homework and Slayer stuff with an occasional mooning over Xander episode.  It hadn't been like that though.  She was different and she needed her life to be different.

She missed Oz the person, but she missed 'the boyfriend' too.  It was a name she made up to cover all the little things she missed by being alone.  It wasn't the sex, well … it wasn't only the sex.  She missed the emotional support, having someone to talk big stuff over with and someone to talk about nothing to when she needed that.  Someone to worry if she were late, and someone to be mad about it too.  She understood some of what Buffy had felt when Angel left and when Parker screwed her over, literally.

Then she began to notice Spike.  He was good looking in an alternative way.  He was really sexy and there was something direct, emotionally powerful and, she had to admit, dangerous about his personality.  On the down side, he was dead, 200 years old and wanted to suck her blood.

"Well, " she sighed, " no one's perfect."

"Come in, " she called in response to a knock at her door.

Opening her eyes, she watched Spike quietly close the door, turn the lock and walk toward her with an evil grin.


"I guess you were lucky Finn, " Forrest said peering at the screen on a hand held scanner, " looks like Hostile 17 is headed for the dorms."

"OK men, around the back and through the fire doors, remember we have to keep out of sight, " Riley instructed as the squad made for the rear of the building.

When they reached the bottom of the fire stairs, Riley nodded at Forrest.

"Second floor, middle of the corridor as near as I can tell."

Riley pointed up the stairs and held up two fingers.  He motioned for one man to stay in the stairwell and motioned for the others to remain silent as they began their ascent.


A tired and frustrated Slayer approached the front entrance to her dorm.

Who, she thought, are these vigilantes and why are they patrolling her territory?

She had to admit that the incidence of vamp and demon attacks was the lowest she could remember.  That was part of it she supposed, the feeling that she wasn't needed, but that wasn't all of it though.  She didn't feel right about this meddling.  She promised herself she'd talk to Will and Giles about it tomorrow.

Thinking of her roommate, she wondered if she was going to get over Oz's leaving anytime soon.  Her own love life was bad enough without Willow
mooning over wolf boy.  There wouldn't be enough chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream in the world if they both didn't snap out of it soon.  At this, her mind flashed a picture of Riley Finn, her favorite grad assistant, and she smiled.


Everything was in a whirl for Willow.  Spike was really pissed at Buffy for something.  With no Buffy, he turned his anger on her, but something strange happened.  He couldn't hurt her.  Every time he tried he grabbed his head in pain. It hurt her to see him in pain, it nearly broke her heart to see the effect on his self esteem.

More noise and the door burst open.  The hall lights were off and someone hit the room lights by the door.  In the darkness, she heard familiar voices.  It was Riley and his crew.  They used something to stun Spike and manhandled him out of the room.

"How about the girl?" Graham asked gesturing toward Willow still frozen on her bed.

"Grab her, put her out.  We don't know what he's done to her, " Riley responded.

The last thing Willow felt was a sharp tingling sensation.


Buffy raced up the stairs lit only by the emergency lights.  She pushed through the crowd of milling students toward her room.  She stopped when she saw the broken door.  She looked inside and her heart froze.  Willow's bed was rumpled and a lone slipper lay in the middle of the floor.

~Part THREE~

Willow awoke in what looked like a doctor's exam room.  She lay on a padded table and she was dressed in a white hospital gown.  Sitting up she realized it was all she had on.  She sat on the edge of the table and tried to pull down the hem and hold the back together at the same time.  She quickly gave it up, modesty was a lost cause.

She looked around the small room.  There was a sink and mirror on one wall and a set of shelves and cabinets on the opposite one.  Some kind of medical monitor was on a table next to her.  She recognized a blood pressure cuff dangling from the machine.

She got down and got a good look at her self in the mirror behind her.  The operative word being behind, hers was hanging out in the breeze.

Clothes, she thought, gotta find my clothes.

She opened several of the cabinets to reveal only bandages, rubber gloves and other medical supplies.  A narrow cupboard marked 'Patient' was locked.

Willow stepped back and concentrated on the door, she chanted a few words under her breath and then made a sharp gesture toward the cupboard door.  It slowly swung open revealing her clothes.

She had just finished dressing when the door opened and a man in a white coat came in.

Referring to the file he carried, he asked, " Ms. Rosenberg, Willow is that right?"

Willow nodded, " what's going on?  Where am I and who are you?"

"OK, lets take them in reverse order.  I'm Doctor Conners, you're in the research wing of the UCS Health Center and you've been the victim of a very stupid prank."

"Last night a few really dumb chem majors decided to have some fun.  They made up some fog bombs, like the things they use in bad horror movies for special effects.  What they didn't know was that some of the ingredients were spiked with a few exotic materials for research purposes."

"To make a long story short, you've been exposed to some very exotic compounds.  We have no reason to believe that there will be any lasting
effects ; but just to be sure, you'll have to stay with us for a few days observation."

"You mean I'm in quarantine, like a kid with the measles?" she asked in amazement.

"Not to put too fine a point on it, yes, total quarantine and medical observation for 72 hours.  No visitors just us medical types for company."

Consulting his file once more, he added, " we've called your parents, quite a bit of detective work there, " he glanced at the file again, " they say
Morocco is swell and send their love.  Buffy Summers, your roommate was here, we filled her in and she said she'd tell 'the gang' you were ok and she'll call you later.  I think that's it."

He stepped to the door and opened it, " Ms. Wilson, could you come here and take Willow down to ISO 3?"

A friendly looking middle aged woman in white came in and propelled Willow out the door and down the windowless corridor.

Dr. Conners walked across the room and began to closely examine the door latch to the narrow cupboard.

"You won't find anything, witchcraft doesn't leave marks, " a voice said from the doorway.

He turned, " Dr. Walsh, do you really think it was witchcraft?"

