"Forget about it." Spike said.

"Spiiike....you promised."

"No. I said I'd let you leave the apartment tonight. I never said I'd take you to the club. Besides, the slayer and the others will be there. You can't be around them remember?"


"Make you a deal, Red. You show me what was in that box, and I let you go see those twits."

"A walk sounds great. Very nice." Willow said, turning red.

Spike smiled. He had been trying to find out what was in the box since yesterday. The two had forgotten about their kiss after he had made her dinner. They had sat up most of the night talking. He realized that he was going to miss her when she left at the end of the week. Having her there made him realize just how lonely he had been since Dru had left him.

"C'mon kitten. Let's walk. I'll keep my eyes open for scary looking guys."

"In Sunnydale, how we will know which one is the right scary guy?" she asked.

"Well....it will probably be the one who tries to kill you."

"Great thought."

The two walked along the quiet streets in comfortable silence. She noticed that Spike seemed to enjoy being with her. He seemed much happier. He had cooked her dinner last night. It was some weird stew thing, but it had been good. He had done laundry this morning. She had never seen anyone so obsessed with staying clean. She remembered Angel telling her once that Spike had always been a narcissist. Looking at his handsome profile, she could understand why. Suddenly, she heard a pitiful wail.

"What was that?" she asked, turning towards the alley.

Spike tried to stop her, but she had all ready entered the dark space. He rolled his eyes and joined her.

"It's a kitty!" she said, smiling. "Uh oh...he's stuck."

she was on the ground peering underneath a trash dumpster. She could see bright green eyes blink at her, then she heard that wail.

She looked at Spike, "Help him."

Spike groaned. With a look of disgust, he kneeled on the ground. He reached a hand underneath the dumpster and pulled the kitten out. He let it go with a yelp, as it scratched him. He stumbled backwards, landing in a puddle of dirty water. The cat ran to Willow, who was trying hard not to laugh. She picked up the pretty little calico and gave in to her laughter. Spike looked up at her through slit eyes. He got up and grabbed her, squealing No at him. He pushed her gently back into the same puddle he had been in. He started to laugh as the water seeped through her clothes.

"Not so funny now, is it luv?" he asked, smirking. She had to laugh too.

The kitten looked at them in puzzlement. It licked at its foot before walking away from the crazy people.

Spike helped Willow up, and lightly brushed his lips against hers. The small touch was electrifying. Pulling back, he said, "We need to get cleaned up. Who knows what you might catch from that filth."

Willow nodded. She was lost in her thoughts. They both walked back to the apartment in silence.

* * * * *

Fate looked around the bathroom with pride. He had taken care of that problem. Startled, he heard the door opening. He looked out and couldn't contain his glee. It looked like he had finished just in time. He wondered what had happened between those two. Suddenly, he heard a soft voice.

I was curious about them. You wouldn't quit talking about them all evening. So, I decided to take a look-see. I see why they have become favorites. They are amazing. Such passion...such feeling. I hope you don't mind that I interfered. I knew what you were planning.... the voice trailed off.

Fate smiled. No problem....Those two could use all the Luck they can get.

The woman smiled at him. Ready?

Always, my love.

They both disappeared.
