Title: Irresistible Forces
Author: Inell
Email: Inell@aol.com
Disclaimer: Joss owns them all
Distribution: Kiss or Kill http://members.fortunecity.com/kissorkill Anyone else, just ask
Rating: R
Pairing: W/S/F
Feedback would be groovy.
Notes: Something new. Season 2 has happened. Buffy did not run away. My own world after that. Let me know what you think.


June 1998

Willow moved lower in her chair, trying to avoid attention. Everything had
gone to hell in such a short time. She had decided to try the spell
again...try to bring Angel back. Only, Xander hadn't told Buffy. So, Buffy
had been forced to send Angel to hell. Not Angelus....Angel. Willow couldn't
think about it without imagining what he must be going through. She knew
Xander was at fault. If he had told Buffy that she was trying it again, the
slayer could have stalled. But, Buffy didn't see things that way. She blamed
Willow. They all blamed Willow. She had been out of the hospital for a week
and had only seen Giles one time. This was the first time the entire gang had
gotten together since that night in the library...since Kendra had died. Oz
had already left for school. He had gone to Boston, promising to write. She
hadn't heard anything from him in two weeks. She was alone.

Buffy had to blame someone, that Willow understood. The slayer couldn't deal
with the idea that she had been the one to kill her love. So, it had become
Willow's fault. Everyone else was eager to put it all behind them and move on
as best as they could. Again, it was easier to blame Willow just to keep
Buffy happy. It wasn't right, but that was how it was. Willow couldn't change
it. She had been sitting at the table for over an hour and still no one had
spoken to her. She felt like standing up and yelling at them...telling them
that she was the one that had been hospitalized...that had almost died. She
sure as hell wasn't blaming Buffy, though really if the blonde had killed
Angelus when he had first appeared, none of this would happened. Jenny and
Kendra would still be alive. But, Willow kept quiet. It was easier that way.

Finally, she stood and grabbed her books. She was too tired to deal with this
right now. If they needed her, they knew where she lived. She was tired of
trying to win Buffy over. She left the library, going straight home. None of
them even told her good-bye. Some friends, she thought irritably. Drop you as
soon as you do something wrong. She walked into her front door, freezing when
she saw the boxes. "Mom? What's going on?"

Sheila Rosenberg looked at her daughter, frowning, "Oh Willow. There you are.
You need to pack your things. The house has been sold."

"Sold?" Willow said, her mouth falling open. "We're moving?"

Sheila sighed, "Willow, really. I thought I had sent you an email. Your
father has accepted a position with McKarnty in their Seattle office. He and
I are selling the house and moving. You really need to read your email."

"Sorry...I was in the hospital" Willow said softly, not believing this was
happening. "We're moving to Seattle?"

"Your father and I are" Sheila said, looking at her daughter. "Willow,
really. You're seventeen. When I was your age, I had my own apartment and was
working and going to school. It's time you got out on your own. Your father
has set aside some of the money from the sale of the house. It's yours. After
that, you're on your own. Don't look at me like that young lady. It builds
character. Be happy we gave you something to start with. That was your
father's doing."

"You're kicking me out?" Willow said, looking at the woman that was supposed
to be her mother. "What am I supposed to do?"

"That's your business" Sheila said, "Now, run along and pack your things.
Anything you can't carry, we're leaving with the house. Oh, your father has
also given you his car. Too generous if you ask me. But, it's yours. I'd
suggest you decide what you plan to do with your life. Then pack. We have to
be out by Tuesday."

"But...what about school?" Willow asked, wanting to sit down and cry.

"You should be able to hold down a job and go to school. As I said, I managed
it. Senior year is easy anyway. Not a lot of studying needed. Now, are you
finished? I'd like to have this ready for the movers tomorrow."

"I'm finished" Willow said, running up the stairs. Her leg hurt but she
ignored the pain. Her own parents were kicking her out. She was only
seventeen. Her friends were non existent. She had no one. She blinked away
the tears, knowing that she had to pack. Her mother had said by Tuesday, but
she wouldn't be surprised if she had to be out in the morning. Sheila always
changed things. She glanced at the picture of Oz and remembered his parting
words. He had told her if she ever got to Boston, to look him up. He was the
only person still speaking to her. Could she do it? Could she just leave
Sunnydale and go to Boston....start a new life with just one friend?

"Willow" Sheila called out, "Leave anything you want thrown out in the
hallway for the maid."

Willow laid on the bed, sighing softly. This was not what she had planned for
the summer before her senior year in high school. Not at all. She sat back
up, nodding determinedly. "I think I might like Boston" she said softly,
going to her closet to begin packing.


