Misfits Series: A New Start

Author: Inell

Email: Inell@aol.com

Disclaimer: Joss owns them all

Distribution: My site, Kiss or Kill. Anyone that has permission, take. Otherwise, just ask.

Rating: R

Pairing: Willow/Spike eventually

Feedback makes a wonderful gift, so send some today!

Notes: Okay. This is my new series. I'm calling it simply Misfits. I guess you could consider it my very own spin off....Worried yet? Oh, and Angel will be helping me with it too, so look for more soon. This is spinning off after MY version of Season 7 and Angel Season 4. It is not true, since the show hasn't even ended yet, but there might be vague spoilers since I used some spoilers to use as a starting point so be warned.
To Angel for being the guiding force in the creation of this idea and for listening to all my many rambling emails from work about this story.


~Part: 1~

It was over. The First had been destroyed. It had been a rough fight for a bit, but they'd managed to pull through. The reinforcements from LA had been a life saver, adding the extra power they had needed. Together, they'd triumphed. It had been worse than Graduation and worse than Glory, in Willow's opinion. True, there had been no casualties on their side, but it had been months of stress and fear and doubt. She was glad that it was over. She sat on her bed, her eyes moving over the suitcase that was open laying beside her. It was still empty, even though she had opened it an hour before. She was leaving Sunnydale. It was time for her to move on. She had never honestly intended to return to her hometown from England. She'd only returned because Giles had said she was needed. As it was, he had been right. She'd not only been needed for the battle, but she had needed closure. It had been good to face the past, to learn that she had grown up, to realize that she wasn't needed now that the fight was over and they had been left standing.

She'd waited to leave until things had settled down. It had been three days since the battle was finished. A lot of things had changed. Buffy was setting up a training school for the junior slayers, Giles planned to stay in Sunnydale to train them, Dawn was going to start training so she could become a watcher, and Xander had expressed some interest in studying with Giles so that he could help train and teach the new slayers. She had heard Cordelia talking about staying in Sunnydale, not seeming to have an interest in going back to LA with Angel. There was tension between the former cheerleader, souled vampire and his son. Connor had already decided to stay, talking to Buffy about going to school and living in the basement. Luckily, Giles had already purchase a rather large home not far away that had a room for each of the juniors as well as a training area and library for all his materials. Anya had been helping him some, though she kept talking about going to see the world. Kennedy had become a leader among the juniors, showing a lot of potential. Willow felt a bit guilty over leaving the girl that had become such a good friend and even a bit more for a few months. She needed to do this, though, and Kennedy seemed to understand, declaring that she'd come for a visit once Willow was settled. They had been brought together during a very tense time, when it wasn't evident that they'd live through the night, and Willow knew that it had been nice, but she honestly didn't think it would have lasted long once the threat of danger was gone. It was better to end it now, when they could still be friends, before it had really become serious and moved past a flirting stage.

As for everyone else, Spike was gone having left town for parts unknown after making sure everyone was okay. Wesley and Fred had already gone back to LA. Willow knew that it was a new relationship for the two, also knowing that it hurt Gunn to be around them considering the circumstances. He'd had it rough. Losing his girl to his good friend and then having to be around them as they prepared to fight the First. He'd relaxed a little once they had left. Angel and Lorne were still hanging around, though Willow supposed they'd be leaving soon enough. And then there was Faith. Willow didn't know what the slayer's future plans were, but she doubted she'd end up staying. Buffy had been polite, but there was still a lack of trust and some major issues between the brunette slayer and the Sunnydale gang. Willow could understand completely.

"So, you're really leaving," a voice said quietly from the doorway.

Willow drew herself from her thoughts as she looked at the slayer standing in her doorway. Speak of the devil, she thought before she nodded, "Yeah, I think it's time."

Faith understood. Things had changed. Any idiot could see the strain between Willow and the others. Sure, they all acted buddy buddy, but Buffy and Xander would watch the redhead constantly as if they didn't trust her. Faith knew about that lack of trust. She'd risked her life a dozen times for them in the last few weeks, and they still acted like she could suddenly go psycho and kill them. She and Willow were in the same boat. They were both murderers. To the goody goodies, they'd always be tainted because they'd given in to the evil. It didn't matter that they'd done their time, her in jail and Willow in England, or that they were trying to make up for it. Those close minded little snots would never let either of them forget what they had done, what they had let themselves become, that were killers. "Where are you going?"

~Part: 2~

Willow sighed, shrugging, "I was thinking New Orleans. I've always wanted to go there, and it's far enough away without being too far."

"New Orleans, huh?" Faith looked at the empty suitcase, "You planning on packing or just leaving it all?"

"I'm mentally packing," Willow said with a faint smile, finally getting to her feet and moving to her dresser. She opened a drawer and took out a stack of clothes, putting them in the suitcase as she looked around the room, making notes of what she would take and what would be left.

