Theater Manners Challenge Fic

Author:  GP


Rating:  R

Pairing: W/S, A/B

Summary:  Answer to theater manners challenge

Disclaimer:  All characters and aspects of the fictional environment are property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, Fox, et al.  There is no intent, or remote possibility, of anyone profiting from this.

Distribution:  If you'd like it ask and I'll let you take it.

Feedback:  Please

Dedication:   To Laure, I've always admired your talent and loved each story

Challenge Requirements:
1) Angel/Angelus and Buffy/Willow go to the theatre (any show you like but I thought this challenge up in a performance of Rusalka, which is an opera based on the little mermaid)
2) There is a discussion about 'Theatre manners'
3) Someone has an orgasm trying very hard to make no noise
4) Someone mentions the overture
5) There is a fun punishment for disobedience when they go home afterwards
All fluff please


After the end of Sunnydale, Willow and Buffy decided to stay in LA for a while for a little R & R before they decided what to do with the rest of their lives.

Angel and Spike weren't complaining, they were both overjoyed at the girls' decision.  It hadn't taken a month for Spike and Willow to realize the depth of the feelings growing between them.  After a bittersweet farewell to Kennedy followed by a few weeks at her parents place in Palm Springs, Willow returned to LA with the aim to take her relationship with the blond vampire as far as it would go.

For the past month, they'd all been sharing the largest suite in the hotel.  It consisted of a large living room and a dining area / kitchen separating a pair of large bedrooms each with an attached master bath.

Spike and Angel were seated in the living room while the two girls were in Spike's and Willow's room making last minute changes to their outfits for the evening.

Both vamps looked cool and sophisticated in black silk evening suits.  Angel wore his with an open necked black silk shirt with oval silver studs and cufflinks.  Spike in contrast wore an open white silk shirt with deep blue studs and cufflinks.

Angel glanced at the wall clock and shook his head.

"I knew this was a bad idea when I got the tickets.  What was I thinking asking my beloved bubble gum blond to a concert by the Prague String Quartet?"

"I do not chew…Oh, not exactly her cup of tea I suppose, "Spike said.  "I believe when you said classical music, she asked if it was sponsored by the 'oldies' station."


"A client gave them to me, "Angel explained, "and I thought it would be a nice night out for the four of us."

Buffy frowned, "so this group is what?"

"The Prague String Quartet, "he repeated.  "Most critics think they're the best in the world."

"Oh, yeah sure," the blond said without conviction.

"She doesn't know the first bloody thing about it, "Spike said with a grin.

He winced as Willow punched him in the shoulder.

"I do so, "she snapped back, "how could you forget a name like Prague, it's not like there's a bunch of them running around the neighborhood."

Willow rolled her eyes and looked away.

"Listen fluff for brains, "Spike grinned, "it's a bleeding city not their names."

"I knew that, Prague that's in ah….ah…umm.."

"The Czech Republic, "Angel offered.

Her eyes sparked, "hey, if you're just going to make it up, I'm not playing."

It took a few minutes to convince her that the country existed and a few seconds more to tell her that no, checkers weren't from there and neither was the party mix.

"But you do know what a string quartet is, right, "Spike asked?

"Sure it's four guys who play those..ah…ah..stringy things."

Angel sighed.

"Wait, "she said quickly, "a couple of violins, right?"

Spike and Angel nodded in surprise.

"And I think there was a bigger violin, a victrola, or .."

"Viola, "Angel added.

"And the fourth is…." They could all see the strain on her face as she tried to think of the elusive fourth instrument.

"Ok, "Spike said, "here's a hint."

He stepped to Willow's chair and knelt in front of her.

Placing a hand on each of her knees, he pushed, "it's something you do with your legs spread apart."

A blushing Buffy watched as he pushed her knees apart, "what the hell kind of a place are you taking us to?" she snapped at Angel.

"A cello, damn it, 'Angel replied in frustration.

"Thank God for the mini skirt, "the kneeling vampire murmured.

Looking up at Willow, he grinned, "how did you know blue was my favorite color?"

"Yesterday I thought it was pink, "the red head said with a make believe frown.

"That's 'cause yesterday you were wearing pink knickers, 'he said sliding a hand up her leg.

Angel and Buffy watched as Spike rose and whispered into Willow's ear.  The red head nodded and they both headed for their bedroom.

Spike looked back over his shoulder, "all of this music talk made me dead tired; I think I need a little lie down."

Willow giggled, "me too, 'as he dropped a hand onto her bottom on the way through the door.

Angel gave Buffy an inquisitive look, 'think you could guess my favorite color?"