"You were looking through the two way mirror as well as I weren't you?" she demanded gesturing toward the far wall.

"Or was your memory confused by watching her dress, Doctor? " she sneered.

"Telekinesis, witchcraft or ESP I don't care what it's called.  It's power and it works.  Maybe we can find the part of her brain that triggers the
power.  Perhaps a distillation of the enzymes would enhance the power in others."

She gave the man an impatient look, " off your knees Conners, you've got quite a lot to do in the next 72 hours, a lot to do between now and the

~Part FOUR~

"You wanted to see me Professor Walsh? " Riley asked as he stood in the doorway of the Director's office.

"Yes, come in and close the door."

"You did a good job recovering Hostile 17 last night with minimal collateral damage, " she continued.

"We were lucky, only one civilian was involved and she seemed in pretty good shape, " Riley responded.

The Professor consulted a folder on her desk and looked up, " Willow Rosenberg, yes, well it seems you were a bit late.  She was infected by our
escapee. We're treating her now in the medical wing, but she's not responding well."

Riley's face fell, "I was sure that she was OK, she seemed …"

She interrupted, " what you think is of little account, we have some damage to control and you have a job to do.  The girl's room mate is named Buffy Summers, do you know her?"

He colored slightly, " I've talked to her a few times, she's in your survey course."

"The dim blond I've seen you with after class?"

Riley started to speak, but ended up just nodding.

"That may make things easier.  We need some time to sort things out and continue treatment.  We have to allay suspicions about last night. The
official story is that some chemistry students got carried away with a practical joke and released some noxious gas. A few students were affected."

He nodded again.

"Your part, " she continued, " is to convince Ms. Summers that her friend is all right, but has chosen to take some time off to recover.  Her parents, who are traveling have sent for her and she left for San Francisco last night."

He looked puzzled, " why should this come from me and not the administration?"

"I need you to be involved, at least for the moment, to keep an eye on her and her friends; to permit us to head off any unofficial attempts to find out what really happened to her. I hope you realize the potential danger to the Initiative and our mission that this poses.  We permitted Hostile 17 to escape and despite our 'inhibitor chip' he harmed a civilian."

"Do you have any questions, do you understand what you are to do?" she asked.

He rose, "yes professor I understand."


Spike awoke strapped to cot in a cell that was either the same or a twin of the one he had been in on his last visit.

Bloody hell, he thought, not here again.

He flexed his limbs but found that he couldn't move.

After a few minutes during which he decided that being unable to feed or fight made anything else they could possibly do to him not worth worrying
about, he heard a familiar voice.

"Back again, didn't last too long in the big bad world I see. "

It was the demon he had begun his escape with and later had to sacrifice.

"It was either me or you mate, and I preferred it to be you, " Spike said without apology.

"I understand completely, still I think I'll enjoy it when they cut you up for lab samples," the voice said.

Spike could hear footsteps approaching.

"Promise me you'll scream so I'll know it's you, " the voice whispered as the door to the cell slid open.


Riley filled in Forrest, Graham and the rest on the cover story regarding Willow.

"Why didn't she call her room mate before she left? " Forrest asked.

"She was sedated after the treatment for the stuff she inhaled.  The Administration sent her off in a car early in the morning according to her
parents' instructions and besides, the dorm phones were out of order."

"Damn you're good, " Forrest said with a grin, " remind me never to believe you again."

"How is she?" Graham asked.

"She's pretty bad, I guess she collapsed after we brought her in, she hasn't regained consciousness.  That's why we didn't ask her to make some calls to smooth things over."


Buffy gave a puzzled look, " don't get me wrong, I'm glad to have the information, but why did you …"

Riley colored slightly, " when I heard where the trouble was, I knew it was your dorm and your floor.  I .. ah .. already checked out your address.  When I talked to a couple of friends in Security and found out it was your roommate, I figured you'd want to know all I could find out."

Buffy thought how cute he looked all pink and embarrassed.

"If you think I went to far, I'm sorry I'll ….."

Buffy interrupted him with a kiss on the cheek, " Riley Finn, you did good."


Graham was glad that the treatments were finally over. The bite itself hadn't hurt much at all, but a demon bite always required special treatment.
For his, it was injections every day for a week and then a checkup once a week for five weeks.

Week five and a clean bill of health, he thought as he walked along the medical section corridor.  He rubbed his arm, it was still a little sore but
he wasn't sure that it wasn't the injections rather than the bite.

He stopped, sensing something was wrong.  He had a feeling he'd seen something that wasn't quite right.

He retraced his steps back down the corridor passing a series of closed doors.

But they weren't all closed before, he thought.

Then he remembered, through a closing door he had glimpsed two figures, Dr. Conners of Research and a very conscious apparently healthy Willow Rosenberg.

~Part FIVE~

He didn't know what they had given him, but he knew that it worked fast.  One minute he was tied to the cot wondering where they would take him and what they would do and the next he was here sitting in a chair in what looked like an office. He gingerly moved his arms and legs, no restraints.  He got up and tried the door, solid steel and locked.  He sat again and waited.

Shortly, he heard the door unlock and a woman in a white coat entered and sat behind the desk.

"My name is Doctor Walsh.  What's yours?"

"People call me Spike, " he replied.

"Well Spike, I have a proposition for you.


"Are all these tests necessary Doctor Conners?, " Willow complained.

"I know they can be boring, but we need to monitor your attention span and brain function.  These little memory games and matching drills are standard for those kinds of measurements, " he answered.

"OK, but how about a break for a while?' Willow asked.

"All right, it will give me a chance to check your scoring.  I'll be back in a while."

Outside the room, he knocked on the next door in the corridor.  After a moment, the door opened and he disappeared inside.  The door closed behind him and the sounds of several locks being engaged could be heard in the corridor.

The Doctor entered a dimly lit room with a dull glow coming from the only window.  Sitting at the table opposite the window, he peered out into the
room he had just left. Willow was lying on the bed idly turning the pages of a book.

