I want to know who you are.


Why not?

I told you from the beginning that we could never meet, face to face.


I can't....sorry.

What are you scared of?

I'm not scared of anything. I told you, this is just a game.

No it isn't. I can't stop thinking about you...about our nights. We've met six times. I have shared my body with you...

Now you know how I feel. You consume my thoughts always. I have shared my knowledge.

I just want to know you...

You wouldn't like what you found out...leave it. We have something special here. I have no plans on messing it up. I live for our nights together...our talks on here...they get me through my days....

I feel the same way. I've never felt this connected to someone...not even my ex-boyfriend. I knew him for over two years. I don't want to lose this either. I just keep thinking that you're wrong. That it could be more....

NO! Forget it. If you ever discover who I really am, game over. That is a promise. I told you this before we started.

Right. Fine. I won't try to find out who you are. We will continue to meet for sex until you grow tired of me. I can live with that. When?

Are you there?

I could never grow tired of you....I don't want to hurt you. Tomorrow, our room. 8 pm. Sweet dreams

You are hurting me....

Willow sat back in the chair and sighed. Six times in less than two weeks. Each time more amazing. All she could think of each day was how she wanted so badly to wake up in his Spike's arms.