"Gunn's going to drive you, right?" Faith asked as she moved into the room, sitting on the bed as she watched the redhead packing.

"He wants to," Willow said with a smile. "I told him I could take the bus, but he won't hear of it. He insists that it isn't safe for a girl to travel all that way alone. I didn't point out how chauvinistic he is because I honestly just think he doesn't wants to go back to LA just yet, and he's jumping at the chance for a cross country chance to clear his head."

"He's cool. He'll get over it," Faith said, having not been too fond of that Fred girl anyway. "He can do better."

"It always hurts to lose someone you love," Willow said softly. "But, you're right. He'll get over it. I think the drive will do him good. Plus, it gives him time to accept the idea of seeing Wesley and Fred together when he gets home."

"So, Red, you think there's enough room for one more?" Faith asked the question that she had been wanting to ask since hearing that Willow was leaving. She and Willow had become friends over the past month and a half, the redhead being the only one she really liked. Red had changed, and Faith liked the changes. She felt Willow's eyes look at her in surprise and shrugged, "I don't have a lot of luggage so I won't take up much space."

"You want to go with me?" Willow asked, wanting to make sure she had heard correctly. "Are you sure, Faith? I mean, it would be starting over completely. I've got a little money in my savings, but we'd have to get jobs and live somewhere real cheap."

"I've been in jail for years, Red, I think I can handle it," Faith said with a smile. "Besides, there'd be two of us working which means more money and not as cheap a place, right?"

"You're serious," Willow sat down, her plans changing automatically as she added Faith to the mixture. It would be easier with a friend, and, strangely enough, she did consider the dark slayer a friend. They still didn't know each other that well, but she rather liked the girl once she got past the attitude. "Now, Faith, you need to be sure this is what you want. Once we leave, that's it. We're stuck there. I'd love to have a friend with me, but I want to make sure you know what you're facing."

"Red, I had to move here from Boston alone, I think moving to New Orleans with a friend won't be near as bad as coming to Sunnyhell and meeting Buffy," Faith said with a smile.

"Okay then, you can come with me," Willow returned the slayer's smile.

"Hot damn," Faith said excitedly, "I was so scared that you might say no and leave me here with B and the others."

Willow leaned forward, whispering, "I'm not into cruel and unusual punishment, Faith."

Faith laughed, "I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship, Red."

"I'll let Gunn know that we're going to have another passenger," Willow said with a smile, really happy about going now that she knew she wouldn't be starting over alone. She wanted to get away from Sunnydale, but really hated the idea of being alone. This was great. "We'll be leaving tomorrow morning. We hope to get to New Orleans by the weekend."

"What fun!" a voice spoke from the doorway, causing the girls to look at the beaming green demon. Lorne nodded as he thought about it, "A road trip then a brand spanking new start. I like it. I really like it," he moved into the room, sitting on the bed beside Faith as he said, "Squeeze over, cupcake, I'm coming too!"

~Part: 3~

"Lorne!" Willow had to laugh at his enthusiasm even as she was shaking her head. She'd only known the demon for a few weeks, but he had the ability to always cheer her up. "You don't want to go to New Orleans with us."

"Why not?" he asked, giving her a look. "Trust me when I say that going back to LA isn't something I'd want to do. Going to New Orleans with my pretty little dumplings *is* something I want to do."

"First a cupcake, now a dumpling?" Faith said having to smile at him. "Why don't you want to go back to LA? I thought you liked it there."

"Pshaw," he made a face. "I'm tired of all the angsty brooding. I need fun and excitement. Besides, with the annoying brat boy and Cordy staying here, well, imagine all the drama that awaits me back at the hotel. You can't possibly wish that on me, can you?"

Willow watched him bat his eyes innocently as he hammed it up, "I'd think there would be less brooding without Cordelia and Connor there."

"Quit being logical, Red. I want to go with you two," he whined, suddenly smiling, "I have money. Loads and loads of money. I had insurance on the club plus tons saved up for a rainy day. I think moving to a new city and starting over is as rainy as it gets, don't you?"

"Why, Lorne, are you trying to bribe us into letting you go?" Faith asked, her tone shocked though her dark eyes were amused.

"Whatever works, babycakes," he said with a wink. "Oh, I also have connections in the Crescent City. I could buy a new club, get us a nice place to stay, you'd only have to work if you really wanted too....."

"We wouldn't let you buy everything," Willow said, rolling her eyes. "You guys realize that not two hours ago, I fully intended to leave here tomorrow ready to start over alone in a strange city with no friends or support, and now I've got not one but two friends going with me."

"Wait, two friends? Does that mean I wore you down with my charm and wit?" Lorne asked with a smile.

"It means that you can come with us, if you really want to," Willow said, having to laugh as Lorne slung his arm around Faith's shoulders.