"How id the tests go? " he asked a technician.

"85% matching on the patterns show previously, a very good memory.  However, she could point out the matching pattern 70% of the time when she hadn't been shown the matching location.  She could sense the pattern through the card without ever seeing it.  We mixed these trials in with the others so that she wouldn't notice the difference."

Doctor Conners gave a low whistle, " 70%, I don't know how she does it, but I've never seen results like this."

"It's a shame we only have two more days until she's discharged, ' the technician complained.

The Doctor stiffened, "yes, too bad."


"Don't look now but t I think that guy is trying to hit on you, " Buffy said with a grin.

Riley colored and looked around, "Oh that's just one of my roommates Graham Miller."

Riley gestured for him to join them, but he shook his head and motioned to Riley again.

"I guess I better see what he wants.  I'll be right back, " Riley said getting up.

"You better or I'll really be jealous, " Buffy joked as he walked away.

"What's so damn important Graham?"

"It's the Rosenberg girl, something funny is going on, I was in the medical wing today and I saw her with Conners from Research and she looked wide awake and healthy to me."

Riley's face stiffened and he glanced back toward Buffy.

"Are you sure it was her?"

"Riley, I'm the one who carried her down the stairs and manhandled her into the van, all in her pajamas.  If I knew her any better, we'd have to be
engaged, "he said with a grin.

"Wait here, " he instructed Graham.

Hurrying back to Buffy, he apologized, " I'm really sorry, but something has come up."

Buffy's face fell, "well, if it's something important."

He took her hand, "could I see you tonight?  How about the coffee shop, seven o'clock, I'll buy?"

"You sure your boyfriend will let you? " she teased, gesturing toward Graham.

He blushed again, " seriously, how about it?"

"See ya then, " she said rising to kiss him on the cheek, " don't leave your little playmate waiting."

He grinned and hurried off toward Graham.

I could get used to Riley Finn, yes I could, she thought as she watched him move off.


Spike sat back, "what sort of proposition?"

Doctor Walsh sized him up, " I could have the inhibitor chip removed."

"What would I have to do for you in exchange?" he replied.

"Only something that comes very naturally, I want you to feed, kill and turn someone."

"After you remove the chip, right?'

"No, then where would my bargaining power be?  We can send out some electronic signals that would temporarily jam the device.  During that time,
you would be free to do what you'd like."

"More bloody well what you'd like, but what have I got to lose.  I'll do it.  Do you like to watch, is that it? " he said with a wicked grin.

Her face remained grimly set, "in 48 hours you perform and the chip will be removed and you'll be free to return to your old ways unencumbered."

"By the way, who is my designated victim?"

"Someone right up your street, a young female student, just remember 48 hours."

~Part SIX~

"Give it up Riley, we tried for three hours to get into the medical wing or research, security's just too tight, " Graham told his friend.

"I've committed myself to the Army and the Initiative, if there are dishonorable things going on, I've got to know, " Riley said forcefully.

"Hey what's got you guys down, you look like your best friend died.  Since that would be me, I figure I'd be the first to know, " Forrest joked as he
walked in."

Riley looked up at the new arrival, " have you seen or heard anything strange lately on the job?"

"Stranger than tracking and capturing demons and vampires?"

"I mean people keeping secrets, places kept off limits, stuff like that."

Forrest paused for a moment, " no, I don't think so, but I'll keep my eyes and ears open."


Buffy was enjoying herself for the first time in a long while.  Being with Riley made her feel good.  He was nice, smart and kinda shy.  Being big and
nice looking didn't hurt at all.

"More coffee? " Riley asked.

"Not if I want to be able to sleep sometime this week, "she replied with a smile.

Riley glanced at his watch, " it's getting kind of late, can I walk you home?"

Buffy stood up and took his hand, " only if we take the long way."

This time, he smiled.

A half-hour later, they were sitting on a bench screened by some bushes close to Buffy's dorm.

"You seem a little down, is it something I did?" Buffy asked.

"No, I've got a few things on my mind.  I'm sorry if I haven't been very good company."

"You've been better than good company Riley Finn, " she said putting her arms around him.

He shyly lowered his head and kissed her softly on the lips.

Real good company, Buffy thought squirming a little on the bench.

Kissing him back, she thought, I think he's a keeper.


Forrest knew he shouldn't be in Doctor Walsh's office, but these doubts of Riley's were bothering him.  Her glanced at the files on her desk and saw one with the title 'Hostile 17 / W. Rosenberg - Case File'.  He flipped over the cover and started to read.  At the sound of the door opening, he closed the file and looked up.

"Mr. Gates, you realize that you have no business here.  I hope you have a very good explanation for your actions, " Doctor Walsh said coldly.

"It's Riley Finn, I think he's starting to get suspicious about the true objectives of the Initiative.  I thought you should know right away."

"I see designating you security officer for the Finn team was a good decision, unless of course you share his doubts.  Do you Mr. Gates?" Doctor
Walsh asked.

"No Doctor,  my loyalty is to you and the Initiative, " Forrest responded.

"Very well, what can you tell me?  Does he have any specific information or is it just some vague feeling?  Is it him alone or are others involved?"

Forrest sat down and began his report.

~Part SEVEN~

Buffy looked up at the door.  Was someone there, she thought?  Then she heard it again, a light tapping on the door.

"Hi, Buffy?, " the girl asked hesitatingly.

"Yeah that's me, and you're …?"

"Tara, Willow's friend from Wicca group, " she responded a little more confidently.

Buffy remembered her now.  She and Willow had been spending quite a bit of time with the group since Oz left.

"Will's not here, I told someone from the group who called yesterday.  She had an accident and went to stay with her parents for a while."

"I .. ah .. know, I was just wondering if she was back already, "

"No, I haven't even heard from her," Buffy explained.

