A New Dawn

Author: Inell

Email: Inell13@webtv.net

Disclaimer: Joss owns them all

Distribution: Usual Suspects

Rating: R

Pairing: Willow/Spike

Feedback: Would make me feel better.

Notes: Something different. Season 4 with a few minor changes that should be noticable. We'll see. Let me know what you think. A bit darker than most, so Terri, delete it now. :) To Angela. All for you, pet. Hope I didn't forget anything.


~Part: 1~

"Come on guys. You have to go with us" Buffy said, a slight whine in her voice.

"Buffy, I've told you already. Olivia is coming in this evening. I have to be here. You and Willow can handle patrol." Giles said calmly.

"Yeah, it's not like things have been so busy lately" Anya pointed out dryly.

"Xander? You coming?" Willow asked, wondering why it was so important to Buffy that they have someone else with them. As Anya had said, things have been quiet lately.

"Can't. Anya and I are celebrating our first anniversary" Xander said, kissing his girlfriend.

"I thought that was last week" Buffy said.

"That was our first date. This is for our first kiss." Xander explained.

"What about your farm boy?" Anya asked, staring at Buffy.

"Riley is busy. Initiative things" Buffy said, a frown on her face. She and Riley had not been getting along for several weeks. She had just thought it better not to tell the others until a decision had been made.

"I can go, pets" Spike offered.

Willow beamed at Spike, "Thank you Spike."

Buffy rolled her eyes. Those two were like kids. Always giggling and staring. But, neither one was brave enough to make a move. Instead, they said they were just friends. Ha. That was a laugh. "Well, at least someone cares."

"Buffy, quit acting like a spoiled child. Now, go." Giles said.

Buffy, Willow and Spike got up and headed out for patrol. The girls looked back at their friends, frowning slightly at how they had been acting lately. Spike took off in one direction, splitting up with them both at the first cemetary.

"Why was it so important for someone to come with us?" Willow asked, swinging her legs as she waited for the vampire to rise.

"Just a feeling" Buffy said, shrugging. "Something is going to happen tonight. I can feel it."

"Great. Now you're scaring me" Willow said, smiling at the slayer.

"Sorry. You know me. Just a dream that spooked me out. It might have been that chocolate I ate before bed" Buffy added thoughtfully.

The two girls chatted a bit longer, discussing how the group was slowly drifting apart. For the last few weeks, patrols had only been made by them and Spike. Everyone else was so wrapped up in their own lives they hadn't offered to help. Buffy heard a noise and motioned for Willow to be silent.

"Did you hear that?" she whispered.

Willow nodded, looking around. She didn't see anyone. She moved to Buffy's side, just in case. Things were always safer by the slayer. She heard the noise again and looked behind them. "Oh my god."

Buffy turned, her body immediately moving forward to begin the fight. She took several hits but managed to kill a few of the dozen vampires. She heard Willow gasp and froze, her own eyes widening as she felt a hand grip her neck. She looked into the eyes of her death as she felt her life slipping away.

Willow screamed as she turned to run. She was easily overtaken and watched in horror as Buffy fell limply to the ground. She looked at the face of their attacker, surprised to see no malice or evil, just knowledge. Soon, darkness overtook her as everything faded to black.

"Take them to my rooms" a voice said, moving back into the shadows.

"Yes Mistress" the minions said, slinging the half dead girls over their shoulders.


"Ow..ow...ow" Cordelia said, dropping her mug of coffee. She held her head, falling to her knees as visions assaulted her.

Angel stood and went to get a wet cloth. He cleaned the spill, giving the girl time to collect herself before beginning the questions. "You ok?"

Cordelia looked at him, her face white. "We have to go. NOW."

Confused, he glanced at Wesley before looking back at Cordelia. "Where?"

"Sunnydale. It's Buffy and Willow. Lots of blood." Cordelia said, her words soft as she tried to reconcile the conflicting images that had splashed through her mind. "Everyone is in danger."

Angel heard Buffy's name and stood quickly. "Come on. We can be there in less than two hours."

"Make it one" Cordelia said, still trying to understand what they might be facing.

~Part: 2~

Willow opened her eyes, blinking rapidly as she focused on the ceiling. She heard a groan and recognized Buffy's voice. She sat up, confusion on her face. Where was she? What exactly had happened? She felt something inside her snap as she focused on her friend.

