
Author: HumbugGirl

Email: HumbugGirl@breathe.com

Parts: 11 - 17


Part 11.

There was something odd, something very different, about Spike, Angel realised as he watched his grandchilde lay down on the older vampire’s sofa with legs flung over one arm and rested his head in a surprised Willow’s lap. Even as he looked on the blonde vampire smuggled down taking no notice at all of the redhead’s protests and turned to watch the television that was on at a low volume. Half-heartedly Willow attempted to push him away but gave up and rested her hand on his shoulder. Unbeknownst to his pillow a contented smile slipped onto Spike’s lips.

Angel couldn’t help but smile himself even though he knew that he should really be disturbed by the image of them together. There was something very familiar about the sight. Spike always seemed to be seeking some kind of comfort from someone even while he was trying to irritate them half to death and Willow was apparently his choice this time.

Moving away from the kitchen he placed a mug of blood down in front of Spike knowing that the younger vampire’s insatiable thirst was no doubt near peaking again and passed Willow a drink of coffee that she accepted gratefully. Angel took a seat across from them sipping at his own drink and trying to resist the urge to let his demon face come rushing forth. Spike noticed his struggle and smirked in an all too typical manner. In return Angel shot him a warning snarl causing a startled Willow to look away from the television and in his direction. Seeing the snarl play across the dark vampire’s lips she quickly stood nearly causing Spike to nearly fall and made some excuse before hurrying from the room.

“What the hell did you do that for you wanker?” Spike growled pulling himself into a sitting position. “I was comfy.”

“A little too comfortable for my liking,” was his dry reply.

The blonde scowled. “I don’t care what you think.” He grabbed the mug from the table and purposely avoided looking in his grandsire’s direction.

“Don’t you dare even think of ever hurting her Spike,” Angel warned. “I’ll kill you if she gets hurt.”

“Oh join the back of the queue. Not that I’m even doing anything anyway. I’m not even thinking of doing anything. You people are all paranoid.”

“I’ve know you too long to believe that. You should know better than to try and fool me Spike. You’re up to something and whatever it is Willow will end up getting caught in the crossfire if you continue.”

“For the final time, I am not doing anything to Red!” Spike snarled, turning flashing eyes on his grandsire.

Angel sat back in his chair, unsatisfied with Spike’s answers. It would be just like him to convince Willow that he actually felt something for her and then go and break the girl’s heart as cruelly as he could manage. Angel should know, after all hadn’t it been Angelus that taught the fledgling Spike such games? Play with the victim, make them love you and then destroy them completely. Granted Spike couldn’t kill her and he was endangering his own life but there was a reckless facet to the younger vampire’s nature that would make it impossible for him to resist trying anyway.

Shyly Willow had entered the room again, hovering on the edge with her mug in one hand and a magazine that Cordelia had lent her in the other. Standing quickly Angel shoved his scowling grandson over to the other side of the couch and sat on it allowing Willow to take the seat he had vacated.

After a few moments silence Willow closed the magazine and focused on the two other occupants of the room. “I think we should try to spell tomorrow. If that man really was killed so that they could get their hands on the Dark Bringer then we have to hurry before any one else gets hurt. Also we don’t know how many other pieces of the weapon they already have.”

Angel nodded. “You’re right. From the information you gave me its clear that the weapon can only be reassembled on a full moon. That’s in four days time, starting tomorrow, so we have to move quick.”

“To coin the slayer’s phase,” Spike said. “Duh!”

“Do you have everything you need for the spell?” Angel asked the redhead ignoring his grandchilde’s comment.

“Almost.” She glanced at her wristwatch. “I’ll grab a couple of hours sleep and then I’ll go to that store you talked about. Are you sure they’ll serve me? Some of the things I need are pretty exotic.”

“They’ll serve you; Gadu can sense a witch a mile away. Take Delia with you though if you want. She can talk anyone into doing anything she wants them to.”

Willow grinned. “I remember. In case you forgot I went to school with Queen C.”

The vampire nodded his head in reply. “You know which room you’re in?” he asked.

“Cordy showed me earlier.”

“Well if you need anything you know where I am. Delia and Wesley will be in later if I’ve already gone to bed.”

“Thank you Angel. Good night.”

Part 12.

Spike looked over Angel’s bookshelf plucked a book off it and swapped it with another one in a completely different place. The next one that he took was hidden behind a cushion and the next found it’s way into Angel’s stylish but useless retro breadbin. He wasn’t so stupid as to actually throw one of his grandsire’s precious books away but he was determined to have as much fun with them as he could. Seeing what he knew to be a particularly rare book Spike picked it up and looked around wondering where he could possibly put it to annoy Angel. Spying a plant pot he shoved it down the side.

“What are you doing?” he heard a feminine voice ask. The vampire spun around and found himself faced with the cheerleader. Her expression was extremely suspicious and the vampire could almost see her mind ticking over. Spike plastered a charming smile on his face.

“Nothing! Can I help you with something Cordelia?”

“Um, what? No! Why are you still up? Angel’s asleep, why aren’t you asleep?”

“As far as vampires go pet I’m something of an insomniac. I’ve already been to bed and had a coupe of hours sleep. Aren’t you late for work?”

Open mouthed Cordelia held up a polystyrene cup of coffee. “I stopped for breakfast,” she answered.

“Is that all you’re having? Not very healthy luv.”

She held up another bag apparently to demonstrate her health consciousness to the demon. The girl frowned realising what she was doing and shook her hair, holding her head a little higher. “Do you have to be here?”

“Not enjoying my company?”

“Sure I am,” she answered sarcastically then dumped her bags on the counter top in Angel’s kitchen and began hunting for a plate. “Its right up there on my list of favourite moments with getting impaled. Did I mention that I still blame you for that?”

“I’m afraid I don’t follow but I’m glad that I was responsible for causing some pain and suffering in your life no matter how large or small.”

“You are unbearable!” she snapped turning away from him and strode from the room towards the lobby.

“What giving up already? I would have thought you of all those idiots from Sunnyhell would have lasted the longest. So far you’re behind Willow and Giles. In that order.”

There was a slight huffing noise from the girl as she disappeared, plate in hand and left Spike alone. Person number one annoyed today he thought with a satisfied grin.

Deciding that playing with Angel’s books was boring he looked around for something else to do. It was going to be at least another hour before he would be able to go back to bed and get any sleep and he needed something to occupy himself until then. Being the boring soulful sod that he was Angel had managed to limit his options without even trying. Bored now, he left the main room of Angel’s apartments and wandered down towards where the witch was napping.

Spike ducked into the room silently after quickly checking to make sure that Red had closed the blinds before falling asleep. There was no sound in the room except that of Willow’s gentle breathing and his cat quiet steps across the carpeted floor. The peace was oddly calming even for his demon who normally spent it’s entire time railing against the restrictions he had been forced on it ever since getting the stupid chip placed in his head. Silently he stood over the witch, staring down on her sleeping features. There was a slight crease mark on her cheek from the pillow her head was rested on that looked surprisingly cute.

Disgusted at the thought he frowned. Cute, cuddly thoughts about the slayer’s best friend were not a good thing to be having. In fact they were extremely bad and probably detrimental to his over all health, in that if Slutty ever found out he would be dust. Still, playing with the chit might be fun even if it did get him threatened by his grandsire.