"It's kinda hard to explain, could I come in?"  the girl asked.

Buffy sat on her bed and Tara sat in Willow's desk chair.

"This is her chair isn't it? " Tara asked.

Buffy nodded with a puzzled look.

"You see that's part of it, I can sort of sense her.  I can feel it if I touch something that was hers.  I can feel it when she's around."

"I don't get it, " Buffy said.

"We're sort of study buddies when it comes to Wicca.  We help each other with spells and potions and all kinds of things.  I think all that formed some kind of bond between us.  I know it seems hard to believe."

Tara got up and walked to the closet.

She touched a pair of overalls, "these are hers."

She touched a suede miniskirt, " this isn't.

"Not a good example, " Buffy said sarcastically.

Buffy watched in growing wonder as Tara went from item to item in the room naming its owner.

"OK, I'm convinced, but I still don't understand why …"

Tara interrupted, "because I sensed her last night while I was walking across campus."

She explained that she felt Willow while walking near the biological research building on the other side of the campus.

"I'm sure it was her, I even went back a couple of times and it was the same feeling."

"But how could she be on campus, she left for San Francisco the day before yesterday?" Buffy objected.

"I don't know how or why, I just know she was here last night, " Tara said with conviction.

Buffy thought for a moment, "could you meet me there around two?"

Tara nodded with obvious relief.

"In the meantime I'll do some checking with a personal source, " Buffy added.


Graham noticed the address on the message envelope on the security officer's desk.

'Dr. R. P. Conners / Research Director, Deputy / Wing 5 / Block C /// By Hand Only///'

"Sarge, " he said addressing the security clerk, " I'd better be going, I'm supposed to meet Finn over at Wing 6."

"Hold on pal, how would you like to do me a favor and take this envelope over to Wing 5 on your way?" the clerk replied.

" Sorry, today's clearance is only for Wing 6, I'd really like to help but .."

"No problem, " the clerk said handing him a clip-on badge, " just return the courier's badge before 1600 hours.  Now, move it."

Graham passed Dr. Conners' office and stopped around the corner out of sight of his secretary.  After a few minutes wait, he saw her pass by on her way to the coffee room.  As soon as she disappeared, he retraced his steps and entered the Doctor's inner office.

He started by shuffling through the papers on the desk.  The file was the tenth he checked.

'Rosenberg, Willow Test Subject ESP / Telekinesis (72 hr limit)'

He only managed to read a few lines before he heard the secretary return.

He opened the door and announced, " personal and confidential dispatch for the Doctor.  Since you weren't at your post, " he said with a glare, " I
placed it on his desk and waited for you."

The flustered secretary apologized as Graham made his escape.


Buffy decided that she'd avoided it long enough.  She knew that it might seem to him that she was taking advantage of their new relationship.

He thought, Riley don't blow it this time.  This could be something serious.  Yeah, and by the way I kidnapped your best friend and roommate.

Buffy cleared her throat and looked up at him.

He licked his lips and looked down at her.

"It's about Willow," they both said at the same time.

~Part EIGHT~

Spike lay on the cot in his cell.  No longer tied down, he'd found the quiet good for thinking and he'd been doing a lot of it.

He thought back two nights and his vengeful search for the slayer.  He realized now that he wasn't after her because he really thought she was
responsible for his capture.  He wanted to vent, he wanted to fight and he looked for a worthy opponent.  He knew he wouldn't have really hurt her and he wouldn't have pushed it hard enough for her to do any real damage to him.  He enjoyed it, he had to admit it.  He enjoyed the arguments, the insults and the fights.

He respected her, she was tough and knew what she was about.  She had some insecurity when it came to men; but he liked that too.  He didn't mind the body that wouldn't quit either.  At this point, his thoughts wandered, resulting in a very prominent physical affect.  Squirming to adjust himself, he thought, 'women, why do they have so much power?'  His mind flashed from Buffy to Drusilla and he sighed.

Drusilla, his one true love, at least she was before Sunnydale.  Exposure to the slayer and her troop of misfits had shown him things he had been missing. The relationship between Angel and Buffy, there were new things to learn there.

Somehow the vampire life he'd led now seemed stale and predictable.  Cruelty was easier when the victims are nameless and faceless.   The slayer, her stiff-necked watcher, the cheerleader, meat boy Harris, Joyce and Red they were a part of his world now.

He chuckled to himself when he thought of his 'almost' attacks on Red.  He rubbed his head, the pain wasn't amusing; but her concern for him afterwards, that was something else.  She tried to make him feel better.  It was typical of her, kind and loyal to a fault.  She seemed so sweet and innocent sometimes;  sweet and kind of sexy too, those green eyes and quite a trim little figure when she lets it be seen.

He brought his thoughts back to the present problem, the exhibition they wanted in 24 hours.  He wasn't sure how he would bring it off, but he wasn't going to perform like some trained seal for these people.  He would think of a way to deny them their show and get himself out of this place as well.  As for the 'chip', he didn't trust them to live up to their part of the bargain anyway.  He was just an experimental sample for them, just like his mate in the next cell said.  With this thought in mind, he returned to planning his escape.


Buffy and Riley stared at one another.

"You go first, " a puzzled Buffy said.

"No, you first Buffy, what is it?" Riley asked.

"I think that ..ah.. Willow may be still on campus or on campus again, I don't know which but …"

He interrupted, " did someone see her?"

"It's not that simple, let's just say that there's some evidence that she may be here.  I know it's asking a lot, but can you check with your contacts and see what you can find out, please?" she asked.

He nodded, " that's what I wanted to tell you, I heard that Willow might not have left the way I told you.  The evidence is kind of second hand, but I'll check it out. "

"I'm worried Riley, I think Willow may be in danger, " Buffy said.

"Don't worry, I'm sure she'll be OK, " Riley responded.