She back toward their bedroom door and dropped her hands to her hips.  Patting her self, she gave him a surprised look.

"I knew there was something I forgot this morning, 'she said backing through the door.

Angel gave a low growl and was through the door in a flash closing it behind them.


Angel wandered around the room while they waited for the girls.  He picked up a small box.

"I didn't think you liked these things, said they were too intrusive, "he said holding up the cell phone package.

"I changed my mind, "Spike said patting his pocket, "this one has some really great features."

Angel pulled his cell out and was about to point out its state of the art features when Buffy and Willow made their entrance.

Willow was dressed in black silk pants, a short grey jacket and a low cut grey silk shirt.  Buffy was wearing a short silver dress with a matching wrap to make up for the nonexistent back and nearly not there front.  Both girls wore their hair up and carried small matching sequined purses.

"Somebody say something, 'Buffy said with a pout.

"Sorry, "Angel said, 'you two just knocked me speechless, you look so beautiful."

"Ditto, "Spike said.

"Always with the smooth talk, "Willow said with a smile.

Angel and Spike were so hypnotized that the girls actually had to take their arms and start them towards the door.

"I hope they stay this way when they get the bills, "Buffy said and immediately the two vampires came out of it.

"It was nice while it lasted, "Willow said philosophically.


The seats were great, in the middle of the row and close to the front.  They settled back amidst the shuffling and murmuring of quiet conversations and opened their programs.

"Where's the overture, "Buffy asked?  "When we saw 'CATS' at the dinner theater, there was an overture, a thingy where they played itty bits of the songs so you'd know which ones you wanted to listen to later."

Angel sighed; this is a concert not a musical or opera, so there is no overture."

"Gee, what a Gyp, "she pouted.

After a few moments, Angel touched her program and leaned toward her.

"Here's something you might want to remember, this first piece has two movements, so you don't applaud the first time they stop playing.  You wait until the second time, that's the end."

Buffy colored, "you don't have to treat me like an idiot, "she whispered, "I know about the moments."

"Movements, "he replied.

"Whatever, "she snapped just as the trio walked onto the stage to the applause of the crowd.

The trio was well into the first movement when Buffy nudged Angel.  He looked over and she silently made a clapping motion and nodded toward the stage.

Angel shook his head.

Buffy nodded, but continued to mime applause.

Angel frowned and shook his head again.

Buffy shrugged this time.

Angel made the clapping motion and mouthed 'no'.

Buffy nodded and held her hands at the ready to applaud.

Angel snorted and again mimed the motion and mouthed 'no'.

Buffy just smiled and turned her eyes back to the stage.

Angel knew the movement was almost over and he was equally sure that Buffy would applaud and embarrass them all when the playing stopped.

He tried to whisper, but she didn't seem to hear him.

He tried again a little louder with the same result.

By this time he was getting angry and in a loud stage whisper said, "don't embarrass me by doing that."

Unfortunately, his whisper sounded more like shouting when the trio concluded the movement a split second before he spoke.

He felt the eyes of the entire audience and even noticed a slight quizzical look from the cellist just before the second movement began.

Buffy's innocent gaze was fixed somewhere in the lighting above the stage.

At intermission, Angel took Buffy's arm and propelled her toward the lobby.  Spike and Willow followed at a gentler pace.

"Having a good time?" Spike asked.

Willow nodded, "the music is beautiful, but I kinda wish we'd just stayed home, "she said running a finger lightly over his cheek.

"Time enough for that when we get home, "he replied taking the hand and kissing it.

"I can hardly wait,' she said her voice catching as his tongue darted out and ran across the sensitive pad of her little finger.

They were already in their seats when Angel and Buffy returned. All seemed to be forgiven going by their smiling faces.

"Glad to see everything is OK, "Willow said leaning toward the slayer.

She smiled, 'more than OK, you should see the huge coat check room they have in this place."

"It's the middle of a heat wave, Buf, the coat room must be the last place anyone would want to go."

"Yep, "Buffy said, "big empty room with a couple of sofas in it, don't know what anyone would want to do in a place like that."

"You didn't?"

Buffy leaned her head on Angel's shoulder and winked.

"Luv, could I put this in your purse?" Spike said as the house lights dimmed.

Willow handed him her bag and he opened it and pushed his new cell phone into the bottom corner of the small bag.  He snapped it shut and dropped it back into her lap as the musicians made their entrance.

During the beginning of the next piece, Spike began to gently run his hand up and down Willow's silk clad thigh.  The smooth cool feel of his fingers lightly tracing along her leg combined with the romantic melody began to excite her.  He slowly worked his way closer and closer to her center as she squirmed with the increasing heat he was creating.  Finally he ran his fingers over her purse moving it gently but insistently deeper between her legs.