He didn’t take the threats seriously of course. Maybe he should have but he didn’t. There was a lot of history between himself and the older vampire whether it was Angelus or Angel to which the connection was implied and Spike doubted whether Angel would ever be able to bring himself to stake his grandson, especially now that the blonde had been ‘disabled’ by the government. No, even before his last crazed outing as Angelus, when he had gained his soul the first time Angel would never have hurt him. No matter how much dreamed about it. It was stupid. Angel was stupid. But it was true to the brooding vampire’s personality and it hurt Spike to even have to think about it. God damn it why did he have to be Angel’s grandchilde!

“Eep! Spike!” the redhead in the bed shrieked drawing her covers closely up around her slight frame. The vampire watched in amusement as she feebly huddled back against the headboard with eyes wide in horror at the situation she had been placed in.

“Willow, pet, it isn’t as if I haven’t seen you in your pyjamas before,” he said perching on the edge of her bed and looking at her with humour glinting in his eyes.

“You what?!”

He wriggled his eyebrows at her in amusement.

“That’s not funny,” she proclaimed hitting him with her pillow though unable to suppress a smile. “What time is it?”

Spike lay back on the bed resting his head on the bottom of her legs and grinned up at her flushed face. “Now lets see, bedtime perhaps?” he asked suggestively.

Reaching over to the dressing table at the other side of the bed Willow grabbed the clock there and turned it so she could see. “For you maybe but not for me.” Quickly she climbed from the bed holding a sheet around herself despite her pyjamas and began to pick through her bag for a change of clothing. “Is Cordy here yet?”

“She’s in the office,” the vampire answered sitting up and watching in delight as the redhead tried to hide her underwear unsuccessfully behind the sheet. Noticing his roaming eyes Willow realised her mistake and tucked them further away and hurried off towards the bathroom. Spike followed her only to be stopped by the door closing in his face. At this he leaned against the doorframe and listened to the sounds from within.

“Are you still out there?” she called after a few minutes in which he heard nothing. The vampire didn’t reply hoping to coax the girl from her hiding place. “Spike?” she asked again. A moment or two longer and her head appeared around the door. Spike felt a gasp of breathe on his lips as she realised their faces were inches apart. Quickly the girl pushed past him and sat on the edge of the bed to pull on her shoes.

Silently he followed her from the room and down the hall towards the office. As they entered he put his arm around her shoulders and hugged her close to his side. At the satisfying startled expression on the face of the cheerleader Spike nuzzled the witch’s neck then quickly pulled away from her before she had time to protest. Even so he felt her elbow impact with his side.

“Is puppy getting a little too close for comfort?” Cordelia asked, laughing a little at the display after her initial shock. It was funny to watch Willow, perhaps the shyest person she had ever met, beat up on the vampire reputed to be one of the most feared in history.

“Spike wasn’t the puppy, Angel was the puppy,” Willow replied approaching the brunette who handed her a box of pastries. Reaching inside she pulled out an apple-danish.

“Excuse me?” Spike asked. “Please tell me I didn’t hear what I thought I heard!”

“Are you telling me you’ve been living in the back pocket of the Scoobies for how long now and you’ve never heard about evil Willow?” Cordy answered grinning at the distraught expression on the redhead’s face as she hurriedly attempted to chew down her breakfast and interrupt before the other girl continued. “It happened way back when Anya decided that she wanted to be a demon again and she roped Willow into helping her. Somehow they managed to mess it up, what am I saying, of course they messed it up, and evil leather wearing Willow, who happened to be a vampire from another world or something, appeared and decided she wanted to be master of Sunnydale.”

Spike chuckled. “Leather pet? I always knew you had it in you. Something with an nice short skirt, um, I can just see it now.”

“No,” Cordelia corrected, sharing the vampire’s amusement. “There were these really tight leather trousers and a bustier type thing. She took one look at Angel, cried ‘puppy’ and then started with lewd comments and looks. It was so funny. You could see thoughts of all naughty sorts of things going through her mind. Angel turned even whiter than usual and Buffy looked like she was going to faint.”

“We are so going out now!” Willow exclaimed grabbing Cordelia’s hand and pulling her along. “And I don’t want to here anymore about evil Willow. She wasn’t me!”

“What? Wait! Where are we going?”

“Shopping,” was all that the redhead said.

Cordelia’s face lit up. “Okay that I can do. So do you want to hit the mall first or what? There are some great sales on at the moment.”

“I don’t think I’m going to find what I need at the mall,” Willow interrupted. “Angel said I should ask you to take me to go see someone called Gadu.”

The brunette’s face fell. “Scary old witch woman? Do we have to?”

“The quicker you go see her the quicker I get out of here,” Spike pointed out.

Cordelia’s eyes suddenly lit up. “What are we waiting for then?” she exclaimed grabbing her tiny handbag. “Come on already! And Spike, please put all Angel’s books back in the right place while he’s still asleep. Coming back and finding an irate vampire is not my idea of fun.” With that she swept out of the door and into the bright sunlight. Willow glanced over her shoulder and gave Spike an apologetic little smile then quickly followed the other girl.

Spike was suddenly aware of how alone he was in the lobby of the hotel. For several minutes he waited around wondering if the sissy watcher would turn up so that he could have some fun by scaring him. When Wussley didn’t appear Spike turned around and disappeared back off into his grandsire’s darkened quarters. Maybe the cheerleader was right about the books.

Part 13.

The simple fact of the matter was that Cordelia did not like Gadu. The woman was too old and too wrinkled for the brunette’s taste and the thought that she might one day be like her was almost too much. Plus she smelt strange. Not that old people smell that everyone expected when they got near her but something else that was a thousand times more disturbing. It made Cordelia shudder.

Plus there was the fact that the woman was also a seer. A seer who was a lot older and a lot more powerful than Cordelia was. There were even rumours that the old witch could actually control her visions; that she gained more insight into them than any other seer for as long as anyone could remember. All that added up to Cordelia not liking the woman and the woman not liking Cordelia much either. Every time that the Sunnydaler was forced to enter the shop she ended up being lectured about how she could be so much more if she only tried. Cordelia was sick of trying to be more than she was. It was that sort of thing that always managed to get her into trouble.

“Young one,” Gadu greeted her with a short nod of her head. From beneath a curtain of brilliant white hair, yellow eyes with a thin film of creamy white covering the iris stared out at her accusingly.

Cordelia tossed her hair over her shoulder. “Gadu,” she replied and hurried off after Willow who had walked away into the forest of high shelf units filled with all sorts of strange looking books and other things, most of which made the seer wrinkle her nose in disgust. “Yuck, yuck and yuck,” she said lightly skimming her finger over the dusty shelves as she approached the redhead who was pouring over a frail looking text. “The Mating Habits of Vampire’s. Wow, great stuff you’re interested in Wills. Are you sure there isn’t something you want to tell me? You and Spike do seem to be getting awfully friendly.”

The redhead’s complexion seemed to almost match the colour of her hair and she slammed the book shut and shoved it back into the waiting gap on the shelf. “Are you telling me that you aren’t even curious?” she asked defensively.

“Gee, lets see, I work with a totally gorgeous guy who also happens to be a vampire… nope that wouldn’t make me curious at all… Hello? Are we forgetting the whole have a happy and say ‘hello’ to Angelus deal?”

