
Author: Inell


Disclaimer: Joss owns them all

Distribution: Kiss or Kill Anyone else, just ask

Rating: R

Pairing: Willow/Spike

Feedback is like oxygen, I need it to survive...and write more. ;)

Sequel to Elusive Obsession. Hope you like this one. This idea wouldn't leave me alone. Warning: Things may seem a bit weird, but hey, it's my fic. :)

Warning: There will be a strange ship, so be warned. Hey, I had to use them both and couldn't just leave them single. Sorry.....:/ To everyone who so politely demanded a sequel. Hope this is good enough. :)


~Part: 1~

April 2003

Buffy Summers let herself into slayer's headquarters, as they affectionately called the large mansion. She put her bag down in the chair, calling up the stairs, "Giles! I'm here."

She heard him call down and smiled as she walked into the living room. After Angel had left four years before, they had taken up residence in his mansion. With Willow's death and Faith's running away, they had wanted a change of scenery. It had been necessary after she and the others had graduated high school anyway. She looked up as Xander came into the house, putting his owns books down. "Hey there. How was class?"

Xander sat down and groaned, "The test was a killer but I think I did ok."

"You should" Anya said, sitting down next to him. "We only stayed up all night studying."

"Thank you honey" he said, kissing her softly.

"God, I may puke" an amused voice said. Cordelia and Graham came in, smiling at their friends.

"Hey C. Have you seen Riley?" Buffy asked, stretching.

"He's on his way. He and Tara had some supplies to pick up" Graham said.

"Cool" Buffy said, looking up as Giles came into the room. "Hey there. Did we wake you?"

"Buffy! I'm not old enough to need to nap" Giles said, rolling his eyes.

"Tara can tell you that" Cordelia said, snorting.

"Did I hear my name?" a soft voice spoke from the doorway. Tara came into the room, a smile crossed her face as she stepped into Giles' arms. She kissed his cheek as she faced the others. "What were you saying, Cordelia?"

"Nothing, Tara" Cordelia said, delighting in the faint blush that touched the blonde girl's cheeks.

"Oh, hush" Tara said, looking at Buffy. "Riley is bringing the bags in."

"I'll help him" she said, standing. "Or maybe not" she said, seeing him step into the room. She kissed him as she sat back down. She listened as her friends began to talk. She had retired from slaying a year before but still helped out. All of them did. It was a part of their lives. They had all grown up a lot over the past years. Growing together. She smiled as she turned to face Riley. Her eyes fell on the pictures lineing the mantle. The mantle documented their times together. The first pictures being her, Xander and Willow. She felt a sadness as she thought of Willow. She hadn't realized until after she had met Riley just how horrible she had been back then. She wished often that she could go back and do things differently, but she knew that that didn't change things. She had let her best friend down and had to live with that every day of her life. She moved to the more recent pictures, showing the new extended group. They all lived in the mansion, most of them in their senior years of college. The new slayer lived her also.

"Where is Kari?" Xander asked.

"Still at school" Buffy said, glancing at the clock. Kari was the latest slayer. The first new slayer had arrived two years before, signalling the death of Faith. Buffy had no idea where the brunette had gone or why. The council couldn't locate her though they had know she was alive because a new slayer wasn't called. At Ria's arrival, any thoughts that Faith was still alive had died. Ria had last more than six months, finally dying in an ambush by several vampires. Since her, there had been two more slayers. Kari had lasted more than seven months already and Buffy thought she might be strong enough to make it longer. "She'll be home soon."

"Anything planned tonight?" Anya asked.

"Just patrol. If we all take one, we should be done by nine. Time to party" Buffy said, smiling.

"Sounds like a plan." Xander remarked.

Cordelia leaned against Graham, saying, "Things have been so quiet lately we should be done by eight."

"Who's turn is it to cook?" Tara asked softly.

"Mine" Xander said, causing the others to groan.

"Great. Pizza" Riley said, laughing as Xander threw a cushion at him.

Buffy stood, motioning to Riley, "Come on, funny man. Let's spar."

