HAUNTED (14/?)

Everyone turned to look at the girl. "Anne, honey. What is it?"

Anne ran to her mother, "Bad dream. The princess was gone."

"I'm going to kill that boy" Xander said, thinking about William. "His
stories are scaring her."

"Honey, it was just a dream." Anya said, glaring at Xander. 'Not in front of
Anne' she mouthed.

Anne shook her head, "No. The princess was gone. William couldn't save her
like he promised."

Anya sighed, standing. "Come on baby. Let's get you back into bed. It was
just a dream."

Anne sniffled, her head against Anya's shoulder. She looked up, brown eyes
looking at Spike. "The princess is going away."

Spike smiled sadly, "I know, sweets. I know."

"That boy...he just loves scaring her" Xander said, making a face.

"Wonder who he gets that from?" Cordelia said dryly.

"I don't scare people" Xander said defensively.

"I remember when you use to scare the hell out of Jesse and Willow when we
were kids" Cordelia said, smiling as she remembered. That was before she was
friends with any of them.

"Yeah...I remember" Xander said, "I loved to make Willow jump."

"How is she?" Buffy asked, seeing Anya come back and wanting to get off the
topic of Willow.

"She's sleeping. It was just a bad dream. You'd think with how these kids act
that this princess was real" Anya said, smiling.

"To them, she is" Riley said, yawning.

"There is nothing we can do about this tonight so why don't we meet back here
tomorrow and start making plans?" Buffy said, stretching. "I can get Mom to
babysit. She loves the kids."

"Forget it" Spike said, standing. "My fight. My life. Stay out of it."

They watched him leave, surprised by how angry he was. Angel's eyes narrowed,
"He knows something."

"You think?" Cordelia asked.

"He is acting weird" Xander said. "Well, weirder than normal."

"I was gonna say...." Riley said smiling.

"I'll see if I can find any prophecies or something that might help us."
Giles said.

"See you tomorrow" Buffy said as Riley came in carrying Andrew.

"Bye Buffy. Riley" Giles said, knowing that this wasn't a birthday he'd soon
forget. "Do you and Cordelia have somewhere to stay?"

Angel shook his head. "We came straight here."

"I have a spare room" Giles said, kissing Anya's cheek as she and Xander left
with their children. William followed them sleepily, hugging Giles leg as he
stumbled past. "You are both staying here."

"Thanks" Angel said, wondering what was happening with Spike.