"Sweetlings, this is going to be the most fun I've ever had," he declared. "I'll be the best roomie, you just wait and see. I'll always put the toilet seat down, I'll do the dishes and take out the trash, and we can watch sappy romance movies every night if you want."

"No sappy movies," Faith said as she made a face. "So, how much money is tons and tons?"

"Faith!" Willow laughed as she tossed a pillow at the slayer.

"What?" Faith smiled as she rested her head on Lorne's shoulder. "A club, huh? I think that could be fun."

"You can both help me with it," Lorne declared. "See? You've already both got jobs and we haven't even left Sunnydale yet."

"I'm definitely going to have to warn Gunn," Willow muttered as Lorne and Faith started chattering excitedly about the impending move as she continued packing.

~Part: 4~

"Can we leave early tomorrow?" Faith asked from her position laying across the bottom of Willow's bed. Now that it was determined she would be accompanying Willow to New Orleans for a new start, she was eager for the new chapter in her life to begin. She knew that Willow had been planning to leave the following day, but she didn't want to wait half the afternoon before they could go.

"How early is early?" Willow asked, looking up from her book and giving Faith a look.

The dark haired slayer shrugged, her expression growing thoughtful, as she asked innocently, "Midnight is considered tomorrow, isn't it?"

"Faith!" Willow laughed, shaking her head. "We aren't leaving at midnight. I had figured that I'd get up and load the car, say the final good-byes and take off by early afternoon."

"You already told them good-bye," Faith reminded, not really liking the idea of facing Buffy and the others before leaving. She was excited to be going to a new city with Willow and even Lorne, having built up a pretty good friendship with the lively demon since getting out of jail, but seeing Buffy and the others would definitely dampen that excitement. The bottled blonde slayer always seemed to know the perfect look or words to make Faith feel like something on the bottom of her shoe, as if she weren't good enough to be associating with Buffy's people, as if they were the ones doing the favor by allowing Faith to be with them and saving their asses. Even now, she could feel the beginnings of doubts and guilt and she hadn't even seen Bitchy.

"I know, but I don't really think they realized that I was actually leaving so soon," Willow said with a frown. "It was more like they thought I was just talking, not really listening. They probably think I'm not brave enough to leave here, to leave them, to start over."

"You're the bravest person that I know," Faith said sincerely, having been completely blown away by the redhead. She'd always respected Willow, from the first time they met, and had been envious of the redhead's complete trust and devotion to Buffy. In fact, said slayer wouldn't even be here if not for the witch's determination and power. It really pissed her off, more so than their hatred towards her. She knew she deserved it, didn't really give a flying fuck what the little goody goodies thought of her. Willow didn't deserve it, though. True, the girl had given in to dark magic, but there had been extenuating circumstances certainly. Okay, so Faith was glad that Xander had gotten through to Willow before the world had ended, but she just knew that Buffy and the others had been partially to blame for Willow's downfall. She didn't know how or why, but she knew that Willow would never have reacted that way if she'd had a strong group of friends to support her. If Faith had her way, Willow would never again doubt having such unwavering support.

"You're not too bad yourself," Willow said with a small smile as she watched the thoughts flicker over the slayer's pretty face. With a sigh, she realized that she really had no desire to see Buffy or Xander before she really left. She'd told them good-bye earlier that day, when she had mentioned that she was leaving Sunnydale. They hadn't seemed to care. If anything, they'd looked a bit relieved. Her decision made, she said, "I'll find Gunn and Lorne and see if they can be ready at dawn. Is that early enough?"

"Really?" Faith rolled her head to look at Willow, a large smile on her face. "We don't have to see Bitchy and the others before we go?"

"No, we don't have to see *Buffy* and the others before we leave," Willow said with a smile. "I told her that I'd get in touch once I got settled, so I don't think there's all that much left to be said between us. I'll leave her a note, just in case, but I'm ready to go."

"So am I," Faith said, her duffle bag having never been unpacked. "What's Lorne gonna do about his stuff? It's all at the hotel back in LA."

"He said he'd make arrangements. I don't really know what he plans," Willow said with a shrug. "I'm still rather surprised that he wants to go with us."

"I'm not," Faith laughed. "That place is such a downer, and it's been draining him. He needs to get himself a club and get back to doing what he loves: entertaining. He seemed happier tonight that I've seen him."

"He did seem pretty enthusiastic," Willow laughed as she got to her feet. "I'll go find the guys and let them know about the plan."

"I think I'll go see Giles, let him know what I'm doing," Faith decided as she, too, stood. "He's the only one I really care about telling."

"Tell him I'll call him when we get to New Orleans," Willow said, having promised the man that was so much like a father that she would stay in touch. He was the only one that had seemed too upset at the idea of her leaving, but he, more than anyone, could understand.

