Title: Halloween and Vampires, Oh My
Author: Inell
Email: Inell@aol.com
Disclaimer: Joss owns them all
Distribution: Kiss or Kill <http://members.fortunecity.com/kissorkill> Anyone that has permission, take. Otherwise, just ask.
Rating: R
This is in answer to a Halloween Challenge by Jinni. It can be found at http://www.geocities.com/dru1980/halloweenchallenge.html
I know the title sucks, but what can I say? Sigh


Willow watched Buffy's hand reach for more candy corn, the blond having
already eaten most of the bowl. She just couldn't understand why anyone would
eat such a nasty tasting candy, but to each their own. She turned her
attention back to the television, watching with amusement as the two cars
collided in a loud screeching mixture of steel. "Ouch, that had to hurt."

"Nah, it wasn't that bad," Riley said, his eyes glued to the TV. "I've seen
worse wrecks on the news."

Willow rolled her eyes, catching Graham's similar look. They both started to
laugh, causing the others to look at them in surprise.

"What's so funny?" Xander asked, feeling a tremor of jealousy that the
redhead was sharing private jokes with commando boy. Sure, Graham wasn't as
bad as Riley, but he still hated seeing his friend being friendly with
someone from the Initiative, even if the place had been gone for months now.

"Nothing," Willow said, getting to her feet. "I think it's time to go. I
really need to finish that paper before class tomorrow."

"You're going to class tomorrow?" Xander whined, his eyes surprised.
"But..but, it's Halloween."

"It's also Tuesday which means school," she pointed out. "Besides, you know I
loathe Halloween."

"But you promised to go trick or treating with me," he reminded with a smile.

"I know," she said, rolling her eyes. "Walk me home, Xan?"

"Sure," he got to his feet, shooting Graham a smirk. Take that, Commando boy.
I'm the one that gets to walk her home.

"See you at school tomorrow, Willow," Graham said, laughing as he watched
them leave.


"Ouch," Xander exclaimed, holding his arm. "What was that for?"

"You were mean to Graham. Why do you dislike him so much?" she asked, looking
at her friend curiously.

"I don't know. He just bugs me," Xander confessed. "Besides, I don't like the
way he looks at you."

Willow laughed, "He looks at me a certain way? You must be seeing things."

"Am not," he defended. "He's always watching you. Hell, he's always watching
everyone. Never talks. He didn't like Tara."

"None of you liked Tara," she reminded, her voice softening slightly when she
thought of her former lover.

"That's not the point," Xander said, seeing the sad smile on her face. "Hey,
now, no gloom. If I can't mope about Anya leaving, you can't mope about
losing Tara."

"There is a slight difference you know," she said, "Anya ran off with Ethan
to try to regain her power center. Tara just got bored with me and went back
to Miami."

"No one could get bored with you, Wills," he said, hating the depressed tone
in her voice. "And please do not mention the *E* name around me. Bad enough
to have her leave me, but for him? My God, I always thought that he and Giles
had something going on and then he steals my girlfriend!"

"Eeew, bad visual," Willow said, shuddering slightly thinking of Giles like
that. "Yuck."

"And she left you that kitten," he reminded, smiling.

"Yeah, she left me the cat," Willow said, sighing. "I really do need to name
her, don't I? Poor thing is probably all confused. I've been such a poor

"Nah, the thing answers to pretty much anything. It's just another name I
don't have to forget," he said.

"I could always call it Angel," she said, smiling slightly. "You know, it
being a pussy and all."

"Oh, the little girl thinks she's a contendor," Xander said, laughing at her
joke. "I somehow doubt he'd appreciate the sentiment."

"Angelus would," she said, sighing. "It's funny. I almost miss that year he
was around. Things were good then. We had something to do, someone to fight.
Now, all we do is stand around while Buffy does everything."

"We also had the threat of world domination and our own deaths hanging over
our heads every day," he said, making a face. "And Drusilla. And people
dying. I mean, we lost Jenny and Kendra. Could you imagine who he'd kill now?"

"Riley?" she said innocently, smiling at Xander. "Probably Buffy. He might at
least do something about that damn chip that Spike still has."

"And he'd kill us," Xander said. "The man hates me with a soul. Without one?
He hated me more. Nope, I'm thinking that would not be a good time in
Sunnydale. Glad he's stuck in LA with Delia."

"I haven't had a man in awhile," Willow mused, her tone amused as she watched
Xander begin to shake his head. "I could always make a trip to LA."

"Yeah right, and Peaches will lose his soul again. Just not gonna happen
Wills," he said, "Do I have to threaten to tie you up?"

"If you use silk, I won't complain," she replied, licking her lips as she
looked at him. She shook her head slightly, her eyes widening. "Oh my. I'm
sorry. I didn't mean...I don't know what I was saying."

"Are you feeling ok?" he asked, looking into her eyes. He had no intention of
letting her know how her words had affected him. Talking about bringing
Angelus back and killing Riley and Buffy. He got hard just thinking about it.
Adding to that image Willow tied to a bed, naked except for the silk scarves
holding her in place and he could feel the front of his boxers getting wet.
If he continued that imagery, putting himself and Spike and Angelus into the
picture, fucking her as she screamed for more, pulling against the scarves
until blood was running from her wrists. He groaned, not wanting to think of
how she must taste, the sounds she would make as he and Spike fucked her, of
watching her suck Angelus' cock, those pretty lips wrapped around the elder
vampire's length.

"I'm fine. Are you ok?" she asked, her eyes widening when she saw the
erection prominant against the front of his jeans. She looked away, wondering
what had caused that.

"Fine," he said, his voice slightly strangled.

"We're here," she said, keeping her eyes on the front door. She wanted
nothing more than to push him to the ground and ride him until they both
collapsed in exhaustion. Goddess, where had those thoughts come from? This
was Xander of all people. She didn't, couldn't want him.

"I've got to go," he said, moving away and almost running the half block to
his house. He walked inside, hitting the button to turn his stereo on. He
listened to some whiny bitch singing about lost love and almost growled.
Flipping the channels, he sighed when he heard something loud and violent
come over the speakers. He hastily unzipped his pants, freeing his straining
cock. Falling onto the couch, he began to stroke himself, closing his eyes as
he continued the image that had started not moments before. He could feel the
coolness of Angelus sliding into his ass as he pushed into Willow's warmth.
Could smell the scent of blood and sex in the air, his hand moving faster as
he continued fantasizing. Finally, he groaned, his seed spilling as he bit
into his lip, his cry low and husky under the loudness of the music.