June 1998

Willow finished filling the car with gas, looking around the station. She was
in Pennsylvania. She should be in Boston by the next day. She went inside and
paid, buying a soda and some chips. She then went to the payphone, dialing
the number Oz had given her. She had left Sunnydale two days after her mother
had kicked her out. She knew she shouldn't say kicked out, but it felt like
that. Who was she kidding? It had been that. They hadn't even cared where she
was going, too much in a hurry to get to Seattle. She had been driving for
two days now. She hadn't realized just how far she was from Boston. It would
end up being more than three days by the time she arrived.

She scowled as the number continued ringing. Oz had been in Boston for more
than three weeks now. Yet, he hadn't answered the phone once. She sighed,
hanging the phone up finally. She looked at the cloudy sky, frowning as she
realized it was going to start raining. Just a perfect ending to a wonderful
week. She got back in the car, heading onto the freeway.

She wondered what Boston was like. She really hoped she liked it there. It
was going to be her new home after all. Her mother had told her once she got
settled to have the school send whatever forms were necessary and she would
sign them. So, Willow was going to spend her senior year at a new school with
people she didn't even know. She was already dreading it. She hated making
new friends and could just envision the upcoming year of solitude. Of course,
it would be about the same as she would have faced in Sunnydale.

She had written a note to Giles, telling him that her family was moving and
she had to go. She thought it better not to tell him she was going alone for
fear he might worry. She had survived on the Hellmouth before Buffy and
learned a lot after meeting the slayer. She could surely handle Boston. Right?


Buffy wandered into the library, a frown on her face. "Giles...have you seen

Giles looked up and thought about it. "Not for the past few days. Why?"

Buffy sighed, "I was just looking for her."

"With your attitude towards her lately, she may be avoiding you" Giles said,
sighing softly. He had tried to speak to the girl, but she was feeling guilty
and trying to deal with Buffy's behavior. She hadn't listened to him so he
had given her time.

"I've been such a bitch" Buffy said, looking at him sadly. "But....it was so
tough Giles. I mean, it was Angel. My Angel! She brought him back just for me
to have to kill him."

"It wasn't deliberate, Buffy" Giles said. "She was trying to help save him."

"I know. I finally figured that out" Buffy said, "I just need to tell Wills."

"She should be around soon" Giles said, softly. He could see how guilty Buffy
felt. It was evident in her eyes. "You can make it up to her."

"If she can forgive me" Buffy said, making a face. "I was so horrid."

"Don't worry. Willow understands I'm sure" Giles said.

Before Buffy could respond, the doors flew open and Xander and Cordelia came
in. "Xander, slow down!"

"Is Willow here?" Xander demanded, looking around, even glancing under the
table to make sure she wasn't hiding.

"What's his problem?" Buffy asked.

"Willow's gone!" Xander said.

"She's just giving me time" Buffy said, frowning.

"No. I mean, gone. As in, phone disconnected. New people moving into her
house. Gone...I can't believe she's not home..." Xander said, sitting down
and looking at them sadly. "She's gone."


JUNE 1998

Willow turned off the exit from the freeway. She had no idea where she was or
where she was going. She looked out the window and frowned. It was dark and
she was lost. Boston was huge. She had had no idea how difficult it was going
to be to find anything. She glanced at rain and her frown deepened. If it
wasn't bad enough trying to find an address, it had to be raining and dark.
She had thought last week had been bad. She finally pulled her car into a
parking lot of a small grocery store. The area looked rather rundown and she
saw people huddling in groups. She was scared. She was alone in this huge
city and still couldn't get in touch with Oz. She had his address and
couldn't find it. She really wanted to just sit down and cry but she couldn't
do that. She had to be strong.

She looked at the pay phone and then the people. They were probably harmless
but she had to be careful. She was used to Sunnydale where everyone was a
potential enemy. She needed to keep that mentality. She put her head on the
steering wheel and took a deep breath. She had to try Oz again. She couldn't
just sleep in her car. She grabbed some change and her keys. She opened the
car door, locking it again immediately. She ran through the rain to the
phone. She couldn't believe it was raining during the summer. She suddenly
missed Sunnydale and the dry summer. She put her money in the phone and

There was a click and then nothing. Frowning, she sighed. She put more money
in and tried again. This time there was nothing except silence. She groaned,
making a face. She didn't know what she was going to do. She wiped her eyes,
tears mixing with rain. She was lost and scared. She wished she had never
left Sunnydale. She started back to her car, crying out as someone grabbed
her. She looked into a face that reminded her of home. A vampire. She was
going to die her first night in Boston. She pushed against him, slipping on
the wet pavement. "Let me go! I've had a horrible week and don't need this

The guy bared his teeth and grabbed her shirt. "Shut up, bitch. You're dead."