"Willow." Buffy said, looking at her friend. She let her eyes drift over the red hair that fell to the girl's shoulders...curling around a pale white neck. She closed her eyes as a tremor passed through her. "It hurts."

"I know. You feel it too?" Willow asked, her eyes looking over Buffy. The girl had a bruise on her face that was already healing. A cut on her arm was faded to nothing. She heard a key enter the lock as the door swung open. She and Buffy both looked at the doorway, a feeling passing over them both.

"Good. You're both awake."

"What did you do to us?" Buffy demanded, anger in her voice. She hated not understanding.

"What do you think?"

Willow saw the woman smile and knew instinctively. She felt the conflict before she caught Buffy's eyes. "You know."

"No. It isn't suppose to feel like this" Buffy said, fighting off the truth.

"It will pass soon. It always does."

Willow looked at the dark haired vampire, her eyes curious. "Why?"

Drusilla smiled, "Miss Edith told me to. I want my family back. My Angel and my Spike. They have claimed you two....you are their chosen mates. I have now claimed you also. We will soon be a happy family. They will come for you."

"You're crazy" Buffy said, dizziness overtaking her as she denied what had happened.

"No I'm not. Besides, you'll love it. Trust me" Dru said, looking proudly at the two girls.

Willow put her head between her knees, thinking. There was nothing that could be done now. It had happened. At least she had Buffy. Finally, looking up at Buffy, her eyes flashed yellow as she smiled, "No more silly research and the fear. We get to live forever, Buffy."

Buffy opened her eyes, a smile crossing her lips as she gave in to the inevitable. "This could have its advantages."

Dru clapped, "Oh goodie. Two beautiful daughters. We will have such fun my pretties."

Buffy moved to Willow's side, letting her hand drift over her best friend's face. She smiled, her fangs glinting in the pale light cast above, "Think of it. No more worrying about being the slayer. No more putting up with stupid rules. Together always, Wills." She kissed her dearest friend lightly, thankful that she had been turned too. Smiling a wicked smile, she asked, "Who shall we kill first?"

Willow laughed, an evil glint in her eyes, "Don't care. Just hungry."

"Mother, may we hunt?" Buffy asked, her head resting on Willow's shoulder as she played with the girl's red hair, her blue eyes on Drusilla.

"Yes, mother. May we?" Willow asked, looking at Drusilla and smiling sweetly.

"Yes my loves. We shall hunt. And wait for your mates to join us." Drusilla offered them each a hand which they took. She could feel the energy coming off them both in waves. Yes, Miss Edith had chosen wisely. A powerful witch and a strong slayer. What better daughters could she ask for? Laughing, she took her newest children out to hunt.

~Part: 3~

"Tar--a" the voice called from the shadows. Tara turned, recognizing the voice of Willow.

"Willow? Hi." Tara said, fighting the attraction she always felt for the redhead. She smiled wondering what her friend wanted.

"Tara...you've been a naughty girl" Willow said, moving into the light. She looked up, a sneer on her lips.

"Wh..wh..what?" Tara said, a wave of fear going over her.

"You want me, my little witch." Willow said, moving forward quickly and pinning Tara against the wall.

"No..I don't...no...please stop this" Tara said, wondering what she should do.

"Is ok. It's nice to be wanted" Willow pressed her body against the girl's. She enhaled the fear the girl was giving off. She smiled at the rush of power that came over her. "I want you too."

"You do?" Tara asked quietly, her fear forgotten as Willow's eyes softened. She shivered as the girl ran her hands over her face.

"Oh yes....very much" Willow said, licking the girl's cheek. "Yum..so tasty."

"Uh" Tara said, not sure what was happening. She had never seen Willow as being so forceful.

"Such a frail little thing aren't you? I swear I could break you in two" Willow said, her mouth on the girl's ear as she spoke huskily.

"Uh huh" Tara said, her breath quickening. She was strangely excited by this but there was still the underlying fear in her body.

"I won't" Willow promised, her eyes flashing as she felt her fangs elongate. "I'm too hungry to play with my food."