"Yes honey" Riley said, smiling at her as he followed her to the excerise room.

The others drifted to finish their daily tasks, preparing for patrol and dinner.

~Part: 2~

Buffy looked up from her homework when the door opened. Her eyes widened slightly as Kari came into the living room, collapsing against the door frame. "Oh my god....."

"What happened, Kari?" Riley asked, moving to help the girl sit down.

Kari looked up, her eyes glazed over, "Attacked. Strong vamps...."

"Let's get you tended to" Giles said, watching Tara collect the first aid kit.

"Won't help" Kari said, coughing. "I got a couple of them, but they were so strong. Buffy...I'm so sorry."

"Don't be sorry. We'll fix you right up" Buffy said, kneeling beside the girl.

Kari laughed lightly, her face cringing in pain. "I'm dying. Band aids won't fix it."

"Quit talking like that. I will not lose another slayer" Giles said.

"Not your choice. I feel it" Kari said. She looked at them and said softly, "Be careful. Sorry I wasn't good enough."

"Kari" Cordelia said, moving to the girl's side. "You're going to be fine. We'll get you to the hospital. They'll fix everything."

Kari smiled slightly as she felt Graham swing her into his arms. She let her head fall weakly against his shoulder as she looked at the others and caught Buffy's eyes, "Be careful. They're so strong. Thanks for everything."

Buffy watched Graham and Cordelia go, looking at Giles sadly. "She's dying."

"Yes, she is. Appears to have been some sort of poison along with the attack" Giles said, a nerve twitching in his cheek.

"This isn't good, is it?" Tara asked quietly, moving to his side and taking his hand. She had been friends with the slayer for four years, having seen three slayers fall now. It never got easier.

"I'm afraid not." Giles said.

"Kari was pretty new at this though" Xander said.

"She'd lasted longer than most of the others" Buffy pointed out.

"Yeah, but not against a strong opponent." Anya commented.

"They're right" Riley said. "She wouldn't have lasted against the Master or Angelus."

"Still has me worried" Buffy said, her expression sad and worried. "I can't believe Kari is gone."

"I wonder who we'll get next" Anya said.

"They keep getting younger and younger" Giles said quietly.

Buffy sighed, running a hand through her hair before she shut her books. "Guess we patrol tonight."

"I have to admit, it's times like these I really miss Faith" Xander said, making a face.

"She may have been obnoxious but she could fight" Giles remarked.

"Well, she's dead now. Guess she wasn't that good" Buffy said, still resenting being compared to the runaway slayer. "Sorry....I'll get ready and patrol."

"I'll come with you" Riley said, standing and taking her hand.

"Kari is dead" Tara said softly, hanging the phone up. She blinked away tears as she sat beside Giles. "Does it ever get any easier?"

Giles thought about it, remembering Jenny and Willow and Faith and the slayers that had come since. He slowly shook his head, "No, it doesn't."

~Part: 3~

May 2004

Willow smiled as she watched Spike sleeping. He always looked so peaceful in sleep. Like a child almost. Even after five years, she still loved him completely. Despite everything that had happened...all of the changes. She wouldn't have made it without him. She could look back now on those first few months together and smile. At the time she had been so innocent. It amazed her how naive she had been. She had honestly thought that leaving Sunnydale would change their lives. It hadn't. If anything, it seemed that had been a catalyst for events that had been beyond their control.

She leaned back against the tombstone, Spike's head still on her lap. She brushed a lock of his hair away, thinking back over the past years. They had all moved to Savannah, instantly falling in love with the laidback ambiance of the town. Angel had been contacted by Whistler soon upon their arrival. It had seemed that the powers that be had learned of his mating with the renegade slayer and his move to Georgia. He was given the chance for redemption by helping lost souls throughout the east coast. He had accepted the chance, happily accepting help from his friends and lover. Faith had begun patrolling even before Angel's deal with the PTB, never contacting the council to let them know of her whereabouts. She and Angel had patrolled nightly, Willow and Spike joining them quiet often. It was on one of these patrols that Willow had discovered the truth about her life.

