Awakening of the Blood

Author: HumbugGirl



~Part: 21~

“This cannot be good news,” Giles said as he put the phone down.

“What is it G-man?” Xander asked passing the bag of chips reluctantly to Buffy who was perched on the other bed. She took a few and passed them back to Cara who was sat against the headboard of the bed with a book on her lap.

“I was reading over some of the text that Willow was given by that Althea girl. Its in a very old language but with Jonathan’s help I’ve been able to decipher most of it. Enough to make sense of it at least.” Giles glanced across at Jonathan and then back at the other three. “I’m not really sure that we completely understood what was going to happen to Willow, the severity of it.”

“We should ring her; make sure that she’s alright,” Buffy said standing up and moving towards the phone.

“No, Buffy wait.” She stopped and turned back to Giles. “I think we should talk about what we found from this passage first of all.”


“The pages that that Althea girl gave Willow yesterday seem to be an extension to the prophecy that the council had, the one that started all this business. There are mentions of the very same passage and more besides. Certain factors are present throughout however. The principle of ‘the One’, the idea that a witch shall bring about his coming and that a choice shall be made.”

“Guessing Willow is the witch here but I’m not seeing a problem with calling her here,” Xander said grabbing the bag of chips off Cara.

Giles took off his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “The problem is that if this prophecy has been correctly copied then the witch in question performs the ceremony willingly.”

Protests rang out from the two Sunnydaler’s. “I know!” Giles interrupted finally. “Willow would not purposely raise a demon and especially one such as this.”

“So, if this thing does rise how do I kill it?” There was a slight cough from behind Buffy on the bed and she quickly amended herself. “Okay how do we kill it?”

“Don’t you think that out first action should be to try and prevent it from even rising?” Jonathan asked. He was amazed at Buffy’s relaxed attitude about fighting the demon and was disappointed to find that it also seemed to be infecting Cara.

“Jonathan is right Buffy,” Giles said. “I think the first step should be talking to Willow. There are several things in the prophecy that she might be able to identify since we have translated it.”

“So I can ring her then?” the older slayer asked.

“Yes but I don’t want you to say anything of what we have discovered. Willow is in a very delicate position at the moment what with this business with the Elders and we shouldn’t give her more cause for concern.”

“You don’t trust her,” Buffy said with growing angry.

“Its not that Buffy. We just don’t know whom she might speak to about this business and there is always the chance that she might speak to the wrong person - not intentionally of course. Therefore the less that Willow knows until we can be assured that she is safe the better.”

Buffy turned her back on the ex-watcher and dialled Willow’s number. She waited silently as did the rest of the room for Willow to pick up but after over twenty rings put down the receiver. “She wasn’t in and her answer phone didn’t pick up. You don’t suppose anything is wrong do you?”

Giles took in the slight panic in her voice. Buffy always blamed herself when one of her friends was in danger.

“Perhaps if we go over there and look around,” the slayer muttered reaching for her light over coat to cover the stake that she always carried with her.

The ex-watcher was about to object when he saw Cara stand and move towards the other girl. “Maybe we should hang on a bit Buffy. After all she could have just popped out to go to the shop or something and forgot the put her answer phone on. Wait half an hour or so and call her again.”

The older slayer looked at the other girl for a second before sighing and sitting down. “I guess you’re right. I think I’m getting a little paranoid. It was seeing Spike again and what he said about Willow. We should probably try and persuade her to move into the hotel so we can keep a closer eye on her. Either that or one of us should move into her apartment although that place isn’t really big enough…”

“Buffy I think we should let Willow decide where she wants to live. She obviously a competent witch now and probably perfectly capable of taking care of herself.”

“G-man’s right Buffster,” Xander said. “Wills didn’t look too happy to see us the other day and I think what she needs is some space to think.” Buffy looked at them both and nodded.

“Okay, if you say so. I’m gonna go next door and get a nap.”

“And no going out,” Giles warned. He didn’t entirely trust the slayer sometimes.

“No going out,” she replied.

“I mean it Buffy. We can’t be completely sure what’s happening and I don’t want you barging in and making things worse for Willow.”

“Geez, sure. I promise I won’t go out. Will that do you?”

“Yes. I believe it will. Have a good rest Buffy.”

“Thanks Giles.”

~Part: 22~

Willow shifted off her arm realising that it was painfully asleep. She grumbled a little under her breath and waited for the rest of her brain to catch up with her while trying to sit up.

Ouch! Ow, okay, so we know the head isn’t working properly at least. What the hell did I do last night?

Willow’s elbow slid out from under her and she collapsed back onto the bed. Damn satin sheets. Wait I don’t have satin sheets! Where the hell am I? The witch managed to push herself up into a sitting position and scanned the room.

Okay so it’s a bedroom. A nice bedroom. Kind of expensive looking too. Dresser, windows, wardrobe, mirror, Spike, door to bathroom, bedside cabinet… Wait a minute...

“Spike!” she screeched.

“Now pet calm down,” he said standing from the armchair and quickly ducking the glass that she had thrown at him from the bedside cabinet. “Just wait a moment and I’ll explain everything.”

Willow paused in reaching for another makeshift missile and narrowed her eyes at the blonde vampire suspiciously trying to make out whether he was being honest or not through her hangover. “Okay Spike – but I want answers!”

He grinned. “Didn’t I just say that was what I was going to give you pet?” A frown passed over her face and she gingerly touched her head. “There’s some aspirin by the bed. I’ll get you a fresh glass as you decided to use the other one for target practise.”

She was up and out of the bed the moment that he left the room for the bathroom. The first thing she did was head for the door when she noticed something that shouldn’t have been. Willow looked down at her legs and saw nothing but pale white skin. Okay so I know I had jeans on before.

“Looking for these pet?”

Willow turned around, blushing when she saw Spike standing in the door to the bathroom with her jeans in one hand and a glass of water in the other. “Um…” she said her throat closing up and making it impossible to speak.

“Sit down. You’re in a house full of vampires anyway so there would be no point in running and I swear on my unbeating heart that all we’re going to do is talk.” Willow backed up to the bed and sat down, clenching her knees together. She took the glass and tablets that were offered and swallowed them down. “So first of all,” he said sitting down in the chair again. “Do you remember anything from last night?”

“I remember not being able to sleep, going to that bar, then… then getting drunk and… oh.”

“Yes ‘oh’ and me, not wanting to get blamed for whatever the hell would have happened to you out there if I had left you alone brought you here Red. I think you owe me an apology and a thank you.”

“Um, thank you?” Willow said nervously. She was still wondering why she was still alive. Spike wasn’t one she would have expected to observe the rules of the city. She voiced her question and watched as the blonde vampire’s face darkened.