Tara felt the grip tighten and looked at Willow. She screamed as she saw the vampire face the girl was wearing. She felt a prick in her neck as Willow began to feed. She soon felt her life drain as Willow drank her dry.

Willow licked her lips, letting the drained girl fall to the ground. She felt a hand around her waist and looked at Buffy's proud face. She cocked her head to the side as she smacked her lips, "Virgin blood...wonder if it is always so ripe and flush."

"Let me taste" Buffy said, kissing her fully, letting her tongue taste the remains of the blood. Pulling back, she smiled, "You had your fun. My turn."

Dru watched the girl walk into the night, proud of them both. Sunnydale would never be the same.


"Buffy? Is that you? Wow...what are you wearing?" Parker asked, his eyes running over her scantilly clad form.

"Parker....how nice to see you" Buffy said, her eyes wide and innocent. She felt the hunger stir and knew she wouldn't be able to play with him for long. "You smell good."

"Did you miss me?" he asked, a cocky grin on his handsome face.

"Oh yes. I just knew I had to see you tonight" Buffy said, faintly hearing Willow stifle a laugh. She moved forward, running her hands seductively over his chest. "Do you want me?"

"Yeah" Parker said. He was between women at the moment and could use a good hard fuck. It seemed that Buffy had come to terms with his deception earlier in the year.

"Close your eyes" Buffy said, licking her lips and giving him a lusty look. She smiled as he did as he was told. She ran her mouth over his face, dropping to his neck. She nibbled just slightly, feeling him melt into her. Laughing, she changed. Her fangs bit into his neck deeply, her grip on him strong. He struggled, whimpering, but she was too strong for him. She drained him, pushing his body to the ground. For good measure, she kicked him before walking towards Willow.

"I want a taste" Willow said, kissing Buffy as the blonde had kissed her. "He was yummy."

"That was fun" Buffy said, a grin on her face. The two joined hands as they went to Drusilla.

"Very well done my pets. Are you full or do you need more?" Dru asked softly.

"Sleepy" Willow said, her body still growing accustomed to being dead.

"Me too. We need to be away from here before someone sees us" Buffy added.

"Come my darlings. We shall go home and wait. I can feel my Angel getting closer. Soon, he and Spike will be back with us...with they belong."

"Angel? He's coming?" Buffy said, feelings of lust going through her as she remembered him and how he had made her human self feel.

"Spike's here. He watches us now" Willow said softly, knowing he was near. "He's confused but excited. Shall we call to him, Mother?"

"No sweet. We will let them both come to us. We've done enough chasing." Dru said, nodding her head slightly. "We shall get some rest for tomorrow will be busy."

"Sleep sounds lovely" Buffy said, looking at the still dark sky. Dawn was coming soon, she could feel it. She felt more alive than she ever had before. Smiling at Willow and seeing a similar look on her friend's face, they ran to catch up to their sire.

~Part: 4~

Angel knocked on the door to Rupert's apartment, hoping the man was in. He waited, finally hearing the door open. He saw Giles look at him in surprise, "Angel! What are you doing here?"

"Can I come in?" Angel asked, his voice quiet.

"Of course. What's happened? Come in." Giles allowed him access to the apartment. Angel was surprised to see a lovely woman look up from the couch. "Olivia, this is Angel. Angel, meet Olivia."

Angel nodded at her before turning his attention to Giles, "Have you heard from Willow or Buffy this afternoon?"

"No. Not since last night. Why?" Giles asked, sitting next to Olivia.

Angel ran a hand through his hair, "Cordy had a vision. Death and blood with Willow and Buffy at the center of it."

"Good lord. She must be wrong" Giles said. "I'll call them and have them meet us here."

Angel heard a knock and went to let Wesley and Cordelia enter. The two nodded at Olivia, Cordelia wondering why someone like her would want someone like Giles. They sat and waited.

"They aren't in, but they do have classes until late on Thursday. I did call Xander and Anya. They'll be here soon. Spike will be here as soon as dusk hits." Giles said.

"Spike?" Angel said, remembering hearing that his childe had been damaged by the military group on campus. "He's coming?"

"He cares for Willow" was all Giles said. "Riley didn't see Buffy this morning, but I suspects that there is trouble in that paradise. It doesn't surprise me that he hasn't seen her. Now, Miss Chase. What exactly did you see?"