She smiled wrly. Life? That wasn't really the right word. She had been stabbed by a demon they were hunting. To her surprise, she hadn't died. After much research, they had finally discovered that the night Spike had saved her, she had really died. The demon that had attacked her had somehow given her immortality. It seemed that since he had been holding onto her upon his death he had transfered something during his final moments. So, she was left immortal. Now, she wasn't going to complain about it, but it was such a shock in the beginning. It had taken them all several weeks to deal with her new status. Spike had been weary of the news, not trusting it and constantly scared she was going to die. Finally, he had accepted it happily.

After that, she had become the one to take the most chances. Since she had nothing to fear, she could do things none of the others could. It was rather nice to be able to be so strong. She had matured so much after dying. She glanced up as Angel walked towards them. He sat beside her, his eyes going to the name on the tombstone. Faith Rosenberg. They had given her Willow's last name, knowing that she didn't want anything to do with her past. Willow smiled softly, putting her head on his shoulder as she remembered the other most pivotol event in the past five years. Faith's death. It had happened so suddenly, they had all been caught unaware. They had never seen it coming.

They had been called by the powers that night. All they had known was that they were to face a demon and had to kill it, regardless of anything. Faith had fought bravely, killing several of the demon's minions. It was only after Angel had been threatened that Faith had gone after the demon. She had killed it but not before it had struck a mortal blow. After the three years they had been together, Willow had forgotten that Faith was still a mortal. The brash slayer had always kept up with them, taking so many unnecessary risks. She hadn't realized how much she loved Faith and depended on the girl's friendship until she had lost her. Angel had been unconsolable, holding Faith as she had died. He had growled when Willow had tried to get close to her friend, his grief touching her in a way she had never imagined. Of course, she had had no idea what would happen so soon after that.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Angel asked, wondering how Spike could sleep all day and then nap on patrols.

"Faith's death" she said, smiling slightly.

"Ah" Angel said, the simple word taking on several meanings.

Willow ran her fingers through Spike's hair, smiling as he opened his blue eyes, blinking at her. "Can you believe it's been five years we've lived here?"

"Thinking about the past?" Angel said, smiling softly. "I thought you had left the past behind, Red."

"How can you when it is always right behind your left shoulder?" Willow asked. She loved her new life but often wondered what had become of Buffy and the others. She had finally realized one day that it had not really been Buffy's fault she had died. The girl had been doing her chosen duty. She did blame them for their reactions to her death though. In the long run, she had lucked out. She had found Spike and made two fantastic friends in Angel and Faith. She wouldn't trade her life for anything at all.

"The past never leaves you" Angel said, his eyes serious. "You just learn what to remember and what can be forgotten."

"Why all the sad talk, pet?" Spike asked, sitting up and kissing her.

She shrugged, "It's Xander's birthday. Guess it made me remember and wonder."

"You aren't happy?" Spike asked.

"God no" Willow said. "I love our lives here. Just wondering who is still alive and what they're doing."

"You get to find out" a voice said, moving to sit.


Faith brought a hand to her head, grimacing. "A message from the powers. Remind me to kick their asses next time we meet them again. These fucking headaches aren't worth immortality, I swear."

"We have to go to Sunnydale?" Spike asked, groaning.

Faith nodded, moving onto Angel's lap as he began to massage her temples. "Yep. Bitchy is in trouble as are the others. We get to ride in and save their ungrateful asses. Doesn't that sound like a barrel of fun?"

"I can hardly wait" Spike said, rolling his eyes.

~Part: 4~

Buffy wiped her eyes as Kari's body was lowered into the ground. She collapsed against Riley, thankful for his support as she lost yet another slayer. She listened to Giles' words, vaguely realizing that this was yet another funeral she had attended for a friend. She was growing so tired of seeing her friends die. It seemed that it had started with Jenny and just slowly continued. Only, in the past two years, it had sped up. She walked away from the cemetary, looking at her friend's sad faces. "Is anyone else getting tired of funerals?"