Willow frowned. “So have you thought about it or haven’t you?”

Her friend let out a deep sign of agitation. “Of course I have,” she replied. “But I’m not even going to think of trying to go there. Lets face it there are enough problems in this world without a psychotic vampire running around and making thing worse.” As she saw Willow open her mouth to ask yet another question the brunette interrupted. “Can we just get the stuff you want and get out of here?”

“I’ll be as quick as I can,” Willow said sensing her friend’s mood take a turn for the worse. The redhead wandered off carefully picking up bits and pieces as she went.

After twenty minutes of standing in the exact same place waiting for Willow to return Cordelia began to get bored. Reluctantly she walked back to the front of the shop and into clear view of Gadu who was still seated upon the same chair, in the same position as if no time had passed at all. Her peculiar eyes watched the younger woman cross the shop, barely turning her head and all the time remaining quiet. That was until Cordelia began to look through the small baskets of goods that were kept on the counter top.

“What’s she doing looking for things she knows only I keep?” the old woman asked startling Cordelia and making her jerk her head up to meet her gaze.


“That little spell she’s wanting to cast… The ingredients are very rare and very expensive and I don’t leave them out there for shoplifters and foolish idiots to steal or buy when they don’t know what they’re getting.”

Cordelia’s eyes widened. “How do you… Wait I don’t want to know. Its none of your business anyway.”

“Oh I think it is my business seeing as she’s come looking for her materials in my shop.” Gadu narrowed her eyes and studied Cordelia carefully. “Now do you want to tell me why she wants those particular ingredients?”

The brunette’s eyes shined in amusement. “You mean to say you don’t know?” she asked with bogus innocence.

“As you know very well the visions aren’t always that clear. In a moment your little friend is going to come over here and ask for a very rare ingredient. Indeed I believe I am the only stockist in the city so if you want to be able to complete your spell then you should probably tell me exactly what is going on?”

Cordelia’s eyes narrowed. She didn’t like the way that Gadu said ‘rare’. The old woman managed to make it sound like this could be the end of the road. “This is blackmail,” she said angrily. Gadu merely smiled at her, mirroring Cordelia earlier faux innocence. Her expression elicited a huffing sound from the Sunnydaler. “It’s connected to a case that we’re working on at the moment. The Powers That Be have decided that we need to stop some pieces of a weapon from being assembled. Willow needs a load of stuff to do some kind of neutralisation spell on them.”

For a moment Cordelia was sure that she saw a flash of uncertainty in the other woman’s eyes and was oddly satisfied by it. Still, it also meant that she knew something that she hadn’t told her yet and that was far more worrying.

“This weapon,” Gadu said finally. “Do you know who is in possession of it yet?”

“As far as we know all the parts haven’t been brought together yet but the man who is trying to do just that is called Charles Philipson.” The old seer’s eyes widened and she let out a hissing breath. “You know him?” Cordelia asked trying not to get too excited. Any lead on the man would be welcome at the moment. The number on the card that he had given Angel had been to an answer phone that was set up in an empty apartment. Despite staking the building out they had yet to see anyone enter or leave to receive the messages.

“I know of him,” she answered. “Charles Philipson is a human servant to a vampire.” The bell on the door rang and both women found themselves looking to see who had entered. A short blonde girl of no more than fifteen stared back at them with deer-like eyes while her only slightly taller companion let out a small giggle as she picked up something or other. Years on the Hellmouth told Cordelia that these two weren’t even real witches and she turned her back on them.

“Do you know which one?” the brunette asked.

“Which one what?” Willow said appeared by her side with her arms full of goods ranging from small bottles to bagged herbs – or at least something that looked like herb – and a book.

“Ugly guys with sharp pointy teeth,” Cordelia replied, uncomfortably aware of the fact that the two young teenagers had moved closer to the counter.

“Oh those guys,” Willow said catching on immediately. “Very nasty those guys. So which one of those guys are we talking about?”

“Her name is Maria of the Order of the Dragon. I know of no other that she goes by. Angel will know of who I speak.”

Willow paused clearly storing the information away for future use. “I don’t suppose you have a Key of Ca’tant hidden away somewhere do you?” Cordelia was aware of the way that the witch had leaned forwards and spoken very quietly. Obviously one of those things that not just anyone should get their hands on, she thought.

Gadu nodded and disappeared through a beaded curtain into the back of her shop only to appear a moment later holding a small box. She quickly opened it for Willow to look at but not before checking that there was no one else near enough to see it. When the redhead gave a nod of approval the box was hastily closed and tied shut. She began to add up the bill. “You know I don’t just sell these to anyone,” the old woman said. “But Cordelia has explained why you need it so I think I can let you have it in good faith. I presume you’re the one who is going to be casting the spell?”

“I’ll be strong enough to control it?” Willow asked mysteriously.

“You will. Your aura shows it.”

“Then I’ll be casting it. I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to when I read what was involved.”

Cordelia’s eyes nearly popped out of her head as she saw how much money Willow was handing over to the seer. “I hope you plan to ask Angel to reimburse you for some of that,” she muttered.

“Come on Cordy,” Willow said with a grin. “We’d better be getting back to the hotel or Angel will send out a search party.”

“Good luck,” Gadu called as they turned to leave. “And if you need any help with anything else then just let me know.”

Part 14.

Angel groaned and pulled himself into a sitting position before glancing at the clock. Both his mind and body protested as he struggled into the bathroom, showered and then proceeded to dress. Damn Spike for spending most of the day wandering around the hotel bored making a racket and then, just as Angel thought he might actually be able to get some sleep, putting some of his silly rock bands on at a ridiculous volume. Still, it wasn’t as if he hadn’t been through it all before. Why oh why did Drusilla have to go and turn a man who was so clearly hyperactive?

Indeed as the dark vampire wandered into his kitchen only shortly after he found Spike jabbing at the buttons on the microwave and clearly growing annoyed with it. Angel reached past him and corrected the duration before the younger vampire could set it to go and risk vaporising the blood inside. “I could have bloody done that,” he grumbled and glared at his grandsire.

“Then why didn’t you?” Angel asked.

“Red and the Cheerleader are waiting in the lobby,” Spike answered ignoring him. “I thought I’d feed down here so that I don’t accidentally offend anyone who might wander in up there.”

The older man’s eyes widened in surprise at what must have been a major concession by the blonde. He opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by the pinging of the microwave before the words could form properly. “I suggest you do the same,” Spike said grinning and walking away with his mug.

Quickly Angel followed his grandchilde’s example, only downing his meal as swiftly as he could and rinsing the mug out. He supposed it would be too much to hope that Spike’s inclination to do the right thing would stretch so far as to wash his pots up. Angel found himself shaking his head and grinning. Never ever did I think I’d be thinking that, he thought silently to himself before leaving the tiny kitchen and going up to the lobby, passing Spike’s discarded mug on the way.