"Sorry. Doesn't that work that way. I see images. I saw Buffy and Willow. Lots of blood. I heard screams and that's about it. I'm sure there was more, but it happens kind of fast" Cordelia said.

They continued to discuss the vision while they waited for the others. Xander and Anya arrived, not happy to see who was waiting for them. "Did you find them?" Xander asked, ignoring Angel.

"No. They are in class late today." Giles said.

"I'm sure things will be fine. Why are we even worried?" Anya asked, a petulant tone in her voice. She had changed her plans for some bimbo's vision. She wasn't happy.

"Because, Cordelia's visions are never wrong." Angel said patiently. He felt irritation that no one seemed to care all that much. What had happened to the close group he had left?

"Well. Well. Well. Look what the cat dragged in" Spike said lazily from the doorway.

Angel glared at him, pausing when he saw something in his childe's eyes. They shared a moment, and Angel knew he would be talking to the blonde after they left the apartment. Spike knew something. And it scared him. Angel was intrigued by what would cause Spike fear. He glanced at the humans and saw the bored expressions on their faces. What the hell had happened to them all?

~Part: 5~

Buffy sat up in bed, a smile on her face. She glanced at the naked redhead beside her, pushing her slightly to wake her. "Wills. Guess what?"

Willow opened one eye, blinking at her friend. "Shut up. Want to sleep."

"Come on Willow." Buffy whined, a smile in her blue eyes.

Willow sighed loudly and sat up, "Fine. I'm up. What is it?"

"My Angel is here. I can feel him" Buffy said, smiling.

"I know. I can feel him too. He is our grandfather after all" Willow pointed out dryly. She started to laugh at Buffy's expression. "What's wrong?"

"He's our grandfather. That's kind of eeew. I mean, I feel like I should be going on Jerry Springer or something. Isn't that incest?" Buffy asked.

Willow flat out laughed, "Buffy. We're vampires and you're worried about incest? Please. I'm in love with our uncle so I don't think I'm the one to ask."

"Spike is our uncle isn't he? What a great thing. A nice big happy family....Wait, then if I get with my Angel and our mother is his daughter that means I'd be her mother yet her daughter too..."

"Stop it!" Willow said, laughing. "You're even managing to confuse me. Just forget about the silly family things. We have Mum and our mates. That's all that matters. So, do you think any of them know yet?"

Buffy snorted as she stood, her nude body gleaming in the candle light. She pulled a shirt on, looking at her Willow. "Not likely. Would they even care?"

Willow thought about it, "If it didn't directly threaten them? I doubt it. I will say that I hope they don't know. It makes it more fun to play."

Buffy sat on the bed, looking at Willow. "Well, we have Angel back in town now. The next one to worry about is Spike. Do we follow through with the plan we discussed last night?"

"Yes" Willow said, anger flashing in her eyes. "We will take care of my Spike before they do find out. Shall we go now?"

Buffy laughed, "You might should get dressed, not that I don't mind seeing you like that, my love."

Willow rolled her eyes as she got out of bed and pulled some clothes on. "Do I look human and innocent enough?"

"Practically virginal" Buffy said, snickering.

"Goodie. Come on, my slayer. We have some people to meet." Willow said, her voice forceful.

"I so love this side of you Red" Buffy said, moving to join her sister..her friend...her lover. "Can I play too?"

"Of course Buffy. We can play together" Willow said, kissing her friend before they left the underground lair. They called a good bye to Dru before setting off. It was time to take care of Spike's problem.

~Part: 6~

Forrest Gates saw Buffy and frowned. What did the little bitch want now? He glared at her as she came forward to him. "Slayer."

"Gates. Have you seen Riley?" Buffy asked sweetly.

Forrest snorted, "He's probably hiding from you. No, I haven't seen lover boy since this afternoon. Why?"

Buffy sighed, looking across the campus. She turned her attention back to him, "Wait. You're an iniative member too. You'll do."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Forrest demanded, his dislike for the girl increasing as she rambled on.

"I need clearance" Buffy said simply.

Forrest started to laugh, "You mean you want me to let you inside? Whatever. Stupid bitch."