"Yep" Xander said, holding Anya close to him.

"I hate these" Cordelia said, holding Graham's hand as they made it to the cars.

"I almost wish the council would stop sending us new slayers" Giles said softly, having now buried three.

Tara sighed, "And they keep getting younger....."

"See you guys back at the house" Buffy said, glancing at the sun. "We'll pick up something to eat."

"I'm not that hungry" Cordelia said quietly, moving to the car. She had really liked Kari, thinking of the girl as a younger sister almost. She hated growing close to people that died. But, in Sunnydale, it happened constantly. The problem was that she couldn't leave. She had tried even before meeting Graham. Every time she had to stay, knowing that she was too knowledgable to live somewhere else. She at least knew the dangers here and had a close group of friends to rely on.

"We'll get something light" Riley said, knowing that Cordelia had taken Kari's death harder than the rest. They were all growing immune to it all it seemed. Soon, he feared that they would begin accepting death without blinking. "We all need to eat."

They all left the cemetary, meeting back at the house within an hour. They ate lunch, all eating quietly and thinking of the slayer that they had lost. Xander volunteered to do the dishes, letting the others go into the living room. Silence was soon filled by soft musings and thoughts of patrol for the evening. Xander came in, sinking on the couch beside Anya as he turned the news on. They watched the events of the world, their conversations disturbed by the ringing of the doorbell. Buffy got up, opening the door.

"Hello?" she said, looking at the girl standing there. She appeared to be around sixteen. Her light brown hair fell to her shoulders as her hazel eyes looked Buffy over. A smile crossed her lips as she leaned against the doorway.

"You Buffy?" she asked, her accent southern.

"Yes. Who are you?" Buffy asked, liking the girl but fearing her answer.

"I'm the new slayer" the girl said, her almost gray eyes looking behind Buffy at the others that were watching curiously. "I'm Hope."

~Part: 5~

"We have to go back." Willow said, laying on her stomach. She kept her eyes on a dirt mound, watching the ants in the moonlight as they scurried to and fro. She wasn't sure how she felt about that. Sure, she'd been a bit nostalgic as she always was on Xander's birthday. That didn't mean she wanted to run back to save her old friends. They had let her die, though she had put that behind her years before. She had moved on though and knew that had too. They also believed her to be dead. She was sure that a slayer must have taken Faith's place when the girl had been killed. So, they believed Faith to be dead too. She just wasn't in a mood to deal with Buffy and the others and the questions she knew would accompany their return.

"We must" Angel said, frowning. He had no desire to return to save Buffy from whatever she was to face. He wasn't sure why the powers felt that a slayer dying deserved their protection. There must be a reason though so he knew they would go and defeat the threat. That was what they did, after all.

"Bitchy looks almost the same" Faith commented lazily, "She's getting wrinkles though....looking her age finally."

"You saw the others?" Willow asked, rolling over onto her back as Spike took her foot in his hands, removing her shoe and massaging it slowly.

"Yep. Bitchy was standing by some goofy looking blonde guy with this enormous head. I honestly don't know how he can stand" Faith smiled at Willow's giggle, suceeding in her mission to get the redhead's mind off what was to come, "Saw the rich bitch standing by this hottie. The moron was with some chick that I've never seen before. The watcher was there by some young" she got their attention, "YOUNG girl that looked to be our age. They weren't holding each other in a platonic way either, I must say." She smiled as Willow laughed softly, not very surprised the watcher had fallen for someone the age of the slayer, "And there was some girl with brown hair that looked young, probably sixteen. Must be the new slayer."

"Did you see who they were fighting?" Willow asked, curious what they were going to have to face.

"No idea" Faith said, making a face. "These damn things never get any easier to read. I saw the flashes of the faces and recognized Buffy. By that time, the faces had flashed, I saw a dark shape...a glimpse of blackish purplish something and then I saw Buffy start to fall.....the others weren't doing well either. That's when things cleared up and I got the damn headache. Have I mentioned lately how I detest those?"