“Because if I kill you I’ll have those bloody slayers, the Elders and the other master vampires of the city all trying to kill me and call be selfish but I don’t really feel like losing my unlife today.”

“The Elders wouldn’t give a damn about me,” she replied bitterly.

“You’d be surprised. They’d love a chance to run me out of town just like they’d like to be rid of you. Apparently they blame me for some dodgy looking deaths over in China Town. Wouldn’t bloody listen when I tried to tell ‘em different through so stuff ‘em. I just want to keep things nice and relaxed for the time being around here but I have to say that having two slayers roaming around still alive hasn’t been very good for that.” He plucked a cigarette out of its packet and stuck it in his mouth before lighting it. “You have caused me a lot or trouble little witch.”

Resisting the urge to shuffle further onto the bed away from the vampire Willow sat still and tried to process what he had just said. There had been a slight growl to his voice that had made Willow nervous about being in the same room as him even if he couldn’t hurt her as he claimed. “So what now?” she asked.

“What do you mean pet?”

“Well I’m kinda stuck here until you say I can leave and I was wondering when that was going to be. Buffy’s going to be worried about me if I know her and she might come looking for me. You know Buffy stake first, question later.”

“Slayer is a bit quick to react isn’t she? You’re free to go whenever you want but I suggest you let me walk you through the house. Some of my minions still haven’t got used to the idea that they can’t fed on just anyone - hence the trouble with the Elders. However I would like you to answer some of my questions before you go. You’re weren’t exactly coherent last night luv.”

Willow winced at the memory. “So what do you want to know?”

“Well first off whys the slayer here?”

“The watchers council found a prophecy that they believe involves me. It’s some kind of an ‘end of the world’ deal. They contacted Buffy and persuaded her to come along with their latest slayer and her watcher to find me. Apparently I’m meant to raise some kind of demon but I wouldn’t do something like that!”

Spike stared at the young witch. “I know you wouldn’t.”

Willow laughed dryly. “Well at least you believe me even if you are the last person that I would expect to understand.”

The vampire felt the demon inside him rage at her comment. Just when he’d been trying to be all nice and understanding she’d gone and messed it up by saying something like that. For a moment his demon visage showed and he heard the witch gasp.

“I-I’m sorry Spike,” she said trembling. “That didn’t come out the way that I meant it to.”

He nodded and tried to force down his anger. Having the little witch run off and tell the slayer that he had threatened her was not high on his list of things to get done today. “Whatever. From what I know the Elders can’t have been happy about having a slayer turn up. They hate ‘em. Is that why you’re in Coventry all of a sudden?”

“Huh?” she said not understanding.

“Is that why they aren’t talking to you now?”

“Oh yeah. They really don’t like her. It’s the one thing that always annoyed me about the Elders; well I suppose the witch community in general. There is no way that they can find a way to accept that not all slayers are the same, that they don’t all want to kill everything in sight. Even my so-called friends can’t see how I can be a friend with Buffy. I’m terrified that one or the other of them is going to get hurt because of me.”

Spike was shocked at her frankness. “Go home and call the Slayer pet. But I’d appreciate it if you’d keep me up to date on the whole ‘end of the world’ prophecy thing. It is my world too after all. You might not want to let Slayer know where you’ve been though. I don’t think she’d find the idea of you spending most of the night and half of the day in my house.”

Willow grinned before she could catch herself. She grabbed her jeans from him and slipped them on. “Thanks Spike, I’ll do that. It’s the least I owe you. Going to walk me out then?”

He stood up and moved towards the door. “Sure pet.”

~Part: 23~

Farmer walked quickly down the passage towards the bronze doors at the other end. From there he went up a set of stairs and emerged into a perfectly round room.

He really didn’t want to be here and prayed that the man he now approached didn’t sense that. On a whole Farmer liked others of his kind. If he didn’t like them he could at least put up with them but Kieran Platter was even a little bit much for Farmer’s strong stomach.

“What news have you for me?” Kieran asked in his gruff, harsh voice.

“N-Nothing new your Grace,” Farmer stuttered.

The painfully gaunt and ancient man spun on his chair to face Farmer. High Priest Kieran Platter glared at the younger man. “What do you mean nothing new? There must be something by now!”

“It is all going as planned your Grace; except for the present of the slayers but the division of the girl from the Elders has already begun.” Farmer grinned involuntarily. “She was spotted sitting in a demon bar last night getting absurdly drunk and later going home with a vampire. And not just any vampire but one hated by the slayer.”

Kieran smiled as well. “I suppose that you have already taken steps to make sure that the slayers’ hear of this?”

“Of course your Grace. The vampire’s minions will no doubt inform the slayers’ of the witch’s actions by accident or, perhaps, in an attempt to save themselves.”

Kieran let out a laugh much to Farmer’s delight. “And the Elders?”

“They too shall know in due time.”

“Good. You have done well Farmer. The divine purpose shall reward you for this. You may go now.”

“Thank you your Grace.”

~Part: 24~

After leaving Spike’s lair in the early afternoon she returned home and swallowed another two pain killers before jumping in the shower to try and wash away the clouded feeling she was still suffering from. It didn’t work but at least she felt clean. Quickly drying off and revelling in the coolness of her apartment Willow selected a loose red suede skirt and camisole top before making herself some toast and preparing herself to visit Buffy at the hotel.

A trembling feeling came over Willow as she went to knock on Giles’ door. It was just over two hours since she had listened to an obviously distressed Buffy ramble on at the other end of the line and now she was stood on one side of a door that her best friend was undoubtedly sitting on the other side of feeling no less nervous. Really wishing I was at home now she thought. Or even at Spike’s – I can’t believe I just thought that. I must be losing my mind. Yup, that would be a good explanation.

Willow knocked anxiously on the door and jumped when a familiar grinning face immediately opened it.

“Hey there Xander,” she said.

“Wills. Come on in. Welcome to the headquarters of Slayers ‘r’ Us.” Willow made her way past her childhood friend and into the room where she could see the other four people. She greeted the various people inside and sat down.

“So,” Buffy said. “What ya been up to? I tried calling but there was no one home.”

“I went out, got incredibly drunk and spent the entire night in a vampire’s house,” Willow replied with a grin to match the one that appeared on her friends face. I knew you wouldn’t believe me. I just knew it. Poor little sweet Willow doesn’t get drunk and she would never do anything like stay in a vampire’s house and still be alive the next morning.

Willow suppressed the angry thought. “No, seriously I just needed some rest. I was up pretty late last night trying to figure out what to do and I think I must have slipped into a coma when I fell asleep because I didn’t hear a thing until I woke up about two-ish. I’m sure Giles explained about what happened with the Elders. It took a lot out of me.”

Buffy nodded. “I’m sorry Wills. I didn’t know that my coming here would cause so many problems. What I don’t understand is why. I haven’t done anything to these people.”

