"Buffy, I'm going down to get a soda. You want?"

Buffy looked at Willow and smiled. "No thanks. I'll just sit here and drool over Brad. Take your time. I could use some quality time with him."

"You're impossible," Willow said, smiling.

She and Buffy were having an old fashion girls only slumber party. It had been fun so far. They were watching old Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise movies. Right now, Buffy was drooling over Legends of the Fall. Willow personally thought the movie a bit overly dramatic and boring. But, it had barechested Brad so it wasn't all bad. She walked down the stairs into the kitchen. She missed Spike. This was the first night in the month and a half they had been secretly living together that she would not be with him. It bothered her. She opened the fridge and peered inside. OJ, water, soda, milk....which one did she want? She reached for the soda and felt a hand grab her from behind. Startled, she dropped the plastic bottle.

"What?" She looked into laughing blue eyes. "Spike! What are you doing here?" she hissed.

He feigned a hurt look. "Did you really think I was going to spend the night away from you? I haven't yet and I don't intend to."

She smiled. "Miss me?"

"Like a cold" he grumbled.

"I miss you too. But, this a girls night. I think Buffy might notice you hiding in my sleeping bag."

He rolled his eyes. "I don't plan to be in the room with you two. Just downstairs. At least, until dawn. Can you get out of this?"

"No. Besides, you're being ridiculous. Romantic, but ridiculous. Now, why don't you go home. You can think of something to surprise me with when I get back tomorrow." She said, winking.

He smiled slyly. "I told you luv. We haven't spent a night apart." He brought his mouth down to hers, his tongue claiming her mouth.

She whimpered as he ran his hands over her body. She pushed him back until his ass was balanced against the dining room table. She gasped as he turned them suddenly and set her on the table. He moved between her legs, his jeans scraping her bare flesh. She laid back on the table as he ran his hand down her chest. She felt him pulling her sleeping boxers down. She heard his zipper lowering as his mouth claimed her breast. He entered her quickly, his mouth covering hers. She met his thrusts as her hand ran along the table, knocking over the vase of flowers that was sitting in the middle. She felt him speed up. She came biting into his arm to keep from screaming. She felt him thrust deep, emptying himself into her.

Willow tried to catch her breath. She sat up, their release dripping onto the table from between her legs.

"I don't think I'll ever be able to eat dinner here again." She whispered as she grabbed a dish towel. He chuckled.

"I can sleep now" he said softly. "Not as good as if you were beside me, but it will do." He kissed her again. "I'd better go. Don't want the slayer to get suspicious. Tomorrow home early." he kissed her once more before leaving out the back door.

Willow redressed and straightened her clothes. She grabbed the soda and headed back upstairs to Buffy. She really hoped her friend was enthralled in Brad and hadn't noticed just how long she had been getting that soda.

* * * * *

Buffy was sitting up on her bed, the tv off and the cd player going. She smiled evilly as Willow came in.

"Hey Wills. You missed the end."

"Really? I uh...couldn't find a glass." Willow said, thinking that was the dumbest excuse she had ever thought of.

"Oh" Buffy said, accepting her answer. She watched her friend sit down and sip on the soda. "Let's play a game."

"What kind of game? We only have the two of us." Willow pointed out.

"I was thinking that we could play Truth. No dare. Sound good? Ok. We agree. I get to go first."

"Wait. I didn't agree. And what the hell is truth?" Willow protested.

Buffy spoke as though Willow were five. "Truth is where I ask you questions until I decide I'm finished. Don't worry. It will be a lot of fun."

"That doesn't seem very fair. I mean, I don't get to ask you question?"

"Nope. My house, my rules. First question: Just how long have you been fucking Spike?"

Willow spit her soda out. "What?"

Buffy smiled. "C'mon Wills. Did you really think we were that oblivious? Even Giles has noticed."

"Giles?" Willow sat back, her face reflecting shock.

"Yep. I told everyone that you had to have your reasons for keeping it a secret. BUT, when it comes to you two getting it on in my house, I get details. SO, fess up dearie."

Willow felt herself blushing. "You know about tonight?"

"I'm not deaf" Buffy said.

"Oh Goddess....this is bad. This is very bad. You won't stake him?"

"Hell no. He seems to have gotten you out of that funk you were in. Besides, he has the cutest ass.....and those cheekbones?"

"Ahem....MINE" Willow said, smiling.

"Oh yeah.....right. Anyway, I want to know how long this has been going on and why you didn't say anything. I know Spike doesn't care if we know. He fucking ate you out at a research night for heaven's sake."

Willow knew she was in hell. It was the only way she could be this mortified. "You've known for that long?"

"I knew after your little cohabitating experiment. Xander figured it out when we got together that night with everyone. Giles saw Spike sneaking out from under the table the other night. So, yes, we all know. Everyone is fine with it. If he makes our Willow happy, we're happy. If he hurts you, his ass is dust. NOW....quit trying to get me off track. Details. Is he a good lover? I bet it's like fucking a puppy. So eager and ready to please."

"You've thought about this awhile haven't you?"

"Yep. I am so proud of you Willow. You've grown up. You're now a woman with your very own deadguy. I could cry." Buffy said, smirking.

"Shut up slayer....or I'll show Mr Frat Guy the baby pictures of you. The naked baby pictures." Willow said, grinning at her friend's sudden discomfort.

"You wouldn't." Buffy said.

"No details. Spike and my relationship is between us. Got it?"

"You're no fun."

"Hey....don't tell him you know. Ok? I want to surprise him."

"Willow Anne Rosenberg, explain that grin right now."

"Well....." Willow started to share her plan with her friend. Buffy had to laugh imagining Spike's face when Willow carried it out.