"Will do," Faith said, grabbing her coat before walking out of the room.

Willow followed her, going downstairs to locate Gunn and Lorne. She hoped they were as eager to leave as she was.

~Part: 5~

"So you'll send everything to me once we're settled?" Lorne asked for the tenth time.

Angel nodded, resisting the urge to roll his eyes, "Yes, Lorne."

"It might be a few weeks before we have a place," Lorne reminded.

"I know," Angel finally gave in, rolling his eyes as he said, "I think I can be trusted to pack up a room and ship it to you, don't you think?"

"It's not trust, Angelcakes," Lorne said with a smile, "I just want to make sure everything is covered before we leave."

Angel stared at the demon that had become one of his best friends, "You're sure this is what you want?"

Lorne nodded, having taken to the idea from the minute he had heard the girls talking in their room. New Orleans was a good place for a fresh start. One of the few cities where his kind could walk openly on the streets without anyone batting an eye. True, most tourists assumed there were costumes and such, but the locals accepted the supernatural with an ease that always surprised him. To answer Angel, he said, "I am definitely sure, honeybun. Sure you won't come with?"

"No," Angel smiled fleetingly before continuing, "I really can't, but thanks for the offer. I got my new start a few years ago, remember?"

"Well, if you ever change your mind, you're always welcome," Lorne said with a fond smile at the attractive vampire. "I think things in LA should finally calm down for you. Probably bore you to tears now that W & H is gone."

"Calm is good, I guess," Angel said. "So, Gunn is driving you guys?"

"We both know why," Lorne replied with an arched brow. He had always liked Fred, that is until he had learned that she had been lying to Gunn and sneaking behind his back with Wesley. Oh, sure, she hadn't meant to hurt anyone, but it had taken a lot for Gunn to trust her in the first place, now the handsome youth was shutting everyone out, closed up tighter than a virgin on her wedding night. Yet another reason he was thrilled not to be going back to the drama of LA.

"Maybe it will do him so good," Angel decided. "Give him some time to think. It's a pretty long drive there and back."

"Hmm," Lorne agreed, looking at Angel. "And how are things between you and Cordy?"

"There's nothing between me and Cordy," Angel said with a shrug. "Maybe there was at one time, but there's not even a friendship anymore. I'll always care about her, but I'm glad she's not coming back with us."

"She was never the right one for you, anyway," Lorne declared. "So, you're going to pack up my room and ship it to me when I call, right?"

"Lorne, if you don't quit asking me that, I'll kill you before you can even go!" Angel said, his eyes flashing yellow as he glared at the laughing demon.

"Oooh, someone's letting their demon out to play," Lorne said with a knowing chuckle. He'd watched Angel after Willow had restored his soul again, seen the slight changes. He'd never said a word, but he could see that the soul seemed to have merged with the demon this time around, sharing the body instead of fighting over it. It had been a definite improvement in his eyes.

"Drop it," Angel said, not at all wanting to discuss the fact that he was more like Angelus now than since he had first been souled. He didn't really understand it, was still trying to get used to it, and hadn't even had time to analyze why it felt good to be so like his old self. It hadn't been easy trying to ignore the presence of his demon, especially considering the trials he had gone through lately. First, Cordelia and Connor. Then, watching Fred hurt Gunn, and seeing Buffy again. The worst had been seeing Spike, ignoring his demon's desire and his soul's empathy for his grandchilde. He thought, for an instant when Spike had first looked at him, that the blue eyed vampire had seen it...had seen the demon joined with his soul....but Spike hadn't said a word, just fought the fight and then left without even saying good-bye. It had been a tough year over all. He was more than ready to get back to the hotel and simply enjoy being alone.

"Being dropped, sweetcakes," Lorne said with an easy smile.

"Lorne?" a soft voice spoke from the doorway, causing both demons to look up and stare at the beautiful redhead bathed in the glow of false light from the hallway.

"Right here, Dumpling," Lorne said, leaning over to flip on the lamp switch.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" Willow asked with an apologetic smile. "I thought I heard voices.

"It's okay, Willow. We were talking about the move," Angel said, his dark eyes moving over the beauty that the shy redhead had become.

"Oh, that's why I'm here, actually," Willow gave him a smile before looking at Lorne. "We're going to be leaving shortly after dawn, if that's okay? Faith and I are both ready to just go."

"I'll be ready," Lorne said, winking as he added, "I'm going to be the most envied man in New Orleans, living with two such beautiful and powerful woman."

"You're impossible," Willow laughed as she rolled her eyes, her face flushing slightly at his compliment, "Do you know where Gunn is? I need to let him know when we're leaving and that we're having company."

"He was outside last time I looked, on the porch," Angel smiled as he saw her blush, deciding that she might seem more confident and powerful but underneath there were still lovely traces of the old Willow that he had known.