"I wish I could be that sure, " Buffy said.

Me too, Riley thought, me too.


Willow smelled a rat, and not just the white experimental ones.  No message from Giles none from Buffy or Xander, it wasn't possible.

Giles would feel responsible to her Dad and Mom for looking after her, making sure she was OK.  Buffy couldn't function without talking to her ten times a day.  This new thing with the Psych grad assistant alone was worth 5 calls and two pints of Cherry Garcia.  Xander, he wouldn't be any good until he talked to her.  Maybe the boyfriend thing never worked out, but he was the best big brother she could have.

The logical conclusion, she thought, is they don't know I'm here.  Where is here?  It's not a wing of the Health center that's for sure.  Two days and she hadn't seen one other patient.  There were too many Doctors and technicians and not enough nurses.

She was in a secret place and her being here was another secret, at least from her friends.

She tried to remember what happened in her dorm room.  She didn't remember much, but she remembered Spike and she didn't remember any explosions or gas. She did have a vague recollection of the dark and a group of shadowy figures just before she lost consciousness.

She didn't believe in coincidence, this must have something to do with the guys in camouflage sneaking around the campus. There was a knock on the door and a technician in a white coat entered, "Ms. Rosenberg, Doctor Conners will be a little late for the next round of testing.  He's very sorry."

Willow noticed something over the technician's shoulder, it was a familiar face.  It was someone she had seen with Riley.  Before she could speak, he put his finger to his lips and shook his head.  He mouthed the word, ' friend' and touched his chest.

With the message delivered, the technician closed the door.  Willow could hear the lock snap closed.

~Part NINE~

Buffy saw Tara standing behind some bushes near the Biological Research Building.

She joined her and nodded a greeting.

"Do you still feel her?" Buffy said quietly.

"Yes, and it's strongest around the corner of the building over there, " she said gesturing toward the featureless brick wall of the building.

Buffy looked around and started toward the wall but pulled up short when she saw a part of the wall swing inward.  Both of the girls ducked back behind the bushes and waited.  A figure dressed in dark clothes walked through the previously hidden door.

Buffy whispered to Tara, " stay here and keep your eyes open.  I think I recognize our sneaky friend, I'm gonna see where he leads me."

Buffy kept close to the trees and bushes and followed the figure across campus.  She smiled grimly when she saw the figure meet someone in a deserted spot.

"They're going to kill her tomorrow.  They have it all scheduled out as part of some kind of demonstration," Graham blurted.

Riley looked in disbelief, " no, you're wrong.  The Initiative wouldn't …."

"What wouldn't they do? " Buffy asked as she walked out of the shadows.  "And what is the Initiative?"


Willow was picking up a sense of urgency from the technicians as well as Dr. Conners himself.  They were in a great hurry to finish the testing before something happened to make her unavailable.  Whatever was going to happen, she was sure they weren't going to just let her go.

Based on the way she'd felt during some of the testing, she was sure that she had been given some sort of drug, probably in her food or water.  She was going to make sure that it didn't happen again.

Willow waited by the door at lunchtime.  She heard the food cart and the click of the door lock.  She began to concentrate as the door opened.  The orderly stopped tray in hand with the door partially opened.  As Willow caught the door, the orderly returned to the cart and exchanged the tray he had held with another from the cart.

He returned to the door and paused with a slight start, " here's your lunch Miss."

Willow took the tray.  The orderly shook his head and turned muttering, " I gotta get more sleep."  The door closed and the lock clicked.


Spike lay on his cot holding the bag of blood that had just come through the slot in the door.

What kind of a prat do they think I am, he thought.  It had been obvious to his vampire sense of smell that the blood was tainted even before the bag was opened.  He rolled over away from the surveillance camera in the corner of the ceiling.  He slowly and carefully loosened the top of the corner support of the cot.  He mimicked drinking from the bag; and every time he lowered it, he poured some of the blood into the hollow support.  When all of the blood had been hidden away, he slipped the cover on the support and threw the empty bag onto the floor.

He sighed, closed his eyes and waited.


Buffy's eyes sparked with anger as Riley described the secret government project dedicated to investigation and control of non-human beings.

"You didn't think any of this was important enough to mention?"  Buffy asked angrily.

"Buffy, be reasonable, who would believe that a small town could be infested with vampires and demons.  More than that, how could I expect you to believe that I spent my nights prowling around with my friends hunting vampires and demons."

He was surprised by Buffy's smile.

"Just try me, " she said.

~Part TEN~

Professor Walsh rose from her chair to address her visitor, "Doctor Conners you were fully aware of the time limit involved and that limit has been
reached.  The subject is required for an important experiment in demon behavior and physiology.  For the first time, the phenomenon of vampire
turning will be studied under controlled conditions.  That is the protocol that I approved and it will be carried out.  Do you understand?"

"But I've only been able to scratch the surface.  The psychic energy she can generate is unprecedented.  The ability to control seems to grow daily.  I increased the sedative dose at every meal and still I worried about my ability to guarantee safe conditions.  One more day could produce a
breakthrough, a week would …."

"The demonstration was scheduled for this morning and it will be conducted as scheduled.  You will participate as directed or I will designate another project leader.  Is that clear?"

Dr. Conners nodded his acceptance and left.


"Riley, the whole vampire demon thing?   Not a big shocker.  I can't explain it all now, you'll just have to trust me.   I know what they are and I know what they do. I also know how to fight them.  I have some friends …"

Riley interrupted, "whoa Buffy, you might think you know about these things, but you and a bunch of you townie friends as vampire hunters.  I don't think so."

"OK, let me explain it this way, "she said.

In a blur of movement, she disarmed Graham, threw him to the ground and had an extremely sharp wooden stake pressed to his heart.

Riley watched in amazement as his friend squirmed and twisted to no avail.

"Do we understand each other?" she asked.