"Let me go!" Willow said, kicking at him. She slid again, this time falling
to her ass. The rain water soon soaked her jeans.

"Dinner time" the vampire said, grinning. He suddenly felt a kick to his
stomach. He turned and began fighting.

Willow looked up, her long hair covering her face as she watched the vampire
fight the guy wearing the dark coat. She saw glimpses of dark hair before
suddenly the vampire was turned to dust. She saw a hand offered to her and
looked up into curious brown eyes.

"You ok?"

Willow nodded, "Just wet. Um, thanks."

The girl shoved the hat off and smiled, "The name's Faith. What the hell are
you doing out in this area alone at night?"

"I just got into town" Willow said, finding herself smiling at the pretty
girl. "I got lost and can't find my friend."

"I know the city. What are you looking for?" Faith asked, finding her
attention caught by the girl's eyes. She couldn't believe the redhead had
stood up to the vampire without even whimpering. Brave girl. Stupid but
brave. Faith had to admire that.

"35 Eastern Way?" Willow said, chewing her lip.

"You got a car or walking?" Faith asked, deciding patrol had been good enough
for the night. "It's only a few miles away from here."

"I have a car." Willow said, not understanding why she trusted this stranger.
"Could you maybe give me directions?"

"I'll do better than that" Faith said, putting her arm around the girl's
shoulders. "I'll take you."

"Thank you" Willow said, thinking that her life was finally looking up.

"What's your name, Red?" Faith asked, noticing the car plates said
California. She had driven alone all the way from the west coast? Faith
laughed softly.

"Willow. Willow Rosenberg" Willow said, turning the car on.

"Ok, Willow Rosenberg" Faith said, "Head North. We should be there in five to
ten minutes tops. Why don't you tell me why you weren't scared of that guy
that tried to kill ya along the way, ok?"


Willow glanced at the girl and sighed, "It was a vampire. I've seen them

Faith nodded, keeping her questions subtle. She was curious but knew enough
not to scare the girl. "You know about vampires?"

"You could say that" Willow said, making a face as she stopped at the

"Sorry, I'm just trying to decide if you're a good guy or a bad guy" Faith
said, smiling at the girl. "Turn right."

Willow turned her blinker on and turned. "I would tell you that I was a good
guy, but a bad guy would say the same thing."

Faith laughed, moving her wrist in circles. "True. I like you, Red. I think
you're a good one."

"Thanks" Willow said, glancing at the girl. "What about you? I mean...you
killed the vampire but are you some weird demon or something?"

"Demon? Fuck I wish. Never having to worry about death. That's the life. But,
in a way, it would take away the thrill, you know? What risk is there if you
can't die?" Faith asked, shrugging, "I'm a good guy. Don't know how, but I
was picked. I personally think they fucked up somewhere."


"Stop at the corner. That's Eastern Way. 35 is up the stairs." Faith's eyes
narrowed slightly, "This isn't a very good building. You want me to come up
with you? I mean, if your friend hasn't been answering the phone...."

"Would you mind?" Willow asked, smiling gratefully.

"Not a prob. Let's boogie" Faith said, getting out of the car and letting the
rain wash the sweat from her patrol off her face.

Willow followed Faith into the building, looking around in surprise. This was
not what she had expected from Oz. She finally made it up the stairs to the
third floor. She found 35 and knocked. "I hope he's here."

"He?" Faith said, smirking. She wouldn't have guessed the girl was involved.
She seemed to goodie goodie.

"A good friend of mine. He and I sort of dated but decided we were better at
being friends." Willow said. She looked at the door as it opened. She frowned
at the slobby looking guy there.

"Yeah? What?" he asked, yawning.

"Um, is Oz here? Daniel Osbourne?" Willow asked.

"The kid from California?" the guy asked.

"That's him."

"Nah, he called a couple of weeks ago. He and some guy in his band moved to
LA. Trying to get a record deal or something. Don't really know...don't
really care."

"He's in LA?" Willow said, closing her eyes briefly.

"Yep" the guy said, shutting the door.

"What am I going to do?" Willow asked softly, looking at Faith. "My parents
kicked me out. My friends aren't talking to me. I just spent three and a half
days driving here to find out the only person who is speaking to me isn't
even here. I don't know what to do."

Faith frowned, not knowing what to do. She wasn't used to being friendly to
people, but she liked Red. She couldn't believe the girl was having such a
bad time. Missy was going to kill her, she knew. Fuck it. "Come on. Let's get
out of here."

"Where?" Willow asked, following Faith down the stairs.

"You're staying with me. Well, me and my friend, Missy. She's cool. A bit
boring but nice enough" Faith said, looking at Willow.

"You don't even know me" Willow said, "Are you sure?"