Suddenly, he felt a pain in his head. He fell to his knees, looking behind him and seeing the redheaded friend of the slayer. She was holding a knife and smiling innocently at him. "That's not very nice. Buffy asked you very politely to let us in."

"You're crazy" Forrest said, trying to stand.

Buffy's foot connected with his face. He fell backwards to the pavement, his nose broken. "Never insult my lover. It's not good for your health. Now, are you going to be a good boy and let us in or do we get to play?"

Forrest looked at them both in fear. They were crazy. He saw nothing but irriation in their eyes. Fearing for his life, he nodded, "I'll be good. I'll be very good."

Willow smiled sweetly, "That's nice to hear. So much more pleasant than insults. Now, we need to know who can remove an implant from Hostile 17. Do you know this person?"

Forrest nodded, blood dripping in his eyes. "Yeah...I can take you to him."

Buffy's hand went under his arm, lifting him easily. She squeezed, laughing when she heard the bone break and he screamed. "Rephrase the question. Can you get him to come to us?"

Forrest nodded, the pain tremendous. "I need to call him..."

Buffy dragged him to the nearest pay phone. "Call. Here is where he needs to meet us. As soon as possible."

"Wait...what am I suppose to tell him?" Forrest asked, his arm hurting terribly.

"You're a smart boy...make it believable" Willow said, looking at him then at the knife, "Or else...I get to play."

Forrest gulped as he dialed the number. "Doc? This is Gates. We have a situation. Do you remember hostile 17? His implant is not working. We must remove it and replace it immediately. He's too strong for us to move without his consent. Good. An hour? We should be able to hold him off until then. Yeah, it's going to be at 5203 Messon Drive. Ok. See you then."

"He's coming?" Willow asked, smiling.

Forrest nodded. "Yeah. He'll be there in an hour with the tools to remove the implant. Can I go now?"

Buffy glanced at Willow. "I don't know...I'm kind of hungry and his blood smells so tasty..."

"You do hate him" Willow said softly.

"True. What the fuck. Dinner time" Buffy bit deep into Forrest's neck, savoring the blood of her enemy. She heard the knife fall as Willow moved away from them to find her own treat. She pulled back, letting Forrest drop to the ground. She picked up the knife and went to find Willow kneeling over a blonde girl. Willow looked up, her eyes shining.

"Tonight, Spike will be back. Soon, you can have your Angel too." Willow said, letting Buffy help her to her feet.

"Come on, Wills. Let's find Mum and tell her the good news. The damn implant will be gone soon and Spike will be back to normal...." Buffy said, her arm around Willow's shoulders as they went to find Drusilla.

~Part: 7~

Angel looked at Spike and saw the blonde watching him. He met his eyes and raised a brow. Spike was dying to tell him something. Curiously, he waited.

"Eh, peeps. I think Peaches and I should have a patrol...see if we see anything spooky" Spike said, his tone bored.

"Oh yes...of course. You two patrol" Giles said, looking up from his book.

Angel stood, "We'll let you know if we see Buffy or Willow."

"I'm sure there is a reason they aren't back yet" Giles added.

"Sure" Angel said dryly. Anya and Xander had left soon after arriving claiming there was nothing they could do. Cordelia seemed to care more than any of the other Sunnydale gang. That surprised him. He followed Spike outside and waited to speak until they were a few blocks from the watcher's apartment. "What the fuck happened to them?"

Spike lit his cigarette and shrugged, "Don't know...don't care. Red's the only one I like."

"What is it you want to tell me" Angel asked, stopping.

"What makes you think I want to tell you anything?" Spike asked sneering.

"Spike" Angel's tone was warning.

Spike sighed, "Dru's back....."

"She is?" Angel said, worry going through him.

"That's not all, Peaches" Spike said, smiing. "She got Buffy and Willow."

"And you think this is funny? They could be dead!" Angel roared.

Spike started to laugh, "Oh...they're dead. Guess you could say they were undead."

Angel froze as he realized what Spike was saying, "They're vampires? Buffy's a vampire?"

"Saw them last night. Feeding on some bastard." Spike said. "My damn Red a bloody vampire and I can't even hunt with her. Do you know how pissed that makes me?"