He nodded and she helped up a shaken Graham.

"That's the least fun I've ever had wrestling with a girl, " he said with a crooked grin.

Turning to his friend, he said, " you'd better not try any of your frat boy tricks on this one."

"You have frat boy tricks?" she asked in mock innocence.

"OK Buffy, you and your friends are in, " he said still a little in awe of her.

"Can you get us into the complex?" Buffy asked.

"We should talk about this, I'm not sure that you understand…"

She interrupted, "we have to get Willow, can you get us in?"

"Yeah, I think so.  From what Graham's heard, we shouldn't waste any time.  I can't believe she would really be harmed, but …."


Willow had been lying on the bed since lunch.  She thought they might have some kind of surveillance and she wanted to convince them that the drugs they thought she had been given were working.

"Willow, " she heard one of them call out.

"She should be groggy, but not out completely, " she heard him add to his companion.

At this, she looked up as if she couldn't quite focus, " who is it, what do you want?"

"You'll be just fine, we need to take you to see Doctor Conner.  If you feel tired, we can use this wheel chair."

She sat up weaving a bit from side to side, " I do feel a little funny, " she said with a yawn.

Soon she was moving down the long corridor in the wheel chair.


Spike lay on the gurney listening to  the two guards who maneuvered it through the detention cells.

"Drug or no drug, I'm glad this thing has restraints. " one of the guards said.

"I know, he's chipped too, but who knows with these things.  Anyway, the drug should be almost worn off by the time we get to the site."

Now Spike felt safe making a few tentative movements, as if her were coming out of it.

"Hold on pal, you'll get there soon enough, " the guard said in response.

They turned down a short corridor and passed through a large automatic door into a white room with a cot and several metal chairs, all bolted to the floor.  The central feature of the room was a large rectangular mirror taking up nearly the entire wall opposite the sparse furnishings.


Riley took one last look at his new squad.  Giles and Xander looked passable in his and Graham's extra uniforms.  Buffy and Tara looked like a couple of kids in Dad's old clothes.  Buffy could have worn the shirt alone as a nightgown.

"Riley, Riley, yo over here, " Riley realized that Graham was trying to get his attention.

"A hell of a time for daydreaming, " Graham complained.

Riley couldn't stop smiling as the picture of Buffy in just the shirt dissolved.

"The uniforms just aren't going to work, " Graham continued.

Tara cleared her throat and raised a hesitant hand, " if there are labs there, do they wear white coats?" she asked in a soft voice.

Graham smiled at her and ran out.  He returned in a few moments with two white lab coats that were a reasonable fit for the two girls.

"I think there are even safety glasses in the pockets, " he said.

He turned toward Riley, " remember those two lab assistants that came to the last football party?  I remembered that they weren't wearing these when they left.  In fact, I don't think they were wearing much of anything whe…."

Riley interrupted, " OK let's go."

As Buffy passed him, she whispered, " we'll talk about the lab girls later."


"Spike, is that it?" the disembodied voice said.

He nodded, making it a point not to look at the mirror.  If they didn't think he knew where they were, it could work to his advantage. The voice continued, " Johnson and Rios, release Spike's restraints."

The two who had wheeled him in unlatched the strap mechanism on the gurney.

"Spike, why don't you try to sit up.  You may be a bit woozy at first."

He sat up, moving a little side to side for the benefit of his audience.

"Very good.  Now a little demonstration.  Johnson, put out your arm."

The taller of the two held out his arm.

"Spike, try and pinch his arm."

"Why should I, " Spike said hoarsely, "it'll hurt me."

"Please, just try, " the voice insisted.

Spike reached out and then pulled back his hand with a grunt.

"You see it didn't hurt too much, that's because as soon as you touched him with the intent to cause pain the inhibitor chip cause some mild discomfort to modify your behavior."

"Mild discomfort my arse, it's not your bloody head is it?"

"Rios, turn on the jammer."

The shorter man took something black and about the size of a walkman from his pocket and punched a red button in it's center.

"Now try the pinch again."

Gingerly, Spike reached out with two fingers and closed on the waiting arm.

Johnson yelled and pulled his arm away from the smiling vampire.

The tall man rubbed a nasty red mark and gave Spike a death stare.

"You see, as long as the jammer is activated and you are close enough, the chip is temporarily disabled.  Any questions?"

Spike shook his head, but he kept his eye on the little black box.

"Rios, " the voice called and he punched the button again.

"Now it's time for our experiment.  When the subject is prepared, the jammer will be activated and you may feed.  You will also, " the voice hesitated, "kill the subject and then turn the subject to a vampire.  Is this understood?"

"The chip comes out? " Spike asked, ignoring the question.

"Yes, immediately after the experiment is concluded.  If and only if you do as you're told.  Do you understand?"

Spike nodded.

He heard the sound of rubber wheels and saw the automatic door open.

Willow noticed the grin on his face when he saw who she was.  She remembered something her mother had told her when she was a little girl.

Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.


Tara was leading the little group as they passed through deserted corridors.

"Do you feel anything?" Buffy asked.

"She's here, the closer we get the stronger it is."

They turned left and proceeded a few yards then pulled up as Tara stopped.

"Wrong way, let's go back to the intersection. " Tara said as she retraced her steps.

"You guys stay here, " she said gesturing for them to remain.

She walked ten or fifteen feet down each of the other three corridors.  She walked back to the second, the one directly opposite their own position, and waved them on.

At each intersection, she repeated this same ritual, while an increasingly nervous Riley looked on.

Now they passed an occasional white coated individual.  Luckily, they all seemed to be wrapped up in their own thoughts and paid no attention to their surroundings.

Riley put up a hand as they approached yet another intersection.

"Around this corner to the right is the specimen detention area.  That's where the captured non-humans are housed.  There will be guards on duty.  Let me go first."

He squared his shoulders as he rounded the corner and disappeared.