"Thanks, Angel," Willow's eyes widened as she said, "Oh my God! I forgot to tell you good-bye." She moved into the room, going to where he was sitting on the sofa and hugged him tightly, surprising him. She felt his arms go around her in an awkward embrace. "Take care of yourself, Angelus," she whispered, feeling his arms tighten at her use of his full name, confirming her suspicions that the spell she had performed had been completely successful. She'd been bad, not doing the original soul restoration. She'd made some changes, her knowledge of magic far more advanced now than back in high school. She had wanted to do something good with the power and knowledge that she possessed, deciding that she would find the spell needed to fix Angel so that he never had to worry about losing control again. If she couldn't use her magic to help her friends, what good did it do her? It had taken some time, but she'd finall found something that satisfied her wishes. She had merged his soul and his demon, taken away that stupid clause, made it where the demon would never again completely take over, having to instead share with the soul. She'd known she would be leaving and hadn't wanted to have the threat of Angel losing his soul ever again. She was glad that it had worked, making it easier to leave knowing that he would finally be able to be happy.

"You did it," Angel said softly, his eyes looking at her wonder and admiration, pulling back to look into her green eyes. "Thank you, Willow. I hope you find happiness. Take care of yourself, and the others."

"Don't thank me, Angel. You're my friend and I just want you to be happy. I promise that I'll take care of them. Be happy," Willow smiled, brushing a kiss over his forehead. "Just be happy. I'm gonna go find Gunn now. I'll see you in the morning, Lorne."

"Sweet dreams, sugar bun," Lorne replied as she left the room, shutting the door behind her. With a smile, Lorne turned the light back off and laid down. He needed to be well rested for the upcoming car trip.

~Part: 6~

"Hey there, big guy," Willow said as she moved to sit beside Gunn. She felt the tree behind her as she sat back.

"Red," Gunn flashed her a quick smile. "What brings you out here this late?"

"You," Willow smiled. "I was looking for you to let you know there's been a slight change in plans."

"You're not going?" he asked worriedly. He had been looking forward to driving the redhead to New Orleans since she had mentioned the trip to him earlier. He'd volunteered to drive, wanting the time to think before he had to go back to LA and face Fred and Wesley. He was still angry and hurt and knew he might say or do something he'd regret if he faced them too soon. As it was, he hadn't discovered Fred's betrayal until they were well into the preparations for the battle against the First, so he hadn't really had time to react until after everything was finished. Now, he still wasn't sure how to react. He'd jumped at the opening when he had heard Willow talking about moving away and starting over. When he'd asked her and she'd mentioned New Orleans, it had seemed far enough away to give him time to think. She had seemed pretty determined to leave when they had been talking earlier, seemed happy about it though a bit scared.

"Oh, no. I'm going. It's just, we're having some company," Willow laughed softly as she saw the relief enter his brown eyes.

"Company?" he asked with surprise.

"Faith and Lorne have decided to move with me," Willow smiled. "They both want to start over and thought it would be easier if we all started over together. Is that going to be a problem? I mean, it's your car and I wanted to check and see if it would be okay."

"It's fine, Red," Gunn said, adding, "just as long as Lorne doesn't get to control the radio. I am not driving thousands of miles listening to Judy Garland and showtunes."

"Okay, I'll let him know," Willow smiled, glad that he didn't seem upset that they were having two more passengers. Of course, she knew he just wanted time away from LA, so it probably didn't matter to him at all. "We're going to leave at dawn, if that's cool?"

"The sooner, the better," he sighed. "I filled up the car earlier, so it should be good for a few hundred miles at least."

"Thanks for driving us, Gunn," Willow said as she got to her feet. She had everything packed and knew she should try to get some sleep before their trip. It was going to be difficult to sleep though. She was excited and a bit scared and uncertain of what was to come, but things looked so much better now that she wouldn't be facing it all alone.

~Part: 7~

"That's the last of it," Gunn said as he shut the trunk of his car, breathing a sigh of relief that it actually would shut. There had been a couple of tense minutes when he wasn't sure if everything was going to fit. He'd only had the car for a couple of months, having traded in his truck when it became obvious that the poor thing didn't have much life left in it. He'd had enough money saved to put the trade in amount to buy the dark blue Mustang that was about to take them halfway across the country. It was a used car, but seemed to be in good shape so he wasn't too worried about the trip. He wasn't stupid enough to buy a car without checking it out thoroughly before paying. Luckily, the trunk was a pretty good size. Willow had three bags and two boxes as well as her laptop, while he, Faith and Lorne only had a duffle bag each. He glanced at the demon and slayer, still finding it surprising that they were both ready to just up and move at such short notice. While he himself had entertained the very same idea, he'd decided that LA was his home. He welcomed the week or so of free time, though.

"It all fit?" Willow looked at him with amazement. "You're good!"