Arriving the in large room Angel surveyed the scene he found there with interest. Willow was seated, her legs crossed Indian fashion, in the middle of the space that she must have cleared along with Cordelia’s help earlier in the day. Around her were too many unlit candles for the vampire to count in one go and in the centre of the circle with her was a pile of what he assumed were her magic supplies. To one side Cordelia was leaned against the back of the couch watching her friend in interest as the redhead proceeded to slowly begin a chant that Angel recognised as one of focus her concentration. Spike was seated on the stairs steps managing to look both bored and concerned at the same time and Gunn was staring at the blonde vampire with open hostility.

“You know this would all make a very interesting newspaper article if someone comes rushing through that door and find everything set out like this,” Angel said.

“Duh!” Cordelia exclaimed. “That would be why we locked the doors already.”

Angel glanced aside at Spike who merely shrugged to answer.

“Are you really sure that you can do this Willow?” Wesley said nervously as he appeared from the office with a book open in hand. The ex-watcher had arrived only an hour or so before to begin his night’s work and had been more than a little surprised to find Willow preparing herself to do the spell. While he knew that she was styling herself as a witch nowadays he had assumed that he would be performing the task. Wesley had made the mistake of telling the girl this and had suffered from a severe telling off from Cordelia for the remark.

“For the last time I’m sure!” she answered. “Now shut up because every time that you say something you break my concentration and I have to start relaxing all over again.” Angel saw the man almost take a step back at the wave of angry energy that flowed off the redhead and towards him.

“You weren’t going to wait for me?” the vampire asked putting a little bit more hurt into his voice than was necessary and trying to make a joke out of the situation. It didn’t have the desired effect. Cordelia instantly waved away his concerns, Wesley looked mildly baffled and Gunn managed to appear completely disinterested. Off to one side Spike choked back a sarcastic laugh while Willow’s face displayed immediate compassion.

“Of course we were!” she exclaimed gliding easily to her feet and stepping out of the circle towards him. Angel was suddenly aware that she wrapped an arm about his waist and was giving him a half hug. Uncomfortably the dark vampire returned the gesture as Spike gave him a particularly vicious glare. It was not a promising start to his day.

Eventually the small witch left his side and crossed back into the circle of unlit candles where she once again sat on the floor, legs crossed. There was a smile on her face and a slightly mischievous look to her eyes that filled Angel with confidence. If Willow could smile about this then surely it was going to be okay.

“How are we going to do this exactly,” he asked coming forwards further into the room and standing next to Cordelia at the couch.

“Follow the instructions,” Willow said holding a book up for him to see.

“The only problem is that there seems to be more than one set of instructions,” Wesley said waving the book around that he was holding.

“Giles just gave me the one book,” the redhead said. “So if you don’t mind I’m going to go with that spell. Besides the other one makes no sense and we have all the ingredients for this version.”

“But…” the man started but was quickly interrupted by the girl.

“Nope. My word is final. You’re not the one doing this spell Wesley so don’t try and dictate what I should do.”

Angel felt this mouth fall open, stunned at her words and tone. He’d never heard Willow take control like that before. It just wasn’t her or at least the ‘her’ that he remembered. By the amused look on Spike’s face it wasn’t exactly the most usual thing nowadays either.

Turning to Wesley he took the man’s book and closed it despite his outraged look. “Just let her get on with it Wes. I trust Willow to get it right.” The redhead gaze him another bright grin, eyes sparkling with gratitude.

“So to do this I kinda need you all to keep quiet otherwise I’m not going to be able concentrate and we all know what happens when I don’t concentrate so shut up,” she said wriggling around to get comfortable. When no one interrupted her further Willow lifted her thin bladed athame, weighing it in her hands for a second before raising it to the air and beginning to mark out a pentagram. “I know by the powers of the air, by the powers of the water I dare, by the fire I yield my will, by the earth I am silent still, and in my heart I trend my road a right, Blessed Be!”

Angel’s shoulders tightened as he felt a momentary surge of power throughout the room. He half expected the curtains to fluttered it was so strong.

The witch stood next and began to walk a circle within the pre-existing ring of candles holding the athame out in front of her, cutting a passage through the thick magick in the air. As she passed by each candle it burst into flame giving an eerie glow to the gloom of the foyer. When all were lighted Willow returned to the centre of the circle. She stabbed the athame once, upwards, into the air and then drove it down towards the ground. That done the redhead sat on the floor with her legs crossed Indian style and closed her eyes.

Enclosed in the circle of light the dark vampire’s young friend’s feature took on an angelic appearance. Her composure was steady and constant as she began to speak, the words causing the energy in the room to become even heavier.

“Hear me, seek me, find me, and know me. Earth, air, fire and water, Goddess of them all heed my call. Strength, knowledge, will and courage fill thy daughter with them all.”

Angel watched in amazement as thin tendrils of light began to crackle about the room. They flew across every surface, lingering in places and then suddenly shooting forth towards the circle. As they reached it a vortex of light surrounded the tiny redhead within, partially obscuring her from view. Even so Angel could see that the girl’s head was tossed back, her body arched and the light was pouring into her.

He stood and took a step forwards fearful that the witch was going to be hurt only to be stopped by an iron grip on his arm. Glancing back he found himself staring into the stormy blue of his blonde grandson eyes.

“Let her get on with it,” Spike hissed quietly. “Where’s all that trust you were talking about before?”

Angry but realising that the younger vampire was right he backed down in time to see Willow slump forwards. The light show disappeared and the redhead slowly turned her face upwards and in Angel’s direction. Her now open eyes glowed with a colour so blue combined with her own natural green that it could have been the ocean. It was only then that he realised that Willow was floating a few inches above the ground.

“Well vampire,” her voice chimed. The sound was so unlike Willow’s that it made him take an unneeded breath. “I believe we are now well and truly ready to begin.”

Before he could answer her strange sentence the witch had taken her attention away from him and to the pile of ingredients she had placed within the circle with herself. The first item she took was a bronze bowl that Angel thought looked vaguely familiar but he couldn’t be sure. This was presented in four directions, once to the east, south, west and north in that order. When she was facing her original direction again Willow lowered the bowl to just below waist height and removed her hand, leaving it floating in mid air and bringing a startled gasp from the other occupants of the lobby.

Moving quickly and muttering under her breath, away from the range even Angel’s hearing, Willow began to take ingredients from her pile and carefully place them in the bowl including a small circular object that she removed from a velvet covered box. Slowly there began to hover over the bowl and swirl around the girl a pale white mist. The mist thickened and the earlier wind returned howling around Willow as she wavered in it but not affecting anyone else in the room although there was a sudden icy chill causing Cordelia to hug herself and rub her arms but not turn from the captivating scene of Willow working her magic. Entranced Angel could do nothing but watch as the tiny redhead slowly lifted her ceremonial knife and cut into her arm without so much as a whimper and let a thin line of dark blood drip down into the bowl.

“What a waste,” he heard Spike mutter by his side as the blonde vampire shifted around uncomfortably from one foot to the other.

As the first drop hit the bottom of the bowl and the other ingredients there Willow’s voice rose over the howling noise, screaming words so loud in the frenzy they were unintelligible to him. With her hair whipping wildly around her face, a pallor so white that Angel was sure she was about to collapse the young witch leaned down to pick up the etching of the weapon that the vampire had been given. Reaching forwards she dipped a hand into the mixture in the bowl and bringing out it again began to wipe the substance all over the image. “With this brew I bind thee Dark Bringer. With the strength of earth, knowledge of air, will of fire, courage of water and mine life’s blood I bind thee from doing harm wherever you might lie.” Lifting the image high into the air Willow drove it down into the ground causing it to shatter. As the last pieces settled to the floor the wind fell away and the power drained from the room, Willow fell to her knees breathing heavily. “Blessed be,” the girl whispered in the complete silence and promptly passed out.