Buffy leaned close to Tara, "how close are we?" she whispered.

"She's very near.  She's in the direction that Riley went."

A few minutes later Riley returned with an anxious look on his face.  Buffy immediately told him what Tara had said.

He frowned, " we'll never be able to just walk by the guards down there."

Xander spoke up, " remember when Will decided that lobsters were people too?"

Buffy, Giles and the rest just stared.

"Stay with me gang, " Xander continued, " she went into a seafood restaurant and grabbed the biggest lobster.  They grabbed her and I had the clever idea to accidentally knock over the whole tank.  There were crabs and lobsters running amok.  They waiters chased the seafood and Will and I and her hard shell friend escaped."

"You get it right?" he asked.

Riley glanced at Graham, who retreated down the corridor to a narrow closed door.  He inserted a card under the doorknob.  They heard a metallic click and the door opened.

"In about thirty seconds, all hell is going to break loose, " Riley said as he described his plan for a diversion.


Willow was seated in one of the metal chairs, but her eyes were still fixed on Spike.

"Rios, Johnson, " the voice barked and the two men pushed identical red buttons on identical black boxes.

Behind the one way glass, Doctor Conners sat alone. He couldn't and wouldn't allow any of his usual research staff to participate in this inhuman
exercise.  The Director had phoned to inform him that she would not be on hand to view the experiment in person.

"I'll check in on the closed circuit video, just to make sure that the protocol is followed to the letter, " then she hung up without another word.

He was still apprehensive, but knew that the drugs that he had administered would greatly reduce the vampire's strength and cloud the mind of the girl.

He was thinking about the things he could have accomplished in another few weeks with the girl when he saw the vampire approach her.  He couldn't look as the pale face turned toward her throat.

"Fancy meeting you here, " he whispered.  Willow 's eyes widened.


"You and I are getting out of here, " Spike murmured as he ran his lips over her jugular.

He nipped without breaking the skin, " I'll take the one on the right.  You hold off his mate, try not to break the little black boxes."

She gave a tiny nod.

He pulled back his face shifting.  He spun around and in one motion wrenched the second chair from its restraints and threw it at the mirrored wall.

As the glass shattered, he jumped at the taller guard knocking the box from his hand.

Before his companion could react, Willow concentrated and the gurney flew into his midsection.  She ran to him, but he was already unconscious.

She looked up to see Spike standing over the second guard and gesturing for her to join him.  He took her hand and they left through the broken mirrored wall.  The room behind was deserted.  Spike put his finger to his lips as he opened the door a crack.


Riley motioned to Graham and they heard the sound of switches being thrown followed by the wail of sirens and confused shouting.

"Graham just deactivated the locks on all the specimen cells, stay together and follow me, " Riley said moving out into the corridor and turning left.

They moved past groups of uniformed men blocking side corridors that were quickly filling with milling groups of demons.

After they had gone about fifty feet, Tara stopped and pointed to a door that was slightly ajar.

Riley glanced at Graham who nodded.  Graham hit the door with a shoulder and went through followed by Riley.  Buffy was close behind.  The rest uneasily stood watch in the corridor.

Buffy heard a familiar voice, "leave him alone, " it said with all the resolve that a determined Willow could muster.

Looking around Riley, Buffy saw Willow standing between Spike who was sprawled on the floor and Graham's raised weapon.

"OK, take it easy Graham.  Let's see what we've got here, " Riley said calmly.

"I've got a sodding broken nose, that's what I've got, " Spike said angrily.  Bloody storm troopers coming through the door like that.

"Willow, let's go, " Riley said as he opened the door a crack and peered out into the corridor.

She shook her head, "not without him, " she said nodding toward Spike who was slowly getting to his feet keeping an eye on Graham the entire time.

"Will there's no time for…." Buffy started.

Willow interrupted, "either we both go with you or we take our chances without you."

Riley thought about his part in getting her into this and sighed, " OK both of you follow me."

He lead them through the door into the corridor where chaos was increasing with the number of freed experimental subjects.  They retraced their steps back to the relative peace of the last corridor intersection.  Xander glared at Spike and Giles gave him a questioning glance.

Willow spoke up, " me, I'm just fine, " she said with sarcasm and saw their embarrassment.  "I'm OK because of Spike so he gets to leave with us,

They all nodded.

"Graham, " Riley directed, " you guide them out the way that we came.  I'm going to stick around and help and then try and get some answers about all this."  He gestured toward Willow and Spike.

The group followed Graham up the corridor while Riley turned back toward the sounds of struggle coming from the main corridor.

Buffy touched Willow on the arm, " I'm really glad you're OK and we'll settle this Spike thing later, but.." she looked back in the direction that Riley
had gone.

"Willow smiled and said, " go get him, we'll be OK."

In a moment, Buffy disappeared down the corridor behind them.

"How are you feeling?" Willow whispered to Spike as they walked side by side.

"The nose is OK, but that's more than I can say for this, " he said holding up the shattered remains of the jammer.


Doctor Conners stood uncertainly at the juncture of two corridors, he was disoriented by the sirens and flashing lights as well as the residual shock
from the shattering of the one way mirror wall.

He heard footsteps and spun around awkwardly.  He relaxed and smiled as he recognized the uniformed figure.

Forrest gave him a reassuring grin, " Doctor Walsh sent me to find you and make sure that you were OK."

"Good, It's imperative that I speak to her as soon as possible.  We need damage control, yes, yes,"  he said speaking to himself more than to Forrest.

"Damage control, we have to protect the program.  Mistakes were made.  Doctor Walsh is a great scientist, " he continued in an agitated voice.

His attention was distracted by movement in the corridor to his right.  He looked up anxiously, but quickly relaxed.

Pointing to the slow moving large green humanoid advancing toward them, he said, " Mr. Grant nothing to worry about here, just a Stellar demon, stupid and harmless.  I guess were pretty lucky."