"Listen Red. One of my worst traits is acting without thinking. Get used to
it" Faith said, grinning. "You're staying with me. I have a sleeping bag."

"I don't want to impose" Willow said.

Faith groaned, "I am not going to have your death on my conscience. You
wouldn't live through the night if you sleep in your car. So, deal. You're
staying with me and Missy. We can talk more about your plan tomorrow.
Planning isn't my thing but Missy might help."

"Thank you" Willow said softly, smiling at the girl in gratitude.

"Don't worry about it...." Faith said, "Let's go home, Red."


Willow followed Faith's directions, lost in her thoughts. She had no idea
what she was going to do. So much had hinged on Oz being in Boston. She could
handle moving on her own as long as she had a friend. But, now, she was alone
again. In a huge city. She wanted to cry so badly. Just sit down and cry
until there were no tears left. But, Faith was there. She didn't want the
girl to see just how weak she really was, so she remained silent. She
wondered what Buffy and the others were doing at that very moment. Based on
the time difference, probably just getting ready for patrol. She wondered if
there was a new enemy in town or if it was just the usual newbie vamps.

Willow sighed, not believing she was missing patrol. Heck, she'd even been
missing research. It had been a week since her life had been turned upside
down and to her, those were the norm. She ached for something familiar. She
had almost been relieved to see the vampire that evening just because he
reminded her of home. Home? She didn't have a home anymore. She had been
kicked out of Sunnydale, not only by her family but by her friends. They
probably didn't even know she was gone yet.

Faith studied the quiet girl as they drove. Willow was lost in thoughts, her
eyes reflecting so many emotions that Faith could just stare and imagine what
was going through the redhead's mind. There was something about the girl that
was calming almost...familiar. Faith couldn't figure out what. She didn't
have friends. Had never had friends. Faith had always enjoyed her own company
much more than the twits that lived around her. Then, when she was ten, she
had found out about the slayer thing. Just something else to draw her away
from anyone normal. But, Willow could be a friend. Of course, Faith had been
around long enough to know that you couldn't trust anyone. No one except
yourself and your watcher. That had been drilled into her from day one.
Another reason it was easier to just stay alone.

The slayer pointed to the block where she lived. Missy was going to have
kittens at her having brought some stranger home. But, there was something
about Willow that intrigued her. She had always liked surprises, and Willow
was a surprise. Besides that, she liked the girl. Liked seeing her smile.
Faith wasn't going to analyze those particular feelings. Not yet at least. It
might just be a small attraction. After all, she had usually been more
attracted to girls than guys. Plus, Willow was beautiful and funny and
strong. Faith groaned softly, wondering if allowing herself to be around the
girl more was a smart idea. Only two hours and she was already quite smitten.
Just her luck. "This is it. The entire place is ours."

"Wow" Willow said softly, looking at the house. "It's big."

"Four bedrooms plus a fitness room and a library" Faith said proudly. "Missy
also has a garden out back."

"Is Missy your mother?" Willow asked, looking at the girl and catching her
dark eyes on her face.

"Nah. My mother died a couple years ago" Faith said, shrugging. She had
hardly known her mother so it had never been a big deal to her. "Missy is
my..." she paused, "friend."

Willow's eyes widened slightly, "Oh. Friend? Um..that's nice."

Faith laughed when she realized what Willow thought. "Not like that. Good
grief. Missy is ancient. She's like forty something. It's hard to
explain..just grab your bag and come on."

"Shouldn't you ask her first?" Willow asked. For some reason, the thought
that Faith was involved with an older woman hadn't really bothered her. In
fact, it had seemed rather fitting.

"Nope, come on" Faith grabbed the bag and started up the stairs. "Hey
Missy!!! I'm home and I brought a friend."

Melissa Burgess heard her slayer's words and froze. Did Faith say a friend?
She stood and went to the door, her hazel eyes sweeping over the dripping
redhead. She saw Faith's eyes on the girl, the soft smile on her slayer's
face. Good grief. Faith had a crush. She had brought some stranger home
because she wanted to get into her pants. Melissa couldn't believe it. She
started to say something when the girl looked up. She was beautiful with
green eyes that held so many secrets. Melissa sighed, knowing there was no
way she could turn the girl out. "Faith. Who's your friend?"

"My name is Willow" she said, shaking the older woman's hand.

"Willow. I am Melissa. Or Missy as Faith insists on calling me. Why don't you
girls come into the parlor? I have some tea made."

Willow smiled as she followed the women into the parlor. She suddenly got a
strange look on her face. She looked at what the woman was wearing and then
at the books on the wall. It suddenly made perfect sense. "Good God. You're
the new slayer, aren't you?"

"What?" Melissa asked, looking in surprise at the girl.