Part 15.

“Wesley,” the brunette said handing him a dustpan and brush. “You clean up all the magical stuff. I don’t want Gunn accidentally turning himself into a frog or something while I go check on Willow.” Without waiting for a reply the seer turned on her heals and marched into the back of the hotel and in the direction of her friend’s room and away from the mess that was left of the lobby. She didn’t want to listen to the ex-watcher whine while Willow was still unconscious with only Angel and Spike to fuss over her. Especially since they’d both been dead for over a century so Cordy seriously doubted that either of them really knew how to take care of a living person.

“No you bloody well don’t,” she heard Spike exclaim as she neared the room. “Get away from her.”

“Spike we should loosen her clothing,” Angel replied calmly.

“Ha! Like I’m going to let you anywhere near her when she’s anything less than decent.”

“I didn’t say that we should remove clothing I said loosen it!” the older man said, obviously exasperated with the other. “And somehow I think Willow would trust me more than you to do it.”

Cordelia came to a halt in the door staring in wonder at the scene of the two vampires stood at either side of her friend’s bed glaring at each other.

“Now you grand poof,” Spike said leaning forwards ever so slightly. “There is no way on this earth that I am going to let you get an eye full of her so buggar off and let me get on with it.”

“Neither of you are going to ‘loosen her clothing’,” the brunette said stepping through the door and closing it behind her. “In case you hadn’t noticed there is no way that you can actually do that without stripping her and I don’t think Willow would particularly appreciate either of you seeing that.” Moving closer to the bed she shooed Spike away with one hand and perched on the edge beside Willow.

“Well do you have a better suggestion?” Spike asked scowling at her.

Cordelia turned her face up to look at him. “Let her sleep for a bit. Both of you said that her pulse is strong and steady and even I can tell she’s breathing okay so there isn’t anything that we can do yet. Just keep an eye on her.”


“You too fuss too much,” she told him. “You too Angel,” she added quickly when the dark vampire opened his mouth to object. “Now one of you boys go get me something to drink and bring some water back for when Willow wakes up.”

There was silence in the room while the two vampires stared at each other, both willing the other to go and carry out Cordelia’s orders. It dragged on until Spike crossed his arms and made it blatantly clear that he wasn’t going to move by turning his attention to the two women on the bed. Angel gave a small-exasperated sigh and walked out of the room muttering to himself small curses directed at Spike. Hearing them despite his grandsire’s low voice the blonde vampire grinned.

“What do you care so much that Willow okay anyway?” Cordy found herself asking.

“Who says I do?” the vampire replied.

The seer gave him a knowing look. “Oh lets see, was it the way that you rushed over to her before anyone else did, or the way that you insisted on carrying her or the way that you were being all protective of her just now? Actually scratch that last one, the way you always are so protective of her.” For a moment Cordelia regretted asking at the expression that stole onto Spike’s face.

“She’s the only one of those wankers that actually pays attention to me,” he said finally sitting down beside her and resting his elbows on his knees. Spike rubbed at hand through his hair and started searching through his pockets. “Bloody hell left the idiot things in me room.”


“Smokes pet.”

“I wouldn’t have let you light one in here anyway. Are they really that awful to you?”

“Lets say I’ve know Tumek demons that were friendlier then them lot back in Sunnydale.”

Cordelia shook her head in sympathy. “I know. I mean, I sorta know. When I was dating Xander they were about as accepting of me as they were of the idea of actually sitting back and letting the end of the world happen. I was the useless dopey girlfriend that they didn’t think should be let around an axe in case she accidentally cut herself.” She jumped at the coughing sound on the bed behind her and turned around to find Willow struggling to sit up. “Hey take it easy!” she ordered instantly moving to prop a pillow behind the redhead.

“Why do I feel like I’ve been hit by a bus?” Willow asked between bursts of spluttered coughing. “Oh yeah. The spell.” She leaned back exhausted on the pillow behind her and shut her eyes for a second.

“Where on earth is Angel with that water,” the seer muttered and rushed to the door to look both ways down the corridor. Seeing him busy in conversation with Wesley at the other end she flapped her arms to get his attention and hurry him up before going back into the room to where Spike was fretting over Willow.

“Are you feeling any better?” Angel asked rushing into the room and nearly sloping the water over the edge of the glass he was carrying on the tray. He handed the glass to the girl on the bed, careful not to spill any on the sheets and then gave the other to Cordelia. She took a sip and finding it to be diet Cola gaze him a smile of approval.

Willow shrugged half-heartedly. “Just tired,” she said. “What happened?”

“You passed out luv,” Spike supplied. “You should have told us it was dangerous. We could have let Wussley do it instead. Tell you something when we get back to Sunnyhell then I’m going have words with Rupert.”

“I passed out? That wasn’t supposed to happen.” She put a hand to her forehead and yawned loudly.

“Could you tell if the spell worked?” Angel asked.

“As far as I could tell it did. Sorry for breaking the etching. It was kinda necessary.”

“That’s okay Little One,” he answered. “It wasn’t really important anyway.”

A grin came onto Spike’s face. “Does that mean that we can go home now?” he asked.

Cordelia watched as Willow looked around at them all nervously. “I’d prefer it if we stayed for a while,” she said. “I just want to make sure that it did work. We might not be able to get our hands on the piece that I cast the spell on but we should try to find the others and destroy them. After all spells can be reversed.”

“I was just going to find out who wanted to put the weapon together in the first place and get rid of them,” Angel said taking the empty glass from Willow’s hand and placing it on a conveniently placed coaster. “Of course it would help if I knew who I was actually looking for.”

“Oh!” Cordy said bouncing up and down on the bed. “Yesterday when I was talking to Gadu she told me that it was some vampire called Maria from some sect or something. The… damn it what were they called. She said you would know who.”

“The Order of the Dragon,” Willow said.

Cordelia was suddenly aware that the sound level in the room had dropped to where she would have heard a pin fall on the carpeted floor. “What?” she asked finally when the silence dragged on.

“Delia I want you to pack a bag for a few days. Willow as soon as you feel well enough then get you things together,” Angel said.

“They can take my car,” Spike said to his grandsire and ignoring the questioning protests of the two girls. Reaching into the pocket of his jeans he handed a set of worn keys to Cordy. “Do you think you’ll be able to get Wussley to leave as well?”

“Possibly, I’ll appeal to his sense of chivalry and claim the girl need his help.”

“What about that other bloke?”

Angel shook his head. “Gunn? It’ll never happen. We’ll just have to try and keep him out of the way.”

“Now hold on a minute!” Cordelia interrupted loudly causing both vampires to turn to face her. “Do you mind explaining exactly why I’m being thrown out of my own home?”

Spike ignored the question and instead said to Angel. “Maria’s going to be pissed we messed with her toy. How long do you think it’ll take her to figure out who did it?”

“Hopefully long enough for us to get this lot out of town,” the elder vampire answered. “Delia, please just get some things together and take Willow and Wes back to Sunnydale and stay there until I call and tell you its safe enough to return.”