"Yes" three voices said, laughing.

"Hey, got to make sure someone knows" Faith said, grinning.

"After our last conference with the powers, I'd say they know too" Willow said, smiling as she remembered the tear that Faith had gone at that particular meeting, cursing the powers for giving her the painful headaches and visions before apologizing for her lack of gratitude. Needless to say, she had accepted her gift a bit easier after that but still loved to bitch about the headaches.

"Don't remind me" Faith said, covering her face as Angel continued to massage her shoulders.

"That was a prime moment" Spike said, laughing. He moved his hands down Willow's leg, pulling her onto his lap. He heard her giggle as he crept under her skirt. "Never seen them speechless before."

"Fuck, those things hurt for hours afterwards sometimes" she said, laughing.

"More than death?" Angel asked, smiling.

"Shut up" she said, smacking him. "Always having to be the smart one. Why am I in love with someone so mature?"

"You know....I never have to ask myself that question" Willow said, laughing as Spike's fingers dug into her upper thigh.

"Hey pet, don't think now is the time for such brash statements" Spike said, smirking at her.

"Are you two doing naughty things in the cemetary again?" Faith asked, snickering.

"Sorry Mom" Spike said, his hands drifting higher on Willow's thigh.

"Don't call me that" Faith groaned, melting against Angel as he liquified her tension.

"So, we leave for Sunnydale soon" Willow said, reminding them of their mission.

"The sooner we go, the sooner we get back" Spike said, hearing Willow gasp softly as he smiled at her in the moonlight.

"Let's not think about it until tomorrow" Willow said, her tone slightly breathless.

Angel could smell Willow's arousal and rolled his eyes. Spike couldn't keep his hands to himself around his mate, having taken Willow more places than Angel even knew. He had once caught them shagging passionately in the alley beside the restaurant where they had eaten Faith's birthday dinner, and that was one of the tamer places he had stumbled upon them. He rolled his eyes as he leaned beside Faith's ear, whispering that they might want to go for a walk. She laughed, standing and taking his hand. He could smell her own arousal and knew she was ready for him. He led her to the small brook, kissing her as they fell to the ground at one of their special places. One last time, he decided, before they had to leave Savannah and go back to hell.

~Part: 6~

"Hope?" Buffy said, smiling. "Come inside."

Cordelia sighed softly, "Just keep getting younger and younger."

Hope heard the brunette's statement and frowned. She looked at the group assembled there and said, "Is this a bad time? I mean, the council told me to get here as soon as I could."

"No, of course not" Giles said, stepping forward. "I'm Rupert Giles. I'm going to be your watcher."

"Nice to meet ya" Hope said, shaking his hand. She nodded at the blonde, "and I know you're Buffy, the old slayer."

Buffy stiffened slightly as Hope spoke. "The former slayer. There are my friends, Xander, Anya, Graham, Cordelia, Riley and Tara. They assist with the slaying."

"A regular Brady bunch isn't it?" Hope said, feeling uncomfortable. They didn't want her there. She didn't know why, but she wasn't stupid.

"Nice isn't she?" Anya said snidely. This girl had an attitude problem.

"Never claimed to be" Hope said, shrugging. "I'm here to slay and then die. Didn't know being nice was required."

Cordelia stood and smiled softly, "Follow me. I'll show to your room."

"Cool" Hope said, smiling at the girl. "I get a room? I figured I'd be living on the streets or something."

"Not around here" Graham said, moving to take her bag as Cordelia's arm went around her shoulders. "You wouldn't survive a night."

"Why is everyone so sad?" Hope asked, her gray eyes curious.

"The last slayer was buried today" Cordelia said quietly. "She was a friend."

"Oh" Hope said, feeling suddenly awful for being such a bitch, "I'm sorry. I didn't realize that I had been called so soon."

"Not a problem. Buffy can be pretty bitchy" Graham said, watching the girl smile. "She isn't the slayer anymore since she retired, but she still feels threatened when a new one come into play. She's also seen like five die in her life so it doesn't get easier."