“’These people’ have really long memories Buffy. They remember the name of every single witch who was ever killed by a slayer in a memorial ceremony every year.”

There was a moment of silence in the room. Willow glanced out of the corner of her eye at Giles who seemed to be in deep concentration over something although she was sure that he was more than aware of what she was saying. “I think it would be best if you didn’t go near any witches while you’re in the city Buffy, you too Cara. They’re not what you’re used to. In Sunnydale you only ever had to deal with one or two rouge witches. It’s different here. There are hundreds of witches in this city. If you do something to hurt them then they’ll band together and you won’t stand a chance.”

“Are you threatening me?” Buffy asked in amazement.

“No! I would never do that Buffy. I’m just warning you of what they might do. The power they control is phenomenal. It kinda makes the Hellmouth look like a baby.”

Buffy nodded. “I’ll keep out of their way if they keep out of mine.”

“Thank you,” the redhead said feeling more at ease. “So what did you guys find out then? I hope the stuff that Althea dropped by was useful.”

“Yes, it was,” Giles answered while wondering how he was going to tell the young witch what he now knew. His earlier warnings to Buffy about just what to tell Willow were still fresh in his mind and he was desperately searching for a way to break the news to the slayer’s friend. “It took quite some time to translate. The language is very old, almost forgotten. I would be interested to find out if there was anymore of its kind in these archives but I suppose that is out of the question now.” Aware that he was losing their interest Giles moved on quickly.

“Having read these documents I’m afraid to say that there is no doubt that you will raise this demon Willow.”


“Wait, let me finish. I believe you may do it in order to help someone else.” Willow was watching him sceptically. “The demon in question is called Flitrix. He, I’m assuming that it is a ‘he’, is only mentioned very rarely. It’s been rather hard to find information on him and unfortunately neither Jonathan or myself have our books here so we’re not certain what type of demon Flitrix is.”

“So I’m meant to raise a demon I know nothing about?” Willow asked sceptically.

“We may not know much about the demon but we do know something about the people who want you to raise it. They are named the ‘Order of Trixian’ and are perhaps fifteen hundred years old. I am certain that they worship Flitrix and use him as their source of power.”

“I haven’t heard of them,” Willow said honestly.

“I wouldn’t expect you to have. They seemed to have disappeared in the late sixteenth century. Jonathan here is attempting to contact the council to gather more information about them.”

“You can’t tell them that you got information from the Elders,” the witch said quickly. “The Elders wouldn’t like that one bit.”

“Geez Wills,” Xander said. “You sound like you’re terrified of these people.”

“You would be too if you know them like I do Xander. Inherently they’re good people but they protect what’s theirs and they have developed wide-ranging talents to do it. The elements obey them, as do demons and many more things besides.”

“Okay, getting the picture now,” the young man said.

“Yes well, thank you for that Mr Harris,” Giles said. “Hopefully once we know more about the Order then we shall also be able to find out more about Flitrix. There is one or two interesting things I would like to discuss with you now however Willow. One is the mentioning of what the passage terms ‘an immortal helper of blood and life taking, old enemy and new friend, to share the burden of the task, unwilling and yet willing.’ I must say I’m very curious as to whom that could mean. Does anyone fitting that description come to mind?”

Willow bit her lip and tried to think. She dismissed her initial idea away as being ridiculous. Spike had already proven that he would help her if it meant saving his own skin but that had been a one time deal right? Surely he wouldn’t do it again. He did ask you to give him any information she reminded herself. Perhaps that was his way of offering help.

“No,” she answered. She wasn’t even supposed to have had contact with him let alone have offered to let him in on the ‘end of the world’ prophecy.

“That’s a shame. It certainly would have been very useful to know in advance who is meant to aid us. However that cannot be helped. The second thing that I wanted to ask you about was this ‘Born of the House of Blood yet unbeknownst’ business.”

Willow tensed. She didn’t like the way that those words sounded. It didn’t make sense! She wasn’t born of any special family. She wasn’t even born a true Wiccan but had learnt the art. “I still don’t know what it mean,” she hesitantly answered.

“No, of course not,” the ex-watcher answered quickly seeing her facial expression.

“However we may have discovered something,” Jonathan said interrupting. “The council sent a fax to me of a page from the journal of a watcher who lived about three hundred years ago. The student who was studying the journal at the time found the entry and decided that it looked very odd so he took it to his supervisor. That man in turn read it and accurately pertained that it had something to do with our situation here. Now where did I put it?” He began to hunt through the assorted papers on the desk before coming up with a single sheet of paper. “Ah yes here it is. As you see the watcher mentions that the slayer in his care at the time was involved in some kind of war between some witches. Anyway, the slayer in question sided with one group called the ‘House of Sight’; the members of which claimed to be able to see the future. In essence they were meant to be clairvoyant. Anyway, the members of said house told the slayer that their enemies, the House of Blood, were destined to bring into the world a great evil. The slayer in question knew from her watcher that the members of the House of Blood were, for want of a better description, warriors and that they used the powers they possessed for fighting so she naturally decided to aid the House of Sight in their quest to destroy their enemies. In short they succeeded and the House of Blood was destroyed. Or at least so they thought. If the prophecy is correct then at least one member of the House of Blood survived the massacre that befell.” He looked Willow in the eye. “If the prophecy is correct then you are one of the few remaining descendants of the House of Blood.”

“Way to drop a bomb shell Jonathan,” Xander said quietly.

There was a curious feeling growing in Willow’s stomach and there was no way to dismiss it. She had heard of the ‘House of Sight’; they were still a powerful group within the Elders. Goddess she hoped that they still didn’t hold a grudge and even more so that they didn’t know who she was. A thought struck her and Willow felt ice form in her blood. Meredith! The Elder almost certainly knew who she was and would no doubt love to turn her in to the House of Sight.

“Wait there’s more. In the eighteenth century the House of Sight began to lose some of their status with the Elders,” Jonathan continued reading from the additional information that he had been sent. “The other houses began to suspect the visions that had been reported by the House of Sight. While they had initially been doubtful as to the actions of the House in exterminating the House of Blood their fears had increased when the predictions of the House of Sight seemed to fail in coming true. Obviously at the time the prophecy that Althea girl brought us had not been discovered. The other Houses decided that they had made a mistake in allowing the House of Sight to take such drastic action again a House that they were known to be enemies with and confronted the House of Sight. Having no more evidence to present to the Elders and the leaders of the other Houses the House of Sight was forced to back down and their power was greatly reduced. Indeed it is believed that they were excommunicated from the rest of the witches until the late nineteenth century when they were reinstated; however they never again gained as much power with the Elders. I’m afraid that this information isn’t exactly recent though so things may have changed.”

