AUTHOR: Nocturnal Willow aka. Crimson Jenn
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Buffy, Angel, Willow, Giles, Faith, or any of the characters portrayed here, no..They are the property of The WB, Fox Studios, possibly the UPN, Joss and many others I don’t know. I own the plot thought.
Rating: R
Clasification : Willow/Spike Dawn/Angel
Location: This Fic as well as all my others have a happy home on the web, come visit The Liquid Fire Archives
Author’s notes:This is set when Willow goes to LA. (SPoilers The Gift & ANgel's season finale)
Feedback_ Like pain, it's inspirational

Part 1

Dawn POV

"I want to go with you, Willow."

"Dawn, please, LA is a dangerous place. If anything happened to you…"

"We stopped Glory. I want to see Angel, Willow. Let me come with you. I need a break from here.  All I do is stay here, or at the shop. I need to get out of Sunnydale." I cried. I hated this place. I remember Buffy telling me this was her town. It is.  I wish I could explain why I felt this need to see Angel, but I do.  Willow looked up to Giles.  Giles was my un-official dad. My real Dad was probably in Spain banging his latest personal assistant. He stopped caring about us as soon as Buffy and mom moved to Sunnydale.

Mom's will left Mr. Giles with custody of me. It was up to my dad to challenge it. Somehow, I don't think I'm a priority to him.  Screw him. I packed my clothes for the trip.  I became aware of my differences. I, like Willow, have magical powers. My blood is my power.  I know that now, when that rift opened, it changed me. Don't get me wrong, the cutting part hurt like hell.  I know that my blood will bond Angel's soul to him. That is what
matters. I know my sister would want that to happen. I know she would want someone to look out for him, to help him when things got rough. I remember telling her Angel was different. I didn't know about vampires then, but I knew he was different.

I am glad that they tried to let me think I was normal.  I mean at school, things are so trivial now.   I guess I can relate to my sister. I just wish I knew why.  The boys here like me. I know that there are some gossip mongers who think my sister jumped off the building because her boyfriend left her. They think it's strange how I'm living with a friend of my dead mother's instead of my real father. I really stopped caring. Let them judge me by my sister's past and my sordid family history. They are worth nothing.

I met Willow downstairs. She gave me a slight smile. "You sure you're up to this?"

"I think so." I said.

"Ok, Tara will be meeting us there later. Is that ok?"

"That's fine. Tara is really nice."

"I am just glad she's back."

"I am too Willow. Are you nervous about this?"

"I'm terrified."

"About telling Angel."

"Ironically, I think he'll take it better than Spike has. Angel has seen so much.  He killed slayers, so he knew she wouldn't live forever. It's Tara that I am nervous about."

"Angel won't mind."

"No, but Cordelia Chase.  I used to fear her.  She already hates me."


"She dated Xander. Spike kidnapped me and we kissed. Cordy and Oz walked in on the kiss."

"It was life or death." I said.

"But it was wrong." Willow said.  We hugged Giles and boarded the bus. Willow knew I had some magical power. I think she felt it radiating off me.

"You are in thought." She said to me.  Amazing how much she notices the little things.

"I am. I want to see the curse you gave Angel."

"Sure, why?"

"My blood is different.  I want to anchor his soul. I know Buffy would have wanted it."

"Let's talk with Wesley about it.  He might know some magic shops or give me a lead. I want to as well. If he reverts, I am dead." She calmly said.

"I'll protect you." I said.

"Good. I need all the help I can get."

She pulled the curse up on her laptop.  I read it and understood all the words. Willow looked at me. "You fluent in Romany?"

"No. But I know them. I think that somehow, the scribes or people that made me, gave me this knowledge."

"I remember a reference to the key being eternal. Logic points out you would know."

We joked for a while. I pointed out the exact words. "When happiness is attained his soul shall be free."

I was trying to wrack my brain finding the alternatives to lock his soul in that body, but be allowed the happiness he needed.  I was glad when we
arrived at the bus depot. Willow and I found a cab and went to the Hyperion Hotel.  We thanked the driver and walked up to the doors.  I pouted when I realized we were locked out. Willow smiled and spoke softly. The doors opened. "Hey Willow, can you make me a fake ID?"  I asked.

"Giles would kill me."

"But can you do it?"

"Of course this is Willow the Amazing you are dealing with."