"Buffy's a vampire" Angel said again. Suddenly, he smiled. "She won't die...Oh my god...she and I can be together..."

Spike snorted, "Well duh. Did it take you that long to figure that one out?"

Angel felt happiness course through his veins. He suddenly yelled as he fell to the ground. He grabbed his head as his soul was pushed free and his demon came out. He looked up at Spike and saw the blonde smiling at him.

"Welcome back, Daddy." Spike said, grinning as he tossed the cigarette on the cement. "Ready to find our mates?"

"Let's go" Angelus said, a smile on his handsome face.

~Part: 8~

Spike walked into the house, stopping when he saw Willow and Buffy watching him.

"It's about damn time" Willow said, smiling at him.

"Did you miss me pet?" he asked, going to her and pulling her into his arms.

"Like the flu" she said dryly, kissing him roughly.

Angelus smiled at them before turning his attention to Buffy. "Lover."

"You're back" Buffy said simply, moving into his arms. They kissed as Drusilla walked into the room.

Dru smiled, seeing her vision come true. They were all together....a big happy family. "My children....it's time."

Buffy and Willow pulled back, smiling at each other. Willow took Spike's hand and led him downstairs, "I have a surprise for you."

"What's that luv?" he asked, glancing at the man seated in a chair in the basement. "Uh, pet..I can't feed."

"Silly" Willow giggled, "He's going to make you all better."

"He's the one that put the implant in you, Spike. He's been coerced into removing it." Buffy said, smirking.

Spike looked between the girls and then at the man. He suddenly laughed as he pulled Willow into him. "That's my girl."

"Come on. The sooner he gets it out, the sooner we can hunt." Willow said, pushing him to lie on the table. She went to the doctor. "If you hurt him, you will die screaming in more pain than you can possibly imagine. Understood?"

The doctor nodded, "Yes. I won't hurt him."

Willow smiled, "Good. Now, take it out."

The doctor stood and began the removal process. Willow went to sit beside Buffy, her eyes watching the doctor closely. Her lover and friend was talking to Angelus. She was happy that those two could finally be together. She felt a hand on her face and turned, looking into dark brown eyes. "He'll be fine, Red."

Willow smiled at Angelus, "I know. Just can't wait to have him back."

Angelus nodded before looking back at Buffy, "So, what do you girls have planned for the next act?"

The girls laughed as they began to discuss their plans. They didn't want to remain in Sunnydale. Too many memories. But, they intended on leaving town with a big bang. None of their old friends would forget them. Ever.

~Part: 9~

"Baby....I'm back" Spike said, dropping the doctor's lifeless corpse to the ground. Willow shrieked as she ran to him. She kissed him, tasting the doctor's blood.

"Kids....enough smoochies. We have work to do" Buffy said, laughing at her lover and Spike. She felt Angelus behind her and leaned against him.

"Mummy is left out" Dru said, frowning. She had thought she'd get her Spikey and Angel back by bringing them the girls. Now, it appeared that she was being left.

Willow pulled back from Spike, a smile crossing her lips at the irritation she saw in his eyes. She heard Angelus growl as Dru continued to whine. She moved to Dru's side, Buffy moving to the other. The two new fledges exchanged a knowing look. "Shh...mummy...let me make it all ok" she said, hugging Drusilla.

"Yes Mummy...we will take you to a happy place" Buffy said, moving behind Dru. Spike and Angelus scowled at Drusilla, but watched curiously to see what Buffy and Willow were doing.

"My sweet lambs" Dru said, closing her eyes and smiling.

Willow kissed Dru's cheek, "Thank you, Mum. For making us and giving us Spike and Angelus. Rest in peace."

Dru's eyes flew open as Buffy staked her from behind. She gasped before turning to dust. Spike and Angelus started to laugh as Buffy kissed Willow. The girls turned to face their soon to be lovers and smiled.

"I so hate overprotective parents" Willow said lightly, moving back to Spike. "Shall we go eat mine?"

"I love how your mind works, Red" Spike said, laughing.

"I think that sounds like a marvelous idea" Buffy agreed. "I do hope they don't leave a bad taste in my mouth...."

Willow grimaced, "They will, but hey, at least they're actually home this week."