“Its true,” Willow said as her heart pounded powerfully in her chest. The horror of the position she was in started to filter over her mind.

“You know them?” Buffy asked in amazement. She had been watching the torrent of emotions that had flooded across her friends face as Jonathan had been speaking and was surprised that the redheaded witch had even been able to speak.

“I’ve heard of them. I’ve never actually met any though which is probably lucky for me if what you say about me being a member of this ‘House of Blood’ is true. If I had actually met any then they certainly would have known who I am already.”

“That would be a problem?” Giles questioned.

“Witches have long memories Giles. I thought I already told you that once tonight already. Look is it okay if I use the phone in the other room? I want to try and ring my Aunt Ella and make sure she’s all right.”

“Y-yes of course,” Giles stuttered nervously glancing at Jonathan and wondering whether the other man had caught the witch’s sudden change in manner.

Stepping inside the adjoining identical room Willow made sure that the door was fully closed before she walked over to the phone. Hunting through her purse she once again wondered whether she was making the right decision before eventually coming up with the scrap of paper complete with hastily written telephone number in beautiful fluid scrawl. After staring at it for a couple of seconds Willow picked up the receiver, dialled for an outside line and quickly jabbed the number into the phone.

“’Allo?” Spike answered.

Willow’s voice froze in her throat. She couldn’t even breathe properly. This was probably a really bad idea. Yup, it definitely was and now Buffy was going to be really mad with her when she found out. Stop thinking about Buffy she ordered herself! This is a think about yourself moment. Buffy is in no immediate danger but you are!

“Look you bloody bastard, I don’t know who you are but you’re disturbing my sleep and when I find out I’m gonna rip your bloody-“

“Spike?” she asked nervously. Oh boy did he not sound happy.

“Yeah? Who- is that you Red?”

Red? Who the hell is Red? Oh… “Yup, its me. I’m sorry for calling you but I found out some stuff and you said you wanted to know and besides I figured that I really owe you after last night considering the whole ‘you saved me from passing out in an alley’ and the ‘not feeding from me until I collapsed dead’ things. So anyway I’m really sorry for waking you up!”

“You already said that once pet. Now what do you know that’s new?”

“I can’t really tell you at the moment. I’m not even supposed to be talking to you and Buffy’s in the next room so you’re going to have to wait. I just wanted to call you and let you know that I was kind of hoping that you would maybe feel like letting me stay at your place for a couple of days seeing as there might be this whole House of witches intent on killing me and I don’t want Buffy and the others to get hurt and I really doubt that they’d ever expect me to be with you. So can I?”

She heard a pause at the other end and wondered whether Spike was thinking of the many ways he could torture her to death.

“Could you repeat that in English pet?” he asked.

“I need to come and stay at your place for a few days preferably with no biteage.” There that wasn’t so difficult to say. Willow braced herself for the reply from the vampire and wasn’t disappointed.

“Have you lost your bloody mind luv?” he roared down the telephone at her. Willow winced and held the phone slightly away from her as he continued to shout questions at her. “Why?” he asked finally calming down.

“I haven’t time to explain. I told them that I was phoning my Aunt Ella so they won’t expect me to be on the phone very long. Can I or not Spike? I promise to explain everything to you later.”

A low growl seemed to emanate from the other end of the line but it was quickly followed by a sigh. “Sure pet. I am really starting to wish that I had never even heard of Sunnyhell – all you people ever do is cause me problems. Now what time will you be coming over? I’ve got to warn the boys after all.”

“Um, I don’t know. How about in an hour? Is that okay with you? I mean if it isn’t then…”

“I’ll tell the boys to let you in. Just don’t do anything stupid like tell the slayer where you’re going to be. I’m sure that you can think of one lie or another being a smart little witch was everything.”

Eep! Scary, a compliment from Spike. I’m sure that he didn’t really mean it. “Yup, will do. I’ll be over as quickly as I can. Bye!”

Willow placed the phone down before he had a chance to change his mind and tell her to forget it. Her mind quickly started throwing up reasons why she had just made the biggest mistake of her life but she ignored it remembering what the vampire had said to her earlier in the day. He couldn’t kill her, he had said so himself so there was nothing for her to fear.

She took a deep breath and headed back into the other room instantly aware that all conversation stopped abruptly. The young witch took in the expressions on her friends’ faces and their body language and knew they had been talking about her. For a moment she felt disappointment that they still didn’t entirely trust her after the years of absence. Xander however gave a bright smile.

“Everything okay Wills you look a bit worried?”

Shaking herself and making a smile appear Willow walked further into the room. There was no way that she could let them get worried or there would be no getting away until they were completely sure she was safe. As much as the idea of spending some time with her old friends appealed to Willow she wasn’t going to risk them getting hurt because she was supposedly a member of this House of Blood.

“I’m fine,” she replied. “Aunt Ella was a little bit annoyed with me though because I didn’t go around for dinner like I said I would. She’ll get over it. One things for sure though, I can’t stay at her place like I planned. She gave me this big speech reminding me of the fact that I was well and truly old enough to look after myself now.”

“Then you’ll just have to stay here with us!” Buffy said. “I’m sure that Cara won’t mind if we all cram into together.” The other slayer smiled her agreement.

Willow paused for a moment, a plan already beginning to form in her mind. “Sure,” she replied with a small smile. “I’ll have to pick up some things from my apartment first though.”

“Are you sure that’s wise Willow?” Giles asked. “You might be in danger if you return there.”

“I’ll go with her,” Buffy said quickly. “It won’t take long.”

Giles looked nervously at the two old friends trying to work out why Willow appeared to be less than happy with that idea. The witch suddenly grinned. “That’s a great idea!” she said. “Buffy can help me carry my books.” The slayer beside her groaned.

“Very well,” the ex-watcher said. “But hurry back. I don’t think it would be a good idea for Willow to be out after dark.”

Buffy nodded and took her friend’s arm. “Come on Wills, we can do some catching up while we’re out.”

~Part: 25~

“So the only guy is this Eric and he’s a demon?” Buffy asked in amazement as they walked up the stairs to Willow’s apartment.

“Yup,” was the witch’s reply as she hunted for her keys.

“You dated a demon?” the slayer asked obviously needing to clarify this point again.

“Yes,” Willow said again with a little chuckle. “But he doesn’t look much like a demon. He comes for a clan of shapeshifters that have lived in New York forever. They’re mainly non-violent which is good and they have kinda cool powers as well besides shapeshifting. It was nothing serious though. We’re just friends.”

Buffy was still staring at her old friend in amazement as the red head pushed open the door to her apartment and stepped through. Once inside the witch paused and felt around the edges of the door in what appeared to be deep concentration. When she stepped back with a frown on her face Buffy decided it was time to say something. “What’s up?” she asked.