I had never been here, but the place was huge. I ran up the stairs. "Dawn, be careful." Willow said.

"Always." I said.

I then felt them coming, I can't say how, but I felt them.  I ran downstairs. "Willow, can I tell him?"

"If you want."

"Thanks." I said.  Angel and I locked eyes when he walked in.  I think he knew. Cordelia seemed surprised to see Willow.


"Angel, I need to talk to you." I said. "Alright. Follow me Dawn." He said. Angel was good to me.  I followed him into his office. I was glad he shut the door.

"What happened Dawn?"

"She did it. She saved the world, again Angel. She died so I could live."

Angel did this deep exhale thing.   "I felt you should hear it from me."

"I'm sorry Dawn." He said.

"Angel, when Mom died all wanted to do was cry. I used to cry so easily, now I can't cry."

"What can I do?"

"Let me stay here for a while.  I can't deal with things in Sunnydale. Dad never even came back for her funeral.  Giles has custody of me."

"You and Willow are welcome here anytime."

"Angel, she tried after you left."

"I know.  We both knew she would move on."

"Did you know Spike loved her?"

"No. That shocks me. I mean I remember Willow's spell, but that is about it."

"He loved her. He took her death hard.  I saw a vampire cry."

"We all loved her, Dawn."

"I did, but I am not sure why. I'm not entirely human Angel."

"I'm lost."

"My blood is different. I am something called the key. I can do magic stuff. I can read languages that I never knew existed. I am so scared Angel."

"I will help you any way I can."

Part 2

Willow POV

I told the others quietly about Buffy's death.  Wesley took it rather hard. I held him as he cried. I know he wanted to be a good watcher.  He just
was ill prepared. I think he has learned a lot after parting ways with the council.  I see Angel and Dawn walk out.  I can see the sadness in his eyes. Dawn is upset too. I keep thinking I shouldn't have brought her here.

She, like her sister, was stubborn.  I tried the resolve face. That failed, my resolve face never fails.  I will have to work on it. I hug Angel.  He tells us we are welcomed to stay for a few days.  I think being out of Sunnydale is good for Dawn.   Mrs. Summers only recently died.   I am nervous
though. I can feel something isn't right. I wish I knew what it was. Then my head hurt real badly.  I felt this pain, like a ton of bricks hitting me.
"Tara." I cried out before I passed out.

When I woke up, I was in a big bed with Gunn and Dawn. "You alright?" Gunn asked me.

He was very nice. "I think so, what happened?"

"You grabbed your head, called out Tara and passed out. That was four hours ago." Dawn said.

"That was very intense." I said.

"Willow, rest now, okay. I will call Sunnydale." Dawn said.  She kissed me on my forehead and walked out. Sometimes I forget she is only seventeen. I can remember her when she was twelve. She had the most devious smile. I remember her hair in pigtails, sticking her tongue out at us. Now, I felt old as I saw how Gunn looked at her. If Angel knew he was checking out Buffy's little sister.

"Are you sure you're ok?" Gunn asked me.

"Yeah, still with the headache."

"I can get some aspirin for you?  We keep it in gallons around here."

"You are too kind."

"Yeah, I try to be." Gunn said smiling.

I smiled back at him.  He helped me downstairs.  I saw a very disheveled Spike standing in Angel's doorway. "Spike?" I questioned. This was so not
good.  The sun had set maybe an hour ago. It was a two hour-ish ride to LA.

"Willow.." Spike said. He ran over to me and hugged me deeply.

"Spike, something happened?"

"Its Tara.  She was walking home from the shop.  She was crossing the street. The driver of the car was drunk; he didn't see her. She was killed

I broke down, sobbing hysterically. It wasn't fair. Tara never hurt anyone in her life.  Spike held me as I cried.  "Spike, here, take her to room 217. The shades are drawn already.  I'll be up with aspirin." Cordelia said. I remember Spike picking me up and bringing me up the stairs.

Part 3

Dawn POV

I wish there was something I could do for Willow. She had been so strong in the fight against Glory. Now she was drained. Things were getting better until Cordelia had grabbed her head.  I watched as they gave her aspirin and head off to save something.  I stayed with her. I really didn't know what to do. I felt for both Willow and Cordelia. She was always nice to me, giving me fashion advice. I liked her. She thanked me for getting her the ice pack.

"I am sorry about your sister. I really liked her." Cordy said.

"It's okay. I appreciate it." I said.