He laughed, "We really didn't have all that much, Red."

"Kinda sad, really," Willow made a face, "my entire life fit into two boxes and three bags."

"Please," Faith snorted coming up behind the redhead, "you have tons of stuff at your parents' house."

"It won't be my parents' house for long," Willow reminded, having spoken to her parents about her move, listening as they mentioned their desire to just sell the house in Sunnydale. She'd had all of her stuff boxed up already, having completed that chore when she had first moved in with Buffy, thinking that she would eventually move it all to her new place. She hadn't, instead leaving it in her empty room at her childhood home. Her parents said they would keep everything in storage for her, taking it with them to their new home in Seattle, where they had been renting a house for the last two years while her Dad lectured at several universities in the area. Eventually, she might find room for her stuff, but, for now, it wasn't anything all that important to her. She had her favorite mementos in one of the boxes now resting in Gunn's trunk. Photos, yearbooks, silly stuff that reminded her of both Pre-Buffy and Post-Buffy times.

"I bet they're thrilled they can finally sell the place," Faith remarked, knowing that Willow's parents had only kept the house for their daughter's use, not seeming to realize she hadn't lived there since starting college.

"Okay, we can go now," Lorne said as he joined them in the driveway. In his left hand, he held a cup of hot coffee. "I'm starting to wake up."

"We told you early," Willow said with a smile.

He glared at her, "Cupcake, I didn't realize after dawn meant three in the morning!"

"Well, I can see that someone is a grumpy guss in the morning," Willow laughed, moving away from him as he playfully tried to smack her arm.

"Can't you kids keep it down? Some people are trying to sleep," an amused voice spoke from the doorway.

"I wouldn't classify you as people, Fang," Faith said with a smirk.

"Oh, big words from the slayer. Three syllables, I am impressed," Angel said with a slight narrowing of his eyes as he looked at her.

"Talk about us being kids," Willow said with a slight smile. "Angel, you didn't have to get up to see us off."

"We're friends. That's what friends do," he reminded as his expression softened. "You have everything you need?"

"All packed and ready to go," Gunn said as he moved to the driver's side of the car. "I should be back in a couple of weeks. Don't save the world without me or anything."

"I sincerely hope there will be no need for world saving for a few more years at least," Angel said with a smile. "Take your time, Gunn. Things will be fine."

"I'll call you when I'm ready for all my stuff to be sent," Lorne said before he covered up a yawn. "I'm so not a morning person!"

"Whine, whine, whine," Angel said with a wink at Willow. Turning serious, he said, "You guys be careful. New Orleans isn't anything like Sunnydale, but it can still be dangerous. If you ever need anything, you've got my number."

"Thanks, Angel," Willow moved to hug the vampire, whispering, "we'll keep in touch."

"Be happy, Willow," he said giving her forehead a brief kiss just as she had given him earlier.

"Take care, Sweetcheeks," Lorne said with a smile and a wink before he said, "Shotgun!" and scrambled into the front seat of Gunn's car without spilling his coffee.

Faith rolled her eyes at Lorne's antics, then looked at the dark haired vampire that had become a mentor of sorts on her road to redemption. He was the only one she'd miss, she realized with a start. She wasn't the huggy type, though, so she just shot him a cocky smile and said, "Don't miss me too much."

"Good luck, Faith," Angel said quietly, moving to pull the surprised girl into his arms. He hugged her tightly before letting her go, "Keep them safe."

"I will," she whispered before a wicked smile crossed her face, "you know, Fang, there's this wonderful thing called color. You really should think about looking into it."

"Brat," Angel rolled his eyes as she laughed, winking at him before she joined Willow in the back seat of the car. He lifted his hand and returned their wave as he watched the car leave the driveway, watching it until it disappeared down the street. Looking back at Buffy's house, he made a face as he decided that tomorrow, he'd go home. It was time.

~Part: 8~

The lid of the ice chest fell back into place. A light illuminated the car as the door opened and the blond man stepped into the crisp night air. Spike looked at the convenience store, making a face as he slipped the bag of blood into his pocket. He was in Arizona, Flagstaff to be exact. He'd seen the sign when he had pulled off the freeway, his hunger forcing him to stop. He hated this, his blue eyes flashing as he kicked at the sidewalk before entering the brightly lit store. The clerk didn't even look at him, the man's attention on the magazine he was flipping through. One thing you could always count on, Spike had to smile, third shift clerks never paid attention to anything. In the old days, he could have attacked the guy and been feasting on a nice, warm meal. Good old days, he sighed, instead moving to the back of the store where the microwave was set up.

