LOVE POTION #12a (7/?)

"I'm coming!" Buffy yelled, opening the door and glaring. "This better be
good, Willow. I was having the best dream with me and that guy that works in
the lab next to our chemistry class."

"Ugh. Stop there. No details necessary," Willow said, making a face.

"It wasn't that kind of dream!" Buffy denied, her face turning red as she
glared at Willow. "It was completely innocent and harmless and I don't need
to explain myself to you. It was my dream."

"You should be awake anyway," Willow said, pushing past her friend. "We said
we were meeting at ten."

"It's just now nine, Willow," Buffy said, rolling her eyes.

"I've been up since six," Willow pointed out.

"Well, goodie goodie for you," Buffy said, sticking her tongue out at her
best friend. Slowly, she straightened and asked, "What happened?"

"What?" Willow quit pacing and looked at her friend.

"You're nervous as a cat. You haven't stopped moving since you got here.
What's wrong?" Buffy asked, stretching before she sat down.

"Why does everyone keep asking me that?" Willow groaned, glaring at her

"Who, may I ask, is everyone?" Buffy asked.

"You and him," Willow sad, not sure if she could say his name without
blushing. "So I'm a little wired this morning. So what?"

"Will, it's too early in the morning for this," Buffy whined. "Let me go
upstairs and get dressed. Then, we'll go shopping and out for lunch. Once I
wake up completely, we can start over and I can figure out what you're
babbling about."

"I'll wait for you down here," Willow said, relieved that she wouldn't have
to go into any details. She just knew Buffy wouldn't let it go and would ask
all sorts of nosy questions. Questions that she wasn't prepared to answer.
That stupid potion was responsible for this, she just knew it. Her life had
been perfectly normal until she had taken the purple love potion. Now, she
was having vivid fantasies about her roommate at odd times. That wasn't
normal. Sure, she might be a bit attracted to Spike, but that was it. Half
the time she didn't even like him really. Why, then, had he not left her
thoughts all morning?
