Title: Going Once, Going Twice
Author: Inell
Email: Inell@aol.com
Disclaimer: Joss owns them all
Distribution: My site, Kiss or Kill,
http://members.fortunecity.com/kissorkill Anyone that has permission, take.
Otherwise, just ask.
Rating: R
Pairing: Willow/Spike
Ah, vacation....Does anyone else just love them? :)
Does anyone want more? Hmmm????


Willow followed Maurice through the downstairs, going in a direction that he
had not taken her on the tour. Spike still held her hand, his brushing
against her palm in lazy circles that were not doing healthy things to her
body. Well, actually, they were probably very healthy just not smart. She
brought her attention back to Maurice and tried to ignore Spike's hand
holding hers. "This house is really big."

"Isn't it?" Maurice said with a smile. "I had it designed and built decades
ago. It's actually much bigger than it appears to the untrained eye. Magic is
a glorious thing when used properly."

Spike snorted, "Yeah like when adding a third floor to a two story house?"

"To each his own," Maurice said with a narrowed look.

"It's an amazing house," Willow said, glaring at Spike for upsetting Maurice.

"What did I do?" Spike asked, frowning at his redhead.

"Here we are," Maurice said, standing before two large double doors. He
looked at them both and said, "By passing over this threshold you are
agreeing to play the game. If you have any doubts, speak now. I cannot stop
the game once it has begun."

"What game?" Willow asked, feeling a bit of fear at his ominous tone.

"My game," Maurice said with a wink when he saw that she was scared. "Don't
worry, Willow. It isn't life threatening or any of that nonsense. Just a fun
game to play."

"What do we have to do?" Willow asked, trusting Maurice.

"You have to make it to the other side," he said with a cryptic smile.

"Bloody hell, just open the damn door. We haven't got all night," Spike said.

"That's where you are wrong, dear friend, but I fear I've said enough. Is
that decision for both of you?" Maurice asked, looking at Willow.

She nodded, "I wanted an adventure."

Maurice smiled as the doors opened behind him.