He tossed the bag of blood into the microwave, turning it on as he leaned back to wait for it to heat. He had always assumed that, once the chip was removed, that he would be back to normal. He'd be the big bad once again. Of course, that had been before he had stupidly gone and gotten himself obsessed with Buffy, before he had gone through days of torture only to find himself cursed with a soul, before he had had nearly a year to realize that Buffy would never accept him no matter what, that she had been using him the entire time he had convinced himself that they might have a future together. As soon as they had defeated the first, he'd been gone. He knew it would have been pointless to stay. He was over Buffy, past the strong emotions that had drawn him to her in the first place, knew that it would be wise to leave.

So here he was. Driving around with no idea where he was headed sans implant but with a damn annoying soul to remind him constantly that he was a demon and monster. The few shags he'd had with Buffy hadn't been anywhere near good enough for his eternal life sentence of having a soul. He'd been a bloody idiot, but there was no use thinking about it now. What's done was done. No way to lose the soul. Didn't have a nifty little clause like Peaches. He could shag a billion women and find that moment of happiness with every single one and he'd still have the soul. And he couldn't blame anyone but himself. That really pissed him off. He had been responsible, his fault. Now, he was stuck with it forever.

He guessed it really wasn't all that bad. His interest in torturing and killing humans had been fading even before the soul. The implant had seen to that. Hurting humans equaled pain. Besides, it wasn't all that much fun anymore. They were weak and pathetic and didn't put up a good fight. Now, fighting demons was a different story. Kept him on his toes, was a right fine challenge, meant a bit more when he defeated them. He could feel proud killing some demon that had nearly kicked his ass. Soul didn't really change that view. He'd been lucky, he guessed. Hadn't had any of those sniveling moments like Angelus, creeping around in alleys and feeding on rats. No, he'd gone a bit crazy there for a few months, but it hadn't been his fault. He was over that, over Buffy, over Sunnydale. He was still haunted by visions of things he had done in the past, but he didn't give them much thought. Couldn't really change anything, so why bother worrying about it? He'd just cause himself to brood constantly like his grandsire, and he had no intention of becoming like that wanker.

He heard the microwave beeping, drawing him from his thoughts as he removed the bag of blood. He frowned as he realized tat he didn't have many more bags left in the car. His supply had gotten him through the last week on the road, but soon he was going to have to restock. He slipped the warm bag of blood into his pocket, grabbing a bottle of water and a bag of chips on his way to the front. He tossed three dollar bills on the counter, not waiting for his change. Once he was seated, he poured out the water, draining the bag into the now empty bottle. Taking a sip, he leaned his head back against the car seat. He ran his hand through his hair, not able to see that the bleach was fading from the strands, leaving his normal color of blondish brown, or, as Drusilla had once called it, dirty hay. His attention had been elsewhere over the last few months, not having time to think about dying his hair. He knew it must be looking pretty bad, but soon the bleach would be gone and then he might get it cut. It was getting kind of long, his fingers brushing through the slight length. No more bleaching, though. That part of his past was dead, the only concession he was making to the soul.

He turned on the car, deciding to head down to Tucson. He knew some demons there that could give him some blood. Maybe he'd stay awhile. It wasn't like he knew where he was going. He kept driving, thinking that he'd know where he was heading once he got there. He'd headed west because he hated the weather up north. He wasn't going to the East, hating the weather there too. He wanted somewhere warm, thinking that if Tucson wasn't the right place to stay, he'd head south, maybe go into Texas. He knew that there had to be somewhere for him to call him home. He just hadn't found it yet. He'd just keep driving, keep looking, have to find it eventually. He turned on the radio as he merged onto the interstate, the loud music filling the silence of his car. He really hated being alone, he decided as he sighed, turning the music up even more.

~Part: 9~

Gunn tightened his hands on the steering wheel, letting out his breath slowly as he grimaced at the road ahead of him. They'd been on the road for half the day, and he'd kept silent for most of the time, listening to the chatter of the other three passengers. Lorne had been telling funny stories, doing his best to keep everyone entertained. He didn't know why he had ever thought that this would be a nice, silent trip in which he could spend some quality time reflecting and thinking. Quiet didn't seem to be in Lorne's vocabulary. Gunn didn't really mind, thankful for the opportunity to laugh and just enjoy hanging out with people he considered friends. Now, though, things had gone too far. He looked in the rearview mirror, his brown eyes catching apologetic green ones.

Willow saw Gunn look at her and tried to smile without laughing. It was difficult. She'd spent the last few hours laughing so much she thought she might pee her pants. Lorne was a fantastic story teller, seeming to know just the right things to entertain them. She could see why he had been such a successful club owner. He could make anyone a part of his life with a wink and a laugh. She knew that life with him would always be an experience. A fun one at that. She watched him move his head, his hands joining his dance and waited for Gunn's inevitable explosion.

"And all...that....jazz," Lorne sang along with the CD, having put in the soundtrack for Chicago just a few minutes before.

"Enough," Gunn said, hitting eject. "Red, I said no showtunes!"

