Spike continued wandering the streets of Sunnydale, lost in his thoughts of Willow. She hated him now… that was certain. Angel wanted the two of them to go back to Los Angeles with him. But that was impossible. Willow would never agree to it, and he could never force her to do anything she didn’t want. Besides, she had her soul now, which meant she would go back to being the Slayer’s best friend and sidekick. No, she wouldn’t go with Angel. And neither would he. No matter how much she despised him, Spike would continue watching over the red-haired vampire who had stolen his unbeating heart. Resolved to decline Angel’s offer, he returned to their lair.
Sensing his sire’s presence, Spike followed its pull to the room where he had left Willow. Upon hearing their voices still conversing on the other side of the door, he waited impatiently for them to finish.
“He doesn’t have to come with us if you don’t want him to,” Angel continued.
“Do you really think my leaving is for the best?”
“You need some time away from all of this to find yourself. And it will take time. It won’t be easy, but you can do it. I can make it easier for you.”
“How did you do it, Angel? How did you deal with this constant battle going on inside of you?”
“At first, I shut myself away from the rest of the world. For nearly eighty years, I survived on eating rats in alleys and sewers.”
“What changed?”
“Whistler found me and showed me that I have a purpose. That what I did with my life mattered. I had a choice to make. I could continue to live in the sewers, feeding on rodents, or I could make a difference. I could fight evil and save others from the creatures of the night instead of trying to forget that I was one of them.”
“And now I have the same choice to make,” Willow concluded.
“Yes. So what are you going to do? Fight evil, or eat rats?”
“I’d recommend the evil, luv. Rats aren’t very tasty.” Spike pushed open the door and breezed into the room.
“Spike? What are you doing here?”
“I live here, pet. Weak or not, I’m still the master vampire in this town, and I intend to continue my reign.”
“Then you think I should go.”
“I think you should do what’s best for you.”
“What about what’s best for us?”
“What us?”
“But you… you’re…”
“I am your sire, and nothing more. You said as much yourself. Angel here seems more than willing to take on those responsibilities. You have no need for me, nor I you.” As much as giving her up hurt him, Spike knew he had to make sure she understood that she was free to liver her own unlife.
Blinking back tears, Willow turned back to Angel. “I just need some time to get my things together. We can leave tomorrow at sunset.” With that, she stood and left the room, her sobs coming freely once she was out of sight.