"I owe her, she saved my life."

"She did that the best, saving lives. How is your head feeling?"

"A lot better. I wish either one of those numb nuts would have tried an ice- pack." She said.

"Are you and Wes an item now?" I asked. My sister told me Cordelia liked the new library assistant. I met him once, not my type.

"No. He is my friend, that's all. How about you?"

"Nope. I really don't like the boys at my school. They are all creeps who just want to get laid." I said.

"They seldom change." Cordelia said.

"I just wish this wasn't happening. Poor Willow. She loved Tara."

"They were friends?"

"No, they were dating. Willow likes girls now."

"Oh...I never saw that one coming. Was Tara nice?"

"She was. She was always so happy.  Willow took Oz's leaving hard."

"Oz loved her. I thought they would work things out. I couldn't. I realized then that Xander wasn't what I wanted."

"What is it you want?" I asked her.

"A prince. I am not sure anymore. I got to be a princess, in another dimension. It was fun, until the evil monks tried to kill us all."

"Really? "

"Yeah, I met this great guy whom I was to mate with, but this is where I belong."

"But how do you know where you belong?"

"I really don't know, but I just know that this is my job. I help people now.  The visions suck; ok I really don't mind them.  It’s the headaches that
come along with the visions I hate."

"I just wish I knew.  I mean, Dad hasn't called since Mom died. Then I lost Buffy. I feel like I have nothing left."

"Not always.  You don't always realize how strong you are until you are all alone. I learned that when I moved out here."

"Does it get easier?"

"Does what get easier?"


"I really don't know. Mine just gets more complicated." Cordy said with a smile. I fixed Willow some tea. Spike put a heavy does of brandy in there to
help Willow sleep.

Part 4

Angel POV

I knew just by looking at Dawn something had happened. I remember Buffy making me promise to look after Dawn in case something happened. I promised her I would. Dawn seems different to me. I wish I knew. It felt good killing those vampires. It took a lot of aggression out.   Dawn is puzzling me. I mean, sometimes, I see someone else looking back at me. I wish I knew. In some ways, I see hints of Darla in her. This scares me. I really notice it when Dawn looks up at the stars in the night sky.  She the way she looks; the only way to describe it is at peace.  The type of peace that I am referring to is the kind only creatures like me possess.  This bothers me, but I'm not sure why.

I could tell something had happened. I saw the tears staining Cordelia's face.  I know she cried a lot more these day since leaving the other
dimension behind.  She really liked the Grusalug. I know she misses him. I wish she could find that happiness here. She deserves it after dealing with
the visions. Dawn told me what happened with Willow's girlfriend. Giles had been at the hospital, identified the body and was now handling the
arrangements.  I felt for Willow. She like the others deserved happiness. I wondered if this was the price they paid for violating the life of the
slayer. Then I remember that they would all be dead if not for her.  I wished it could have been me that had died, instead of her. She deserved to known as more than just a killer.  In truth she was really so much more.

I knew this day would come. I knew it the first time I laid eyes on her, with Whistler. She was so innocent, unaware of things like me and what we
really were.  She took destiny on, on her own terms. I respected that so much. I feel partly gypped. I gave up those 24 hours with her, so she would live. I don't really know why this angers me. I am glad that she didn't just fall to an average vampire. I am also glad Darla or Dru didn't get their fangs in her lovely neck.  She died to a hell god. Glorificus was powerful, but vain as a god could get.  All I know is that Willow and Dawn are staying for a few days, which makes me happy.

I am glad Dawn felt she could come to me. I know part of her hates me for losing my soul. Had I known just what would have happened, it would have never happened. I didn't want to hurt them like that. I hope that I can help Dawn through this. She hasn't cried yet. I am not sure if this is a good thing or not. I wonder how she will deal with this when it really hits her. Her family is essentially dead. Her father is too busy having a life to even care what goes on with his kids. Bastard. It's not fair. I would love a child, a biological one, not a child of blood.

I wanted to comfort Willow, but found myself wondering how do I do that. I knew when she was upset. She wanted to be alone.  Instead I found myself watching Dawn. She knew I was looking at her. She smiled at me. I needed to see Lorne. Maybe he could help us. I also enjoyed a glass of dark ale in his establishment.  "What are you thinking Angel?" She asked.

"I was in the mood to go out for a drink."

"I could use one, take me with you." Dawn asked.