"You ejected my CD," Lorne said, glaring at the black youth as he went to push it back in.

"I'm with Chuck on this one," Faith said, laughing as Gunn turned to glare at her use of the nickname he so loathed. "No offense Lorne, but c'mon."

"I've had to sit and listen to his horrible music for hours," Lorna protested, "If I have to hear one more song about drugs or hoods or gangstas, I'm going to scream. I've earned some showtunes."

"Hey, guys," Willow spoke up, "we have several more days in this car. If we're already fighting over something as stupid as the radio, we'll never make it to New Orleans."

"Willow's right," Faith said. "Why don't we agree to listen to something we all like?"

Gunn snorted, "Yeah, like we could all agree on one thing."

"Try the radio," Willow said, leaning over to switch through stations. She flipped through several before hearing the opening riff of Stairway to Heaven. She glanced at Gunn, watching as his fingers began to hit the steering wheel with the tune. She looked at Lorne and saw him smile in approvement. Relieved, she sat back as everyone began to sing along to the well known song.

"Crisis number one averted," Faith whispered to the redhead, wondering just how many more they'd face before arriving in New Orleans. "Well done."

"I have a gift, what can I say?" Willow whispered back accompanied with a modest smile. "Besides, if they'd kept fighting, I'd have just threatened to turn them into lizards until they agreed to get along."

"Where do you think we'll be tonight?" Faith asked as she watched Gunn and Lorne join into a duet for the main chorus of the classic rock song.

"Somewhere in Arizona, I hope," Willow said. "I'd like to make it to New Orleans in a couple more days."

"Shouldn't be a problem," Faith decided, "we're not planning on stopping except to eat, get gas, and sleep."

"I don't want Gunn to get too tired though. That's a lot of driving," Willow said. "I asked him if he wanted me to drive, but he's a bit possessive about his car."

"Probably named it and everything," Faith said as she rolled her eyes. "You know how weird guys get about their cars."

"I think this song is never-ending," Willow said as the song seemed to endlessly play. She liked it, but good grief. Enough already.

"It's almost over," Lorne said with a large smile. It wasn't Chicago, but it was still fun.

"I love this song!" Faith said as Stairway to Heaven faded and the beginning of American Pie started. "Turn it up!"

"Will do, sweetness," Lorne said as he turned up the volume as all four of them began to sing along as the car continued on its journey west."

~Part: 10~

"He's looking at me!"

"She's touching me!"

"Am not!"

"Are too."

"Am not. Lying demon bastard!"

"Are too. See? Look. Your leg touched mine!"

"It's just because you take up too much room!"

"I'm on my half. You're on my half. It's not fair! Willow, she hit me!"

"I can't sit back here with him! He's looking at me!"

Willow rolled her eyes as she turned around in the front seat to glare at Faith and Lorne, "Would you two try to act like the mature adults you're supposed to be?"

"Yeah, or I'm gonna stop the car and let loose some whup ass on you two," Gunn threatened, having listened to the bickering between the demon and slayer for the last fifty miles at least. He was starting to really regret his offer to drive them.

"Ooooh...ghetto-boy is making threats. Whatcha gonna do, Chuck?" Faith taunted with a smile. She was going insane. It had been three days stuck in this small car. She was itching for a fight, wanting nothing more than to kick some ass. She had forgotten how much she hated being confined to a small space. She had been okay the first day, excited to be leaving and thrilled at the idea of starting over in a place that didn't know her past. Now, though, she just wanted to move. Thankfully, it wouldn't be much longer. They were nearing the border of Texas, hopefully going to be in New Orleans sometime tomorrow afternoon. Tomorrow night, she could patrol. She was thrilled at the idea. Until then, she was stuck in this small back seat with Lorne's tall frame taking up half the room. She started to kick her foot against the back of Gunn's seat when he failed to rise to her challenge, muttering instead something about being surrounded by idiots.

"Gunn, why don't we stop somewhere and stretch?" Willow suggested as she saw how restless Faith was becoming. Poor slayer couldn't sit still. She could understand. It had been hours of endless driving, only briefing stopping for food or gas. She was sick of motel rooms, missing her comfortable old bed, and she knew they had who knew how many more nights in one once they reached New Orleans and started searching for a house. That should be fun. Lorne was buying the house, and, being one of the pickiest people she had ever met, he would probably look at every single vacancy in the entire city limits before deciding on a property. Then, they'd have to buy furniture and look for a club, find jobs, and, goodness she hadn't realized just how much work went into starting over. So much to do.

"Sure, Red," Gunn said tightly, wishing like hell that Faith would quit kicking his seat. He wondered just how difficult it would be to kill a slayer. Could it be considered self defense in view of her attempts to drive him crazy?

With a large smile, Faith sat back knowing they would be stopping soon and she could get out and move around a bit. With a smirk, she asked, "Are we there yet?"