"You're her watcher, aren't you? It suddenly becomes clear" Willow said,
laughing a bit hysterically. "Kendra's replacement and I find her. Out of
everywhere I could have gone....everyone I could have met...I find the new
slayer. Just my luck."


Faith stiffened at Willow's words, wondering if she had somehow made a
mistake. "What do you know of slayers?"

"I was the damn best friend of one" Willow said, looking into Faith's
accusing eyes. "Buffy? Have you heard of her?"

"Willow?" Melissa said, things suddenly clicking into place. "Rupert has
written me of you and your friends."

"You know Giles?" Willow asked, smiling fondly.

"I knew him before he was assigned to the slayer" Melissa said. "So, you're
Willow Rosenberg. He's is very proud of you, you know?"

There was a loud whistle as the two women looked at Faith. The brunette
slayer pouted slightly, "I'm lost!"

"Buffy is the current slayer" Melissa said. "The one that died? I told you of
her last year I believe."

"Yeah, the blonde from Sunnyhaven or something like that" Faith said,
remembering. "So?"

"She has a group of friends that assist her in her slaying in Sunnydale"
Melissa said.

"Friends?" Faith stiffened, frowning. "The council approves that?"

"She didn't say that" Willow said, smiling slightly. "Buffy never really
follows the council's orders. We help her and she helps us."

"That's not fair" Faith said, realizing suddenly how childish she sounded. "I
mean, why can she have friends that help and I only have you?"

"Because, she defied the council and proved that in some ways it was a
benefit" Melissa said.

"Wait" Faith suddenly looked at Willow. "You said your friends were no longer
speaking to you. Buffy dumped you?"

Willow shrugged, "You could say that. There were some things that happened.
Instead of dealing, she blamed me. Buffy is great, but she tends to find
someone else to blame rather than accepting her own part in things."

Faith nodded, "Sounds like a selfish bitch. Well, you're here now. No wonder
you weren't scared of the vampire. Things do make more sense."

"What are your plans?" Melissa asked the redhead as they sat down.

"I don't know" Willow said honestly. "I planned to move here because an old
friend from school was living here. He's a werewolf and I thought he could
use the help."

"Hold up!" Faith said, sitting on the edge of the sofa and smiling at Willow.
"Oz? The guy you dated? He was a wolf?"

"Yes" Willow said, "and a musician. Anyway, with him not here, I guess I will
have to head back to California. I really don't know."

"What about your parents?" Melissa asked, glancing at Faith and seeing
similar curiosity in the slayer's eyes.

Willow smiled slightly as she began to tell them about her parents and what
had happened to her this week. When she was finished, she was surprised when
Faith said, "I should kill them. Throwing you out like that...people like
that shouldn't be allowed to fuck."

"Um, well, yes. I must agree with that" Melissa said, "though I would have
put it a bit more delicately."

Willow shrugged, "I'm used to it. I just hate to have to go back to

"You aren't" Faith said, laughing as the girl looked at her and frowned.
"You're staying here. I mean, if Bitchy can have her friends helping, why
can't I have a friend helping?"

Melissa smiled slightly, "I must agree that it seems the best solution. You
can enroll in Faith's high school next month and live here. There is plenty
of room plus it gives me someone to share the duties of dealing with Faith

"Hey! That sounded like an insult" Faith said, grinning. "Thanks."

"I couldn't put you out like that" Willow said, admitting to herself that she
really did like Faith and Melissa. She wouldn't mind staying with them and it
was definitely better than going back to Sunnydale with her tail between her

"Nonsense" Melissa said. "The council will be thrilled to hear that we have
seasoned help. Besides, Faith is a handful. You may be begging for the chance
to go back to the Hellmouth to get away from her."

Willow laughed as Faith stuck her tongue out at the woman. "Well, if you put
it that way, how can I refuse?"

"Great!" Faith said, smiling. She had a new friend, roommate and patrol
buddy. Not bad for an evening she had thought would be boring. "Come on Red.
I'll take you upstairs and show you to your room. You can have the one next
to mine. We have to share a bathroom but it's the only one with a private
entrance to the bathroom. The others, you have to walk down the hall."

"It sounds fine" Willow said, smiling at Melissa. "Thank you. Um, could you
ask the council not to tell Giles about me being here? I sort of don't want
to talk to Buffy or the others."

Melissa saw the flash of pain in the girl's eyes and nodded, "It will be our
secret. Now, run along before Faith pulls your arm from its socket. I'll see
you two in the morning."

"Thanks" Willow said again, meaning it. She laughed as Faith pulled her
upstairs, following the brunette as she began to look around her new house.
Well, at least this week was looking up, she decided.


"I can't believe we have homework over Christmas break" Faith said, groaning.