The tall brunette crossed her arms and didn’t move. “Not until you explain why to me,” she said glancing at Willow for support.

“I’m with Cordy on this one,” the witch added going to stand next to her friend and mirroring her stance. “Come on, explanations.”

“Its safer for you back in Sunnydale pet,” Spike told her growing visibly irritated.

“Not good enough if you think I’m going to leave you here in danger,” she replied angrily.

Cordelia saw the blonde vampire’s eyes instantly soften. “Maria’s well over a thousand years old luv and the Order of the Dragon predates her. When she finds out that we had something to do with her little plan falling apart then the evil cow will be all over us before you have chance to say Sunnydale.”

“All the more reason why we should stay here so we can help,” the redhead said.

“Actually all the more reason why you should go right this minute,” Angel told her. The dark vampire reached under the bed and threw Willow’s bag onto the quilt.

“I’m not going anywhere,” Willow said sitting down on the bed with her arms crossed. “And I’m not going to change my mind so don’t even think of trying to sweet talk me out of it.”

Angel moved around the bed before the seer even realised he was moving and went down on his knees before her friend. “I could just pick you up and carry you out to the car Little One.”

“And I could just float a toothpick and stake you,” she told him pouting.

“But you wouldn’t.”

“You don’t know that.”

“Yes I do. You’re going home Willow and that’s it.”

“Maybe she should tell slayer to get her arse up here when she gets back to Sunnyhell,” Spike suggested. “She did say that she would help if things got too serious.”

Angel appeared unsure. “Do we really want Buffy involved considering Maria’s past where slayers are concerned?” he asked finally.

“Maybe not but what choice do we have?”

“Wait, what do you mean?” Willow interrupted. The two looked at each other, obviously deciding what to tell the girls.

“Shortly after Maria was first turned a slayer attacked her sire’s lair. The slayer killed every vampire in the place and only just missed out on finishing Maria off,” Angel explained. “Maria didn’t come out unscarred from the fight though. She had a several scars on her face and body from the slayer attempting to kill her with a sword that had been soaked in holy water. Ever since she had been obsessed with killing slayers. Some believe that every time she sees a slayer she relives her first encounter with one.”

“Maria had killed more slayers than any vampire on record pet,” Spike finished for his grandsire.

A multitude of expressions ran across Willow features. “That confirms it them,” she said standing. “I’m not going anywhere and we’re not going to tell Buffy one word about it.”

“Willow…” Angel began again.

“No. First of all because I refuse and second because when you find the other parts of the weapon you’ll need me to get rid of them.”

Angel looked baffled. Moving his head his eyes made contact with Cordelia’s. “That’s Willow’s resolve face,” she said indicating to the expression on the other girl. “And trust me, there is no way you’re going to get around that.”

“If something happens to you,” he began. “Then I’ll never forgive myself.”

Willow gave him a small grin. “You never forgive yourself anything anyway. Besides I don’t plan to let anything happen to me.”

“And neither am I,” Spike added.

Part 16

With long dark hair tired behind her in a tight pony tail Maria followed the vampire that had disturbed her down the corridor from her room and towards the vault with her healed shoes clicking on the tiled floor in a rhythmic pattern. As the male in front of her glanced back to make sure she was still following Maria gave a small snarl that sent him hurrying on his way. If he was wrong about this, if he had made her have to leave her other little project for nothing then she would make sure that he regretted it. It wasn’t every day that you managed to find a pre-calling slayer to play with. Maria smiled at the thought of the young girl locked in her room and felt her mood lift. She would certainly still be there when the vampire sorted out whatever problem this was.

The vault was a long thin room, on either side of which there were numerous shelves stacked with items that Maria had accumulated during her long life. Some were of particular value and others were not. Each held a special place in the tiny female vampire’s heart. The very best, the most important in her collection and the latest piece to be acquired was sat right at the end of the room, upon a carefully positioned table. It was a beautiful object and far more precious than anything else the room held.

But there was something different. As Maria approached the Dark Bringer and passed through the wards that held it in place she could see that a glow had stole over the weapon. The sight brought wonder into her heart and she rushed forwards the last few steps and carefully placed her hand on it. A hum instantly went through her body making Maria shiver in a mixture of pleasure and fear.

Glancing aside to the other table she frowned. “Damnit they only activated one part of the weapon!” she swore and spun on the suddenly wary younger vampire who had led her here. “I thought you said it was ready?” she asked spitting each word out angrily.

The male took several steps backwards, uncomfortably aware that he was alone in the vault with one very pissed off master vampire. “I thought it was ready,” he replied nervously.

“Of course it isn’t you idiot!” Maria cried. “Any fool can see that.” The small woman began to pace up and down, coiled with unspent energy. Stopping by a rack of various sized wooden fighting staffs she reached forwards, curled her tiny hand around one and squeezed until the wood splintered and shattered in her hands. For a moment she stared down at the broken pieces on the floor and then smiled, turning back to face the younger vampire. “Now Edward,” she said still smiling. “You are going to do me a very big favour out of the kindness of you unbeating heart. Obviously Anguelus’ little witch made a mistake when she was casting her spell and forgot to accidentally activate the second part for us. You are going to find out why and if you can’t find out why then you are going to bring her to me. Is that understood?”

His eyes widened to nearly impossible measures and Edward nodded furiously understanding quickly what would happen if he didn’t. “Of course Mistress. It shall be as you say.”

The small woman smiled and shooed him away with one hand before turning back to her prize on the table. The redheaded witch under Angelus’ protection couldn’t be the only practitioner in the city with enough power to activate the weapons. If things went wrong and the girl was killed before Maria had the chance to use her then she would simply have to find another that could also perform the task. Tenderly she ran her fingers over the activated part of the weapon. The idea of having to find another witch irked her. There was only a very small time opening during which the weapon’s parts could be activated and that was passing by quickly.

She stepped away from the table and stared at the door at the other end of the room. Choices, choices. What to do? Kidnap the witch. Find a new one. Play with the weapon. Play with the slayer-child. Maria’s tiny figure was disturbingly still as she waited to make her decision. Behind her the weapon continued to hum distracting her with its power. Even without its companion pieces the vampire was sure that it was dangerous.

Slayer, Maria decided as she watched the weapon with wary eyes. Turning on her heals she walked from the vault and closed the door making sure it was firmly closed and locked. For a moment Maria leaned against the outside of the door and rested her head on the cool metal. Inside the weapon was still calling. She couldn’t let herself get so caught up with it. She couldn’t let it rule her. That had been the mistake of many a pervious owner.

Back in her private quarters the vampire found herself looking around for the girl she knew must be in there somewhere. Pausing she listened to that special part of her demon that always knew how to find slayers and smiled. “Now I wonder where she could be,” she said with mock wondering. “In the closet? No. The bathroom? Nope. Could she be behind the chair? Deary me not there either.” Maria went down on her knees and peered under the bed. “Ah! There you are,” she exclaimed staring intently into the wide, frightened eyes of the pretty, young slayer-child. “You wouldn’t be trying to hide now would you?”

“I… I… N-no,” the little girl answered with tears rising in her dark eyes and he lower lip trembling.

“Then why don’t you come out and we’ll play?” she replied smiling.