"Are you sure, it would be a demon bar."

"As long as I'm not on the menu."

"No violence is allowed in the bar. The Host doesn't tolerate that type of behavior."

"So you'll take me, let me get dressed." She said and bounded up the stairs.  I smiled as she ran. It then dawned on me, Buffy's little sister grew up. Then Gunn made a comment about her shapely legs. My growl put a stop to those kinds of thoughts.  But Gunn was right; Dawn has grown up.

I took her to the bar. The host asked her to sing for him.  She agreed. I watched her as she sang God, by Tori Amos.

"God sometimes you just don't come through
God sometimes you just don't come through
Do you need a woman to look after you?
God sometimes you just don't come through"

Something about the way the Host started looking at her. There was more going on in her mind that I was aware of.   She also had received a warm round of applause. "That girl is special, Angel. Keep her close."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Soon, Angel, it will all be revealed. That girl is the key to your redemption."


"Keep her away from Wolfram and Hart as well as the watchers council. They would only corrupt her." The Host said to me.

I was puzzled by this. I even sang for Dawn. Ok, I tried to sing, but somehow my version of Friends In Low Places, was pathetic compared to Garth
Brooks version. But hey, she picked out the song. We had a good time. I was confused as to what the Host said to her. She seemed way too at peace here. Most humans, even Cordelia felt uneasy here. Dawn was different. But hey she did stand up to a hell god. Somehow, I know Buffy would have been proud.  We had a few more drinks and then I took her back to the hotel. Willow looked upset that I took Dawn out, but was relieved to see her back.

I showed Dawn to her room. "Angel, what did he say to you about me?"


"That guy, green face and horns, what did he say to you about me?"

"You had a lovely voice."

"Angel, you are a shitty liar."

I smiled. "He said you are the key to my redemption. I was told to keep you away from some not too nice people."

"He said your singing has gotten better, but you still need lessons."

"Stage fright."

"Angel, I doubt it, you're alter ego was big into the dramatics." She said. She was right, the demon loved putting on a show, calling attention to

"We will talk in the morning, besides I think Willow is mad I took you out."

"They are still in over protective mode. It will settle down.  How is she?"

"She gave me the look."

"Yeah, I usually get the resolve face, but I still win."

"No one beats Willow's resolve face."

"You can, but its very hard to do."

"You seem very close with them considering the age difference."

"Once, I knew their little secret they let me in and I covered for them. Although, she never let me patrol with her."

"She wasn't even all that comfortable with Willow and Xander patrolling with her." I told her. She smiled. I told her good night and went to sleep.

Part 5

Willow POV

I am feeling like hell, but Dawn is safe. That is what is important. I know that she hated constantly being looked after. I still worried. Even now,
with Tara gone. I am just glad Spike is here. He held me through all the nightmares. Ironically, even the ones he starred in. He made me tell him
those. I did leave out the sex details. Plus, sex was the farthest thing on my mind. I smiled when Angel said Dawn was sleeping soundly.   I worried for her. After  Glory, and after I healed her cuts. I knew Angel would protect her.  We all would have died for her, not we would have all died because of her.

I just wish I knew. Wesley was reading from these three texts. He said he was trying to figure out the order. I wondered if Dawn might be of use in
this. I wasn't sure. Then the call came.  It was Giles. He sounded very upset. He told me the council thinks Dawn may be the next slayer and they
wish to bring her to England to train her. He told me to keep her there and out of trouble. This surprised me, especially since the slayers were
generally called at younger ages. But Faith was eighteen when she was called, I think. Then again, eighteen wasn't that far away from Dawn.  I asked Angel if we could stay.

Angel said we were welcome to stay until trouble blew over. Then Wesley found a prophecy involving the key and the warrior. It read that he shall
drink from the key and her blood mixing with his shall anchor the soul. However, when I read on, it, like all prophecies, involved a ritual. This one
was a mating ritual. I felt that this would not be the best time to mention that Dawn is the key. I know Angel is a vampire of virtue.( That sounds so funny to me.) He is a gentleman and wouldn't seduce a maiden just for his soul.  Spike was vehemently opposed to the idea of anyone sleeping with Angel.  I had to laugh. Spike was jealous.  Spike wasn't hindered by his soul, just his chip.

We had headed upstairs. Spike followed me into my room. I turned to look at him when he followed me in, shut the door and planked himself on the edge of the bed. "Yes?"