“Someone or something has broken the wards on the door. That means someone’s been in here. It was a witch but I can’t sense them anymore so I guess they’re gone.”

“Are you sure? Nothing looks to have been disturbed.”

“It wasn’t something they were looking for Buffy, it was probably me.”

“Oh, okay then. So grab what you need and we’ll get out of here before they come back.”

Willow smiled at her and hurried deeper into the apartment leaving Buffy standing in the living room. The slayer casually looked around and realised just how much her friend was changing. She would never have expected Willow to live in a place like this when she left Sunnydale five years ago. The witch had always been so meek and mild back then and the confidence that she had displayed on more than one occasion here was alien to Buffy.

Spying a laptop computer on the desk over by the wall Buffy unplugged it and began to wrap up the cables knowing that it was certainly something that her friend would want to take with her. That was one thing that obviously hadn’t changed about Willow. In fact, looking around the desk and making sure that she had collected together all the necessary cables, it looked like the girl’s interest in all things computery had actually grown. After tucking the computer and all associated cables into the carry bag she had spotted on one side Buffy notices a pile of discs sitting not far from where the computer had been. “Hey Wills, do you want any of these discs?” she called.

Silence came from the rest of the apartment. Suddenly worried, her slayer senses going wild, Buffy turned around just in time to see Willow appear behind her. She was startled by the look on concentration on the face of her friend but before she could open her mouth to speak Willow held up a hand towards her, with the palm pointed at the slayer and began to whisper something. Realising that her best friend was chanting at her quietly Buffy made to go forwards but found herself lurching to a halt as a sudden wave of dizziness washed over her. The slayer collapsed to the floor and rolled onto her back, as her body seemed to shut down. She battled to keep her eyes open. As she gazed blankly up at the ceiling of the apartment the blonde saw her redheaded friend’s face appear over her prone body.

“Don’t fight it Buffy,” came Willow’s soft voice. In slow motion the slayer saw the other woman kneel down by her side. “You can’t stop it so accept it. This is for your own safety. I can’t put you all in danger so I’m going to go away for a while. Don’t bother trying to find me because you won’t be able to. Just go home and take the others with you. I don’t want any of you to get hurt and I can look after myself.” Buffy struggled to speak but could only watch horrified as Willow’s slight hand appeared over her face and covered her eyes to close them.

And then there was nothing.

~Part: 26~

Willow looked mournfully over the fallen figure of her friend and sighed. "It was necessary," she said out aloud trying to convince herself. "She was in danger and now she'll be safe."

Feeling less than secure in this knowledge Willow grabbed the carry case that Buffy had packed, some discs from the desk, a few select books that she thought might be able to give her information on the House of Sight and the duffle bag she had packed herself. Leaving the apartment she remember to reset the wards and to double-check her instructions for Buffy to wake up in an hours time. She was still amazed that she had been able to influence a slayer so easily. When she had been running the idea over in her head Willow had thought she might have to strengthen the spell once she had initially cast it to make sure the slayer went down but it had succeeded on her first attempt. Half feeling guilty and half feeling jubilant over her show of power Willow ran down the steps and up to the cab that she had called secretly while packing.

When inside she sat back and gave directions on how to get to Spike’s house before relaxing back into the seat and trying to compose herself. Her mind was a riot of conflicting thoughts. Earlier in the day she would never have guessed that she would have been coming here for sanctuary let alone that she would have so purposely have knocked Buffy out to do so. Wondering at what she was becoming the little witch felt a wave of tiredness wash over her body.

The next thing she knew the cab driver was trying to wake her up. Willow rose sluggishly from her slumped position and passed some money through the grill to the man before climbing out and dragging her bags with her. It took a moment or two for the young witch to take in her surroundings and figure out exactly where she was. Recognising the house she was outside of as belonging to Spike she walked slowly up the steps.

Not long after she knocked on the door it was opened. Willow looked apprehensively inside not seeing the person who had opened the door themselves. “Are you coming in or not?” an irritated voice asked from behind the door. “Because I was sorta hoping of getting some more sleep today.”

The witch stepped inside quickly and saw the stocky dark haired vampire that had been operating the door. He closed it quickly. “The master is in the living room. Its through there.” Willow watched the vampire walk away before heading in the direction he had indicated.

Heavy drapes hung over the windows of the room just as Willow had expected. It was almost stiflingly hot from the day outside and the witch wondered how the vampire could stand it before remembering that he had no body temperature to tell how hot it was in the room. She inched her way further inside unable to see the blonde vampire from where she had been standing. Seated on one enormous couch and staring at the huge television screen in front of him Spike glanced once over his shoulder as he sensed her and indicated for the nervous little witch to come closer. Eventually with a little coaxing she was persuaded to take a seat next to him.

"So pet, feel like telling me why I have a new housemate?" he asked after turning off the overly loud television.

"It seems that my life might be in danger and I needed somewhere to stay. They're already been to my apartment; I could sense them when I went earlier to pick up my stuff. I don't want to stay with Buffy in case its dangerous."

"And you didn't mind the idea of me getting hurt?" he asked raising an eyebrow at her.

"No! What I meant is that no one would ever expect me to be here. Its safer because of that reason. I need some time to figure out what I'm going to do about this mess. Please don't throw me out Spike."

He stared at her intensely trying to figure out where the scared little girl he had briefly met back in Sunnyhell had gone. “I’m not going to throw you out pet but if things get too hairy don’t expect me to come running to the rescue – I am not the poof.”

She smiled. “I never thought you were Spike. Thanks and I really mean that. I don’t know where I’d go if you threw me out of here.”

He grinned back at her. “That’s all right pet. There’s something in this for me too remember. Now, how did you get away from Slutty?”

Willow stopped herself from reprimanding him and told him of how she put the slayer to sleep instead. For a moment or two once she had finished talking the witch wondered if Spike was still feeling all right.

“You made the Slayer unconscious?” he asked.

“Y-yes. I couldn’t think of what else to do. I know she’ll be really mad and she might look for me for a while but I think that she’ll understand eventually and go home. I don’t want her involved with this prophecy – it could be dangerous.”

“Tell me about the prophecy,” he said sitting back and taking a long drag of the cigarette that he was holding.

“I already told you about the fact that I’m meant to bring about the end of the world as we know it so I won’t go over that again but when I went to see Buffy and the others today they told me some more things. The first prophecy that they showed me mentioned a group of witches called the House of Blood who were warrior witches. I’d never heard of them, which isn’t really surprising considering the fact that they were meant to have been wiped out several hundred years ago by another House called the House of Sight who thought that the House of Blood would bring about the end of the world. Apparently that information was wrong though and some of the witches from the House got away. It seems that I’m descended from those witches although how that happened is beyond me.” She told a deep breath. “I was thinking that it really isn’t like a witch to forget something and that when the House of Sight find out I’m alive then they’re bound to come and try to kill me so that they can stop the prophecy. There has to be a way to stop this demon from rising without violence. The prophecy suggested that I would raise it to try and prevent some harm coming to someone I care about so the simplest thing would be to stay away from my friends. That way the Order of Trixian won’t even know they exist.”