Part 17.

Now that she was downstairs and everything from her spell had been removed from the lobby Willow almost felt like things was back to normal. Gunn had gone home, Angel and Wesley had decided to do some groundwork for another, this time paying, case they had been offered and Cordelia was giving her a preview of a part she was auditioning for while Spike had decided to smother her in comfort and care. Willow had always thought that the fact he was a vampire would mean that he would have little understanding of human needs but after a century of looking after Dru the blonde seemed to have more than enough idea of what invalids needed in general. Not that Willow saw herself as an invalid. Nope if they would only have let her help then she would but there appeared to be a conspiracy to stop her from doing anything at all for the moment.

From her position on the couch that Spike had practically tied her to and insisted that she not move from the red haired witch watching as Cordy ran through her latest script. As she finished dramatically Willow clapped enthusiastically and silently dared Spike who was sat by her side to say anything negative. Thankfully for both Cordelia’s sake and Spike’s own sake the vampire remained silent.

“That was great!” she said bouncing around a little on her seat and grinning broadly at the brunette seer.

“You think?” her friend replied and gave Willow a bright smile.

“If you don’t get the job then they’re all idiots.” This raised another smile that suddenly faltered as Cordelia collapsed to the ground clutching her head and choking back tears.

“Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!” the seer began chanting over and over again as Spike helped her up from the floor and positioned her next to Willow on the couch. Concerned but still weak the witch leaned over to help her friend, cradling the actress and her aching head in her arms.

“Hey Wussley!” Spike called. “Get through ‘ere and bring some aspirin with you.”

Willow could feel Cordy wince at the loudness of his voice as she struggled to sit up. “We need to get out,” she murmured quietly.

“What?” the witch asked confused. She tried to put a comforting hand on the seer’s arm but Cordelia pulled away and started climbing to her feet. A second later Spike caught her again as her legs gave out.

“They’re coming,” Cordy added her voice sounding distant and exhausted. “We have to get away.”

Angel appeared rushing forwards and pushing in front of Spike to crouch down by his seer. “Delia?” he asked. “What was it? Are you all right? What can you remember?” A moment later Wesley came into view carrying a glass of water and a bottle of painkillers. He handed them to the resident seer who struggled to get the bottle open.

“Stupid child proof cap,” she snarled fighting with it until Angel took the bottle and opened it for her. Without saying anything Cordelia spilled out a couple of pills and swallowed them with the water. “Something went wrong with the spell. We need to get out of here before they come for her.”

“Who? Willow?” Spike asked, anger flaring in his eyes. “Well they won’t bloody get her!”

Ignoring his irate grandchilde who had moved to stand protectively over Willow shoulder Angel lifted Cordelia’s chin so that he could look her in the eye. “Who’s after Willow?”

“Doesn’t matter,” Cordelia said struggling to her feet with the dark vampire’s aid. “Well it does but not just now. We can sort that out later. I’d say packing a couple of things and getting out of here, like, yesterday definitely rates high on the to do meter though.”

Angel looked around meeting eyes with the other occupants of the room. Finally his eyes rested on Spike who nodded his head in unspoken agreement. “Okay, Spike you take Willow and get your things together. I’ll pack a bag then we’ll all head over to Cordelia’s. We’ve worked from there before and we can do it again.”

The seer started to shake her head. “No, they might know where I live or at least be able to find it out easily enough. I mean, how many demons and assorted other evil creatures are going to know where I live by now? Look, just go pack your things. I have an idea where we could go.”

“Where?” Angel asked.

“Just hurry up! I’ll explain on the way.”

“Don’t worry Cordy,” Willow said gripping the girl’s hand. “I’ll get these slow-coaches to get moving.”

Letting go of her friend’s hand Willow eased herself past Spike and hastily made her way to her room. From under her bed she grabbed hold of the backpack she had brought from Sunnydale and began to repack it as quickly as she could manage. Grabbing her things and hoping that the others had thought to carefully pack the rest of her magic equipment into the box they had been brought in Willow collected her coat and ran back out into the corridor in time to see Spike coming out of his room. He immediately took from her the bag and together they continued to the lobby where the others were waiting.

Cordelia travelled in Angel’s car with him, while Willow went with Spike and Wesley followed behind on his motorcycle. In such a fashion they continued, following whatever directions that Cordy gave until they found themselves outside of the magic shop that Cordelia had taken Willow to in order to buy the necessary ingredients for the spell. To her surprise she saw the old woman, Gadu, in the doorway, with her arms crossed and a shawl about her shoulders.

As the dark haired seer climbed out of the car her older counterpart uncrossed her arms and took several tottering steps towards them all as one by one each emerged from their various modes of transport and congregated with Cordelia. Gadu met them halfway between the vehicles and her shop with a stern expression on her face. Keeping the same, somehow disapproving air about her, the short woman looked over the people assembled before her. “I thought I’d be seeing you again sometime soon young one,” she said, addressing Cordelia. “Of course I also thought it would be slightly longer than it has been.”

“You had a vision?” Cordelia asked curiously.

Gadu nodded her head briefly and spun on her heals. “You and yours can enter. That includes the vampires although I’m none too sure that I want them having free run of my place.”

“I promise that they won’t put a foot wrong,” the actress replied following the old woman inside. Glancing back over her shoulder she waved at the others to follow.

“Did you hear that?” Spike said leaning close to the witch. “’Won’t put a foot wrong’ my arse. Like she can tell me where I’m going to put my foot! And did you see her eyes - they were yellow. Trust me when I say that can not be a good sign.” Spike paused in the door way and grabbed hold of Willow’s arm. “I think we should get yet right back off to Sunnyhell as quickly as possible. Actually the cars there, lets go now.”

Willow placed her hands on his upper arms reassuringly. “Not a very convincing argument Spike. Your eyes are always turning yellow - does that mean that I shouldn’t trust you?”

“Don’t be stupid pet. You know very well that I’m not going to hurt you anytime soon.”

The witch found herself smiling and gave Spike a quick hug which he returned with as much zeal. “Thank you.”

“It’s really sweet that you two are getting along so well but Gadu doesn’t think that it’s a good idea for either of you, any of us actually, to be seen, especially not in her shop.”

“We weren’t doing anything,” Willow said after she flew out of Spike’s arms and found herself staring at Cordelia.

“Uh-huh, sure,” the ex-cheerleader teased. “And that’s why your face is the same colour as your hair. Come on, it’s quite a nice place she’s got back here. By scary old woman standard that is.” There was a rattle of beads and then the other girl was gone and they were left alone again.

“You are blushing you know,” the blonde said as he followed her across the shop floor.

Willow spun around and hit him on the arm. “Don’t even joke about it,” she said desperately wishing that there were some way to stop the heat that kept flaring at the surface of her of skin. “You really don’t want Cordy to get an idea like that stuck in her head. She’d never give it up.”

Spike snorted laughter and held his hands up in a defensive gesture before slipping his arm about her shoulders as they emerged in a corridor, at the end of which Willow could see Cordelia disappearing through about door. “Oh I don’t know. It might be fun to watch the cheerleader get in a fluster all about it. What do you say pet? Up for a bit of torture?”

“No because I know the person that you really want to get at is Angel.”

