Title: Patient
Author: Inell
Email: Inell@aol.com
Disclaimer: Joss owns them all
Distribution: Kiss or Kill http://members.fortunecity.com/kissorkill Anyone
that has permission, take. Otherwise, just ask.
Rating: R
Pairing: Willow/Spike
Follows Damnedest Thing in the Getting Together series
To anyone enjoying this


Willow heard the bell and frowned, counting to ten before she said something
she might refuse. Finally, she said, "Spike, I'm right here. You don't need
to ring the bell when I'm in the same damn room."

"Touchy, touchy, Princess," he said, smiling slightly at her spunk. He was
laying on her sofa on a makeshift bed they had arranged nearly six days
before when he had first come to stay with her. He had been sick nearly a
week now, but was finally starting to feel better. He had no idea how humans
could deal with getting sick like that so often. He saw her lips tighten at
his taunt and almost laughed. He remained silent though, knowing that if she
believed him to be feeling better, he'd be out on his ass faster than he
could fathom.

"What do you need Spike?" she asked, noticing the mischief in his eyes and
realizing that he must be feeling better. She still didn't understand how he
had gotten sick. It had clearly proved to be a case of the old fashioned flu
bug, which confused even Giles. Needless to say, the past week had tested the
feelings she had for Spike, making her doubt her sanity at times. She was
beginning to wonder why she was in love with him, listening to his constant
whining and griping and pouting. But, then, he'd go and ruin it all by saying
something so wonderful that she would just look at him, or he'd smile and her
heart would stop. The past week had been a test, sure, one that her heart had
passed with flying colors. She was head over heels in love with him.

"Interesting question, pet," he mumbled, his no longer fevered mind coming up
with many scenarios, all involving her naked and longing underneath him. No,
scratch that, some had her above him, he thought with a smile.

"Spike, I'm tired and very impatient," she warned, tapping her foot.

"Nagging wench," he said with amusement, pushing the blanket under his arms.
"I'm hungry, luv."

"For blood or substance?" she asked, glad that he was starting to get his
appetite back finally. For two days, he had not been able to hold anything
down. That must mean he was getting better.

"What are you gonna have?" he asked, his eyes watching her carefully as he
ignored the chattering from the television.

"I thought I'd make a sandwich and some soup," she said with a shrug.

"That sounds good," he nodded. "With crackers."

"Of course with crackers," she said, rolling her eyes. "Are you feeling any

"A bit," he muttered, coughing to make her believe he was still sick. "Still
tired and weak."

"You'll need to stay in for a couple more days," she decided, noticing with
curiosity the large smile that spread over his face at her words. She tucked
away that image to think about at a later time as she went into the kitchen
to make dinner.