"Five?" Hope said, grimacing, "I'm following a good record."

Cordelia smiled, opening the door to the new slayer's room. "How long have you been training?"

Hope looked around the room and put her backpack on the bed. "They got me when I was seven. I went to England for a few years for this basic training sort of thing. After that, I was sent to Atlanta with a watcher. A real nice woman named Lisa. I got the call two days ago that said I was being activated so to speak and needed to be here to meet Giles and Buffy as soon as possible."

"How old are you?" Graham asked.

"Sixteen" Hope said, looking at the handsome man. She heard Cordelia's soft sigh and smiled, knowing what the girl was thinking, "Don't worry, Del. I don't plan on dying anytime soon. So, give me the 411 on Sunnydale. What should I know?"

"Don't go out alone at night" Graham said. "Other than that, it's your average typical little hellmouth."

"And I thought Atlanta was hell" Hope said, grinning as she began to bounce on the bed.

Downstairs, Buffy turned to face Giles. "She's dangerous."

"She's supposed to be good" Giles said, having reviewed her file from Lisa Davies.

"I hope so. I'm so tired of funerals." Buffy said, softly.

"Me too" Giles echoed. "Maybe she will last longer."

Xander smiled slightly, "We can only hope."

Anya groaned, "That was terrible. Come on, let's go shopping."

Buffy looked at Riley, Tara and Giles, "Do we have any idea yet who killed Kari?"

"No, but we're working on it" Riley said. "So far it seems pretty random. There hasn't been an increase in deaths or anything. Also haven't heard of a new master in town. She may just have been unlucky."

"I don't know....I'm getting a weird feeling about this one" Buffy said. She smiled, "Maybe I'm just getting paranoid in my old age. I'm sure it's nothing."

~Part: 7~

"It hasn't changed a bit" Faith said, looking around the dark streets.

"There is something in the air" Angel said, frowning as he looked around.

"I sense it too" Willow confessed, "Evil."

"Great" Spike groaned, "We leave the quiet of Savannah for this."

"Quit grumbling, Junior" Faith said, smiling at him. "It's not like we had a choice."

"Still doesn't mean I have to like it" he said, sticking his tongue out at her.

"Children" Angel said, laughter in his tone. "Can we stop arguing and decide what we should do?"

Willow sighed, leaning against Spike. "Whatever we decide is not going to be fun. I mean, we either go to Giles and tell him why we are here, having to deal with all the questions and comments considering they believe that Faith and I are dead. Plus our relationships with you guys...or we hide out until we are needed, sweeping in and taking care of the problem before leaving again."

"I like the second choice except that we have no idea what the problem is and I don't fancy following them around until it makes itself known" Faith said, groaning.

"That leaves the first choice" Angel said, making a face. "Why do I regret agreeing to help for redemption? I mean, it might be highly overrated."

"Peaches, you'd just be brooding about turning them down if you'd said no" Spike said, sharing a smile with his sire. "Let's do this then. Do we find them tonight or give ourselves one more day of peace and quiet?"

"It's rather late" Willow said, wanting to put off the meeting as long as she could. She knew that it was not something she was going to look forward to, even if there were no questions. This was a part of her life she had tried to move past but never quite managed to forget. Maybe this was the closure she needed.

"Well, then. We get a room tonight and face the firing squad tomorrow" Spike said, happily swinging his arm around Willow's shoulders.

"Sounds like a good plan" Faith said, in no hurry to see Buffy or the others. She really hated having to come save the bitch, still blaming her for what she had done to Willow back then. But, it was out of her hands. The powers said they saved, they saved.

~Part: 8~

"What did you do?"

Tom looked up into violet eyes and froze, not liking the coldness he saw there. "I killed the slayer."

A slight quirk of lips was the only betrayal of emotions on the expressionless face. "And, pray tell, who told you to do such a thing?"

"I saw the opportunity and didn't want to miss it" he said, frowning. "I thought you'd be pleased."

There was a laugh, "Pleased? Please explain me to me why I would be pleased?"