"And what are the 'Order of Trixian' when they're at home?"

"They're the people that want me to raise the demon. They worship Flitrix; he's the demon in the prophecy."

“So you’re hiding from your friends, an order of demon worshippers and an entire House of witches? Thanks for coming here Red!”

“Oh I don’t think you’re in any danger. In fact I think that you’re mentioned in the prophecy.”

“What?!” the vampire darted off the couch in disbelief. “Now look, I said that I’d put you up Red but I never said anything about…”

“I wouldn’t expect you to Spike. Remember I don’t want this prophecy to happen either!”

Some of the tenseness seemed to drain out of his muscles and Spike sat back down next to her. “So what are you going do to stop it luv?”

“I need to do some research – hence the books that I bought. I doubt that they’ll be enough but anything is better than nothing. Hopefully I’ll be able to find out some more while I’m out tomorrow. I was planning on going to the library.”

"The library? What is it with you people and libraries?"

"They have books. Books are good for research."

For a second willow thought she had over stepped the mark when she saw his eyes flash golden. “If there are people after you then I don’t think going out would be the smartest idea pet. There’s a library here. The geezer who owned this place before me was into all that sort of stuff.”

“You mean Nicholas?” Willow asked in amazement. She should have guessed that the old vampire master would have a collection of books on such subjects somewhere.

“Yeah. Come on.” He stood up and walked towards the door not waiting for the witch. Willow paused for a moment while her mind caught up with the situation before standing up and running after him.

The room that they entered was enormous. For however long Nicholas had been undead he must have been collecting the entire time. There was a collection unlike any she had seen before although she doubted that it was anything compared to the archives of the watcher’s council and the Elders.

Spike had returned to watching her. What do you think pet?" he asked.

“If there’s even half as much in here as I think there is then I might be able to find all I need. However it’s going to take me ages to get through this lot even with the searching spells that I know…”

“No, no, no pet. There is no way that you’re roping me into hunting through this lot with you. They’re here if you need them but I have to keep an eye on my territory.” At the forlorn look that passed onto the witch’s face he scowled. “I’ll post a minion on the door with strict instructions not to snack on you. He’ll get you anything that you need. It wouldn’t be a good idea for you to just wander around the house on your own.”

Willow nodded. "Thank you Spike."

He appeared surprised. "Bet you never though you'd be saying that did you pet?" he asked with a grin before leaving.

The witch sat on a near by chair and looked around. A sigh escaped her. This was going to take forever.

~Part: 27~

There was pounding and then there was pounding. And then there was the excruciating feeling that Buffy was feeling as she struggled to open her eyes. All her limbs felt heavy but as her mind began to wake up with the awareness of a slayer Buffy found she was once again able to move them.

What the hell had happened to her?

Flash backs of encounters with various demons came to her as she tried to sort through the rubbish and find a correct culprit. No, that wasn’t right. This wasn’t because of a demon.

Buffy sat up and looked around becoming aware of her surroundings for the first time since her waking. Why was sitting on the floor in Willow’s apartment? Willow!

The incident with her friend came rushing back at her as reality hit. Oh God no, she thought. Not Willow. Willow wouldn’t do something like that surely. She must be possessed or something. Maybe it wasn’t even really Willow but some shapeshifter who was trying to look like her friend.

Buffy stood up and made a quick sweep of the apartment. Willow wasn’t there and there was evidence that a hasty departure had been made. Far more clothes had been taken than what Buffy would have expected for a few days departure and it looked as if the witch had taken books as well. As anger began to boil though she veins the slayer searched for a note or anything to indicate where her friend had gone. She didn’t understand why Willow had done something so… unwillowy. It didn’t make sense. Her friend would never hurt anyone. But then again Buffy had never believed that the witch would be friends with a demon.

Negative thoughts are not good she thought when she finally gave up her search. Why ever Willow had done what she had done there had to be a perfectly decent explanation for it. Buffy knew her friend and there was no way she would ever do something like that with malice in her mind. Besides, her thoughts kept coming back to what the redhead had told her when she had been losing consciousness. Willow had said that she was doing this for their good.

Heading back to her hotel the slayer’s mind ran over exactly what Willow had said before leaving. She had believed it would be safer this way. As much as part of Buffy wanted to believe this was true she couldn’t. Willow was still her friend and even if she hadn’t been a slayer then she would have done everything in her power to protect her. How can she possibly expect me to just give up and go home with the knowledge that she’s in danger?

The slayer let herself into her bedroom and angrily slammed the door. Well, at least it didn't come off the hinges like the last time.

"What's wrong?" Cara asked, instantly alert and off her bed. "Where's Willow?"

"Gone," was all the other slayer said.

"Gone? I don't understand. What do you mean?"

“She cast some kind of spell and it knocked me out. I haven’t a clue where she’s gone but before I lost consciousness she said something about getting away and us not looking for her.” Buffy sat down on the bed feeling dejected. “She always was willing to sacrifice herself for others but I can’t let her do it this time.”

“You’re right,” a voice said from the door. Buffy looked up to find herself looking at Xander. “I heard what you said and you’re right. We can’t just leave her here. We have to help.” He entered the room and closed the door behind him. “I say that we find her before Giles and Jonathan find out that she’s missing. I know he’s your watcher and everything Cara but he’s more closely connected to the council than you are and he may not see things the way we do.”

Cara nodded. “I know what you mean. Jonathan doesn’t completely trust Willow. He was brought up to believe that all witches were evil.”

Buffy smiled at her. "I'm glad you're on our side."

“You know before we get all weepy here we do have one problem,” Xander said. “How are we gonna find Wills. I don’t know about you but I’m not exactly clued up on where she likes to hang out nowadays.”

“That’s where I come in.” Buffy reached into her pocket and pulled out a small leather bound book. “Its Willow’s address book. She was talking about this guy called Eric and I figure she might have gone to him and if she hasn’t then maybe he’ll know where to find her.”

“So where does he live?” Cara asked.

~Part: 28~

Willow stood up from the table and placed a book back on the shelf before making a note to say that she had looked through it. Although there had been a reference to the House of Blood it had obviously been useless propaganda from the House of Sight about how evil her ancestors were supposed to be. At least she hoped that was the case. Willow would hate to think that they had really been that bloodthirsty.

So far she had managed to collect at least a dozen books that mentioned the House of Blood. Her searching spells were working quite well although not quick enough for her liking. For every decent piece of information she found there had been at least three pieces that were useless.