“I don’t know what you could possibly mean,” he answered feigning innocence. “I don’t give a damn what the poof thinks.”

She let out a deep sigh and stopped him before he could open to door to where she presumed all the others were. “Don’t start anything Spike,” the redhead found herself warning as she looked up into his amused blue eyes. “I mean it. I’m tired and there is no way that I could manage another round of arguments between you two.”

The vampire brought his hand up to the side of her face but let it drop away before he actually touched her. “Okay luv, I promise that no matter how easy he makes it I will not take the bate.”

Willow grinned her response and entered the room reminding herself all the time that just because the blonde had said he would, or in this case would not, do something did not mean that he wouldn’t do it anyway just to be annoying. Inside she was confronted with the sight of her friends sitting with the old woman and another man that she didn’t recognise. The man in question gave a smile that was somehow suggestive and friendly at the same time and Willow found herself smiling back at him before she self-consciously tucked a strand of short hair behind her ear and tried not to blush. The young witch redirected her gaze in time to see Spike giving the man a snarl while he pulled her into a seat next to his own.

He is taking this protective thing almost too seriously, she thought as the vampire continued to stare down the stranger. When it seemed that their little private contest would draw on forever, the tension in the room becoming uncomfortable, the other man finally backed down and whispered something to Gadu. Spike leaned back, his body language showing him to be relaxed. From the other side of the room there was a deep chuckle and Willow glanced up, surprised, to see that it was Angel who had made the sound and that an amused expression lingered on his face.

“First things first,” the old woman said drawing everyone’s attention back to her. “This is my grandson, Lewis. He lives here with me so unfortunately there was no avoiding getting him involved with this business. However that doesn’t mean that I want him rushing all over the city with you people.”

“Of course,” Angel agreed quickly. “If I had my way then we would have avoided involving yourself and your grandson altogether but Delia seemed to think that we would be better coming here. She didn’t actually give us much choice in the matter.”

Gadu focused her yellow eyes on the vampire and nodded her head slowly. “You were right to listen to her,” she told him. “Seer’s don’t just have visions. They’ve been known more than once to be right about hunches and such. It’s a gift that tends to leak into our everyday lives as well.”

“Told you so,” Cordelia muttered smugly tapping her boss’s arm for emphasise and to make sure he had taken note.

The old seer smiled at her indulgently causing the Sunnydaler to flush slightly in embarrassment to the amazement of Willow who suddenly found Gadu’s unnerving eyes on her. “Your spell went wrong young lady.”

“So Cordy tells me. I can hardly believe it though. I followed the version that I had to the letter. It was the original as well so there was no way that I could have made a mistake in copying it.” The old woman’s face seemed to express that she understood.

“There was more than one possible version though.” Wesley interrupted. “I purpose that you picked the wrong one to perform.”

Willow turned to him and leaning forwards on her seat with her eyes flashing brightly with momentary irritation. “There’s no reason to sound so happy about it,” she snapped as she also became aware of Spike’s hand being placed reassuringly on her back.

The ex-watcher’s eyes widen and shock spread across his features. “Naturally I’m not happy about it, however I must point out that had you listened to me in the first place then these set of circumstances would undoubtedly not have occurred. You must understand that I have had training to deal with these sorts of situations.”

“Shut up Wussley,” Spike said suddenly, his voice full of anger and irritation as he spoke. “If we’d listened to you then we probably wouldn’t have done any spell and we would have been in this situation anyway.”

“I say…” Wesley exclaimed, climbing to his feet and starting in the blonde vampire’s direction before seeming to catch himself. A smirk filtered across Spike’s face as he saw the hesitation on the man’s face.

“Wesley,” Angel said keeping his eyes steady on his grandchilde who glared back with a look of almost equal intensity. “Sit down and don’t listen to him.” There was an uneasy silence in the room as Wesley took the time to swallow his anger and moved back to his seat.

There was a short laugh from Gadu. “I believe that either way you would have been duped into performing some type of spell that would have been sufficient to activate the weapon sooner or later. If I have interpreted my vision correctly then you have all been played very nicely.”

A startled expression appeared on the face of the dark vampire. “What do you mean?”

“Maria seems to have been several steps ahead of you,” the old woman said in reply. “You didn’t honestly think she would move into the area without thoroughly investigating what competition she would have did you?”

Realisation washed over Angel’s face and Spike could be heard to be laughing in the background. “That really should have occurred to me,” Angel answered with a groan of irritation.

“Oh you’ve done real good grandpa,” Spike said chuckling.

“I didn’t hear you making the suggestion William,” his grandsire replied.

“I don’t think I follow,” Cordelia interrupted.

“It seems Maria knew that Angel was here before she even moved into the city,” Willow explained. “Its probably one of the reasons that she chose L.A. They did get Angel to do all the dirty work for them in the beginning if you remember. Its actually quite clever, if Angel had given in and stolen the artefact for them then there would have been no murder and no message from the Powers That Be to try and save that man and Angel Investigations would never have got involved to the point where they are now.”

Gadu could be seen to shake her head. “You’re close to the truth but I don’t think that’s quite it. Perhaps this has more to do with you being a witch than you would like to think.”

The redhead appeared startled until a frown settled over her features. She was all too aware of the fact that the others in the room were all looking to her now. “I think I’m the one not following now,” she admitted finally.

“Maria needed you to perform the spell so that the weapons would be activated. She undoubtedly predicted that Angel would ask for you help and that sooner or later the witch she wanted would be drawn here to help.”

“There are plenty of other witches around,” Willow objected quickly.

“That there are but not many are as strong as you are.”

“That’s a fact. It also explains why Cordelia had a vision about the hotel being stormed and Willow being in danger,” Spike added. “So Maria’s been playing us. It makes you wonder how long she’s been setting all this up doesn’t it?”

“Perhaps more importantly,” Wesley said with a glare directed at the blonde. “It makes one wonder why she’s been setting this up. What does a vampire need with a weapon of mass destruction?”

Spike smirked. “You really did miss out on the whole ‘The Judge’ episode in our lives didn’t you? Does that ring any bells for you watcher?” Wesley stared back at him with a vaguely blank look on his face. “Destroying the human race…” Spike prompted.

“Don’t worry about it Wes,” Angel said. “It happened years ago. As much as I hate to admit it Spike’s right. The only reason that Maria could really have for assembling the weapon is to attempt to wipe out a whole lot of people.”

“Isn’t that more than a little self-destructive?” the ex-watcher asked. “If she killed humans then whom would she feed on?”

“There have been cases when vampires have kept a large group of human around for food and… well, other things,” the dark vampire offered.

“Like the Master wanted to do in the alternate Sunnydale,” Willow said. “If evil me is to be believed that is.”

“So what do we do now?” Cordelia asked.

There were blank looks all around except for Spike who shrugged and said, “They don’t have all the pieces of the weapon yet. Why don’t we track down the last part and, seeing as we don’t seem to be able to destroy it, send it somewhere that it won’t ever be found again?”

“I think the vampire might have something,” Gadu said. “You should begin your investigations into the matter as soon as possible. It will enable you to track Maria.”

Angel appeared to think this over. “It’s going to be difficult but it’s the only viable option open to us at the moment. I want to thank you Gadu for all your help.”

“Just make sure that you beat her vampire. I’ll be happy with that.”
