Broken Door
Author: Hel AKA Annie
Disclaimer: Joss Whedon is the beloved creator of the Buffy universe. I am just a servant who has offered up her mind for him to mold.
Rating: R
Summary: Willow decides to fix Spike’s broken door only to find that “fixing a broken door” was not what Spike had in mind.
Author’s Note: < > equals thoughts

Part One:

Willow Marie Rosenberg always tried to be nice to everyone but lately it was becoming difficult. For starters, Tara was incoherent and Willow was slowly beginning to lose her patience. She loved Tara more than anything but playing babysitter when they still had Glory and many other demons to defeat was destroying her mentally. Second of all, was Glory, Buffy, and Dawn. Dawn was gone. Buffy was in a state of catatonia and Willow had to figure out how to get her out of it. And the major problem was the difficulty that came with defeating Glory.

On the upside though, her magical powers were developing rapidly. She was no longer dabbling in the Dark Arts, she was perfecting it. Anyanka’s old employer had given her new but darker powers and she planned to use them in the Final Battle against Glory.

Then of course, last night she had received a call from Spike. Spike was not exactly her most favorite creature of the night. He had some good points though. He had helped her through her break-up with Oz when everyone else was figuring out how to solve the Adam problem and his blue eyes were the prettiest things Willow had ever seen. This particular phone call, however, had been about his broken crypt door. He had been complaining about it ever since they had returned to Sunnydale.

Willow had agreed to help him. She didn’t know why, but it was probably because she was just trying to be the ‘nice Willow that everyone loved.’

Willow arrived at Sunnydale Cemetery and approached the abandoned and cobweb-covered crypt Spike called home.

“Spike?” she called, not knowing what answer she would receive.

“Just unstick the door and come in, Red,” Spike answered.

Willow whispered a small Latin phrase and ran her hands over the hinges. A gold aura surrounded the hinges and Willow opened the door, testing it to make sure it wouldn’t stick.

“Thanks for stopping by, Red. Care for some tea?” Spike handed her a small china mug with a flower print on the rim. Willow knew that particular design quite well; it was the same as the china Giles had at home. But Willow wasn’t one to judge so she proceeded to sip the lukewarm beverage.

“Thanks for the tea. The door should be fine but if its not I can try again or something,” Willow stammered. < Damn it Willow, quit stammering. You’re making a fool of yourself…in front of Spike. >

“Remember what I told you, Red,” Spike said firmly. “If at first you don’t succeed, I’ll kill Xander and you’ll try again.”

Willow remembered the first time he ever said that and the thought triggered a shiver going down her spine. She had been ‘fluking’ with Xander at that particular time and that had been an all around bad period in her life and Xander’s. Xander lost Cordelia on that day and Willow had almost lost Oz.

“I should go then. Anya’s probably not happy with me for leaving Tara with her,” Willow started to turn away but Spike’s hand shot forward and encircled her arm. His cold skin felt so soothing against her warm flesh.

“I don’t get company very often, please stay,” Spike’s eyes captured her gaze and Willow could feel her legs turn to jelly.

< I’m with Tara. I’m with Tara. I’m with…> Willow let her thoughts drift from the mantra as she continued to stare into Spike’s eyes.

< Bloody hell, she’s sexier than the Slayer. > Spike let his eyes examine Willow’s body. Her blue, fluffy sweater was attempting to conceal the fullness of the witch’s breasts but that didn’t stop Spike from looking.

“Spike, me…I’m…with Tara,” Willow stuttered.

“Well, Red, and for a lesbian you’re cuter than Buffy,” Spike admitted. He was getting over his obsession and Willow was about number five on his 12-step program.

“What do you mean by that?” Willow asked aloud.

“Buffy, as in the blonde-haired Vampire Slayer with the unbelievable body that continually kicks my bloody ass. You know, your best friend?” Spike replied. “Your bloody beautiful Red and your ass of an ex-boyfriend didn’t realize it and so he had to go and lose you to the other team. Tara is a very lucky woman.”

Willow could feel blush entering her cheeks. < Wait a minute, why is he doing this? >

< Why am I doing this? > Spike thought, mentally slapping himself. < She’s not going to fall in love with me. For starters, I’m male and another thing, she’s not going to leave Tara for me. >

“Spike…” Willow started, setting her teacup down on the floor.

“Yes, Red?” Spike asked, a wave of nervousness began to flow through his veins. He had experienced this particular feeling in a long time. The last time had been with Drusilla.

“I like you,” Willow admitted. “You can be a real jerk sometimes and your Buffy obsession went way to far but you’ve always been there for me…and…”

Spike’s lips brushed over hers. And this tiny kiss sent a tingle up and down Willow’s spine. But it was a good tingle, Willow sighed softly.

< It was just a little kiss, nothing more. > Willow could feel her conscience screaming at her for liking Spike’s kiss. < What about Tara, Willow, don’t you love her? > Willow pushed the thoughts aside as her lips captured Spike’s in a fit of passion.

Spike’s arm snaked around her waist and pulled her small frame tighter to him. Willow could feel his arousal straining against the cloth of his pants. She felt her body begin to respond to his as she pressed herself tighter against him.

With his free hand, Spike began to pull off Willow’s sweater, revealing her beautiful, pale breasts that were encased in her white cotton bra.

“So beautiful,” he whispered, as his hand cupped one of her breasts, massaging the cloth that covered her nipple with his index finger.

Willow’s hands proceeded to pull off his black shirt and dropped it on the floor. She jumped up and wrapped her legs around his waist, pressing her lips to his and holding onto his neck. Spike accepted her weight as his fingers expertly unclasped her bra.

“Do you think we should do this?” Willow asked nervously as her brain regained control of her body.

“Red, my love, in all honesty, you have to relax a little more,” Spike said.

“I am relaxed,” Willow protested, with a wave of her hand soft music began to play and a group of floating candles was lit.

Spike smiled as he led over to the bed he had made out of blankets and an old coffin. Their bodies were once more entangled and they kissed each other in every nook and cranny of the other’s body.

* * * * * * * * *

Willow’s eyes fluttered open and she stretched her arms out only to find the pale, naked form of Spike.

< Spike? > Willow wanted to cry. She had done something she never thought she would do again. She had cheated on Tara. She had slept with Spike!

“ ‘Morning Red,” Spike’s voice was soft and it was obvious he was still tired.

Willow rose to her feet and began to collect her clothes, doing her best to cover up her private areas.

“You don’t have to do that, Red. I’ve seen it all before,” Spike chided.

“All I did was fix your broken door,” Willow reassured herself with a simple alibi.

“And I hope you can fix that broken door more often,” Spike replied.

“I hope I can fix it more often too,” Willow admitted. Last night had been the most wonderful evening of her life even if it had meant cheating on Tara. But Willow wasn’t going to stop life’s constant change of events so she might as well just accept them and continue to fix Spike’s broken door.

* * * * * * *
The End