"The slayer is out of the way. Well, at least one of them. You only have to worry about that other one." Tom said, watching the smile appear.

"Yes, she is out of the way" the vampire agreed, moving closer to Tom. With a sharp motion, Tom was knocked backwards. "And we will now have a pissed off slayer searching for her killer."

"She won't find you" Tom said, sitting up and holding his mouth where he was bleeding.

"But she will be looking now" the words were said slowly, anger in each word as the faint traces of Spanish became more pronounced. "You acted without asking."

"I'm sorry....I thought I was doing as you would wish" he said, watching with fear as violet eyes flashed yellow. He began to back away, crawling away until he felt the wall behind him. "Mistress, I was trying to help."

Isbell looked at him, her beautiful face becoming ridged as she moved towards him. "You failed."

"No...please don't....I'll make it better" Tom said, watching as her hand lifted and ran a fingernail down his cheek moving past his neck and lower.

"How? Bring her back?" Isbell asked, her lips quirking at the thought. "Sorry, Tommy. You fucked up."

"No!" he screamed as her hand went into his chest, grabbing his heart as her fangs dug deep into his neck.

Isbell pulled away, blood dripping from her fangs as her long black hair brushed against her stomach. She pushed it behind her head, dropping his heart near his body. She turned, her face changing back to that of what she knew was a beautiful woman that appeared to be only eighteen. She moved to the window, her violet eyes flashing as she thought of Tom's stupidity. She had hoped to avoid dealing with the damn slayer at all. He had ruined that. She glanced at him and smiled. He wouldn't be ruining anything else. She brought her hand to her mouth, sucking her blood soaked fingers into her mouth. The light outside caught the darkness of her hair as she moved, calling out to her men. "Dispose of him. His scent is annoying me. Let this be a lesson. Do not act without my consent."

Isbell turned and left the room, ready to feed. She was tired of staying indoors. It was time to have a bit of fun. Sunnydale was just waiting to be her playgroud. Oh, how she loved to play. She laughed softly, walking into the darkness as she went to search for food and something to play with. If the slayer wanted to fight, she would be ready.

~Part: 9~

"Do I have to?" Hope whined, glaring at Buffy.

"Research is as important to slaying as fighting is" Buffy said, smiling slightly. "It took me awhile to learn that, but it's true."

"You just don't want me to patrol" Hope said. She had been in Sunnydale for over a week and still had not gone out on a patrol. They wanted to keep her in this damn house.

"You're not ready to patrol on the Hellmouth yet" Giles said. "Too rash and impulsive. You'll get yourself killed instantly."

"You'll get yourself killed instantly" Hope mimicked, glaring at them all. She heard Xander laugh and even glared at him.

"Quit acting like such a child" Cordelia said, sighing.

"Quit treating me like one then" Hope argued. "I've patrolled before. I think I can handle one night on the Hellmouth. If I can't, I'll be the first to admit it and step back into my cell."

"Does she ever shut up?" Anya asked, rubbing her temples. "I'm getting a headache. Maybe we should just let her die. I mean, the next one might be more quiet."

"Way to be emotional, honey" Xander said, rolling his eyes.

"Why don't we all do a sweep?" Riley asked, knowing that it wasn't fair to Hope as a slayer to restrict her to the mansion, but also knowing they didn't want a repeat of Kari.

"That sounds like a splendid idea" Buffy said, smiling at her lover. She looked at Hope, "Is that good?"

"Sure, whatever" Hope said, wondering how long it would take her to lose them once they started to patrol. She wanted to experience the Hellmouth on her own, not with a gang of babysitters. She knew they were worried that she'd just get killed, but if she died, it meant it was her time. Hiding her away wouldn't protect her once it was time. They just wouldn't understand that. "I get to finally kick some vamp ass."

"She seems a bit too happy about that idea" Graham said dryly.

"I'll stay here and work on the research" Tara said, kissing Giles on the cheek. "You all be careful."

"We will" Hope said, walking out first.