"I don't trust him. Angelus was a horny wanker. I saw how he was looking at you tonight. I'm staying here." Spike said and proceeded to take his boots off.

"Spike, this is Angel we are talking about." I said, with my arms crossed.  Sometimes I really questioned the dynamic between these two. They
were like brothers with severe sibling rivalry. Its like guys, you're both over a century old, get over it. I chuckled at this notion of the two of them
fighting over a toy car.

"I don't care, I'm staying with you."

"God, you are a pain in the ass sometimes." I said, looking away.

"Look at my undead parents, Angelus and Drucilla. Plus, you can't forget that bitch of a Grand Mother I had as well."

"Fine!" I said. I then walked into the bathroom and changed into my PJ's. I saw Spike whistle when I came out.

"I love the Powerpuff girls, they look so sexy on you." Spike said sarcastically. I gave him the finger. He smiled and rolled over in the bed.

I just went on my side and curled up under the large covers. It felt good to just close my eyes. I did miss Tara, but life goes on.  It sounds cold and
cruel, but I know she would have wanted it that way.   I am glad that Xander and Anya are on a honeymoon right now.  They don't need to be saddened by this.


Dawn POV

The host's words are still in my head. I am the key to Angel's redemption. I know this, but the fact that he was able to pick up on it, that startles me.   I saw Wesley looking at some books; I want to see if maybe I can interpret them. I am getting used to this gift of knowing languages. I
decide to creep downstairs. I can tell no one is awake. I walk into the library of this place and see the books.  I begin to write out what each
verse means.  At first the order of the books puzzles me.  Then I find what I look for, Angel's cure. Ok, locking his soul.

It is a mating ritual.  I found myself unable to stop reading. It involved a claim. That involved a bite. But it was a pleasure bite, not a killing one. I couldn't stop reading as I read the words that we would promise each other.   I found myself walking towards Angel's room. I held the three books in my hand.  I opened his door and he shot up in bed. "Dawn?"

"I found something in these books Angel."

"Why are you up? You should be sleeping."

"I can't sleep. Too many thoughts in my head. I want to know about a claim, namely how a vampire claims a human."


"I'm your key, Angel. You know it as well as I do."

"Let me get dressed and then we'll talk about this."

"I want to know and I want to know now."

"The host said there would be an upcoming battle. A key would be presented to me. My soul will return and I shall become human."

"I am your key Angel."

"He didn't say that." Angel said.

"Look me in the eyes and tell me that." I challenged.

"Let's talk about this later, please."


"Why now?" He countered.

"Why not?"

"You are even more of a pain than I remember you to be."

"Hey, I was taught well how to be a pain in the ass." I said with a smile.

"Fine, what is it you want to know?"

"About the ritual."

"It is mating, lots of kissing, caresses, biting.."

"Does it hurt to be bitten?" She asked.

"It depends on how deep the bite is made."

"The ritual to anchor your souls calls for you to bite me."

"Dawn, can we please discuss this later."

"I just thought you should know. I want you to have a permanent soul and the happiness my sister would have wanted you to have."

"Dawn, I want that even more than you. It gets hard, knowing that at any moment, I could lose everything.  The demon in me is powerful, it takes
everything I have sometimes to keep myself in control."

"Angel, I could change that."

"At what cost, a claim to me? You have no idea what it is you are asking."

"Then tell me Angel." I challenged.

"You will become immortal, like me. The claim tells other vampires you are mine. I will not let you have me as a master."

"Why Angel? Are you afraid I'll get hurt?"

"I'm afraid it will kill you. My enemies would use my claim to you against me.  Or worse, it could get you killed."

"Like being the sister of the slayer was not at all risky, like being some kind of key didn't, doesn't already put me in danger. I want to do something good.  I don't want my sister to have died for nothing." I said on the verge of tears.

"Dawn, we will talk about this ritual later, and preferably when I am dressed and out of bed."

"So you do sleep naked?"

"Dawn." Angel said with a slight growl.

"Just wondering." I said and walked out.   I read that book, all of them. It will happen. I will give Angel everything he deserves.  He just doesn't
know it yet.

Part 6

Willow POV

I woke up to cool arms wrapped around my waist. I was at first surprised, but it felt nice.  I pretended to be asleep until I felt him nuzzle my neck.
I moaned when I felt the cool lips against my neck.  Spike then pressed himself against me.  At first, I wanted to panic, but those cool lips calmed
me down. It also made me want Spike.