"I could use a snack" Angelus said, remembering the only time he had met Willow's parents. He hadn't been impressed. They deserved to die for the times they had left Willow home alone. Hell, they hadn't even made it to her graduation. Maybe he could torture them a bit before feeding. He looked hopefully at Willow as he asked.

Willow laughed, "Only if I can watch, gramps."

"Thanks honey" Angelus said, a sadistic smile on his face as he and the others walked to the Rosenberg residence.

~Part: 10~

Xander and Giles stood in the center of their room, their expressions of horror matching. "Oh my god" Xander said softly.

There was a soft laugh, "There is no god, Xan."

"Wills.." Xander broke off, turning away from his old friend. He looked at Buffy who moved to Willow's side. He watched with growing interest as Buffy's hand went around Willow's waist, her hand caressing the redhead's breast. Oh my...didn't know they were that close, he thought.

"Who did this to you both?" Giles demanded, not looking at his feet where Olivia...well, what was left of Olivia, laid broken and dead.

"Drusilla. We'd introduce you, but well, she sort of fell on a stake" Willow said, laughing gleefully at his shocked expression.

"Giles" Buffy started, "Don't look so disapproving. Do you know how fun this is? Neither of us can die....No more worrying about seeing my twenty first birthday...plus, I have my Angel back."

He grimaced, "I am so thrilled for you Buffy. You are now what I fight against....pure evil."

She laughed, "Not even close, watcher."

"We aren't evil. We are still the same people...we just have no guilt now" Willow explained. She caught Xander's eyes on her chest and smirked. He seemed oblivious to Anya's corpse resting behind him. "We just have so much more fun now...."

Giles sighed, "If you don't kill us, we have to fight you both...and Angelus and Spike, who I am sure are waiting outside for you both."

Buffy looked at him curiously, "You say that as you would prefer us to kill you."

"I would" he said simply. "I don't blame you...you were taken against your will. I'm sure you will both live a very long time with your chosen mates. In my heart, I am thrilled to know that neither of you will die at the hands of the hellmouth. With smart thinking, you could both live forever. Since you are like children to me...I am happy about that. But, you are evil now. This display here" he motioned around the bloody apartment, "proves that. I couldn't live knowing what you were even if I was glad you were still alive, in a way."

"What about you Xander? You want to die too?" Willow asked, her voice seductive.

"I won't kill you, Wills. I love you. You're my best friend. You'll have to kill me too though...I couldn't live knowing you might kill me at any time."

The girls nodded, exchanging a look. They moved forward, their fangs flashing in the light. Willow ran her hand over Xander's face, remembering fondly their friendship over the years. "It was amazing, Xander. Like waking up after years of sleepwalking through life. I am finally able to be what I truly am. Spike is mine. I've never been so happy....I even got to kill Percy."

"I'm ecstatic for you, Wills. Will you kill me now? Make it fast, ok? I don't like pain" Xander said, his heart racing against his chest.

"She's right Giles. This is who we really are. Dying allowed us to be real, finally. I took care of Parker and Forrest...Riley is gone too....they were too ignorant to live." Buffy said, looking at her watched fondly. "You should have heard how Riley screamed...just like a little girl...."

Giles sighed sadly, shaking his head, "Just kill me. I can't hear more of this."

"Just wait...you'll both understand." Buffy said, smiling as she sunk her teeth into Giles' neck. She watched in pleasure as Willow repeated the action with Xander. Together, she and her lover fed their new children. The two men were laid gently on the floor. Willow kissed Xander's forehead as she turned to smile at Spike as he walked inside.

"Did you two do it?" Spike asked, looking around the room in pride.

"Yes" Willow said. "They'll be awake in a few hours...then we can all rule Sunnydale."

Angelus laughed, "With Ripper and Xander in the family, things will never be very quiet."

"Who likes quiet?" Buffy asked, kissing him roughly.

"Oh look...it's almost dawn." Willow said, taking Buffy's hand. The two girls went to watch the sun rise from the protection of the tinted windows. They both loved watching the sunrise. It was so different now to them. It meant that they had lived through another night, together.

Buffy felt their mates move behind them, arms around their waists. She glanced idly at Giles and Xander, wondering how long it would take them to wake up. Smiling at Willow, she kissed her friend gently. "Another new dawn....just for us."