The hard corner of the bag was sliding in short strokes across her clit and she was beginning to lose interest in the music when he stopped the motion and with gentle pressure held the bag in place.

She took the opportunity to take a few deep breaths.  He however, took the opportunity with his other hand to push the send button on the phone he'd borrowed from Angel before the concert while the girls were visiting the ladies' room.

When she felt the first gentle vibration, she didn't know what to make of it, and then she remembered his phone.

She put her hand on his in her lap and gave him a sidelong glance.  He looked back and grinned.

The gentle rhythm was just enough to keep her at this level of mild arousal.  She squirmed a bit trying to increase the level of contact.

Spike pressed the '2' button on the phone.

Willow started as the vibration increased in speed and intensity.

Spike kept up a steady pressure holding the phone dead on target.

Willow bit her lip as the heat spread pulsing with the insistent rhythm of the small device.

She put a hand on the one in her lap and squeezed trying to control the urge to scream.

She hazarded a sidelong glance at Buffy, but she was still in the afterglow of their coatroom session and only had eyes for her companion.

Coatroom, sofa, Angel, Buffy, bad ideas, Willow tried to tell herself as the tension grew.  Too late, she pictured Buffy bent over the back of a sofa with her dress up around her waist and Angel pounding and pounding and …

She bit the inside of her cheeks and pressed her knees together as tightly as she could.  It helped to hold the almost unbearable waves of pleasure/tension at bay, but also pushed the phone tighter against her clit.

She took a few silent breaths and squeezed Spikes hand harder, she was determined not to give him the satisfaction of losing control.  She would use every fiber of her being to hold off the building orgasm.  She began to feel more confident, more in control.  The music swelled as the trio approached the end of the last piece.

Willow turned and gave Spike a look of resolve and triumph.

Spike pushed the '3' button.

The speed and intensity of the vibrations seemed to double.  The battle was lost.  Willow tensed and then the ever increasing waves of pleasure took over.  She managed to hold herself straight in the seat by force of will alone.  Her eyes rolled back into her head and she squeezed Spike's hand and the seat arm harder than she thought possible.

Time seemed to change, the musicians and their music slowed, the world was moving only to the rhythm of the pleasure pulsing through her body.  She lost count of the number of times she came and slumped back into her seat as the last notes sounded.

The audience rose to its feet in a storm of applause, with the exception of Willow and Spike.

Buffy looked down at her friend, "Will didn't you like it?"

Willow just nodded and relaxed further into her seat.

"Gee, it must have really got to you, "her friend said.

"Never seen a performance like it, "Spike said, his hand still trapped in her lap.

Buffy looked closer, "God Will, you're sweating, here, "the blond opened her bag and pulled out a wad of white cloth and offered it.

"Think I'll skip it, Buf, "Willow said in a strained voice.

Noticing Spike's grin, she looked down at the white silk thong hanging from her fingers.

Blushing she shoved it back into her bag.

"I'm hungry, "the blond said trying to change the subject and mood.

"No problem, "Spike said raising his hand still holding the cell phone, "I'll call that little Italian place near the hotel."

"Thank God for cell phones, "Buffy said.

"Amen sister, "Spike agreed as he punched in a number.

Willow released his other hand and stole a quick glance at her lap, "and for black pants too, "she muttered.

"What did you say Will?" Buffy asked.

"They sure can come in handy, "she replied covering Spikes hand again with her own.

That's really going to bruise, she thought as she felt the imprints of her fingers, and smiled.


"Stop you're complaining, 'Willow said looking up at Spike.  "You knew you had to pay for that little 'phone sex' trick tonight.

Spike pulled at the handcuffs that held him up against the heavy oak dresser, "come on pet, this is too cruel."

The red head stretched slowly sliding gently over the deep green silk sheets covering their bed.  The color complemented the red of her hair, the creamy pink of her naked form and the well trimmed auburn curls at her center.
Spike, naked as well, strained against the restraints.  He knew it was useless since he was the one who put them in anchoring them to the heavy timbers in the walls.

"Have a heart; I don't think I can take this anymore."

Willow rolled over on one hip to face him.  Her lips were only inches from his straining erection.

She blew a warm current of air across his hardness and watched it twitch.

"Too bad, you should have thought about that before you …"

She was interrupted by a low buzzing sound.

"Oh wait a minute, I think that's for me, 'she said as she rolled over on her back and lowered the small black cell phone to a familiar spot between her legs.

Holding her own cell in her other hand, she looked up at Spike, "what say we go for number '4'?