"You don't have to pretend to be asleep." Spike whispered in my ear.

"Sorry." I mumbled, while blushing deeply.

"You have a lovely neck. Your skin is so smooth…" Spike whispered as he continued to kiss my neck.

"Spike…what are you doing?"

"I'm enjoying myself."


"Do you want me to stop?"

"No..I don't."

"Alright then…." He said and went on to the task of kissing my neck. I felt myself wanting him.   It had been so long since I knew the touch of a
man. I knew on so many levels this was wrong, but it felt so good, so right. I couldn't explain what was happening here. I found myself desperately
wanting Spike.  I was also at a crossroads.  I read the prophecy.  It mentions a union, a re-union and the death of the dark star.  Just once a
prophecy that says person A will kill person B and person C rules the land. No, they rely on this vagueness.

The union is not crystal clear to me. I see the looks going on between Dawn and Angel. I know she is his key. I just let my mind wind down as Spike
has all my attention focused on his hands un-buttoning my top. I press myself against him, loving the feeling of his erection pressing into me.    "Don't stop Spike.." I panted.  Soon he was in me, filling me deeply.  I felt only pleasure as his tongue flicked over my painfully hard nipples.

I wish I knew what came over me, but I felt this tingling sensation. It was all I was aware of was Spike touching me. I was on fire. I couldn't stop.
Neither could Spike. We moaned, groaned and explored each other's bodies.  I gasped as Spike brought me to dizzying heights.  I lost count of each time he brought me to the edge of orgasm and let me slowly calm down. Then he would bring me right back and give me the needed release.  I had already felt Spike cum inside me. He didn't stop and it made me want him even more.  Then I felt this need. I knew he himself was close to another climax.  I bared my neck, grabbed his head, pulling him closer to my skin. "Please.." I panted.

The bite was incredible. I felt no pain only pleasure as his teeth were in me. I felt Spike cum again with a purring sound as he lightly sucked on my
blood.  Then whatever fog had enveloped us had disappeared.  Spike and I looked at each other, shocked. "You started it." We said to each other.

Spikes just lie back. "Red, what the hell just happened?"

"Gee, Spike, I think we fucked and you bit me."

"You told me to. Don't go playing that shit on me Willow."

"Spike, …"

"No, Red I don't need this. You have your little baggage and I can't handle it."

"Like you should talk, I mean you and Dru were so fucking made for each other she left you for a chaos demon, then you went and fell for the slayer, your mortal enemy." I snapped at him.

"I was with Dru for over a century. She made me, the slayer, I did love her, but not like you think. I hated her, wanted her and I wanted to make her like me."

"It worked huh?"

"You should talk red. You fucked things up with the wolf, for Xander. I hope he was worth it. Then you switch teams on us. You want to talk issues
pet, let's talk."

"Get out." I hollered.

"It's been fun." He said and left.


Angel POV

I almost choked when my  vampire hearing heard the moans coming form the direction of Willow's room. I was glad the Dawn didn't pick up on it.   She puzzles me.  I wish I could remember she is Buffy's little sister.  I want her. That much I know. When she came to my room last night, I wanted her.  It took all my self control not to show her exactly how naked I was. I don't think she has been with a man. This though comforts me.

I say nothing as Spike comes down stairs. He is pissed, his usual these days.  I watch as he heads into the basement.  Dawn gives me a questioning look. I just shrug my shoulders.  "Wait here." I said and headed into the basement. I followed Spike. "What happened Spike?"

"Fucking, stubborn, seductive, vixen witch, if this chip wasn't there, I would rip her…Ahhh" Spike then wailed, grabbing his head in pain.

"What is going on here, Spike? I heard you and Willow having one hell of a time.."

"I held her when she started crying. She pressed against me and started teasing me. I began kissing her neck, then it was like neither one of us
could stop.  I meant I came twice and Willow came a lot more than that. Then when we were done, we both looked at each other. She looked horrified that it was me that gave her that pleasure."

"So that is when the show began…" I started to say, but was cut off by the scream. Spike and I bolted upstairs in time to see Darla heave an
unconscious Dawn over her shoulder. She bolted into a waiting van and blew me a kiss. Willow came been wearing only a robe had ran down hearing the scream.