Willow glanced at the clock. It was almost eight o’clock. Wandering to the door she wondered whether Spike had bothered to have any provision made for food for her. She hadn’t seen the master vampire since he had shown her into the library earlier.

“Do you need anything?” the minion outside the door asked as she opened it. Goddess was she glad that Spike had been blessed with the foresight to pick someone who was obviously one of his nicer minions for the job of attending to her needs.

"Some food would be great," she replied.

The vampire appeared confused. "Food?" he asked.

“I need something to eat, oh and something to drink. Something human to drink that is, not something vampire-ish to drink though. Blood isn’t my favourite beverage.” To her surprise the minion grinned at her before disappearing in search of something for her to eat.

Sighing she began to work another spell to reveal more books. She smiled as more books began to float there way over to the table and glanced around in satisfaction. Realising that she was handling the weight of the spell easily she added a few more lines and called more books from their resting places. When the mass of the volumes that she was floating became almost too much for her strength Willow closed her eyes and deepened her control over the magic, drawing in more power from the air around her.

“You’re stronger than I thought Red.” At the sound of the voice Willow’s concentration dropped. She heard a series of clatters followed by a small yelp and then a growl.

Willow opened her eyes and focused on Spike who was bending down to pick up the volume that had fallen on him rather heavily only moments before. He was scowling at her in such a dark way that she could see glinting yellow flashes pass back and forth over the brilliant blue irises of his eyes.

“Y-you startled me. I lost my concentration,” she explained quietly. The book that he was holding was handed to her silently.

“Daniel nipped out for some food for you. I just wondered how things were going. Never expected you to use witchcraft on it – smart idea I guess. Red? Red are you in there?”

She’d faded out. It was like she wasn’t even standing in the room anymore and that was only the first of Willow’s troubles. For some reason, the moment she had touched the book, her blood had seemed to start pounding in her veins. At first the redhead had been sure that she was about to pass out – probably from the shock of effectively throwing a very heavy book at Spike and surviving it. That however appeared to be the last thing that her body had in mind at the moment. Power was coursing through her. Every nerve, every fibre screamed out as the magic she was feeling washed through her body enveloping it. With a single thought Willow suspended the book in midair and began to flick through the pages with her mind, searching for what she knew it must contain.

The witch in her smiled as the lost power began to build. So close now...

It came to her. The page fell open and there was what had been pulling her. With ragged breaths that barely wanted to leave her body Willow began to read aloud from the page before her.

Some part deep inside told her that this was probably a bad idea. It was quickly pushed aside and deemed as pointless. The witch in her needed every ounce of concentration possible to make this work. She was vaguely aware that the vampire who had been in the room with her had thrown himself to the floor and in uncharacteristic cowardice was hiding under a table from the torrent of debris that was currently flying around the room they occupied. Probably a wise decision Willow thought as her lips continued to voice the strange words that seemed to be engraved upon her subconscious.

“Goddess give me that which is mine to claim!” Willow roared as light began to flash around her. “For I am one born of the House forgotten born to bring anew that House’s immortal power!”

As the ancient incantation finished passing Willow’s lips she found herself weightless and suspended several feet in the air. She was stunned into indecision for a moment before flinging open her arms and accepting the power that was being thrown at her from every direction. It filled her completely and left a content sensation welling in her heart amongst the vibrant sparks that seemed to accompany the process.

Then she was on the floor again, lying on her side with her eyes partially closed from exhaustion. When she was sure sleep was about to take over her the lightest touch from a hand on her shoulder followed by more persistent urging brought her to a sitting position.

"What the bleeding bloody hell was that pet?" Spike asked angrily.

"Goddess," Willow moaned quietly.

"Red!" he snarled.

Willow jerked her mind into a more alert state. "It was - It was power, pure energy, the Willow of the Goddess invading me. It was - amazing."

“You’re saying that was you witch goddess? All that light and stuff; you doing an impression of a butterfly?” Willow nodded.

Spike picked up the book that had fallen from her hands and looked over the page. It was an old language but he was almost certain that he recognised it. Some of the words were faded almost beyond recognition and he had to wonder how exactly she had managed to read the script. His vampiric eyes picked it up easily and Spike felt his eyes widen as he read.

“I did something bad didn’t I?” Willow asked. She knelt up and leaned over to stare at the page he had to book open at. Some part of her mind realised that this was what she had just recited but now she could barely make out what the incantation was supposed to say. Goddess it looked so strange now. There was no mistaking the feeling that was still running riot in her body though. “Oh Goddess,” she moaned again.

"Your Goddess indeed," Spike said. "Pet, do you have any idea at all what you just did?"

Willow took in the incredulous expression that was on his face. It didn’t look very promising. She really was starting to wonder what the hell she had done. It was only an incantation after all. She wasn’t powerful enough to do any harm.

Who the hell are you kidding? The angry voice in her head simply wouldn’t go away. Whatever the feeling of power was that was in her body, wherever it stemmed from, it was power. The way that Spike kept looking from her to the book was beginning to make her feel scared. Was he going to hurt her? No, she was certain that he wouldn’t.

"Well I'm a little rusty luv but I think you just claimed your heritage."

Her eyes widened. “Wha-what?” she cried. “What do you mean?” her voice had raised and reached a pitch where it was more of a screech than anything else. The minion who had gone to collect her food came in the door. His eyes went wide at the sight of the library and his master and the witch sitting on the floor nearly under a table.

“Put the food on the table and get out,” Spike snarled, annoyed at the intrusion. His demon had felt the power whirling around the room, sensed what it was and had now gone strangely quite. It worried Spike.

Willow rose and picked up the glass that looked a lot like lemonade. She sipped at it delicately and was glad to find that it was.

Then she remembered. “I was just accepted into the House of Blood wasn’t I?” she asked quietly. The memories of hundreds of other witches were beginning to rush into her head. Goddess this was strange. Her mind was telling her that she could do spells that she had only ever dreamt of doing. Willow resisted the images. Every thought she had brought up a new witchy way of solving the problem.

"Seems you were pet. So, what you gonna do about it?"

"I haven't a clue."

~Part: 29~

Althea had been standing in the teaching room with Meredith when she felt the floor shake beneath her feet. They had been standing in a magic circle when the wave of energy passed near them and the younger woman glanced up with a startled expression on her face to look at the other. The look was reflected on Meredith’s own face.

They both jumped as Xavier burst through the door and came running into the room. “Are you all right Mistress?” he asked hurriedly.

“Yes,” Meredith answered although she seemed hesitate. “You felt it too then, it wasn’t just within the circle?”

“No Mistress. The entire house felt it. The other Elder’s did too if the phone calls we’ve had so far are anything to go by.”