"Not necessarily sir," Forrest said as he stepped up behind the Doctor and snapped his neck with one cruel swift motion.  He pushed the body toward the oncoming demon.  The Green figure stopped and stooped to touch the Doctor's body.  Before it could straighten, Forrest raised his weapon and put a bullet through its broad flat forehead.


Graham led them out the hidden entrance and back onto the deserted corner of the campus.

"You'll be OK from here on.  I've got to go back, " Graham said ducking back through the door and disappearing from view.

As Giles led them toward the lights of the main campus, Willow and Spike fell behind until with a few whispered words, he melted into the shadows.

Soon, they reached the lot where Giles' car was parked.

"Back to the dorm?" Xander asked.

"I don't think so, " Willow said with a shudder.

"You could .. ah .. come and stay with me, " Tara offered shyly.

"You're welcome at my apartment as well, " Giles added.

"No, I think I'll go back home for a while."

"Alone?  Is that wise?" Giles asked skeptically.

"I'll be fine, I just need some familiar surroundings and a good night's sleep."

They were still trying to talk her out of it when Giles pulled up to the dark house.

Xander jumped out, " I'm coming in with you to at least make sure everything is OK."

Despite Willow's protests, he took her key and marched up the walk.

He turned on lights and checked the basement and garage doors.  He led the way upstairs, checking the bedrooms and the attic door.  They ended up sitting side by side on her bed.

"Ah Will, you and me in bed together again, " he said with an evil grin.

"Yeah, " she said, " all you need are your 'Star Wars' pj's and your stuffed penguin."

"Leave Mr. Frosty out of this, " he said, " Anya makes him sleep on the couch."

"Seriously Will, I can stay if you want, ' he offered.

"Right, you stay the night with me.  How could that possibly upset a former vengeance demon?  Do you want Mr. Frosty to pay the price?"

"She wouldn't, " he said with just a hint of uncertainty, " she …."

"OK Xand, " she said pulling him to his feet and putting her arms around him, thanks for the offer.  If it weren't for Anya, who knows?"

She kissed him on the cheek and dropped a hand down and squeezed his bottom.

Xander jumped, "Will, cut it out, " he said red faced.  "What did they do to you in that place?"

She fluttered her eyelashes and said in a husky voice, " I'll never tell."

He looked shocked for an instant and then started to laugh.  She joined in.

She walked him to the door, "thanks."

He grinned, " I'll lock up on the way out."

Alone again, she slumped as the effects of the last few days started to catch up with her.

"They don't understand, do they?" a voice said from the balcony outside her windows.

"Come on in Spike, " she said.

He came through the French doors and sat in a desk chair opposite to her.

She smiled weakly, " thanks for …. everything."

"After what they did to me, I wasn't going to be their bloody puppet on a string."

She looked puzzled, " what exactly did they do?"

He explained about the chip, the jammer and their promise, " and that's why when I was in your room I couldn't …"

"Perform? " she suggested.

He nodded and looked away, " I really wouldn't have you know, I was just so pissed off and the Slayer wasn't there and you were.  I'm … sorry."

"You're what?" she asked.

"I'm sorry for scaring you and I'm sorry for getting you involved in all this …"

"Stop it right there, " she said with some feeling.  "You didn't do anything to me, they did.  You rescued me."

He smiled, " you did pretty well yourself, I reckon you were ready to fight all of them for me."

She colored, " maybe I think you're worth fighting for."

He stared, amazed at the depth of her emotion.

She looked away.

When she forced herself to look at him, her heart sank.

He was obviously angry.  He jumped to his feet and began to pace the room.

It was as if all the spirit drained from her body, her shoulders slumped and she let out a deep sigh.

"I think you should go, I guess this was a big mistake, I thought …"

He stopped in front of her, " it's not you or me, it's this bleeding thing, " he said slapping his forehead.

"With it I'm only half a man.  If we were…together, I'd always wonder.  Is it really me that she wants or the neutered puppy who hadn't the bollocks to …"

He paused as she rose and went to her dresser, she turned and held out her hand.

"I think this is yours, " she said as she pressed the red button and handed him the little black box.

He looked down at her gift then back at her.

She watched as the bad boy grin she'd fallen in love with spread across his face.

Oh hell, she thought and launched herself at him.  The impact knocked them back onto her bed.

"Are you sure that……" he said.

" Can't you bloody well shut up?" she said covering his lips with her own.


Later, Graham, Riley and Buffy gathered in Doctor Walsh's office.

"Ms. Summers, I hear that you were very helpful in restoring order after the incident.  I thank you, " she said.

"About the incident, " Riley spoke up.  "I don't understand any of it, what happened to Willow and the hostile, it doesn't make any sense."

"I blame myself.  I didn't see the signs of obsession in Doctor Conners.  Running his own experiments and circumventing all my controls.  I shudder at how near he came to destroying all the good that can come from our work here. I don't look forward to confronting him."

She looked up as Forrest came to the door.

"Doctor Conners?" she asked.

"He was killed by one of the escapees Doctor Walsh.  I was too late to save him, but I eliminated the hostile, " he reported.

She paused for a moment, " perhaps it's for the best."

She continued, " Ms. Summers, if there's anything that we can do for your friend, please let me know."

Buffy nodded.

"Mr. Finn tells me you have a certain amount of experience and talent in handling non-human subjects."

Buffy smiled sneaking a glance at Riley.

"How would you like to help us here at the Initiative?  You three, " she gestured taking in Buffy, Graham and Riley, " could work as an independent
patrol unit."

"I usually patrol with my friends, I…"

Doctor Walsh interrupted, "wouldn't it be better to work with a professionally trained personnel, better for you and safer for your friends?"

"Why don't you think about it?" she suggested, "you three, no you four, " she added pointing to Forrest, " could prove very helpful to our mission."