Willow laughed, "It's just some reading. Shouldn't take a couple of hours."

"Easy for you to say" Faith said, smiling at her best friend. It was amazing
actually having a best friend. Willow had been with her and Missy for almost
six months now. They were going to school and over all enjoying their senior
year in high school. Faith would sometimes catch the redhead looking out the
window quietly, lost in thought. She knew then that the girl was back in
Sunnydale with the other slayer. Faith really hated being jealous of memories
but she was. Over the past six months, she had to admit to herself that she
had fallen in love with Willow. It still surprised her that she had found her
other half in such a sweet girl, but she couldn't ignore it. Willow was a
good influence on her, making her take her academic studies more seriously
than she ever had before. "You can read an entire book in like five minutes."

"Oh please" Willow said, making a face. "Not that fast. It would take me at
least ten minutes."

Faith laughed, glad to see that whatever had been worrying Willow when she
first came to Boston seemed to have been forgotten. Or the redhead was good
at blocking it. Either way, she seemed very happy now. Faith felt proud that
she had had a little something to do with it. "Why don't we head to the diner
and grab a burger? With Missy gone for that council retreat thing we are on
our own for food."

"Burgers sound great" Willow said, shifting her book bag. "I have a feeling
over the next two weeks, they're going to know us by name down at the

Faith laughed, "They already know us by name. We only head over there every
afternoon after school and every night after patrol."

"Pretty soon they may charge us rent" Willow said, laughing.

"I'm so glad we have no school for three weeks. This is fan-fucking-tastic."
Faith said, running ahead of Willow and laughing.

"I agree" Willow said, rushing to catch up with her best friend. Boston had
turned out to be much more than she had ever imagined. She loved her new life
there. She honestly didn't know how it could get much better. She chatted
with Faith about school as they continued walking towards the Liberty diner.


December 1998

Willow walked through the dark streets, her green eyes surveying her
surroundings as she moved. Faith was at the house, sick with the flu. Melissa
was still at the retreat, calling every evening from London to check on them.
The retreat was to last throughout the New Year and into the middle of
January. Willow felt rather proud that Melissa trusted her and Faith enough
to run things while she was gone for so long. Originally, Missy had only
planned on being gone for two weeks. That was what Willow and Faith had been
told. After the first week, when it was evident that things would continue
smoothly without her constant supervision, the watcher had extended the visit
with the council, doing various research and training sessions. Willow knew
that Giles would never have left Buffy alone for a week much less a little
over a month. Of course, Boston was not a hellmouth. She guessed it wasn't
fair to compare it with Sunnydale. But, either way, she and Faith were on
their own for another three weeks.

Normally, that would have been no problem. But, Faith had woken in the night
with a terrible fever. She was weak and throwing up anything she tried to
eat. The doctor had been by, a council retainer they kept on hand, just to
make sure it was not supernaturally related. It wasn't. It was just a bad
case of the flu. So, Willow was stuck with patrol. Missy had insisted that
she could come right back to help, but Willow had refused. She was getting
better at this patrol thing. Unlike Buffy, Faith actually taught her several
moves to defend herself. Faith treated her as an equal, not as some little
follower. She knew she could handle it until Faith was better.

Willow couldn't believe how quiet it was that night. Usually, by now, they
would have stumbled upon at least one vampire. But, nothing. She knew she
shouldn't complain. This was something to enjoy. After living on the
Hellmouth though, it just worried her. She hoped that Missy didn't ignore her
and just leave London to fly back. Willow knew Faith would be fine in a
couple of days. The slayer rarely got sick, but when she did, it only lasted
about the half the time it would last in a normal person. Willow had turned
the block on the final mile of patrol when she felt someone watching her. She
frowned, wondering if it had been there before. She hadn't felt it, but of
course she had been rather lost in her thoughts. She began to walk more
quickly, knowing that she wasn't very far from home.

Willow was so focused on the presence behind her that she didn't notice the
vampires in front of her until she literally bumped into one. She looked up,
seeing the yellow eyes and reached for her stake. Her reaction was delayed,
so the three vampires had an advantage. She staked one, but the other two
were strong. She felt one grab her from behind, pulling her hair and forcing
her chin up. She watched as if it were slow motion as the other vampire
smiled and started to lean over to bite her. Before her eyes, he turned to
dust. She felt herself falling as the vampire holding her pushed her to the
wet snowy sidewalk. She looked up, her red hair covering her eyes as she
watched the other vampire getting staked rather easily. A hand was held out
to her, which she took. Flashes of deja vu went over her as she remembered
that night more than six months before. She stood, looking into the face of
her savior. "Thank you" her words drifted off as her eyes widened. "Oh my

A cigarette was lit as cold blue eyes stared at her. There was a slight
twitch of his lips as he looked at her, "Not God, pet. Just Spike." He
watched as she looked as if she might faint and cursed softly, "Bloody
fucking hell. Stupid watcher bitch owes me blood for this damn favor." He
grabbed her arm rather roughly, "Come on, kid. Let's get you home before you
get sick."