The look on the Elder’s face showed her concern at the information. “Find out what it was right now Xavier. I don’t want this hanging over our head what with all this other business going on with Willow as well.”

"Yes Mistress," Xavier said and backed out of the room in respect.

Meredith turned to her student whose face displayed a puzzled expression. “What did you feel Althea?” the Elder asked, knowing that the girl was more sensitive to magic that had caused the grounds that her house was built on to shake. The girl scowled and furrowed her brow. She wasn’t sure what she had felt.

“Power,” she answered finally when Meredith began to think that the suspense would kill her. Knowing the young witch as well as she did the Elder hadn’t wanted to push her for an answer but had known that she would have had to hurry the girl sooner or later. Still, her answer was puzzling.

“It was power flowing, quickly and freely. It flowed like liquid from everything around us. It flowed towards a point.”

“You mean someone summoned it?” Yes, Meredith thought. That sounded right. She too had sensed the power even if it wasn’t with the degree of accuracy that her young apprentice could manage and she knew that for something of that magnitude to occur you needed someone to focus it. The question was who was the one doing the focusing.

"Yes Mistress," was Althea's unneeded reply.

"Do you know who?" Meredith asked suspiciously. It was clear to see that cogs were turning in her student's head.

"I-No," she answered.

Meredith was surprised. She lied to me, the elder witch thought. That can only mean it must have been Willow summoning all that power. Her mind protested at the idea of the young girl being able to control such forces. Perhaps Althea is just unsure and doesn’t want to let me make a mistake. Her student was an implicitly loyal person after all.

Feeling moderately relieved but still unsure with her conclusion Meredith bid the girl to leave. The hurried way in which she left the room did not go unnoticed before Meredith reached for the phone and dialled in a familiar number. She would out exactly who had the nerve to try and control that much power and then she would make sure that they never would again. The Elder’s did not tolerate such things happening in their city.

~Part: 30~

Eric yawned and pulled himself out of bed at the sound of the doorbell. He roughly pulled on a pair of baggy shorts before struggling to get a t-shirt over his head and looked in the mirror that was in his bedroom to make sure that his demon visage wasn’t showing and that his hair didn’t look too messy. He was pleased to see that it looking sexily mussed and gave a bright smile at his own reflection.

The demon made his way to the door with the smile still glittering across his lips. He opened it to find two pretty girls standing outside. “Well hello,” he drawled. “What can I do for you two?” He was disappointed to see a dark haired man appear behind the two and stare possessively over their shoulders at him.

“We’re looking for someone,” the small blonde in front of the other two said much too seriously in Eric’s opinion.

For a moment Eric felt his skin prickle but dismissed the feeling. He had nothing to fear from these people and his senses were always acting up. It was the result of his parents paranoia when he had been a child.

“I believe you know her,” the blonde continued. “Her name is Willow Rosenberg.”

“Willow?” he asked stupidly. There was something really not right here. The intense gaze from the young woman before him deepened.

“You know her then. You’re Eric.” It wasn’t a question but a statement.

“Yes, I mean, well, sorta. Look who the hell are you people?” Please don’t let them be from the Elders. No they’re too young for that his mind reasoned. But if that’s not the case then who are they.

“Oh I’m sorry,” the blonde said. “I’m Buffy, the Chosen One yada yada yada. I’m sure Willow must have mentioned me. “This is Cara, the other slayer and behind her is Xander, Willow’s oldest friend. So, ya gonna talk or do we need to get physical?”

Eric’s mind was spinning. He had a slayer stood in front of him. A slayer that seemed intent on doing some major damage by the sounds of it.

“Come in, I don’t think I need is for my neighbours to here this,” he said and stepped back out of the doorway to let them. Every nerve in his body was very much aware of the kind of danger that he was in at the present moment in time.

The three people followed him inside, the two slayers taking in their surroundings and Xander wondering what the hell he was doing going into the home of a demon willing. The young man edged closer to the two slayers.

Eric watched the other man’s movements and realised that he certainly wasn’t a threat. How he was meant to get past the two slayers was another matter. He knew that they were friends of Willow’s but that didn’t mean they wouldn’t kill him. Besides, he wasn’t entirely sure how bothered Willow would be if he wasn’t killed. It was difficult to figure out the strange little witch sometimes.

Still he liked her.

“So, what can I do for you?” he asked. Charm seemed to best way to go with this conversation. “Would you like anything to drink, eat?”

“Information,” the other slayer, Cara said. “That’s what we’d like.” She stepped a little closer and gave a cold smile. “So why don’t we move right onto that. Willow’s missing. She ran away from Buffy last night on the pretence that she was protecting her by getting away from her, from us all actually but we disagree. Care to tell us where she might be?”

She looked pissed but that might just be acting. They were friends of Willow’s, he told himself again. They wouldn’t hurt him unless he gave them reason to. “I don’t know where she is. I haven’t seen her since the club a couple of nights ago.”

The blonde slayer looked about ready to snap. “Try again demon-boy,” she said with a smile as eerie as that of her sister slayer.

“I can ask around. I can’t do anymore than that. People are already feeling a bit nervous about Willow what with you both being here visiting her and now with all this business with the Elders… Well a guys got to make sure he doesn’t make too many enemies.”

“You got three right here unless you show some co-operation,” Buffy said. “But I guess that if you’re willing to ask around that’s a start. You are Willow’s friend after all aren’t you?” Her voice was almost sweet but Eric wasn’t fooled. This slayer could barely stand to be in the same room as him let alone be asking for his help. He wondered how she had managed to stay friends with a witch for so long if this was how she felt about people from his world.

“Of course I am,” he answered nervously. Where was this leading?

“And so am I! So I guess that means you won’t mind if I tag along while you’re doing you’re little bit of checking around.”

"What? No!"

“Not exactly the answer that we were looking for,” the dark haired girl said as anger boiled in the other’s eyes. She quickly stepped in front of Buffy and closer to the demon.

“They’ll never talk if they see me with a slayer,” Eric said hurriedly. “Actually they’d probably kill me, where would you be then?”

“Okay, okay,” the blonde slayer said. “Maybe you have a point on that one but if neither me of Cara can go then Xander will. I know he’s human but that should be easier to fool than a slayer right?”

Eric’s eyes widened. This was all moving too fast, way too fast and there was a very determined look about the two girls that told him that they weren’t going to be changing their minds anytime soon. He looked over at Xander. “Well I suppose that you kinda look like you could be a demon…”

"Hey!" Xander exclaimed.

“Great!” Buffy said. “So Xander goes with you and we follow at a safe distance where no one will notice us. Then as soon as you have any information you can tell us.” She turned on her heals and the other slayer followed her. Eric stood and stared at the door for a moment.

“Don’t worry man,” Xander said patting him lightly on the arm then drawing away quickly as if burnt. “They do that to me all the time.”