"I'll bring back something for dinner" Giles said, kissing her before following the others out for patrol.

~Part: 10~

Hope kept slowly falling back until the rest of the group was soon far ahead of her. She smiled, waiting until she knew they were no longer paying attention to her. Then, she veered off in a different direction. She wandered through the dark streets of Sunnydale, not really seeing what the big fuss was about. People were out walking and laughing. She hadn't seen a single vampire and had already been on patrol for an hour and a half. She stopped walking, searching her pockets for a rubber band. She pulled her long hair up, fastening it in place so that it was off of her neck. She really needed to get it cut. She had found that it was a handicap in battle if it was allowed to be grabbed. Maybe that would be her next project.

She wandered along Main Street, watching everyone and really seeing the town for the first time since she had arrived. It was actually a rather nice little town. She saw several shops she'd like to visit. She stopped in for a latte, just watching everyone walk by. A few times she had the usual feeling she got when she was near a vampire, but she couldn't decide which one was which. She threw her cup in the trash and left the populated area. If she was going to fight, she had to get away from the people. She headed off in a different direction, figuring she'd run into a cemetary soon enough. According to the gang, there were dozens in the town.

She finally found one, walking into it and keep her eyes peeled. She felt like kicking some ass and hoped there would be some vampire around just waiting for her to kill it. She looked around stiffening as she felt the prickles. She turned, seeing a vampire. Smiling, she went towards it. She started fighting, surprised by how strong he was. She felt fear go through her as she saw another three vampires join the other. Gawd, they had been right. She was about to die. She began backing up, the stake in her hand shaking as she realized just how different this place was to everywhere else she had been. She sighed, knowing she was going to die.

Hope suddenly saw a flash of red beside her, watching as one of the vampires exploded into dust. Mischievious green eyes flashed at her as a redhead laughed, kicking at another of the vampires. Hope watched as another girl joined the redhead, this girl a beautiful brunette. They were easily defeating the two vampires, leaving the third to Hope. She straightened up, determination in her eyes as she lashed out at the vampire in front of her. The three girls fought, soon sending each vampire into dust.

"Damn Red" Faith said, dusting herself off. "Can't say I missed the hellmouth."

"Come on, babe. You know you thrive on the danger" Willow shot back, moving to the girl they had saved. "You ok?"

"Yeah" Hope said, looking at them both and smiling. "Thanks to you two."

"Wouldn't have thought Bitchy would have let you out alone" Faith remarked, eyeing the girl carefully. "Does she know?"

"Bitchy?" Hope said, suddenly smiling. "You mean Buffy. Nah, I sneaked away. Had no idea it was going to be this tough."

"Welcome to Sunnyhell" Faith said, smirking. She moved to Willow, slinging her arm around the girl. She smiled, "We'd better get back to the boys before they start searching for us."

"Yeah..." Willow said, nodding. "You'd better run along back before they think you're dead. Next time, be smarter with your acts of rebellion. Got it?"

"Yeah" Hope said, admiration in her eyes as she looked at the redhead. "Wait, who are you two?"

"Be careful going home" Willow shot back at the slayer, smiling as she and Faith ran off to find Spike and Angel. Tomorrow, the slayer would find out who they were anyway. They didn't need to get into it all right now. She took Faith's hand, sharing a smile with the girl. They both loved fighting, especially knowing they wouldn't be able to die.

Faith suddenly pulled Willow into a dark area and smiled, a wicked gleam in her eyes. "Come here, Red" she said, pushing the redhead against a wall and claiming her lips. She felt Willow's hands on her back as her sometimes lover rubbed against her. She still got so horny after fighting and Willow was always more than happy to assist her with this. She pulled away, raising an eyebrow, "Here or home?"

Willow smiled, "If we go home, we have to share with the boys who have probably been in bed all night."

Faith laughed, a smile crossing her lips, "I like the way you think, Red. Have I ever mentioned that?"

Willow laughed, "All the time, babe. All the time." She pulled Faith's head back down, claiming her lips as they moved to the grass to release their tension.