Willow was in shock. This couldn't be happening. Spike had saved her from the
two vampires. Why? Oh Goddess, she realized, he must be planning on being the
one to torture and kill me. She made that conclusion the same time she
realized that he was pulling her along and she was meakly following. She was
nuts. She stopped walking, gasping in pain as he continued moving and pulled
her arm. "Ouch!"

Spike turned and glared at her, watching her rub her arm where it had been
pulled. "Why the fuck did you stop? It's starting to rain. As much as I don't
mind the cold, you're a little human. You get sick. Now, move."

"No" Willow said, glaring at him. "I don't care if you are some big bad ass
vampire. I will not just follow you to my torturing and death. You'll have to
kill me fast right here."

He frowned as he tossed the remainder of his cigarette to the snowy sidewalk
and lit another. He could see the way she was rubbing her gloved hands
together and could hear the slight tremble in her voice from the cold. He
scowled, "Listen here, you pretty little chit. I did not risk my undead ass
to save yours only to have to freeze to death acting like some petulant
child. Now, move it."

Willow frowned, "I am not a child!"

He smirked as he took in her pouting lips, "Quit acting like one."

"Oh, just go away" she said, glaring at him. She was cold and didn't want to
argue with the man that was going to kill her. "If you're going to kill me,
do it. If not, It's a Wonderful Life is on tonight and I have plans with
popcorn and the remote control."

Spike raised an eyebrow, having to admire her courage. He suddenly listened
to her words and laughed, "You think I'm going to kill you?"

"Um...aren't you? I mean, I'm one of the good guys. You're the sadistic evil
vampire Master that has tried to kill me a couple of times before. Of course,
that was in Sunnydale....maybe it was a Hellmouthy thing...or you really just
didn't like Buffy, which I can rather understand now because she is a bit of
a bitch and she was mean to you...." she said, babbling in the face of his
laughter. "I'll shut up now."

"You're a prize, luv. Come along" he said, shaking his head slightly.

"No. I'm not moving" she said, her voice determined.

"Aw fuck" he cursed, "You're much more trouble than you're worth, you know
that? I should bloody well leave you here to freeze. You could become one of
those ice statues the birdies all love." He looked into her eyes, noticing
the determination in their green depths. She really has beautiful eyes, he
realized. Freeing his mind of those thoughts, he tossed the unsmoked portion
of his cigarette to the ground, stomping it with his boot. He put his hands
in the pockets of his leather duster and turned. He heard her soft sigh, not
sure if it was disappointment or relief. He smiled slightly before turning
quickly and lifting her over his shoulder. He smacked her wriggling ass as he
walked, "Guess I have to move you then" he said lazily as he continued on the
way to the watcher's house. He ignored her outraged sputtering, whistling a
tune as he carried her home.


"Honey, I'm home" Spike called out as he kicked open the door. He walked
inside, the redhead still wriggling on his shoulder.

"In here" a weak voice called from the living room.

Spike kicked the door shut, wondering what the little redhead felt like
without all the bulky sweaters and coats on. He walked into the living room,
his eyes moving over the slayer that was laying on the couch. He let the
redhead drop to her feet, watching as she pushed her hair from her eyes and
glared at him, her eyes spitting fire. He smiled lazily as he looked at the
slayer, "Brought your little pet back home, Slayer."

Faith groaned as she looked at him, "Fang. What are you doing here?"

Spike sat down, leisurely crossing his ankles. He glanced at the redhead
again, for some reason finding it hard not to look at her. She was now
looking between him and the slayer, confusion and irritation on her face.
"Lost, luv?"

"Faith! What's going on?" Willow demanded, deciding to ignore Spike and
concentrate on her friend. She shrugged her coat and sweat off, leaving her
in a long sleeve midnight blue shirt. She sat down, hearing Faith cough.
"Goddess, are you feeling ok? Do you need soup or something?"

"You'd burn soup" Faith said, laughing softly. "As for what's going on, I
have no idea. Fang, why are you here? Wait, he carried you in. Are you ok?"

"The little chit thought she was a contender" Spike said, observing the way
the slayer was looking at and talking to the redhead. He let his eyes linger
on the other girl, seeing the pert breasts pushing against the tight shirt.
She was a package, he decided. Seemed the slayer thought so to. "Trying to
fight three vamps."

