Title: Going Once, Going Twice
Author: Inell
Email: Inell@aol.com
Disclaimer: Joss owns them all
Distribution: My site, Kiss or Kill,
http://members.fortunecity.com/kissorkill Anyone that has permission, take.
Otherwise, just ask.
Rating: R
Pairing: Willow/Spike
Ah, vacation....Does anyone else just love them? :)


"Tonight, we're doing something fun," Spike said as he looked at Willow, a
smile on his face.

"Fun?" she repeated, looking down at her blue jeans, green T-shirt and
sneakers deciding that she was dressed appropriately enough for fun. "Good, I
don't have to change."

"Nope, no changing needed," he decided as he walked towards the door. He was
starting to enjoy this dating thing, getting to come up with ideas that would
please Willow. Spending time with her, learning more about her, it was too
good to be true. Of course, he was also faced with dealing with his growing
feelings for her, with the attraction that crackled between them every time
they touched. And the silly little girl seemed oblivious to it all. The night
before, nestled against her warm and tempting body, he had come closer than
ever to giving in and taking her. He had come home and dreamed about shagging
her like mad in the carriage as it had driven through the park. It was so bad
now that he could not close his eyes without her face appearing and teasing
him. His body reacted on sight of her now, hardening to a point that was
nearly impossible to ignore. He was so bloody tired of ignoring it. Tonight,
he had been smart. He'd tried to think of something fun that did not involve
touching or being so close that her scent invaded his mind and senses.

"Good," she said, following him. "You know, we can take my car if you want."

"You have a car?" he stopped and looked at her in surprise. If she had a
vehicle, why did she insist on walking through the dangerous streets of

"Yep. Got it for Graduation, from the parents," she explained. "It's a Ford
Escort. I've driven it a couple of times, but I can usually walk anywhere
that I need to go so it tends to stay in the garage."

"I've never heard you mention it before," he said, frowning as he wondered
what other secrets she had.

"Like I said, I've hardly driven it. I've had my license since I was sixteen,
but never had anything to drive. When I got the car, I was so used to walking
everywhere that it didn't seem important.," she said. "You can use it, if you
want. It just stays in the garage."

"You'd let me drive your car?" he asked, smiling slowly at the pleasure her
trust brought.

"Of course," she said, surprised that he even asked. "As long as you're
living here, consider it yours."

He couldn't resist. Her gesture pleased him so much that he felt his control
slip for just a brief moment. He leaned over and caught her surprised lips
with his, kissing her soundly without the exploring that he ached for.
Pulling back, he grinned, "Where are the keys?"

"Kitchen," she said, her lips stinging from his too brief kiss. She had
almost forgotten how good his lips felt against hers, the reminder hitting
her harder than she thought possible. "Key rack."

"I'll get them," he said with a wink as he went back into the house.

She watched him go, giving in and leaning against the porch rail for support.
He could kiss her breathless with one brief touch of his lips and then run
off for the car keys looking much like a child at Christmas. How could he not
be affected? True, that kiss had not been as searing as the late night kiss
on the couch had been, this one more friendly than seductive, but both had
knocked her on her ass, so to speak. Only three more dates then it would be
time for the auction. Once that was over and done with, maybe her life could
get back to normal. Why did that thought make her sad? She sighed, leaning
her head against the railing as she waited for Spike to find the car keys.
Then they could begin their fun date.