"Was that…"

"Yes, William, as you would say the bitch is back."

"They took Dawn, we have to find her." Willow said in full blown panic.

"I know, it is still light."

"How did they know to take her?" Willow asked.

"Dru, you guys might want to sit down. This will take some time to explain." I said. I told them how Darla was raised, human. Then Dru came and
sired her. I noticed that Willow hadn't even bothered to change out of the robe.  I also noticed the way Spike was looking at her. I also caught the
look she was giving him. The sexual tension in the room was nice and thick. Part of me enjoyed watching them play this game with each other. It brought back memories. Then I needed to think. I had to find Dawn.

"It was Dru." I said. "I remember her playing around with magics. Not the powerful ones, like Willow has, but the little ones."

"So it was a spell that made Spike want me."

"That reminds me, I owe you for another little spell you cast…"

"Not now Spike, you two will have to work out your problems, later and more than likely naked."

"Angel!" Willow said, looking like she might cry.

"Listen, I will say this once, if it wasn't a mutual thing, it wouldn't have happened. Remember Spike has a chip." I said looking Willow in the eye.
She smiled.

"Spike, if she didn't want to, she'd have screamed even louder than you made her moan, and I would have stopped you." I said looking my adopted child in the eye. He smirked. I was almost having fun at the discomfort between them.  But Dawn was my focus.

Willow had showered and dressed. She wore a sweater that hid the bite Spike had given her.  I was glad that at least while Cordelia and Wesley were here, the kids were playing nice. I did notice the looks. I told them at once of Dawn's kidnapping.  Then her vision came.

Part 7

Darla POV

I look at this scrap of a girl. How can she be the key for Angelus? Angelus will be mine again, that much I know. This girl is tough.  She will
be such fun. I must reward Dru for that little gift. Poor William, it was fun watching him and the redhead. My little purple dust does such wonders.  Dru is contenting herself with something at this moment. I told her this girl is hands off. "What is your name little one?"


"Such a plain name, for a plain girl."

"I like my name."

"I did too like my birth name, but I like Darla better."

"Are you going to kill me, or will we just talk?"

"Oh, precious, make no mistake, you will die, but it is just we aren't sure whose fangs will take your worthless humanity."

"Wrong, Angel will come and he will kill you."

"No, he won't. You see I made him. He needs me." I said laughing at her foolishness.

"Then its settled." She said.

I walked over to the man I chained along the wall. "Dawn, ever seen a man die? Watch and learn, little girl." I said. I let my face change and bit him.


Angel POV

I know where to find them now.  The estate was easy to find. I quickly disposed of the sentries. I took Spike and Willow with me. Willow did the
clouding spell, which gave us the opportunity to easily kill any real trouble.  I found her chained to the foot of the big bed.  She was wearing
leather, a black leather corset and matching skirt. Her hair was curled and I had to admit, she looked radiant. I could see and feel her fear. "She will
make a nice pet, don't you think, precious?"

"No, I was thinking more along the lines of mate." I told my sire and grand child.

"Angelus, you would be a fool to mate with her. She is plain. Her eyes seem too big for her face."

"But, unlike you Darla, she has a beauty within her.  It outshines all else." I said. I couldn't keep my eyes off Dawn. I must admit I like how Darla dressed her. On that level, Darla still knew what I liked.

"Alright, let's kill her." Darla said.

"You know I won't kill her." I told Darla.

I then ran my hand along Dawn's cheek. I gave her a kiss on the forehead. I then walked over to Darla. "Give me the key to her restraints."


"Don't be this way, Darla. It really doesn't become a lady of your stature." I told her.

"She is beneath us."

"Just remember this, you are beneath me." I told her.

"I made you." She screamed at me.

"I killed you, for her sister."

"I knew that ugly mug looked familiar."

"Now, Darla, be a good wench and give me the key."

"Alright." Darla said. I knew she was hiding the stake.

"I'm sorry." I whispered as I grabbed her wrist and drove the stake through her heart.  I could have sworn I heard a thank you. Then the room
began to shake. I went over to Dawn.  "Are you alright?"

"Yes. You came for me."  She said as I released her bonds. I felt the beginning tremors. I used my body as a shield for her.  A vast majority of
the room had caved in.  I used my night vision and could see that this bed was still standing. I carried her over there. I knew she hated small confined spaces.  "Will we get out of this?"