"It's not like I went searching for them, you stupid vampire you" Willow shot
back at him. She looked at Faith, "I'm fine. He saved me."

"Thanks Fang. Don't know what I'd do without Willow" Faith said, honestly.

"Ugh" Spike groaned, "I can't believe a slayer is thanking me. It makes me
feel so cheap and dirty....like I've been used."

"Why exactly are you here?" Faith asked, laughing at his dramatics.

"Why do you think, slayer doll?" Spike asked, looking pointedly at her.

"Melissa" Faith said, sighing. "Damn it. I'm just sick. She worries too much."

"Wait, you know Melissa?" Willow asked, still trying to understand what was

"Eh, luv. I know the watcher" Spike said, making a face. "She phoned and
asked me to check on you. Didn't want you getting yourselves killed."

"Hey, you know Spike don't you?" Faith asked, noticing the way Willow seemed
to be around the blonde. Almost like she had a crush she was trying to
ignore. She could understand that herself. She had met Spike when she was
eleven, and he had been called in to her train her. He had been breathtaking
even then. But, now, she thought he was just annoying. He had trained her for
nine months, pushing her past her limits. He was good at that...pushing
people. She had grown to hate him as her crush had died. Now, she loved him
like an older brother that annoyed the hell out of you but you were always
glad to see anyway.

"He tried to kill me a few times" Willow said, watching Faith's mouth drop
open. "Him and Drusilla."

"Gawd, Fang. You went back to loony tunes again?" Faith said, looking at him
in disgust, "Why can't you develop taste? I mean, you're fucking over a
hundred and you still like ditzy insane bitches?"

"I didn't go back to her" Spike said tightly. "She is always a part of me
heart, as you know slayer. I was sent to Sunnydale with her. Had to put on a
show, tested me dramatic skills, rather well if I do say so myself. Things
happened that were not planned though, my damn prick sire came back and I had
to finish the assignment, acting all weak and submissive. Hated thise damn
months of hell. But, on the happy end, he got sent to hell, which rather
thrilled me I might add, and Dru is in Brazil shagging various demons of
sorts and enjoying her unlife. And now I'm here babysitting your miserable

"Oh whine whine whine" Faith said, dealing with his confessions. She softened
her look, asking, "Are you ok?"

"Right as rain" he replied, "Slayer, I told you years ago I was over
Drusilla. I just take care of the daft bitch. She can't even hold a normal
conversation without bringing in her damn dolls or the stars. Do you really
see me putting up with that for long?"

Faith laughed, "Mr Patience? Not likely. I'm glad she's happy though. Maybe
she'll let you be for awhile."

"I'm confused" Willow said, scowling.

"It's like this, Red" Spike said, looking at the pretty girl. "I'm on the
same team as you chits."

"You're a good guy? I mean, I know you helped Buffy in the end...not wanting
the world to end and all. But, how do you know Faith and Melissa? What was
the big act in Sunnydale? Why are you and Faith acting like some bickering
siblings? And why didn't you kill me?"

"You really have an issue with death, don't you luv?" he asked. "Always
wanting me to kill you. Of course, having to live with the slayer would drive
you to it, I admit."

"Shut up Fang" Faith said, coughing as she laughed. She was in pain, but she
always enjoyed when Spike visited. She didn't like the way he was sneaking
looks at Willow though. Calling her all the pet names in that sexy voice and
seducing her with his sensual smile. Willow was hers, damn it. He shouldn't
be flirting with her so blatantly. Of course, Faith realized looking at
Willow, the redhead was completely oblivious to it all. She was trying to
figure out what was happening, not even noticing the heated glances Spike was
sending her way. When she wasn't peeking at him from underneath her eye
lashes that was. This had to be the bad boy Willow had told her about. The
one Buffy had hated that she had secretly had a huge crush on. Willow had
spoken of him often, in this dreamy voice as her eyes had softened. She had
failed to mention that he was a vampire or that it was Spike though. Faith
frowned, not liking this sudden realization.

"Will no one give me a straight damn answer?" Willow demanded, glaring at
them both.

"Spike never gives a straight answer" Faith said, smirking.

"I bloody well do too" he said, glaring at her. He looked at Willow, now
remembering the girl's name and what he had known about her when in
Sunnydale. He had known it was a pretty little name, but it had fled his mind
when he had seen her that night. Willow. It fit her. "It's like this, sweets.
I'm on your team."

"A good guy?" Willow said, wondering if all vampires were deliberately vague
or if it was just something he got from Angel.

"Ugh" he shuddered at her description. "William the Bloody a good guy. Don't
tell anyone, pet, ok? They'd die laughing if they knew that I worked for the
bloody council."

Willow's sharp intake of breath proceeded her shocked whispered words, "You
work for the council?"