"Depends on if Willow can find us. I am not sure how sound this building is.  I am afraid if I move too much stuff we could both be killed."

"Angel, this sucks."

"I know." I found myself drawn to her. I really wanted to kiss her.

"I didn't like her very much."

"Darla, she could really be a pain in the ass."

"You loved her."

"Yes, she made me. It changed my life in more ways than I even begin to compare. Even when I got my soul, I went to her.  She didn't want me like
this. She wanted me dark and deadly."

"You already are." Dawn said.

"Yes, I will always have a darkness to me.  You seem to have one of your own."

"Angel, I'm the key, I am not human. Therefore, I have power. Is power the same as darkness? Maybe, either way I am what  I am."

"You have so much wisdom for such a young girl."

"Angel, in many ways I am so much older than you. Would really have taken me as a mate in front of Darla."

"If she didn't have that stake hidden away I would have claimed you in front of her."

"So what is with Spike and Willow?"

"They are having issues with each other."

"They seemed pretty cozy this morning. I mean my room is right next to Willow's. You don't ever want to hear to people having apparently great sex
when you don't."

"I could hear them."


"Vampire hearing." I said.

"Oh, you , um, didn't by chance hear anything from my room the other night, did you?'

"No, why?"

"No reason." She said quickly and looked away.

"I am beginning to wish I did." I said.

She smiled. I could see the blush, even in the darkness.  I reached out to touch her face. I wasn't sure why, but I kissed her. She moaned as my
tongue teased her. I was going crazy. She pressed herself against me. Soon, my hands were gently removing her corset. Her pale skin looked lovely in the candlelight that hadn't been extinguished.  I took my time kissing and caressing her. I felt Dawn running her fingernails up and down my back,
making me want her even more.

I knew she was a virgin and wanted her to enjoy all the pleasures I would bring her.   I became aware of only her. I finished undressing her. I knew
she was going insane form the pleasure. I was able to make her come from stimulating her nipples. She looked beautiful as she thrashed under me.  I
needed her, now more than ever. I removed the skirt and then let her undress me.  Everyplace she touched me, was like little sparks of energy bursting through me.   Soon I was in her. At first, she yelped. I let her get used to my size.  Soon she was thrashing against me, begging me for more. I made love to her with everything I had.  I spoke the words announcing her as my mate and bit her. Her blood was unlike any blood I had ever tasted. I felt something I hadn't in years. I felt free. I felt the battle for control lessen. I could feel the changes in the demon as well as my soul.

I did hurt like my soul did when it left me, this felt good. I became aware of Dawn whispering the same words to me and biting me. I knew my
thicker blood was coating her throat. It wouldn't be enough to kill her, but it would make her mine. By the exchange of our blood, we would desire no other.   Soon we both lie there, panting and holding each other. "Angel, I want to stay with you."

"I want you by my side."

"Giles will be pissed." Dawn said, smirking.

"I think he might not like it, I bet Xander will start calling you something like dead girl."

"Nope, I'm living dead girl."

"You are mine, Dawn, Let us get dressed and see if we can find a way out of this."

"Ok, Angel." She said and kissed me. I loved how she snaked her tongue into my mouth, teasing me.

I had to pull away and tell her later. She made me promise. I had felt the sun go down. It was time to find the others.

Part 8

Spike POV

I can't believe I'm stuck in the basement with Red.  Granted, It did feel good to kill Dru, when she had her fangs inches away from the mark I put into Willow's long, graceful neck.

"Thank you, Spike."

"What for?" I asked her.

"You protected me."

"Hey, now I have a reputation to protect…"

"Yeah, the big bad witch licker." She said.

I laughed so hard it hurt. Then came the noises. "I guess Angel is finding his redemption." Willow said.

"Buffy would rip his nuts off for banging little sis." I said, knowing I would get some kind of reaction out of her.

"I think you're right. But …"

"But what, little witch?"

"What is happening here Spike?"

"I think it is that fire and ice prophecy coming to play."

"I meant between us."

"So did I."


"I remember the watcher thinking it was Buffy and Angel. It wasn't they were mortal enemies.  I figured it was a human/ vampire combination.  Think about it, we both love to get reactions from people."

"Are you saying this is destiny?"

"Nope, I will take random luck and then you."

"Spike.." She said, right before I kissed her.

"Willow, let's get out of here, get naked and then into a big bed. I want you." I told her.
